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Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80B01676R004200110026-8 Mr. Nelson A. Rocke OCT 27 1955 ILLEGIB Special Assistant to the Preside The White House Washington, D. C. Dear Nelson: I have c neidered the papers which you sent me on October 19, 1955, rsiattag to your proposal. that the Planning Coordination Group be aboliebed on December 31, 1955. The papers appear to me to be satisfactory to acct that purpose. Paragraph 4. a. of the draft memorandum to the e- DCB relates to the future handling of certain G _.. relation to this Agency. Thhe general principle enunciated s in accord with our own thinking and we will proceed to draft the amendments technically needed to carry out that suggestion. Sincerely, Allen W. Duties Director SA/DCI/ rub, 24 Oct. 1955 Distribution: Orig. & 1 - Addressee 1 - DCI file 1 - Reading file -ER I - SA/DCI Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80B01676R004200110026-8 NSC review(s) completed. , Approved For Release 2005/04/18: CIA-RDP80B01676RQU200110026-8 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: Revision of NSC 5412/1 There is attached, for your consideration, a draft memorandum which discusses the procedures which might be adopted after the PCG is abolished at the end of this year. This memorandum has been read and approved by Frank Wisner and Dick Bissell. At a meeting of the PCG Alternates on October 18, there was consideration of this subject. Dick Bissell made suggestions which are consistent with my attached memorandum which appeared to be satisfactory to the representatives of State and Defense. Language consistent with my attached draft amendments are included on page 2 of the longest attachment which Nelson Rockefeller sent to you for PCG approval. If the general line of the proposed amendment to 5412/1 is satisfactory to you, you may wish to sign the attached letter to Rockefeller. The only point I might mention is that if Rockefeller resigns as Vice-Chairman (as he proposes to) and Gordon Gray sits as the Defense Alternate, you will preside at meetings when Mr. Hoover is absent. That would help the meetings considerably, but I should point it out. STAT Species Assistant to te Director Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80B01676R004200110026-8 ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET r INSTRUCTIONS: Officer designations should be used in the "TO" column. Under each comment a line should be drawn across sheet and each comment numbered to correspond with the number in the "TO" column. Each officer should initialLcheck markin.sufficient) before further routing. This Routing and Record Sheet should be returned to Registry. FROM: TELEPHONE NO. DATE ROOM DATE OFFICER'S TELEPHONE COMMENTS TO NO. RECD FWD'D INITIALS i. z. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. s. a. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. AMC m WHICH MAY BE USED. 1 v {. 7.i i a 'j x I? ; , Y. A, CVei~NDVPr FPI.NLIkO OFF;,, 1:9-#upo-9 ...,...W,_ , Approved For' Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80B016f6R004200110026-8 PCO Staff Draft ,GRNDU FOR: Chairman, Operations Coordinating Board 'EC'!'. Report of the Pining Coordination Group 1. Baeground The Flaming Coordination Gro was established rk of the OCB by letter of the President of March 10, 1955. The Group' a functions and composition are described in the the President of March 3, wb1ch the sident approved larch 4, subject: "Coordination of Economic, Psychological, Politic Paragraph 3 ar of rfare, and Foreign Information Activities. It got i rector's memorandum states Planning Coordination Group should report directl of GCB, who would from time to time tr reports of the Group to the President through the National Security Council. Accordingly, a submitted with the request that U. Rort dynamic, new imaginative ideas in plans and program The Planning Coordination Group was envisioned as a mechanism to meet the continuing need in Government to infuse urity policies, diagnose precisely haw best to over-all problems of a given country or area, to bring into balance Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004200110026-8 Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004200110026-8 Mont of problem and all resources available to solve it, and g planning in both overt and cavort fields and to advise ci private individuals and groups. The Group was to outi se U. S. private organisations and ;possible operating agencies in the coordinated develop and programs to carry out those na: to its functions. After seven it is clear rbers of the Group that these are valid continuing objectives Coordination Group xnecban' m will not be able to Coordination Group off active December 31, 1955. The Group therefore recommends that the President abolish m, and that. other means should be away 4. -The Planning Coordination Group was also given specific sponsib ities for being advised of and channeling support to major covert progr ;ts of policy in NSC 5505/ i and C 550211. (NSC 5412/1) and for being the coordinating agency a. Respecting covert operations, the Group recommends that the President approve that NSC W2/1 be amended to as to 'or the Planning Coordination Group the r. a entative of the President on the OC$ and the designated r sentat#re of the Secretary of State and the Seer in paragraph 4. a. of C 542/1. Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RD.P80B01676R004200110026-8 Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004200110026-8 b. Respecting the coordination of NSC 550511, the d to the Special Assistant for National Affairs the Group's re tmnien as well as the related policy statement in H.SC 174) should be ed by the MC Planning Board in the ion of NSC 5501. ad subsequent December 31, 1955, the to the, NSC a report an actions taken to implement NSG 5505/1 and an outline plan of opera further integration of effort in this field. The Group recommends President designate the, OCB as the coordinating age ne Ets of policy in NSC 5505/1 and NSC 174 effective Respecting the coordination of NSC 550Z/ 1, the Group As that the President designate OCB as the coordinating sncy, affective December 31, 1955. eference to the recommendations in this paragraph, the should be taken to revise NSC 1349. March 10, 1955, to reflect the President's action Nelson A. Rockefeller, Chairman Planning Coordination Group Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004200110026-8 Approved For Release 2005/04/18: CIA-RDP80B01676R004200110026-8 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT Through the National Security Council SUBJECT: Report of the Planning Coordination Group Subject report is transmitted herewith. I recommend that the President approve recommendations in this report. The Director of the Bureau of the Budget Chairman Operations Coordinating Boar Approved For Release 2005/04/18: CFA-RDP80BO1676R004200110026-8 Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004200110026-8 :ler: 4 I approved rocaznmeer~dati+a s in a report Coordination Group, transmitted to me through the abolished. Op be considered experimental and to be reviewed after a few months of experience. Based on the experience of the past to months, I agree to accept your resignation as Vice Chairman of the Operations d. The Planning Coordination Group is thereby ity Coup by the Chairman of the Operations Coord- 0, 1955, establishing the Planning Group, I also designated you Wee Chairman of the actions Coordinating Board. I desired your service in that dinaatii g Board. You will continue to serve as a membe that Hoard in the capacity of the Representative of the President, tion is my letter to Ycm of December 16, Sincerely, Dwight D. Eisenhower Approved For Release 2005/04/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004200110026-8