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Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80B01676R003800120"&Jd-5129A. DD/S-58-2634A 12 jft 1958 W. Anthony Lewis Washington Bureau The New York Times 1701 K Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Lewis: Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of 30 June 1958 concerning a newspaper account of a proposed apartment development near the Chain Bridge in Fairfax County. It has always been our hope that the present character of the Lang- ley area would be maintained insofar as is possible. In this connection I enclose a copy of a letter which I wrote to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Fairfax County on I May 1956. Our position with regard to this matter remains unchanged. As you perhaps know, we have followed a policy of dealing directly with the Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission of Fairfax County on matters pertaining to our new headquarters building. we have felt that It would be inappropriate for us to join with any particular group or organization for or against any specific proposal. In this instance we will consult with the Fairfax County Planning Commission and make what- ever representation we deem appropriate, You may be assured that we are most anxious to cooperate fully with the officials and citizens of Fairfax County on all matters of commu- nity interest. Sincerely, Allen W. Dulles Director I Encl. EErr A (Copy of Fo We tease 6 RR L'Ti~E 200/Oi2/i i : m., Bcioi up, Fairfax Cty, fr DCI STATINTL 1= TL to h 576R003800 hector (Support) 11 July 1958 Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003800120038-9 DD/S: LKW:laq Distribution: 0 - Add w/cc of encl. ;Board of County Supervisors, Fairfax County, w/cc of encl. ER w/cc of encl. DCI to " 1 DDCI to "" 1 A to DCI (Grogan) w/cc of encl. 1 C/BPS via D/Log w/cc of encl. & basic 1 .. Gen Coun w/cc of encl. 1 DD/S chrono w/cc of encl. 1 - DD/S subject w/cc of encl. & cc of basic 1 - DD/S reading w/cc of encl. Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003800120038-9 Approved For Release 2002/02/13: CIA-RDP80B01676R0038001 Q6,.1581 I Y I i 1ay 1956 sore of f airfax County Mr. Fre ll: As you mow, after an extensive survey of site pons i li fes, it has been decided to locate the new head ra building of the Central Intelligence Agency on a portion of the property now held by the Bureau of laic Reads Research Sta- tion at - y, Vir ia. Lion,,, the firm of Clarke 1 Rapuano, consulting nobl e _. a their study and our own analysis, it is our firm beef that n easily accessible from all sections of the Washington .. metropolitan area a aiVs there- fore desxlat whir more than a very few of s, employees We s will find it ecess- ary to change their places of residence by reason of this location. 7be rural character of the area also makes this site particularly well suited to the needs of t e.,- ,. y , ,and It Is our earnest hope that this character will be maintained. understand that tone Board of aeryisors Is cur ent conside i y r ng de a"ment of the County. I should - - - r-~~...~. ,.~ iLt'4" ~~r. Wi " '-:C to urge the Iba d ron iyT tf9 t. aura g _ a a is in a ed _{ aa+a. ~ isi i7.lFJtJ s Possible, and to reassure you that we do not __g_fares e th en a to provide ~,.,..__. this area for our employees, Sincerely, D / : LKW:la /a/ Allen W. Dulles CONCUR: q Director Distribution: O&1 -Add 1 Gen Cousin 1 -ER 1 - DD/S chxono /s L a K n White D 1 Leg Coun 1 - DCI 1 H DD/S subject eputy Director (Support) -Al5 IW Tt@ a 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80B01676R003800120038-9 I- C/BPS vi.a D/Loj C ( P Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003800120038-9 MEMORANDUM FOR: Mr. Dulles In accordance with your request I have prepared, in consultation with Stan Grogan, the attached proposed reply to Mr. Anthony Lewis's letter of 30 June 1958. Recommend signature. L. K. White 11 u158 (DATE) FORM NO. IOI REPLACMESAYFORM 1 AU G 54 STATINTL Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003800120038-9