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Document Release Date: 
January 6, 2006
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Publication Date: 
January 1, 1974
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Approved.For Release 2006/01/17: CIA-RDP80M44009A00310 ~G..:t DRAFT PERSONAL AND NOT FOR PUBLICATION Mr. Clifton Daniel New York Times 1920 L. St. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 f" ~~, / /) ". 25X1 Dear Mr. Daniel: Two recent experiences move me to write you. A "backgrounder" session on Wednesday, 27 February is the most recent experience. The situation was similar to that which obtained when I lunched at your bureau and when I lunched with your editorial board in New York. On Wednesday -- as was the case at the lunches -- I said that due to our feeling that definitions of "background", "deep background", etc. were variously understood, I would merely say that those present could use anything I said but not attribute it to me or any government official. A reporter then volunteered, "that's what we call 'deep background' -- the Lindley Rule -- no attribution to anyone". Since the appearance of the attached story, we have checked back with representatives of all the media present to see whether perchance we t~understu d our own ground rules. This has proven not to be the case; those present agree that there was to be no attribution. I wonder, therefore whether there is some New York Times position on attribution of which I should be aware. I know that a Washington paper, for A ;Ap,p40drQ { A@31 00 00200 ApprovedmFor Release 2006/01/17 : CIA-RDP80M0.1009A003100010020-0 instance, has taken a position on backgrounders, although it seems to be flexible. I would be pleased to receive any guidance you can give As to the attached story itself, perhaps I can take this opportunity to clarify two points. With respect to the phrase "some of the information was purchased", a recheck with the same men who were present confirms my impression that I had said that the collection of information from American citizens and companies was on an absolutely voluntary basis with no payment involved. This appears to have been so understood by all those with whom we rechecked. The story says "in 'very, very rare' instances, intelligence services had spent 'non-appropriated money' - that is, money acquired by private sources". All present seem to have understood that what I b%Wd said was that there were very, very rare instances in which we had been approached with offers of money and that we did not use non-appropriated monies. I expatiated on this further, but that was the main thrust. Sincerely, W. E. Colby Approved For Release 2006/01/17 : CIA-RDP80MO1009AO03100010020-0 Approveeor Release 2006/01/17: CIA-RDP80MA11009AO03100010020-0 NEW YORK TIMES Business Pose by U.S. Spies Reported By DAVID BINDER He said that intelligence ser-`the presidency, Salvador Allen- Spectal to The now York Tim,. vices, when seeking informa- de Gossens. The offer was made WASHINGTON, Feb. 27-A ton from businessmen, always to Richard M. Helms, who was high United States official saidjofferdd to guard the informa- then the Director of Central In- today that more than 2001 tion from businessmen, always t mer d, by the agency's for ler director, John A. McCone, American intelligence agents) offered to guard the informa- who had become an I.T.T. were stationed abroad posing Lion from competitors. board member. as businessmen. i In addition, the official said, The official stated that the He said that some were full-Ithe intelligence services par- C.I.A. was also "phasing out" time intelligence operatives and; ticipate sometimes in research- its practice of having agents that business enterprises pro-land-development ventures with operate under the cover of be- viding them with cover re-i private manufacturers to per- ing journalists. ceived payments from the Unit- fect technical equipment - Last year it was disclosed ed States Government to defray "A better bug," for instance. that the C.I.A. had maintained the costs o f running their of- Fin some 30 journalists o n its pay- fices. y rare" instance s ' roll curing the years since Others function only part- gence services . ad spent "non- i World War II. time as agents, he said, anpropnated monev'- that, some of them have proved to is, money acquired from pri- be such talented businessmen vate sources. that they were lured away from The official asserted that their intelligence positions andlUnited States intelligence serv hired as full-time executives ices had not used funds from' by the companies that had rn_~b .__. >- < i , f p us 10 or the - -- --- --- Intl-.- nt - l "We've lost some good ones out that the-Central Intelli.- " that way, the official said. He gence Agency had rejected an added that some of the busi- offer by the International Tele- nessmen-agents had been "very phone and Telegraph Corpora- valuable" as intelligence gath-tion of $1-million in September, erers, while others had become 1970, to be spent in Chile to de- "a pain in the neck," because feat the Socialist candidate for th " l 1 ey spent on y 0 minutes a day" on intelligence activity and the rest of their working day on business assignments. Official Asks Anongmity The ' official made the dis- closure during a discussion of relationships between United States intelligence services and private American business. The oj . who- insisted that neitherihis name nor his department be identified, said that the American intelligence c'services , frequently sought n ~/ specific information from Y QA A\,0' - UJv i L businessmen, scholars and journalists. Te indicated that some c ase while other items - w l e--dcgquired by "swapping" data useful to the other party. /.~ Approved For Release 2006/01/17/: 1A-RDP80M01009A003100010020-0 SENrJER. WILL CHECK CL 'IFICATION TOP AND BOTTOM Ap rovgd sga t 717x: OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP Ap TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS 1 DCI 2 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks: ~CL~ FOLD HERE TO RETUR F O NA AN IDP80M01009A0924440 i-oved Angus MacLean Thuermer Mar VONFIFCRFT 25X1