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October 19, 1959
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Approved For Release 2006/07/27: CIA-RDP80BO1676R004300040012-0 can October 19, 1959 M ORANDtJM FOR: Honorable Gor Adon Gray Special Assistant to the President I have your letter of October 9.end your m arandt~a of October 13 on the gene=sl subject of "The Great Thaw". I an in accor vith the general views expressed in your i$ter. To get a balanced picture, I believe that evidence on both sides of the case should be presented as it beanies available to us, although I an convinced that the aura of inter- national c?ss$stmism remain as you state them. We gill continue to put items in the Daily Bulletin on this subject and will consider further the preparation of the special studies you suggest. ALLEN W. DULLES Director AWD/ji I DCI irf l-ER i - MCI Approved For Release 2006/07/27: CIA-RDP8Q} B01676R004300040012-0 Approved For Release 2006/07/27: CIA-RDP80B01676R004300040012-0 NTIAL October 13, 1959 With further reference to my memorandum to you of October 9, subject: The Great Thaw," the first item on page 1 of the Central Intelligence Bulletin of 10 October 1959 is perhaps the kind of thing which might be watched for. Gordon Gray Special Assistant to the President COIN 1DEN 11AU Approved For Release 2006/07/27: CIA-RDP80B01676R004300040012-0 Approved For Release 2006/07/27: CIA-RDP80B01676R004300040012-0 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 10 October 1959 DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC i Approved For Release 2006/07/27 - CIA-RDP80B01676R004300040012-0 Approved For Release 2006/07/27: CIA-RDP80BO1676R004300040012-0 Approved For Release 2006/07/27: CIA-RDP80BO1676R004300040012-0 Approved For Release 2006/07/27: CIA-RDP80BO1676R004300040012-0 Executive Regiatry October 9, 1959 PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM FOR: Honorable Allen W. Dulles Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: The Great Thaw At the outset, let me indicate to you that this memorandum is not intended to be critical of the President's decision to invite Mr. Khrushchev to this country nor of his plans to visit Russia. In- deed, on balance, I think the development has been a good thing. However, I'm afraid that my own mistrust of the Soviet hierarchy persists, and I see real hazards in not keeping a cool and critical eye on developments which could give a clue to Soviet attitudes and intentions. There are, of course, some indications that Khrushchev is seeking to "melt the ice". I have in mind the speech upon his return to Moscow in which he referred to the desire of the President and the people of America for peace; his public utterances in Communist China; and the failure to resume jamming of the Voice of America as far as the Soviet Union is concerned. At the same time there may be clear indications that the aggressive and expansionist activ- ities of international communism continue unabated and it seems to me it is this sort of thing we also have to watch. It occurs to me that perhaps a great service might be performed for United States policy makers if there could be a periodic sum- mary, perhaps weekly, of events, activities and circumstances around the world which reflect any continued efforts of the Soviet Union of a "cold war" character. The Soviets complain of various things that we're doing which they say are inconsistent with the present spirit and attitude of the leaders Approved For Release 2006/07/27: CIA-RDP80BO1676R004300040012-0 Approved For Release 2006/07/27: CIA-RDP80B01676R004300040012-0 PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL of the two countries. Perhaps we would want to be in a position to make similar complaints. However, it seems to me that the real utility of such a survey as I am suggesting lies in its possible assistance to the President and his principal advisors in avoiding goring too far along any new road without watching road signs which should be there. Perhaps you would wish to give consideration to some such under- taking. 7 Gordon Gray Special Assistant to the President Approved For Release 2006/07/27: CIA-RDP80B01676R004300040012-0