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rvvwvvvvvvv- ~ Copy No. 5 of 41 25X1 IRAC -M-11 30 June 1975 INTELLIGENCE RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMORANDUM FOR THE INTELLIGENCE RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE SUBJECT Draft Minutes of the 30 June 1975 IRAC Meeting 1. The attached draft minutes of the 30 June Intelligence Resources Advisory Committee meeting are submitted herewith for IRAC considera- tion. IRAC ACTION REQUESTED aby close of business 16 July 1975 of their approval or comments on attached minutes. 2. IRAC Members are requested to advise the Secretariat 25X1 25X1 Executive Secretary NRO review(s) completed. Classified by Exempt from declassification schedule of F?Q. 11652 exemption category 5B(1),W,(3) Automatically declassified on Date Impossible to Determine Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP80M01133A000200030003-1 25X1 Approved For Release 20O l 19SLgjnfVPP0M01133A000200030003-1 IRAC-M-11 30 June 1975. INTELLIGENCE RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of Eleventh Meeting Intelligence Resources Advisory Committee DCI Conference Room (7D64) Central Intelligence Agency, at 1400 hours, 30 June 1975 Director of Central Intelligence Mr. W. E. Colby Presiding Mr. William McAfee, acting for Director of Intelligence and Research Department of State Dr. Albert C. Hall, Assistant Secretary of Defense (Intelligence), Department of Defense Lieutenant General Vernon A. Walters, USA, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Mr. Donald G. Ogilvie, Associate Director for National Security and International Affairs, Office of Management and Budget M:r. Richard Ober, Director for Intelligence Coordination, National Security Council Staff Lieutenant General Eugene F. Tighe, Jr., USAF, acting for Director, Defense Intelligence Agency Lieutenant General Lew Allen, Jr., USAF, Director, National Security Agency TOF SECRJET Classified by Exempt from genera declassification schedule of W.Q. 11652 exemption category 5B(1) ,(3) Automatically declassified on Date Impossible to Determine Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP80M0l133A000200030003-1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP80M01133A000200030003-1 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP80M01133A000200030003-1 Approved For Release 20041jj9 S? l OM01133A000200030003-1 25X1 IRAC-M-11 30 June 1975 1. Status of Congressional Budget System a. At the invitation of the Chairman, Mr. Ogilvie presented a briefing on the subject (briefing aids are enclosed as Attachment I). In the course of his briefing he commented that the new procedures outlined for Congress repre- sented a major step forward. He pointed out that the scheduling deadlines applied to the Executive Branch as well as to Congress. During the discussion which followed it was noted that the Congressional budget review process may address intelligence matters in the DoD budget submission. Dr. Hall agreed to keep a close watch on this and advise the DCI and IRAC. 2. Preliminary FY 1977 Fiscal Guidance -- Economic Outlook a. Speaking from the outline provided by the viewgraphs (Attachment II), Mr. Ogilvie addressed the intelligence budget trends. He said that he would be happy to provide more detailed information on how the figures were developed. During his presentation he proposed revisions to the IRAC schedule (Item 4, below) which would have the DCI's tentative recommendations on major resource issues submitted in October rather than December. He said that last year, when these recommendations were submitted in December, it had been most difficult to schedule adequately for Presidential review. He thought it would be much more orderly if major program issues could be surfaced in October; the remaining portion of the budget recommendations could follow thereafter. b. Mr. Colby observed that this would create a problem in scheduling the EXCOMs which, as a consequence of Mr. Ogilvie's recommendation, would have to be moved up. c. Dr. Hall commented that Mr. Ogilvie I s recommendation required careful consideration noting particularly that it would be difficult to separate the major issues from the total budget submission. I Inoted that 25 several studies are underway which will drive major decisions and that they will not be completed by October. Mr. Colby asked that the members consider Mr. Ogilvie's proposal within the next few days and advise him of their views by Monday (7 July). d. In response to a question by Mr. Ogilvie said that 25X1 Intelligence Community fiscal guidance would be issued in July in a form similar to that used in past years. -.4- T ET Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP80M01133A000200030003-1 25X1 Approved For Release 20WIDR49S OM01I33A000200030003-1 IRAC -M- I I 30 June 1975 3. Resource Issues a. Mr. Colby commented on several issues which the IRAC probably 25X1 will wish to consider: (2) Mr. Colby suggested that another area of IRAC interest may be the anti-satellite satellite studies and the overall question of vulnerability of both Soviet and U. S. satellites. Studies on U. S. satellites involve those with an intelligence mission as well as other DoD satellites. The potential resource implications could be large. (3) Mr. Colby noted that USIB recently reaffirmed its needs forlI 25X1 I land had re- quested ate Department to reinstitute this service. Mr. McAfee indicated that the USIB views had been transmitted to hi h levels within State but that 25X1 the decision to have I had not been changed. Mr. Colby said he was raising this subject at IRAC because it appeared to be a matter of administrative funding which involved I 125X1 25X1 IIbut other shared administrative support costs involving the USIB member agencies. He said that the Intelligence Community Staff would be looking into this question and what to do about it. b. Mr. Ogilvie asked why, if the funds were allocated for this purpose in State's budget submitted to the President, they were not being so utilized? Mr. McAfee observed that this was a valid question, but he did not have the answer. He suggested that State be queried. Mr. Ogilvie said that he pre- ferred that OMB not serve as an arbiter for this issue. Dr. Hall advised against transferring funding responsibility to the Department of Defense. Mr. Colby said he would communicate with appropriate officials in the State Department to make a determination of how this problem should be resolved. *The DCI forwarded a letter on this subject on 30 June 1975 to Lawrence S. Eagleburger, Deputy Under Secretary for Management. Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP80M0l133A000200030003-1 25X1 Approved For Release 200'T' D9 S ILk A lVl01133A000200030003-1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 IRAC-M- 11 30 June 1975 25X1 I said that there was a significant principle involved in this problem -which deserved a direct answer and an early solution. He also suggested that if a solution is not forthcoming it may be necessary to examine the feasibility of other agencies funding 25X1 c. Dr. Hall said he had a few comments on some major issues which affect the FY-77 budget, noting that the cost figures were stated in approximate terms: (1) Manpower - Dr. Hall said that planning called for the intelligence manpower strength within DoD to be decreased by 1, 780 in FY-77 with a budget impact of F- I This is significantly smaller than the 2 F'Y-1976 reduction. TOP SECRET 25X1 5X1 Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP80M01133A000200030003-1 Approved For Release ~~f 80M01 133A000200030003-1 IRAC -M-11 30 June 1975 d. Dr. Hall said that all these issues must be studied carefully before decisions are made. Mr. Colby agreed, noting also that the resolution and search studies for overhead photography could have con- siderable impact on available funds. e. With regard to funding, Mr. Colby said he had a chart which compared the gross national product and the NFIP budget over the next several years. He observed that as the gross national product increased it seemed appropriate for the intelligence amount to increase with it. 4. Discussion of Resource Management Objectives (and Milestones) for the Intelligence Community for FY 1976 (USIB/IRAC-D-22. 1/39, 17 June 1975, Memorandum for USIB /IRAC Principals distributed through restricted channels) a. Mr. Colby said that the resource management objectives had been circulated to the IRAC, noting that the substantive objectives already had been considered by the USIB. He invited comments. Mr. Ogilvie noted his earlier suggestion (Item 2, above) on the October submission for the NFIP in relation to the schedule under Objective No. 2. He said he wished to encourage the effort reflected for the August Milestone regarding national - tactical relationships under Objective No. 3. He believed this effort should receive a lot of attention. Mr. Colby agreed it was an impor- tant and complex subject which required a great deal of work, noting that the effort should also address tactical support to national requirements. Dr. Hall said that DIA had done some work in this area by decentralizing maintenance of some data base information to field commanders. b. Mr. Colby commented on the Milestones for the KIQs saying that the performance evaluation begins on 1 July. He said that he hoped it would go well because of the importance of the function. He said that while the effort would not answer specific resource questions, it should provide guide- lines on areas which should be examined in greater detail. The September - October Milestones under Objective No. 3 addressed the annual report on the intelligence accomplishments to be provided to the President. He asked the cooperation of the members in developing this report as he felt it was a most useful mechanism for both the President and the intelligence community. T ET Approved For Release 2004/04/19: CIA-RDP80M0l133A000 2'QQ;4104/'IMT 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP80M01133A000200030003-1 TOP SECRET IRAC-M-11 30 June 1975 c. The IRAC concurred in the Objectives subject to additional comments by the members by 7 July of the schedule under Objective No. 2. 5. IRAC Tasks considerations for these problems should also be addressed by the Council. Mr. Ogilvie observed this was a good example of what the IRAC Working Group should do. Dr. Hall said that while a review of the space shuttle by the IRAC Working Group might be a useful process, he suggested that those involved discuss the background in some detail with Mr. Colby at a later date. Mr. Colby agreed. Mr. Ogilvie said that his comment was intended to support the value of greater use of the IRAC Working Group rather than the issue of the space shuttle per se. With regard to the IR&DC, Mr. Colby commented that it would be useful to have it review the FY-77 intelligence R&D budget and submit its recommendations to IRAC. job, e. g. developing studies which provide funding options, the intelligen community could do a better job for the Congressional budget review process. Using USIB as an example, he said that it might be useful to consider establishing some standing committees of IRAC. He noted the success of the IRAC Intelligence Research and Development Council. Mr. Plummer said that while the IR&DC had been useful in surfacing major problems, e.g., space shuttle, he suggested that the resource a. Mr. Colby noted that the FY-76 intelligence budget had been subject to intense congressional review which he characterized as a harbinger for future budgets. He observed that if IRAC could do a bette b. Addressing the concept of standing committees, Mr. Colby pro- posed that it might be useful to establish one to review the national - tactical interface question. Another problem which might be considered either by a standing committee or an ad hoc group, could be the Southeast Asian draw down issue. He said that there had been some congressional interest in this subject. c. Mr. Colby proposed than in addition to the five areas addressed by the IR&DC last year (IRAC-D-76.2/2, 22 July 1974) he thought it would be useful if the Council looked ahead two years on some other major T FT Approved For Release 26 4/ =RDP80M01133A000200030003-1 . Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP80M01133A000200030003-1 25X1 25X1 TOP SECRET I IRAC -M-11 30 June 1975 problems. He encouraged continuation of the study of new analytic methodology and techniques. Mr. Colby also noted that there had been problems with regard to security compartmentation and that there was room for improvement in this area. d. Summing up, Mr. Colby invited comments from the IRAC members with regard to their views on IRAC, particularly the question of forming standing committees and ad hoc groups to treat specific subjects, and ideas as to which subjects should be addressed. Mr. Ogilvie supported Mr. Colby's views indicating that a careful examination should be made to see whether IRAC was playing a useful role in advising the DCI. He suggested that perhaps it would be useful for IRAC to review specific resource issues, some of which could be examined by ad hoc groups in support of.the IRAC. e. Dr. Hall suggested that the establishment of standing committees be carefully considered since, once established, they tend to perpetuate themselves. Mr. Colby agreed but added that there appeared to be a good case for establishing a standing committee to look at the many important issues involving national - tactical interface. f. Mr. Colby suggested that the members provide their views on this overall subject to General Wilson, D/DCI/IC by close of business 9 July 1975. -25- X-1 Executive Secretary Adjournment: 1520 hours 25X1 Approved For Release 24d 'V4/' CG[fP80M01133A000200030003-1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP80M01133A000200030003-1 25X1 T SECRET 25X1 I I IRAC-M-11 30 June 1975 Approval of Minutes 3 December 1974 Meeting (IRAC -M-10) On 23 December 1974 all IRAC members telephonically approved the subject minutes. The Acting CIA Member concurred subject to changes. A revised page 5 incorporating these changes was circulated for substitution in all copies of the reference minutes. 25X1 Approved For Release ff/1?4/W-~'GRJft&80M01133A 25X1' Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP80M01133A000200030003-1 OBJECTIVES OF CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET ACT ENABLE CONGRESS TO! IMPROVE CONGRESSIONAL CONTROL OVER BUDGETARY OUTLAY AND RECEIPT TOTALS ~? DETERMINE-ANNUAL SPENDING TARGETS IN LIGHT OF ECONOMIC CONDITIONS*& NEEDS 25X1 --ALLOCATE AVA I LAI LE FUNDS AMONG FEDERAL PROGRAMS ON BASIS. OF NAT I ONAL PRIORITIES Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP80M01133AO00200030003-1 Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : C1A-RDP80M01133A00020003000;$-1 r? CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET ACT 25X1 ? ESTABLISHED A NEW CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET PROCESS.. ? TO BE AIDED BY NOW HOUSE AND SENATE BUDGET COMMITTEES * WITH THE HELP OF A CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE FOR A FISCAL YEAR TO RUN FROM OCTOBER I TO.SEPTEMBER 30, EFFECTIVE OCTOBER i, 1976 Approved For Release 2004/04/19: CIA-RDP80MOl133A0002000 W O Z Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP80M01133A000200030003-1 CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET TIMETABLE 5X1 CC M4IT"TEE3 SURNIT REPORTS TO BUDGET COMMITTEES. CO1~vRE0SiOP1j,.L tUDGET OFFICE SUBMITS 1 POlT TO BUDGET COM4I77EES. BUDGET COMMITTEES REPORT FIRST CON CURRENT RESOLUTION ON THE BUDGET TO THEIR HOUSES. MAY. 15' COFITTEES REPORT BILLS AUTHOR- IZING NEW BUDGET AUTHORITY. MAY 1S CONGRESS ADOPTS FIRST CONCURRENT F SOLUTION ON THE BUDGET. 7th DAY AFTER LABOR Y CONGRESS COMPLETES ACTION ON BILLS PROVIDING BUDGET AUTHORITY )AND - SPENDING AUT'1IORITY. ? SEPTEMBER 15 COz GR SS COMPLETES ACTIONS ON SECOND REQUIRED COMCURR:?R''T RESOLUTION ON THE BUDGET. ON OR Ei FORE s FCC TIOIN TO E COPLEiEDE NOVEM3ER 10 PE'.ESIDENT SUB4ITS CURRENT SERVICES BUDGET. 15th DAY CONGRESS MEETS V%{ SZDZ2:T SUBMITS HIS BUDGET. .ARCH 15 APRIL 1 APRIL 15 SEPTEMBER 25 COfiyGP.ESS COMPLETES ACTION P.ECON- CILIATION PZOCESS INPLEI EUTING SECOND CONCURRENT RESOLUTION. OCTOBER 1 1PISC.AL YEAR BEGINS. Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP80M01133A000200030003-1 Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP80M01133A000200030003-1 SENATE BUDGET COMMITTEE 5X1 Democrats. Edmund S. Muskie, Maine (Chairman) Warren G. Magnuson, Wash. Frank. Ea Moss, Utah Walter F. Mondale, Minn. Ernest F. Hollings, S. Co Alan Cranston, Calif. .Law-ton Chiles, Florida James Abourezk, S. D. Joseph R. Biden Jr., Dol. Sam Nunn, Ga. Republicans Henry Bellmon, Okla. Robert Dole, Kan. J. Glenn Beall Jr., Md. James L. Buckley, N. Y. James A. McC Hire, Idaho Pete V. Domenici, N.. M. Approved For Release 2004/04/19: CIA-RDP80M01133A000200030003-1 . Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP80M01133A000200030003-1 . OUSR SSMM CCZ!MITT E 5X1 D:-*:acrataa Brock Ada., Wash. (Chairman) Themns L. Azhloy, Ohio 0= ax Surloaon, T xmaa Sr_ Gish. ;n8, Florida tutlcr Co Derrick Jr.,, Se C. Fcbart N. Giaimo,. Ccnn. Elizabeth Koltzman, ? N. Y. Phil M. Lanndru , Ga. b':~a~ort L. L-r ? gatt, Calif, Patty T. Mink, Parrcn J, fitcholl, Md. Jrrraa G. O'Hara, Rich. Themes P. O'Neill Jz, Man@, Harold Runnals, U. No,. Mal -Smith, Iowa Louis Stokoa, Ohio Jim Wright, Texas Ra licans Jmrwcs T. Broyhill,. N. C. 1alford 9. Co orharg, Mich.' Dal Clrwaon, Calif. Dar"bor S. Con to Jr., N. Y. Jana a F. Knotinga, N. Y. Delbert Latta, Ohio Herman To Schnedbellp Pao Garner 8. Shriver, Kan. Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP80M01133A000200030003-1 K. 5 I- C+ Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP80M01133A000200030003-1 HOUSE BUDGET COMMITTEE S?~CYRL ASSISTANT AaiI~I ~_ NATIONAL S=AI P90=" PDLIC IEt?o O77ICA TMV..A3 PLJt33' A95 (4 #MLYA?O) 6s ANALYM) STAFF STRUCTURE xeCUTIVI ?I o R Walter Kravitz ACSISTU DI :CC'TOA DUO3C P .IO:tiTIZ .-MU"NI?Y RI-MCURCZ2 d Po=FP 3 Approved Fnr Rate MECAM"A P53:0T1Z'2? PRYSICAL =wrZ32 (4 A89ALTSTS) Approximate total staff, 'including clerical: 60 2Q04/04/19 :. CIA-RDP80MO1133A000200030003-1 Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP80M01133A000200030003-1 CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE Office of General Counsel Alfred Fitt DIRECTOR Alice Rivlin DEPUTY DIRECTOR Robert Levine Office of Information 25X1 1 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR BUDGET ANALYSIS James Blum ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR HUMAN RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT William Fischer ASSISTANT DIRECTOR. FOR FISCAL POLICY Frank de Leeuw ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR NATIONAL SECURITY AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS John Koehler ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR TAX POLICY Charles Davenport ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS Howard Messner C~ n ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR ENERGY, ENVIRON- MENT, AND NATURAL RESOURCES Douglas Costle Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP80M01133A000200030003-1 I CD 0.- Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP80M01133A000200030003-1 FISCAL YEAR 1976 BUDJETS, BY FUNCTION an billions of dollars) President President Concurrent____ (February 4) (April 4) Resolution Budget ? Budget Budget authority Outlays authority Outlays authority Outlays National defense,.....,......... 107.7 94.0 107.7 93.9 100.7 90.7 International.affairs........... 12.6 6.3 .12.6 6.3 4.9 4.9 General science, space, and technology ..? 4.7 4.6 4.7 4.6 4.7 4.6 Natural resources, environment, an energy .................... .12.2 10.0 12.2. 10.2 13.8 11.6 Agriculture 4.3 1.8 4.3 1.8 4.3 1.8 Commerce and transportation..... 6.6 13.7 6.6 14.7 11.3 17.5 Community'and regional .development..................... 5.2 5.9 5.2 6.0 11.0? 8.7 Education, manpower, and? social services .......... ...:.. 13.7 14.6 13.7 16.6 19.0 19.9 Health, ......................... 31.0 28.1 31.0 28.4 33.1 30.7 Income security.... ............. 135.3 118.7 137.5 120.9 140.9 125.3 'Veterans benefits and services.. 16.2 15.6 16.8 16.2 18.0 27.5 Law enforcement 'and justice..... 3.2 3.3 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.4 General government .............. 3.3 3.2 3.3 3.2 3.3 3.3 -revenue sharing and general purpose fiscal assistance...... 7.3 7.2 7.3 7.2 7.3 7.2 Interest ....................... 34.4 34.4 34.4 34.4 35.0 35.0 Allowances ...................... 8.3 8.1 8.3 8.1 1.4 1.1 -Undistributed offsetting receipts ....................... -20.2 -20.2 -20.2 -20.2 -16.2 -16.2 385.8 349.4 388.6 355.6 395.8 367.0 Receipts ........................ 297.5 295.6 298.2 Deficit ......................... -51.9 -60.0 -68.8 25X1 -8.- Approved For Release 2004/04/19: CIA-RDP80M01133A0002000 O63 Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP80M01133A000200030003-1 25X1 DETERMINED BY DIRECTOR, OMB BASED UPON : - STAFF PRESENTATIONS OF PROGR.M'ATIC TRENDS, DEVELOPMENTS, AND ISSUES - GENERAL ECONOMIC 'r ACTORS PURPOSE: - PROVIDE MORE DEFINITIVE GUIDANCE POR BUDGET YEAR THAN ALLOWANCE . ET.TEpj - GUIDE PROGRAM ~~LT v? :MFRS IN THE STRUCTURING OF THEIR BUDGETS L ~,: N T ~" OF -t OWE T ~~,., , 1- IDE~~1, F IC.~. _O `T OF ~.:~ti.~:.. .~RIL:j. T. .I'jr 'LrmjEMS -- SUBMITTED AS "OV.E_ -CHTLj_ :G't ITTL'1S Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP80M01133A000200030003-1 Approved For Release 2004/04/19 : CIA-RDP80M01133A000200030003-1 -qj. % ..j -.. r i:7l` F in... ?, ).~i'fi.nY..? 25X1 -.j.' t~~~ i..' a'~-~.l Ll. 1 ''+J (ca 1i ncar years; dollar ar ounts in billions) +'~N f Assumed for Purposes o i?.tt iget P _o ec*.iors Item 1977 1`.-'9 7 8 10--C) 1.980 uo Gross national product: Current dollars: A; ;amt ................................. $1,891 $2,107 $2,335 $2,586 Percent change ......................... 12.6 11.4 10.8 10.3 Constant: (11958) dollars: ~.: unt ................................. $897 $956 $1,013 51,08- ;~rcant c''rar:ze ......................... 6.5 6.5 6.5. 6,5 incoa"_es (current dollars) : P_asonal income ........................... $1,515 $1,689 $1,874 $2,078 `'~.P?s a;,c: salaries ....................... $978 $1,092 81,211 .344 C A~. 1. L:J ? .......a .... ... $?73 $ 93 61 ..1.4. X337 change) . Year over year ......................... 5.7 4.6 4.1 N 4.0 Fourth quarter over fourth quarter..... 5.2 4.3 4.0 4.0 CPI: Yc::-.r over 'fear ............... ......... . 5.3 4.4 4.0 4.0 ~. ~`aC ~?i1 r d J(' at?L'C'.utbe3.. e ? ..... e . e s w . n e o 4. 8 4. 2 4.0 4.0 ;, rates (Percent) 1.o:.a.1o ................................. 7.2 ti.5 5.8 5.1 .......