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Approve or ReIj:} 2CIA1 23 October 1969 25X1 25X1 25X1 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD Morning Meeting of 23 October 1969 DD/I noted that they are ready for their lunch today with Larry Lynn in connection with his new work in support of the Vietnam Special Studies Committee. briefed on the deteriorating situation in Lebanon 25X1 0 called attention to Truong Chinh's recent speech broad- cast from Hanoi indicating that he may be "first among equals" in the new NVN leadership. D/ONE briefly noted that they discussed the situation in Lebanon this morning and saw three possible elements which could constitute a modicum of order; namely, the Establishment there, the army, or Nasser's attitude toward the Fedayeen. Carver noted that he will be meeting with PFIAB this morning and commented that the new leadership in Hanoi should be examined carefully before we tag Truong Chinh as first among equals there. Maury reported that he has not yet confirmed the purpose of a hearing before the House CIA Appropriations Subcommittee next week nor the date. However, he commented that it will probably be in con- nection with a review of our budget. IG reported on the possibility that Pat McGarvey, who wrote the unfavorable article on CIA in the October issue of Government Executive, may now be preparing an article which would perhaps appear in Ramparts, Fortune, or Look. Bross commented that, when he and the DDCI visited Robert Froehlke yesterday, they noticed a copy of the Government Executive there. The Director asked the DD/I to pre- pare a critique of the article for his possible use and asked the IG to continue his investigation of the allegations made (see Morning Meeting Minutes of 17 October). Approve 05/11 , /~ Approved Fgr- ReletQ?20r0O: CIA- P80R01284 001800120043-8 Bross advised the Director that he has a paper for his use in discussing "Gaps and Deficiencies" before PFIAB, and the Director noted that he will review same this afternoon. Bross went on to express his appreciation for the vast amount of studies and memoranda prepared in response to PFIAB's requirements. DD/S&T noted that the Soviets failed again yesterday to send an unmanned probe to the moon. DD/S&T pointed to the difficulties in preparing the necessary paper in support of two of the five options with respect to Verification. After some discussion the Director indicated that it might be appropriate for DDR&E to take on this task. Executive Director noted that he will be having lunch today with Frank Meyer, Assistant Secretary of State for Administration. He also reported that Bill Fischer of the Bureau of the Budget is going to be named deputy to Wilfred Rommel, the Bureau's Assistant Director for Legislative Reference. DDCI noted that he and Bross laid the groundwork-with Robert Froehlke yesterday for NIRB's 12 November meeting. *The Director asked the ADD/P to advise him on what is approved on the Laos package. The Director briefly commented on the first meeting of the Defense Program Review Committee and noted that its primary concern will be to develop five-year programs. He added that it is too early to determine what materials will be required in support of the Committee's work. The Director noted that the Symington hearings on Laos have been temporarily postponed until an undetermined date. IP q ' ET 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/11/23 : CIA-RDP80RO1284AO01800120043-8 25 Approved Fo elea w 25 The Director noted that he was in touch with Charles Meyer, Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, in connection with our statement pertaining to the situation in Chile. 25 *Extracted and sent to action officer Approved For 4%4406/23: C A-RDP80RO1284 01800120043-8 25X Approve or Release 2005rf'7 3 g ruring'the --day, Viaux 'held Viaux came to Santiago yes- --I two press conferences with re-Iterday and in an ? airport ar- 1; ;! the rebellion was not politicalmilitary,morale to degenerate, ,3 He also insisted that the ma-I ment said the uprising at San `.' ported his stand and' t?h a tYungay Regiment and was led. behind by Mai. Arturo' Marshall, an Ffl'efl ClafllBfls would rall nit h y s ot er u him. However, there were no other officer who was recently' Arilfl Support signs tonight that the rest of ordered retired for alleged 1L" " I+ti,^ s?.,,., thn cmaliPr navy I', breaches' of discipline. Against Rebels By John M. Goshko Washington Post Foreign Service SANTIAGO, Oct. ' 21-- tTwo Chilean army regi- ments rebelled against the `Eduardo Frei today, but the was not directed against the Frei' government, and its purl posewas't'ocorrect inequities. any moves against the gov- ernment. Frei made a nationwide radio address calling upon the people to back the govern- ment and emptlasizing that most of the armed forces were "maintaining, as.always, their discipline anti loyalty" He also declared a?state of siege ?rest of the armed forces ap- (throughout this country of 9.5 !parently remained loyal to' million people' The causes of the revolt ap- the President. ~peared,? as Viaux said, to be The insurrection ' came as a rooted in: morale problems, !shock 'to ' Chile; a generally' chiefly the low pay. From gen- to the 'crisis stage." Then followed the revolt of the two regiments, which be- gan ,.. about an hour apart early this morning The govern- ONUncouAC,i a fr . g...... .. ment added that-the t buhlc, at San Felipe was ende4. quickly and that Marshall had been placed under arrest. At 'the Tacna regimental barracks, the ? first signs ',of trouble' came about 7 a.m. when gunfire was heard in- side the f (compound. Viaux later, told reporters' the. shots were caused by, troops clear- ing theix rifles in readiness , . for a ,possible attack by pro- government forces. The attack never'came. In stead, other units' of the San-' tiago garrison encircled ' the.., h far less than persons of equiv- the two sides spent the clay continent. There. had not. been ;. alent rank in the civil service. warily watching each other. Ia military uprising in' Chile ' In addition, 'there has been ? Tonight, Viaux was defiantly :since 1931. The. revolt did not ,.considerable unhappiness with- -refusing to surrender, and the ,appear to be ' motivated ,by po in the army' over. the poor con- government gave no indication tlitical reasons, but involved,, dition of its outmoded equip-. Whether, it, intended to, use i. meat and over efforts by var- force against him. Viaux also pay grievances and, other . ins said he had sent an ultimatum rows political parties to in., ternalarmy matters. volve..the military, the, government demanding The uprisings,. each., involve rY, which.. in the dismissal of'.the. defense ' . Chile has a' tradition of re-,minister, Gen. Tulin Maramblo. ing a regiment of about 1,000, spect for constitutionality in.. ;"IIn'W~a sii i n'g t o n, a CIA The Washington Post: been aware of ' developments leading to: this,. turn of',events in Chile for tile, last 6. weekst The spokesman acknowledged, that the comment was unusual for the agency, but said it did. respond to' questions when o(i erational sources would no. men, began early this morning ;Po lrtics. ,s~iotg ;ate iat the-headquarters of an artil Frei's Christian Democratic, sitiaricsald~ l ,'alQ nc d;~b &ff t d~ ~ ~ lery unit in the capital and at': government, ' which has been! San Felipe,,.50 miles, northof.'battling to hold down wages, ?Santiago. has largely turned a deaf ear By' late. today, the 'govern-V;to the army's pleas for higher ,ment claimed that the revolt''pay and other improvements. at San Felipe had been sup-:Asaresult, morale has pressed and the officer leading,,,,_ dt was,under' arrest. aln the face of this mounting In' Santiago, However; the listlessness, the' government Tacna` artillery regiment' was ;recently ordered. . the retire- meat of several senior offi- till: holding' out and refusing' to surrender to progovernment'cers, including Viaux. The {troops 'surrounding the regi general then. wrote a seven- iment's barracks. page letter to Frei, spelling [After a day without casual- out the army's grievances. When he came to Santiago .ties, members aged a Tacna'. to ,present the letter to Frei [regiment exchanged late; he was prevented from seeingi with government ent . troops late;'the President r and ordered! .Tuesday night and the govern= ment radio announced that 14 back to Antofagasta. He also persons were wounded, AP re-'was "invited to retire" and .al ported.] .1 new general was named, to ,re-! 'place him .as list '.Army; tom= Inside the Tacna' regiment headquarters was-the apparentmader, leader of the revolt, Gen.'Ro.' berto Vlaux Marambio, 51. ? HeI recently was relieved as com. mander of the 1st Army. ini 'Antofagasta province, a.1 o n g LE ru=' -` ~ E ed For Release 200511.1/23: CIA-RDP&ORO'1'284A0018001'20043-8