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Trans. A.966
(In full)
Kashkin, K. P.*
Ch ismenchivcsti kolitur felalto Bhcalf310.;?
oheobrazovr;telia pod vliianierotibiotikov.
Dtariatior /- cultrres of Alcwones faeoalis
under the Influen,e of ant bi J.
Alctdeviii4 17auk riltviiskoi"SSR.aetitut
blolocliis Trudy, no. 5, 11.474 1956. 448.39 R44
(In Russian)
The frequer_oy and the rIlartties with which Alcaligeres varir.rrto
nbioohorlically inert" in *.lediff varieiyted [biochemical test] series [for..
rentaticr of varlous sug-are, for reduction of methylene blues, effect
on litmus milk, fornatior of 3ole and fortratior of IT251 have lieer obtP.I.,ed
in the rnsocese of experimentanriatior In microbes of the enteric-typ1:oid-
dysenteric group (ulat, rots
Tebedey, Kondratiora, Pr oskur ittkovas
Roaenfelld and otltors) bzve ;pted us to untertake a study of tile '-ioro-
bioloty of the Alcali-ones ftli baoillus.
The problem. of the pottenicity and toxicity of Lact. faecalis
canes (Aleftitcones faecalielt rot by far fully Irvestigated, regardless
ef the len&th of time that 11 elapsed lime its discovery (Petrushki, 1689).
Thus, :.Torozova seeded the owns of the Indicated microbe taker from aovrxttl
pationt rith a olirical plore of typhoid; Petrushki sucoueeed In iso-
latin torlu faeca1/9 froi . a seedirr of the contents of
roseola t-p1tos Eeruptioe 0. A. A. Smeradir?tiev points out a corstarxable
rumb,...,r of
, flee
nieh 114 reZefaig aleelienee M*6 seedad trazt tile vrire
*Lonincreookli eosudtarotvonl Institut Isoversheretwaverlia vrachel
KirovK (lx. Prof. I. Blav) [Lenirzrad State PostraAlato InstitT7to for
Physiciars ka. V. Kirov ir. Prof. N.. I. fllir011).
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
Trans. A.9C0
of pregnant pyelitis [patients]. b experiments in directed :variation,
D. O. Radlaio'f.- F. Lebedev and others bave often succeeded in obtainin;
Variants identical with Saot..faeoalis alcaligenes With respect to 004,
It appeared to us that a study of the characteristics that deterTiine.
' the fecal producing baoillUe, the eetablithment of similarity traits
and, ?Specially, of the different:tee between the alkali-prOduoing variants
and the typical representatives of tract. fnecalis alcaligenes were parti4
oularly,interesting and no pessary.
? Considering the ever eXpanding use of various-antibiotics in the therapy
of enteric infections and the impairment of.Oonditiorally pathogenic and
pathogenic Microorg.finismr; by antibiotics, we undertook a special investita?
tion of the atudy Of adaptive variation of the fecal alkali-productig baci14.
lux pilcaliiteneel ander the influence of antibiotic preparations.
Of the large amount of !act. faeoalis alcalirvtes cultures it our
disposal, typical Museum strains obtained from the largest institutes of
microbiology in the Boviet Irnion were specially selected for experimental
purposes., The newly isolated, bioehemically,Inert Orsini [Begin p.481.of
Es.04. faeotlis alcaligsme we did not use in experiments because they could
have been alkali-producing variante of other inhabitants of the intestInes.
CUr experiments were ?abducted with four strains of Beet. faecalic
alcaligenol. Microscopically the ;trill% no. 415 Obtained from the Control
Institute im. Tarasevicho'and no. 4 obtained from the Kiev Microbiological
Institute, UM [Ukrainian Academy of Soiences), represented short, row:ha
actively rattle,tram,negative bacilli.
Strain. LI Obtained from the Moscow Nbdical Institute and strain R, from
the museum of the Faculty of riorobiolegy, Leningrad WIN ('tate Postgraduage
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(3) Tram ? A-960
Institute for Physicians] also proved to be Lram..eetive, smell, adequately
motile baoilli.
recpect, to t-eir cultural properties ell of them, oath the exeepe
tion of strale ec. 415, ere w rn a thick culture :ledium in the form If
evenly convex, neist, seloth, endly fluorsecent, transparent oolories.
(:train no. 415 ,i.o.fiu(sed coIony with a crew): f p.orrth an uneven
On ;Will culture meJle, experimettal strains ;yew In the rem of a
surface film, frequently with a sleiltaneous formation of t Clot at the
Biochemically they were studied in 6ifferential media of a varikAted
series composed of ilecose, maltose, lactose, saccharose, levulone, arainose,
galactose, raffinose, xylose, marmite, sorbito, glycerin, esculin aed salicin.
The variegated tblochemical test] series included
best tubes with 'lathy.
lens 'Ilue in milks with ::eptone water for the deteotion of the formatior
of Indole hidroeen sulfide end litmus milk.
Arith the exceptioe of no. 415 which produce a reeuction of methylene
blue In ailk after 48 ?weirs, all striine studied in e variegated eerien
were inert end failed to produce any visible changes.
Seroloeicelly experimental strains were agglutieated oith specific
'era; nonespecific reactions with other nem. to 1:Aerobes of the enteric.
typhoid and dynenterie ,z,roup we were unable to establish.
rata on the sensitivity of original strains to antibiotics o.nd ee
their resistaece to SOKA antiseptics are presented below (see tal:le 2).
The antibiotics re dwelled on were staeeptomycln and syntomycin which
are used widely Ln the therapy of enteric infections.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
(4) Trans. A.466
Speoial orientation experimeets which we conducted have 'demonstrated
that of all the methods used in a study of vstriatiort for adaptation to anti.*
blotto*, the stoat convenient one is the -ethod employed at the Feeulty of
itiorobiolocy, GUNN [State Postgraduate Institut for Physiciaisi), involving
replatin- on solid culture media containint the corresponding artibiotios.
T'tsmrthod enabled us to determine the exact dosage of antibiotics in the
culture VW dituN to observe changes occurring in the dyreanios of strains being
adapted, arid to isolate and study the developing variants. (Begin p.491.
The streptomycin used in the experiment wee diluted in sterile distilled
water, and syntomycin by the indicated Thanen tor Ifahnen OP method.
vathin a year the experimental strains were led through 40.40 passages
on stadia oontainint; antibiotics, and were cultivated in an incubator for
72?96 hours.
The absence of growth after 24 hours of incubation was to soup deLvaeo
or other characteristic of all adapted etraine.
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Concorti-vition or antiFiotias
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(5) Trans. A-96C
5500 n.iits /
/ ? ?5500 units /0750 gmate,
1 / / 1 J500 au.
600 ... 1 .,.. 1 1400 gastsx
.380 gra-ms.
, / / / :
o /
44 $00
// ....4
S. / P
. A
c 260
7 .
, 4,, 1
/ / ?
400 . / s 00
r..1 300 . I i
ui 4
tell sa
c ? BO i
. / ?
I is
200 .
44. eel
s. n01 / - / i .
? , 4, / 7
6 ;
100 ..?
..- 1 ? BO z " 1 t 9 ,wp i
,e''' ,?,e vo
018 25 30 36 0 650 55 paesaces 5 10 16 20 25 30 36 4.) 45 50
131; Lecend No, Xs NO. :f;
..0.. - 710.415;
II pap : ? Mb* 4; .????? no?415; ? ? ,q0?4;
FI.K. 1. C!Jrves or a.,7nvtatior to streptomycin Fiz. 2. Curves of adaptation to eynto.
myoin on a solid culture medium.
on 4 sale cr.,1rel medium.
Aerapi;ration to streptomycin proceeded considerably more rapidly Vian
to syntomycin (fig. 1). :..ltrains no. 415 n.rd !!adapted themselven more mad:1y
and Ifiers rapidly. Strain no. 4 was entirely unradaptable. After rIUMW'Ottli row
plication attempts at adaptation, it died even from a continuous, law strop*
tomyoir concentration in the eulture medium.
Adaptation t.,7, syntowycin (fig. 2) proceeded slowly; here we increased
the concentration of the antibiotic in the cultwri medium slowly and iradually.
Despite the care which we exercised In the prooess of adaptation, we often
had to retwen to the original antibiotic concentration, or to begin adapta.
tion anew.
r.train no. 415 was adapted to syntolycia more readily than other
strains. The edaptation curve of strain X to syntowycin was the most interesting
one, bcause it elickved in the cams? or adaptation !Resift p.501 a sharp drop
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP8OR01426R010400020001-7
40101 (6) Trans. A.966
Lit resistance to the adaptiv6 antibieties and then a rapid upward tide;
Thle drop corresponds to the biological reconttraction of strafe XvniCh
bas.eXpressad, ittelf in the.capacity of the strait adapted to Syntoopin
to produce a yellow pigment.
no viability of this pigmented Variant with respect. to antibiotics
and antiseptics' surpasses sharply the viability in the original (strain).
Copparative data on the Sensitivity of Original mid adapted stiaint
(fig* 3) to antibiotics pernite? noting that the highest residtatte indicroy
tort Are found in the strains>: adapted to strepteMycin (i maxinvm of 10E000
Sc in strain M); the degree of indicators prOdUced by adaptation t* Syntot
mycin is lest (the makings' in the pigoentproduoteg X strain is 1250).
JK K 415 415 AT M
K K 415 415 M
Orig. Adapt. Orig. Adapt. Orig. Adapt. Orig. Adapt. trig. Adapt. Crig. Adapt.
Fig. 3. Sensitivity of original and adapted strains.
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(7) Trans. A.?966
tithe process of adaptation of experimental strains ehanges occurred
in their cultural and microscopic characteristics, bioshenisal activity,
viability and serologioal properties. begin p.61].
The variants which we obtained with different properties ean be sub-'
divided into several groups.
1. Small, rough colonies, firmly grown together with the culture medium.
2. Small, entirely transparent dwarf colonies with a uniformly convex
3. Wo-sone, uneven colonies, bulging at the center and with a ram*
part.shaped periphery.
4. Round, slimy, visoous colonies.
S. Yellow colored, moist End slimy colonies.
At various stages or adaptation the formation of daughter colonise
appeared to he a recularity. The variant* listed were elltsined also from 416 the initial oulture of which produces ooleniee with a weeping
The earliest changes noted in the course of adaptation were microscopic
charaoteristios. The; were expressed in the appearance of winding, drawnmioot,
giant, grAnulnr, spirally twisted and other forme of 'ells. Changes occurring
in the form of the mierobe sell are morioharsoteristie of all strains adapted
to streptomycin. Cells in preparations stained with Gram's stain appeared ,
to be pale, mildly rosesco1orst4, with violet granules arranged at the ends.
In the process of further adaptation the preponderant tom and later
the only form of microbe cells became the sooeobacterial one with a pOlar,
violet granularity with Gram's stain.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24 CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7 ,
(8) frau. A.968 ,
In the oottrso of adaptation to syntomyoin & capsular variant was
obtained from strain A that grew on a-solid culture media in the form of.
round1 ductile, climy colonies. Snob changes occurring in the form of a ?
microbe cells heretofore considered as degenerative. ars noir explained as a ?
process of -variation occurring under the influence of mn unfavorablo titbit/A
' (likkhenehtein ter Iiirehensteinl end others). -
The biochemical properties of siiperimental strains were tested in the
coeliac of adaptation after every 5 passages. in an analytical' variegated .
aeries tv. rasvernutots pestrom rad*] the ingrodiente of which are listed
ahirre. The charges that oosurred in the virlegated series were extremely
intignificant? this in all strains adapted to dyntoilyoin was. detected a '
capacity to reduce methylene blue in milk after .48 hours. This uniformity
of grosth in different variants on media of. 'Ariegated series induced us
to initiate spesial quantitative itrvestigations of the assimilation of
sugars. A quentitative elmracterisation carried out by Bertranes method
of the issitailntion. of carbohydrates in .origiral strains and in 'strains
adapted to antibiotics, and alto in SCUD alkaiii.producing strains of other
microorganisms, has .denenstrated that these cultures do. not assinilate
carbohydrates And that their quantity remine undhanged in the mediums
[Begin p.52].
A ipesial'series Of experiments was conducted with origimil and
adapted strains for the purpose of sating a study of their assimilation of
the different astinoteids? 'aline, alerting, lysine. beta?phenylalanine,
leuoins. glyeine1 oystine, a.eminobutyrie acid, glutaminic acid and asparagines
The assimilation of aminoacids vas tested on a special synthetic, redium
ifl Which some or other of the indicated aminosoide were included as the only
source of nitrogenous nutrition.
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. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R016400020001-7
tg) Trans.
Oar inVestigations.have demonstrated that the,feeal aliali?produoing
?bscillue doe* tot 'assimilate Amine or leuoine, glutaminio acid iS 40-
similatod only by strains adapted to streptomyoins
Of ellexperilentaistrainso.strainVehleh produees grewth pay-on
? nediawittliAminebutyrie acid and cystine assimilates the similleet qui4474tY
.tf amineaoide.- One, medium cent/lining gratin* the variant at strain g
.adapted to eyntomycin /Oldness one and a half time, more intensive growth
than the original Etatraini..
-Apart fre2the general non.Aittimilable aminsaeides strain NIdoels not
grow-one mediustwith and.bOtawphenyialanine. -Ctrains'adapt64-to,
entibiOtioe grearinore intensively on a mediustwith.aeparegines a strain
-adapted to streptomycin grove 145 times Immo intiniivilyl and to Synte..
?vein l.5 -times. The largest amount of aiiirmacide is assimilated by strain.
no. 415. /to variant adapted to streptomycin produces 2.t times more in?
tensile growth and the one adopted to syntempin 1.5 times more intensive
growth on.almmUmmtwithbeta.Thenylelanine.
Invistiotioh of the assimilation of akinsields by alkalisproducing variants
- shown that some Of them ire oharactorixed,by a capacity to issimitats
the same amAhmacids air Beat. faecalis alcaligenes.
Al regards-their hitrogen metabolism sOmsvalkall-Priodt0104 T4r1441:4,
Obtained experimentally in of microbes of the enteriom.typhoid cntuP.
.00me oleo, to the typist' representatives of Bast. faeoalis alooligenes.
- A stut, or dehydrase and. ?stales* activity and of desomyribonncleis
mold of original and adepted'strains Was wade in, collaboration with A. U.
Besborodov and V. P. laashohilmit. /t proved that the amount of detavrtm,
bonno1ei0 acid increase* in strains adapted to syntomyoin and, dm:treatise in
strains adapted tp streOtomyein.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
(10) Trans. A.930
Begutaritiss as to the fact concerninz oatalass and dehydrate activity
we were unable to Obtain.
SerolOgioll properties of ezporimental strains andvarianti were
studied in cross reaction in agglutination (Table 1): ?Syntanytinbriets
about liwis.thnrough ?hang** in the antigeniaapparatua. Strains -adapted
.to this antibiotio have lost the capaelty to produee agglutinatioa reaction
with a serum to the origiaal strain: The origtral strains in tura did not .
agglutinatewith sera against strains adapted to syntoaycin. Mops in the
antigenic etruoture use sharp weft disoOvered in strains adapted to Streptom.
wan. These strains acquired the capacity (Begin p.55) to produce naive
specific agglutination risations in ive dilutions with ems drool:torte .
and paratyphoid antisera. In these variants has been noted a marked deoreaso
in the titer in agglutination raaetion witn sera against original strains:
A study was :std. of tho viability of original and aiapted strains with
respect te sone antibiotics and antiseptics (tables 2 and 3).
Table 1.
lutinatinh reaction of or inal and ada tea strains
50111111 ?
- ' -
X ?
Vo.. It orig.
X synt.
No.415 orig.
se 4.
is urep ?
No. it. orig.
* strap.
" synt.
Bea No. 41 .
Faratyphold B
Se hadts4htutser
tor Stutter) -
? .,
- ..
. .
1.80 ,
OD ?46
,.. .
0. ?
1.400 .
. ?
. .
' 183200
1:800 11.6400
41 ?
i ..
? Note. Agglutination relation with typhoid-, paratyphoid B and dysentnria (Kruse..
SonS7Neweastle, Flowner) sera is negative. ?
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. .
o ?
. Trans.; A..986
Table 2.
tivitv of inal and adapted cultures tfy antibiotics
tin units)
(in ;aim)
1.rfreseyost in
(in gajaan)
(in lam)
or g.
s 0
I adapt. to erynt.
1:20 T.
K adapt. to strept.
1:20 T.
415 orig.
416 adapt. to wit.
. ?
415 adapt. to stmt.
>60 T.
> 50 T.
. 1.6
X orig. ?
Si adapt. te.synt. .
310 .
II adapt. to sttrept.
>50 T.
,>. 50T
- 3.0
ritaoteriestatio: *!Bactorioldal).
8 ,
- Strains adapted to syntovoyoin as compared to crigirol strains, poetess consideribly more resistance
0 .
tomany. non.speolfic antibiotics. [Begin p.541. The pigment-formingvar. 'Ant of strain K adapted to n.)
. . 0
0 ?
' onto:gain increased resistance to streptomycin 20.7 times, to biosvoin 3.2 tires and to laversioetlit $56 J 0
tisim. Conversely strains ads.pted to streptomycin display either ft decreased resistance .to acme antibiotics.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
? .
(12) . Trans. A?960
sir main unchanged. ?Ws, strain no. 415 adapted to streptomycin de.
creased its resistance to eywtomyoin 6 times, to levostroetin 4 times, and to
bionwein 4 times.
Table 3..
Resistance of original and adapted culture$ to antiseptics"
. Strains
R 'vane
or n
0.25% .
KOH ,1111104 0.0
, or g
? 1
K eynt.
O'yellow varit
415 orig.
, ' 6'
. 30'
415 strept.
' 20"
415 synt.
fi orig.
.5' ?
II stmt.
10' ?
5' -
' 6
In testing sensitivity:to antiseptics the coneextration of the anti-,
septic and the tire in which its sotion was exerted were taken into account.
Our investigations torn demonstrated that strains adapted to syntorlycin
tolerate a more prolonged action exerted kr cyrdinary antiseptics, or a short.
term action exerted by more concentrated eolutione of a who1e series of
? The. pigments,fOrming variant of strata K resistant to syntomyoin Survives
the action exerted by potassium hydroxide (0.26%), copper emirate (,
fornalin (0.25%) one hour, while the origiral strain is killed by- it after-
6 minutes. ife Were unable to establish such clearly pronounced changes in
strains adapted to streptonyoin.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
(13) Trans. A.9')
On the basis of investigations conducted on adaptive variatio of
Bact. faeoalls aloaligenes occurring under the influsnoe of antibiotics it
is possible to Jrax the following conclusions.
1. The roma alkall?produoing bacillus 1A1oa1l6enesi, its variants
adapte t.o antiblotios fli the alkali?producing variants of some oth,.r
intestinal microorganism do not, according to quentitative investigations
conducted the Bertran method, assimilate carbohydrates in podia of a
variegated tioct-emioal testi series.
The cultural and microscopic characteristics, biocherioal activity,
viability and aerological properties change in flet. tfteealts alcaligenee
under the influence of antibiotics.
3. Adaptation to syntowoin proceeds more slowly than to streptcoNtini
changes brouCot akout by this antibiotic are more thoroughgoing.
4. The yellog vsriant Obtained in the course of adaptation to s7intz...
mein is distincuished from the original atrin br .tc Increased resistance
to antibiotics and antiseptics.
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Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
Trans. 1..967
(In full)
X041k0V. Xs V's
Otdelennxia gibridisatsiia dreshshei. III.
Poluehenie gibridar meshduBasoharemyses
Cerevislae (./II rasa) i 5ohissesecharoupees
Pb. put** kopultatsil prorastaiushohikh spar.
tDistant hybridisation of yeasts. III. The
obtaining of hybrids between 5aoeharomyees
oereilelae (XII ramp) and Sehiseelesbarearefs
Eig7iiliftes at population of the germinak.
Lag spores)
MIkrebiolOgiia,-vel. 25, no. 5. p.535456.
Sept./Ost. 1956. 4484 11542.
In eases of hybridisation of Beech. cerevisias and 5ehisossmoh.
Pole* desoribed by us, it was shown 11,2) that hybrid forme were obtained
after deviations from the usual, natural to the given spool's, prawns at
copulation of molls or spores; they were typleal for one of the components
of crossbreeding (in the given ease Sacoh. serevisiae); yet in these forms
at the same time, although irregularly, there appeared martian peouliarities
oharaeteristie also of the other component of orossbreeding. An assumption
was expressed that in the above sited oases of hybridisation no fusion of
nuelei costarred. Nevertheless, this supposition could be sonsidered more
probable it one succeeded in obtaining a hybrid !Awash the features and
oharaoteristies of initial forms would 'whine to a greater degree and it
would differ more considerably from the initial parent forms; this would
then furnish the grounds for presuming the fusion of nuclei during its
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?4) Trans ? 414.95T
It is possible to *sauce that one could obtain such a hybrid only
whew first, both forgo would be ,in a haploid Osseo of develop*
moat at the nowaih'of crossbreeding, *ad, sesoodly, copulation would
proceed with the formition of ovulation offshoots as it tabes place during
the usual sexual prows of the givon specios.
Duriog examination of old mimed cultures of Sacch. cr.vists.e (KIT race)
end Sohistommth. PeMb* which were oultured on wort agar, a smoll nuAbor of
asei with spores was doteoted. Thos. wool, baoically, were typical of the
XII rows, yet some of tnemdeviated in their fors from tboto ohoraoteristic
for the XII ram. ?nth the aid of a mieromobipuIator eight oust with 24
spores were tranoforrod to miorodrops Of nutrient medium. It was supposed
that ameng these asci there might be semo of a hybrid origin.
As long as hybrid coals in the mixed culture could hove been formed
only through the copulation of hoploed smells of Sehisesecoh. Pomho with
diploid cells of the XII roe', one hod to expect tho formation of asoi
with spores from such cells without a preliimity fusion of nuclei, And this,
in its turn, could lead to the foot that in spite of the remotoness or Opus
latiog collo, the sinew in sash ascus could be fully viable. At the s
time, in so far as the fusion ond interchange with plasmo would take Ince,
those spores, which eontained the nuclei of Sehisosacek. Poihe could acquire
a *opacity for copulating during germination In consequence of the Influenco
of the plasmo of the XII rose. lossueh a case gorminotion end copulation
of opal.** at the ht rid *sous ?mild load to the formation of a hybrid
diploid cell (sygoto) with a following fusion of nuclei. Multiplication of
such a hybrid zygote would load to the formation of hybrid diploid molls*
The najority of spores, which were in the isolated 'set, orminoted,
forming dipleld and haploid sells, oharooteristio for the XII race. In one
microdrop there wee an *sous with two spOres. The.. spores germinated stmul*
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loi Aroma ? mo?wo
tenuously and oopulated, having formed a mote. From the zygote cells
were formed, (Begin p.6341 whioh in outer form were like cells of Schiso-
seeeh. PoMbe but they multiplied by budding, which is characteristic of
XII race eells, In ono of the original cells a eleaoly expressed wall
vas formed, oharaoteristic of the dividing cells of Schisosacch. Pemba
ffigure 1) (1). In figure 2 are represented, for comparison* cells of the
initial oulture of Secoh. cerevisiae? in figure I - cells of the initial out.
ture of Sohizoeaoeh. Pombe.
Further examinations of the culture, obtained from the specified
cells (culture was denoted as 69), have shown that features, charecterintic
of it, were retained in the following generations. Celle of culture 69 are
represented in figures 241. The fora deviating from the initial species and
dimensions of oells, in some eases clearly expressed side offshoots of
miceller type* the presence of walls, together with budding; all this does
not leave any dovbts, that these cells are hybrid.
Title of figure 1. Sporulated spores have copulated, forming
hybrid cells, which multiplybybudding. In the first
elongated sell a wall is seen.
Title of figure 2, Cells of the initial species Saecharomyees
cerevisiee (maltiply by budding).
(1) In figure 1, 1 and 5 walls are indicated by arrows.
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(4) Trans: A*907
Title of figure S. Cells of the initial !species Sehisosaticharen
;tees Podoe (multiply by fission).
Title of figures 4-8. 1Vbrid oellsrin some a them there is a
aide offshoot of a micellar type. Along with budding, come
sells have walls
It Was interesting to find out, if eporee would fon in the 'culture of
!hybrid ,69. Seeding of hybrid cells in an appropriate medium Ise shown that
spores are formed, and the form or mini and the disposition in them of
spores tariet to a great degree (figures ?9 and 10). Experiments were Oct up
for the ?sporulation of ilybrid Spores. For this purpose with the aid or a
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Trans. A.967
micromanipuLator 65 asoi with 1,30 epores wore isolated to microdrope of
culture medium (beer wort). Scue.of the spores germimted and began to,
remains, bat the cremth stopped thortly ahd the cells dad. As a
result We did not suoceed in obtaining 4 dingle viable culture.
The cause of tl-'s cessation of cromth, an it: was pose ible to judge
from the Outward appearance of the'sporu/ating spores, consisted of the
inability of the formed ?ells atd of the nieellar type Cr offohoote o tsmi
off to the ,very end. Thee, disturbances in development and multiplication,
mutt be explained by great physiological differences of the initial forms.
In figures 11-14 ere represented the sporulated spores respectively of obso
two, three and four-spored asoi. After sporulation of the two...spored.
asous a Clear segregation of the hybrid was uncovered. One siere'formed
cells of a round forM, resemibling haploid cells of the XII race, the other
spore forned an eloagated cell Atha well at the place of buddins (figure 12).
In al/ cause the eporulating Spam; ()fibs hybrid Permed atypical and in -
.somo oases utimebapen, cells. (Text is continued after desoription of figures).
Title of fkures-9?10. Spores have forted in some of the cells (asci)
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(e) Trqrc. A..967
Title of Pire 11, Ofte.spored hforld &sous sperulated, having
forme 'xanohing soils of mioellkr type. Milltipliostion
stopped there.
Title of fivre 12. Two..spored hybrid asous. 13,ith spores otrmic.
nated. Cris forbed rounds small spores, the othcr slonEsted.
AUltiplioation stopped there.
Titls of fiure 13. Threemsporee hybrid'esougs The spores ;..:2rmi=
natedthavint; formed undivided eels. Witiplioatiot? tho-
Title of ri,...;urs 14. four.spored 11hr1d &sous, Spores zerminated,
forming round. alId slonrated cells.
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. 'Trans. A.967
Title Of figure 16. Colonies of hybrid on wort agar. They
changed from smooth to rough.
it is neoessea7 to point out, that under conditions of laboraiory
cultivation. on. Wok agar the hybrid showed a variability in ths form. of
. colonies.. Audits result rough colonies Wire formed from emobth.onsa
(figure 16). esides this, in old oultures,onwort agar secondary colonies
began to appearj their sells deviated from the initial by a greater capacity
to use 1t wart.
Interesting and bomewhat unexpected data wore ?obtained when testing
the hybrid in its ability to ferment sugar. Both initial forts fermented
glucose, saeoharose, maltose and simple dettrins of beer wort; the XII race,
besides this, fermentid galactose. Hybrid 69 fermented glucose, zalsotoie
and saccharose, but it did not at all fermentoraltote and simple dextrine of
beer wort. Consequently, -the capacity to .ferment galactose, obtained from
the XII race, dominated it the hybrid, but the unification of capacities in
the hybrid to ferment "maltose and the simple dextrins of beer irtrrt, which
were present in both -initial f onset ? lead to a full suppression of this
function. After reseeding to wort agar under usual eonditions (at 20-26?)
this property is stably inherited. The cultures of the hybrid, obtained
from,seoendary colonies (of such cultures there were 14), also did not firm ,
sent &altos* and, simple dextrine of .beer wort.
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(8) Trans. A.967
It was deoided to influence the hybrid with high and low temperature
(Begin p.6361 in order to change its characteristics, to try and obtain 0401
whioh would be capable of fermenting maltose and simple dextrins of the
beer wort. After cultivating ths hybrid in the incubator at 40. (re.
seeding every 10 days) during the course of six months a form was Obtained
which fermented both the maltose and the simple dextrins of beer wort.
Cells of this form m*ltiplied by budding and resembled the cells of the
XI/ rao* .1very much in their morpho/oiioal features.
It is quite possiblei that here we have a ease of segregation of the
hybrid under the influence of high temperature, and this sogregation cc.
ourred, apparently, after the somatic multiplication of cells. Cultivation
of hybrid 69 at a lowered temperature (2.4.) during this same period did
not Change its fermentative properties.
/n figure 16 are represented the curves of fermenting beer wort by
initial forme, hybrid 69 and the new form 69?, which was obtained under the
influence of increased temperature.
Analysis of Obtained experimental data, when etudying hybrid 69, gave
a reason to think, that at its formation, as .it was ;supposed, occurred not
only the uniting of plasma elements, but also the fusion of nuclei, which
then led to deep and stable ohanges of both the morphological and phyeiologi.
cal properties of hybrids. In particulars the suppression of functions in
the hybrid to ferment maltose and simple dextrins of beer wort boar witness
to the fact that the mechanism of formation of appropriate fermentative
systems in the initial species was so different that mutual assimilation
prooesses of the united components of the XII race .and Schizosacchlt Potbe
led to a disturbance of both systesie in the hybrid:
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(SU Trans. A.967
Oyu of experiment
Title of figure 16.. Curve* of fermentation of beer wort by initial
spool-es of Safes. seremisiaelKII raoss).and Schisosaosh.
Pee and hybrids iria-Wn. 1 - Sohistossooh. tistej
1":71791 XII races 4 69.
Such a type of hybridisation, after distant crossbreeding., must be
sailed * full hybridisation in distinotion to tha previously described by
us U. 23 partial or insomplete, mbsn a joining of plasma elements oefurink,
but thie union was net aocompanied by the fusion of nuclei.
1. The two...spored arouse. isolated frost& mixed culture of Sam:Marc+
wassacerivisiae (XII race) and fohisosaecharomyees ,Post*ep formed fell* as
a result of speruls.tien and copulation of spores's theses sells, in their Outs,
ward appearances, somewhat resembled those of.Sehisosasoh. Poe*, but they
multiplied by "Wang like Sasses. eerevisiae. In some of the spell* appeared
nearly expressed walls, an well as side branching of a mionlartype; Prom
ths 109 isolated *pores of the obtained culture not one formed viable wills,
All this testified that in the given ease a hybrid miss formed between Setooh.
corevisia* and Schispeacoh. PoMbe.
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? ,
(10) Trans. 41?947
1: supposition was expressed that Copulation of haploid-c011. of 2ohiso.
Beach. Pemba with diploid cells of Saochs terevisiae preceded the formwtion
of ,hybrid; it was -not followed by fusion of nuclei of theat cells. .After
this the "pores were formed- in the sygote, sporulation and copulation of
which led then to the rormation of the hybrid.
2. During testing of hybrid for its capacity to ferment carbohy?-
dratei it was. [Digit p.6301 deteeted that it did not ferment meltose apk
simple dextrine or the malt wort although both initial formettermented these
carbohydrates well. This attested to the essehtial difference of the
existing fermentatirn systems or the initial. species.
' Altar prolooged cultivation of the hybrid Wader conditions of in*
ore-410*d temperature (10?) a formiwas Obtained which fermented maltoee rind
simple dextrins or the salt wort approximately to the same degree as the
Sacoh. derevisiae .(Xli race). The cells of this farm did not essentially
? .
dirket in morphoiogical features from thole of the 'Citrate', which could
be explained by therngregation.of the hybrid during the process of vegoilaa
tive Multiplioation of its cell*.
3.1he obtained experimental data and Observations during *Utica of
the hybrid gave reason to assume that during its formation occurred not
only the 'pining of plena, but else the fusion of nuclei, which then
led to deep and stable changet, both of morphological and physiologital
features of the hybrid.
This type of hybridisation, after distant crosebreedings, should be
called full hybridisation in contrast to the previously described by us
partial, or incoMplete, when a joining of the elements of platma Occurred,
bUt this union ms not Loeompanied by-.4 fusion of nutlet. ?
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?44., ?,-.A.Aw?
Znotittxto of Cortotioo R000trei ?jotobor le.OBLi
At .;'R 4osooir
1, Kostfrov, Y.* Listurt kkridizatautt or yeast4. T. rttoii.nils of 7.1,:.-71-Asitte
betwo.n. Sacohoirorroolt oorovitios rho.) *lad Sohizoastoctit
Ponba. 74117scbletoiT4.* /5* tine i* 195E4
2. Kostkoars it. V,* tiatort ItjhrillizattoYtcf yoyz4118. TT. rblAiettrit, kr7.11.ds
.botwoon, ZileChArOVV0418 oorrrioilto ("k.Z.;. moo) atai Sohit of!
Pomba tIvotteh oopulation of collo, '!1-11?vo'bIolort2gks ,5, no. a*
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Trans. 10455
(In full)
Nasatkina# I. P.
C4 ismenehivosti Bee. hisenterieus.
(On the variability. of Bac. mesenterieus1.
Niktobiologlias vol. 25# no. 2# p.156?165.
Nkr./Apr. 1955. 448,3 MR.
(Is Russian)
At the present time there is noted an inereased interest in studies of
the fermentative aotivity of various mieroarganiene. A great variety of
onsymee in Bee. mosentericus makes it possible to utilise this organism for
*basing vsrious insymatio preparations. The amylelytie enzyme prepare.*
411 tion slapidase", which was obtained with the aid of Nee. mesentericus oulei
tares was utilised in beer brewing 17). The variability of this mmaasm in
the proses' or its culturing was not tonally taken Into eensideration durik
studies of fermentative properties of Bae. mesentericus (Form and Puehkeva
Ell and Proskuriakav *Id ftlamm, tel). Numerous literary data td. Se 6# 9# 101
'hey that Ba0. posenterieus "hanged under laboratory soNlitions of oulturim
and formed colonies differing in morphology, while about the physielagy
of those variants very little is known pet. Only separate hints are met
that variants at Ras. mesenterious are not identical in their bloobemdeal
properties. Vasilenkis ft, al bas observed that the wielded forms or Boo.
mesenterieue produoed an antagonistic action on bacteria of the intsatinal
group, whereas the smooth variants, originating from them, did not depress,
but stimulated development of these bacteria.
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tgi 1111135 ? 1101100
?In a previously published work (Inehenetskil and lasatkina [3])
**operative data were *it'd about the fermentative activity of Sao. meson..
terieus variants. The sondueted researeh has shwa that the amylelytie and
preteelytie activity of the cultural liquid in wrinkled form of Bac.
rimaidetlattie eeneldembly higher, than in smosth_variants. This urged us
to study, together with ensymatie properties of Rae. meseaterieus variants,
their morphological and eultural properties, as well as to find out the
eondition; whisalcomme the variability of this organillm.
The knowledge of these properties is laportant during seleetion of
Sae. %Malawian* variants which pmeeess more **time h)tdrolytie ensynese
Results of this research easprises the eontents of the present artiels.
Two oultures or Sae. mese1!terieue4 isolated from the soil, and two
smooth variant". whisk arose after the variability of the first ones
during the promos of their prolonged laboratory cultivation were ez.
perimenied with. Culture no. 1 was isolated from sterosem (gray desert
soil)j from it, by means of repeated seeding' and solution of the most
typical colonies, was developed a wrinkled variant 2 b4 whisk was shame.
teristie for the wrinkled terms of Bac. assenterlous commonly met in nature,
and variant $ a, forming smooth slimy colonies. The second examined culture
of Rae. nesenterieue was isolated Aroma brown soil, and, as a result or
numerous reseeding*, a typical wrinkled variant was molested, designated
further as 12/T, and a smooth variant, designated as 12/1. Besides the
Osited forme, lne more variant of Boo. sesegteriouessee studied, whioh was
obtained by us during reseeding' of the old mature of the smooth variant
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? viPJ Trans. "moms
(3 els awing to the uneven edge of its colonies it was meted laciniato end
designated as 2 a.
? Variants of Baas mesentericui were eultured and stored en MMA. Esamatm
peptone agar): Temperature of culturing was 37'. Oigantio Colonies wore
growl for studies of morphology' if variants. For this purpose the seeding
was produced. by an injection into the center of .a dials with -PPA, which woe
:dried a little. . For the rating of the gigantic colonies, tisk:is site and,
'weight were determined. Per .the determinetien of weight, five oolonie$
- were wasnoci off frost agar and transferred with wash "pater to stbiaksy" tOgnatla ,
where they were dried to a oonstant weights after :weighing the dry weight .
Of on. colony was oomputsd; ?Zn experimanta of subverted ,cUlturing of Bac.
sweentitious a liquid synthetic sodium was utilised (Begin P.1371 of the
Palming oompoeitien in g/1( gra Per Uteri. rgHPO4,?1s (104)RF04;0101WO1i
0:141141-traeess To.SOrtraosas Glucose-104, distilled utter ? 114 pH .of
medium was . Culturing if variants wes conducted in glass vessels,
into the lower part of which glass filters were fused for a better etoulaao
tion of air in the liquid. Culture sodium, in the -amount of 30 al was placed '
in a vessel and ',mut inoculated with the suspension of cell" of onestay?old
cultures, which were gown on 10.? Sterile air was blown through in the
amount of 3 volumes per one volume of Stadium per winu, For the detormite?
tiori of reletiott ef Rae. lossenterious veriants to different sources of
earbon, we utilised the abovet.cited medium into which instead of gluoose we
added various atrhohydrates and alcohols. In the amount of 0:0X: Culture
midis. were 'sterilised thrice In *Kokh" tkoshosi apparatus. Besides the
usual media4. used in laboratory prestige, we alto used breed deeootion in
111. oxperiiiints on studying the. variability of wrinkled farces it was prepared
in the f011owisic manners 20'g of white bread awre soaked in 100 a imp water,
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(4) Treas. A?908
the whole mess was boiled and strained through puse and then !twit.
poured into test tures, 10 ml in each.
ilerpholety of colonies
Variants of Bee. mesenteriems, eultured by US OR NFL and doeignated
as 2 b, 10,8 a and 10/1 differed sharply in morphology of their solonies.
The basis forms (2b and 10) formed large, grayish-white, dry, piloted
colonies vith unever edges, which soalesoed tichtly with agar. These
colonies most be referred to the wrinkled type. The wrinkled type is,
apparently, the basis one for Sae. mesepterieus imams* oolonies of this typo
form the majority of freshly isolated cultures of Baas mesenterieus. The
smooth variants Oa and 110) which or/Limited as a result of variability
at wrinkled forms bed a different morphology of colonies. Their colonies
were small, of rounded form, raised, smooth, with a lustrous surface. The
sole, of colonies mem crow, but became brow* with age. Edge, of the
ecology were oven,rsometimes finely serrated. 0ensistenso me* soft, viscous.
0ohenies were easily detached tram agar. he variallity of has. mesenterioms
le foir from 11.11% determined by the formation of sash colonies, which can
be referred to the winkled or smooth type. A laataiata variant (la) was leo11
lated from an old broth sultans of the smooth variant (20. In the morpho-
logy of its colonies it noticeably differed both from the Initial and the
wrinkled forms. Its eolomies were Amok larger than those of the initial
form, with large serrated lasiniate edges and with a dull surreal. The
peculiarities at **loots* were stably retained atter reseeding. of culture;
411 Apparently, S laeiniate variant is not an intermediate form, ut a
new stable variant of has.?mesenterieus originated in the culture of the
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(b) Trellis .16?958
smooth variant under definite oomditions of its 'Imitating.
advinsksia DI] observed the formation of variants different in
morphology in,oultures of Use. .nesenterieue.under the influenee at the
baoteriophage. Ike ides about morphology of spicule' in variants of 25o.
mesenterieus ean be obtained from figures 1, 2'8 were gigantic
eolonios of baoteriai cultured 04 Wits are represeeted. Specific measure.
ments permitted forming an idea about weight and use of **ionise. Ihe
Obtained data are ?it'd in figure 4. Tt is possible to see that the diameter
of the six..dayakeld sole* of the wrinkled form of Bee. mesenterieus in three
times larger than the diameter of colonies of the smooth variant, and
1.7 times larger than the diameter of the colony of the lsoiniate variant.
Weight of solonies of the wrimkled variant of the same age, equal to
19.4 mg is. approximetoky, 1.9 times higher theft the weight of the smooth
variant (10.$ as). Colorty of the laeiniate variant, with a somparat1vol:7
large diameter has a small wei6ht (124 mg), approximating in weight the
colonies of the smooth variant. (Text is oontinued after deseription of
Title of figure 1. Colony of the
initial farm of Sae. mesenteri?
cue OW (netursTTiii. J.
Title of figure 2. Colony of the
smooth variant of Boo. mesenterious
(ia) (natural siser-
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(e) Trans A09611
Title of tizura 3. Colony (If tho laoir.iate ytkriant of Rao.
riesentorious (2a) (natural size )?
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cr) Trans.
Ytti. of fiuro Hs Calls of the initial fora of Has. nissontoricus,
iorrrt under olonditions of deep culturing (oollirrarit chains/
tramps). ? Bniargod 1.500 tines; 2 Collo of ths swath ,sarlant
of Boo. nosenterious (5e). grain under oonditions of deep oulaw
turrni (soils aro situated oithl,r finely or in pairs). F.elarzed
1,500 xi Coils of the lesiniate variant of Bao.
Esse titlo of fi,,,uro 5 continued on nsxt rags 3,
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Oontinoation of MOTs Os holcal
croon prilcr ooniltions of Copp oulturanz elemnts ar0
soon). "..nlarjed 10000 V.,71oel 6 ? coodln;-, on X Cf the rrintlod
farm reo. resent3ries14 cArloh vas oaltiveted on a-brtad Co*
ecotion 777,WZolon/co of th6 crnoth variant are,seeo, rinch
earrtinen rem oeotoro In rrir!.:lod colonies; 0 *.ocodin;.; on !I:A
of tha Ir.rinled farm e mee7toriote, which cas kept en. .
.Z (ymth cf only tho ti7inatFla=16).
Murat-lava ss. ontoth
Title of 4...01nonci,ne and c'lk;ht of oolonteo of variant)
' -ct,Dno, rapszaass) :Torn oh uft, L.
?r.!1*.ho1cr7 (9 ',JIM'
The fern t olopy ie cleternicoA I:7 the telolo clavier. of prcriertao3.
of/motor:tat it do:,ends on tin r4rpho1oLy of cello, on their croopinz;
tho oolory, on thoopood and :.!;thod of rnitipliostion of col/s, On elqir
Pt'7alo1e-iera fettt.Too, ard to on. [pejo p.160 be one should havo'
eNpeeted, tho vcrtantn of tno... reconto-iout, vlbloh difftr so otarply,in t1:o
noorpolocg c.i..'inuir'oolonico, Lvc diffororece. In the morDllolocy of eOlis aleo.
ficrOsOo?Lonl otcfly cropItmtions, ua49 of Gee?day?Old oultnre of Oars.
nesorterleri? Lao the7m '.11nt t!mso differomonc oonsist.primarily of a
ppou1iarcron24nz.; of cella in etch variant. in the crinkled variant (20
tho oolla in most otscs tam oAne. varyinc in their loncth. The ohaitio.
often aro ?lately drmn tozotho7, feTninc trflees, btandles. ard so tn. Tt
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- - "xrans? /Lowe
9elle are stably connected into chains end it'io not poddible to upset their
specific grouping Oren after a lengthy snaking of test tubes with water,
suspensions ef cells. he roughbese of oolonice of the wrinkled form is,
apparently, conditioned by 'Cu; trouping Of cells in the form of chains, traces, oft.:
Sties of cells of the wrinkled form fluctuate in the f011owing
A X 0:7.0.911., Bpores are found in great cambers along 'with 'sego*.
tett*, cells; 4 different microscopic) picture is in the -smooth variant.
Celle of the smooth variant are distritutoil singly or in patrol chains,
conAisting of 544 Olementss'are fonnd twee rarely. iDegin p.1691 Cells ?
detach easily from each othsr,and,are evenly diAtribated., 8iseo,of cells
of the smooth"variant fluctuates approximately, in tho.same limits ao in
,the wrinkled form, they eomprise A X- 0.6?04 Ix, yet, shorter Cella
predominate bore than in the wrinkled form. Spores are presents but in.
maloh smaller =there.
' Lackniate variant (2a) presented an interesting mierosoopic picture.
Here long filar formationss'inwhioh the eon +60.1.8 .are not seen are found
together:with single cella and short chains. Formation of such cells 10
possible as arssat of the more slowed dorm multiplication of individual
cell* during a continuing growth of filaments. The. latter sttaina length
? ef.20,61 p.. It.ta essentials.that similar formations are not Met in other
variants of Bao; mesenterious. Dimensions of cells of the laoiniate variant
- *try IA the follasing limits, 2.14,6 git X p. It is possible that the
comparatively eriLllweicht of colonies or the laolniatio variants at their
large diamotors is conditioned etaatly by the fact that cells, which coMprise
the ?clop* are thinner, than in other formes The fact that the character
of multiplication and distribution of cells in variants of tac..resentoricus
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auclame wwww,
is ? stable hereditary feature, whish is retained under different condi*
flees of ealturing of these basteria. deserves a spaniel attention.
Variants of Its. mesenterieue were grown submerged ins liquid synthetie
medium with glucose OAK) with a **natant blowing of sterile air through
the medium.
nye& possible to think that under such oenditions of growing the
air bubbles would disturb the sposifie grouping of (yells in sash variant
and we should mot have detested any differences in the distribution of
their sells. Nevertheless, the esmiusted experivente have shown, that variants
of Bac. mosentorioes, multiplying intensively under sonditions.of submerged
oulturing retained the typo of growth peculiar to melt variant. In figure
6* pictures lot and I, eells of variants of Bee. nesenterieus are represented
which were gram in a liquid aerated medium (age of culture a 19 hours,
cells more stained with orythresine). When *capering the 1.
sees, that the microsespie pieture vas different in variants of Deo.
nesenterieue. Celle of the smooth variant (la) wore distributed singly tir
in pairs; in the laciaiate variant (20 are seen long filar formationsi and
the wrinkled form (tb) wan be distinguished by ohains and trains, vhioh cow.
gist of interlaced chains, which are charaeterthhie for it. Coneequently,
the peoulierities of multiplioation and distribution of sells in variants
of Sae. mesonterieue,are stably retained not Way on a solid nediuny but
also under *sedition* of their submerged culturing. Ilioreseopieal picture
of sash variants 'thigh vas grown ins liquid aerated medial., is so oharae.
teristie, that aceording to it one its judge about the belonging of the
given culture of Is.. posenterious,to one or another variant.
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[11/ Irztuoist ro.uvw
Growth on varous toga
Variants of Poo. mosenterious f?row well on ,..TA.? nn wort attr ane
especially on the milcture, eonsisting of YtA and wort n.L;Ar in a rat'.c. ltl.
In such a cnse the wrinkled forms (2b end 10) form on the surface of iLe
agar slant ti'Avin p.1601 a dry, crayishimante wrinkled. coat ng, while tha
smooth variants take a moist coatirt.-, of cream color.
The wrinkled and the smooth varitnts of Mc. .nosentericatt differ
especially sharply 'J1 the charmeter of their crowth in liquid culture :dia.
The wrinkled Nonfat, (Vs and 10) develop on. the surface of the liquid rodia
forminF, ompaet filTs? which sometimes creep ulJ the sides of test t1eu ard
flasks, ibile the smooth variants Nrow damn into the depth of the liqUd,
causin its tniform turbidity. nqch t charaoter of /rolth of varim,ts
observed on MPB (meats-peptone bosillon) tml liquii synthetic medla,vith
various stereos carbon.
Relation of vc,rlanta nt VAO? messnterious to different sourcee
carbon was stradled oh a mineral modiuM nt hio1 sources of carbon were
added in the of 04%s glucose, mnnose, saccharose, maltose, lactose;
of polysacoharides ? starch and inulin; of fintoses ? xylose; of alcohols a
mattite and norlitte. Results of this research are cited in tat-le 1. from
:ata of the tnhie it is seen, that the wrinkled forms (2b and 16/7) 'ori
films 01 ail Podia, Athout oaut tarbiditj of the medium proper.
with saccharose flnd vim) represent exceptions, as on them the wrinklod
vsriants produce turbidity also. Vmooth v:Iriants (8a, 16/1, as well at PO,
as a role, onuzle a uniform turbidity or media.
ee did not detect any basic differences among the vArianta or s.e.
mesentericus in renpect to their utilization of various sources of earon.
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(12) Trans. A?988
All the variants of thiC species produce cood development on glucose,
- saccherones raltoae, mannite,Mnd matticee, causing acidification of media
at the same time. The growth is alnost absent on lactose, a olicht developa
meat is noted on Jauntily, starch, sorbite.
On pieces of potato.. .watt noted a luxurious development of all the
e'i*mined variant* of Bac.' mesenterious. Oa potatoes the wrinkled form
produced a finely pliated, dry growth of cream color, while the smooth and
laeiniate variants formed a moist file or yellow 061or. On "NM ficat?
poptonbouillon with golatinl (10%) the wrinkled for formed thick filmn.
ill the variants of rile. mesentiricuS liquify gelatin. ?Devoloping on milk,
they ciuse its coagulation, peptonisation and alkalisation (pH' of the medium
? is displaced from 8.8 to 6.84.2). -
Conditions, which caUCe.Variability of '
Dee. mesentericus
flit 'problem about viriability of Dec. mosentorieui has been thrown
light Upon in detail in the work or *rosin* and Drobot'ko toL The
- author* observed the formation of -smooth variants in cultures of. wrinkled
forma of Dae. mettentericus as &result of their Prolonged laboratory cul.
turing on the usual cultUrty media. The seeding* from old cultures of
Bee. mosontericus, which were bept for a long .time in the inoubator.or, at
'room temperature, basically gave two types of colonies, which sharply dlf?
feted from one another. There ars indioatione that it its pcesible to obtain
variability'cf Bat. masentericus? with the rormetion of smooth variants, in
a Much shorter tine it the given culture will be grown on certain nutrient
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(10 Trans. Aft968
Accoritv: to llorosova snxi CrObotsko such e nutrient 2041tIM for rao.
mesenterious is V% reativeptone booilloni It the aedition of chito
bread. Aftor a three week cA?turIng, of Vhc 'rinkled form on soch a t7JoalaN
en appeartnoe ef smooth colonies war); rooted or. ressed:rgs frwa it. -,7asilen)!o
11,21 Cbservee that me. mesenterious form smooth variants ahen ,roln on a
bread decoction, rho use of noel% jr tlaS Ottn, VILS riot acoltiontal;
the avthors etrivee to create favoralle cmditions for the -ilsoKth
assenterious, as it Ar VTIONn that 4:.his onleurdevelops well on Lricnei
eausio,4 the eo.ealled "ropy bead" disease.
[Text entimes aftr tr.ble 1.).
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. .
Trans. 1.968
Table. 1..
Relation of variants of 2so. mesenterictle, to different sources of carbon
- --. - - - -
a ??? . soaaly sea.'S Sa.104.1 #i VSS4 .?...? '1.647
l A 46. ?l.jaU.jjId
1,i .
,Asak de.
':1-eak des
- sent
.X lose
pa 6.2
, pH Cal
pH 7.03
pH 7.08
pH 7.0
p11 8.5
pH 6.40
Weak de.
smut; _
yll 6.27
Slits, .
yll 6.61
pH 6.47
' 80-77/41(1,
FAlm, a
ph 6.0ti
Film, (12
-pH 5.6(gi
'',:eak de..? r
? ,
? c
pH 6.51,
ring, (---
pH 6.51
S this, x
pH 4.31_
, oc
? ? c
? z
- Lactose
Irinkled (20
iinkled (16/7)
Smooth (3a)
Smooth (10/1)-
IA co I. n tat ? variant
(2a) . -
pH 6.15
.01 6.97
pH 8.72.
pll 6.62
)ibm ,
yll 6.21
pit 6.44
- Slings,
_ ?
pH' 5.99
011 5.85
pH 6.77 ..
pH 6.44
pH 6.37
. slim..
-pH 0.82
.. fill%
p11 6.66
pH 6.63
iTeak de.
pH 6.85.
Thin 1 .
pH 6.34
Slims al.
most O.b.
pH 7.19
pll 7.19
Slits, .
pii 7.31
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us); Arwfloossisvcru
In order to experimentally eau.* a variability of our wrinkled forms
, of Bee. veienterieue (2b and 16/7) we began to cultivate them oh broad
p.15,23,deoostion. Tie took grk as a control medinst. Cultures wore
grown at 57*, and then wire stored (without reseeding's) on the above cited
media at roan temperature. At different times, in three weeks and in a
month seedingi on an were made from the experimental and the control. test
-tubes. Experiments were conducted with a double replication., ?
Data, Obtained in these experiments, nava showne.that in eulturee of
? botiwrinkled forme Of Vac. mesenteric= (2b and 16/7), which were grown and
kept on bread doeoction, :two types Of obionies appeared0 when seeded on
' which differed one from the other. The first type 'largo, grayish.?
white, dry, wrinkled colonies, suggesting the initial form; and the
? second type a small ?Sissies, round, shirr,? almost transparent. hen
*seeding was dam from central test tube* we tayserved quite a different
picture of growth, In this case all the colonies were monotypic endear-
responded to the initial wrinkled form of Bac. mosentericus. Pictures 4
and 6 in 6 give an idea about different outer appearances of the oxperi?
rent and the eontrol Goodin.; in them are shown pictures of growth on ITA
of the wrinkled form of Bee. me.enterious (16/7) after it. cultivation on
the bread decoction and on. NM during the course of one month.
? Picture 4 of figure 6 shows that eolonies of the smooth type lie'
either in. groups, isolated from wrinkled colonies or protrude in the form
of sectors, segments or protuberance in coleniei of wrinkled forma. Ore
, . should mention thet in picture 4 of figure. 5 thee* sectors eometines lave
a form of dark spots on white colonies of the wrinkled variant because the
smooth colonies are Cadet transparent. After calculating the smooth colonies
in experimental seeding. it proved to be that they comprised about 46% of
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(16) ' Trans. A.966
the whole number of 'colonies, while in the control seeding their umber
was equal to sorojtabli 2).
Table 2.
Variability of the wrinkled form of Zeta. mesenterioUs 10 on bread.
decootion and on IRA
Total muMber dmooth Tereeniate of
PrellOinary cultivation of colonies * colonise emooth doIonios
(radium) . Frown on r20.
Bread decoctiOn .364 _ 161 46.7
IVA . ? 496 0. o .
? Klaiber Of colonies represents the sum of colonies, which grew On throe
.- disheewith NM. ?
? The cirourstamoe that tho wrinkled fora of Bace mesenterioun after.
its preliminary otatillatiOrt. CM bread d0000tion produced smooth variants ?
aftcr its seodin4 on 'A, addid not produce them after their similar
groeing on ;Y1%. points to the specific reaction or bread decoction on the
.vatiability,of Boo. reeentorieus. ?
COr data are In. conflict tith the theory of spontaneous miorttle
dissociation, which denies the influence of life oonditions on the forma.
. tion of new charaoterittios and foatures of miorciorconisms. he role Of
ext'ornal conditions, according to this theory oonsists only In the solo?.
tion from the population of individualt.'which already have certain charao.
terictios anA features. If the role nt outer conditions would comW to only
' the selection of ready forme then in out experimonts the smooth varlaete
? should have appeared atter seeding of wrinkled .forms in both eacesi from
. bread decoctions and from Mobecause the selection was Conducted on ono and
the same nedina (VA). Severthelees, under the present Conditions of ex.
periment the formation of emooth variants was Observed by us only- In the case
in '
when the wrinkled form was prolinrily cultivated on bread decoction.. Con.
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(IT) Trans. AloPnie
sequently. changeability of Bae. mesenterions occurred under the in-
fluence of the culture sediu.nt, on which the bacteria were grown. Con.,
ditions, ichieh caused the variability or the wrinkled form, facilitated
also the selection of swath variants. What is the specific reaotion a the
bread medium on the variability of Sao. mosenterious is yet hard to say;
is it the influence of individual components of the nutrient (Begin p.103)
medium, or aro those the produats or metabolism, which fora in this
medium durl nis the process of sultivation of bacterial these are the questions
which require further study.
But there. is no doubt that the bread medium to a greater degree,
than PirA., assisted the variability of Bac. mesenterises in the forasktion of
smooth variants.
In eon/lesion, / want to express my deep gratitude to Prewar
A. A, lmeheftetskii for his directions and advise in mr work.
is studios of morphologioal and cultural properties of Bee. mosenterious
have shown, that the smooth variants, which appeared after the variability
of wrinkled forms differ from these last ones in the morphology of eolonies,
in their ease and weight, as well as in the oheraoter of growth on solid
and especially On liquid media.
2. Variability of Bae. mesentericus was expressed not only in the forma-
tier" of oolonies, which ean be referred to the wrinkled and the smooth type.
Besides the usual 1 and S.forme eolonies of laelniate variant were also
formed, which could not be referred to the above types, according to their
properties. The laeiniate variant inlet be regarded not as an intermediate
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
(18) Trcns. A?9613
form, but as a now rtable vsrlant, thiohappeered i- the cliture Bac. ,ettenr.
tericus under the Influence of eof-Aitions of cultivatIon.
3. Peculiarities of multiplication and rlistritmtion of ?ells, .11-1ch
arc chareetnristic for each of the variants of Rao. voserteriouss are stable
'hereditary features under various co.ditione of their colturirt ( the
littrfaor. the aubterged ...flth a blvelnt of air the cAtural
4. wrinkled forms of flae, meeentericus on 1:reed decoct:Zan
helps s.create- formation of smooth wriantis in. 'their cultures, than won
o-t "-he cause oP the specific reaction of bread radium on 4:he
f cr . rissenterlaus remains as yet une-splainod.
Insti+ute, of tacroba olo ey of
Academy of %olence of 1-14
Mos? ow
Received :741y 16, 1955
1. Vaellenko, A. G., t, Dependenee of stntai.onism ard of eotenition
sporal aerobes 7,1-, the phalli, or microbe dissociation. 2.)ef, 2, le,
2. Vasilenko, A. i., About directed tarial;i1ity of entaooistie i,,ropertien.
C71, 1952.
3. Imehenetakii, A. A., one Kasatkina, T. Activity of hydrolytic enzymes
s.mi variability of bike. tcesentericus. Atikrobiologlia, 'ik.x.t1T, C40,
4. iisdvinakstia, T. in., of-the :roup Bac. resenterieus the
attempt for a new classification. Iiikrobiologiehnii shurna1,11X-Z,
123, 1948.
6. Morbsova, A. if., crici 7)robOtikoi V. G., *ter/ale for studies of 'lac.
meeenterious. Z'Artr,T. Vi:/, 3, 1930.
8. tiikolecir, V. A., norobioloty of diseases of bread. entibtekhigdilts
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
(19) Trans. A-966
7. Pspova T. ane P7ol1rova, Obtain;.nc pole use of 414pidoss4 it brTT
browin. Biokhimlia, 3, 246, me.
6. Proskurialmv, 4. 140 ';76bins, X. a1 kosumalation or ensymss
tures of I. mssesterious espetidin.,:: on the copoettLor of ttio nu.
trisst .7141716. AkroblOiocila, VITT? 1001, 1939.
9. Kirchhoff, 14, .t;t1.43sn-Uber etis Va flttttt ess tao. miessoterious?
Ztbl. Dakts 7T. MA,. 72, 353, 1927,
10. Sslii:Illann? Zur rakteriolo. is Ass fadensishendsn Brotes. Xtb1.
t.ATA. 63, 3, (orig.), 1921.
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ro?UXS ? 'le.. ILA
(In full)
Kosikov, K. V.
Otdalennaia trtdi al Ladroshshol. II
Poluohenie gibridov meshdu Saecharomyoes
Corey/sips WI rasa) i Sohissesooharo-
myces Peat) putefa kopullatsii kietok.
[Distant hybridization of?the yeasts. 11.
Obtainine, of bytride between Racoharomyoes
cerayitiae roe) and 60hizosa4o1ar
pombe t11 copulation of eel e
Mikrobiologiiail vol. 28, no. 4. p.420.422.
July/Au. 1956. 448.3 V682.
(In Russian)
In our previous report about distant hyVridizatim of yeasts (11 the
possibility was shoat of Obtaining hybrids between Saocharoulyeee_oerevisiae
(XI race) nnd pchisoeacobarenyoes?PeMbe. turinz the process Of reser4.0 it
was established, that hybridization ean take plese also without any olear1y
expressed prooess of -copulation (fortation of copulation offshoots), igtb
by means of producing a small ohannel, connecting both cells, touching each
other, thronenwhich then proceeds the infiltration of the contents of
ons spore or cell into the other. This deviation from the usual process of
copulation for the given species J.vist a reason to suppose that in oertaln
oases hybridization can occur in tionsequence of the Motive reaction of ly
one of the components of crosstreeding, an result of whioh the second OM.
ponent van be involved into the prows durinc the stage of development which
Is unnatural to it.
Proceed ng rrom this aeuption, experiments were cot:dutted on ?rage
breedine (7,f cells of nchizossoeh. Nebo with cells of Saoch. oerevisiao ?
(NIX race). The cells of Sehizosacch Powbe vere oorsidered In the zivon
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Irane? it-wou
case as native ocapOnents oterosebreeding,.as Ulla* kneen-that in this
species eopulntion mows between the vegetative cells (they are haploid).
in. proportion to the sonsumption of the nutrient medium. Iegetative eelle'
of the XII raoernrediploid and he copulation was noted among these celle.
These ?ells were chosen ati S 00eon4 emponent for crossbreeding with the
purpose toilhopt (incite* of npeeitive result) that copulation (Aube
realised with the satire role of only one component for crossbreeding.
A twountly old Culturs'of Schisciaesh. Pons, grown on wortacpr, Was
seeded into a teat tubes containing beer Wart Withsut.hops.: The towsdaq
old culture St the VT raoejn the sane amount (eneloop) was seeded into
this tame test tab, on, dr, (24 les) later. The'eele were earefulltnixed,
and the test. tube as left at room temperature. In 04 hours SUMO& drops
wore prepared (ma cover glass from, the mixture of Cells, whieh were plastid
into a npist chanber and were alio kept at roe* temperature. During the
next 3.4 daym the preparati,Jos with the suspended drops were examined for
detecting the Copulating its.
The firm of cells gohisesaoche PO** differs eontidertbly from the
fora of Molls of the XXI ram', and this makes ,it picsible to distinguish.
then in* nixed culture. Copulation of cells of Sohisoeaeoh. Pool), one with
another odours, under the cited conditions at the experimeat, ComparatiVely
rarely, nevertheless, in one suspended drop it was possible te detect up to
64.0 and more of such cases. A typical else of copulation of .ells of
SohisesaechirPonhe is represented in figure 1. (Text it continued otter
description of titles).
Title of figure 1. Typical oats Of copulation of cells Of Cohizetaachi
Title of figure Copulation of weell of Sohisesacoh. Ponhe with a
sell of the XIX race of Saoch. cerevisiae.
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(3) ? . Yr= A...030 ?
(Deo tho pieturo,of fiGuroa nt tlg? ord of tramletionl.'
Tito of ficaro U. Cars no of tilduro 2.
Talc, of fiGure d. A rip of baddincclio to of tho;Lhavo
Title a ficuro O A 0!X of buddin3 Collo, ono of thon_hao
? call.
Titlfe Of ftdre O. Sabo 40 02-riCgro Oi
7itio of ficuro 7. 170771artcato olontod collo ono fom-od Moo
colic arl to othe titan onoo.
Tit10 offiGuro O. $..!all collo fo?md %:rop Loolatod collo.
Mtge aro dadatiooe fron thia camp yot or of ftotoo (copulate5 c.7...11o)
.and form .of collo rc=inotitypioal for the.cirn Gaon?.
TWo taco toro detootod4 co c remit of odauiration of about 0
ptaparatictl;tn oopulaUon cocurrod'hot=in tho colla of Scalise:acct. raleho
and of .t40 zli taco, no it ctaliccoialo to jtaGo.fren the oustorficial
-picture of'the coptlatinz 0010 (fi or411
Gure 2 ). , Tho .fort of tygoto
, -
acute C 1ocia.p.t211 to typical for Goblocncoh. 2,7e0 ono of tho
copu1atin3 collo Mc an ellipoOld, forme Chioh to chnractorlotio of no .
ZI1 race. to tycoto4 repro:muted in,flixro 34 in'ito ?Om o-rpty eirripro,
fror tho typical far oallo of CohidocacCh. Poloi at tto cam tit), oro or ?
the copulattnc Collo horn SO Oharnotoriotic-for Soh. Potho4 tho"othor Cc? tho
Zit racto?
? Cycotoo ropr000ntod in.flGutod C. dnd'3 r,ore tratoferrod to niero6,opo
Of firooa). natriontrodium? novorthelfto to did not onooced in cbtainirvj
offoprin3fro7LtIon. They did not 7altiply and did not torn tit7 o2oroo;
Thin could Mt* oocUrred oithor ct71115 to unMcarablo conditicap in thO ot.lpOndod
drop for the e.altipication of tho for:3d.moteo4 which led to tho =cation '
of thoi? dovelerr,int op in oorcoquonce of cortain train:MAL-co which cot7,14 Io
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? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
(6) Trans. A4.969
oesurred duriog the transfer of zygotes to mierodrope of nutrient beaux.
In order to exclude these assumptions, it was &aided to seed the mixed
cells of So1i?1,400aooh. Poi** and of the XII race on wort agar, where the
conditions tor a further development of the formed zygotes should be tame
The mixed cultures* the. obtained, were examined, during the course of
o-? leonth and longerifor dotooting the hybrid cells. The intention was
to deteot either the zygotes, which started to multiply* of the sells of
Bohiseescoh. Pole* and of the III race, that copulated between themselves,
or the cells, which multiply sinselteneouely by budding and fission (the
presenee of walls). As a result of such examination in one of the test
? tubes, with mixed cultures. ?ells were detected which multiplied by bwid:ng
with the presentee in some of them of clearly expressed walls. 'with the aid
of a miorotantpulator we suooeeded in isolating such cells into miorodrops
of beer wort; but together with them were also cells without walls, 'thich.
were attached to them. In all, four groups of such sells were isolated. in
the first group at the moment of soparation,there were 6 wale, amok; there
two had walls (mioredrop 4, figure 4); in the s000nd roup, at the 2netZtrnt of
isolation* there were three drops, one of them tad a wail (miorodrop 5*
figure 6); there were 6 wells in the third group; two of them had a wall
(miorodrop 6) and in the fourth group there were Z sells, no ef them
had a wall (miorodrop, figure 6).
Cell iToupe were isolated into other mierodrops also, yet no vans
were found in these *ells. An unusual group was isolated into miorodrop 11.
? During the mennent of isolation in the grouptihere were two elongated cells
which were attached to each others at one end of these cells there were two
large round cells. In 24 hours the large cells multiplied and on the other
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(8) Irene. A..969
end of the elonv,ated cells tainute cells formed (are 7). A group at'
/ergs 08118,r/hie/to probably, were polypleid, was transferred.I.nto anoth..r
aziorodrop of a fresh nutrient !Red tun. 3ut later on minute cells started
to bud off from the larte ones and thus a mimed culture was formed (figure
ain attempt to obtain s. twitters of large cells alone did not turn out
wells in it always avail cells formed and displaced the large.
Groups of *sells, both with walls and without them, which were trans-
ferred to nutrient microdrops, 'milt/plied in :!`:Dilt eases, but the newly
formed eons did hot /eve walls and maltiplied by buddies only. Aftor
further eesnainetion of cultures, which were obtained from cells trot forted
in microdrops, to cells with walls were observed, although one catuict eln?
elude a possibility of formation of such cells In those cultures, which
were produced from calls with walls, when one takes into consideration the
data published by us in the first report Ill.
It Wall interesti% to cheek the obtained cultures of yeasts, ?,:,oth of
groups of cells -with walls and without, for their capacity to ferment:Jeer
wort. Tit all, ll cultures were examined,among whieh three were oned from
roups of cells which bad voile. It proved that at 26* the fermentation of
8 cultures, obtained frost cells, without walls, did not essentially diffor
from the Xir race, Crsegin p.4221 while in 3 culture., obtained from-oella
hav ng walls (narked respectively 68.51 884 and. 68.9). the fermentation
curve differed to a considerable degree. Wring the first 24..hour day of
fermentation these Cultures were behind in the I nteesity of fermentat3.on of
the XII ram,' during the second 24.nour day, on the Contrary* the intensity
of their fermentation went beyond that of the XII race (rizure 9). At $0?
these 3 cultures surpassed the Xir race in the Intensity of fermentation
during the first and the second days (figure 10), The obtained comparative
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V11; irligsse ? W. r,7
dat* about the intknaity.of fermentation of beervnmrt'can-be regarded as
oonfirming the assuriptiOn about the hybrid origin. or the matures, which '
were obtainod from eelletwithimalls. Nevertheleis apparently no fusion of
nuclei during the formation of these lybrids. occurred:
jsee picture of thete figures following the caep1ete'tranalatiO012
Title of figure 9. Fermintation_curves of beer wort by initial
species &web. Oerevieiae (XX/ race) and Sehisoiacch. Pomba
and hybrid664, 66.6 and 66.9 a the temperature or
26'.. Sehisosaoch. Pembe.; 2 f culture 66-9, 11.66.61 4- .Waflir
8 - XII race.
Words in figure O. To the left! Liberation of CO2 (in g.) beneath
? days of exinriment.
Title of figure 10: FerMentatioaeurvea of beer wort by initial
' species dacoh. cerovisias (XII race) and Sehisocacoh. be
404 hybiallati5;711-4766. and 66.9 at the temperature
or 804. 1 . 3oit:a#*001. PoMbej 2 culture 86-91 3. 334;
-' 4 a 6041 XII race. .
Words' in nor* 10. o' the lefts Liberation -of CO2 (in g.)
beneath ? days of exvrineat.
1. Ina mixed culture Sacch. earevisiae (XII race) and 8ohiicaodharook
.myees,Posibe cella wcre detected, which had walls, but multiplied by budding:
The Obtained pictures of copulation (sygotee) gave grouads to assure that
such cella with walls appeared in consequence of copulation of bnp/oid cells
8chisosaoch. Pomba with diploid cells Of taceb. Oerevielse (XII race), yet
In this ease, apparently, there occurred no fusion. ofnuclei.
.2. Comparative study of intensity of fermentation of beer wort has
shown that the fermentation Curve of cultures, Obtained fromcglls with walls,
differs both from curves, Obtained after -fermentation with Schisoniech. Pombs
and the XII race. This fact muet be rogarded as an additional confirration
,of the stippokition about the hybrid origin of cultures, obtained fromoells
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(7) Trnn8, A.9f,9
with wall*.
Institute of Genetics of Received October 9, 1955
AN USSR Moscow
Eosikov, K. V., Disiskst hybridization of yeasts. I. Obtal.ning of hybride
between Sacoherasyees orevtsta. (race xi) and Sehisoeacchar_mmt.
1-embes Mikrehiologiia, T?26, no. 3, p.276, 1956.
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? (8) Trans A*4709 .
e 1., yptcid
? 2. Copu/eti
,oe1.1 or tale XI
axe of
of I
ll of- i ooh;
ace ofgacoh,
Figure 3; Sat. 40 of figure 2
igure 6.
Figure 6
.111 of budding
group of budding oeIles one of them has a
es of figure 6?
ure 7. From among two pitt ?ion$todeo1ia one toried
large ?olio ed tho other emeil owe*
. .
e 8- Smell collo formed from i leted cefli.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
Trans A989
'Tit1 of figure 0: Feriae titian ourvec of beer wort by initial
species 8,ecoh. oprovielee? (xti race) end Schizoimooh. P
an r hybr ou/t1W-07.37 664 end *9. 0:rarGT?epersturo
26% 1 4ohitotiteoh 2 culture 00094, 30664: 4,0
6 0 XII
!fordo it figura
. days of experiment. ,
Liberation. of CO2 fin c.) beneath -as
Titi f figure 10. 17 rnonticn ourve sf boor wort by initial
pecies eerevisiee (ZIT race) end Sohicooeoch. Po.
tidhYbrWriltuir"?"?oe 66-5, 6 i 68.9 at the tetperc tare
of 30. Schicoseoch. totA.Jle 66-9; 3 66-0;?
4 68-5; 5grar.T.' --goes
Words in figure 10. To the leftt-Taiberetion of CO2 (in C.)
bereeth days or experimati
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R040400020001-7 '
Ovinl*.=0 NY,
0 noiretc71.1 to6crodlIrh et-Caolkh ?
tatrbot,..ID:rreolc77 te=jtollivo3t1 eihrOm
?'.te?,7:17n itp6nilln3 in tho Aoieo1op7azt of
th2 pre517m.e.carMillty '
2hurn, rltre.5ia%0 i".01Cottiol, 1 14=ndbio10e
volo 27e tao,Cp poilf7, tab, itGdo t60,0 20
(In Fluvolart).
Per1n3. Octoar ? tomo ?tha Omiot rocrploatti thy cativo ettivane.',0
proo.00nivo htz-Aolty trind tin cotstonntal otmit tho day a birth o-t
VI.cuSinirostOnchtzzla .; cit?tanit_itt-Poiantiotzki,oldzioto
rarC7r c2. nitilr9t?
"Tin tc-johito .of-tachurin "tmitos DO 1gootha(1)0 Ptav3 nr.7
Laot7.1rinina color=9 orcatixa itwatialpia? Mole:lc:at coLe.?
not only ompr..ten ,t;-,";.%.^ of tin or,7, L:tilde bat on o tacit) c--; an?,
porprod ro-ar.v2.tic3e op ,voll act ,2 th=o bainc; diocworod rtfve polvai to '
ttn ray rm. cont./oink?, th000 rz:t=fronofl Ofl t4th praotiooe cO:t-6
fitdo rnt.trta for alnktip: tro ritu3'O*0 fo7 Sa.anofozatoc tho tarcA_193
mviai t ove...t ctpinoticto for tIn? L7.1? tbo poople,
rioT=Into, bia1o=.0 tar:4d on dintootio tvr4ic avolcco
alo=tto of IDaraitto toaaUrke iv.iradt....,top htomictatop c-A, ?
tondo an irrdoorpibblp otrucclo t:AaptyaiPal and id.Coliatio itZ."4r,
cation? 'omg rzo0t2vrdnionoionianniot3io
Corci4oPist 'en arrant= in ita'otpa000rith tin aatortai oimivc.po
!note ilphtritto tAalocy importo the dooldina solo it tha.foltatioa
tho arc-41,1n to en condition? er it3 nib ar4 dovo1oycont4 tin ort
? .
0411110 or a r aro op:= of llokarint.o to-A(1141103o
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(2) ? Tran.e. As.- 970
rtilioh direct: -reoocti or et-At:ales ter...-rt.aen.
taerOec are thme itityloot of erclasnsi I:Allah are in the
opetcot etrire=eatg ncat divorce proneceee a varlob? 1M'a
eorroiperttat?faotern which prodtmcd t143-44 proceed in 'thon in
Gavot= cf th&O. topordit8 'on the quality ani intersity-ct Ooao tteZt-2ti0
ett4 in eerlo7ntty uthcter, the-taaquired prcvertiee and tentt.lres Ci=e1
na:i tire tratarcrrcti toroclitartly.- That Le ttte.coracon why Dirdinto crt;r:rt_la
natio OSO Lt i'CZ221tc etrcrz, cult-cart &on I. Z.
. ?
ar.r2 t_bo'baciio ,14oac et taehurible bie1oc7 not only are stired by n11 r,.:?,$G.3
. .
C7000ivo -z2=4;'.04 o1 t1 but oleo tied tall oanfirsatien atd tarttiercic
cent reionse. :
ths) 19-23, 'Coast= et the Altditinica beadev et krioulttmt
Coiortelti 1=11 Ve 2,Loan NACEIE/XLI !J haat 'xzer7ss4 fhAl'74101:7:447
of tiohnrinis 1,1eicz*".ever the z?e...inder eZ rointAttatiSitiPLIV(Atilop thCt
?wary, vaca ztul thrust, trhiah.pixothui tercard ratitold .restr.rn
the field or vr-rIcality Utnieroornenisrau berme this ti.At etut..!.j
varinbiliV nloreercznierce toad oeueted emetical1y. vitimt a
idOM and# ita tOchrtairf Cepreesomtler t17.111 influnee erfareliCn retotIV7
oenceptlew et cyclozenotici-ets [sle] and r-2vitior.iste. then* atter t"-z
Auctot ecznian tho statue of coienoe hem od bnica11y.,no
tar tX concrete coo 'et Llaburicee deetrim in clorobielearbeenzelzj
viable, nice Om Vt.yei 00-Clireettess guetirl_r suceesetu1 derole;=.1at cr
vorka t-;?,,trial:iiit-y. c ciierobee. tOe5in
? ,Lk crcat 'role also played yn. Cos:Pomace on the NPartabilitcy
ecuetc.'d .tc very acm' after the Itu5tiat session Cr
Conference tvatitte c? coaddetsil vorlp t-cro cnr.txd t.nista!Joe con
avo basic =`,.ained, Trhieh raced rccearehcra 1n'Mei 110(1 012
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($) Trans. Amirra
studies dt 1*bUitr mf pathogento miersereaftioni.
Among the prablems ehiek revolved an immediate *elution, te
forgone' pottiest the fetiewiagt
1) studies of external feelers in
genie sderebess
2) disetwery of regelaritieso clash eswilitioethi varlobility of pr
perties mod features sr pathsiaas slerdiesi
0) obtaining of vaoeinal strains by meets ef dilmeted variabilAoy
4) improvement of dtegnocties of Isfectiome diseases end 1,Fetkode 4
indleation pathewis nterebes in the external environment considerInti
their variability.
Seeldee thies prebleme wr prpisid, rhek sr e ef groat themmktieal
aM practiookl importance, but isdsh require & prolotced tine far thwir
solvi moss queetions span be forwelated an followsi
) studios of the role of variatility of elerobos etiol
sad develepv,eet of Whew
thogeoemis mod lows tyl
2) ev4otionary systemoties of
tg lnto eonsiderati.
? varialbiltIro depending-en the ssmattsss sr the habitat
A biE eolleetics of Soviet medical mieretielotiets enveloped
reemarek In the cited basis direetions.
Although the time for summing up all the sonducted work is t
nevortheioes it to Appropriate. at the meant when the eenteftsiel nem tho
day of birth of ItanViadildrevinh kiehurin ? the iititiator pf the new Q.
motion *-81 all the bramotas of the biological *atone., is taint efter1(1. to
share the already obtained data, to critically evaluate Osmond to pW
seats tor further develepNent.
Zeisntifie otnferenees, shish were dordneted daring the elapse
food the patiteted monographs testify to the eonsiderable suceesses tho
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development or p et variability et pathoon
Tram. A?470
miler es
am% the bioreet ?eateries:nes ore shotlid same To Odell woe of,n5tootAd
by the keesiewer et teleology in Ltalo b Mows, on direeted varittbili.%0 .2
1.1114410* et 1.614Kreb.i and the other ow eor-4imated by the tkeietry et ,iotith
et VOSS to 19.6 in lorotio on etudies at lire vaspoines.
Dories thin fed the tattooing 0450014$11111 were piblished a 3 ?
*lt!'m *Vartability ot 'pathogenia miorcemoianirms" (1960). also hie "Vezotto
Uveleant* end direeted variability of beetrisi" (1982ttttn
Krestadalkor Oa studies of stages ter develormert et nierborgenisto 1d40
Menai sfl.jt St iercibes of the inteetical croup", 3 .
VOrmOtoeviriOatlititif of me4*PaorOntemo *no Problme at lawalfee
Elio "variability f eiorebeeo G. Philter 'Directed anatadonism e
One ?veld poi i* with a mortal:a satistaotiono that the Irmem
variability of pathogenic* eiersbee were uldeky developed at cur eciorWic
reesareh initituteSo *hairs and taeterieleglie latiratariee. The ressoroh
esedneted especially, Inteceelyar. aystemettme14 at the 40r,k1 insl'itvte
at %%coins* led Sera, the chair ot Mersbielegy at the ChernovItey
testitmitso frontlet* of Ppidemielegy *ad Miorobiology leen/ amealeitto &,e43
ammo Tastitwhe of Vecielnee and deraimeni lechnikot. in these estftbISshe
'Oat* arttintl dAreetiene in the development of the problem' of vartabilft7
at pathorenio wittrabes were earned and met roliaae data whisk doeme.'v
ttestiono were *harm*. !Amin p.61.
TIO did met ushe the tens "reticle! aesideretrally. matter isth
alongwith irrepree hable worts at the same Uwe waste ie!,reg
*blob aroused ireat Acobt on the part of zoth the theoretisal premib000 whit%
nisrebe *ells fro*
lloler sobetanao" (1964)o
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Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
(5) Tre,ne?A4.970
their authors foUei.d d the oethodieel nne even pureiy timbale/xi oteou.
ties. All this soused L!ne to doubt the reliability of the facts rerurNie
Uinfortnnatekt, the eited research was oonduoted by several laborqurios
and the data vablished by them net only obstructed the crthentic scionaos
but inaeourately informed the wide nooses of readers (&n not only the
medieul specialists!, and to a certain degree disoredited the whole rroblon.
of variability of ftlernbeei rousing,distrust in data, whist' were obtaLood
by hie,hly it_thoritstive researchers and oelleotives of qualified Ware*.
To the eat4rary of just sueh works belong, the widely in me,r1.04,0
of rj,* I, Boshlion "About the nature of viruses and mierebes" and it brom
haven monograpn of 4. Derulava 6Yerint,ility of microbes and townlie
Buryint in sorrowless oblivion all these larksand turnin& to root
aehievements of our soleness we met mention the following basic tdonc.
Firstly, or-. must eonsider as indisputable and not r.qutrth tArthor
proofs the theeis ahlmst the fact that the cause of variability of rtAsso
and features et -Aerobes to the ?bane it the oonditioi . of the *tVet, f
oonditions of their life ane development 'hereupon the quality of odourrA;
Stange. is ProOrtio09.1 to the causes which predueed these.
netmtvirtY a
1th the ehanos of properties and features of adore:010c
tranommtation of io *posies into another can be observed, as well eit; a fordo.
tion of a new e?ecio*.
Finally. the oskenin of hr.dityor the pathogenie mierebeo aP40"
the Influence of unfavorably aottrt? feotxs, must be considered as a Ivo.'
requisite to the appearaneo of variabilitwe
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(8) Trans* hosIOTO
Tbo etbod basic ideas volich were by vast notarial's at...0--ral.?
Dated &trine the reoent years through forpertvantal researeh and -Aninetioationo
of preesseeeis whieh preeeeded water natural oonditIonail. are In tall
with prinei '4.ahttriee idea. Mevertheleee, certain faothal &Vt.*
eepeolally of experViental order, booms elbjeete of theoretical diskomelrAies
?hue, for ftetatire, a fact is ewe/World beyond arq doubt. that
eln ashler** direeted *hangs in properties arid features et sores asiereilfre,
by irering iher.t. produets of active life :r f decovpositior. of ottora.
And eertain remearchore see in these facts c eonfirration of the prenenno
in these bactgrio of the rrceess of vegetative hybridisation :Waling)* 3g,
we think the.t there are hardly any reasons for considerint those facto Uontiv.
sal with theses :Welch Va ere the basis for the doctrine of Michurinis ems1
his follower*, about the vei;etative hybridization of plants. Oenerallzatior
of facts vbioh teotity about the oreeenee in 'oacteria of the sosealLK1
filterable farm is also a eubjeet for diecuesione. !lacy authors (Xrev :ova.
Mike*. Salim) reLard the filterable form at bacteria ae ()no of tha is
of their ontessms?ormetie developments Other researchers (tarcutseva
adlaI,Ortnbavaass Zhitaii) think, that the filterable forme of bactorla
arise as a result of influenee on theta of onfavosable factors of the o:rl
euvirerroanti wale the difftoultise of regeneration of filterable form oat
the obtaining. Itt !Taw oases* of diftwrent epeeists does not nonfirm
tostionof t1r be:.n4 etaces of !tarsal ontegenetio developments
Cerparison of data, aceurfalated during the Feet years* with
problessfis littlish were set by the Atagaet Silesian of VASZIEttro shoes trt
series of impertart questions on principle reneins yet unsolved. nut the
110 enact loneeled.zo is absent abcrit tias tieehtvliessi of earlahility of pit-au:van-14
tRe6-in p.61 miereLoS. ft ir conaidered to be firmly established, the
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kli Artanw? Ammxtru,
'saris Li
* result of *helms ot ordtQore of 1 nd duo
velepuent of ergalloss; that the bails aetive Mechinica is the show of
prooesses of totsbitiliesk 'Yet, we have no,dnta on what sort of rauserioal nod
AWAlitative obanres'thare should be of this process in order to oftwol
weahentmg or haro4i1y miorches and to produce these or 'sr St
its nature. Abesnoe:of suffielently emaet knowledge does mot permit ,?k. to
master the cited prow* and to impart it *.needed direction.
Decominc enthused with weEetative hybridisation at bacterie
purpose of .eircetes trenefornation of features and properties of snse ovooica,
we tarot' eolpletelys? that seleetion was one of the oothois of hichhzttnee
Wo net us has seriously studied this method and did not Lica t for
the pfxrposo of dirseted traasforniation of haeteriam We forget the tact
4IPeampletety :Vat 1. V. **burin himself, as -Pell as hi* Followers, obtained
many species of innts omptui in, praetioe? Al s result we. as yet, 4n*xl4
not chugs a suffloient number and a oc000sary quality of user vaesinal
strains, as willies scald not improvo those whish we heves
.Aa yet the tweet kosowiado is also abeent about the lettere, of Um
sailed *typical Lasteria and their role in etielsui epidemiology anti ,cfrkn..
genesis of tnfectimhe diseases; *hoot their ingertanoe for distassties
indleatienfI isrebes in. the external opvirenmento shot their partfellm?
tics in We prawn', of inaunageneele, it is teyesd doubt that the ocsioa?licd
st7Plea1 beetortai ebieh are isolated from the archaism of man and Co
external envirtarient, appear as it result of variability of the ?pathotonle
and sapropbytis *poetise known to. us. Ihvorthsleeso. we as yet have tio kw:la
bility in much svecitio.ease to roosgaisa an.etypieal mierehe, to, inaleato
its ariginm?meahantem or fir*tion 1Pm feetores-and lespertiel.
50zio SAVWS 0414,ttirip Ultra ririnbatia) raPrihe tits" ait7P
whiCh poseeso oertain traits at strallswitt with trical powlocenie lAwotzrta
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Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
?9, ming* sow? 'Mr
&re the revult of seprophytice of the Utter1 vhioh odour"' under the
fluenee Ar ehenotherepeutis preparations, antibiotise.o,peocib17,
under the influeroe of the protective armeoments ef the orgoniems -cm telp
thus obtainedrrexperisehtel eondltiote, tronformed pet,boogenie bocto
similar to those !Related tram the crganise4 a lowering of virulenoe
immnocenity is 714"ted the emit often. These data pormit one to ocrrou
? assewvtioft Ablot a specific role of such -Arnim In etiology sod rtSh4idenesis
of dysentery. Le Verette thinks that they aro the *suite of the mat,
lenient, ohrorie farm of this Infection* en0 their high resistance
favorable factors in the external environment and their prolosced
vabilit7 nutmide the oroaniemexplaine oertain peculiarities rof the oidetAls
propees of modern dysentery. One eculd aceept this Idea on principle, '-ut
for its full of,ntirmstion special iv, Went* and cbrervatiene are rem.
'paired. Oth(Ar reseerohers (Deneth)1 panting out to los virulence ce Ate
full ehr,nce ln styrioal strains do not ermign to the latter ary itsrsoNlnee
Li, the eoldemiolorz of intipotione disease* (dysentery).
re ono refusee to mewlse spy oartleipetion of sfypioal Otro4N1
the arisim f infectious disesses end their role in the epidende yliocese,
there yet reMe1ne an unsolved question about the possibility trt theist ?ti
liestiot tor the :,:;t1rpAsie of diegnosties Otr indieetion of soatonimaticft
environment, question le undsubtediy eanneeted with theprob1sftak,mtt
the nature of stypi.,1 microbes. Nevarthelese all that is known t-T$ flo a:141,1,4
thee? elerobeei-pernits us to raise the queetlen nee about the neeerst-
?onside? then es etiologissed epldelielogic indinatere. b, p.Uazry data
at our dieposal Olokhinso Pecoreliekels twinova. nieadnek U1rbs
Oeroki tnititute et Vseeines anel Uri) titegin p.T) permit ue to think
peesible to conduct epesialreeeareh on utilisation o4
tYPUrel Adretw,,,, in
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(9) Trans. ikogrin
order to
0 of infectious dimoases mtt.e,
pothecenio latoreibes i the external environment.
Op to ti n >riessent tIme tho problem of opeelee.and of spool** fors0.0,
non ii,bnetrla revaime mmeolved. The determination of species, ti'Ttei, 7i;y
T. Di 4010mk14 rovsole the nature of this bielegioal soneeption. gome
rossarchnre, ;Amen-ad:Inc from this determination make, an attesrot t*
*anent* oseresson to it in referees* to pathoconie bacteria (nreatoov
Timaker, Wine). But, nevertheless, nee should take into considerntiln
that, while determining the spoolse of one or another pathogenic micreAm
we must ;'rftmit al/ the features And properties which were developed coV. Plved
In it during the !,:rocese of evolution and !Alen characterise it Wor
conditions of habitat. VS met, besides that now the range diro'YAlml
of irt&Uttof these features depending And In ecort..'ice with tha
change of stalditiono of life and dovelopmont, or tho rathoonie slorolv.
From here ?emends the idea that a spiel., ?caprices a oertain *apaanv rar
'variability tele this istituds of variation, eharaoterises the species.
tInfortunately, all these statements bear a tottered ,,haraeter,
as yet, haw ott full alretenatico of pathezetio orga*Isse, which vtral4 mrleet
the says of their ewelutionary development ar4 would take into consId4ra
the oho*, of thoir baste features and'propertise. als* de not haym
sufficiently correet understanding of the ? idaries pf *peels' in bte,lrii,
in consequerve of wbich maw foram are referred by sem authors to 1.44#704.
dent spools:4 othmrs te varietles, and so Ons Thisquestion mil rof?-1 an
espeolaliy Liperhant neaning, WNIO WO it with variability which emeten,
as it is maid hgratd tho limits expeeise.
7. !). lirsenke (lotted earller) ointa it tk.t 'mci Lt bee tto
to confirm b7 I.disputable experiments the seneration by *me btit
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Trans. AigogrO
. ?
species .e.)f rt.* n.tld tdcrobes of other bioliv.iesil speioa. lndeid,
possible to ltiple and quite irr*'iekly conguoto4..x2er-iztuxt$
as tre res4t transformation of oto *peeled fbeiotfria
e.nother v.vAS ,....4served to mew, for instance.s eenversion Aue roe 1.,.1
pasuilovx)'.b,.;,,rovinr. frovi illyeontorio Sent* to tntosti flr,..uo. Flecryorio
dyienter .? to A'vrntyphoisio rind eo on ( qiuk.ou'a?Verestesikervo. lonska la rturetts.
bane's, There is no doubt thaA this; research bee aont.
ties' value* 1..rcAt t!* question retains usosolvue s-bout th tbtUtyuk.3"
Aral eorditions and obcpat its role th the ini?vo' rirad
epidomio ?
MAO t V) rocker t.Nr .prot lens ,.2e, it 14 nooessery
also the preblen # pooise sad of the sariobilikr the fornetiov.
!vr r %avow althoui,h it. theoretical side csan be ocasidered
f latentlydeimloper.) the prectioal side, etich worries is, es roe ta
studies tho o!)idemitial prawn, rwstins rot unsolved.
the considcratiofruti expressed in the present article, as room&
problems of variabilitf. which require ;solving as 4044 44 possible 4*
pretend to be exhaustive. li,ove of theme, nicht have missed or ttorr.n.
suffielent U upon, sone yet reualn disputable. . aut tnany ease it tz
quite shvimos +that the reeearen in field et variability of pathAllto
microbes uutit he raised to the next, bids-est degree le the scientific .te1.0
metbodleal rest:eats and to solve in tho ebeeteet time the question* oe this
interesting, probler- *doh has both theoretical and practical -value.
4. halm no doUbte about further succeesssi their ...guarantee is Ahr..7
remsrksAe teht.16 of 1. 7. 1.ehurin, ixtoh los based on Arxianswiteri7.
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Trans. A-971
(In full)
Gaut., G. F., and Kochetkora# G. V.
Ismenchivost' t varlanty produtsenta
(Variation and variants of the alba:vein
producing (organism).
Aktdemila Nauk 668R. Doklady, vol. 8,
no. 6# p.1179.1181. 1956. 511 1444A
(In Russian4
(submitted by Academician V. N. Shaposhnikov* Jan. 27, 1956).
In making a study of the albomyoin producing organise, AotinaNmil
subtropious, we observed a. unique picture of variation of this ray fungus
which differs sharply from the regularities described in literature with
respect to the producing organisms of other antibiotics. Ws, discovered
different variants ir. the A. subtropioue culture, to wits 1) variants that
in addition to albomycin produce a small quantity of an antibiotic chemically
sharply distinut from albomyein which we named :the "second factormi 2)
variants that produce pure *abater:sin litheut any admixtures of the "second
factor"; 3) "imperfect" variants producing prilerily the mespoond factor" and
only a small amount of albomyein. After long cultivation, some stream
proved to be completely stable and retained permanently their meebership
(prinadlezhnostfl within a speoifio variatit. Other *trains, however, proved
unstable and segregated during cultivation into different variants. Aa a
result of our investigations, it was possible to establish the complex
410 pioture of variation within the limits of the Actinomyces subtropious species
that, in our opinion, is of theoretical as well as practical interest in
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IA) Arm sin ? "ensIL
maintaining the culture of the albomycin.producing organism in an active
status for a long time.
The following is a eonvenient method for the detection and classia.
fixation nf the culture's variants. A spore: suspension of an A subtropious
oulture is plated on the surface of an agarised culture medium in Petri
dishes IP various dilutions. After 48 hours of growth at 28' [O, individual
colonies are out out together with a small piece of surrounding agar and
are floated into a melted and chilled, nearly congealed, culture agar, one
colony each in the center of a Petri dish. Then, after 72 hours of culti-
vation at 28' [C] two staphyloeoceal cultures, one sensitive and the other
resistant to aboorcin action (see fig. 1) are put in streaks Ish4khamil
around each colony. A resistant staphylococeal culture was obtained from
the sensitive motif a result of its adaptation to elbow:in, and it developed
adequately at an alhomyolA cemseatratien equivalent to 1000 units/m1 and
Pig. 1. Different variants of A. subtropious
during growth in Petri dials.
[Begin p.II80]. In experiments co-ducted in adaptation of staphylococci an
albomyoin preparation containing 100,000 units of activity per mg was
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Trans. Aw971
In utilizin; the method indisated we obwved the following piwno-
menon (fig. 1). While inhibiting the growth of sensitive stephylooeool*
an* some A. subtropleus oolonies did not iWthe least inhibit the develop.
sent of stephyloemoi resistant to elbouyoin that grew in the immediate
vieinity of the albemysinaproducing colony (variant A).
Further obemiOal investigations have demonstrated that cultures
obtained from such colonies excreted only aihomvoin into the surrounding
medium in eubierged fermentation* without forming simaltaneously other
antibiotis substances. Colonies of variant B inhibited the growth of sons'.
time as 'sell as of resistant staphylococci* although in the latter twice
as 'weak an in the first. Chemical investigntions have demonstrated that
cultures Obtained from such colonies produoes in the main* albomysin* but con.
oomitantly also the "second antibiotic testae that eanftet be isolated from
the cultural liquid by the method used in obtaining albomyoin. And tinnily*
the colonies of variant V inhibited in oval measure the growth of staphylo.
coast sensitive to albompin and these resistant to it. Chemical investi-
gations have shown that cultures obtained from such colonies in submerged
fermentation yield okay a 81'11 amount of albomyein and produce chiefly the
'Second antibiotic tooter" possessing a different mechanism of baoter1s4
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k%) Trans. A.971
Zone of inhibition of growth in staphyleomoi by a single
oo in
No. of
No. of
? a.m.*
In making a study of the variation of the original albemyoinvroduoing
strain that initially represented a pure lire cultivated In a laboratory
for several years, we, during a plating of spore suspensions, isolated 49
oolenies of variant Bs 6 eolonies of variant A4 and 6 colonies of variant Y.
111 Similar result* were obtain also in other analogous experiments. Thus, the
colonies of variant 3 represt the fundamentals normal type of the a1bomycin0
prosdueing organism with a quantitative preponderance over other variants.
After isolating different variants from the original cultures we in-
vestigated the question as to how firmly the individual lines retain(the
characters of] their membership to a speeific variant in oases of long culti.
vation and multiple passages on agarised media. For this purpose we, from
time to time, plated spore suspensions of individual lines obtained from
different original variants and analysed their eomposition by the method
described above. It proved that some lines were completely stable and re*
tamed their meahership to a speeifie variant, for several years. Thus, for
examples of the lines whieh we investigated, one of variant A (line no. 8)
which produces purealbonyein without an admixture of the ?almond faotoro
411 moved very etable, 124 oultures of the progeny of this line were investi..
gated in the course of two years and all of thesis without any exceptions
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(6) Trans. A-471
belonged to variant A. However, among the progeny of many other linos
that belonged to variant A and to other variants, a segregation of prom
parties and the appeerance of variants of different types were observed.
Thus, stability appears to be a property of a certain line or culture, but
by no means .a' propertyof a **Asia variant.
In opanootion with the results obtained it was necessary to investi-
gate the segregation character (login p.1131) 'in. cultures for the
purpose of detecting rosiprooal relations ooeurrring between the different
variants. With regard to this, culture no. 1$, a member of the "imperfect"
warlant V is of speoial interest. A typical segregation or properties
which we observed among the offspring of a given culture is reflected in
table 1.
Data in table 1 indisate that of 1$ inspected single colonies iso-
lated frame given culture, 13 colonies belonged to the *isperfeet* variant
V and 2 eolefties (nos. 3 and 5) produced poss albogroin, i.e. they belonged
to variant A.
We inspected a total of LOB single soleniee of the progeny of the
*imperfect" culture no. 1$ of which 100 matures belonged to. the parent
.weriant 1? and 9 cultures to variant A. In a Series of similar other eases
we observed that during cultivation cultures of variant V segregated a
small namber Of varientA-oultures, but never did segregate oor variant 11
cultures. It must be noted Vat variant A cultures whioh produce pure
albomyein and tool segregated from cultures. of the *imperfeet* variant V proved
to be entirely stable it further oultivntioni the,140.progeny or these oultures
whloh we studied belonged without any exception to variant A.
In turning to the more complex variation oases which we have repeatedly
Observed, it must be noted that intermediate forms were observed between
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TmL,/ inteitute po Isyskanilu NovykhAntibiotikov
akadomii Nediteitsk1kh Kaiak s3SD Reosived
Deo. 2?* 1955
[Institut:1 of Research for New AntibLotios
Amide's, of Nsdloal galena's USSR).
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(8) Trans. A.09,1
variants A and B1 If variant D inhibits the grnwth of albomyoin.reststatt
etaphyloojimsol by SOZ as compared with the ;"owth of sensitive staphy1moecoi,
then the intermediate forms ttat produce a 'mailer amount of ths "eon d faotorn*
inhibit the growth of resistant staphylceecol by 10.24. Intermediate form
are found also between tho variants and V which ithibit the growth of alba.
myoin-resistant staphylosocci by 7040K.
Fig. 2. Peelprocal relations between t dtft.r.rxt
variants of A. aub1treplota?
In making a study of a series of variant A eulturoe it proved that
they ars eapai?le et segregating oultures of variant B and also the intermediate
matures between A and O. Those intermediete vultures are* in turn*
unstable and segregate into 4t* V and intermediate forme. Sono cultures of
the 'normal. D variant are also oapable or sommating transitioral forms
with either an increased or &wowed oontent of the *Goosed testae.
Thus* study of the variation of segregating matures of A. sub taus
has led us to the **hems for reoipreeal relations *marring between the
different variants represented on fig. 2. The arrows on this scheme indioats
the transitioa of some variants Into others whioh actually were observed
in our experiments.
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(In full)
Conference on Filterable Farms of NierObes at
the Institute of Experimental Biology of the
Academy of Nedioal Scienee of MR.
Zhut. Mikrobiol. Epidemiel. t ImmunObiols;
vol. 27. no, 30 p.126.127. MO.r. 1950. 448.3 KG
(In Russian)
A Conference on the probleme filterable forms of microbes was held
On the 14.16th November, 1955. at the Inwtitute of Experimental Biology of
the Aeademy of Medical Seism's of USSR LLMN SUR). Allsotivo part in the
Conference was taken by the Member of the ABS MR, Professor Os B. Lep*.
shinekaiaOhe.Namber of AMR SSW, Professor N. N. Zhakev.Vereshnikov,
Professor S. I. Sherisherina (Saratov). Is N. Maiskii, V. S. Gostev, Fe T.
Grinbaue6 V. A. IrestoVnikova, V. N. Boseadeadanskii (Leningrad). B. G.
Vainberg (Odessa); Doctors of Stein/sal Seience D. G. iudlei. P. Its Vials"
(Kiev) N. I. Ultima (foroki), N. 16 Went Candidates of Radical Salome
E. N. Nelikeva, I. I. Bybee (Chernovitsy). A. G. Samosa CRoetovweft0D04),
N. V. Petrov, A. P. Pokhove A. Mk. Zhelkeviehe A. V. Paohkova, G. Ks
Islashnikova. N. S. Goriaehkine, G. Bs. Ragan, Le Ge Perehina and others,
in all more than TO persons.
A report was heard from Professor O. P. lalinw; it was entitled
*Summary of studies of the problem of filterable forms of aerates and pros.
poets for further development of this probleel as well as a series of reports,
which were conducted recently, on results of studios of filterable forms.
Sixteen people took part in disoussions. The Conferenee eclopinod the fole
lowing unanimous decisions
*The conference states tiat lately in the Soviet Union, as well as abroad.
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t4) "rums ? ?11.4?V 14
a large work has been conducted on studies of problems of filterable forms
of micrObes. The peculiarity of works, which were acoaplished in our
country of late, was the methodological treed in the greatest part of red.
searoh, in it, for the first time in history of studies of filterable forms,
was found a reflection of the general bielogioal regularity, and the fild.
arable forms were studied from the proeition of the law of development. At
the present time the fact of the existenee of filterable forms has received
an undisputable recognition. It Is especially important to emphasize that,
with the exception of single treetn it was pointed out in the greater part of
research that the filterable forme of microbes represent a living substance,
deprived of all structure, and whieh was capable of developing into cell
Analysis of the reaatly accumulated experimental material permits one
to sum up the studies of the problem of filterable form and to am to
an UnAAINSUS understanding on may questions, connected with this problem.
1. The name "filterable forme became obsolete in the light of
modern ideas, and does not arrOspond to the meaning which was imparted
to this aderstandiu. Filterability is only one of the peculiarities of
the living substanee which does not have any cellular structure, also this
feature is not the basie one and is not alloys inherent to this substance.
The term *ultramiorceoople* also does not correspond to the rant of the
preseht time in connection with suseesses which were attained in the field
of studies of the problemeith the aid of the elootron miaow:sop; the
more so because the existence of a living substance of a anallhlar 'structure
was established, which is of a else that can be Observed through an optical
microscope. A name, more appropriate to modern ideas, is"0 living sob.
stance of microbes, which does not )eve a cellular structure or for short
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'0 living substanoe of microbes** which is then suggested for general use
by the Conference.
2. The living oubstaene of microbes clan be detected in cultures of
any age without other additional injurious reactions. The basic physiologi,
cal cause, which assists in the appearance of living stibsterce in cultures*
mast be considered the physiologioal aging of wells, which is a000mpanied
by their loes of multiplioation funotion and autolysis. Al]. the harseulAY
acting faotors both the natural (biological) es well as the artificial*
only farce the decomposition of cells and the release of living substance.
3. Tho living substance of microbes possesses S greater resistance to
hnrmful physical* thermal, chemical, and biological footers* than the coil
forms. Nevertheless the limits of resistance mast yet be experimentally
4* During the proses. of development of cells from the living substance
there tales pinoe a passage through several phases (stages)* whieh are
characterised by morphologioal, biologimal* biochemical and antigenic pro.
'sorties specific for each stage.
54 The initial stage of development of microbe *ells of differen6
kinds from the living **betas.* is characterised by the commumfty of a
series of features independent of to whit:1h species it belongs; itegin p.127)
forention of the species specificity of the developing cultures wears during
the following generations. ln this oasis* there ean tate place both a rem
version to the initial speoies through a series of intermediate forms, cors,
responding to pnylogenetioally earlier speoies, as well as a formation of other
species* depending on conditions under whioh the developmeet occurs.
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(i) Trans. A-072
0. There exist two baste point; at view on the question of the
nature and of the biological sense of the living substance of microbes,
which do not have a cellular structures
a) development of microbe oells from the living substance remeents a
result of adaptable variability of *elle to unfavorable oonditions of
b) preoeIlular living substance of aerobes represents an initial
stage of their ontogenie development.
7. A further development of methods is necessary for a produotive
study of the problems studies of meohanisme of formation of the liming sub.*
steams, of its aoeumulntion and its forcing of develOpment of microbe cells
111 from the living substance,
9. Demends for uneonditienal authenticity, previsions for controls and
the highest approximntion to natural oonditions must be required of all
9. The Conference eonsiders desirable a conducting of comparative
evaluation of the existingg-methods for the purpose of unification and for
meeting the requirements of practise.
10; It is. necessary to **thine into a single complex the marphologioal,
biologicals biochemical and immunologioal method* of research, using Om-
tensively the method of deeelerated microfilming when studying the develops
mint of molls from living substance and the formation of the latter.
11. The Conference reeemmends to pay special attention to further deg,
velopment of reeearch on the living substance of microbes, as applicable to
111 diagnoetios of Wootton* diseases, their pathogenesis, immunogenesis and
12. Taking into consideration the *pedal plasticity of cultures, which
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(5) Trans. A?en
develop from the living substance* to utilise them in order to try to obtain
living vaeoinal strains.
13. The Contemn)* considers it necessary to ask the Problem Com-
mittee on the Variability of itiorebes at the ANN S8SR to take into con.
etWeration the recommendations of the present Conferenee when preparing the
14. The Conference ',consider, es expedient the organisation of a meth?.
dical oomMinetion center on the studies of problems of development of microbes
from the _living substanee.
15. To ask the Organisation Cammittee of the All.Union Convention of Micro.
biologists, Rpidersiologists* Infootionists, Eirgieniats and Sanitary Doctors
to include the report on the development of microbe sells from living
substance as one of the basis reports on the program question about the
variability of mioroorganiessis
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Trans. A-975
(In full)
Popenenkovas Z. A.
Ismenenie sodershaniia nukleinovykh kislot v kisheohnoi
palochke e priobretennoi crizeminoustoiohivostliu.
[Mange of nooleio acid content in '_ntestinal rod
with an acquired crizeminisresistance].
Zhur. .;a1a4obiol. rpidemtol. S. Immunobiol. vol. 27,
no. 1, p.2642, Jan. 1956. 448.5 Zik
(In Russian)
Cases are described in literature of loss of acquired medicine.' res.
sistance after joint onitivation of resistant strains with the sensitive
? or after addinz of extracts of the latter to the medium (Voureka, 1948).
A more protracted researoh has shown, that ia return from penicillin-re.,
sistant state to the sensitive one is connected to the presence of ribo-
nucleic acid In the extract from the aexsitive bacteria (George and
Pandalai, 1949).
Maros (1951), studying the contents of nuclei* acids in zrisemin.
resistnnt and in the initial strains of the Staphylococcus aureus and of
the intestinal rod 3.n 6,12,24 and 48 hours after multiplication has ?stab.*
lished that in resistant strains the amount of riborszolsio acid is reduced
while desovribonuoleic acid reined unchanged. The Greatest chaige in
the contents of ribonucleic aoid bet.reen the resistant iltyl the sensitive
strains was noted in the younger cultures. 7;ith aging this [Begin p.271
difference diminished. The purpose of the ?resent work was to find out if the
? contents of nucleic acids chanc,,ed during the process of multiplication of
intestinal rods with an acquired resistance to critical,.
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(2) Trans. A?973
? For this work we utilised the initial strain of the intestinal rod
no. 613, resistant to 15.6 tolerance units/M1 of grisemin, as well as
grisetain.resistant strain no. 613 8, which was developed in the presence
of .266.000 tolerance unite/al (the 'strains were given to us by A. F. goros;
Soientifio Co...Worker of the Department of Experimental Chemotherapy).
Ordinary meat broth with pH t 7.6 served as nutrient medium. We used
grisemin, series no. 13 as the antibiotic; 1 mg of it contained 18,000
units. .Into 2 large bottles; containing each 3 L Of neatbrowth, which was
heated to 37.? we added a 48 hour-old broth culture of the intestinal rod
in a 'ratio of 3.010 X 106 bacteria per 1 ml of Culture medium. Atatibiotie
was ,added to the medium together with bacteria.
In ether respects the bacteriological and chemical research was don"
ducted according to the method described in the report I(1). In eonneotion
with the, lag in the process of sulti.plication of the resistant strain the rating
of colonies in dishes was conducted 48 hours later after keeping 'it in the
incubator at 37'. For the initial strain the colonies were determined after
24 hours..
When cultivating in a broth by a deep method, t.he intestinal rod, a
strain resistant to grisomin, the duration of the lag plias was similar to
that of the cultivation of the initial strain (about 1 hour ? see figure 1).
ZIEI, 1955, no. 12.
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22ve,na. A?973
Titlo of fiGuro 1. /norcaoo in tho =bore of living bacteria
during the procoa0 of hultiplication in A moat broth.
I ? B. coli 613 ? initial ?train; 1.1 ? B. ooli 613 ?
Griardn?rooiotent ?train without. tho ar-rtibiotio; III ?
coli GlS ? Gricomin?reaiotent ?train in tho prOconco
of 60 toloradoo unite/mi of Griaemin.
Vords in fi?-zuto 1. At tho lofts nurabor Of bacteria X 108 in
ml of broth; boneaths tire in hour?.
Both otraino of the intectinal rod bogan to multiply 1-15jhoura after tho
coodinG. But oltoo the Thrst no=nt of caltiplioation it woo clearly coon
tt tho proceco of, fiaoion in tho zriconin?recictant otrain ran retarded.
To each 1 ni of broth 2,600 nein of livinG miorobo bodioo of the initial
?train and 6 billion of cricomin?rociatant atrain 'wort) ?coded. In 2 hours
the nurtor of bacteria in culture? booamo oqual, and after 34 hour? in
the culture of .tho initial ?train there wort) octirntod 2 time? nor? of
living bactoria, than in tho oulturo of the roolotant otrain.
The moot intensive raltiplicatioa in both ctraina van noted &wins tho
_ ?
poriod botzoon 6 and 6 houra. DurinG thin period the ooncitivo and tho
grioorain?roointant intootinal rode =at/plied with about tho ca Lz apood
(the initial ? 37 ninutoo, Griaorain?reciatant MA minutes). In the initial
strain after 6 houro tho pr00000. of multiplication continued with a Gradually
diminishinc OpOed of fiaaion (growth in tho nunbora of living bactaria was-
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Trans. a.uya
noted up to 18 hours), but In the culture of the resistant begin p.20]
intestinal rod only -a slight multiplication of bacteria took place, and
then the bacteria began to decrease. With a deep method
of culturing the griseminmresistant rod ditided slower than the oensitive;
'the period of its multiplication was shorter (the phase .of dying off bean
after 8 hours, while in the initial strain after 18 hours).
It wee also established by the research of Mores (1951) that. after
the usual cultivation in a broth the grisemInmrssistant intestinal rod dim
Tided slower than the sensitive, but the process of its multiplication in
such a case continued for a longer time (48 hours).
Illen'growing griceminmresistent strain in a broth containing 50
tolerance units/id Of grisemin, we discovered the following. The resistant
intestinal rod multiplicd during the course of the first,two hours in like
manner as without the antibiotic. lialtiplication in the presence of .crieemin
' proceeded well mare actively after two hours of cultivation (see figure 1)..
During the period between 3 and 12 hours, the griseminmrosistant rod multiplied
with about the same speed as the initial strain. The process of multiplim
tation'of the griseminmrseistant intestinal rod lengthened in the presence of
grisemin in the culture m the plows of dying off occurred approximately 4
hours later, than without the antibiotic. Gristmill produced a clearly
stimulating aotion on the process of multiplication of griseminmresistant
intestinal rod. In its presenee the speed of fission of bacteria approached
the ipeed of fission of the initial strain. Thus, during the process of
acquiring the resistance to grisemin, this strain also acquired a dependence
on it.
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(6) 7?rano. A.973
Analyst? of oontonts of nucleic* aoido in tho intootinal rodo durinG
tho course, of 26 halt? of thoir tultiplication hap ohc7ni that in tho
Initial otrain (figuro g) an acoutulation of both typos of nueldio acids '
bOgan from tho first =tont of cultivation. Tho amount of tucloid acids
. ,
tao.grouing'during tho first half of tho lag phado (during tho.00uroo of the
first BO Minutoo), then during' the poriodo otioh prOoodod tho toginning of
fissiOn of bactoria, Ocourrod ito ineignificant dooroaeo. Comiaridon of
the curve of accumulation of bacterial made and of tho curt? of multipliaa.
tion of.bactoria oh=ed that at tho end of tho lag phado tho bacteria collo
increapod in-oico. rhy be Cita erplainod tho dooroatio, during thio period,
,of tho amount of nucleic acids ror might unit of bacterial mace (figure 2).
Titlo rf figure 2. Contonto of nucleic acido in tho initial
strain of B. colt 015 during the prOpecs of taltipleoa-
tion in a broth: I . ribonuoloio acid; I/ ? d000vribonuoloio
acid; III ? amount of bacterial Moe; /7 ? =Mbar of living
bacteria. -
Ilrordo in figuro 2. At the lefts amount of dry maos in mg X 102/1,
ofbaotorial culture. Amount of nuoloio aoido in moging of ,
dry bacterial taps; boiai, tiro in hours; at tho right.oidot
number of bacteria X 108 in ml of broth.
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(6) ? Trano. A?973
Then their contonts again increasod and aftor 3. houro attainod a maxiMum.
During tho period betttroen 3 atd 0 houro a drop in tho amount of nuoloio
acid? ma noted. Their amount abruptly doorcsood during the period from
3 to 6 houro (during tho mcrnt of the meet intennive (Begin p.291 mitt"
plioation of bacteria), aftor that the reduction proceeded oomerhat slower ?
(tin appall of miltiplioation of bacteria fell). After 0.12 houro the
decree:go of the Oontonto of =clots: acid? ?topped and their amount again
began to inoreaco Gomm:tat (arluggiship toak multiplication of. bacteria
proceeded in the culture). Aftor 18 houre (phaco of dying off of beater%)
an impavoriohnent in .nuoloic acido vac notod in the intectinal rodo;
Titlo of figure 3. Content? of nuoloio acids in grisettin?
resistant ?train of B. colt 613 &using the prooeco of
multiplication in tho broth. I ? ribonuoloio acid;
II ? d000xyribonuoleio acid; III ? anount of bacterial
tIn? 0 ? ntimbor of living bnotoria.
Tlordo in figure) 3. At the lofts amount of dry mace in ng X
102/1,. of bacterial culturo. Amount of nuoloio acid?
in modrag of dry bacterial mace. noir: time in hcrure
At the rights nurbor of bacteria X 10' in m.1 of broth.
It Jo coon from figuro 3 that in gricomin?rosiotant culture during tho
' lag phado tho cis? of bacterial cello became larger* ohilo the amount of
nuoloio,acido doorcasod per roight unit. During the palming of bacteria
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(7) Trans.
from the iag pIrtoo to the, phaso of locsrithmio L.,roth the amount of nuoloio-
aoido inorceood in then. tith tho advaneo of the period of the fastoot
caltiplication. (from 3 to 6 houro) the anovot of ribonuoloio'aoid in in:toot/ca. 1
rods deoreaood considerably. The intensity of Lultiplication did not tell on
the oontents of dosozyribonuoloio acids its' amount continued to craw. 17ith
the cognation of multiplication of crioominftroSiatant inteotinal rods the
? amount of ribonnoloio acid in. them inoroaced quickly, and the amount of .
dgesavribonuoloio aoid rerminod approxiontoly the cams. ? Daring the climax
of the dyins off phace of baotoria the rods became impoverished in nnoloio
. Tho followinz: data (coo figure () were obttlinod trith the Grioomin?
resiotant intootiml rods ?chioh T? rcrzn in the preeonoo of grisemin.
8Prom 4. we%
Title of fizuro 4. Contents of nuoleio aoido in criseminaTosiotant
ctrain of D. coli 013 &Irina -Vmae prooess of multiplication
in the broth in the pr000noo of 50 toloranoe units/m1 of -
crioomin. I riboSnuoleio acid; I/ doaoxyribonuoleio acid;
III - ameumt-of bacterial ratan; DT of living baoteria.
rordo in fizuro 4. At the'left; amount of dry cc in ms X 102/L. ?
of baot?rial culture. Amount of nuoloio acid? in imachaz of
dry bactorial mos. Dolcas Time in. hours. At the richt*
nutter of baoterin X 103 in as1 of broth.
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The amount of nuoloio aoido oomewhat dooreaood during the firot half
of tho lag phaose, (tho oleo of doll? incroaood), aftor that their amonnt
rodo, attain:Inc tin'uZzicanoftor 3 houre. L'ith the approach of tho period
of the modtactite,mpltiplication (from 8 to 8 bourn) the contonto of both
typoo of hUoloid aoido foil. After 8 houro the procdoo of multiplication of .
cricomin.renistant ropFui in the pr000noo of crisomin olo=ed down and tho
amount of nuoloie acido acain incroaood. rith tho approach of the phase of
, Wegin.p.601 dyina off of bacteria (aftor 12 hOuro of Growth) tho intootinal
rode became poorer in nuoloic acid?. Time, tho oontonto Of nucleic aoido in
both otraire of intestinal rode mao in ?loco intordependenee with tho procood
of multiplioation.
-thon comoarins the curvet) of contonto Of ribonuoloio acid in the
? oensitive and in tho Grioomin-rdoietaht intootimal rode (noire 6), it vas
? coon that their dytanloo in tho oonoitive microbes co well as in that which
became re:act:ant to crioomin, Two oimilar.
2itlo of ficure 6. Contents of ribonuoloio acid in the inteptinil
rod during the pr000so of multiplication in a broth. I .
crioonin.rooistant otrain 81611 II . initial ?train 8181
III crioomin.resiotant strain 812 in tho prom:taco of 60
.toloranco units/61 of Grioomin.
17ordo'in fiGuro 6. At tho lofts Attoutrt of VA in redMa of dry
bactel-ial moo. Bononths time in hoar?.
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\u/ wan?www
But in the intestinal rod, which was resistant to grisemin, a con.
eiderably cl1or content of ribonuoleio acid (approximtely by 2.3 time)
was noted during the course of the first two hours of growth (lag phase and
the beginning of legarithmio growth). After the third hour, the moment of
the most Intense multiplication, its contents in both strains became Exp.
proximately equal; after this the amount of ribonucleic acid in the resistant
strain exceeded the amount in the sensitive strain, because it multiplied
slower than the sensitive and during the course of a shorter time.
In grisemin.resistant intestinal rod, whidhi was cultivated in the
presence of grisemift, the curve of contents of ribonucleic acid ?coupled
a.middle position between the contents of the initial and griseminpresistant
strains. Tinder the cited tenditions (addition of grisemin) the centente of
ribonuoleio acid in srisemineresistant bacteria increased during the lug
phase and at the very beginning of the phase ,of logarithmic multiplication;
after this occurred its much stronger reduction, when compared to the
grisemin.resistant strain, rhioh was grown without the antibiotic, because the
addition of grisemin stimulated the prodess of multiplication or grisemim.
resistant intestinal reds;
- As for ddeoxyribonuoleio aoldj the comparison of the corresponding.
curvee (figure 6) points to the change of dynamics of its contents in the
intestinal rod, which was resistant to grisemin.
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?LU) UMW ? lf?bV1 0
Title of figuro 6. Contents of doso4yribonuoleio acid in the
intestinal rod during tho proses? of itegropth in broth.
.1 . B. colt 013 - initial strain) I/ B. colt 618 .
grio;:in-rooiotant Strain; III . B. colt 618 grisomin.
resistant !Aran in tbo prosonoo of 60 toloranco units/ml
of grisomin.7-
Cordo in ft:tiro O. At the lefts amount of MI in modm of dry
baotCrial co,.M Boneaths timo in hourO.
If in the initial strain the acoutUlation of tho indicated acid ra0 dOtOoto4
lance tho first tomsnt of baotorial cultivation, then in tho grioemiri.
rooictant otrain its quantity doorcaood during tho ntolo lag phaco. In thO
initial otrain tho contents of-dosovribonuoloio.aoid attainod their maxi.
tum after 8. houre, thon dropped abruptly (with the approach of tho ported -
of fact bultiplyinZ), butt/1th the olcuing doln of multiplication they
again increaood somotihat and finally (Bogin p.31] decreaced during the
'poriod of dying off. In tho gridomin.rooistant Otrain the ptooden of
accumulation of docOxyribOnuoloio acid did not stop after 3 hoard, althsacA
at that .moDont tho grisomin.rosiotant intoctinal rod was dividing nith
tho greateat opoods tho amount of acid incromood during the coutoe of 6
? hours of fiocion. 7lith the onsot-of.the phaco of dying off a drop in tho
amount of dosmyribonuoloic acid began at first gradually, but after a
whilo more quickly.
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[Begin p.321
Griseminaretietant intestinal rod, which grew 1.h a meditus contsining
grisemin occupied a.middle position in dynamics of the contents ,of the
latter. Miring the big phase the curve resetbleclthe curve of the griseMina,
resistant strain. After that the curve acquired a similarity with the curve
of. the initial strair as the process of multiplication under suoh condi?
tiontsPproximated t, rocess of growth of the initial strain); that is,
the amount of acid increased up to 3 hours, and then dropped. With the
lag in the process of growth the amount of desoMyribonucleic acid in grisemin.
resistant bacteria, in the presence of grisemin, increased far greater, than
in the initial strain, approaching its amount in grisemin.resistant bacteria
which were cultivated without grisemin. At the beginning of the phase of
' dying off the contents of the acid dropped. And we succeeded to note that
.the griseminwresistant strain during the extent of the first three hours of
growth (during the lay phase and at the beginning of the phase of logarithmic!'
growth) contained a somewhat smaller amount of desomyribonuoleio acid (about
lktimes),.the grisemin?resistant intestinal rod surpassed the sensitive one .
in the tmount of the cited acid during the nett period of its development:
1. Intestinal rod, with an acquired resistance to grisemin, contained
a smaller amount of nUoleio acids than the initial, during the course of
the leg phase and at the beginning of the phase of logarithmic tultiplioation.
In the intestinal rod, resistant to grisemin, dynaelos of oontents
of ribonuoleio acid during the process of growth were essentially similar to
its dynamics in the sensitive strain, while the dynamics of desOmyribonuoleio
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(12) ? Trans. A?973
acid soMewhat changed to a growing direction.
3. In the intestinal rod contentb of nucleic acids are in close inter..
combat/on with the precise? of multiplication.
4. rti,th a deep method of cultivation the grisemin.resistant intestinal
? rod multiplied slower than the sensitive and the ptIried of growth vas
shorter (the phase of dying off ;began 10 hours earlier) than in the initial
? form.
6.? . Gridemin produced a stimulating notion on the precess, of tultipli..
cation of the grisetin-resistant intestinal rod.
lives, A. F., On the question of the essence of the rrocess of ao.
quiremont of resistance to olismoth6rapeutio preparations by. bacteria.
Actorep6rt, diftertation, 144, 1961. - George Er. and Panda/al. K., lancet,
1949, 114 11, p.966. ei Voureks, A.. lancet, 1948, N. 2* p.62.
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Trans. A4.04
(In full)
*vox, A.?.
Dinamikatibrazovanila in vitro Os oiohivykh
form bakterii k antibiotika. grizeminu.
(The dynamics of formation in vitro ofiresidtant
bacterial forms to the antibiotic, grieemini.
Zhur. Mikrobiol..Epidemiol. ii unobiol,
vol. 27, no. 12, ..65.71, Dec. 1956. 448.3 Z4
(In Russian)
? Drug.resiatant forme of bacteria are formed after their repeated rog.
? seedings on media which contain chemotherapeutical substances in sub.
bactoriostatio doses. In such cases, apparently, two processes take places
on the one hand, there occurs a selection of bacteria which are less eon.
sitive to the given concentration of the preparation after the elimination
? of all individuals sensitive to the preparation; on the other hand there
proceeds a process- of adaptation of the survived forme of bacteria to the
increasing concentrations of the preparation, which proves to be for the
microbe an unfavorable factor of the external environment. The process of
adaptation is of predominant importance in the acquiring of resistance to
the medicinal substance by the microbes.
From the position of nichurin's biology the resistance of micro+
organisms is a regular effect of interaction of the microbe .?ell with
the medicinal substance, which changes the processes of metabolism; and,
thus Causes the formation of new resistant forms or death of the sen.
sitive beeteria.
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(2) Trans; A-974
The antibiotio grieemin, which was chosen by us for the studies of
dynamics of the formation of resistant forms of bacteria, is a dry pro.'
potation; it is highly soluble' in water; it was firot obtained in the
.Department of Infectious Pathology and Elporimental Therapy of the Institute
of Epidemiology and Microbiology intent Gamaleia of MITI SSSR Dicademy of
.1!Odical Sciences of USSR] under the leadership of Professor Planelted.
This preparation retains its activity during the course of unlimited time
when in the dry form; it is also preserved quite stably while in solution.
Grisemin produces a sharply expressed baoteriostatio action on all bacteria
sensitive to its reaction; under certain conditions it can also react becterid.
It wae necessary to test the sensitivity of bacteria to grOemin be.
fore beginning ihe studies of dynamics of formation of grieemin resistant
forms of bacteria. MI studied the sensitivity of two strains of B. coli,
of two strains of staphylococci, two strains of bact ria of Grigorlov?
Shiga, of one strain of Plexnorts dysenteric rod and of a strain of h71.
Orisemin chloride (aeries no. 6), which re utilized for the research,
contained 16,000 antibacterial units in 1 mg. For the preparation of
workinc solutions of grisemin we dissolved the dry preparation indistilled
water at a rate of 1 mg per 1 mi. re utilized in eur work a method of
serial dilutions, in test tubes with the addition of agar. Results wore
taken from test tubes where the smallest amount of grisemin fully inhibited
the crowth of bacteria.
It is seen from table 1, in which the results of this preliminary
experiment are summed up, that the sensitivity to grisemin in various strains
and epecies of microorganisms is different.
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After that we proceeded to study the conditions Under which the
formation of grisemin resistant forms of bacteria occurred. The obtaining
of grisetinsresistant forma of bacteria in vitro was conduoted-by two
1) Cultivation on Media, which contained constant low concentrations
of the preparation, and
2) cultivation on media, which contained progressively increasing
concentrations of the antibiotic. (Begin P.66)
Table 1.
_Sensitivity_of bacteria to_grisemin
Concentration of grisemin in COMM
per/ml of mediura .
Control, without
the antibiotic
- . 96
16.6 '
Staphylococcus aureus
? A
/ /
no. 5
Wood's Staphylococcus
B; colt no. 613
F. MT' no. 866
bacillus no.-913
The same, no. 1560
Flexner's bacillus'
no. 1160 -
Amp. banillnn
Cofiventional signs. ? presence of the inhibiting action; /absence of
Concentration in 7.8 tolerance units/61 was chosen as a fixed con-
centration of grisemin, in the presence of whiCh we passaged the strains
studied by us. Before proceeding with a eystematio daily passaging of cul-
tures on agar with the indicated constant concentration of the preparation,
the strains, which were sensitive to a smaller amount of grisemin (strain
of Wood's Staphylococcus, both strains of bacillus Grigortev?Shiga_and of
Plexnerls bacillus), were adapted in succession to 1.951 3.9 and 7.8 unite
of grisemin per 1 m1 of medium. We utilized the meat-peptone salt-free',?
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(4) Trans, ,A.974
agar of double concentration se a medium. After a 24-hour stay of the .
culture in the incubator on a modiuSiwith the antibiotic, we made reseeding*,
first of all, on a median with the same concentration of the antibiotio,
andoecondly, on a medium, containing increasing concentrations of the pros
paration. This procedure was repeated up to the time when the resistance
of strtins inereased and they began to grow in the presence of 7.8 units of
Having obtained strains, which were resistant to the indicated cons
oentration of grim-min, we proceeded with adaptation of all cultures to
this concentration of the antibiotic. Passage* were conducted at an in..
terval of 48 hours. After each 5 passages the resiitance of strains was
tested on the came nutrient medium, containing further consecutively in.
Creasing concentrations of the antibiotic. With Such a method Of cUltivation
a rather fast increate in resistance was Observed in some strains.
As it is seen from figure 1, the resistance increased the. quickest in,
dysenteric bacteria, eapeoially in the Origoroev-Shiga bacillus, no. 015;
it increased scurehat slower in the other dysenteric strain of 0rigorievs
Shiga no. 1360: The resistance of dyeenteric strain of Flexner .no. 1160.
increased by 600 times after the 50th passaging.
The resistance of B. coli no. 613 increased by 125 times when nearing
the 35th passaging. In the strain of hay bacillus, examined by um, the
resistance to grisemin increased also, after passaging this preparation on
subbaoteriostatio oonoentrations. [Begin p.67]. The 'lowest increase. in
"resistance to grisomin was observed in staphylococci.
Thus, all the cited experiments showed, that the bacteria examined by
us, which were originally sensitive to grisemin, formed resistant variants
after a considerable number of reseedings in the presence of a constant cons
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. (6) Tratn A.974
Title of fivro 1. /wiretap of rooietanoo of bacteria to tho
antibiotic gricemin aftor passaging through oonstant
concontratietia of the proration.
Vcs?do in figuro 1. At the lofts-ooncontration of gricemin in
toleranee unitoiml.; bo1c. pacsagings; inaide the picture
Convontional signs: Grigatiev.Shiga bacillus no. 918;
Grigorlov.Shiga bacillus no. 1140; PlOinorso bacillus
no; 1100; 13. coli no. 818; B. coil no. 806; Staphylococcus
no. 6.; Vogio*Mhylosocca.
Paocagint,.? through =dia9 containing the increasing concontrationa of
. the preparation, uoro conducted in tho follasirks mannor. Prole test tube?
rith a comentration of tho proparation rhich produced a noticoable bacteria.
static notion, r0000dingc to 9: nutrient modia? containing tho sap or a
? higher concentration of cricomine according to the intoneity of the grouth of
? the corresponding cain 1,oro cdo vith a loop. The above cited salt.froo
meat.piptone agr-r of double oonoentration wan uscd as a medium. At the
same tire control passaging? of the came -strains wore oonducted oh tho salt.
froo agar, thioh did not contain any antibiotic.
The ragumaritioo9 rhich =To uncovorod by us, on the rico of the re.
?Jai:ante to gricomin during such a method of cultivation, aro eitod in
' figuro 2.
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te) :MUM* 11.48Wil
Ono can Geo from tho oitod data that, aftor cultivation of bactoria
on modia vith increacing concontratione of the antibiotiti, a complratively
fact formatiOn of tho grInomin rociotant for= occurred.
Ono can coo from tho cited curveo that thb dypenteric cultures
acquirod a.comparativoly high dogree of rcsistance to gricemin. Highly
rociotant variants rev) alco obtained in B. colt and in hay bacillus.
Tho etaphylooccoal straind reachod comouhat clOaer tho high level of crisemin.
Thus, all the cited,ozporiments shoved that bacteria, tooted by uc,
after a considerable nntbor of renoodinge on media mtioh contained in-
oreaoins conoontrations of gricomin, becamo resietant to rather high
concontrationo of the prOparation. [Begin p.00]
Title of fiLuro 2. Inoromee of resistanco of bacteria to anti.
biotio gricomin after ito paseaging through incroaoing oom.
contration of .tho preparation.
Worde in fi;pre no. 2. At the lefts concentration of grisomin in
tolerance unite/mi; bololl pascagingo; innido Conventional
sigtoi Grigorlov.8hica baoillun no. 913; Grigoriev.Shiga -
bacillus no. 1300; Plonnor Is bacillus no. 1160; B. colt no.
613; 11.. rfiti. no. 865; Btaphyl0000cus no. 5; and Erectile
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111-011.11 ? 7F
Cirigie of variants, which have a .high degree of resistance to -
gristmill,. is, positively, a response of microorganisms to the presence in
the medium of a specific substance in relation to which a rosistanceis
When comparing the results, obtained after passaging thabactoria
different methods, one can observe an extremely energetic adaptatility
of microbes during the second method of cultivation (passages on media,
containing increasing concentrations of grisemin). Compariton of the rise
of resistance during both methods of pulturing of bacteria it represented
in thercoMbined table 2.
Apparently, the difference in the speed of the rise of resistance Of
bacteria to grisemin is explained by the fact that in Case of their 041-
turing on media which contain a constant low concentration of grisemin,
there, basically, taxes place an adaptation to the antibiotie substance,
whereas during cultivation on increasing concentrations of the preparation
there take place both the adaptation and the selection of the more resietatt
14 have checked the stability of the resistance to grisemin, acquired
by the bacterisq after their prolonged storing in an agar columella under
vaseline oil, as well as after a great wither of reseedings on agar, which
did not contain the antibiotic. Cbservations have shown that the artifi.
()Lally acquired resistance to grisdmin by the culture did not decrease
after storing under vasoline oil for the duration of three years.
Cultures, resistant to grisemin were seeded in test tubes with meat.
peptone agar and after an 16.20 hour incubation at 37' again wore reseeded
to the same agar. After 260 such reseedings those cultures' resistance was
tested on meat.peptone agar, containing grisemin. It was established that
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(8) Trans. A..974
the cultures did not lose their acquired capability to grow on a medium .
containing high concentrations of the preparation. Consequently, the resiatance
to grisemin, acquired by the cultures, can :be preserved for a long time
and be transmitted hereditarily. (Begin p.89).
Table 2.
Increase of bacterial resistance to grisemiswhen cultivating them on increasing
and constant concentrations of the antibiotic (comDostt. table
Growth at a
111Non passaging through in..
creasinL concentrations
"Olen passaging through con.
stant concentrations
of grisemin in
Number of
Maltiplioity of
the increase of
Number of
hUltiplioity of
the increase of
B; alb no; 613
F. colt, no. 886
Iky baoillus '
maureus no. 5
ljnd's 8taphylo.
baciillds no.1360 195
2,000 ,
Same, no. 913 0.97
Pleiner's bacillus
no. 1160 ! 0.97
.. 4,000
A barge nuMher of cases is deectibed in literature when the resistance
of bacteria to one antibiotic involve, a simultaneous increaee in resistance
to many other preparations. From this point of view it ;sealed interesting
to find out if a creased resistance takes place in grisemin resistant baom
torte to other chemotherapeutic) substances. We conducted a research in
studies of crossed resistance of grisemin resistant cultures to streptomycin,
penicillin, aureomycin and chloromyostin. We examined simultaneously the
initial eensitive strains and the grisiain resistant variants.
As it is seen from table 3, in bacteria, which acquired a resistance
to grisemin, a simultaneous increase in resistance to other antibiotics was
detected: to penicillin, streptomyoin, aureomycin, and partially to ohloroft
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(9) . wrens. A+974
mycotin. Orisemin reoistant variants of B. colt and of Staybyl00000us
aureus proved to be cross resistant to 'penioillin (from 3 to 64 ,times).
Of greatest interest was the change in sensitivity to streptoroyoin in B."
bay bacillus, Staphylococcus aureus and dysenteric, culture" of Grigoriev.
.Shiga after acquiring the resietanoe to crisemin. In strains of B. colt.
which were resistant to grisemin, resistance to streptomycin increased
simultaneously by 5004,000 times. in grisemin resistant variants of Stappy.
lococcus aureus or hay bacillus and of the dysenteric, bacillus Grigortev.
Shiga the resistance to streptomycin also increased simultaneously by 25.126
Ulna. Apparently, the inner reorganitation of the baoterial cell, which
acquired the resistance to grisemin, spreads to a complex ,of chain reaotions,
which, to some measure, include substrata, that are reacted upon by.strepto.
wain also.
In B. colt an increase was also simultaneously detected in the resistance
to aureomycin (by 26 and 81 times) and to chlorowycetin (by 2 tinms)j in
dysenteric oultures of.Origoroev.Shiga and of /limner . to chlorosycetin
(by 2.4 times). [Begin.p.701
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Trani : A-974
Table 34
? ?
- ?
Growth at a concentration
of gritemin in
tolerance unite/M1
Sensitivity in
tolerance units/61 41
Nati')lioity of the ; a
increase of resistance 61
Sensitivity in
tolerance units/m1 5 a
? u...1
Itiltipliotty of the
increase of resistance o
Sensitivity In
'tolerarae units/mi
Mhltiplioity of the
increase of resistance ti
rNfiltiplioity Of the It
increase of resistance 13
0 43
mi v
I: B
m4 4
43 e
"i 41
? 0
C/3 4;
B. soli no. 613, initial
F. Car no:. 613, resistant
E % ;MI' no: 865, initial
2 .
125 .
A '
a. coli no. 865, resistant
Way7Siallus, initial
Bay bacillus, resistant
StaphylOcoccUs aureus no. 5,
Staphylococcus aureus
no. 5, resistant '
-rood's Staphylococcus,
Wood es Staphylococcus,
Bacillus 0rigorlev4higa?
no. 913, initial
Bacillus Origorsev-Shiga,
no. 913, resistant
Pasillee Sageriewilaga,
me. ISO% Isitlaa
Beelines Grigarteewinlgas
ne. LBW reslstapt
Flexner Is bacillus
no. 1160, initial
Flexner ts. bacilllus
no. 11-60, resistant
0.9 !Ill 7.8
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(11) ? Trans. A.974
An assumption was expressed in a series of works that the resistance
acquired to one or another substance was a specific phenomenon. Some re. .
searchers suggested utilising antibiotic resistant bacteria for the identi-
fication of strains of Aotinemyo4s..-ptoducers of antibiotic substances when
isolating them from the. soil. In the practice of our laboratory this as.
sumptionswas not ?claimed, as it was estatlished'that grisemin resistant
variants of B. cell and of Stapylocoocut mire= showed an increased re-
sistance to several Iregin p.71) newly isolated strains Of Actinopyoes.
. producers of antibiotics, whieho as it wan disclosed later, produced anti.
biotic substances that differed from grisemin.
1. After a considerable number of passages of bacteria in the pre.
*once of increasing concentrations of grisemin a rise in resistance, was
noted, which exceeded the initial one by 8,000-256,000 time.
2. When cultivating these same bacteria at a constant low concentration.
of grisemin. (7.8 tolerance units/61) the resistance to the antibiotic increased
much slower and reached a much lower degree . from 125 to 18,000 times.
3: The resistance to grisemin, acquired by the bacteria, was pre.
Served during the course of three zero both when stored in a columella under
vaseline oil as well as after 80 reseedinge on meat.peptone agar, which
did not contain the antibiotic.
4. When studying Crossed resistance to other chemotherapeutic, sub-
stances it was shown that grisemin resistant hieteria acquired crossed re.
sistance of various strength to many other antibacterial substances (strepto.
mycin, penicillin, aureomycin and ohloromycetin.
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414 ."41. ?
(In run)
Sishkin P. Il.? Dborodov, A. R., ZlatIna? K. 11.
Proskuriakova, and Gluvko, A. L.
??Taterialy k voprosu ob ismezschivonti
? kisheohnoi paloohki.
? [niter/al 'concernina the problem of.
?variation in the enteric bacillus).
-Akademila 3ank latviiiikoi-SSR. Institut
? Mikrobiologii. Trudy. no. 6, p.27-85.
1956. 448.39 K44
. (In Russian)
In recent years.exteneive investigaticre have boen.00nducted of Lb)
study of variatlen in the .enteric bacillus under influenoes exerted kr; the
most vatiedlfactorS.; Thus), for example, it has been established that
changes (=Or in the enterio baoillus under.the influence of a prolonred
stay in river, ;ewer, eterile or chlorinated .water, and in Sterile and-
ordinarily tillaMe soil.
A study bait been tads of the changes) Occurring in the enteric baoilq.
les under oonditions of long growth on variant) culture media. Unusual (NM
sometimes fairly ntable variants of the enteric baoillus haVe been iso?
fated from patient) ;uttering from infectious and non.infectious diseases.
Ikra-amlutination of the enterio'taoillus is now eonsiderel
resultant Of unique, associated reciprocal relations between pathezenlo
micrdhes of the t7phoid.paratyphoid and dysenteric) groups. .
F. F. .lebedev hat demonstrated stable ohanges that have taken place in
cultures of the enterio bacillus expose.d to the influence of leucocyte)). .
* 1oningradelai Gosudaratvennyi Institut tisovorshenstvcrstaniia Vraohoi in. S. r.
Kirova (Dir. .. Prof; V. I. Zlinov), //snit:vied State Poetcraduate institute for
Pktsiolans in,. C. t. Kirov (Sir. ? Prof. G. I. Minor)).
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5 V*/ 44.4114.1,
The mOrksOf a nuriber Of researchers (Gracheva, Indlai, Libede*, TimakOvo'
Somehow and others) have demonstrated the possibility of obtaining "directed/
variant's of the enteric bacillus under 'conditions of concurrent gra7th with
live and killed pathogenic sdaromeganisme of the enteric grouri, or under the
influence exerted by the antigenic products of their activity. .Thusi
variantswere Obtained that in their biochemical characterif antigentoity and
even pathogenicity are closely,, related and similar to typhe/d*paratyphoid
and dysenteric microorganisms. .
In addition to thie, variation of the enterie bacillus occurring under.
the influence or antibiotic preparationicontinuei to be ineuffioiently in.
? vesti6ated; there is a dearth of experimental data needed for the charac-
terisation of the variation range of the enteric, bacillus' the regularities
La its changes have not been disclosed; the degree of the relationship and
nearnes* of the enteric bacillus to other pathogenic and conditiomally path?s
genie microorganisms has not been studied; neither a model nor conditions
? for regular cbtaining of objectively directed variants of' the enteric bac 11.
lue heeded forth' selection of &pathogenic vaccines against enteric diteases
have been worked out In detail. (Begin p.281.
-Variation of the enterio bacillus'ocourring under the influence or
antibiotic preparations continues to be inadequately investigated. Yet, at
the same times the latter &teems attention on the strength of its aidef
spread use and sometimes long intake by way of the mouth of preparations of
a broad spectrnmof activity the aotion of which pertains also to the enteric
bacillus, injnry by antibiotics of conditionally pathogenic microdrganisms,
violation of the specific' composition of normals intestinal floras and phone..
mem of ditheoteriosie have been described by a number of anthers and are
considered a resultant of inefficient use of antibioties. Injury by anti.
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biotios of the enteris bacillus . a oonst&nt and active member of the
vderebe association of the intestines . is associated with the activation
of ethor conditionally pathowle mieroorganisms (Proteus; bluopas beton.
luso yeast.liks fungi; eateretemie staphilommei); inorease in putrefactive
pr000ssos in the intestines; entry of poisonous products and the most condi.
tionally pathogenic mieroorganisme into the blood. In the wake of this,
theft develop petholodeal prowess... in particular diarrhea; intoxication;
dissominatod Candida wools ote.
Tho given work is the next link in our investigations devoted to the
variation at pathogenie and conditionally pathogenic mioroorganisms or the
ontoris group under the influence of biologleal factors.
The tank of our investigations was detection of variation in the
entorio bacillus ander the influent,* of the most distributod antitiotleo of
a wide spostrua of activity; contrasting and study or antibiotic variants as
compared with these obtained under the influent's of other biologleal factors.
The influsnee of a Mersin associations. of a factor at alerObo variation
no longer arouses *any doubt. With respect to the enteris beeillus; it hae
been established in natio* as well as under somperimsatal eonditions.
Ina widespread distribution in nature (soil; motor, food products; organic
substrates, oxoremonts or osta and animals ate.) the interim bacillus is oon.
stantly under the Whew* of various blochomleal actions of other re.
prosentativos of the odor** association.
We dwell*, on soil *Jaba as one of the representatives of the lattor
and as Wing alluring for experimental investigations for a numbsr of con-
sider&tione. Ameba is not at all a rare membor of alorobo associations in
411/ spoor waters; soil and :virus*. Their !Ending on mieroorganisms has boon known
long since and is readily exposed in cultural and pathologies.' material. They
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tik) IrginNe Aftwfu
have at their disposal a fermentative complex at various stages of the
? digestive procures which injures variously enterio bacilli, and they dc...
termine the etailCaa ? ita used in our experiments the cultures of soil amebae
obtained at one tire by A.1., tonokotina and fed supplementerily -in Otte? -
laboratory with eapreptites. Sy Roans of specific seeding and rsieeding
.during.a, whOlS cerise of passages, the transfer of amebae from Yeast nu-
trition.te_eultures of an exPerimental strein of the enteric bacillut vies
made poseible and a firm' iisseolitioa of amebae with the enteric bacillus
on a meat.peptone agar.agar was created. Two strains of the' enterio boon..
lus, Noe. 52 an 36, were uted in-the experiments' [Begin p.21)); with-respeot ?
to all characters these Straits corresponded With the typical culture of the
mierroorganisMe indicated. We dwelled on these cultures., chiefly beimtues their
variation has been widely investigated in the laboratory of cam. iState
Postgraduate Institute for Physitiansi. It has been established that they
undergo changes under the influence of tissue *wpm (leueocytee, oon-
.neotive tissues, spleen and others) and various antibiotic preparations,
also under conAitions of num um cultivation. Besides, strain no. 58 had been
obtained at OW time by P. P. Lebedev from one cell.
?Methodology of work, In both experiswntal series passages were earried
out either On neat peptone agar, or in a culture of leuoecytes with a Gradually
Unmeaning-antibiotic content at intervals of 64 days; a Similar experismnb
? was conducted with an amebae culture. From each passageAreseeding, seeding&
were carried out on Endots medium for the Agog* of siiking ? study of the
growth character of the enterie bacillus. Ton colonies were taken fram
every tenth. passage for ? study of biochemical activity and specific
genioity of cultures. ?T/S, cultural and micreecopic characteristics, bias.
chsmioal activity and anticenicity in unusual 'variants and highly adapted ?
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(5) Trans. A4.975
strains have been investigated. Why variants (len) Obtained in the process
of adaptatiOn to action exerted by antibiotics and amble eultures have been
subdivided into several types taking into account their biochemical activity
on media of a nveriegated series" and have been subjected to a further micro?
biologioal study. For the purpose of detecting regularities., the variants '
obtained were omfilrastedvith those in the original cultures, and mere salt*
lysed as to the origin of the variant. (antibiotics, amebae)) as a result,
oharacteristics of similarity and differences have been detooted.
Let me dwell on the results of the experiments we conducted.
The initial passage was oonducted on media oontaining one third of
sit antibiotic bacteriostatio dose. with each new passage the antibiotic con-
tent in the medium' was gradually inorsoeod. In rare case* with a meager
411 growth on now antibiotic, concentrations it was neoessary,to repeat the
seeding on the same sodium and after that to switch over to a new (medium]
with a higher antibiotie content,
Adaptation of the 'uteri() bacillus to different antibiotics is
compile/led varioUslys adaptation to some is fairly *say and rapid, to others.
conversely, it is slim and does not attain high Indioatore. In the ma1n4
2 types of adaptation eurves were determined* the highest ones . to streptomycin
and the loser ones . to levemiestin. Increase in resistanee to etreptowein
begins with the first passages and roaches high indicators fairly rapidly.
Conversely, increase in resistance to levompetin begins eery slowly, re
quires replicate reseeding* on the sem medium, and shifts in adaptation are
Observed on the third passage. The final resiotaase indioators in cultures
adapted to levonyeetin are not high, they do not approach those on strepte.
nyoin media.
Adaptation to levomysetin proceeds according to the "penicillin. type,
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V?34,0 .a.V,W I far
itor?itt p.30]. Increareii r...-:-.1.2tance is also inhibited in microorstilisms 1-lat
have a eensiti7ity t3 it.
Adap%tion to syntoveln is accomplished solrewhat acre real:111,y* '::17,t it
come tamer to it t%enicillin t -gel In relation to levompetih.
Dinatlos of riation in exFoilnattal cultures varied in relation to
the actIon exerted one factor or another. Uhe earliest chan.7es occnrrinc
in cultural chRr..cteristice emorge in the vrocess of adaptation to
biotics. tEein p.311 in particular, under the influencer..,f a treptowcin, then
levovvetin and syntelyein. tnusual variants appeared eenaiderably later
ittseedIngs [taken] frm aseotaations with amebae.
Tallo 1 illustrates variation dynamics or the biological properties
of some etralyin In the process of Maptation to antibiotics and amebae. Data
in the table demonstrate the variety of 17lochemica1 activity or cultures
or the or:teric bacillus that have ontierone passabIng, the absence of a
strict relation between the appearance of sone varieties or others A the
multiplicity of the rAistnes -NI the nature of the action*exerting factor.
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?ir I 4,10'Nffisi
? . Oricln
Pt .3
4'3 .
. ge.,
ram ?
% I
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to) Trans? Ag*W70
At special investigations have demonstrated, the Seeming variety Of ,
changes is due to the different depth and stability of the Changes .that bad
occurred in the different Specimens of a given culture and their viability
in furthorpassages. Nonetheless, regardless ?f the diversity of the vate, '
adaptive strain, sommularitios havelten established in the frequency end
time of the.appearence of unusual variants.
The, the first variants to appear in the preemie of adaptaflon to.
antibiotiCs and; in part, to the actiOn or amebae Sr. thosiethat are lading
the capaisity to produce acid andias.liki products either on one or on
? several catbohydrates, then cultures close to paracoli and Coli-eitrovormh
and lster nalkalivroduOing" variants that, as to depth and stability of changes,
. Como ?lose to the cultures Of the fecal alkeilwprodueing agent tilealiones
recalls). We have detected the indicated changes in cultures under the in.
fluent,' of ll experimental antibiotics 4nd whea expesed to the action of
.soil amebae. .
- AlkSliaprodtioing variants ere/12tiinhorentien1y in the enterie beeillue.
As demestrated. by systematic observations conducted by fellows of the Faculty.
,of Nfterobiology (State Postgraduate Institute for PhysiolansJ they emerge'
under action exerted ley leueoeytes in oultures and under the influence of .
specific *era and antibiotic preparations invariout representatives of
pathegenie microorganism of the enteric group.
Thus; K. W. native has found them in dysenteric bacilli of Origor!wom
Shigeo V. F. Kondritieva in Flexner's baCillisig. F. Rosenfeled 't*
KrUse.Sonno baeillus, F. - in the enterid bacillus, A. Lu SlUvko
In. the paratyphoid bres/au microbe, (9. breslaviensis), and V. P. lambhchikov
in Mergants bacillus. The alkslii.produeing variants haVe been described by
D. 0. Eudlai as a'regular sup of rdaptive vetriat,ton. They must actually
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tV)? Trans. *PIM'
be cotuddered tba first stable signals of profound shangSs **Marring
In astabolisa of ewprinental nierdbes under the inflating,* snorted by a
whola series of factors.
In the pewees of adaptation to antibiotics ant soil amebae1 we oil*
ttined 160 variants stibdivided into 15_groups on the basis of [their] bias.
*Medea' activity and antigenioity. Charastertsing data aro gated in table
2. The variants Obtainad were subjeeted to a serutinising alorcloislogical,
shirteterieation along the line of cultoral and eloressopie eharicteristies,
tlegin p.$2] and bicohenisal activity with respect to carbohydrates,
anincacids, presume of soft mines and viability.
Table 2.
Or trim
liechanical charasteristice
4 ill
inlet/pt. ?
25 passag.
20 poutsag:
10 pea Sag DI
5 passes.
10 [nasals.
25 passag.
10 passag.
100 AO
a A
13 AG
1 AG
1 ....
1 .
1 AO
1 AG
2 ..
1 AG
1 .
AI 1
: I iI .4,
A r
A ?
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let us dwell on each seetion separately.
The cultural oharatteristios we studied on asalpeptons agar Rnd on
Endo's medium' the p11 of the medium was 7.2. A deserilption of the cultures
was 'nede on the fifth day of observation' for the appearenos of variants of
daughter and secondary cultures the seeding& had to be kept for 12 days at
room temperature.
Endo's medium proved most favorable for the detection of polymorphism
or evitural oharaottristies. Apart from the size and forms of the oolonies,
here it was possible to observe the different shadIngs of the oultures re.
sultin- from at alteration in the biochemical activity of variants on a
given medium.
rith regard to cultural oharaoteristies, the variants which we ob-
tained oak be subdivided into several groups.
1. large, smooth, red colonies with a metallic hue, a flat venter and
a slanting, fairly wide periphery. Under a microscope they were found to
have a preponderance of short exam.negative bacilli, infrequently short
little ?halms were encountered..
2. Large, smooth, red and rese.selored colonies without a metAllio
luster, flat at the center end ooneentrieally striated on the periphery.
Under a microsoope, short oeceebaoteria and fairly long bacilli
[hitt] have been encountered in them side by side with typical lbw:41.11lb
[Begin p.331.
3. Smooth, round colonies slightly dome.ehaped? with an even odor, at
first entirely solarises, later (8th.12th day) reseseelered and even reddish.
Under a microscope, short and long bacilli, more rarely c000dbaoteria and
little ehains of gram.positive bacilli were found among them.
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4. At first salaries., later turning red, small, round, smooth colonies,
somotimes Atha snail depression at the (motor. They are oompased of
short and long gram negative bacilli forms are rare.
6. Smooth, round, very mill (0.3,4.6 met in diameter) dwariNlike
Colonies of a red and rose color, sometimes colorloss at the beginnings
later turning rooeutoolorod. Under a miorosoope they are found to have a
preponderance at small cocedbacterias thin and long bacilli are found to
be a rare exception.
6. Colorless, round, sometimes rampart*shapod colonies with KU oven
or wavy saga, transparent, with a rose..00lorod hue only at the eentor. Under
a micresoopo polymorphic short and long, and thin gram-negativw bacilli are
found is them.
7, Dommoshapod, smooth, colorless or rosed.00lerod colonies of a
mucous consistency. Under a microscope, short and thin *bacilli, infra..
qaently small chains and small heaps of wider ooccebasteria are found among them.
8. Round, smooth, flat, colorless or rose-Poolerod eolonlos with a
similar wavy 0410. On meatoveptone agar the salmis' are lusterless and
yelllow colored. Under a mioroseope, short and thin bacilli and threads, as
well as chains of c000duteteria are found among thea.
O. Round eolonies, smooth at the center, radialky tradiarael or die.
orderly striated at the periphery, with an uneven, dented adv. Under a
microscope, short bacilli, individual opecobasteria and chains are found
among them. First place as to frequency among our Variants is occupied by
colorless, transparent, smooth colonies that later on tura rose?eolored.
Colorless or rose.colored mucous colonies, as well as colorless colonies with
rese.calored center and rampart-shaped ado* aro fossil =oh more rarely.
Striatod and dwarMike colorless or red colonist must be considered as rare.
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JOG srimna? *Newt*
Besides, they proted to be the least stable in reseeding; they lost (their]
unusual characteristics after 6-842 reseeding* on solid media with no
active factor.
We hems studied the biochemioal aetivity of adapted cultures and
unusual varlet** with rearm* to carbohydrates and aminoacigs. Carbolitio
properties we studied on 16 media of an analytical "variegated" series.
Observations were conducted repeatedly in the process of adaptation RS well
as outside the active factor for the purpose of detecting the stability of
unusual characters. (Begin p.341.
Table 3.
? ?r?
4 1;
1 Orig.
2 Strep.
10 ?
16 Orig.
17 Ameba
iochendsal character.
? 8
4" 2
4 ? 3% AN la 1 AV Adi AG
No. 33 A
1 AC
At A
AG k A
A A'
I -3
W 0
* 0 0
4* 0 le
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Zable 3, Continued
tO tO tO CO
, CO CV -4 Oir en VI Wo? of atrsind
ocheca c rao ors
IriPbe a
The results of eomparative investigation are cited in table 3, 110.ta
In the table show the more substantial ohanges in the carbolytio nativity
of experimental microbes, they pertained to the loss of said and as forsOki?
tion separately as well as together, with respeet to individual as well as
to all carbohydrates use in experiments. We studied changes in =stabs)...
lien of nitrogenous substanees by the assimilation of ammonium sulfate and
sow amissoacids at our disposal, and also in relation to the formation of
indole and hydroon sulfide.
74 the study of assimilation of actincacids, we used 13?10poliskiils
synthetie medium specially codified for use in research work. It is oom.
posed of the followings (Begin p.351.
? amoniunk sulfate or the aminoacid ander
eadiuts bicarbonate
sodiumt ghlorido 0.8
disubstituted anssonius sulfate'0,2
? MOW! Ulm att Mt. ?1
pN 7.2
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%As/ iratuo WKU
? t
The Oulture medium poured out in test tubes and ster Used at 116 CJ
in autoclave wad seeded in equal amounts (500 thousand microbe bodies)
with original and adupted cultures of the enteric bacillus the seeding&
were kept for 24 hours in an incubator at V? [C]. Assimilation effective?
nese was judged by the intensity of miessibe growth determined by the nopholo?
metry method and compared with that of similar imiVbes] in original, nei..
adapted cultures. We took the yield of original cultures as one unit
Route or experiments conducted with variants of the enteric bacil-
lus adapted to antibioties and amebae are cited on figure 1.
A 00MIAMI characteristic of strc,ins a:toted to antibiotios is the con-
siderable lagging of their growth on synthetic media eontaiting assinoaeids -
as 'capered with the non-adapted control Biretta. A i;reponderant majority of
experimental cultures produces 4 yield 40.8% lower than that of the original.
'eentrol [strain]; a certain nuMber of stmine scarcely appreaohed the growth
intensity Of the original (strain] and very few produced * yield equal to
that of the original strain.
The latter is expressed more clearly on media with systine, in part
with &Janine and ahhisimmindbutyrie acid. The yield of all experimental
atrains on a medium with asparagin was lower than that of the control
strain. As far as assimilation of mineral nitrogen used experimentally in -
the form of ammonium sulfate is coneerned, the latter is assimilated by all
trains and u preponderant majority of strains produces a yield close to that
of the control strain, while the yield of some strains (4) is even somewhat
higher than that of the original oulture.
.The growth intensity in the different variants obtained from cultures
? of soil amebae on different sources of nitrogen varies. Thw moot luxurioos
growth, equal or exceeding in yield the growth of the control strain, dertmeted
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(Is) Trans. A-97'6
in alanine, cystine, alpha-aminobutyrie acid and partieularly in as
came close to that of the aontrol **skin in gloom, and ammonium sulfate.
A considerable lagging in growth intensity behind the control (strain] has
been, observed in the preponderant majority of strains in a synthetic sodium
with Tann", lysine, beta.phersylalanine and glyc000ll.
In ?wowing the growth intensity of variants adapted to antibiotics
with similar indicators in these adapted to sell amebae, the ?onsidsrebly
greater growth intensity can be readily seen in the amebae variants on
maw aminoacide. The latter reireumetanee], obviously, is connected with a
more th.orough.going impairment of metabslism (is cultures] under the in.
fluence of antibiotics, than in cultures adapted to soil amebae. (Begin .46).
The intensify in the assimilation of nitrogenous substances, and the develop.
sent and yield of the latter approach fairly closely similar indioators in
non-adapted control cultures.
Ter the purpose of sonparing changes eceurring in adpated and in
original vultures, we conduoted a study of the a ctivity of some enzymes,
in particular of eatalase and dehydrene, (Begin p.371 whieh play an es-
sential role in the meta'bolists of miereerganisme. Catalans we determined
by the gaseartrio method described by Beloserskii and Preskuriakov, Cod also
by Pershin. In comparieg ?atlases activity of experimental cultures with
the activity of original ones, it was found that eatalase activity had de-
creased in all variants of the eetsria bacillus adapted to antibieties, with
the exeeption or strain no. 4. adopted t* streptomycin. In most variante adapted
to soil amebae, "Athlone entivity is considerably higher than in original ones.
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4, 11:7 &raw t ? mosa
MA Mt.:5*U
OW-77 Is in.
10.1A 8
0114W2 Glyeocoll
F:=11: Cystitis
CZ2ZzrALIc(- AlOillobutyrio acid
e. to
ameba culture
MANN :itilTS5.5523A
ram ..01.111ie
6 WssA
11111111111ilLtain FOILVIeG
L ...12w2A sak r
r?s1 Yield 50% lose than control'
Yield 25-44 less than control
IM Yield equal to or higher than control.
Irtrures in column denote number of straits
Fig. 1.
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. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
.4 4. ?
Dehydrase activity of ezpvrimental and control cultures was studied by tho
as I.
TunbergtothodOodified by B. I. 2barskinikertragstv. In detcatinG dehy*
drase we.dwelled.11 the activity in relation .to glucose, ethyl alcohol, glye
cerin, citric, sucoinio, lactic, gletamtnic and formic acids that are of Os..
sential importance in the metabolism of various carbohydrates and proteins, '
particularly In the oxidation of 'glucose.
tthyl alcohol
Citric acid
? nooinio acid .
lactic acid
Olutaminio acid
Formio acid
Rewtz, TA
24 -
la igO8V-Z7z/1
ActivitT6qg less than eontrol
Aotivity 25.40g less than control
Aotivity equivalent to of higher than
Murcia in columns denote nuMber of tested strata
Fig.. 2..
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%au/ Arenas ^7wfu
. Experimental results are cited in fig. 2. Xeres ?too, most ex..
porimental strains possess dsereased deters** activity on ell substrates.
'And. only a small numbsr of straits poises" a debydrese activity that is
? close or Similar to the control ones and very few surpass the latter by a
More trifle: In covering dohydrase activity in Variants adapted to anti"
biotics with tbat in variants adapted to toil arebae, tB.gri p.80] are
noted some difference* in traits, namely 4. variants adapted to antibiotics
politest lea* dehydrate activity than the variants obtained in amebae culto
. tures.
_However, .due evaluation of dehydrate aotivitY requires a further, more
diversified investigation.
Along with catalaie end debris's'e activity, we determined organic
acids as produots of culture activity. ;Ihe investigation toss conducted in
asat.peptone broth with glucose., _Of organic acid* we dotectod acetic, lactic
and formic acids by the testbod described by A. N. Beioterskii'and N. I.
PreskuriakeV. 'We undertook detection of organio acids chiefly blooms of
itert variants that do not produce any visible acid or gas on
media of a variegated rbieohossical totit3 *oriel for the purpose of comparing
.tho results with those (obi:sited] from gas?producing variants of the enteric
As & result of the investigation, the absence of fermio acid watt
established in nearly all strains, with the exception of the variant adapted
to streptoewein in louoocyte cultures. Aoetic_aoid mat detected in all
experimental strains, but its sorriest was moiler ,than that in
strains adapted to ameba: in stitch the fortation of acetic 'LOA surpatted
that in control (strains). The content of lactic acid *as also "taller in
all experimental strains than in controls. It meat be ezaphatized that we ?
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(la) Trans. A*975
have found organic *olds not only in culture* thst decompose glut:Wm with the
formation of acid and gee, but also in culture* of so-called "in?rt" variants,
that grow on gluoose without forming acid or gas.
tn Conneetion With this. the absence of the acid and gas formation
phenomenon does not justify a negation of the pretene* of acid in ?inert"
cultures. Obviously, minimal gas tonstion is not exposed by indicators
in radio of a "variegated Abiochemical test] series" and is, possibly,
camouflaged by alkali produots .of nio tabling* of the given strain.
For the purpose of characterising original and adapted cultures,
we Node a study ors 1) desoxyribonacleie acid by the colorimetric method
with a dipheny/amino reagent according to the normal by A. 71. Delosirekii
411 and*. I. froskuriakovs 2) tryptophans according to 7Uasenle Vasen'a ()1.
reaotioh in alkali hydrolysate, after testing for ocaplotO hydrolysis on.
amine nitrogen lad 8) arginime tonlakaguchi's reaction. The lattor.eas
used for experimental purposes al:a factor of possible alkalisation of
the medium in the Fresoncs of organic acids as a result of decomposition of
AA regards tryptopbano, experiments were not conducted withall strain*,
but only with. 10 adapted to.streptompin in leuceoyle culture* (7) and(Z)
on solid media (one to each, ayntosvoin, streptomyein and levomrestin). As
a result, for most experimental strains, as compared with controls, change*
were established in the esindacid composition (Begin p.591 of the microbe
protein in favor of a tryptophans increase, and only in one variant adapted -
to leVomieetin a considerable decrease. A correlation between antigenie
properties and tryptophane content las not disoloseds Arginine was determined
in variants adapted to amebae. In 5 out of 0 variants its content in. Matures
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was _higher, in 3 ;variant* somewhat lower than in controls. 1%.3 increace
in arginine in *inert" alkali.produoing variants volts not detected. .
Wor were. any substantial changes found in the eontent of dose:grit*
motet? &Old which we investigated in 25 out Of 29 experimental strains.
A.prarently, more essential changes are required in microbes in order to
achieve mere brilliant shifts in the content of desoxyribonucleio acid.
We have also rade a study of the antigenio properties of variants as
comparad with those' in the original cultures of the enteric bacillus. They
?were studied in agglutination reaction With a whole series at limns sera.
The most? importantivere agglutination react/Ono with a serum against the
original strain, then with cora against different varieties Of the enteric
bacillue, ?end also with polyvalent and monoftlent sera against typhoid-para'
typhoid_ and dysenteric stiorogrgenisme and against the fecal alicalifortoduder
EALloaligenes-fecaliel. 4tiervations tare conduoted by-reans of an analytioal
Ipasvernutoil agglutination. motion with dilution* in test tubes up t.e.
the titer of each serum. We did not observe spontansois agglutination in am,
Pt the experimental strains. Sara usedigainet angina]. strains /aid sults
fioiently high titers 442800 ,and they produced positive reactions only
with corresponding strains'. The observation results are cited in table .4.
Table 4. shows that variant* adapted to antibiotics decrease and oven
lose the capacity for agglutination with sera against the original strain;
the latter can be seen particularly well with respect to the nore resistant
variants obtained in ?leucooyts cultures under the inflnenoe of streptovoin.
Along with this, there ppear?d in a whole series of adapted strains the
capacity for agglutinating with sera against other pathogenic and conditionally,
pathogenic microbes of the enteric group. Thus, for example, a clear aggluti.,
nation reaction was obtained with a serum against the Grigorltrv.Shige.
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(or Origoreff?Shigal dysenteric bacillus. against 13, paracoli, and against
the ecal alkali.oroduser (Altaligeneel
Some variants ttanifest elearly a eape.eity for agglutinating with a
serum in dilutions in hundredths against-the microbe whieh they approach
in their biochemical aetivity in media of a 'variegated series. Croce
rotations with sera of rabbits issaunised with eorresponding culttuva
adapted to streptomycin1 syntotroin, levomycetin and biomycin bear witnecs
to the thorough changes that ?ave taken place in the antigenic) properties
of variants adaptoo: to antibioties. DOE,111 p.401.
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g gwal-amosipos
so Ix
ce vat 4=1 US td 00 td
? ??? ? ?$? ? ? ?
&ix I.
0 00
td `P- * cltowelz:toww
? I bil b" ? ? ?. ?. ?, ? .
Oa 1!1"41111:1
W 0 Beillifflgt
?rap 0 000?po.,w00000
VbilMZM":?4'gr4: 9 r.
4 ipar
4 ?
11 1111 1111111
? ?
11 1111 1111111 1 1
11 1111 1111111 1 1
too 11.0
11 1111 :4.11111 1
11 1111 1111111 1
11 WI 1111111 1
E. fir
co 0 ?
[or Grigoroff.
Ship], 1:12600
Flexnar, 1:3200
B. paraeoli,
B. taiial.
alealig. 1:1600
B. ?olio synto-
myoin variant
B. ooli, strepto-J
vein variant
11 1111 1111111 1
B. colt, bionrein
variant, 1:1600
11 1111 1111111 1
B. colt, levemy-
(satin variant,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
Trans.. A-975
Tab 1. 4,
No. of
SiMilaritY withOrig.
other microbes
in biochemical ?
441TIL liglianwc EITX134.1515
13. coli
t. 8
gi ii 40 :43
2. b.;
? bg.
- ?
13 t.r4v"
ba 1
0 0
1 4
. ,
. _
? e:si
1 a
a; 0
..: -gh i
O. .14
, p?
ta ;
.4* et 8
0-4 .04 110
: ? 5
74:43 $
0,4 0
pI 41!
ai ri" ?a;
.3 054 0
r4 .44 ID
25 _
28 ? ?
. ,Synto!yoin
- Bloarcetin
3; :soli 41021.
D. colt eloal. ?
B. colt sacel.
B. faseel sisal.
31; soli elee1.
B. colt *Joel.
- 1:400
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tBegin p.411. Data of oz. 2 bear witness to the clearly volitive
reaetions brougtrt about with cultures of varianta edapted to the sane anti-
- .
Riactiona. in agglutination with microbe Culture*. resistant to
chemically related antibiotics are considerably- teilder. A 'negative agglu-
tination reaction, or. one in low dilutiens, has been establishiml with variants
adapted to antibiotic)* ie a remote chemical nature..
Thus, for instance. a serum against a. strain resistant to Streptomycin
predued e positive reaction wp to titer in agglutination with stroptottran
variants, to tm sure, not with all of them. Sera are sonsiderably ssilder
against syntonyoin variants they agglutinate .up to titer only corresponding
Variants trite as weak leiceyeetin and the crrig.inal strain of the enteric
The lass can be ss.i4 about sera obtained against variants resistant. to
leveeyeetin and espacially to biomytin.'
Strains adipted to soil amble change their antigettle.propertiee iPi
exactly the eam* eajm.r. But these cha. ngel aro -lest- pronounced obviously
the injury sustained by thipiantigepto apparatuS of the *Merle baotiloz while
under the influence ,or amebae bears a. less -profound character. Somithe/ese,
here also a 'considerable atterivation .has taken place, and for saes etrwizte .
it involved t loas Of their ability te 0,6glutinate with sera, obtained against
the origital. cUlture; Here, toe, ...series of variants produced a positive
reaction in egebitination j tb sere g*1jiet microbes with biochemical
charaetere similar te their own. With sera against pathogenic micronroattiems
of the 'typhoid ...paratyphoid group, against the dysenterld bacilli of ilezner,
. .
Kruse4enne end others, agglUtiration reaction was. always negative in au ax.
pertinent*/ strains adapted to .antibiotiee. and soil umbel,.
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(25) Trans. A.6975
Aad thus, in the process of adaptation, the antigenie properties of
experimental mierobes undergo a *hang.; the similarity with control and
original (maternel) strains is lost, there appear new antigenic characters
as a result or a now microbe habitat and new eomponents or their metabolism.
Under the influence of antibiotios, the changes in antigenic properties of
variants are more thorough, deviations from original vulturec are sharpor
than invariants obtained under the influence of soil amebae in onitnress
To be able to judge the thoroughness and the stability at changes
that had occurred in cultures of experimental microbes, we conducted special
experiments for the purpose of determining their spesifio and nonrcpsoifie
resistance to the action exerted by chemical and biological antiseptics.
411 We studied the viability of experimental cultures by exposure to the
action of chemical and biological antleepties and rabbit leusosytes.
The results or similar comparisons with respect to the original strain
and in corresponding eoefricients (relation between resistamee of an ori-
ginal strain and an adapted one) (Begin p.45] are cited in table 5.
In most variants of the enterio bacillus an themese in resistance to
antibiotic influence and a considerably drastic decline in viability when
exposed to the action of other antiseptic preparations appear to be a reps,.
larity. Just as mach of a regularity should be smoldered an increase in
group resistance to antibiotic substances of a related nature, as, for
installs., in strains adapted to syntomysin with respect to levompotift, and
in levomyeetin strain to syntomysins Attention has been attracted by the
appearance of group resistance to the action or lovemwoetin and syntomyoin
411 in strains adapted to streptomyoln, in levempostin strains to biomyoin, and
somewhat milder in ryntomysin strains to biemvoin.
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Trans. 1.975
Table 5.
No. in
Or igin
Decree of
? Adaptation
to arrtitkictim
tics tin.vf
of erigir el
Resistance ocefficiatt
as cce,ared
nal Istrainsi
. o,
A .
I 27
. 20
a '
* '
* .
' 2
. :16
64 ?
10th passage
5th !I
- 10th passage
10th rassage
20th Passage
20th I'
23rd *
25th *
32 .
? "a
16 :
.. 64.258
. 6569
' 6
. 16
' I .
' .9
? 2
' 1
2 ?
2 '
2 .
. 2
? 1
1 .
1 ?
000M00000000001 43,000Q0 0000000
_ t4NWP41.4 1-81
010 mmalmmoommulmowo
I t
,o o0
Nftroip4 p4 r-lears.e4.4.4.4 p4 r4s-1
8v.888888g88,8888.8' v,222512838238$22?22
.......1...4.4.4 g4. ? .4_.
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(27) Trans. a0975
Groupresistaace in iorornws to tiblotios r.iot* Li
chemical neture is of oteential jort'o in the soleetion of t
for the purpose of complex therapy, for the replecomeet of 20160 inactive
preparations with-!others and in the evaluation of their influence upon in-
tectinal microflom. Attention has also been attracted by the viability ef
variants adapted to soil amebae which, despite their similarity a to bio.*
chemical characters and entigenioity are essentially dietinot from *orients
obtained under the influence of antibiotic preparations.
All Tar nts adapted to amebae either retain their resietanoe on the
level as that in the original strain, or they 1m:woes' it with respect
to aspargine, levowycetins chloramine, copper sulfate and biogyeetin. And
only with respeet to the motion of phenol, hydrochloric acid and in part, ?
rivanol a decline in resistance" takes place the same as in cultures adapted
to antibiotics.
Thus, in the process of adaptation of the ntsrtc bacillus to the oct
of antibiotics ?and soil amebae ohs.
our in the characteristics o
notabolisie and there emerge uhusual variants which in the corolez of their
characters are distinct from original and control cultures.
The changes occur in cultural and microscopic characters bioohentieal
activity, .viability and antigenicity.
The met pernanent characters acquired in the changes occurring in
miorobee under the influence of biological factors are the ttenuation and
loss of oarbolytio activity and the appearance of inert 'eariantc with respect
to individual carbohydrates as well as toe complete seleatioe of them in
differential media of a variegated series.
An increase in carbaytio activity and the appearance of new oom..
? prehensive fermentative properties also take place, even though they occur
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con iderably mere
y and are not dinti
nguiehed by resistants vithott
the action of the tive factor. taegin p.443.
Cultures of the enteric, bacillus adapted to antibioti s are diet/
by a Zracitilation of amitoacids as compared with controls.
emerge under the indluence of antibiotics /variants with diverse
oMponents resealing very mach eu?i famoutvvarieties of the onterio baoillue
az 13.leMsa, B. colt aerogenes and B. cell oiteovorum which are similar'
to the faecal alkali prodxcer [B..,1i.L.tnet) and, with regard to the com-
the path
and: loss
fermettative characters, reminlecent or eons representatives of
LAO typhold*paratyPhold aid dynent.rto microorganisms. Akttenuetion
f antigenic activity in reactions with epecifio sere is arOpa
larity for the majority of unusual variants tt the enteric bacillus, and
for come it is the acquisition of a capacity to enter, into a ti*tsaiction with
immune, sera Lajnt other spOo es of oloroorganiere.
Side by side with high rosiotanee to the corresponitngantLbiotie, adapted
variants are distinguished by decreased viability when exposen to io
of other PhYsivaShauleal and :biological teeters and to phavoytio eobtvi
? of leueocytee*
'Along with ble variants
rapidly, her arts. under the influence antibi
? variants that retain their new, characteristic for
Thus* under the influence of antibiotics, there occur thorough
in the enteric bacillus, impairment pr its fermemtative aotivity and via..
bitty. These changes take place'eleta in the organiim of patients 'fitter e,
long epplioation of antibiotics* whieh'has.been eeefirmed by our ChaerVations
of ehifte-in the mioroflora of patients treated with ttreptot#0in and onto*
rectors fairly
tarily stable
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(29) Trans. as975
It can hardly be considered that all of the.. atones aro ineonse-
quensial to the organism, if the important role of the enterio bacillus
for man, its substantial influonce upon many intestinal microorganisms*
including the putressent ones, is taken into aeoeunts
Injury of the anteric bacillus is connected with dtiterbanass in the
normal flora in man and animals, the appearance of disbaeteriosis, aotivat o
of conditionally pathogenic mieroorganiems, and changes in the vitamin eeonomy
of manrowrganisms *doh is essentially important for specific end lions
spocific protective roastions of the organism* and for the su000se of therapy
and prophylaxis of various infootions as has been demonstratad by research
conducted by A. 11. Eirkhonghtoin and his collaborators.
1. Changes of varying extent and stability.ceour in the enteric bacil.
los under the infinities' of antibiotics and soil amebae; those occurring
under the influonoe of syntanyein and streptomyein and, in part, /*row
(satin and biomyoin are mere distinct and mar* stable. Unusual variants
differ from typioal and original ones in morphologisalsbiochamical pros
portion, antigenicity and registries* to the action of specific and non.
specific factors.
Variation in thy enterio bacillue is more distinct after a long ix-
pesurn to subbaoteriostatio doses and gradual impose, in tho content of
antibiotic preparations in the nedtam.
Changes occurring in the interns bacillus under the influence of anti
411 biotic' take place also in the organism of patients, espesially when antis
biotic, of a broad spectrUa of &lotion, rush as streptonyoin, syntomycin
and levomyeetin have been taken by way of mouth for an extended time.
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00) #001,70
2. Unusual warianto of the coterie bacillus, ?sp.oi*lly those inactive
with respect to glucose and lactose, and also these reselin the alkali.
produsor EAleeligenos], can lead to errors in sanitary?basteriol Joel
vestigationsi this *k*S it obligatory that analysis and appropriate *value,.
tion of microorganism; adaptable to entibiotios be oondusted more carefully.
6. Under the influeneo of antibiotics, especially during the process
of long exposure, there ?emir seven, injuries of ths onterio bacillus, a
Moonless in its viability and its disappearance from the microbe association.
The latter may lead to disbeetoriesis phonomena, to ineroasod estivity of
sonditionally pathogenic microorganisms, to an emergonoe of intexioation and
Candid* moods, to a violation of the vitetin odenemy in mfteroorganismio
and to a decrease in their spesifie and non?spocifie resistance.
4. Antibiotic preparations applied efficiently aro useful chomp?
therepoutio moans of treatment and prophylaxis for infectious diseases. In
damaging the causal microbe, they render it more aocossiblo to the action of
juices and tissues of the organism which incurs a favorable outoeme of the
Violation of the regims of antibiotic therapy* oxtromoly long use of
antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action, especially without taking into
account the sensitivity which the causal agent has to such action, lead to
injury of the enteric) bacillus and to a ?hangs in the normel flora of can,
and, with it, to a whole complexity of undosireable phenomena justly con-
sidored as complieetions of entibiotio therapy.
6. Adaptive variation [brought about] by antibiotic action is inherent
in paishogonic Ue well as in conditionally pathogenic microorganism*. Inowlcodgo
of the ehersoteristios of unusual variants* of their viability and aatigoni?
city Is most essential in insuring early diagnosis of the corresponding
diseases so as to be able to evaluate accurately tits results of sanitary
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(31) 'franc,. A40,975
terioloPical inve
corning cliangos00
ditionaily patbacp
and to wide the coop our know1ede can*
specifio character of pathogenic and eon*
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Trails 110.916
(Itt full)
lir A
Ruben L.
Khomosintez i prebloma spetsi-
fichnosti mikroorganizmow.
(Chemosynthesie and the problea of
specificity in microorganisms).
nikrobiologlia. Vol. 25. 110. 6. p.7284264
Nov 0. 1950. 448.3-N682
(In Russian)
begun. on the pages of the journal
problems raieod in Kalinonkots 03 article rast be developed not .iro1r 05 a
.deliberation concerting the porsonal.opinion of a given author and 211$ drio
perimental data.
A. discussion of the problem of clenoeynthesiu on a:vid Ssops is very
timely for the elucidation of tt iportanoe in the developmert of the
biologioal thottht in general.
Vorks on physiology and biochemistry lead mat* iuthre to draw t
elusion that there is a biochemioal Unity in microorganisms LB. 11, 13 4 ,
on: the prontire.that.glycolysis, photphorylation and the cytochrome syc
take part in the metabolism of all mioroorganisms, and that they
uniform composition of amlnoacide.
Extreme enthusiasm for the principle of biochemical unity loads
O3 a
oney-sided approach to the study of physiology and even to a negation of the
real existence of physiological groups of microorganissm
It'would $00m that the microbiology az
biochemistry ought to be not only a study of the general faepect) that
brings microorganism together eith'each other and vith macroorganists, but
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tz) Trenit. Aa9741
also a penetration into the delicate physiological speeificity of the
dividwal oder*, groups.
Only in the unity of the general and the speolflo can the explanntion
of the rigid adaptability of individual microorganism to a specific habitat
be found, and an elucidation apprenehed concerning the resiprooal relations
between individual groups of microorganisms in mature and the role which they
play in the general process of the cycle of substances.
The chemosynthetis phenomenon is a very convincing illustration of
the position stated. Chemoryetbesising mioroorganisms actually possess
series of systems and presses.* ohnraeteristie of other heteretrophio
organism and living plasm In general, but at the same time they *re highly
specific with respect to the oxidise:hie substrate, sources of energy and
41 sorban, and this Espesifieityl renders their metabolism suffisiontly unique.
The conclusions concerning the precede, of heterotrophic metabolism in
nitrifying thaeterial are substantiated very imadequatsly. Thus, Lee* 1131
arrived at this (conslusionl merely on the basis of the omineaeld composition
found in iiitresemenas sells. It is, however, sufficient for one to recall
that the possible number of oomhinetions of nucleic acids alone comprises
1063, and m similar conclusion turns into& gross aeolory. The discovery
of earbohydrates in the sells of nitrifyieg bacteria (16,141 and thiono acid
becteria was also considered a sufficient basis for beteretrophin of their
metabolism. However, the negative influence of sugars upon the growth of chime-
autotrophs oontradiets this assertion (ten Niel (161).
In making use of the principle it biochemical amity and of opinions
formed by evologys easy authors arrive at the conslusion that, apart from
114, their capability to utilise the energy of oxidation of inorganic substances,
ehemesyntbesising mioreerganisms do net d frier in say way from the ordinary
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($) Trans* ?401175
heterotrophs. Tho faotual data available is, however, entirely inadequate
for wsuoh a oonolusion. (Begin p.7243. The oonsumption of ?meaty dormont
cells of liltrosomenas in the absence of oxidation of the substrate, *atm-
blishod by Boosmke (11], has been socopted by many authors Eld, 10 as an
adequate basis for the assertion that tondo/vinous hotorotrophio respiration
is prevalent in Xi* nao although se one had found C42 liberated by
dormant litrosomenao *ells.
Tho works of Usbreit and collaborators [lel disolosed that in oxidation
of sulfur in the absence of 02, Thiobaoillus thdooxidans acoumulatos waft*
tion *nem within the atolls in the form of phosphorus essepounde and after-
wards is obi, to assimilate CO2 in the obsess* of sulfur. By analogy,
this process was transmitted to the mstabolisa of other ehemeautetrophs,
even to mush If as hydrogenous basteria. An oxporimontal examination
of Umbroits's and Boaleroodts (Baolerood a, Baalsrood 1101) data failed to
confine the possibility of separating in time sulfur oxidation sad 002 4091?
There is no doubt that oheassynthesicing mioroorganieum are not only
entirely different from hetorotrophie organisms but that each group of auto-
trophs Is In mem' reepesto distinot from other mierOorgantimm eopoble of
chemocynibeois. .rebio1ogiosl, bioehemical and physiologieel dela offer
as basis for a uniting of all ohemetrophi and hetsretrophs by the principle
of a single metWbollem, and their spocifioity has been investigated Lode.*
qtately, Chemosynthotio phonomena and a *opacity for autotrophio nutrition
have until recently sosrsely been associated with the study of the physiolOdY
and bieohomietry of ohemosynthosising Emloroorgonisms) and autotrophs, Foote
011) oonserning the utilisation of the energy of Oxidation of mineral substance in
biologiool synthesis of organic substances and the possibility of building
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(4) Trans. A0975
up a eerbonie skeleton of protein moloeules at the n ? of carbon
dioxide aesimilatien has been firmly established.
There ii a oomplete dearth of data on the physiology and biochemistry
of miereerganisms acompliehing shemmeynthesie. There are extremely few data
on the meoleznism of ehemosynthetie reactions, on physise.chemical condta
tions of environment and on their influence on the ehemosynthetie proems.
The enzymatio oomplexities of shommyotheeizing (nieroorganism) have scarcely
been studied and the need for investigations in tbo this sphere is quite
Obvious. Undoubtedly, ehersosynthedising Eneroorganisme) peeps a series of
enzymes that are absent in other microorganisms an example for this can be
found in the diemetrisally contrasting.behavior of the autelreates of
nitrifying tbnoteria) and hoterotrophs. In the latter an aeoussalation of
*amnia vas observed when left *Undies, but in the first its disappearance
MSS observed (14,4h
Autolyeates of Illitr000mmos, arc eapable of oxidising hdrozylaslne, this
eaptbility is absent in beterotrephe (4). Furthermore, the eapaeity of
Witresomonas autelyeatee to oxidise ammonia and hydrogylamiess disappears
after heating.
The question ooneernimg the relationship lbetmeen chemosynthesisi
(mieroorganismel and organic substanses in the substrate is a very important
one and must be resolved for reason, other than either a negation of the
existence of a ehemosynthetio proems or its confirmetion. The olvmmynthetio
phenomenon will not cease to exists regardless, as be whether or not the organic
substance that can be assimilated by MAVOSOMAARO: Will be found.
An eluoidation at the relationship between nitrifying (Bacteria] and
somplex mania subetanom in the external environment should help to solve
the contradiction existing between the results of laboratory investigations
and prosesses mourring in oature and production.
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(5) Trans. it.,9713
It is known what degree of intensity can be reaohed by the nitri..
rying prone in Gleaning installations 161, in tropical soils (121 and
in ealtpeter works* regardless it the abloom*, Of considerable anoints of
organic sdbotances.
Under laboratory conditions, an adtt1on of soluble organicsubstances
to the culture medium inhibits sharply the rwith of nitrifying bacteria and
the accumulatiOn of nitrates en.
All of this renders it ipersttve that a detailed study be, made of the
ooMposition of organic substannes in the moil since our information con.
corning this realm is very inadequate and general. Besides the quantity of
humic acid of the total carbon and the individnal fractions (Begin p.1251
soluble in different solvents, there are practically no data available:
The role of acoompanying microorganism* end the surrounding microflorn
in the activity of nitrifying (ba.ateria) and other chemoryntheeining tiiiro.
organismal has not been studied in detail up to now, many author's have
merely noted the positive influence exerted by acoompanying Cmicroorgatisme]
upon the nitrifi ition prooesses.
In summarising the above*said it wattle -emphasised that the
ventigatione conducted within ths sphere of a study of the chomosynthetiO
phenomenon and of autotrophy shemld be extended also to the domain of
chemical .relations existing between autotrophic and heterotrophie micro.
organisms and to the sphere of a detailed study of the conditions of their
habitat in mature. (only) then shall we be able to broaden considerably our
conception concerning the activity of microorganisms and of their role in
the cycle of oUbstancee.
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(6) Trans. A.0978
Omitting & retie, of fhlinenkeis EC article, mede in sufficient detail
by Shaposhnikav [91, I shall take the liberty to answer the remarks made by
concerning the work by Imehenetekii and Ruben Ill.
It was demonstrated in the given work that oxidation of ammonia by none
cellular Mitrosomenes autolysates was possible. For this purpose, cultures
of nitrifying (bacteria] were groom on the usuaIlNinogreasky culture medium
in large quantities, oelle wore filtered, fegmented am& autolysed, and the
autolysates were filtered through bacterial ultrafilters.
Autolysates of heterotrophie bacteria 'forted as eontrols.
After five days of maintenance at ST' (0), there tmourred a decrease
in the amount of ammonia in the autolyeabes of litrosomeme, and an increase
of it in, heteretrophi. Zvaporation of ammonia did not =cur, sine, the total
amount of nitrogen remained sonstant.
Kalinenkes critioism of the work referred to is not really ooncerned
with its subeianoe.
Ls criticism coneerning the feet that Nitreeemeeel used in the exim
poriment was grown OA Winogradsky's medium mod the heterotrophs on ordinary
*ger media is entirely ineescreheneive. He sees in this a violation of
equation and of conditions of cultivation; yet the greying of organienm that
are sharply distinct from one another en the same medium is precise;
violation of this Epartieular) equation. Besides, we tried to gray an ?lige-
earbophylie microorganism or Pseudomohas fluoresce= on
Winogradskyle medium and we obtained from it an autolysate that in no way
differed from the autolysate of agar sultures.
Walinebkese censure regarding quantitativewparisons and "fine quanti-
tative experiments" is also entirely unfounded. In the works under discussion
somparative data were obtained and nothing was said about balaneed experiments.
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v/ow +on
The i.ntttwl at the final quantities- of ammenia and nitritel waive pared.
after the autelysates had been kept for five days ? no that quantitative
/ changes concerned only the original comentrations of atm La and nitrilAcs
and hence* there was no need to equalize the bacterial -mance shale the
amount of the biomase would. not have changed the dirootion of the -process.
t is incomprehensible why Xalinenko called the process obeerve4 177
the authors a process of "nitritelees autolysis" ft51 pu 360.. It is genera ly
known-that in.akitolysis denomination of.aminoacids and an tocumulation of
aon.ia ty oberv.&, and it wee observed also when. autolysetes of before,-
trophio microorganisne.were kept. in. all,probability*.the.proottes of. auto
kyein with splitting off of tumonia occurs also in autolyeates of Ofitrosomonano.
but there was no acouhulation of ammonia observed; converely its coneentrwo
non decreased in the constant total *mount of nitrogen; conesqusntly, the
authors wore?justified in saying -that ammonia of Nitt- tolysatee was
oonverted to an oxidised form* but the process did not reach n&trit? at least
not quantitatively*Jse. it stopped at a certain degree of..oxl ion.
['Amin p.7261. The authors did not aim to confirm the. osynthetio
theory* since they believe it to be sufficiently oenfirmed by a large quantity of
data of a number of authors; nor- did they intend to elucidate the po
lity of developing latrosomenas on en. absolutelyinorganic medium, in the
given inventigetion* and for that reason they used the usual. WinogradskY medium
and ftp water.
Hence* Kalitenkote co h
Imshenetekii and keen does n.ot eontfrm the theory of obemosynthesisinw also
made with disregard of the main objective of the investigations.
o use of tap water ric by
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(a) Trans. 14T6
The only oenolusion *Usk the authors have drawn from their works
(not by fer fully cited in Nalineskals list of literature) was that
enspalie somplexos of non.cellular autolyeatos of Nitrosemonas and hotero
trophio mioroorganismn differ from *soh other in that ammonia sontained in
the autolysates of Nitresomonas disappears, utile it accumulates lathe
autolpatos of hoterotrophe at a eonstant total amount of nitrogen in one
ease or another. /t is aosumed"that the ammonia oxidation promos obviously,
is realised to a small extent in two phases. At the beginning the ammonia
is oxidized, probably, up to an intermediate prodmet whioh in turn is oxidised
up to nitrites. The first photo, plisse* aotivoly in the filtrates of Nitro
someone autolysatos.
1. Imshmetskii, A, A. and Ruban* S. L. Non-oellular nitrification. II.
Oxidation of ammonia, by autolysates of Nitresomonas sells. Mikrobiol
23, no. 4, 493, 1954.
2, Imshenetiliii? A. A., Ruban? X. L. d luting, O. D. Non?eelluldr nitri?
fisation. III. ?moaning the -dynamics of nitrate aommulation.
Nikrobiolo iia, 24, no. 6, 1966.
S. lmshonstskii, A A., Ruban 2. D. and Artemsrra, L. I. Non-oellular
nitrifioation. IV. Oenoer:ing inamtivation by high temperaturo of Nitro-
oftenas ouropam *napes oxidising ammonia. Nikrobiologiia, 26, non71956.
4. Inehetkilskii, A. A. and Ruban, R. L. lion*oellular nitrifleation. V.
Oxidation of hydrewyla*ine in nom.sellular Nitrosomonas auto/pates.
NikrObiologiia, 2$* no. 2, 1956.
4. Nalinenko, V. O. Is there obenosysthoois in iron depositing beaters and
in nitrifying beeteriat Mikrobiologiia, 24, no. 3, 542* 1965.
6. Rommova, T. S. "Investigation of the nitrifieation proems in aeration
with activio Oilt. 0121 (United $siontifie and Toohnioal Publishing
Neums 11584
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(9) Trans. ailetri
Ruban, 11. Co
stances. Iiikrcibi
8. ortn 1.
308, 19364
no. 4 1958.
of onoznoautotropby
. Ultimo of Thia
more, 1062
in CO2 ennimi
4, meth., DoltiAm
n. Beemete. fl. Contribution to
Miorobia., 10 1939.
12. Griffith, G
U. Leos.?11. The bioohe
or&aniore. Fourth tymp
A Aote on a
n26. 108, 194
A h.
on in an itondo
of nitrifyint bac
m or the too. Oen.
.Thiratthn K Z4f.of boo
I. C*
Rev. laorobiol
thebroit, ri.
bd photosyn
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Trans. A-977
(In full)
Klein, B. I.
"flints's" viruou
[Synthesis of viruses].
takrobidl. Mural, vol. 18,-no. 5;
p.69.41. 1960. 448.3 EH.
(In 0krai )
Recently, in so mo scientific as well scientific popular jourrlc in..
formation was published that soientiists from California Praenkel?Cenrat and
otudents of theeell.oknown vireltniet Stanley, suoceeded in ynthe.
sizing" the tdbacco mosaic) virus.' This novo has also appeared in tho general
preps, whore it vac anneuncedAbout the beginning of c. anewere in virology,
about 'synthesis of life in a test tee, about the possibility of asyntho..
clang living matter from inanimate oomponenta.
A lot was exaggerated in this information, yet, ut aittedly? the my
facta, described therein, merit further inventigation and require serious
Aocording to the eited authors, troma c
cal aspect,46reprosont
Imply a grouping of chemical ocmpotentea, and n particular, the tattoo?
mosaic virus can be resolved into two components* protein (96,t) and nuclein
Uolecular weigh. of proteins of the protein fraction is 100,000, and
of nuclein - 260, 000. Protein and nycloin fractions d? those are matro..
moleoular chemical oompositions with a hi2;h molecular weight. Virus proteins
represent complex composition* of 16-17 long chemical chains of emineacids,
namely aspartio and Outstrip acids (13.5.114-,g), arginine (0.8%),.louoino
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(2) Trans. a-977
(9.2%), valise (9.2%) and tryptophan and others, in sun amounts.
Tho huoloin oomponent is still more complom; it has a molecular weight
of 220,000 and represents a combination of several nuollAidoe. The
nueleetides are composed of phosphoric acid, carbohydrate (riboso) and of
pyrimidine element* ( toein, uracil adenine and guanine), which contain
carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen in variouo proportions. oms of the nuoleotidos
form* molecule of nucleic acid by means of polymsritation, 'hereupon ooze
of the smiler molecalos ocrbine into ono larger one.
Reaotiens of polymeritatiOn-gonorally are widespread in chemistry.
Thum, for inotanee were obtained gigantio molecules of artificial silk, of
plastic messes, and so on.
Folymsrised molecules undergo a reeurrtrg process (dopolymerisimt )
under the influence on them of various physicalochomieal fosters.
glootron microscopic research, together with methods of ultraeontri-
Notion, made it poestblo to establish that the tobacco *Louie virus, which
in the electron microscope had an appearance or svloog rod, uss compceed of
a protein cepoulo inside of which nucleic acid was found. This is as though
a protein Wire with a *anal is filled with nucleic told
kiting upon the tobacco mosaic virus with solutions of eortain
infecting substances one can damogo one end of the virus Who and then
[Begin p.601 the nuolein contents will floe from it ao *seams dose when
the end of the -gasoline tubs is proem'. It is seen on pictures, talon from
an electron mioroscopo, that nucleic sold flows out from the danagOd end
of the virus red.
In this manor the above mentioned authors isolatod the protein ewer.
',anent of the virus from the nuolein; after that, under the reaction of a
whole series of physloowohemical factors (such as, for instance, o)snge of
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0) Traits. .ilso9T5
pH of the medium, heating, and so on), which assist. in depolywarisationo
they changed the albumen of 'the protein fraction to lemomolocular protein
and depolymerized the nuclein fraction down to nucleotides and further.
In such a form both fractions were entwined ander an eleetron siorescope
and no virus rode wore found, The else-trim mieresoopets field was "opti-
cally empty". At the same tine this transmuted virus lest its ?betel* to
produce the "mosaics diseases
After this both fraotions were subjected to a reverse process, and by
an. of p/sysiso-ohemical remotions a polymerization llai 'brought about.
bleeromoleoular structures of the protein end nuolein fractions became visible
*pin; then both fractions reunited, and the obtairood mass underwent an on.
*Ideation under the eleetron mierossope. A curious result was obtained
thus i in the utast where there were no virus rods, rod?like structures
again reappeared, widen were characteristic to tobacco =sale virus, and
the mess which lost the faculty to infect tabooso leaves, again produced
in them the meatc disease on contact with the leaves.
It appeared further on that ihs ease can be Main divided in two
frastions, a &polymerisation produced, as well as the loss of abilliv to
infest$ then again to polymerise, produce the appearance of virus reds and
the ability to infect the loaves. Thus, all those processes were held-
*ally reversible.
Can one cell this a *synthesis* of the virus? In reality this is not
a synthesis of viruses fron the simplest ohemieal compounds, but only the
restoration of viruses from their awn !motions - the protein and the
mosaics virusc
nuclei*. But on. cannot obtain a toloacee.from these sem fractions, which
wore obtained from another virus. That is why this profess can not be called
a qsynthesis" but just a restoration - "reoonstitutionw.
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Trans. A-.971
This res.erch, certainly, will require
in case it becozass ecnfirmed one more objection is possible.
that microbes, visible under the light microscope, can take up iisible
It is possible, that virus rode of tobaccounder he lxoc
of the applied physico.ohemical fectors, ehange to very small forms,
visible even through the electron microscope, and afterwards when both
fractions again polymerise and join together, some of these fragmente again
grow up to a shape of typical rod,mlike form. It is interesting that the
intensity of infection by the restored virus is insignificant cempared to
Th e initial. But regardless of how this problem will be solved, the general
direction talent by the present work with viruses is of great interest. All
this prompts to a substantial revision of the problem about the nature of
viruses atsi baoteriophaga
In connettion with this it is interesting to wntiou the w?kn of
P. o Straub (Budapest) *bout synthesis of protein substance. Straub pro-
pounds a hypothesis, according to whioh the protein system of ribonucleic sold
can re-create itself when given an appropriate protein substance. In the
opinion of Straub, to such eelf-re..creative systems belong "protein substmnces
enzyme, which eause the processes of netaboliones that characterise life".
We know that antibiotics function "by wane of interfering with the protein
spathes is of microbes
The works of S. E. B*tesZer are also known about the re-synthesis of
protein substances from products
of d.eoiosItion by mem of applying great
pressures. [Begin p.611
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to)wrstris Acallirt
R. B. Khesin succeeded in tracking the synthesis of the amylase ensyme
in homogeneous extras to of the pigeon's pancreas *
V. 0. Straub points to the fact, that in extraste from pancreas, after
a full destruction, of the soli otrutbises, some of the amylase inereased by
50.40g in half an hour by wane of synthesis.
An these data lead us to the problem about re...synthesis of protein
substanmes? as well as about enzymes, which are the in **uses" in prooesses
of metabolism that sheresterise life". The problem' about the tsiture of
viruses and of the bacteriophage has been resently considered in the aspeot
of traoremolesular protein oompounde and ens3rues.
In virology it is necessary to mention one more great improvement in
connection with the feat that the newest research has removed the boundary
between the antral and plant viruses. Up to reoently, virus,* which orystmlise
ware known only among plant viruses (tobacco mosaic), but of late (in 1965)
Californian soientists Rehwerdit and Sohaffer have stated that they succeeded
in obtaining the first nnimil virus in the form of crystals namely ...
wyelitis vireo, which now lo the center of attention of theoreties, clinical
phyoloinne (surgeons) and epidemiologists. Per the research of the above
mentioned soientiste the tissue cultures of the monkey's kidney tissue, in..
footed with pelioWelttt., served as the initial naterial.
The reproduced virus was obtained in a concentrated form from id I. of
virus culture of kids's,/ tissue, treated with weak solutions of acids and
salts and as a result of this 1 mg of virus of extraordinary strength was
obtained; insignificant parte of which could produce the disease; this virus
was crystalised in the test tube, whereupon %tiniest crystals" were pro-
A theoretical impartanoe of this fact is very groat. but its practical
value is exot.,;gerated in the general press.
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(3) Tram", A-977
Mi tho ahtme ?cited facts a
developmant of a great deal of verification reearcb
t more tn.. lees accurate conclusione only in the future
u one cart
fore5. mole
of a livinc v1 60 O. 40041.
P. etaof protein ubctncee. Prtroa, 1960
2, piko
Atomeeo 1056.
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Trams ? .4-97t3
(T.a full)
Min, V. L., and Vaniurenko, K. I.
PrItist cetorotrofnyldi bakterii na seredovishohi
po avlenomm organichnykh rechovin.
[Growth of heterotrophic bactria on a medium whieh
has been deprived of organic matter 1.
Mir., vol. 19,no. 2,
p.1140. 1957 448.3 K64
(In Ukrainian)
(Summary in Russian)
Cultivatinc some heterotrophic bacteria Q. pelt commune, fl.
cyaneum, n, proteun vulgaris) on linogradskyle culture medium, which doe's
not include, as it is known, any organic compositions, we have establinhed
that these baoteria reproduced. This cave -,rounde for assuming that the
indicated bacteria can be autotrophic.
First of alive decided to solve the nroblem if the mentioned nicrobee
really utilize carbon dioxide of the air.
Te took IP test tubes with 8 m1 of Wingradskyts. culture medium In.
each for the expariment, conducted with this purpose in view. Into the
first three we introduced B. colt commune, into the other three m. D. Emene_tpla
and into the next three - B. Eroteuavulraris. Bacteria were introeuced with
swab, a calculation that each milliliter of the culture medium of the firot
test tubes would contain 1,000 microbes bodies the c000nd - 100 and
third - 10 microbe bodies. The three remaininz test tubes were not seeded .4
they served SS controls,
All 12 test tubes and a dish with l caustic barium for absorptIon or!
carbon dioxide of the air were placed in a class jar, which was hermetically
sealed an loft, for 2 hours at room temporoture in order that, before the
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Trans. A,,970
beginning of growth of zsicrobeso a reaction should take place bitween the
carbon dioxide of the air and the caustic barium* After this the 'voGeel
was carefully transferred 'to the incubator at a temperature of 87" C.
Three days after thee. were taken out front the incubator and the contents
of the dish were tested for the presence of barium carbonate. P
test tub. 04 ra of fluid was seeded into test tubes with the liquified
and slightly cooled agar and they altageth, r were pound into Petri dishes,
which then were placed in the incubator at a temperature of 37 C. in
26 hours; they were removed from the incubator and the number of the grown
colonies eomputed. it was discovered that countless colonies grew up on
the experimantal dishes, while no growth was observed on the control.
Se-veral replications of this experiment gave similar results.
Also, bacteria of n coil commune, B. pyocyarium and 8. protous,:snilgaric
grow on Winogradokyls culture medium in the absence of carbon dioxide in
the air.
After this we decided to tnveetiate the be.
in Winegradeky is culture medium after
ammonium nitrogen
growth in there of experimental
microbes basing ourselves on the idea that if these microbes would utilise
the oxidation of 0=0 tlie. gas as a source of energy the amount of ammonium
nitrogen during the process of their growth on the Winagradokyve medium
will decrease And at the same time nitrous acid will appear in the culture
Deter 011 of
contents .of esssonium nitro on in the median were
meted after Krapivin and by the method of Konvel ttraneliteration] diehes.
The contents of nitrit* and
to nitroGen were determined by the usual
tux!' 'which are practiced fcz the determination of contents of nitrite
and nitrate nitrogen in drinking water and in eenrage [begin p.123
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(2) Trans. ?978
The experiment -was oonduoted thus. We introduced 100 ml of lint.
gredskyls culture medimn into five omen bottles. To the first bottle
were added 10,060ilorChs bodies of 1. (soli eommunee to another as mnoh of
B. Eyocyaneum, to the third the same amount of B. protons vulgaris the
fourth and fifth bottles were not seeded and served as controls. ?3.1
five bottles were plowed into the incubator at a temperature of sr C.
Ten days after they were removed from the incubator and examined for the
growth of mierobes by the sbove.mentioned method. Prom 0.1 mg of medium,
which was %ken from experimental bottles, a countless nueber of colonies
grew on lamellate agar, while seeding* from control bottles odumod no
Diming become convinced of the presence of growth of microbes in
411 experimental bottles and of their absence in the control, we then determined
the contents of the amnonium, nitrite and nitrate nitrogen in the bottle..
It was dimeoverod that during the proem of growth of experimental
microbes on Winegradsky's medium the *entente of aamtenium nitrogen did not
&serest*. In bottles with B. colt commons it was: when determining after
Irapivin $60 and by the method of Konvel dishes . 402 mg/LI in bottles
with B. respectively respectively 410 and 416 mg/L; for B. proteue,vuleris
440 and 434 mg/L1 ilk control bottle no. 1 . $20 and 384 mg/L, and control
no. 2 -820 and $76 ag/L.
Thus the use of energy at the expense of oxidation did not deorease
ammonia, on the contrary, we even observed a certain increase in the contents
of ammonium nitrogen in the medium, probtb4, at the expense of deep doeomposi.
tion of microbe protein during protracted growth. The absence of nitrites
111 and nitrates in the medium also spoke of the fact that oxidation of ammonium
nitrogen did not deerease. Similar results were obtained after repeated ex.
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(4) Trans. A.976
Thus, the e oriments heve shown that the microbes, examined 1:y us, Old
rot utilise either carbon dioxide of the air as a source of carbon, or
the oxidatioe of ammonium az the source of energy.
In order to confirm the experiment, which demonstrated that eur bacteria
did not use oxidation of ammonia as for Obtaining the onera neceesary
for their growth, me utilized the sane inogradskvis medium for cureivation
of examined nicraes but without amonium imitate. Thus, the nee medium
had the following compositiont KOPO 0.75 g, RE2P0 ? 0.25 go Fe2S06.71120 e
0.01 e, 1510 '71/20 e 0.01 g 4004*71 . 0.03 g, CaC12 . 0.02 g, distilled
water . 1,000 ml.
This medinmeas poured into four bottles (per 100 ml in each) ana
sterilizee. Inte one bottle were introduced 10,000 microbe bodies of P. colt
commune let? atother the sane emnunt of microbe bodies of B. ELsrall_oeuet?
into the third as mach of proteus yule-Arts, the fourth was the control.
All bottles wore placed Into the thermostat for 10 days at a temperature of
$7' C; after this 0.1 ml or mama were seeded from each bottle into tout
tubes with liquified and cooled agar. After that the same happened as in
the first experiments in each dish with 0.1 ml of medium countless rembers
of microbe ooloriee el.ev up, while on the control dish no erowth of brcix3rta
was observed
It was seen from this experiment that microbes of B. colt coeLmune.,
B. pyooyaneum? B. proteus vulgariawere capable of multiplying on Axogradskyls
medium without anmoniumenlfates which fact again attested thnt oxidation
of veresonia gee die not serve as a source of energy for their growth. Pereeral
replications of this experiment gave eeeilar results.
And, finally, we cultivated mioroes on"eleogre sky's medium without
anmonium aulfete aN1 without abeorption of carbon dioxide by ?Rust-Jo IlarLum
in our last experiment. tie poured 100 ml of17inogredsky's medium, eithoet
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tb) , Wrang. Ak*U70
=realm ltatst r bottle a
10.000 micrebe bodice of a Pt cue,
bodies of13, oi2Lsyne into the third t
of B. groteut.
?Theeo bottl
giAes cont*iner htch WILD 11617/70tite1ly scaled Qui all wee loft at
room temperature for the course of 2 hours after which they were plaoed
into the inoubsAor for 10 days at a temperature of Br C.
Countless numbers of colonies grew up from seeding() on agar
of medium from each bottle but the seeding from the oentrel bottle
not produce any growth. Replications of experiments brought similar rem.
' 11.fX1
oto one bottle we introdcod
another - 10,000microbe
ems amount of microbe bodies
forth wail the control. [Beg
dishes with caustic barium Ba(OB)2 were placed
xporiment has shown that D.
and D. LrztjuLs vulgaris grew on Winogradskes idiui
thout ammonium
ate and rithout the presence in the air .of carbon dioxide.
A question arises wherefrom did the microbes that we ex ritnentel
with, obizin the carbon and energy necessary for their life and muitiplica.
tient We ernes? t.hut there is only one source
of The air
Prom Charokov Inatitute
of Vaccines and Cerra
imoni lichnikov
ola tie organic oorgoundo
17, 6.
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Trans. A..978
Rose eh shown
vulgaris multiply
When ltivating
ammonium nitroon
form. This attet8
fats was not the sotu-ce of o
The to ted microbes multiplied also on Wincgradskyl
e titni
idation of ammonia
or the growth ot these m
deprived of ammonium a te this suppOrts the preceding sts.
The microbes
was? deprived of *toti 8u1ti*1 from which -r,arbon dioxide was b
From these facts one iuraw a conclusion that B. coU
iderstion grow on Witogradslry.i
nocrnoust and B. Eiztous vuits receive carbon Itnd energy necessary for
their 1:411tiplicat4on from volatile organic substances of the air.
Thus in the present work it was established that in the presencs
in tho mediura of inorganic salts certain microbes can draw out o*rbon necessary for their growth olatilo organic compounds of the
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Trans. A..979
.(In full)
Oardarov? and Popov.
Opyty vosetantrrleniia penitsillino.
cluvetvitellnoeti u rolls tentayktt k
penitsillina stafilokokkav.,
[Experiments in restoring penicillin.'
sensitivity in-etaplwl000cci resistant
to penioillin].
Zhurnal llikrobiologii; Epid ologit i
Immunobiol no. 6, p;76.82.
33'.v 1956 448.3 Z4
Pueian, itted from a Bulgarian isttb
The mass use of penicillin
oti.eo has brought about an increase
in peniaillin-i-esietant raicrobes. Ace rd arbor's and ,,ihiteltead's
(1949) data, in a children's hospital, out 0: 46 ataphyloeocons patient*
86% were infected by penioillin-resistaut forms.
According to investigations conducted by Bardarov and Neichev (1950)
25.6% of purulent diseases in ambulant patients had been caused by Staphylo.
cocci resistant to penicillin, and it postoperative purulent infections
this indicator has. reaohed 43. ? Among personnel of Surgical clinics
(physicians, nurses etc.) 194% were found to have penicillinwiresistant
.staphylococci in the pharynx (nosoglotkli?
The mechanism of penicillin?resietance has not as yet been fully
clarified, but there are available indications that its appearance is de..
finitely due to the role played by penicillinase that destroys penicillin
(Ravish, Woodruff tVudrufl Foster and othere). Benne, we have undertaken
Insti iaot ooit u ? kad. N.Markel() 11.0a ditsi 3r o Akstdomii imeni
V. Chervenkova v tute of a r ogy (Dir., Acad. Vi N. Mrkov)
of the Medical Itendenv V. Chervenkovs'at Sofia].
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(2) Trans. 40,979
k of in
We proce ded
it is possible to r
action of penioillingee is Otoppe
of suppressing the
the hyp tiles s that in pen t miorobee
or* their Original sanattiv&ty to p.r4ci1Unj if the
ether by diceont
or by exerting physioo..?cal influenoes ors final:
it by the use of microbiological metho40. Zn our mn
tried to utilise high'titrate antipenicall '0 cera.
We found no appropriate data in the lats
had to search for Method* f bur affn tt crier to Robb
had'oet ourselves.
[Begin p.?7] In?
by ntltzirg
our diepossI
preson princLp
arrangeient of the entire work and have oned the resultsof our
vestistioM only in ensra1.More detailed data are surts.d../nth?
WO$ entitled esttgations of penioillinaso and o ant ponioillinace Bora
which his been ubmitted for printing
For the purpose of obtaining ponicillitase we used. a strain of a
sporogenous tsporonosnogol soil microbe (hhe strain re) that produces a eon..
factorable quantity of extra-cellular penioillinmee. The method we used
to obtain it adds up to the followings after a cultivation of the
microbe in a specific medium, on the dayishen_th
niciilinate conceutra
tion veto:shed the maxissumi the Culture was acidified up to 0144 with la
acetic aottt, adsorbed with aluminum 'oxide and then eluated teltuirovUJ
with *1kalint water and filtrated through a Slate filter.
? We developed also a nothod for pen
ciilinase units' we took the ;animal a*ou.
destroys 100 units of penioillin at roam
Mineola titration,
t of the
nioilltna lut
mperatur and plts1.0 within e.n
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(3) Trans. A.979
Tho titration method was based on the following prinotplos penicillin
is destroyed when it is mimsd with ptnielllionso and, ass result, the
mixture cease. to inhibit the dovolopment of the sensitive staphylosocous
(strain no. 209) under and around the shoot of the filter paper that is
plated on the surfate of agar midst' with this Moroi's, if, however, the
ptnioillin is not dostroyed. then a sterile son, appears around the sheet
of filter paper. The Litton. [sone] denotes that the amount of vonicillinnte
had boon insuffieient to destroy 100 units of penicillin, and, consequently,
the latter [penicillin] mantfocts its action. L dilution of tilt ponicilltnaso
**Dation indicates diroctly a 1 ml content of pontoillinaso. This method
proved vary tonwonient and ontirely adequate for practical work (table 1).
Table 1.
Titration or pentoillinaso in relation to strain nos 209 of the
gold.00lorod staphylesecous t+* surto.] tonsittre
to zest*/ n
ltseties coupe:lents
Dilution of penicillin's*
(131 mil
1 $ SOO
en e
Penicillin (100 units)
Physiologleal solution
Results . proton,* of sterile
Nmperimente were also oenducted for the elarifieation of the relntionm
ship between penicillin and penioillinato required for their reciprocal
action. The investigations have domonstrated that small Amounts of poltiOil..
linage aro eapablo of dostroying considorablo quontities of penicillin by
sinultanocasly reducing the titer of penloilltnase Le. in reeiprooal notion
with ponleillin the amount of penicillinnse docreasot, and the Ostruntion
of penioillin is determined by the duration of its (penicillinasesel action
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(4) Trans. A0972
and its concentration.
In the order of the study
psnicillimate? we first of all
the- imOun Jo
1 properties of
tablish its antigenic oharaoter,
and, to be able to answer this question, we had to test its non -injurious
ess for laboratory animals. investigations have demonstrated that white
Moo weighing 10 gm [Begin p.781 survived at intraporitionsal injection of
100 units of ponioillinese without any symptoms. For rabbits, doses up
to 600 units of penicillinase proved harmless when injected intravenally.
'After intravenal injections of larger doses (1,600 units), the rabbits were
observed to suffer from sluggishness and paralysis of the rear extremities
[the symptoms of] which disappeared after 1-1thours /n the case of a
hypodermic injection of penicillinase in rabbits (2 600 unite) and in
guinea pigs (1,600-2)600 units) no reset/ors of either a localised or general
character were noted.
After several hypodermic intravenal tnje?ttona of penioillinase
tber. appeared in rabbits the corresponding antibiodies ? antipenicillinaSe
which, bore witness of the presence of antigenie properties it penicillinase.
We wads a study of some properties of anti nioillitmes sera Thus,
we established that they possess neutralising p ?portion, lee* they bird
penicillinase and neutralize its action. The areohanism of this noutralisa?
tion is at present still being studied, but proceeding on the premise that
an antipenioillinase serum possesses precipitative properties (ftbio 2),
we consider that neutralisation, probably, occurs on the principlo of
toxin neutralisation by an antitoxin. In addition, we established that an
111 entiponieillinese serum possesses an agglutinative property it agglutinate*
1130$in p?70) penicillin-resistant shiphylogooci? but does not agglutinate
strains sensitive to penicillin. Zn this case the agglutination titer is in
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(5) Trans' A-979
W. A ..... Ilk WO ....
1/* u o-
-of eeru!i
1 50
nt penic te.
1118PUMolDiegi4 1
. 0.6
' 0.5
SusperiSIOP. of morobba
(1955)......... .
Phriclogical eIutin
Sorrel rebbit ser
- bbit ter -'
? .
e 1116
U8 on .of :aerobe*
Thyito1oical solution
?roil rabbit serum
Ii based on the -
penicillinate* in
ibn of p
action so that during a
sup sera we used our on
teii1irae to its neutralize by
ofpentcti1oe, the ntiter zorts ite
Addition of p.nlciIltn, thu letter
riAnifeett its antibiotic antion
h?d It
nt of antipenio
insufficient, then penicillinase deetrcs the added penicillin he
staphyl *Gout (strain no. 209) eengitivi to Pen-Jet
lin fails to de lop?
We used the thii1 ea uot of seruft [surf lent] to neutralize I unit of pent-
oillinato within 60 it 37 CI es untt of antipeniaillinase action
(table 4).
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? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
(6) Trans A..979
Table 3.
Antiponicillirouse a
Ponioillinase (10 tali
Physiological solution
?Normal rabbit serum
linDe (I u
io ogioal aolu
ortral rabbit ceruza
0) for 1 hour
room temporature for 3, Pour
(Begin p.801.
agglut taltive proper
make the following conclust?
1) penicillin e
particti1sriy in staphylococci;
2) ponloil inaSe possesses iar1y protouced
at the same tiYot the differences between the antigenic
extraoellular poriioillinase cannot be eitbiisbcd1.
t dy
de 0
sera has permitted us
0111 resistant?
tracollular and
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rens s .tvoirtiv
3) in iiiniring with penicillinese it is possible to Chtain hightit.r
a sera exertinic epeeifio action upon penio llineee;
4) antipenieillinese mere posses* neutralizing, precipitativeaixt
agglutinative properties*
6) the agglutination oepeett of an entip.ntolii.neB, esrwn gu2.feeta
itself only in relation to penieill Want microorganiems, and 'this
indicates that peniciiiihose enters the structure Of penieillin-Tesistant
mloroorgonisme at an antigen
Date bearing witness to the antigeniottr of pent? lithos* and to the
possibility of utilising .ntipriieilhtnes. .r$ for mad ca1 purposes are
available in literature. We report briefly our anervatione At vilft Made in
a study of the action exerted by arttpentoill esere up?n penioillinmre
sistant etaphyl000eci. The experiment.; were oondueted in throe direetiont.
In the tint placs..weAtudied the,laction of antipentoillimase cora
in piesively immunized animals. Investigations were conducted on pima
pige passively immanited with a rabbit's antipenicillinane serum. The ex-
periment was conducted as follows. A few days prior to the experiment 4
(guinea] pig.) were given 4 al of antiserum each, after which all experim.
mental animale atd three control animals of the name weight were injeated
with 400 mi/lien etaphyl000cci each (strain no. 2684 resietaet to 1,800 unita/M1
of penicillin). Penioillin treatments were begun the following day every
morning and evening each animal, was injoeted 1,000 unite/a of penicillin
with pyramtdon (2.5A). One of the control guinea pigs waft ::inot treated.
W* weighed the animal* daily, eounted the white blood corpuscles, watched
the whit* blood picture and the general condition of the animals.
On the day following the inoculation the general condition Of the control
guinea pigs deteriorated considerably - the animais scarcely moved, refused
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t5) Trans* awtri
food, lost weight, the number of (their] white blood eles inoreased
heavily and leueoeytosie and lymphopenia were clearly pro 040* The
control guinea pig not treated with pen/rains perished atter 8 hours, the
second control guinea pig perished after 30 hours and the third after 3
days, even though it had been given 4,000 units of penicillin. An autopsy
of the control animas disclosed at the place of the injection purulent
necrotic, readily tearing off masses' in the internal organs (liver, lungs) ?
severe hyperemia and hemorrhage spots. Stsphylceocei identieal with
26-1141 were found in microscopic preparations and in seeding*
from internal organs and from the plea* where the culture had been introduced*
In the esperissontal guinea pigs there appeared on the place or the
injection a slight infiltrate that was rapidly resorbed, and after a brief
1111 change in the white blood picture, the number of leueorrytes also rapidly
returned to normal, which prompted us to diseontinue the penieillin treat.
merits. The animals survived*
The experiments were repeated with a &wormed amount of the anti-
panioillin serum, and they demonstrated that passively immunised animals
that had undergone combination penicillin treatments proved considerably more
resistant to staphylocoeoi than eontrol animals* In.these (the imutunisod]
animals the staphylocrosoal process was rapidly ended. (Begin pall].
In the erroorvi pines, vs studied the action of sera
in aotivtly immunised aniamle. Rabbits and guinea pigs actively immunised
with penicillirmse were used in the experiments. The experiments were con.
dusted as follower experimental rabbit' were prsliminarily immuniaed with
penioillinase (the total amount of penicillirose comprised 101000 units),
a week later, when the immunisation well finished* an experimental and ft ori.
trol rabbitof the snme weight were each injected intravenally with 3 billion
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Trans. A..979
etaphylococei of strain no, 1553 resistant to 15,000 units of penicillin.
Penicillin treatments were begun the 61111te &kr ? each of the animals was
injected with 10,000 unite of penicillin with pyramidon in the morning and
in the evening.
The eontrol rabbit died 48 hours later. During autopsy large ambers
of abscesses were established in all interns.' organs. The experimental
rabbit survived as many as 13 days of treatments (the total amount of peni-
cillin comprised 880,000 unite), the number of leucocytes and the _white
blood picture became normal and the animal was eompletely healthy.
The experiment was prepeated several times with rabbits as well as
With guinea pip, and also with other petfbillin?resistant staphylococcal strain)
and produced the same results even when treatments were carried out with
deoreased doses of penicillin,
An experiment was also conducted in intradermal injection of the pent-
cillin.resietant staphylocoseal strain no. 1555 in an intemnised -and a norm],
rabbits. In the experimental rabbit localised changes disappeared en the
7th day without any suppuration or fistulisation, while the control animal
had an infiltrate ot considerable site, fluctuation appeared on the 14th day,
a fistule developed on the 18th day, and convalessence set in only on the
30th day.
The experimental results indicate tha t animals active immunised with
penieillinate become more resistant to penicillin-resistant staphylococci,
and antipenicillirmee that develops within the organism restore, the MIMI-
tivity of otaphylococei to penicillin, and as ? result, produces e. thera-
peutic effect.
Finally, we made a study of the action of an antipenioillinase serum
within the organism of actively immunised animals. Inasmuch as neutralising,
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(10) Trans, A.979
precipita toe and agglut
sera, we condueted the ex
.bOdIO8 are present in antipenicil
,nts.vithout the us? of penicillin trent IT
The so** inents were conducted the sane as the previous ones' one
tganaal pig we tamanized with loillinase
one control [guinea]PlE
we injected with 4O0 Zionstaphylococci (stai no. 2664). The animals
as indicated above1 reoeived. no
The control anima died. 2(3 hour's. After the Inocuiaton;obeervattone
of the .experimental animal:disclosed at the. beginning a. baa of weigh
displaoenent oflenooeytes willoh?disappeared,on the fith day, and.' non..
siderable infiltrate. at th...plece where the injection de,, which.
disappeared complotely.on the 11.12th:day.- The. anitwal 'survived.
This 'experiment indicates that the presence of neutralizing, preei.4
pitative and. aulUtinativo antibiodies in ahtipenicillitsse sera increases
the resistance of aninals to petimillinoresistant staphylocecoi.
1. nti ci 60 sera possess nou
a.gg1ut1rttvs properties.
2. Tho therapeutic effect produced by anttpentciiiinaee sera must
be orralted to the following factors
a) the serum binds the pen&cillInaae of microbes resistant topea
oillin and thus provides for the notion rted upon them by ponioIU4n;
soipitative and
[Begin p.821;
b) antipemioillinase sera with
recipitative and
acgiutinative ahtibbilies increases the reale nos of nacroorganisme.
3, Aninala (rabbits and guinea pigs) tive1 Immunised Vita pei
.iinaae an3. paceively inuunized with ttpsniciilinsao sera are more re
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(11) Trans. A.979
sistant and ronifest a milder reaction to.inoculation,with
sistant staphylococci, than control animals. Penicillin treatments lead
to a Complete and rapid recovery from staphyl000ccal infections caused
by penicillin-roeiatant microbes.
Bardarov and Neichsv: Resiitance of miorocrrganisms to antibiotics;
Ood. Med. frai., v. 29, 1949/50, p.27. Bardarcnr, Neichey, Tomov, A. and
others. Hospital personnel at surgical carriers of penicillin.
resistant Staphylococci, sp. "Govrominnala tieditsinan, hk. I, 1950. . -
Remiche' B. V. in book: Antibiotiki, 11. 1949. no. 5, p.6-10. . Abraham, tt:,
Chain,' Nature, 1940, v. 146?.p. 887 (citing Pabury). . Barber, 11. Hayhoct
sine aitehead, innost, 1949, T..257, H 6590# p.1120.
Received at Editor's Office
Aug. 27, 1964
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Trans. A-900
On full)
Sokolova* A. X.* an Rautenehtein*
Sravni te noe i such ie aktivnee bate lazy
nekotoryth r&th biohnitaicheekikh zateThi
u tagoutoichi kb i. fagoohuvstvitel'nykh form.
(Comparative acti ilty stud es of c aeea ad come
other biochemical factors in phage*.rebistant and
phageosensitive actinoroycete strainel.
MikrObiologlia; vol. 25
July/Au. 1966.
(In Ruesian)
4* p.466-470.
440.5 1502.
ants de op which are reistnt to the phage in question. A euiture which
evoral phage
of these places. The friar iy AO
.t*biytrommitted hereditarily
Tdhat kind of changes occur in the
be made resistant to them by the reaction
^ latent to
in /*ages/ This question* which in of' great theoretical a
practical importance, has, evidently, t been sufficiently studied. In. Our
previous work, which me given over to covarative etu4 of certain bloi.
oheraioai properties of phage.sensitive and phage..resistant forms of o.ctino-
zWeetes tJ1, it vies shown thatphage-reeietant (PR) celle diffor from cella
of the iital phago.neiiittve' oulture (Ps) according to their ensy=ttic
protein compiex Ad row other properties. It proved to be that cultures re
sietant to the phage differ from phage-eoncitivo cultures by the Great ;lett-,
e and its great ictnoe to inhibitors,
ioehemis .1 A.N.
Academy. Science of USSR*. Meow).
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nti Institute of lacrobiolocy
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) Trans. ki.980
Studios of the enzymatic activity in the above cited work were
ducted on wcelium preparations, Trhioh wore fixed in alcohol and which could
be preserved for a specific time, this could iii 130 nnqr,.chaflge the
initial activity, that wee peculiar to the fresh Itly0Olit1221.
Therefore, it was eepecially interesting to study the activity of
.ealAlase in the fresh material and at the
rliest possible hour of develop*
tent of the actinowcetes culture, zrhen, it. is the most sensitive to the
effect of the phage. Together with this, we intended to study the activity
sz)f catalaae also in pores of the phage-reeistant and phoge cenettive
A more de *led study of the a
spores and mycol:iu
mycetes seemed to in to be 1inportant also for the following reagens.
literatUre there are *any works which are given over
the studiee of catalase
of bacteria. Yet, this problem was not sufficiently studied for actinongroetes.
Detailed data about the presence and role of catalog? inbacteria set
forth in Porter's book t61. It appears that there are species of bacteria.
which do not produce catalase, and species which produce all its for
Certain properties of bacteria are connected with the activity of eatable.
Thus, for irmtance, Wuddieson and Stahl (see Porter tip oonsidered the
activity of catalase in different species of genus a a criterion of
their virulence.
Virtanon and
(s) o studied cl.talase22.21.124., hnve
ascertained that vege vo cells of this mtcroorgazi&trn contain cainiase, whfl
nabs/ass was not detected in. its spores.
The object of research in this work ware 0 cultures of the cpoaiov LL...rosIznyaini Kra's.
Culture D...6 (phageeSensitive) represented a typical culture of Actino..
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(3) Trans. A.980
myces elybisperus s entoeyeini, ,chtoh was sensitive to three d1.ffereet tepee?
of actireuhagee Is 12 aft In that dee
one from another in their Vireo
lone., [Begin p.41371 in the forms of noatie colonies and certain other pro-
perties NI. Culture 1072 (phageeresistant) was obtained from culture fl .6
as a result of reaction on it with three types of aetincJhaees in euecession
nd of selection of the phage-resistent cultures arisen after this. Culture
1072 wet gelected from among the obtained phseeeresistant variants; it did
. not differ from the initial phageeeensitive culture in its outturtt morphoe
iooli pbyelologieal and antibiotic pre/Art/en. The baste differenee belles
the two cultures of actinoteecetes was their relation to the aptinophagee.
Culture 6-.6 (phegeesensitive) was lysed by all the three eited typos of actin
phages; the phew, resistaet culture 1072 was resistant to all these three
aetinophages s.ed we not 1,yeed by them either on 1tutd or on zolid waft
which were favorable to lysis of culture 13-6. Culture 1072 stably precerves
its phage-resistance during the ()aurae of several years, le spite of frequent
reseedines on medim whioh do include notinophsges.
The activity of catalase was studied in spores of both cultures, phase"
sensitive and phage restetant as well as in mycelium of different ege: on
the 6th 10th 15th, 24th and 36th hour of its developmeat.
The cultures were grown during the course of 10 days on potato for
obtaining sporal material; while for certain experiments for /6 days on
Czapekle medium at a tereterature of 2647.. The collected spores were "lashed
with water; one part of them was taken for asetlysis in a fresh state and the
other was fixed in 96 tper cent ?) alcohols in
h it w*s reserved
fiVO deyej after this the ?spores ',were removed from alcohol, dried in a nou
desiccator and in such a form underwent anMysis on the activity of datelaeo.
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(4) Tram* it 960
fixation or coMy
20450 r.pion**at
seeding materia/.. Fish 'broth
as cultw?o Ale turas
rature cf 2?7'. The spores
by the gasbre
libikrated oxygen per
ighed portion of myte
se of 30 mino.fes t
Por each determination 6 ml of
iturates with sand for tho
For inhibiton
the bo r*
was 30 nrinutoo
sycelituni Which
the experiments. Th
and in mycelium of a.
depioted in the form
mixture were taken, to whioh 6
added; the length of reaction was 6idnute8
olution of codiu
trate? were introduce
was de
oatalase actYttr et
tion of a otivity of oatal
a'epresented in table 1; they
r ? .
vity of
(Ps) cultures (According to the mount
berated during $ minutes per 1 los of the absolutely
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f ao-
Title ef fi ure 1 con thiu
Words in figure 1. At Um
Ago of the culture in
hese eitive)
om bleb I. &nil figure 1?that,
gree t eotivity
the sporal Oltalass4 whtlu ih the phase intent r arm
ty of eateles
at higher than in the
activity of tatalase In
rosarYOd in sotinolyostes
'phagems nsitive ard phageporesie
[Begin p478) when oultivati spores Ot1 71941,0111 rther on it
was found that during the firsthelira of development of evcolium (6 hours)
the ctvtr oI ca1s1aao of aotinoweetes foil tly ;spared to th
intensity of act&vity &n pOrOti ; the ot5.vttj
of deve/opment was sior in the phasei.sensitive
The fall of a ivity of cataleso continued up to 18 hours of the growth of
o during this per
le than in phase/spectate:It.
Irlyeeliars arid at that time it becse
phage-sonsitive forme. lip to 15 hour
for both the plago.resistent and
element the eotivity or cataleso
was higher in the cuituro, and Atter this it IMAM higher
in the phase-sensitive.
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te) Trans, A....9p0
1 e Orgfl per 1 mg Of absol
nd fiXed speelmeni? of. phage.settitive (PS) axcI phagel.resietant (P11)
subotance in.
mmter a ge or tflG
rrosn rrwiXFO
1 W10 0
pores cult abd on p
Spores cu1tiiiitod on
Csapek medium
8 bra of development
10* 0 * 0
10 "
24 "' *
002 ,
36 " U
aottncmycetes it the ?xp snt in question developed at a
temperature eoytst&t n it usually utilised in exporitnents (16.20
and, apparently, iaod be fid the culture of the same age, grown at 25.28
in physiological development.
When comparing iflti
and in mycelium fixed In
that the activity of eatalage
of catalases &n froth mycolium
nee a#bracts attention;
considerably as
a result of fixation in alcohol. This decrease was sharply expreseed in
younger mycelia (up to 24 hours of development). Data on the activity of
eatalase are cited it.table 2
rt1t of 0.0e Cl a result of f
ce t to t ) of the primary
ble 2?
of mycelium it alcohol
of catalase in the
seitio and phage.Te
search [1)
nt forme
value* of ea ase aotivi
ctiaomycetes were co ?idersbly
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(7) Trans. A.980
Thie difference fixation of th terL1 in
alcohol, as wefl as the .ith of preservation( ito 1 year). Virtanc
oide [6) have observed ullciri, in their porimenCii
? lar considerable loss i the aot1vt or the enzyme in dry preparation,s
after ctorinem.
Mon oxttzat rang of catalase
that Oco tor.have two forms of eatalasea thoee soluble and the insoluble
in water. In order to ctpute the rzbors of these forms we e nduithod
research of the %lase aottvtt in aetinonycotes both in the biomass and
aftor rilterinz it through a paper filter (table 3).
As it is seen from table 3 the amount of the soluble form of catAlase
changed with the age of the culture and differed in photo. nsitive and
phage-reeistant forms, tBoinp.469i
attention to tele faet
have noted that after
influence of the
Of development of the mycelium, as as
us In' cemos ?there the material was fixed in
far as the fresh material is coricor
after a 30 minute reaction wt
. on tho catalase system of actino
B - go
pre e atio
pressed at
poros,hioh wore
. o
some catalase activity remainec3i it was not suppressed by the Inhibitor and
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Texiae ? k..980
cUsappeard a1tr boiling. %o did net detect aeeaeiti.. differenoe
between the Lnteoi1y of The ining? ce.talase a. which was
depressed br the inhibitor, i cases of.phage..eeitivoand phace
sistant forrn dt2ring?the early
In ordor to diecov
of he wcelsium develppment.
ible differenees between phage-oonsitivo
and phase...reststant forme, e exained ciec their reducing pomer in regard
to methylene blue. The experiment wee oonane ted in the following manner:
equal portions of the material (raw rteeltw, spores),, in the amount of'
200 Ago were triturated ith sand in 5 ml of phosphate buffers after Vida
or attaining a vaellUlaik to the macs in each one of Tunberg e test tubes wore
added 0.5 ml of solution of methylene blue in, a concentration 1:10,000.
Data of the experiment are cited in table 4.
Table 4.
it is seenfront dMa of table4, thtt during the early hours of ovelop..
nnt the nyoeliunt of actinemycetes Of tie poseneittve form pose
greater r'eduetn? paver than the remelt= of the phase resietant form. This
feature of the phaN7peseneitive form to preserved also in ?pores.
Znamensiaia and others [2) have noted that after exidation of tho
developing myoeunt of actin wootos by different Oxidizers the amount of eo*}mt lo'Nered in it. It was intereeting to trace if this reaction
proceeded with the cams intensity it phaseeseneitive and phasseresietnnt
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Iv/ UFA *
for of myco u
spension ofyoeU
current of open
under equa
the clorifieation of thie quo tic:1 through the eud-
um of a 24.hour fv.
was passe through
d tione at room terve
was determined before and after th
experivent it Iva* aso
oxygen Amore the
th) carefully ground with sand
eaterhe during the course of -13
aturo.- The-amount of DM moeli
As result of the
of reaotion,
1 that during
of DM in the phoge.eeneitive culture to
greater degree than in t istant. In the sensitive culture, as a rosu
of reaction of avgen, in the mycelium revOlted about 704 of the initial
amount of Dliki 't,dtile At the case- of the-.phage,-reeistant form-about 90 re,.
air, which
[Begin p.4701 in respect to tbo reaction of oxygen of the '1,
ate the preeirvation of the amount of int in a oeil, the
form of actittowaetAis is far stabler then the phage?sems
The am,ios
? Age of culture
? Table 5
ordor o study the possible differences dur
6 ;36
phage.rocie tont and phage.sensitive forme a ealouiation of the yield
biomass for both forms was conducted (table 6).
Accurailation of biomass
in phage..rosistant culture was lagging 0ovewhatespecially during the
first hours of development of reweelium as eompar d with the phage?sonsitive
culture. Ilut toward the 36th hour of developront of the culture this dif
ference levelled off; Some differences and peculiarities in the dove p
of phage-eonn tive and phage.resistant forms of aotinomyeetesswhich were
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oerved by us, vera
tions on ene and the a
ment. The observed by us s
iomeA1tat analler reducing power in
goo of development in 'the phage..
ar ? erhaOs some of the maw factors which a
resistance of the culture t
thin t
nges d
g the 1.)
hut also 112 spore's, and the,aotivi
of Ontogiti
ge-rtA&t form of actino
e than the
early hours or wee
ive one
Spores of the phage.sresistant culture
form: o -halt e then spores of the phe.eimttto.
fixing my Olium in alcohol. the ' vity of cM
phage..sensit nd it,. .pbageE.reistant cultures, is loot :to
degree, awl
*hose a greater actty
sporal ratorial and during
5; d
milt in repot to
and phage-rosittan
the lost of activity is greater
e inhib 0
sodium nitra
oth the p ev.aonsitive
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vs,,A4 xrmum, solimm
2. Z
5.0 Pro
tudien of
3. Uanhte
'Ena6onikala, V. Pi,* Rau h in, Odintgova?
kome 0, V. 00d Rodi0110v0, M, A.1 Comparative biochomloal
itive and roeiftant forms of Act. 7.1obis orue
to actinophapt. Blokhilaila? 19, no. 2, 36. 1964.
1.4 VemiatovskRia, N. S., Belozerekii, A. N., About
pertiOa of desoxyribonudleic acid Obtained from Objects of
rigin. DAN MR 95, no. 1, 195$.
Ta. T., Ab6ut dirootod variability Of
ilk heli? 2, 140, 1954.
4. P$utrwhtetn, IA. I., About dtieoted
tures otactinorycoteci Mikrobiol
6. orter. J. B., Bacterial Chemistry and Phys
of phsge.rests1xiti.
no. 3, 262, 1954.
gys?London, 1946.
6, Virtaftn,'A. J. 'and Pu/kki, L. iodhazieche Urchungen Utor Baksrte.
poren; Arch. Mikrob., 4 09 193.
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4rq411/4 AftUOL
(Iti, full)
? lig/A
OVft V. * V,1
C uvatv telsnost, diploidny u otetrl
rem tent& k gartaa.4z1ucheniiu.
(Sensitivity. ofti
1 to garsza.radtatlon.?
? Botanichedkit Zhurna).. vo
July l68.
(In Russian)
This is o
pi id plants
43# no. 1# p.989.997;
461. R923.
our tim, ioniz&rg
orectrdwith ittem te
ionizing rd
r asingly in p
t growth with w
ono 1 oleo with the rat &
doses used in ob ri.tig onomitally valuable mutants
A a result, theyroblem of plant sensitivity to ion
great importance.
Data ooticrnirg the varlod se t ity of ce4s
hither rat
gritultural pla te.
ing ra lotion has acquired
of tho
themselvet nal they, develop in a gi.fio1d are avaiiab in literature
(Gusbaffson, 1944; Colin. 1953. 1956; Nyb 1956; Carter, 1056). In these
worts radletter301.ti ity t meacured by'oar
the q ntity of mutations that emerge in
some rearrangf3ments.deterraillOd ?
young rootlets arid mierospores; the dogr
haraotoriatios, Lnoij
progeny; the number of .O.hromo-
the oytologioal-.preparatione
'of plant ? ter.ility; the degree
growth inhibition in irradiated plants and finaliy simply the numbor of p1cnts
d survived until l'ruiting.
1Jiorizik. Ak*t?mii Houk I physics',
Sciences IZ35
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(2) Trans. A.09$3,
It provo?hat the differenceonsitivity be some plants
is very Great. As t\ example we shall cite oome data from the works of
Guetaffeon 1944). He treated seeds with roentgen rays end determined the
critical doses aftor which there was Leta (sufficient n mber of viable
plants X (developed from irradiated seede) in whose pro.eny a considerable
number of mutations and chromosome rearrange e ts were detected. The des()
for peas and homy ots about 7.5 kr, for barlaY oats aid heat 10.20 kr for
flax 40.60 kr and for mustard over 92 kr.
In a study made of radiosensitivity of plants thatgr
field, it was disclosed that severe injUriee are also inflicted on diffot-
plants by different doses or Liitum loagiflorum and Tradesoantia Lud0ca
a more 30-60*' per. day (24 hrs) are sufficient, for flax 801.1600 170 for
gladiolus itiflera and L. all...elm 1600046000 r. The renoono
for such ditforertaoe in radiosensitivity have not as yet been, explained.
On the baSiaof such investigatione Wbom (1956) Suggeoted a hypothesis cc.
oording to rhich the differences in rad sensitivity are:aeseeiated tiitE the
size of ohrOmonomoo. 'Eut this, of coarse, is not the only reason.
The'preblem of influence:exerted by polyploidy upon red tosoncitivity
muot be analyzed in particular. Interesting datx:andeonsiderations on
this issue are eited in the work of !AackeY (1954). Polyploids have more
Chromosomes, but the number of 'chromosome. breaks and, mutations per unit ieruth
of a.chromosomo are, according to soma experimental data (Conger, 1956).0 in.
diploids and tetraploide approximately the camel hence it can be expected.
that polyploids will have a number of chromeseme rearrangements and "point ?
Itochoohtykhr mutations.. Consequently, from this point of polyploids
must be more sensitive to irradiation than diploids. However, impairment of
the nucleUe In polyploid plants manifests itself phenotypically considerably
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($) Trans. A481
1nLoide. Pplotdeprovo to be obio pho ic
PhY 0 74: thie t due to the lar r.iiuiber ofnti
of their homoiogehe so p.90),and # eitp
enoe erraned upon thOm 1enthwiee. M njury in
its tinco, tbo .tppeAfttoe of the "bridge
: to tn location, bftOA ad to the oirothsatance
lot of otie chromosome or another and there
ieboe. Thie is one of the, atlases of the death *tonna
tt?n of mill and lieformation of .plants. In 'poly
urbance is covered up by the presence of another pair
to he stability orsas itAcalled,
of the or on after lotion with high dec,
pr?ductivtt/they endure bntor
gh (109) old data
to the
of a diploid
naphato in mitosis
that the cell
after tsuaUy per
followed by. ibhibi
however, such a die
chromosomes whidn leads
polypleid plants display!. greater
chromosome rearrang ment. in the 1
gain special importance; he irradiated cheat of 14#
with roentgen rays and establiched a reversible relation between the nuMbor
of mu
ations oocurring in the progenrj. and the nuMber of
irradiated forms.
It is resting to compare his data w?
ke of Swedish investigators Vier, Colin
no Tedin# 2 in which they detord
uosone8 found,
? after roentgen i
After irradiat
:matt, in the rootletsof einkorn hard 4h-
anon of dormant seeds with doses of 5#
ith dose's? of 6 kr, in rtticut stonococoum out of co le
10.9 of cells were fo
lie 24,41% in T out of 1932 *ells in T. mujjz.v.
f 1.438 telle 29 irradiation o speoies with a 10 kr doses
diooccum - out 1573
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(4) Tram*, A..98I
:Dialysis of over 1000 cello
7143, 57.69 and 51.60 of eel
clearly that* 1) the
larger in polyploid
twore found]
tage of cells wl
thin In diploid;
s poc time
so data demons
lonesome rei
ith ahrotiosem rourrangetante the
dl000pum More cells
T. um,? despite the
identical ;motor of chrOmoeomos in these speoIee:
The ()antiunion drawn from thee invostigationo is plain; more nv
titans occur in. polyploids, but a smiler n mbor of them Antfest theme
in the progeny) since polyploids have not tonly) two but four ormoro
homologous chromosores.
It wet be aosured that radiorosictance ia t be ea cially pron
in antepolyploidt in which the same genome .roours4 tiro
The charatteristios of polyploids must be taken into
when they are utilized in experimental radloblology as wet
-Um. It is important to remember that the larger portion
(partiou1rly soft land hard wheats, many fruits and berries
as in ra
of,, cultural plant?
ortamontal plants
and others) are pelyploids by nature* Usmally they are not simply auto-
polyploides but (levier allopolyploids* nonce s it follows that their roa0?
tion to irradiation it also complex
The reaetions
investigated* A pr
formation) that veil
r polyploid plants to irr
nd study of these react
be of much interest to tb
ion are not by La
promises to produ
as well a to p
and nu
laid plants.
rativo study of tho
US forme of Ionizing
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tb) Trans, 1.981
t report, h is
terted upor p2teby one the
(hard radiations 1-401. y;), Tho ouroc
active ealait isotope, (1060) an
TOO forms of seed bue .e*t served as the, in ti ation Objoott
diploid, 16-chromo ome form ti the nol,shevik variety of I. A. Pullman'
age rate
$80400 rimin
selection; 2) the autopelyplo
Boliebovik varietij 0'1;a/tro4 expari
seleoted by V V. Sakharova
ore soeu
16, 1
buckwheat is the Tetrapi
the preceding ono and
lam urova?
all experimental Var
irradiated with doses 0,
plold seeds sofve Sc oon-
p n which the se as ?sf
0 soaked iimUltaneou
e control seeds
for germination. The neec that had begun to germinate on trio difforentA
dates (all totrapioids en August lbiU d
onA rack .in a hothouse.
The fellaxibog rem
August 16) ero ceoded
uced alouiating tho nflue
h. ditoront doses of ,gamsa-0ra4.
a t
upon dipliid and tetre-ploid
plants* 1) inhibition ef germination (pout of soaked seeds; 2) decrease
th eprou ing or seedsand death of plants that iready growing;
) inhibition of growth or experirontal ple.nts (Theaeurements ;ware taken tv,
on the 46th and the 62hd day after the soaking); 4) appearance of peculiar
ohirierical aectioro on the blades of leaves re311r obEervid in tile form of ?
brig,hter spots,
tot us turn to the exaithatioai of th ebtatnd.
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Ebi ? Trans, A 9di
The xporimo
The xpri1 results of the 5.nfluenos of ia ion exerted upon
both investigated for of buckwheat arc presented
the table.
Thfluenoe of vartos dotes of gamma.?radiation upozi diplaid
and, autotetra loid buokeheat
Forms of
sods sea d and seeded
Seeds - t did not
srout and plants
height of
e. -
those prmins.ted
quanti ,
i %
Oontro 0
10000 r
16.0 1;0
17;6 1.2
20000 r
30000 r
16.0, 1.1
19.4 1.8
10000 r
6.0 0.8
16000 r
?;4 NB
20000 r
50000 r
4,2 0.6
Zn ozamiMn the data of both experiments relating to the percentage
of gored tad, one uay be convinced merely that germination is defieitely
inhibited under the influence of irradiation with any of the investigated
doses. But the available material, unfortutvately, does not permit oonducting
a detailed comparison of the results of both experiments, tine* the ;planting
of the seeds and the counting of the germinated geode of tetraploids was
carried out a day earlier than in the of diploid plants This ex..
plains he ooneiderably smaller number of germinated seeds found amon txtra..
? We consider that the dat. relating to seeds that did not &emirate and
to plants that had proceeded to develop, but had perished in the course of
the experiment de not permit making clear cowl ions (see table). There
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(7) Trane. A.981
to be sure, no
oubt as to the Eros
ion of diploid planto ? 4t the
higheet doe* of radiation (304X)4 e high percentage of destruc.,
tion of diploid control plant* (19.1%) corse clove to the percentage of
plant destruetten by the first three doeoe of irradiation. In this reepeot,
the material on 'tetra lot& is also unclear. With the coneiderably smaller
loss among controls (3.0) and at the first three doses of irradiation,
(9.1, 10.7 and 101%) as compared with diploids, their extremol$ low
mortality uder the notion of the highest dose of irradiation (5.8;4) le
After a Oritioa 1 evaluation of nfl. the ntortal outlined. we arrived
at the 'conclueton that it Vas necos8arr to repeat a detailed study of the
influence eXerted by gamma.sradiati n upon thegermination and eprouting of
geode and upon the eubsequent destrUction of plants.-
Besides the need of a simultaneous calculation of the erminatt?n of
seed of diploid and tetraploid formes the extreme density in Which the plants
that we had investigated were
owing must be avoided.: (Begin p.9921
periments must also be conducted under conditions of a more normal, cub..
Soil content of plants that develop during the epring-summer Amason which
is usual for them.
Very din tiact difforenoec werO detected in the seettivtty of diplo
and tetraploid plants to gamma-radiation after e height of the sama plants
had been measured tete. In succession (Sept. 27 and Oct. 4). The nuMber of
the measured plants is indicated in the last tom *plume of the table, nfl
other data Of the twice taken meaeurements aro cited in figure 1. The tao
lower curves reflect the results of the first measuring. CC these the upper
ne (unbroken) indicates merely a slight (although authentic as oompared
cent-rely for the first, third and fourth doses) ihhtbItion of growth
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ku) :mane SA.I.Vt5
plants under the i
curve porio-ining to diploid plants
of rr a (ia t
ucoo cs Iva
? tion of grmth:undor the act1on f Mr. a43
creased. This has been ostablilhod siLth full autheh
? case in Comparing Contrail
ae wo
:been not .in the cavo of . e,.highost.??doso, cace_the average height
plants oxpoded to tho action of any dose,
nem c000Sive dose 17ith the
haa ?
of the plants does not roach evon half the av
cm against 10.013 cm).
go height of control plantd
ti1tbit?t of plant g orrth in
?buololhoat after gopm%.0irra %awl
nit totrapiold. controla;
? 2 ok diploid. centrals; 2 n
? let manuring. (Sept, 27);
urin4 . 4
to the left of figure ): Averrqo ho ght of
An even la or pibar ir, appLrot ho 8M ot
ftor the first or ? ar
period c tensive gralth of bu1ctiheat
? VI
CoM 1UZa3t1ri
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(9) Trans A.0901
fereneee beeen diploids and tetraplpi
to gemma radiation noted already 'during the first staring, were oven
more pronounced a week later. On tetraploide the n uence of irradiation
was considerablY lose notable than -ten di lot
however, at the
during this period.;
-d.maaeur ng the inhibition of th beeame
more noticeable Tnhibitionef growth noted, for
co doses- of
irradiation (10, 16 and .20 kr) increased; and all tfference with respect
to eontrols were authentic.. 6ut the difforemo the tnfluen?of the
three doses referred to proved ?ietic*lZy unauthentie statistically
authentid difference in growth was obtained only at the
irradiation, ae ooarod with controls as well as with al
tion doses.
xppeed to. a .30 4r-doee were on the average imost
3 cm, i.e. 16%, lower than control plants. (Begin 0.0931.
side by side with the corresponding curve of the growth of totraploids
the curve of the 0000114 m.asurint of diploid plants leeks very revealing. -
This curve confirms even more distinctly the findings disclose at the
first measuring. Only the crease it the average height of plant* as
compared to controls, obtained once mere for the 10 kr does was not entrsly
authentic di
hibition of gr
exposed to it
(7.4 omst compared with 16.6
1 aubsequent doseS? however, a gradually inoreasing,
in plant heightwas noted. A.4 especiall Obvious
found also here, when the largest des* was USOdJ pl
d to reach even half the height of control plants
Thus, the data on the moasurel ta i*ken both times of the hetght of
autopoly loid
diploid and plants permit making the conclusion that diploid plants
possess a considerably higher. seneitivity to gammawirradiation.. This be..
ones especially clear when the curves obtained. of tetraploid measuremente
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of dti,loide tzkon boti
on differen
? The form o
Trans. A*981
d curves" obtained
is almost idcntteal9 except for the ifferenc
at which (the idurves] prefaced In diploids, hewer, asort of convergence
was noted, me the trradiation were increased, thie was due to the
more severe inhibition of their gro.rth at the stage tor their developrm
that followed the first measuring* It eeemed that the further the develop*
mint of diploid plants prorcisee4, the MOM pronounced were the ilajurles
caused by large doses of gamma?rad
uence of gatx.irradtatLon upon the ro f diplM
ploid millet plants
Tho definitione are the ea AC on 5 1
the left of figure 4 AlTragN height of plan A CM)
A comparative Lnvattation. similar to the one described abcrvo was
.conducted also with mil1ette4g. the Dolinekoe variety, and -with autop
obtained by ? Volotov from this variety. A season untimely for
pertmentation ftIid, consequently, the need to maintain. the plants in a hot-
house have affectedillet even more than buckwheat. But data on heir;ht
morruremonts of con
the hoight Of 1 develOpedatter irradiation of dry seed with the same
doses of gemma*radiation (10, 15, 20 and 30 k40) Oo&noide with the picture
rol diploid and tetraploid plants of millet and on:
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(11) Trans*
which we !eiori
interes t
Let us turn to
Inee uranga of
that the second
prior to the pe
buokwhes.t, hence, we consider their abliee.tion
potation of spots that
developed front irrad
Before, however,
discuss the causes for
plants was carried oat someshat prozaturely
Ve 'ha*
app red on
wo proceed to
the arane
obitned from a oonto.
s of diplotd bucksho t plants
n the loaes o diplO14
buckwheat the influence f trradistiori, we shall have to relate Omit
oped in otopolyploid buckwheat ex.*
posed neither to irradiation nor to any other strong faetors.
In working with autotetraploid buokihost, our atte
since been attracted by peculiar spots that app
gularly on the blade
out on norml I:Josue
a different typo or mooaio?that,dov
depression, They
This mosaic appoa
plants. We noted spots, mach more rarely, on the
autopolypid d
It is irportant
S of individual
Mir brighter coloring and
d on the leaf without char
tejhsalthy. normally flovort
tlyb.but ro*
ot tool
nd fruit-bearing
.ts of our
underscore that the most thoron h search for
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Iploid huc
nencted in
able to find similar apots either diploid heng, o
norm1 diploid plant.
The discovery
led us to substantiate
he emergence of individual trnregttoris consisting of
of tetreploid tissue by means of somatic reduction.
tissue of the brighter sec
the color of the leave
*tied size of
urround them. The size of t
with the site of the oeils Ln diplo
moot canoe bY
of tetraploid tiocizen
spot cOpnd
2) The emergence tn
extremely rare zoep
Minis saes of tetraploid se
3) The occurrent* of
In wouarationO of rootlets of au
p tt
totetraplotd buckwheat
Id seeds tregzt*d anion
S. L,projova arid V. V4 Itinsurova have boto1 more than once
with an accurate set
in one case
vttkta2 ee
h a cell ?vith 6 ChrOMGCOMan auong a rultitude 2 rOoso
These facts pUblished heretofore (Sakilareva, 1946) cannot be disrogarded?
-ial of ? the
-es in d
t work is bethg di cussed.
fig. 3. on ttcb the frequency of th
n into account only on the first an
d. tetraploid plants are dopicted, Let us begin at
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?4.0, 41,74UWai
the e
ends of both per
shoul been antioipatedo there was not a cantle" ease of similar
spots in non -irradiated diploid plants* hence the curve (punctated) for
diploids begins at the zero point. But in non.irradiated tetraploid plants
7.0 of the leaves WS characterittic, olearly circumscribed spots. Thiel
is the peculiar mosaic of tetraploid plants which as a rule
pears on their leaves. Aa w
plants. we are unable to nob
percentage in relation to tb
percentage of spotted leaves
(30 kv)i but even in this case
dy the curve that pertains to.tetrap
it any regular increase in the mosaic
radiation doses
.%) has been a
the difference as
(TAO faile to attain statistical authenticity.
t is true that the largest
d at the highest dose
owp:tred with controls
On the other haMs aOtha
irradiation dose is increased, the number of mosaic leaves in diploid pi
inereamit in proportion definitely and abruptly attaining 37.0 at the
higheet dose. Conooquently, a greater sensitivity of diploid plants to
gaemm-radiation has definitely been eetabliehed also on the tetrengthl of
this character the eavargence of chimerical sections on normal diploid
tissue as a result of irradiation. [Deer: 9951.
If mosaics in tetraploide are a resultant of so
on,. then
mosaics in diploids are of a different nature. In the latter case mosaics
are undoubtedly due to necrosis of tissues. A preliminary examination of
mosaic sections under a microscope has indeed demonstrated that a picture of
cell necrosis, or even the absetu:e or protoplast within cell membranes to
sometimes observed. Ehrenberg .and itybote (1954) made a study of the appearance
of sections on leaves of irradiated barley in which chlorophyll was absent.
They established that theta eipotions had a varied structure depending on
whether they occurred under action exerted by roentgen rays or neutrons: the
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Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80R01426R010.400020001-7
OA) 'MI5* +16041KIL
spots that doveIope&frolt roentgol irraditt had * 'diffused" eheracter
and consisted of neorotio tissues deprived of ellular turgor. On the
borderlines of these sections a gradual tri.nsitiOn to more nornLi cells
was observed. After irradiation with neutrons there were dbeerved more
frequently Iong more sharply pronounced. whtti stripes on Which plastide
were abeent, but the cells possessed turgor and were fully viable.. These
authors consider that cells [observed) in the -"diffusion" typo section*
perish after (exposure to] reoentgen irradiation as a result of plaszA in.
pmentl the sensitivity of cell* to radiation varies strongly in rola*
tion to moisture1 presence of oxygen etc. It is possible that in treat.
mints with neutrons cell injury is more icosUsId end plastids are injured
in particular.
The differ* et in the number of spots Observed n diploid and tetra*
ploid buckwheat after exposure to radiation revere the (theory] that ime
pairment of the nuclei underlies the appearance of teorotic spots, sinco
otherwise it would be difficult to explain the rsary complete absence of
n /wrest* in the nuMber of spots on tetraploid leaves when the radiation
me is inoreased. Obviously, the appearance of necrosis is inpibited
when four similar ?setsre Chromosomes are present in the cells of tetreploide.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
tit)) "rano ? AUJ.
Dacca (in kr)
Fig. 3. Influonco of gamma-irradiation upon the froquoncy of
appearanc0 of moat? loavoo In diploid and autototraploid
Dofinitions aro the ammo no on fig. 1.
? [7ordo to tho loft of figura 5 Poroentago of loavoo alth ?pot?
Dincuocion of Posultn
Tho data obtairod in the pr000nt crork oonoorning the influenco of
gam-radiation upon tho groath of buckahoat and millet and upon the number
of nocrotio spoto on leavoo havo denorotratod onco rmro that autototraploid
plants aro morpholozically and physiological nor o rottintant to ionizinz
radiation than diploid planto.
gonzat and Ginzleton (1952), in a briof roport, havo pointed out tho
roointanoo of autototraploido to thormal noutronn. They notod that totra?
ploid cato vox.? moro otablo than diploid and hozaploid. But in the lattor
caw It conodrmod polyploid forma in nature (Bogin p.996) allopolyploidn
tho chronsocatO oflahich are not alaayo ropr000ntod by four cItillar chromoi.
oomo not?.
Thu rolationnhip botacon radiorosistanco and ploidy mao ntudiod aloo
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
Declassified andApproved ForRelease2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP8OR01426R010400020001-7
tilf) ra? 410,1V
Astaurovo B. i. (1947). Direct evtenoe of the nueleic naturo of
the biological effect of K..rfty ahd of the independence of the final ro
sults of roontgenitation of th
Zhurnal Diolog.,
factor* that alter rd&osenet1vtty of cells by means of action exortad
upon the initial bioohosica
initial changes occurri g in ay 1
Latarzheo R. 1956). Concerning
haws.; rn the 1)0?1(2 Msdiobiologila
kharov. V. .V1 1046). ftommtio reduction as a cause of'peoallar moSaioe
traploid buckwheat. DAS MR 62 4. Mitts (1966). Relation
of some biologtoal radiation effete s to the relative
the bk.: Radiobiologila. ? Osam. C. A. 9 The influence Of
division stage on the anomie protection of asiilLs1:21ffylim
?414, agaihst
11.44L3r imactivation. Proc. Mat. Acad. Sae 41, 11. - Carter. T. C. (1950.
Oeheticsaagriculturalapplicationa. rogr. MUclea tnersys ear. 6, I.
Cohger, A. D (1966). Poliploidy and r
4527. 4.? rhrenherg. L. 4hd, ?Xybom. (19
offeotivenoss of radiation. Acia-Agric
lesensitivity. Mature. 178.
)4, Ion density and biological
Scand.;* 4. 3. - Prfter, K.,,
O. Oolin a. A. Gustaffson 1). The ytolo teal response of pe1,yp1cjdy
to A.ray dosage.
0. Tedin. (1942). The
and polyploidy.
199. aim., K. A. Oustaffson a.
disturbanoes t -ray, dosage
. (1963), Mitotic disturbance
frequenCien. in r h. %tad bar
1..2. ? Oelihe
of Mutation. Agr Nortic. Genets,' 14. 3. . Gustaffson. A. (1944). The
de In some agricultural plantAgereditas 30.
1.2. ?. Montalto C. P, leton. (1952). The relationthip or Pelyw
robleMe rela
- .
? Hertio. Oeneti /1,
plant .ng by moars
X rsy resistanoe or dorm4h
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7 ?
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
? Trans o41
ploidy t? the ?effe of t
31* 5. Makey?r. (1954
Acta Agri**. Goand,? 3*
breedi,!g n polyp
6)* Bet Noticer? 109 1* ..
Stadler, L. 1. (1929)0 Chromosomenbr ndthe mutative rate in
Aver* and. Wit' own* rroo* -Rat, ,Acad.
TO G.M.111-11ADZVT
By V; Uansur V;V'**
and V.
The effects of gamm..radiation ot caplet
polygonum...and Panto= have been studied; The 0
and the dosages used re 10$ 15 20 and 30 kr*
that .gasetrays reduce the per cent P
growth of plants* Diploids have prove-
gancist..rayt; The appearance of.mossic
coile has been observed in diplota plan*,
obvious that the nucleus tnjuri.e are of
terious effect of am?raditton andth
sets in autopolyploide increases the resia
plot forms of
tion was 0060,
0 been established
tion seeds and retard the
e more sensitive to the ixctl.on
s ricaused by the noora,is of
m the data obtained it is
ye imporiznce in the delo..
0 Ai ileatiOn or chromosome
oe f plants to the action a
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
'Trans. Aft.SW
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Xizuchonttu peredvit ta pe pastonitu
Pitatal AY-17h vestmheetV4
(8tudy. of the cove:lent of
eubstancen within a pIenti?
Ftzoiog1fl ttadtonii
UariApr. 19664 -
(In Russian)
A we roportod
the roe
rate at vihich
toe?.1 ard. s.
? 2, p,121t424,
460 E68
r t11,
le or
cetate e
s cautions,.
tc stano s such as.
to a plant intensivel
thc'ra is licht this entry occurs
udg mont as to the different
and move withia it rat
formulated by moans of oczparing radieautographs taken of plants xposod
o lteht and of ehaae plants the roots of Iyhich
f corresponding radioactive conpouMs..
in the present
ed in eolutions
ork we undertook the task of clarifying the
for the indicated difference. If it wore assumed that the movement of
utTitive?SubstanesS within a plan._
chiefly with the water current, th
substances into
an aeoending direction ()sours
accelerated entry of nutritive
mid be explained b increased
e illumination of the leaves* If,
leaves exposed to
in relation
however, the translocatton of the nutritive substances occurs .indepordontly
of theCwater current, then the change in its rate lindor illutaine_tton should
be attributed to' the inereabod photosynthetic activity of the plants ona
metabolic proceSsos coourrinz in the cells of various conductive ti00060.1
r Bic Ivies
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(2) TraeSs 44.095Z -
? There are in lit
the movement of substq
ment of water (2
data concerning the
from 4te plant roote into the leaves to the move
tads in view of the difficulty involved in oon-?
ducting direct observatioes Of the movement of water* many conolusiore4 were
tade on the baeis of -indirect observaii,ons conducive also to another inter.
pretati.on. We used a direct method of ityreetigation bsed. on e 3neoua
study of the entry
f tagged Organic subetance* and tagged water into
perimente w
ie grown prior to the Important
oeweek old bean plant
a water culture. The
rtt roots
ed in a .2% eolution of heavy water (D2?),.containing odiuM
tagged C14 in carboxyl 400 micron C for the ex
etperinent 3e4 twoeleaf plants of approzitately the same height
'and e.tze of leavee were put in. a vegeta containing the solution.
At first a study istat made of the dyramios of the entry Of tagged
sodium eeetate into the leave* (together with the products of its oonverzion
containing radioactive carbon). ?For this .purpose we used the Method of
determining the radioactivity of a green, leaf during its lifeetimS with
endewindow Geiger counter *a ntaining geometric constancy of the leaf seetien.
under obeervation at the entry opening ? of the counter. The importance of
? radioactivity of different sections of the eaves leaf my, with such
trathed of determining, vary 1.5-2 times. H?vover, different measuring "o
the same section of the leaf produce i'aluee tziaoheniia1 that differ from one
another in no mere than 5.4%. /n f
asuremonte taken by the indicated
sections of leaves of tour plants
rated and the other two
example are cited results of
ho radioactivity of the end
in p.1221 two of which were illuzu
after they were pbkoed in. the solution.
toe coned 4 D
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(8) Trans. Ae932
? In experiments conducted under illumination and in darknees, the
plantt were placed ia eimilarly humidified ambers. .lighting eta pros
duoed from tso tido? with 150 watt ineandeseent 'Lampe Situated ata disbabeo
of 30 Om from to plants and esparated from them byveter.filtert. To
produce dStlthcss the chamber no covered with black
Fig. 1. Dynamics of accumulation of
radioactivity in leaves: 1 and 2 in
light, 3 and 4 in darkness
[vertical line at left of fig. 1
reads it Radioactivity of leaves in
impulse per minute
Fig. 2. Dynamics of accumulation of radio-
activity in two leaves of the same plant
under different conditions of lighting (in
light, in darkness, once more in light)
(Vertical line at left of fig. 2 reads)i Radio-
activity of C14 in leaves in impulse per minute
In the leavei of darkened planta radioactiVity begins to reveal itSelf
notAlAy only after a stay of Several hours in the solutionOndet light
redioactiVe carbon appeare in loam when the experiment has pregresetd a
few minutes and its 0021t6ht increases sharply as timo goes on. This res
gularity was foto* in ell experiments and in all plants without a' Oxecp?
tion. it Sc characteristic not only of the initial period of thevanifesta..
ties of radioactivity in the plant' but alto of any other space or Es.
aq,flg, 2 Are cited curves of the ttocusulation of activity in two leaves
of the iemo.planto belonging to the experiment in which the plant eat altere
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t4) wrarts? airibic4
nately illuminatod and darks
substances into the leaves.
the plant tudtato1y slows d
- sibilities, we inieottateLliii entry, of heavy into the raeves of
plants along, with tagged:acetate
Determination of tho rate of
out the plftntby.otec.tingtheexa
depends in a considerable treasure on the sensitivi
of radioactive
is known, that this typo of regularity is
tio of transpiration of leaf stomata, 4$ wrai se of photo.
Zn order to make & ?election between...these two s.
the ..trothod
Special difficulties arise in comparing two tagged ?opoun6t one of vihteh
has been gge1 with a radioactive isotope and th other with a stable one
because the methods used in detecting thete isotope possese an 'ntirely
different sensitivity.. [Begin p.123]. In our opinion, in.. order to estab.
lief a likeness (or difference) in the movement mechanism ef two tagged
ompoundes At le neeeesary to s tudy tM?dynamics of their Scoumulation in
leaves and to demonstrate. the prose or abeenoe) of a direct' proportion
between the quantities of both subs twnces in a leaf under different expert-
Mental conditions*
/ft ealo,blishing ouch a relation it
sideration the fact that the ubetances entering a leaf will not oflly
accumulate within it, but will also gradually &foresee due to respiration,
evaporation etc: In connection with the above* the duration of Our ex*
periments did not exceed 26.30 hours in the course of which the total amount
? of the acetate that entered [the leaves] was nogli ible as compared with the
necessary to take in
metabolites available in the is
the leavet.did not exceed
the concentration of heavy water in
result of the low content of heavy
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(6)?Trant% A*982
water in the 10 es,
to them], the porattoxL of heavy water
could be disregarded
110 indicated above
cured systematically a
pared with,oncon
va t
30 minutes and 30 hours o individual loav
piu-pone of determining the concentration of heavy water within thom*
Attention han enn attracted by a certain irregularity in the entry
of dioactivity into ex*ria11y identioal leavot of the name plant* This
irregularity has been obeorved in ny oases and is illun,rated by the fel
owing data in which the roAuits obtained on iy piaxtts are nurAriod.
in a
deternti d b
of the tild 01 of tivp loaves
same plant at the timeone. of the Ittaimet '
vas broken off***#'44**?*.
te 044.44*?
e sepa
5 ? 6 2
nt they de.
a eepa
from ie admix roe by the Accepted methed
.etfllettonn the oottent of heavy =ter 14 it Was
thod of the falling drop* IJirniIar to the moo,
radioactivitra th concert
lues ttnaohttniial of boa water in.tee
leaven broken off of the sane plant multaneously often differed from each
other. As a result* a comparison of radloactivitY with the content of h avY
water wan carried ? out for each loaf separately without neutralization within
t** $ix experiments were carried out 3 of them under illumina?
e .? radtoaotivlty in letwes during
time, the activity or dry leaven after water had been dintilled from them
alto determined, The results obtained by both methods of evaluation of rad
activity wero proportional.
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'V3) Trans' A.982
tion &fld 3 with d plants A total of 84
each experiment the proportion between C14 and D we, rved
the absolute content of these isotopes in the different experiments
ticturally, varied because of he changed rate at which acetate and via
entered.the,plants depending on conditions of the experiment.
On tic. $ are summed up the total results of all experiments co,
pared, taking into account the rent dur*tion of each. Pi
that it le poseible
and water through
deteratirxing the
o detect parallelism in the movement of tagged acetate
lent, regardlees of the pro istity of the methods; used
otope content in leaves.
A conoluoion concerning the l?
nelocation of acetate within
darkened experiments in which
ng role played by
ne piret
plant has been co mad aso by
ease in the entry of radioaotivity
and heavy water into leaves Was observe a few hours after the elmeriment
was begun. (Begin
The use of the rstethod .*oribed Obeys ho4a promies for cases iil
? which a 'sharp d.ifferfince in the movement ?a
water withirt the plant ie expectted.
Of n x' cubstanoeS and
Radioactivity within leaf (in apaeifie unite)
1g. 3, Relation between the aoouulatLon of C14 and D in plant lenv ?
the *$ risk donates results obtained under illumination, the circle
in darknese. The values of radioactivity in leaves and the concentles,
tion of heavy water within them are plotted on the oCordinate axes in
specific unite.
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(7) , Trans. A*96;?,
1. The sethod or 1 u ? tilt
.o .
nits cotpounds was used inr dying the pren
mitritive substances within a plant.
2., It has been d
trated that
to s
Tog f boa
the lea e
$ in.
heavy water
f beans
tetate 1414 solution the entry of facets-
ted under li&ht end slowed the d
been revealed in the entry
been esi*blicbed in the en
the _sang, pia.
nd acetate
1&3re ?..V, X. and iztn, A. M. IAN,94, no.
2. 1Iexb, E 1?nt of cub noon within plants,
3 'Crafts, A., YA rrior. Rt.; and Stokine., . Wator and its trnpornoe in
the life of plants. M., Tonoisdat, 1951.
4. 1Corsano, Ia
6. Rusin, A. Xi-,
6. SchoerlS. P. t.
Med. 37, 653, 1961,
Zapreostov, X. K._ D&N? no. 0, 1113,1949.
us C. Kb if, 99? no. 3, 41, 1954.
. at al. I., laborot. Olin of
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(In full)
Gauze, 0. F.,Kochetkova. 0. V., and'Fopova, 0. L.
Ravi me.tod selektaii produtconta al*bomitsina.
.New method .for the-seleetion of the albonroin
produeine ?DE:enlists).
Antibiotiki, v61. 1, no. 1, p.18-20:
Jan./Feb: 1900. 390.8 An84.
(tn Russian)
In works alined toiard selection ,of the antibiotie prodnoing oro%40m
(Actinolyceb subtropicuslandeonduoted for the purpose of, the
productivity Of cultures, various active factors widely utilized in:recent years,
.atut primarily the action extrted by tiltrawviolet radiation, have produced
pocitife results. Another effeetive method proved to be action of a specific
antibiotic' preparation upon the orLanlim that produces it. Thus, for 1-exitance,
Japanese researcher', have demonstrated that in exertinG the action of con*
siderable concentrations of aurecmroin upon the culture of Aotinemycos aureo-
faciene which produces thi, antibiotic, the variants meet resistant to
"their own" antibiotic were those that produced an increased quantity or
aureovoin. This method was used in obtaininG variants with Increased pre??
In developint; problems of the ?seleistion- of the albawcin producinc
Aotinomtees cpioua, we more than once used irradiation of spore ouepon:.
"'ions of this fullauo with ultra-violet rays with subsequent selection. 1:c
did not, however, achieve by thie means any considerable increase An, tabocitt
production when subkerted fermentation wee employed. Afterward we utilized
Inetitae pa Izyskaniitt Savykh Antibiotikav A.44 Dart (Institute of geaearch
for New Antibiotics, Acadery of libitioal Sciences, UZSRi.
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- the action exerted by "its owe antibiotic1 albomyein, upon a culture of A.
subtropicus. But in view of the fact that albomycin in deprived of toxic
properties and possesses ?mile action, m did not nuoceed in in4ibitinz the .
development of the produping organism with any of the tested albempin eon,
centrations. [Begin p.103. .
The methad which we tested further consisted of the folloaing. It is
known that the composition of the albomycin molecule includes iron and that
not, eubtropicus which produces this antibiotic possesses ineressed resistance
to the iron content within 'a dulturo =diurnal! clomps:lid with other actinci.
micetes species related to this. one. Hence we studied ''tho4prebleman-te
whether or not the individuel,strains of the organism that produces albtaycin
possess increased' iresiitance to the iron content in culture Media as Woi..
pared with other strains, and whether it would be possible to establish a
relation between the increased resistance to iron and the increased pro- "
ciliation of albomyoin. We tested various concentrations of iron sulfate (0.02,
0.04%), but Were Unable to establish the existence of such a relation.
Then we tested another method that proved very effeetive. In developing
this method we proceeded from the following prerequisites. It is known that
the streptasycinaresistant formscf various microorganism that emerge under
the influence of streptowcin poetess a large variety of physiological and .
biochemical characters and are, in this respect, strictly distinct from-the
original sensitive forms. lould it be passible to obtain new physiolocical
and biochemical variants of the albomyein producing organism by exerting
streptomycin action upon an Act. subtropicus culture, and would not ?me of
the variants Obtained pessess an increased albomyoin production? The results ?
of the experiments aonduoted gave a positive answer to this question..
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to) wrens. B-uoa
In working with Act. subtroPicus that produces albomycin, the pry:come
of the different variants in the cultures must be t9cen into account, trance)
soMe of them produce pure capes:Vain, and others . albeit:via mixedreith another
antibiotio celled the "pecond rooter". These oulthres can be readily dif-
ferentiated by means of begmentatien of the individual colonies on aOrtized
media with ButsTensions of siaphyl000cci tither resistant or sensitive to
albomyoin action. The colonies that produce pure albomycin inhibit cnly the
grOwth-of sensitive staphylogOcci, but do not, in the least inhibit the growth
of-staphylocooci resistant to albomyein. Colonies that, along with alhoMyein,
produce also the "second facitor".inhibit the growth Of albOmyoin.resistant
staphylococci ea -well. The degree Of inhibition depends on the amount of
the "second Vaotor" which they produce.
In the- experiments described below .we used the Act. sUbtropicu,e variant
that produces pure albomyein without any admixture of the "sepond factaro and
.retains firmly this characteristic in multiple reseeding., In culttomting
this variant on agarised culture Media Containing different concentrations of
streptopyoi4 we Observed that eta 50 gamma/61 streptemycin concentration
one colony out of 1000 eurvived, at 100 gamma/61 one colony out of 20,000, and
at 200 gamma/61 one colony out of 40,000 survived. Streptomycin recietant
.variants of Act. etibtropiode that develop freely at 150 gamma/61 etrepto?
,moin conoentratiOne proved extremely diverse me to their merphological and
physiological properties. This tact is of great theoretical and proOtical
interest. If the original Act. subtropicus culture had an aerial mycelium
of a grayishwhite oolor end a colorless substrate mycelium, thou a email
quantity of forms possessing.yellow oolored and yellow-rose colored aerial
and subbtrate wcelia were found among stroptowoinwresistant variants. Those
new for ms which we had never observed in Act. stibtropioue cultures prior to
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our wi of ptorv
of th
erial and sae
nuabor of etreptnItly
In 0]
Lantz of itote icwith ?changed oo
wool% oemprloo only a
of ..410
11 pe
we obtat I
o total
? 200
oultareek.or I% ?were foand with
vostigationo ted t1t Ira is.
coloring (aeo daring far
and yellow eri ill equal n
the oo1or1e rtnte matched the oritanal s tra
ldw.rese otblor (no. 5) also segreguted about 11
forato upon further eulttmtiott;
ooloring ,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP8OR01426R010400020001-7
or ofAct. eubtrovtot
o ootorles
toir ?oha
with tho yol*
ritinal co/or/est;
ir ill" .
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(6) Trans. +A.0083
the morphologic:Al r*nt,wed s vere
resistant of Act nbtrpicus a10 e.ntta1 nrdi a
with regard lborlrcin formation, We erind albums
submerged for
producing one
cros?d 1borctn poductton. 11
duction was 160400% increased as co
Among them, a series
teristic vita
data obtained it is ossible to conclude that the method deecribed can be
used successfullyfti the selection of the anon/tin producing
sietant strains
of for ms possessed sha
Strains a1borctri pro-
tabards, and this &terse.
111; ,s P
ttc dLffezencoc
red ail
etained in a nurber of ge
s. On the basis of the
If. G., Lonsikina, Aks.d.
f thc Academy c cisnoea 118SR)? v. 5 p.4327. -
pita ill, Its,
s (Japan), 1954, v. 7 (2)
Recelved'at s,
Doc. 29
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Trans. A.0,96/1
(In full)
t4oroz1 A. P.
Dinamika obraovarUa uctotchIvkh terrA.
bakterii k antibiotiku mitsorinu.
[Tho process of fotmation of mycerin.
resistant bactoria].
Antibiotiki, vol. 1, tm. 6, p2640.
1966. 396.8 Ar264.
(In Russian)
The process
of ohemothemeutic eubstances
for 0 long time.
Beginning with Iccniak (1887) and up to rocont1r rr researchors
conducted exorJ.Ote which permitted to determine the epeed of formation
f drug..rosietant forte of bacterial and then morphological and cultural pro..
pertiee wore studied in the obtained resistant variants. It it clear now
to all, that the Iresence in bacteria, which -originally were sensitive to
one or another preparation, of an ability to become adapted to it and pros
duce for recistant to it, decreases the therapeCtio value of a whole sorios
of chemotherapoatio subetances to a great f,tegree
Consequontly, when isolating new antibaoterial .preparution# it is
very important to etudy the regularities of development of torjis resistant
to them.
In connection with the abovo.nentjoned it would be intereetins to
res ictant microbe'
the reaction
upied the attention of ecientieto
----Fid7-3r-toi pelts ogii-i ekeperimental r.ii'or.t7'---erapii (Say -41h1A3
respondent A717 SSSR prof.'101; Rh. Planelies) Instituta epidemiologii i mikro4.
biologit .A.1SSSR inent N. P. Sanalei tnepartztont of infectious Pathology and
Experimental TheraAy (Headw.ltimber?Correspondent of the Acadestr of Medical Soiencee
USSR, Professor Ich?Bh. Platuntes) of the Institute of Epidernioloar and Moro*
biology of ALM C8SR imeni N. P. Gasaloia].
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(2) Trans; A-984
study the dynamloS of development of resistant forms of bacteria to the new
Soviet antibiotic mycerin, which vets obtained in the Institute of Exporiis
mental Aliedioino of AN (Academy of Medical Sciences) of USSR by rue V.
Antibiotio myosrin represents.a dry preparation well soluble in water.,
The preparation retains the activity during unlimited time in its dry
feral the aotivity,Of the prsparation in dilutions is preserved quite stably.
PrelimioarY elewrisints have established that tayterin produced 4
sharply expressed bactericidal action on all miorObes.sebsitive to its
reaotion,*(staphyl000ciel, B. coll, dysenteric bacteria of Shiga and Plexbar,
typhoid bacillus and others). .
- Before proceeding with:studies of dynamics of growth of resistance
in 'bacteria to mycerin antibiotio At Is nsoessary to chick their Sensitivity
to this last one.
Sensitivity to myeorin was studied cin two strains of staphylococci, two
strains of B. ooli dysenterincultureS of Shiga and Flormer, and strain
Proteus Orn. Hydrochloride of mycerin was utilized in the work. In mg
of the substance, wwre contained 25,000 Of antibacterial units. *mean.
preparation was diesolved in proportion of 1 mgiml for the preparation of
work-J.:4 Solutions..
A method of suowsive dilutions in test tubes, with an addition. of
agar was utilised by us for the determination of sensitivity of bacteria to
myoerin, as ll as for further studies of the prOcess of growth of the re-
sistande to it bo bacteria. We marbled test tubes with.the sdnisdiftamonnt
of norcerin, which inhibited the growth of bacteria. (Begin p.20 '
Thesults of studies of sensitivity of bacteria to weerin are rea
presented in table I.
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ta) 'ammns. A0.9d*
Table 1.
Sensitivity of bacteria to oerin vitro
Itioroor. niems
COnseatvatiOn of -,'..orih in ?.
V .
-um& .
ot. oo no. ,
Era: 7:77fr me. 814
of 410
iiMAm. Stara no. 913
Baot.'.1.e. ?leaner re. 550
iii?h: aureue no. 5
ttph. 0 IM
oteus OX10
Conventional signs. ei
# control without antibiotic.
It is seen from table 1 that the sensitivity to mycerin is dissimilar
in different xtrains.
Then we studied the dynamios of development or resistant forms of
bacteria to the myeerin antibiotic.
Tr= test tubes with * minimum eoncentration or the preparation,
which already .:roducted a noticeable inhibiting action on bactf,ria, wo oonducted
some reseed rigs or cultures with a loop to a culture median that eontained
the sane or a higher c-;noentration of mycerin, depending on the intensity of
growth of the corresponding strain.
Control reseeding. were ooaducted simultaneously to salt free meat.
peptone agar, which did not contain gicerin.
The obtained experimental data on the growth of resistance to tlyoorin
are represented in the cited figure.
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(0) ? Trans. ?.964
? fi
? JI 1
. Title of figure: Dynamite of obtaining resistanoe to wycerin
by various bacteria. a . along the.vertical line con-
centration of myperin in gamma/ml, along the horizontal
1160 - passages B. 11!: Shiga'do. 913; 2 . D. doll
61.3; 1 ,Staph.3di 4 B. Sat. Plexner?
b a along the vertical line . concentration of mycerin
in gamMI/%11 along the horizontal lino passages, 1 .
B. coli no. 6441 2 ...ate.. aureus no. 61 $ Proton*
'.lords to the left of the7figures toneentration of myoerin,
underneath, passages. .
It is possible to see from the curves, cited in the figure, that, when cul.
tivating:bacteria on media with .rising concentration* of mycerins.development
of resistant forte of bacteria occurred very slowly. Thus, after 60 ?
*seeps on media with antibiotics, the resistance to myoerin increased
only 6.70 time* in all the abate cited cultures.
When cheoking the stability of the detained resistance 'of bacteria to
myeerin, both after keeping the Culture in a colutella of agar under *gasoline
oil, end aft.r a great nuMber cf.restedings of cultures on media, that did not
contain mycerins it was established,, that in both eases ocohrred a deers:zoo
in resistance to this antibiotic), which was acquired by the bacteria.
flegin p.261
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R610400020001-7
. ? Table 2.
4s ?
?__......._.___.__a_mIs of biochemicalropertiee-a?toriplutp.32.1.Ett_riEl_Lotano?bet
to sToerin
. .
. -
Growth at
.tion Prgs.
nrce*in in
Fermentation at' ?mow*
Formq.tion of .
rotmation ot
qiffrea "4"
2 212
$4 t1;
leduotion of
123' a
ti a
Oa C3
Bact ooli no. 615
15.8 .
r _
? '
. X
. SECt
. ..
- ?
, Shoh
K .
/4) /1/.?
'i.sak 'mak
Weak 1g
'Weak Weak
initial? -
Bast. coli no. 813
retistant .
Baot. colt no. 844
initial ' -
Baot. col/ no. 644
- .
Baot. -1....h Shiga
no. 913?initial
pact. .11._. Shia
riir. 913?resistant
Baot. dal. Plexner
no. 560-initia1
Baot. Flexner
no. 5W-resistant
Staph. sumo* no. 5
initial -
Staph. aureus ro. 6
Pieta filTir--
qtjtet. Food initial
Staph wood -re.
s is tant
Proteus at19 initial
Proteus or re?
Conventional signst X ? aoidifioatioat -Shah alkali forkation; Pitch ? first acids then alkali; SI ? weak acid;
wkG ? weak gasification .
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[Begirt P.2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
Tram. a.984
Table 3.
Determination of sensitis[ity of sono bacteria to other antit.iotios aftor-ac uirirnos to ryoerin,.
a ?
? .41
Cross resistance to
Peniotlin Streptomycin Crriseain
4, $14
?1?: r04
*urging. no.
no. 6 resistant
Stach. "Wood initial
fr _ ? ? resistant
Butt. coll. no; 813 initial.
no; 613 resistant
Bact. colt no: 844 initial
"1"-- no. 844 tesistaht
Baot. Shiga no. 913
Bact. Shiga no. 91.3
Baot. ?leaner no. 650
Bast. lz! Floater no. 550
Proteus 0119 initial
OXig resistant
1:0 T
2.0 )
25 r
7:8 y
0.48 ,changss
0.41 With.
0:48 ?hangs*
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(7) Trehe? aeeee
teek:An .30i.
T;hee s1.vidyint4 iocheical properties ir '7tierir..resistant bac-tr.r3p.?
es cfrperod matures, it -.las deteoted that there oocurre,2.1; t
e slight charTe in some rf the indica! or !:f the biecheialcal activit ? of
these bacterin. a docreasInz arectior. (Wile 2).
This, riycerih.resistant variants, obtained frnm straiee of inizn tinal
rod no. 618 no. 644, formed as very weakly derine fernentati
sitars of the short verie,ated series of "Gies" [Hiss).
e were also 5.nterested in the ,re.oblem if a cross resistance ?t;o
other antibiatice the myoerin.resistant bacteria took places as there are
/Any ogees cited le litere.tu,re, when a resistants, developed by bacteria to
one Of the attV101.1011, IVITOIXOS a simultaneous increase in the resistanoe
?to many other preparations. conducted studies of cress ...resistance of
eocerin.resistant cultures to penicillin streptomycin, irisemin, lover:tette
end bioevein with this aim in :And. They were conducted in parallel with
the initial sensitive strains and with mycerin.resistant variants. Pasults
of experiments are cited in table 3.
As it is soon from table 3, the .:-,Iyaerin.resistant bacteria ehotted art
insignificant degree of croes.resistance to streptervein and Erisezain
(by 4.34 tires); 'huts in respect to other antliAotios the sensitivity of
these variate '.-ate similar to the initial sensitive cultures.
1. he celtivatinf; baoteria or 7?tedia 1.?ith an inereasine conoentration
of rsycerin, fornatIon of resistant variEnts proceeded extremely sly and
reached an insiolficant detmer (during SO passages the resistanoe
tures ere* by 1.3.70 times),
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to/ ran . A.Dumr*
2. When checking the stability of the obtained resistance of bacteria
to sycerit it as established, tbat while keeping these cultures on edia
that do not oontain antibieties, there occurred a diminution of resistance,
which was acquired by bacteria to this anti: lotto.
3. Then studying biochemical properties in mycerin-resistant variants,
comptred to tnitial cultures, it was disclosed that very insignificant ?hanger;
of some properties ocourre=4, in a deareasing direction. This fact zave basis
to assume that it the givrea ease no changes uf biochemical properties nr
cultures oocurred beoause a selsotion of the least sensitive individuals
took place, and not an adaptation of culture to the antibiotic.
4. Iiiyaerinforesistiant bacteria developed an insignificant degree of
cross.resistanoe to streptomyein and grisemin (from 4 to 34 times), in
? respect to other antibiotic substances their sensitivity was similar to
that of the initial cultures.
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(Lb rut')
Krasillnikev, L A., end Kof8.nova0 g. D.
Deistvie antniotikov na fact.
(The effect 2roduced ty antibiotics upon phaoesi.
Antillotiki, vol. 2, no. 1, p.6..10.
Jen.-Fab. 1967. 396.8 An84,
(In Russian)
The urahlem of antiphage antitiotics Is very slightly elucidated
in literature. Yet the phaces present a certain Interest, if one takor
into consideration that they (baoteriophaos and actinophages) have
muoh In oolmon with oertain viruses.
A possibility is not exoluded that phase partioles will prove
to be good test mat ?Jai for detection of antivirup antibiotics.
During our research we tested various actianphages and bacteria-
phaos. Antiphage antibiotios were sought out among the collection of
aotinomyeetes, present in our laboratory.
The method for detecting antiphage antibiotics was Bluth: aotino.
myeetes were spaded, together with a phage, on Petri dishes over an a(;ar
culture medium. There and then little eylinders were laid over the seeding
maUrial, Into which was introduced the antiA.otio under observation;
ohemioal4 pure or in the form of cultural liquid. Sometimes the anti..
blotto solution wee silrply applied to the surface of agar in the form of
t tut %kr.. ologii .nn stitute of Microbiology of the Awoli
of Soienoe of VL,SR].
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t?i 171171.6 ? .11.DWOO
- puring,the first selection agar block* of aotinomycetes culture,
which were crown =different ladies were superimposed,on the seeded
softie*. IX/hem were placid into the inoubator at 26*.
In. 1.2 days zone' of inhibition of the 040 becane clearly apparent.
They were expressed by :the fact that the notinonyeetes culture developed ,
quite normally around the agar blocks or cylinders, while there opourrod
it* full Weil on'the remaining eurfaie of the medium. If the testod.prow.
duier,of actinophage inhibited the test-culture of aotinonyeetes also, than
two zones resulted. The firstmadjoining the block (or cylinders), whith
was entirely sterile (absenoe of growth of test.aotinonycetes and pr the
phage).and the second?zone of inhibition of the phage, but not of actino.
wastes, owing to which this last ofte developed normally. -In the cases
where 'the antagonists inhibited both the phages and tett-cultures, there
occurred amoral sterile zone *round the blocks on the background of
'slightly developed resistant to of test-cultures. Both the actin?. .
phages and the basterlophages were investigated as phage test?Objects.
The following were taken frozen:mg totinophagesz
actis00460 n0..414 isolated from the Siberian.ohernpzem, it lysates Act. diastatieus
no; 1151, lyeates
no; 19p *
no; 23p *
no. 31p
no; 30p
no; vrp
no; 26
no. 6
11.0; 70, isolated from turf..podizolio soil
no. 135
no. 9700 ?
it adopifirs
L'I: sulfurous
ETC oandidus
Tit Tpos?r--sa,
glehisporue N 01
globisporus 21040
IT. globisporue NO..70
LlObisporus X.,136
.117L violaceus 970
Preekamong the bacteriophage.. 14 strains were utilized in the ex-
-perimentss-baoteriophage 3 was isolated from $iberian chernosem, itlyeatai
baoteria no. 6 of the typaL, Bao. mtgatherium.
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SaP .Trans.
14 lysates bacteria no: 14 of type Imo.
2o s ? no: 09 "
4/ nO: 41 - * Bac.
32 ? " " ' no: 62 . * . tiro:
83 * * . .' * airt;
? -69 " * ? no. so . iv Faroe
bacteriophage 102 Ws isolated from Siberian ohernTirra
' of type Bac. tneethee
. VW was isolated. from Siberian chernotini to besteria, no. 107
? Of tzfpe-Bae. uml_gts...
, ?
baoteriophage, ousel* strain, lysates. ? Bisph. aureuriT09?
? . /3, 0 proti ja............... . . .
. II * ? ll .E.g. 11111r JUR
mesa thee
purss ? '
to baitiria no. 102.
Antiphise properties were examined in a large collection of eotitta-.
Wastes (over 800 oultures), stitch belonged to varioue croups and whith were
-isolated from various soils of Soviet Unians . Studies of antiphage antian
of culture of the oolleation wider ooheideration has Chown, that ite coneral
regularities basically suggested the rule* of sanifiststion Of antimiorobio
properties. Ant-ipbage properties appeared almost in all aetinimpoetes.
In our experiments 'about 90-90 at actinoweetes from the examined
palliation inhibited the lytic emtivity of photos. Some strains or groups ,
of strains inhibited new phages, others only few? and the third ctay
solitary or influence (Begin pi:63 just .one phage. as in reepeat to
antlitiOrobib Rettibn, &Emig totiftompitee there, apparently, are no such
organisms which would not react upon phages.. We tested our aetinottrootes
on 26 strains of phitzsi and disoovered 9048% amtagonisti in regard to them.
At first we took only.2 phages (no. 26 and 6) as test NAterial,. In relation
to them tiltkr 1% at antagonists were found in the collection. If we were
? to take not 26? but a larger number of phages, then the peroentage Of antiphage
actinemyaites, e.pparently, Would have been higher.. The character of in.
fluenoe of various adtinowycetes on phages was different. .6ame inhibited
the phase particles completely, the formed sone of ectineuvoetes did not
have any points at lysis oinagatite colonies. Other actitomylotes-antagortist .
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to:1 a-rune ? AiNVOCI
depressed the phases partia114, the sone of rowth of test.actinomyeetee
had a larger or smaller number of negative colonies (points of lysis).
Next, after the reaction of one of the cultures the songs of inhibition
would be sharply matlined, and after the reaetion at others . the borders
of the zone were only slightly outlined, diffused.
The majority of actinomyeste.antagoniste formed antimicrobie chd
antiphage antibiotioe. SCWO of them produced antiphage substances and at
the same time repressed either both the gram positive and the gram ftecative
bacteria, or only the gram positive bacteria and the cocci. There wee
a considerable nuMber of aotinomyeebe.antagonists, which inhibited only the
phai7es. Such a edbdivision was conditional, it reflected the relation of
antagonists only the certain teste.both the microbic) end of the phare.
'?Tith a specific selection of testmobjecte among both organisms, all
aotinomreetes, one may assume, mill be antagonist* to microbes and phages.
Antiphage properties of actinomycetes are quite diverse. Nome cultures in.
hibit a great variety of phages? others inhibit only solitary phages or
even a single phage. IA other words, the antiphage speetrum of theae
Organignal IS very wide in one ease, and merrom in another. Her. we have
a full analogy with the remotion of actinommtes to bacteria. As a rule,
aetinoeyoetee inhibited aotinophas:es more actively than the
From about the total amount of tested actinomyeete.antagonists we reokoned
90.900 against actinophagee? and 40 against teeteriophaos. (table 1).
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Thanes A0.955
Display or antiplitge aotivity 4)factinomyeetes when testing On 12
**tin? ha es and 14 baeterie ha ea
roup of aotinom
etas .
? Oray
Of A. fradiae' tmx*
? PigTiente-dr"-".
er of
. 124
18 -
or o anti-
et 4 !let
Actio $ oterl
94 41, 60
911 42 54
77 7 : 50..
94 4 28
$4 1 -94 J 41
A?more or lees. sharply expressed specificity of action was noted
? while analysing the antiphage spectrum a. aotincetyostel..
One Can say quite definitely that among some groups of oietinovnotee
there were more active antiphige at-Ali-urea than among others: liader con-
ditions' .of our experiment-the greater percent of antiphage actinonyceteS
was among the large miesellaneoue group. a general title,
globisporal (Act. .gtobieyorus); then tong tho group of .gray-aetinotycetes
? and the smalleit among the pig?iented (table 1).
A-well expressed spools.* speeifioity of reaction on phages Wite noted
When- examining the globiepotal group 'we found .6 well outlined species.
eadh*of :them there were 5-14 strains. In the group of gray aetinompetee '
there were 23 well expressed subgroups, -which virtually represented an
isolated speoies. Then we had *trains of well expressed speoiess Act.' ocelioolbr
Lot. austntiacus, Act. noisome. In most oases, the strain* which belonged
to one species bad a imonotypio spectrums that is, they inhibited the same
? oolleation of aotinephages and bacteriophagew (table 2). in a group of .?
gray actinomyeetes- from emon5 the 25 examined subgeoups (species) only 6 -
had Strains with different antiphage indicators. These groups were not yet
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4... LI ? .3
sufficiently otudied and possiblye gore oonTrised of representatives of
various species?
Conditio,,s and dates of foruntion of antiphage st:,bstAnces OVR
fereuti, than conditions of forwation of antirsiorobe antibiotios,. rt is
passible to selRet conditions of r,rowth of attinomycetes ursier
tho antiphacc antili:.otics would be produced. or just the antinticrotio
18ezin p..71
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7 o.985
Table 2.
19 19
23, 31 36 37
7 5f
St, h.
I. colt
E?Nir-oris 8
A. Tulgarli?T
I7lip0 no. 30
no. 2911
2 strains
0 I
14.0 toxious
arosus no.
rTirisous 0-.
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(3) Trans. A*285
Nozin p.81
Antiphage substances were often produced by the culture earlier
than antimicrobe antibiotic's. For instanee, in strain 2736 *Act. 1111.tisporut,
MAXIMUUt formation of antiphage substance was on the 2nd day, and of anti*
mierobio a on the 6th day of Growths in strain 8a (lust. 41obisporus) oor*
respondingly on the 3rd and 7th days in strain 2688 on the 2nd and 8th
day, and so on.
Antiphage auk:stone= were produced by actinoarlis when cultivated on
various nutrient media on simple synthetic, with mineral sources of
nitrogen, and on complex protein Oftes? They were WitheeillOd On CP no. 1
ECapaldi*Prosknuer mmilusa, on CP no. 8, on media with fish broth or
411 corn extract.
Actinomyootes cultures, tested by us, did not synthesis* antiphage
substances on Csapek meeium or on a medium withbean de000tion. The anti-
phage substances also did not form on a medium with potato extract, or
were produced it very small amounts. But the antialorObie substances
synthesised and acoumulated in sufficient amounts on these media.
Itsximum amount of antiphage substances was produced on media with
fish decoction, with corn extract, on NfA rmeatempeptonesagar] and some
other protein media. Their titer differed, depending on the medium, on
The compeeitiot of the medium and on extyrnal conditions. The MAXiOWR titer
in our experiments IOW 18600,000, the minimum- 1810, 18100i0 and mere often
in the limits of 1s240. 181,000.
There are organisms, which produced only the antiphage substance on
oertain media. The antimicroble antibiotic either was not formed at all, or
was produced in small amounts (table 8).
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? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
Trans. A*985
Table '5.
remotion Or SAt1O1Ot1041 by actinowyestes
. .
Autdbaotariel substanees,
titer ,
to R.O.B stibtilia'
to Staph. aureus 209
, liquid
* filtrate
A. zatat- imiso
. . n $29(1)2
A.fi1Lblig.2._r 42735
.. hVi
f ? .,0
' 27
.. 243
. a
0 .
9 .
2187 '
. 0
, 81
. 9
. .. . 11118
- :
. Aft .
As it is seen from table 5, the antiphage substances pass through
bacterial' filters (Boriefeld filters and Others) much freer than anti..
*aerobic antibiotics. /f in the cultural fluid 'of strain 115 we detected
243 staphylococcic units than after .1 filtration through the Berkefeld filter
there were any 9.units in a milliliter. AntiPhage titer was maintained,
approximately, in the same figures ... in the cultural fluid l0 and in the
filtrate 1CP.
It was possible to separate the entiphage antibloties from the anti...
adorable with the aid of specially sellated adsorbents. Antiphage anti-
biotics were dissimilar in stebilitys heating, in particular, affeeted
them. Nam. of t%embecase quiokly inaotivated at a Comparatively los tem...
perature. For instance., the substance of strain 2588 'beeame inactive at
50? during the ?Ours. of 10 .sdnutes, while the substance of strain 8a, could
withstand to 70* during '30 minutes.
As it rule, .antiphavii substance.?fall' less stable to heating than, the
ant/Microbic ones, 0..1though an these 'last ones there was also a great
divereity in this respect.
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t10) Trans. A?985
All this pointed to the faot that antiphage and artimicrobio
bioties represent various coupoaitioes, which are produced by the sa*lo
or,;anismo either simultaneously or at different times, dependin6 on eon -
Our research has shown that phaces vary i2;rea.t1y in their serugitiviiy
to antibiotics. F3-a-ne of them reacted to almost all the antibiotic StIbt?
stances, -afire tested ty us?, othors were repressed just a fire actitto?
mos te while the third c nes reac tee only to a int:le aetaEonis ts a There
also were phazes that did not at all react to actinoNytetes tested ''77
Ls it is seer_ fro7t table 4, aotinophAgee were more/ sensitive to aotinotwootes
than bacteriophaNts.
The it sehsitive amonz aetinophac,es ,:;ere strains no. 9700 and %el
after that ?erg aotinophages no. 30, 3, 15 and So on. Among bacteria*
phagos the first place in sensitivity wee occupied by phage tae.Imalterrium,
it was.folloonsd by strains no. 98, 113, Haat. soli 12, 14 and thee tho
The cited data Mow how grat is The diversity of phages. Alsohr
the-i exist as syny distinctions as amonz, microbes and vir usse.
Of coarse, it vets necessary tc, select comparable strains or s:,,soi.00
when aorseerinz; the sensitivity of phages and viruses or microbes to anti*.
biotic*. (Begin p.91
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(LI) irans?
Table 4*
of various
to aotinomyoets-antagonists
Amount of actino..
myoetes which in.
hibited the baoterioso
' phase
No. of the satin?.
mount of got no-
mycetes whioh in.
hibited the aotino-
No: 14
5 .
NO: ice
, 88
No: 41.
No; ,98
No: 1070
37 .
No; 113
No; 52
No: 29
Boo* moga?
Boot* colt _
.In our collection *hero were four groups, or more accurately, sub.,
groups of actinomycetets in which antivirus properties were detected* Tho
first group, which consisted gray aetinomycetes (strain no. 1609
being a typical reprosentativo)? inhibited Viruses of Ruosian tick?borne
encephalitis, grippe and smallpox* The second subgroup consisted of
aotinomyeetes with whitewpali.yellow aerial myoelium (group A. globitporus)*
The third consisted of actinomycetes with yellow-orange coloration of .
colonies and pinkyolehito aerial mycelium* Strain no. ZU, its typioal
representative, produced a depressing action on virus of group Al* The
fourth subgroup, consisting of violet actinomyoetes (its representative
was strain no. 1212), actively inhibited viruses of Russian tiok4sorns
encephalitis and of smallpox*
The action of antibiotics of these organism' appeared not only in
vitro, but also in vivo, directly in. th0 body of experimental aninals*
The action of these actinamyoetes on phages did not correlate with the
action on*viruses* Strain no. 1609 inhibited only 2 actinophagei
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(no. 5 and 20) from the 12 tested and not a single bacteriophage. Strain
no. 1212, which was also active against the viruses of Russian tick-borne
encephalitis and smallpox& had a sufficiently wide antiphale spectrum it
inhibited almost all the tested lotinophages. It reacted on beraterloplages
very selestivelys it inhibited only 2 species among the 14 tasted.
A. aureofaciens& A. rimosus& Lot. no. 111 and A. rosette have very close
antiphage spectra, but their antivirus properties were sharply different.
141ny aotinomycetes, which have sharply expressed aatiphage properties, did
not at all. repress the viruses, tested by us (trippe, stallpez, encephalitis).
It is posetcle that they produce influence on some other viruses.
We have as yet too few experimental data ("patterning the antivirus
action. A wide range of virus species is required as test...Objects in
? order to compare the specificity of their sensitivity to antiphrases with
that of various species 5f phases (antinophsges and bacteriophages).
For the present we can say that antiphage qualities are not indicators
of antivirus activity in general. If a enrrelative connection does exist
then it is only among individual species of phages and viruses. F;liverthelags,
this must be established experimentally while comparing vast material.
Rntered the editor's offiee
December 20, 1966.
English Summary
A large number of aetinomyoetes belonging to various croups and species
was investi!ated in order to bring to light their ai1tty to inhibit phases
? and to produce antibiotics of antiphage activity. As test-objects were
chosen phages belongik to 14 strains and aatinephages of 12 strains,
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? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
k ID wrignme /Loam=
obtained from different species of baoteria and aotinomycetes.
It valke found that the general regularities underlying the anti?phage
action of aotinomyoetes are about the same as those observed in the action
upon *Arai,. Nearly all actinonyeetes display antimphage properties.
S OM of them are found to inhibit many photo species, while others in.
hibit but iftlividual species, or a single strain. Antagonists against
astinophages ars more frequently met with than antagoniets against baoteriow,
phages. In aotinomycetes a rather outspoken specific anti.phage spectrtm
of activity could be established.
The action of anti-phage antibiotics is not correlated with that of
anti?virue substances. Magas can therefore serve neither as test.
Objestat nor as models in the search for antisivirus antibiotic.
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Trans. A..986
(In full)
Borkovskaia, V. A.
Opyt ismenenlia iarovykh sernovykh
kulttur v ?sive.
tAn attetpt of experisental transformati
elf sprins cereals into winter cereals].
Sot. Zhur. tMosloal vol. 43,
Jan. 1958.
(In Russian,
? p450.60.
451 R923
Discussion of problem of the forration of epecies has shown, on
the one bawl, he presence of suffielent reasons for doubt in the authenticity
of separate faots about the appearance of sharp chanob or "oonvoreioe of
species, and on th other hand, during the course of dieoussion there was
pointed out the abSence of experiMents, based on more precise methods, which
would not arouse doubts of their authenticity.
1.Ve think it necessary, it connection ',eith tts, to share our seven.
year experience in work in this direction.
Cr experiments in studies of coMittoris of the arising of no for-41
were bean in 1949-1950 in connection with the spreading of an idea about
the passibility of breeding new speoles, whieh was expressed by Academician
? T. D. Irsenko at the August session of VASXMIL Academy of kyi
oultufal Soleness ineni V. Z. Lenin] in 1948. According to data avalitT)20
at that time, nharp changes and conversion" of species were obsercfred
? Betio uznari tntitut rsstenivodstva. /an
Plant Industry. Leningrad].
on Institute of
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144) TIMM ? +11^07Uti
mainly when transforming spring cereals into winter cereals. Therefore we
took this course as a basis of our reasearch, the noro so because there
were very few such experiments conductid at that time. We can only mention
ae the meet wellsknown work* those of N. X. Shinanekii (1949) and V. K.
Narapetian (1946, 1960a, 195(b).
In experiments of X. X. Shimanikii spring wheat 1160, when sown in
the fall under conditions of Glossa* Increased its wintcrhardinese already
after one year of overwintering (48.7% of those which orerwintered as ecno..'
pared to the control ? 9.1%) and were converted into 4 winter cereal iv the
second and third generations (97.7 and as.% of overwintering). Moreover*
only the ohanges of varietal oharacteriatios were noted.
In the experiment* of V. K. Plarapetian four varieties were involved,
they were sown at different dates in the fall under conditions of Moscow
Xere*too* 'me observed a noticeable inorease of winterhardincss
from generation to generation, especially in soft Wheats. For instance*
in Lintestsens 062 the control had 124% or survived plants; one year or
overwintering gave 19.6%,two years of overwintering ? 36.0. In hard wheats
the increase of winterherdiness 444 lower, but, as was established by the
author, they were then *converted" into soft wheat.
According to data of the above?mentioned authors, one can as:lune that
the emergence and fixation or the overwintering sharOloteristio can be bronht
about comparatively easy - during tuill generations whir planting spring (mope
in the fall both in various geographioal points (Abecow and Mosso.) and
at most diverse tines. In Glossa all the Ootober planting dates gave an
increase in winterhsrdiness, and in Moscow 4. all the Septenber planting dates.
[Begin p.611.
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trans. A?0986. ?
One could say the same thing also with respect to the formation oi'
soft wheats from lard, which appeared after all dates of plantings, and,
as it was ascertained by, later works, in various gekraphical points, sztong
them also in Motet (hlokroi, 1955)4
In our work we tried, to' detect all the possibilities for obtaining ?
new species, to .nabs more precise the conditions of scounalation and ftca.. -
ton Of the civentintering Obaraettiristia in spring crops, as wsll as .to
trace the changeability of the ?imposition of populations of the varieties
and specie* under investigation.
Our basis experiments proceeded under conditions of the foot hill
tione of. north-essetern Caueasus at the ikikep Experiment Stmtion of VIR.
(t1.1.11nion Institute of Plant ;industry), as well as in?Krasnodar city at the
experimental base of the All*Onion Scientifie Researoh Institute of Oil and
. ?
Essential. Oil Crops Eviuraul. ?
The Works at the Alloy Station were oordnoted in parallel at two '
pointst in the valley of the river !Wale. (500 ta above sea level) and at
a root hill section "Shetitaks (600 a above sea level). Beginning with
the year 1952, the belie variants were planted 'annually*. in the steppe
sone of the Zrassodar the Alban Experimental. Station of TIR; where
the winters were very severe, and for two years at the mountain section of
Teberdinisk State Came Reservation (11550 st aboVe sea level) and in Leningrad ?
? 'ablest* (Pushkin. city).
All the work 55.8 conducted under the dirastion. of Dootor of Biological
and Agricultural Sciences, Professor E. 1. Sinsks.ia.
For experiments on the change of spring crops into winter 'those species
wire first utilised for whioh no real winter for were. known. Such wore
the Persian wheat (Tritictua pervious* Vav.), cats, hulless barley, partly
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. 0) .Trans ? A-988
.herd wheat; for the last one.semidowinter forme were'knewn only. List of
crops and varlet/ea, which were indluded in the exporiments, Are eitad in
.teble 1.
naafi. required, for the solution of the railed prOblete, in the first
,placs to ensure clearness and authenticity of the experiment. In this ri..
siiect we immediately encountered certain diffieulties: these difficUlties
were met at onoeichile ensuring the puritrof the-initialinatt4iai. One
should meutionothatioth in the abevemmentioned works about the .transfor..
nation of spring &voila into winter and in those published later, the
authors, as a rule, did not preliminarily stady the.initial material, that
is with 'election of typical plants Cud -checking of their offspring, We
too did not preliminarily de this because at least two years would be're.,
? quirod for sucha work; one year for selection, another for chsokinc of
the offspring. Cwana,Ohecking of the initial material was cOnduated by us.
during the process of the experiment' proper, for this Purp000 durinp the
first year all the plants, which were preserved after thordnter, were
carefully inspected 'and all -the admixture* removed..8inee during the nnual
dense plantings different plants can easily grew together by their roOta,
we took only one spike from each plant for the next seeding. During the
seeond year each spike las planted in a eeperate raw and, after cheo14ng
the offsprine, all similar families were united. With such aworkvmew
doubtedly, there wae danger that under, the form or admixtures it wee
possible to remove the already ehanted plants. But, first4. aceordint
to already existing data, the sharply chanted forms do not emerge, an ft
rule, during the first year, and, secondly, we carefully studied all the
. .
Adnixtures up to checking their offspring. Beside., there were but few
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(5) Trams? A.980
of those admixtures and their origin did not cause amy doubts
In order to prevent the possibility of repollinations varieties of
similar drop, were grown on'tsolated son:ions and the soil for planting
was prepared yet during the fall of the preesding year.
The greatest diffieulties wore met during the removal of possibilities
of meohanical contamination of the material. Vith aAargS voluae of 'work
? (600-700 of reeistration plots) it was almost impossible to provide *
guarantee against All possible eases Clegin p.521 or maahanitsal on*ttrItion
and the more so because it wee tough more than just one year, Sevrrtheloss,
we tonic: all possible preoantions, introducing special rules for ganting
harvesting, transportation and stacking up of sheaves, thrashing, and So
on. (Text oortinuod after table 1)
Crepe and varieties
nvolvod in the
Table 1.
Oordoiforme 10
Oordeiforms 2/
Meltanopus 69
Khoramloa 711//
Al tbidutt 3700
'Cott& ghlopi.
Surkhak 194
? Orekum 289
1. MR T. durum Deaf.)
Agerbaija- GS S (State Snootier, Station)
Dnepropotremek OSS
Irasnodar GSS
Krasnokutsk (188
Azerbaijan GSS
2) Sett tt. aostimus Ls)
Omsk, sInNurunz Niborian Grain Soionti-
fie Posearoh Institute]
lOvev Oblast'
Tadzhik 088
Xrasnovodopadskaie OSS
ear, s noe wh ch
ass included In the
e ? rint
1949 -
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(5) Trans. A..986
sr-Not-111Am pers-ieut Tay.
Dike 9/14 v.
stramineum Gruzinskaia GB
Db a 9/14v.
fuliisinesum; Grusinekaia CMS
Table 1 (oontinued)
Years since which it ?
mos included in the
4) Turgidmaia (T. turEiduts L.)
Ramose Sikhs..
Unlike.'" Georgian SSR, Akhaltsikhe city
RAMO* eked.
/oink* Moscow, Gorki Deninskie
Ramose eked.
Tumanian Amens laboratory of species formation
Ramose opyt.
niana Gear-Amt. Akhaltsikhe city
? 6) Spelt (T. diceocurs SchUbl.)
Armenian SSP, N. Akbta
B. sexier (R.
Nudum malod? I
asiatekii Kuban Station of VTR
Viper Valenek
sativum L.)
0, 4ate (t. native. Le)
AlngeKtinekaia OS
D. Rye (!. cereals Le)
1952 ?
?????? 411111??????????-?
In order to ascertain whish or the fallftwititer dates of plantinc will
produce the best effect, we planted all the varieties *Very 5 dayas beZih+-
ning with the Lst of September and up to the freesint
throutX of the Kxound (Deoemberm January). later on we conducted reneated
roseedings of crops of each date and again or the same date. Such repeated
reseedince *en the same date were conducted [Begin p.551 at Loth pr}ints
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. (7) Trans.. a..von
of the ilakopftperiment Station darins the ochre* of three year* 1949 to
1951 inclusive. During these years the first winter (3949/50) was Severe.
We observed considerable loss of pinata of sprin& crops at the earlier
.01eptelber) dates of plantiegi The next two 'winters were.mildiand the
plants of Spring crop. were preserved almost in- all the variants, but to
a different stage, depending on the varietiand date of gloating. .
_ .
In 1952" already conducted comparative Studies of the offepring of
different variartis, which during this year were planted simattnniounly
dates An the fall (SepteMber 25 end October 10 and in spring. Besides this,
part of seeds -or be basic variants, togethervith the control Oran blvine
savings) were planted &t the 2kAban txperiment Station, where the Winters
were extremely -osier*. This rear's winter in the region of Naikcp Station
? .
*as favorable for overwintering of plants of most spring varieties. Calcu?,
lation of the pareent of overwittered.plants, according to variant* of the
experiment, has shown that there were no difference* among the offspring of
different Pall dates of planting. The spring reproductions, that is the
.controls, overeintered in like manner for both diktat'.
At the 'Haan Station, where the conditions of overwintering were more
? severe, differences appeared only among varieties. In the limits of a
variety there a3.e0 were no differences among the offspring of different fall
dates and the control (spring reproduction) and later on there toot place
full les* of both these and the others. mats of reproduotions of all
dates of planting, without *Insentient of Persian wheat, spelt, barley and
oat* fully Orished towards spring. The fall reproduction of semiwinter
bard wheat of the variety Arandany (e6.906%) survived somewhat better compared
to the spring reproduction (SO). 74 the remaining varieties (the ramose
? and hard wheste) individeal plents in different variants, which survived
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(5; WPM. ? ?4?111119
towards spring were highly weakened and all were lost towards the time or
Spring planting of all fall reproductions, together with the control
(from the spring planting), IOW oonducted late -April 10 ? in order to
avoid the influenes or law temperatures and on this background to more
suocessfully deteot the aceumnlatien or the winterhardiness property. But
in this planting also differences were observed only among varieties, but
not among the variants. After such a late planting the semi?winter wheat
Arandany, as well as the ramose varieties or nachitthevanIcam (opytnila
Stepaniana and eked. Tumfteiana)(1) did not form spikes and behaved like
winter crops In all their variants, including the control. After an early
planting in spring they usually formed spikes, whieh took place during former
? years. A great diversity of forme appeared in tho spring rye, Onokhoiskalaa
after a spring planting they varied from the typical spring to semliowinter
and real winter. But, as long as before the beginning or our work it vas
grown together with winter varieties, it was natural that many plants here
represented heterosygote forme. We excluded it from our farther expertents
for this reason. The remaining crepe and varieties behaved like the usual
spring *rope after a spring planting. Offspring of the twr' and threeivoyear
reseeding; or various fall dates farmed spikes unantaous/y and at the same
time with the control.
During the fall of 1953 the offspring of the fall reproductions were
united in the limit* of each month and were *Loin planted at the best time
for the sowing of winter grope at the Maikop and Kuban Experimental &tattoos,
(1) translator:be note, named after a city in Caucasus and also after the
men who developed them.
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(a) ? Trans. A.:9815
as well as at the mountain point at Tob!rda and in Leningrad oblast*. The
size of plots varied from 4 to 10 sq. m.
The winter of 1953/54 1/1111 quite severe and caused considerable loss
of plants nt all points. lievertheless, as in the preceding years, there
were no considerable changes observed among the reproductions of Varioun
dates ofInantings. Ilegin p.50. .
At iltikop a very insignificant ads.ntaee of fall reproductions has
appeared in three varieties, when compared with the spring reproductions
in the pereentage of overwintered plants s in hard wheal* .0 Arandary, which
, had 7$% of plants in the fill reproductions and 64( in the spring, and
Gordeiforme 10 where there wore respectively 41 and 54%, and in barley -
Paula raloasiatskii, where there also reppectively were 64 and 4C&C;
At the Kuban Station the Kuban reproduction of Arandany stood. cut
markedly, hailing a total Of 665 survived plants when compared to the Ltaikop
Station which had only 256, punts ?under similar conditions of planting.
There were no differsneet in wirrterhardiness of different reproductions
of the Other remaining varieties.
Conditions of overwiritorin in, Teberds, at an altitude of 1580 m, and
in laningrad ablest (Pushkin oity) proved to be too, unfavorable, and all
the reproductions of the Persian and of the hard winter wheats, spelt*,
? barley and eats, which were planted both on the fell and on the sprin4 dates,
were fully lcs t. Only single plants survived towards the spring, among semi..
winter wheats of the Arandany variety and among the ramose in individual
'variants of the fall reproductions; but they were so weak, that they were
lost before the formstton of seeds.
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tio) Trans? ad?Vtia
nurint; subsequent years the fall reproduetions were tortinued to be
planteei at the best times for scoring winter Drops at the Witikop and tuban
Faperiments.1 Stational nevertheless, up to the year /957 there were no
subsiAntial ohanrce seen in their winterhardiness as oompared to the control
(spring reproductions) (table 2).
Table 2. (p.57)
Orerwinterin,:: of fall and spring reproductions of' spring varieties at the
*Won, Axperiment Station (Planq.op or September 28( 1956)
Wumber of Plants remaining by June 1, 19117
Varieties years of after plantink of 14500 seeds
fall repro.s from tile fail1 from the spring
duo ti one reproduction reproduc tion
A. Whim
/Bird (T. durum Deaf.)
Gordeiforme 10
Mslianopus 89
Ihoranka 711/1
2) Persian (T. persioum Vav.)
Dilia 9/14 v. stramineus I 7 3 1
Pike. 9/14 v. .61,,iLino_ j_nns 4
1 25
I 16
3) Spelt (T. diem:sews SohUbl.)
Spelt frost Armenia
I 6 I 14 I 2
4) Soft IT. aestivum L.)
Surkhak 194
Oita& thlopitska
Alibidum 11700
Buduts maloasiatskii
Aria ta ta 7
B. Barley
C. Oats
Footnotes Data on ramose wheats are not cited as the spring repro..
due tions wore not planted because of lack of seeds.
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;Li, 'runs. As...uou
(Text continued .frem page -4)
We nunducted studies of many other biologieal, morphologioal and
Ociononie (quantitative) characteristics, during the whole course of our. '
. experiment*, besides the wintorhardinesi. Ve ate citing her. sone data con..
cernink these observations.
In order to traordoen the influence of dates of. planting on the .
progress of deVolopment of the following during 19524190 we oonduoted
'adervations eh the teraation of the apical tip [sone of growth] in off,*.
spring of all the variants of tall and spring dates of planting. These
'obtervationi have shown that differentiation of the apical tip in pinto
from repreduetions of different-date* of plantings proceeded,approxicate/y
the same time. Phonologic Observations of the stages of heading and .
ripening haVe shown that the passage of these stages corresponded to the
alternateness of diffarentiation or the apical tip and in the liMits-ct
- the varietvalso has no differences among the variants.
Fellow-up of the dynamics of heeding, after planting Pall reproduction*
.in spring, has shown that differences, which were Observed on the day of .
'coleulatienibetosth the fall and spring repreductions were expressed it. a
Very slight lag ih the heading of.the fall reproduetions of two 4trietiell.
In the'drandany variety the fall reproduction had 23 plants which formed .
opikess and the spring-. 64; in the variety Gordeitorme.10 respectively gs,
and 02 plthts. 14 all the rest-of cases the eharaoter Of heading of the
fall and spring ripreduotiono was eimiler.
, Detailed survey of morphological features has ehOwn that dirin5 the
first year ofivork plants of strange forms were detected in three varieties.
Thus, sintle plants of soft wheat were found in almost all fallwitinter
dates of plantings of Persie:n wheat Pike 9/140 as well as in individual
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(12) Trans. A-980
dates (without any regularity) In hard wheat Sordeiforme 10. In both
oases tingle plant* of soft wheat were met also in spring plantings,
but in a considerably smaller?peroentege (in. both oases e in one date
' of planting among len). Subsequent/7 awes found out that a small
hhmber of these plants in the control was explained by their belonging
to the -winter forme, Which do. not head in spring. There .was no doubt
that these forme were present yet in the initial material. 630qinp.65)
? The ramose Wheats ..lakhetinskala and opytnika Stepanient,whleh
were taken from production plantings, were clearly contamiqated with
? barley and nonramose'foree of soft end hard 'wheat. After removal of all.
these admixture* during the first year of work, they did not appear any
Wore.- In the tester varieties there were no admixtures of other forms,
removing all the contamination dUring the first year and
cheoking the offspring through selected spikes,? es repeatedly had cats.
of appearance of hey forme and species of'plants"both in the fall and in
the control (spring) plantings. Bet we did not have such cases when e the
cause of theater/03Iva* unclear to WI during the course Of the whole
.seven years. virle shall briefly desoribe these cases.
In two cities the offspring of individual spikes of Persian wheat cone
eisted l00$ of similar variety of the soft. In this case the mistake
during selection was beyond doubt, because these species are Very similar
to each other, and at the beginning we even resorted to a cytological
analysii, in order to distinguish the uverlappinefOrms.'
In 1062, during two periods of planting (SepteMber 30 and October -SO)
in the varietyHOordeiforme 10 several plants with a white spike of the
intermediate type between the hard and the soft wheats were diseovered.
Checking of their Offspring bee shown, that these were hybrids of the hard
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? (13) Trans.
end the Pereian wheat Dike. 04, which then evolvcd during the followint;
In plantings Of spelt we deteoted in the same year its natural hybrids
- with 'hard wheat, whit))) fact was confirmed by the oharaoter of segregation of ,
the .off.spring of these plants.
App ii. cif natural hybrids ityboth oasse. could. have happezed.
during the fall planting. in 1949, which was oonduOted without space boal.
lation. individual plant* ti, in virtue -of domination of characteristics
of the mother species **old have revainad unnetieed during the eheoking Of
? offspring of individual spikes.
We also found absolutely .sterile lorbrids among Persian Wheat ard rye.
.ramoso wheat .and rye.. Persian wheat and spelt in those oases when .thoy vtero
grown on the saw- section*. Inassiosh as since the 1%11 of 1052 the plantings
at all the points 'grey* conducted on general sections without speoe isolatIOn,
, we repeatedly observe& eases of th?-appet4ranne at natural interepeolfio -
hyhrids; to particular, fertile hybrids were ?tound between the Persian
, wheat and the hard; ramoie and hard, and others. Their hybrid nature was ?
confirmed by the external appearanoo and the character of segregation in -the
offspring. .
' Besides the above-mentioned natural hybrids no 'other visible changes
of morphologioal ohamoteristies were observed by us.
Studies of such quantitative features as the height or plants,
bushiness, length of spike* and awns, density and the amount of gram in
a spike, and weirht of 1,000 grains hays shown that after * fall planting
the spring crops approximate the winter forms of corresponding varieties
in all these features, and differ considerably frees control plant* d alontin
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14 ) Tran0?A.091:3
opring. r.ever.th31eco, plantinc ai-nitaroottoly tali and oprins
roprodnotion or coveral yonrot ondinzo theca differonaca onoothed out
(arrant ontiroly both in tit, 1Zc1 Via aorlr.f.,,, occinzo. ryon if thsy
wore rotair.odotn it oto in vary i.!-.sicnifiant atountio and for actoarizin-
irc it throtKli aMlycia vnceeedc 1r on of plants tinn to at
? our dioponal. ?
An article a Acaeomictlan T. D. to-corl.-e to published in 10C2, tArla0
precise toto4ica1 instruotiar wore Given oi omveroion of 'sprint; cre33
to triritar. In pnrtitiolsr he urotei "A nothcA for iiquidatinc tho
horeditr and producir3n winter heredit-y in 'ma dofinstl no aocurotokV t7"
Ob this bAcio. an azriatatzsmi procedure ha boon doralOpede vb.itsh porrito to
?convert wint:..r crops irto any varte, of cPril vbeste btrloy or tseaer'
planto of thew opooies, ttnt tlioain p.50) !two both tho aprinz ard tbo
,wintor fora in any- TOCite. (4713C0-7.** 1.02a s 0). ,
? Acoordin..-, to dirootioto co mod in tha cited article. of T6 b.
trioako. a nenretzinter plantire vas oarrisd ent d3rin.3 the Ctll or 1052
(November 20) of nino Pew varinties Of cereal oro,O rich ine.tO con:',rol list
tore rarit an of 1052. Ain Om procoditz, ?L.-port:70mb tho plantin3 vao con-
duoted vrith unchecked coeds. 7ebot of tho pt..r.ts survived aft:r tho ITintCr
Vo did not dotoot d.:-..intnica of other ex:otos.
For a oztoOquont plant-in:1 2 opikon t7e2'0 coo teG fro= cacti plant.
which Imre throchoidoeparotely. rrrin?-?tio opri of 101.3A the coodo e
ore.or em o pair of coloctod ?pikes wore p1tnti dui-Inc the boot t1r or
cowing tho winter crops (October 5), r.rd tho cacao of the ottor eplbs at a
lots? tino (tabor 17). ?in all 200 'opiken =re colootecl from each voriaty.
Cootie of ovary apex: r..:ore stun in a coparato roar..
Vinter of 1953M -wan ()everts. /Aro in both tbo oprinc, and the trieor
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(10 Trans. A..986
_crops eas observed, but the,plantings.ef both dates surtived, althiugh
individual varieties were thinned out' A detailed !betaking of each
family has shown lin absence of anY narked morphologies' changes whieh went
beyond the limit* X the variety. The best families were harveated tes?
? paratekt, and the rest united Into the limits of each date.
During the fall of 1954 all this mateifrial, together with. the initial
seed* from spring reproduetions was sown on. October 7. 1:1oto,r/Ss
sq. pc. Winter of 1954/55? nag iatid .and there were ho differences in .?
? averwintering of, the fall and spring reproduetion*: According to such
indicators as the phases of development, disease infection, lodging, as
well as the height Of plants and their general appearance, weight of 1,000.
? grain*, and others, the fall reproductions of / and II dates did not differ
from those of spring reproductions ill:anything during this experiment: There
? also was no difference among ,these variants during opring plantings. They
all formettspikes simultaneously and all together and did not differ in
any way among thereelvis. Reneeforeard, es in the preceding experiment,
? this smt,erial has continued to be soca at the ledirnp and the Man Expert./
mental Station]: on the best dates for pl,inting the winter *rope. Nevertheless,
up to thepresent time no marked shifts in the increase of ivinterhardinote
or the tested varieties were obtained. Data of the last overwinterint, (1050/67)
of the available material at the Wimp Isperimental Station are .cited in
table 2. The oinditions of winter of that your we. tory Unfavorable on ao?
count tor the unusually early frosts (Septenber 8), the absence or the on
covering and retarded sprout., whieh appeared only on October 24 due to con-
ditions ofadry fall. ?
Frac data in table 2 it ix icon that eten those differences smoothed
-out which were observed between the fall and the spring reproductions duri-n.,
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%LOJ 113.0B ? riehyou
the prof:mein:, years. 17e explain this by an extremely early loci of plants
which even could not sta.rt to become hardy; of course, no peculiarities
. .
of more wintc-rharey varieties and forms could be e=pressed under sac&
*circumstances. Ilut on the 'whole here was reflected the true picture of ?
the seven year wovk. on ohangln.g spring, cereals into fainter.
Let ut 'cite data of CVO? more experiment which was conduoted in
Krasnodar at the-E.71...perimental Bate of the 4114.1111ton Goientifie'Researoh
tilts of Oil ate EsSential Oil Crops .IVN7,r1r.nii. Bard wheat Gordeiforme 27
and the Pereian wheat Dike 9/14 were utilized here. The initial material
. ' was the same and it also was nob' prelimiearily studied and checked.
Durinz the first year of work (1949) the plantings were conducts,
? beginning with Sep tatter 10, every 5 days up to February 10.. In 1950
the plants vere harvested according to the dates of planting without any
preliminary survey on account of absence of the specialist. Only the roma' nts
of chaff aftqr harvesting were kept for the control. During the fall of
the same year Geode of each date were sown at the following. dates. Oordoi-
? forts 27 Oetober 13 and 21; November 16 and 27, Deceriber -22? January $,
13 and 23, tBezin p.671 February 2, 12 and 22, and larch 31 Dika 9/14 on
Ootober 18 and 25 71evember 16 and 25, December 22, January 6 13 and .23,
February 2 and 12.
rn 1951, after a detailed curvey, it Was found out that in tho variety
Gordelforme 27 in the offspring of 2 variants of planting* of 1949
*(October 6 and Ilovember 10) soft wheat was met everywhere. Suriey. f tho ?
pellicle in the chaff aonfirmed the pretence of soft wheat in these variante .
during the year of planting. Consequently it was present yet in the initial
In Persianwheat bika 9/14 soft wheat predominated in all variants.
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. (17) Trans. A.488
Platt* of,Pereian wheat survived only implanting* of winter and spring
dates. Presence of soft wheat in the initial material was eetablished
at the Maikop Station. 9nder conditions of Iteenader, where sinUre are
' more severe the Persian wheat (Begin p.58] after fall dates was *11
destreied bittost, aed only those plant., of soft wheat survived which
'1111.r.) winter crops in the biology Of their develepaent.
? In 1951, aftx,r reeoviOL all admixtures, typic*] plants of the** tele
unities were again planted at the following dates. November 3, 13' end 23,
Deceaber 3, February 1$ and 26. Subsequently ell families Were of theiata
'kind and'typicel for their spool's.'
..In.1952 families of each kind were united in the limits of variants
and Were planted on three detest the best. ? September 23 and near-winter
December 1, es well es'in spring of 1953i. April 2. Winter Of that year
was unfaverabb* and bast,of plant. of the September planting were lost. Of
the Dike Oa variety 4 plants survived, and of dordelforme 27 - 5.1k plants? .
West plants survived from the nearioWinter planting (December 1), bet no .
visible changes were recorded among the experimental:plants in both easel.
? In 1953 both varieties Were planted on a date which was near to the
best for winter crop* in that, sone, namely Oeteher 13. Winter was extreniali
-severe and towards 'print only a few realigned in *11 Variant.; and oven
:einglo plant*, bat they all retaihed features of their species and variety..
The sem was observed in 1954 aftera sowing on October 1/,. when the wintcr
was faverabie end both the experimental and the control plant* survived
well; In 1955 the plantings were again heavily thinned out without notideable
differences between the sixth generation, obtained from fall soilage, end
the control, that is the spring reproductions of the 'same varieties. It is
pOssible to say, that after separation of all admixtures, the remaining .
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(L5) wrens.
asiterial underwent the effeot of three very severe winters after plantings
at most diverse dates; ',ut still we did not suoseed in finding any changes
of morphologioal oharaoteristios, nor any marked increase in the property
of winterhardiness of the tested varieties. At the same time this ex?
perimerrt has shown that with insufficient purity of the initial material it
is easy to aosept 5 temblanee of oonversion of one speeders into another as
a reality.
On the whole our experiments on changes of spring crops into winter,
which were conducted with twenty varieties that belonged to eight species
of cereals, have shown that this question is not as easily solved as it
seemed judging front the published 'fforks. The obtained experimental data do
not correspond to directions of Academician?. D. Lysenko.
The oonducted works have shown that with a careful preparation of the
initial material by means of selection and *hooking of selected plants by
the offspring we aid not succeed in obtaining not only any changes of
morphologisal properties, but also any Parked shift in the direction of
acquiring the property of winterhardinest. Case should point out that if
during the first year of work we did not remove all admixtures from the
initial mattirial, in particular of the winter soft wheat,then we wou.1d have
before us a subleases of Roonv. Tilton" of some species into others, and
Persian wheat *would be changed" in our experiments into soft, the hard
into soft and into spelt, and the ramose wheat into soft wheat and barley,
and so on.
Some amy object stating that during the sours* of the whole 7 years
we did not have a complex of such conditions which contribute to the origin"u.
tiort of sharp ebonies. Indeed, most of the vri ntors under oondttions of the
Idtikop Station were favorable for overwintering of spring cultures. Yet,
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(19) Trans. A?988
3 winters (1949/50, 1953/54 &nd 1955/58) were severe en
and sauced the
loss or a groat nuiber or spring crop plants and even of winter *rope Bo.,
sides this the fractional dates of plantings every S days during the course
of 3 Menthe, which during the ?Curse of 3 years -were conducted at two
points, also formed a very great variety of conditions. Bore too one
should add the repeated plantings during the course of 4 years at the Kann
Experimental Station, and 3 of these years were characterized by extremoly
severe weather conditions, (Begin p.591 when most plants of spring crops
were list. Material of different dates of plantings was also Nowt for 2
years under mountain conditions &t an altitude of 1,300 ts (laborda) and
in Leningrad oblast'. To this should be added that since 1952 the export.
*Ants were cendueted according to the specific method of the Academician
T. D. Lysenko, as well as to remember those experiments which durinv 7 years
were conduoted in the oity of Irasnodar according to a complex scheme,
whish also included variants of plantings, that were recommended by Abadomician
T. D. Lysenko. And yet mot in a single case did we have one authentic tact
of mutability Ilcapualke -variability] of morphological or biological
properties of plants. Taking into consideration that we tested 20
varieties of most diverse origins, from southern to northern, which belonged
to different ecotypes, we must mike a conclusion that the possibility or
mutations [leap-like changes] and *oonversions" of species ift,our esparto
mints was not confirmed and the proposed methodical directions did not
justify themselves in this respect.
In contrast to the oondlusiors of Academician T. D. tysonko and ot
Other authors, which think that it is easier to change a typioally snring
form into a winter one, than to increase the winterhardiness of the winter
crop, our experiments have shown quite opposite restates we have obtained
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(20) Trans. 4t.986
n marked shift In the incroeSe of winterhardiness first of all in the eomi.
winter hard wheat Arandanys after that in a somewhat 'mailer degree these
differences appeared in the medium variety Gordeiforme 10 one had no shifts
in direotion of winterhardiness in ear/I...ripening varieties of southern
origin, such ai Mellanopus 69, Ihoranka 710, Persian wheat, spelt and
7f1 it reality, the propertrofwinterhardinees arieis gradually,
accumulating from generation to generation under conditions of constantly
:actineiseleotion in this direction, then it becomes apparent that all forme,
in the first place late?ripening, thee eeti.winter crepe and the slightl7.
winterhardy represent gradual stages of this evolution of winterhardineas.
That is why it is easier to obtain a real winter form from a semi-winter
and it lakes less time to inorease winterhardiness in the already available
winter orop, than to take for this purpose sprint and nenwelnterhardy
In this rsspeot there already exists a rich experience of th. whole
selection work where, for the formation. of winterhardy varieties, the
availeble winter-hardy fermi . either wild mr cultivated were always need
as initial material.
Oar experience has also shush that without a preliminary selection
of plants in the initial material and *Making of their Offspring One
cannot have a guarantee of nee appearance in the experimental material of
amyadmixtures, and in'ary amount. Appearance of single plants of other
genera, epeeisha or varieties, after all the preoantions were taken, taco
cannot serve as proof of mutability of species. A proof for this last one
can be only the appearance of those conditions, which recolarly every time
will ?ease one and the same variability. At the present *tags the ap
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(El) Trans. A4.986
pentane* of unusual forms in the population can only serve as a'reason.
.for conducting a eerie, of repeated oxperinents in order to cheek this
ftot and for detesting ermine conditions whieh cause suoh a vtritbility.
Bartov P. A. (1953): About ipeoies" formation. Botanicheskil
Mures).* 6. ? VeseloV, V. N. (1951). Obttining winter ranose wheat. Aro?
? biol., 6.. Vatehishon, N. V.-(1951). Chtnge of soft wheat into hard.
Agrobiology, 5. Olinianyi, N. P. (1951). Ixperieents on horeditgry'ohange
of spring wheat into winter wheat. AgrobLo1og. 5. ? Doltushin, D. A. (1953).
EmpOritiont on obtaining rye from oat plants. ,Agrobiolog. 6. ? Enohev,"11.-
(1966). Influence of fall-winter condition* on the formation tBegin p.503.
? and spoolest formation of nonwinterhatey-orops in spring-oereals. Arai. .
bioleg., 3.- garubailo, T. Ia. and AL U. Kielipk (1963). Reaction by
negative temperatures on tho states-of vernaliation'as'a factor in form?
producing processes. Agrobiolog. ? are.petiaft, V. K. (1946). Chant,* Of
the natdre of bard wheat* into soft. Agrobiolog., 4. . Inrapotian. V. K. '
(19501). Exporinontal generation of soft'wheats from hard. Trudy Institut&
Oesotiki, 1. ? 1nrepstitn, V. I. (1950b). New data on direoted varilbilitY
of hard wheat to soft by an. of nearwinter planting and foots about ?oh?
version of wheat into rye. Trudy Institut& Genotiki, /6. ? Iarapetian, V.K.
(1962). Sono new flats about'convorsion of *peel** in aerials. Agrobiolog.,
2. . Kollteora, 2.A. (1060): Clang, in herodity of spring *boat Milturum 32/.
Agroblolog.; 2. * Amok?, T. D. (1946). Selection and theory of phasic) ,
? development. Collection mAgrobiologiiaft. /mink?, T. D. (19521). Coprver?
sten of noftsinterhardy spring varieties into wintorhardy winter crops.
Agrobiolog., 4. ?lesenkoe T. D. (1952b). Some advice, to *suborn Of kol?
?'khoses mar NOSOOW?. Agrobiolog., 1. 4. Mkrtoinitaioa, K. I. (1950). ?at-
.t5on or varieue'forsm of wild oats from cultivated oats. Agrobiolog.,
? 4. ? MloRrov, S. V.(1053). About species" forettion in wheat. Agrobiolog.,
? 2. Abrozovs P. V. (1953). Faets about regeneration of ramose Xakhetinekaia
wheat. Agrobiolog., 2. . Metrenke, T. O. (1963): Sharaotoristio Of the fifth
generation of wheat, whioh *as chanted from spring crop to winter. Aro-
biolog., 4. ? Novikov, V. A. (1953). Some peouliotrities of phasio-develop?
moat of pltnte and fotnation of new for in cereals. Agrobiolog., 4. ?
Remelt), V. N. (1964). Faote-of the appearano* of other'speoies in plantings
? of ramose wheat. Agrobiolog., 6. ftripshinskii, V. V. (1955). Conversion
of winter oeroals into spring and of spring Cereals into winterin the litht
of Chafles Darwin's teachings. Botanicheskii Zhurnal, 1. ? Solovel, 0: T.
(1949). About winterhardiness of barley Pa11idunk32, changed into a *Inter
? crop. &usher' tray Vsesolustiogo solektsionao?genetichsskogo Institut"
(Scientific Works of the AU-Union Xxporimental Sovietise Institute). ?
Tarakanov, K. N. (1930. Dovelopment of plants of hard wheat'uader unusual
circumstances. Agrobiolog. 4. . Ter?Avanesian, D. V. (1964). New facts '
? about form develogiont and fotpation of softies in wheat. Doklady VAZWIT.L.
2. ? Trukhinova, A. T. (1950). Direction of mutability of spring wheat
Milqurum 321 to winter wheat under conditions of Siberia and Sodthern Orals.
Trudy Institute. OenetikiAN SSSR, 16. ? Trukhinova, A. T. (1952). Now data
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(22) Trans. A.986
about mutability of spring wheat lititturues 321 to *inter wheat. Trudy
Institut"' 0?netiki AN SSSR, 19. ? Trukhinowa, A. T. (1931). important:0e -
of dates of planting When *hafting spring wheat into winter. Agrebiolog.
1. I. Filimoness, T. 0. (1963). Change of Spring wheat MIlituruse $21 into
winter. Agrobiolog., 3. ? Elite/oak/34 V. F. (1950). 'Change in heredity
of spring wheat. Agrobiolog., 2. - V. V. (1954). Direeted
shame of heredity of spring wheat into winter. Agrobielogs, 1. 4,
nob'lov, S. S. (1964). *Something new in science about the biolegtoal
species *and agricultural practise. Betanieheskii Unreal, a. Tsvetkoy?
I. Es (1952). Training the spring crops in winterhardinses. Agrehioloc.,
4. Shivonskii, it; 1C. (1949). Change of spring wheat Rritrospermum 1180
into a winter crop: Nimohnye Trudy Vsesoiusnogo) Selskisionno- Genetim.
oheskoge institute'. Taktabteiner, LL (1962). Interials on the question
of findine, rye craili$ in wheat spikes. Agrobiolog., 4.
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1,au AULA1
,Ignatovich, Z. A., and Olenleva,
0 primenonii ulltrafioletovoi radiatsii
. . dlia sterilizatsii-nekotarykh Ob"ektov na
pishohevem proizvodstve.
(About the utilization of ultraviolet radiation
.for sterilization of certain objects in food
Vopfosy Pitaniia, vol. 14, no. 1, p:39.44.
Jan.-Feb. 1955. 389.8 V89
(In Russian),
? With the development of the technique of Construction of apparatus
:for artifleial ultraviolet radiation maoy experimental observation' have
been acqumulated about their utilization. Ultraviolet rays have been.
used for sterilizing the air, water, environment and for affecting men
(N. P. Galanin, N. N. Dantsig, 19500.. I. Ate, 1950; G. N. Frank, 1939,
A. L_Shafir, 1961, and others).
Yet the wide praetical use of artificial ultraviolet radiation was
begun only lately; it began to be used for disinfection of air in children's
and medical institutions, as well as for the purpose of sterilization of
certain food products. I. A. Golovkin noticed that, after a daily irradia.
tion of sausages, the preservation of full high quality continued during
the course of 24 days while the control pieces were covered with mould
and slime already on the llth day. Neat quarters, according to data of
the same author, were preserved for 18days after daily irradlat/Ons
while the control specimens kept well only 8 days.
ngra s r nauc no elan tarno.gigienicheskii institut
(Leningrad Soientifio4esearoh Sanitary4lygieni0 Institute).
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Before us a problem was raised to find out the possibility of utilizing
ultraviolet radiation for the sterilization of certain objects in fish
canning industry. Considering the demands of the industry, we took the
following objects. a ve6etable oil, which was utilized for the preparation
of eanned fish, smoked sprats (intermediate products for canned. sprats).
the Surface of the equipment and the workers' hands.
Irradiation we conduoted with baeterieidal lamps of 15 11 oapsuity,
which proved to be the most effective in their sterilizing effect. A line
with the length of the wave 253.7 m *enters into the ultraviolet spectrum
of these lamps-, which produced the maxissua bactericidal effect.
Irradiation of fate is used widely for the obtaining of vitamin D.
Sterilisation of fats by ultraviolet rays was not utilized in practice be.
cause intensive irradiation of aniMal fat* cause, their oxidation and changes
the flavor (G. N. Frank, 1939.A. V. Roister, 1962, and others).
After oonducting experiments on irradiation of vegetable oil it became
clear that for a sterilizing effect the thickness of the layer of oil, the
exposure (from 10 minutes to 1 hour), maseiveness of microbe seedings and
the state of rest or movement of the irradiated oil were of 'importance.
tBegin p.40). according to literary data (N. F. Calanin? 1952; G. M. Frank,
1939i M. 0. Niohenko, 1950, and others), the bactericidal part of the
spectrum of ultraviolet rays penetrates liquid opaque media to an insigni.
fioant depth, we began irradiating with, a layer 04 mm thick and further on
proseeded to 1, 2, 4 and 5 mm.
The work mat conduoted with sunflower oil, which is used for the
preparation of canned fish. The distance from the source of irradiation
was always equal to 20 cm. Before irradiation the oil was inoculated with
one of the followinF, microorganisms. staphylococcus, intestinal, and
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to I ? 4rmsime
eporogenous bacilli (of mesenterieue type, consisting of spores up to
9(%) and the Aspergillus fungus.
In all, GO series of exp. erimente wore cionduisted on the irradiation
of oil. A noticeable effect, in resard to oil Which was at rest, sti..
peered after irradiation of ,an oil layer 1 sms thick and less, and, basioally,
depended on the' length of the exposure and degree of seeding of oil.
We present, as an example, ,data on irradiation olt oil, infao?ted with
Ctsphylcoocei (table 1).
I .Table 1.
Dependence of' the sterilising effect of irradiAtion with ultraviolet lamps
of sunflower.. oil (without stirring), which wag inoculated with staplwloft
.c000i, on the length of exposure and on the degree of seeding
Number of microbes in txposure Number at microinve in a drop of oil
a. drop of ail before . (in min) in'a layer (in
irradiation 0.6 1 . 2
8,900 30 ar- O-----TT1M-
130 . 30 2 - TO 125
' 26 ? 50 0 0 26
5,300 60 160 BOO 2,700
112 $0 0 4 47
We also utilized irradiation of oil, which was in motion, in order'
to inorease the bacterioidal effect, considering that, thus, the upper
layer, which was affected by ultraviolet re:ysi, would change constantly
? (table 2.);
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(4) Trans. A.987
Table 2.
' Difference in bactericidal
culatmd with etaRhylocoeci?
effect of irradiation of sunflUwer oil, inc.
depending on the state of oil.
Number of microbes in
,The -state
The thickness of
Number of micrchecin a drep
a drop of oil before
of oil
the irradiated
of oil after irradiation with
layer of oil
and enesursi(in min. 1____
tens of thousand
? ? ?
litliout change
40 '
. 50
' Rest
Movement '
It becaile apparent, as a result of these experiments, that the movement
Sharply inereased the baoterieidal effeot .0 this gave a possibility to
decrease the length.of exposure of irradiation of ai to 20 minutes.
L5e8in 0,41]. .
The rapists:toe of various species of baoteria to ultraviolet rays ie
,dissimilar. B. colt die very quiok1y in the irradiated oils the stapbylo.
coda die almost just as fast/ bacterial spores are more resistant.
? It use ascertained, that nonsporalmicroflora disappeared altopther
during the course of the first 24 hours of keeping. In the nonitradiated
oil (oontra) dying off of introduced microbes took place oleo but condi.i
derably plower (in- the course of one month and longer). In order te explain
the cause of dying off of the remaining miorobed, experiments were con-'
ducted by inoculating the oil after irradiation.. 0)4e:ovations have shown
that microbes introduced into the oil after its irradiation died as quickly
as the remaining irradiated ones (table 3).
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Trans. AA.987
Table 3.
000cct in oil inoculated after irradiation
State of oil
SUIher of
' The number of miorobos
oil after inoculati
in 4 drop of
n in Sin hours)
right after
Inoculated after ix'.
radiation .
0 .
Inoculated 7 days
after irradiation. ,
0 '
Nonirradiated .
' LA. Oolovkin and T. B. Chishov (1951) point out that irradiated
products acquire bactericidal properties and, after their second seeding
with baoteria and storitigo_they show, ins reseeding two times less microbes
than the control specimens.
After irradiation during the course of 20.60 minutes,' the oil '
changed someehat in it* organoleptio propertieis there appeared a eli.tht
tist* and smell Of an aging oil, canned fish, prepared with irradiated
011 did not differ 'in their organoleptio properties from the control
According to deta of?. I..Ukhtommkaia iodine and acidic number
()hanged in Oil only after prolonged irradiation (not loss than one hour),
stereal the peroxide nueber increased even after a 20 minute exposure.
The next step in our work .mas the irradiation of emoked sprats in
order to prolong the period of their preservation. According to oondi.
tions of production we could cOnduot oni$a single, short (3 minute)
irradiation. An inereese of 2.3 days was noted in the time of preservation
of smoked sprats, when compared with the nonirradiated.
'For experiment* on sterilization of tate and of workbenches, we
took wooden planks, with a slight reughnesei, and galvanized iron. The
tested surface Was oontaminated Intik Wm= with one of the cultures
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(6) Trants? A-987
Q. 222.10 staphylococci, rassentericus spores and mould spores) before
irradiations. Irradiation was conducted at a .dietaries of 20 cm from the ob..
jeotip It was ascertained that the sterilizing effect depended on the
charaoter of the waterial, of the xaseivehoss of seeding and species of micro..
organism. When irradiating galvanised iron full sterility of its surface
was achieved- in 10..20 seconds after seedings With nonsporogenous and
vegetative tar of microbes and in 1-3 minutes after seeding with mould
spores (table 4).
Somewhat different results were observed when sterilizing wooden
surfaces. Unevenness and roughness of the irradiated turret)* protected
the microbe cell from the destruotive motion of.baotericidal rays: (Text
continued after tables). (Begin p.421. .
Table 4.
Bactericidal effect of irradiation of galvanised iron, contaminated with
Number of microbes Number of microbes on the imprint after irradiation at an e:zposure of
on the imprint be.. 10 I 20 1 30 1 11.5 1' 1 3 15 I 10
fore irradiation Seconds minutes
latelive 'growth
Difficult to count
Mkssive growth
Difficult to count
? 1,050
B. ooli
Mould .
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? (7) Trans. 4.987
Table 5
Bactericidal effect: of irradiation ef a weeden plank, dentamioated with
mioroor nissm
limber of miorcifies
on the imprint be.
fore irradiation
Ler of-mistobes on the i
int-after exposure
(in min.
0.5 _
' 1.5
' 3 _
I 8 _
Missive growth
Massive zpomth.
6,700 '
? 30
Zlissive growth
Difficult to count
350 .
?Missive ,growth
? Difficult to.c.ount
? 700
1,200 700
375 220
-88 , 42
0 0
? 0
B. toll
1,1: . 150 1 140 1
29 11
6 1 2
r . o o
. Sporogenous rod
Mice iv*
' 51
? 65
" 1
[Begin P.451
The wooden surfaces, irradiated by us, which were freed from-all visible
impurities, had a slight roughness, usual-for the tare .(boxes) or for plahks
on the workbenohoo. Their sterility was attained mueh slower than that Of
instal surfaces.' The majority of microbes (85.9%) died durinc the firat
50 seoonds, but the remaining number of them died .off slowly-. duriv3 the
course of 15 minutes and more from the moment of irradiation, dependina on
the?smssivenese of needing and the species of microbes (table 5).
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(a) Trans. A-987
And in the experiments- under consideration B. poll and Staphylococci
proved to be the least retistant. The sporee of moulde were far more*
resistants after a heavy seeding of 4 wooden surface with them full
Sterility was tot achieved even after an hour' s irradiation, although .05%
of tells died during the first minute. When& sodden surface was visibly
soiled the nutber of perished B. coli and Staphylococci on it came up to
not more than 75% after irradiation during the first 30 seconds, whilo
under, the same circumstances, up to 915% of microbes died off on a clean plank.
Data, obtained by ui? were sufficiently conVinoing, and this method ,
can be recommended for sterilisation of tare, of workbenches and.equipmont
of the food industry. ?
. -
There is information in literature that short wave ultraviolet rays
are practically harmless tothe skin (G. K. Frank, 1939; Meler?.14... Eeitts,
1952). We decided to use ultravidlet irradiation on the skin of bands.
Before irradiation we oontaminated the skin of the hands with microbes
(Staphylococoi and B. colt), OW hand was irradiated and the other served
for comparison. Irradiation was conducted at a distance of 5 =with two
bactericidal lave, equipped with hoods (in order to prevent irritation,
of eyes), during the course of 1,2 and 3 minutes. Doses taken for ceedings
Were known to be great. Death of microbes during the firat minute of
irradiation comprised ,00.90')g (table 6).
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, (9) ' Trans, A..967
Baoterioidal effect
Table 6
0 irradiation of-handoi contaminated with Staphylococci
and B. colt
I*ober of miorobes ol_th!_isjaint of ttejialia of hand
? Before irradtaY155----] After irradiation
? 400.
B. coli
Massive groTith
26, ?
When the seeding is small,,such as usually takes place after washing
e .
the hands with soap, Onp,minutA irradiation will be virtually quite aut..
Experiments, conducted along with the above, on disinfeoting the hands
using ehlorine water have shown tleat this method does not give better reSults
' when compared with irradiation, and in certain eases is even less effective.
Besides this [Begin p.44] the use of chlorine water requireasystematio oon.
, trol for its oorrect concentration, not to mention the unpleasant smell after
washing tho hands with chlorine water and possible irritation of the skin:
Before introducinc this 'method into practice it is necessary to eon
duct a longer Observation of irradiation of hands with bactericidal 141100
under conditions .of production.
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(10) Trans. A.987
1. Sterilization of vegetable oil by ultraviolet rays gives a positive
effect only when irradiating a moving layer not more than 0.6 om high.
Nonsporal flora (B. colt, staphylococci) are less resistant during irradiation
of oil, than the bacterial spores.
2. The irradiated oil acquires baoterioidal properties and the micro..
flora remaining after irradiation in any amount perishes during the first
24.0hour day. But the. irradiated Oil acquires a weakly expreseed taste
and smell of an aging oil.
3. Irrodiation with bacterioidal lamps of metal aid weed curfaces
produces a great bactericidal effect and 0041 be recommended as a quick
method for decontamination of tare, workbenobes and other Objects of .equip
4. The length of exposure, the oharaoter of the material its visible
soiling MASI4V00688 of the seeding with microbes and their speoies, in0
fluenoe the bactericidal effect during irradiation of surfaces.
6. Irradiation of oonteminated hands with bactericidal lamps during
the course of one minute is just as effective in deoontamination as washing
the hands in chlorine water.
Galanin? Br. F., Radiant energy and its hygienic value, L., 1962, -
Golovkin, I, A., Refrigerating engineering, 1950, to. 1. . Golovkin, I. A.
and Chishov, T. B., Refrigerating technology of foodstuffs, Plehehepromiz.
dat, L, 1951. . Dantsig, lc 16, in the book: Ultraviolet radiation and
hygiene, X, 1950 ? p.86.47. Kichenko? M. G., Goeva, 0. G. and Kichenko,
N. G., in the same book, p.97.107. ?Mtn, L. I., in the same book, p.116.121.'
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(11) Trans. A.987
Meier. A. and Zeitts, ?.? Ultraviolet radiation, If. 1952. Reisler, A. V.,
Nutrition hygiene, M. 1952. Turzhetskii, K. I., Giglina i sanitariia,
1949, no. 4# p.31-34. - Frank, G. M., In the books Collection of works on
bioloeical aotion of ultravi,-)let rays. Most., 1939, p.105416. Shafir,
A, T. and Noroshkina, V. V., Aerogenic infectious diseases and methods for
their prevention, L. 1., 1951.
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Trans. A.988
(In full)
Wretha"ians G. Y.
?DI N? unhetInc;0 soveta sekto.ra sashchity restenii
Ar.tionskoi redaktsiiu "Botaricheskozo Zhurnabt".
(letter of iho tioientific Council of the Department of
Plant Protection of the Academy of Safeness of the
AlTenianfISP to the editor of the "Botanioal Journael.
Bat. ?Ayr. (Amkwal, vol. 43, no. 1, p.156.157.
Jan. 1958. 451 R923,
(In Russian)
The rcientific Coulson of the Npartment or Ple.nt Protection of the
Aoademy of Solonnes of the Armenian SSR discussed the critical rsenoraneuni of
P. N. Golowin [Trans. A.792), which 111141 printed in the "Dotanico.1 Jourrul",
no. 1, 1950, ahout the *Viola of the Senior Scientific Co-worker of he
Depertnent, 14. A. .1khitarian, "On the werial-ilit:), of species of rust of
cereals", which was :ublished in ersvestiia of Acadeeof of goience of
Armenian :ISE" (vol. 5, no. 12, 1952, p.13.18), and found it necessary to
express its opinion about same of the questions touched upon there.
The basic motive, which prompted P. Golowit to criticize "Idiiistrian's
article, is, apparently, a difference in the koints of view of Likhitarian
and Colovin concerning the same problems (wariatility of rust species,
role of the intermediate host, ad' others). :4everthelesa, as it seems to us,
this does not Jve any rii.,ht to Po R. Golowin to come fonsard with sixth a
clearly biased ariticisia.
thin oircuratance in view, the Scientific Counoil thoui:sht it to
he its duty to an explanatIon c reilards some nt the questions tquolled
Sektor ?anhchity Pastenil A4 Aim Ire.-Artinenf i!" itProtvotio,-, or the
otiti Inc' of sciences ef the Arreenian
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(2) Ts.ara? A.988
? upon In The ?fte.,torrIn?..t.e'.! of 1' Go]. win.
nrhitarian has been evrkinr, in the tepertztent of Plant k?'rotec.
tam Pince 19345 anti duri.ry this thee he shiwted himself to e a stoeest -:orker,
who is fir removed from a tendency to nake "discoveries" in sc'enoe. Tho
Scientific) Counoil, who is well acquainted 1414..ia the !cathode of work of
V. A. ISchitarian, Irnews that all his conclusions were rade on the baste
faotual raaterial, which was anetraklated by him eurint; the course of 22 ytiare?
The baste .omissiort or MIthitarian -vet be considered to be that he did
not describe In his article methods of' his field and laboratory eNyorinente
par* tally; i'ut this lroce ?gutted by the nece?sity to limit ...itaseif to t1to
frame of it Jour nut artinie, which was too rArrow or the naterial that he
had to present.
Alithiteirlanst experi11ent/5 of several years, standinc, as well us observa-
tions, led to a coeoli.Ision about the absence of sexual reproduction in rust
tIngi of wheat, and, in particul246, itt yellow rust.
Cortoerninc the qoastioe? as to what veee ies of rust on 1-rberry..
lichitarian, can say the following. Phytopathelo:iste of
Armenia know, void this is. also mentioned in the monograph. of 'O. Teterev.
nilreva.Babaian "Rost Parasites of Celtivatad pow, vild Plante of the Avoenlan
.r.;51t't (1952), that on barberry there is only one species or r?st Pucoini&
Framinie under oonditions of the Armenian r7R; therefore, the accusation at
P. Colon, that tichitarian ,:ay have workecl. with another species or rest,
is incorrect, and the doubts, hioh he developed in oonnection with this,
were unfounded.
Tn his article, PillOtitarian expressed art opitann that the aeoloapores of
barberry "ior the Malt 'art" infect the leaves of hafberry itselfi that ix,
they rarely "nfect the cereals. This detriantltrata:,, that the intermedirte hosts
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(3) Trans. 10980
, do not play an$ special rote in the cycle or development of species of rusts
of cereals: But, as it follows from Mkhitarianis data, he also atioceeded
to infect Cereals with seciospores of the barberry rust; this then again
confirms that the rust on barberry in Puccinia praskinis, and not some other
speoies, and that P..craninia under conditions of Armenian CSR had I winter..
ins mycelium.
It seem to us that facts, which wire established under certain coo..
logical conditions (the presence on barberry of five !peels* of rust and
the absence in P. Draminis of the wintering frimelium), cannot be, trans..
4 ?
forred to other localities, as it is known, that changes in the environment
bring about ?biological changes in living organisms.
The Scientifie Commit, on the "basis of extensive-data', which existed
in reports on this 'problem, know, well that likhits.rian hai? demonstrated by
hie numerous experiments and,.in the course of 20 years, annually confirmed
by his observations, that on wheat the rust has a full. cycle of dcrvnlopment
and can develop without an intermediate host. Besides this, he also demonm
strated, and the later experiments and observations confirmed it, that on
barberry, without being transferred to cereal's, rust also (sovietsu the cycle
of its drvelopment. Thus, the doubts of Golovin in this viable"' are Uri.
founded. Besides that, one has to -take into consideration, that Nthitarian
does not exclude the well..knorn feet of passing over [Begin p.157) of *built
from barberry to wheat and back, but he considers that this pbbnomenon is ?
only of secondary importance under coalitions of Armenia.
Concerning the question about the conversion of P. sraminie to P. tritioina
and of this last one to P. glumarwo and vice versa,. one should say that the
opinion of the author was built on the basis of results of numerous experi?
cents, which were conduoted under isolator's, with the observance of accurate
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(4) Trans. A?988
methods for the course of many years. He took the infectious material
from one rust pastule and even infected with one spore, this, in our
opinion, is sufficient in order to consider the methods convinoing, and
the results acourate.
On the basis of research by the author, a serious question arises haw
to treat the established phenomena' to apoopt the representattion, available
in actemetioa, about the existenee of three species of rust and to think,
that they can pass over from one to another with a 'hens* in the conditions
of existenoe, or should one revise the systematise of these three rust fungi
and to consider that there exists but one species of rust, which assumes one
or another tom depending on various condition, of existence.
The Salentine Council finds, as Golovin himself pointed it out, that
the question, set up by Aft/tartan, was one of the most complioated and,
at the same tine, is an espeeially interesting and important problem of
modern biolomel therefore, ell the materials, AL:oh pertein to its solving,
must be eluoidated in the modern seientific press even in that ease if they
were solved by a somewhaiodifferent interpretation, which is contrary to
the firmly established opinions of the authorities, this then explains why
this article was published in the "Isvestia" of the Academy of Saience of
the Armenian SSE; it is desirable, that more data be printed conserninc this
We think it appropirate to mention, that no matter how high an authority
P. N. Golovin is, nevertheless, when oritieising scientific works, he should
use expressions which are more fitting in suoh cases, Besides that, it is
surprising that e. N. Golovin same oat with his criticism 4 years after
111 Vkhiteriaftes artiole.was published.
le request to include the reply of the Scientific Council on the
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(5) Trans. 110.988.
CritiOai 'TWATOOreervitOri of P. N. tiolovin about the article of 11. Alchitarian
"an the var1wei1it7 of species of rust of cereals" in one of the next losueo
of your journal.
Received Jbly 10, 1956.
Bele also trarelatlon no. Jho.959 "Reply or tht Vonmittee of the AVooloi.joal
aection of the All-!inion Botanical L'ociet:e.
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Mang ? b... u
Bondertsev, A. 5., Rashevskalas V. F.,
Stepanova, K. i., 1c1 Khokhrlakov, V. X.
?toot komissii ulkologicheekol sektsil vsesoloznogo
totanicheskivo ohshohestva.
tReply of the Committee of the WooloLical
Seotion of the All:Inter llotaftitsal Society].
Bot. Mar. Elloskval, vol. 43, no. 1, p.167.158.
Jan. 11158. 451 R923
(In Russian)
At the request of the editor of the "Potanleal Journal", the Woo.
logical Seotion of the A11.11nion Hotanica/ Society at its 140th session
? on January 26, 1967, after a careful acquaintance with the letter qf the
Scientific Council of the Pepartment of Plant Protection of the Acacia:xi
of Paieness of the Armenian VSR, in connection aith the criticism by
Professor P. N. Golovin of the artiole of I. A. Ykhitarian "On the verla?
bility of species of rust of cereals", has formed a competent committee,
which was entrustee with ownpilinc a reply to this letter.
At the 141st session, on February 15, 1957, the Rycolotioal Sootion
of the All.Union Botanical Society discussed the corclusion, whiell was
drawn up ty the omomittee one is asking the e'itorts office of the "Hoteoli.
cal Journal" to 'littlish it as the reply of the Ircologicol Section to
the cited letter of the Scientific Council of the lepartment of Plant Pro.
'Notion or the AouloMV of selence of the Armenian SSR.
The text cll. the Committee's conclusions is cited below*
"The comittee, after famillarisint: itself with all the data (00
!II cited article, its review o-d letter), 0,InsiOera that each researcher 1.:as a
ri:ht to his ofol opiticf,or ay -roblem. But if this point of rLew Is
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(2) Trans. A0989
brought to the icneral latowledge without any proper grounds and eonvinoing
proofs for others, then this tves the right to other researchers to ex.
press their discontent or to speak out critioal remarks.
aL A Ukhitarian, in his article, e.drumess the following erroneous
ideas, 1) sexual prooess is in general absent in rust fungi; Oasoiospores
of the stem rust of ()tweeds cannot infect cereals, in eonneotion with this the
nooldial 'tag, of rust on barberry is an independent speoles, end the
uredio 4.. and teliestages are another speoles, whieh aro not connested with
barberry; and 3)the atom, brown 11041 and yell," lei:ripe) rusts of cereals
are for of existence of one species and, depending on oonditions, are
converted one to another.
The Committee thinks, that even if one takes into eonsideration the
tonal specificity during development of rust fungi, all these ideas are
the result of M. A. Anthitarianos fallaey iii connection with his insufficient
knowledge of immulmble facto. We admit thet under oonditions of Armenia,
as In oortain other sone* of the Soviet Oxiort, all the cited species of
rust fungi develop on cereals, bypassing the secidiel hosts, that is they are
in a diploid state. This first of 11 refers to 'stripe rust. (Bein p.1581
Veverthelsee, it would be incorrect to emk.e from here a *mansion about a
full absence of the sexual proem in these ftngi, especially in the stem
and leaf rust, limier conditiont of oortsin regions of Soviet Union the
role of an intermediate ,'?host is indisputable. It is known, for instanoe,
that under the condition of Pastern Siberia, where plantings of winter wheat
aro absent and on Whish the brown rust could overwintar in the uroostage, it
is annually restored through an aesidial host eleshohitsa" (!eptepyrust
?furioid.ip) Li, hichitarian, for erne incorprehensible Teasers disregards
the data, that a sexual process ?court during the development of rust on
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(3) Trans. twek-14
aooidial hosts; this fast is known as a result of olaetical researeh of L. I.
Rursanov and of foreignscientiste keedshi [Craigie], Allen, Stackman
Brown Cotter. This was also cOnfirCed by the results of careful investi.
gatisms of the Aspirant, I. A. Shifman, accomplished by him at the labors. .
tory ,f mycology int Professor A. A. Xiohovskil at VIZR tAll.Onton
Scientific Research institute for the Proteotion of Plants] in recent years
on sexual hybridisation of forme of bro4nat of wheat, cough grows,
brace grass and other cereals, with the development of wholly viral* fungiwhich
were, in solo canoe, more pathogsaic in referonde to *heat, than the
initial parent forme. Thus, a denial of a sexual process in rust ti,
which infect cereals, must be recognized as ineompetent.
"On the question of inability of aesiosperes from barberry to trop
'feet cereals. L A. Mkhitarian should have had in view that Pueeinia pygmawa
Erika., P. arrhenatheri Erika., and other species form their own aecidia on
barberry, at well as the tact that P. paminis? as it is known, omelets of
many speeialised forme, among which some Gannet infest cereal4Iants, although
they develop their aecidia on barberry; such arms f. op. Agresti*, f. sp.
fmae, f.,sp. aperae, f. sp arrhenatheri, and others. Meanehile, as it is
seen from the article, M. A. likhitarian did not conduct any biological
analyses of secioepores for their belonging precisely to the specialised
for of P. sraminis, which infect cereal plants.
'Referenee of the Scientific, Council or the Departewet of Plan Pro-
tisotion_to the work of isterevnlkova-Sabalan in this case *genet serve as
a proof. Mkhitarian did not take the trouble to explain how he treated the
data of foreign and Russian researchers, who many times experixmatally have
established a direst connection of rust on barberry with rust on wheat,
Apparently, K. A. WhilAriAn did not conduct experiments on infecting
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(4) ? Trans. 41.959
barberry lie.0 alciospores? beoeuse in hie article there ere no data Obovt
the fate or those aecioepores, us well es on what kinds of ?pore bearcre ?
arise on bee-bor. - If they really are able to lefect it. Therefore, the
affirmation oe 71thitarien about the presenee in thie case of two speolee
of rust elite is beneath criticism. .
"Concerniee the conversion of species of rust to other op.:Omni-this
question, fray,* our point of view, in general. is beyond discussion beeaus0
? it is stated by !Ikhitareamwithout indicating the methods of research or :ley
experimental data. The drawings of ure4mpore1? which he brought forward,
as a proof of his idea, are so oarelesely executed that it is impoesible tp
i ?
judge al:out the belengine of uredosporee of even the Initial forme tO ore
or another species, eeenehile, it Is keowe that, for'instarioe, ureilepores
of P. eramAhis are eaeily distinguished accordinc to the exceedizoly
characteristic equatorial bulging in the capsule. Incidental/y, aocto
spores of P. Examinis a/at:care eastly distitguished from aeoionporee of
other species of rust, which infect barberry, by the .bolgine of the
capsule at the crown of the spore.
"Evaluatinz the article of V* A. Mkhitarian as a whole, the Corti.ttee
must comply with the essence of the basics ideas of the criticism of ]re-
teaser P. N. Colovin. The matter here is, ?of' course not ir the form, bet
in the contents. Therefore, we consider to be biased not the review or
Professor Golovie, hit the letter of the Soientifio Council of the tepee>.
sent of Plant Preteotion of the Armenien R, who, eithout looking into
the essence er the questions towhee upon, took under protection the er?
roneous etatement of Akhitariae? and as a basis for their opinioe elmply
repeat these erroneous statements in their letter. The reference thee
Nkhitariat could not 'elucidate the methods of his research more fully on
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Vol .1. rains ? is. uwir
411 account of tho brief longth of the article is not oonvinoin, sines instead of
doseribing the methods he proferred to make unfounded attack* for the spa**
Of mom then two pages on I, A. ammo", V. G. Transholt and other authorito.
tiro resoarohors. It would hors boon far better, if the Soiontifio Council
had provided Akhitarion in goed time with proper leadership in hio work
end had given him the poosibility to publish the mothodioal port of his
work in more detail.
The insuffioiont know/lotto of 116 A. Mkhitarian in quostions about the
variability of rust fungi is already seen from the list of the sited liters,.
tun, that - . utilized, whish must be considered to be clearly insufficient.
Weemvor, he did not utilise properly even the cited literature.
"In conclusion it would be interesting to known who it was among the
phytopithologisti?roviowors who permitted Whitarianos work to be published,
and who among the phytopathelOgiste took part in the session (If the Council,
which decided about the unfairness of the eritioism of Professor Golovin.
"Pobruary 14, 1957,
*Weaker* of the Committoos
Doctor of Biolog. Goience A, A. Bondsrtoov,
Candidate of /grie. Science V. F. Rashovsksia
Candidate of Agri?. Soionoe K. M. Stepanov,"
Doctor of Biolog, Seionoe MO W. Khokhrialrov."
Soo also Trans. A-9881 Latta' of the Scientific Council of the Dept. at
Plant Protootion of the Load, of Soioneos of the Armenian
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Trans. se0490
(In full)
i3akhteev1 ?Xhi
sostoiatil prepodavanila botaniki v srensti shkolee
(On the siatns of teechini...; botany ln seoondITy schoo1s1i1)
Bot. Zhure Nos)evel, vole 43, no. 1, 0.14R*153.
Jane 1950e 461 R923.
(In Russian)
%family, the question about the :oroper trsinine, education, pre*
paration for Irldependent social*productive activity of our deseendants, our
children dir4.urbs us deeply. The Party, the 'Young Communist League, the
Soviet organisations/ the specially formed Acsadetny of Peda60{10 Sciences of
? the RSF31-' have been always occupied with those problems and continue to
?oat/pied with them.
Nevertheless, as practice shows it, the addition of specific aid of the
soientifio Rosiety to the endeavors of the cited orianisa?ionn can in no
way be re:rded as an undesirable phenomenon, as a hindrance. Father qui.te
the opposites insufficient public attention to the oretnisation of education
of our children helped, to a certain extent, in the s.ccumulation of ratrr
scandalous ehorteamings in the teachinfr:;; or fundamentals of biolor,y in the
secondary sehool, particularly of fundamentals or botany. The fact iteclf
about the special discussion, at the present convention of the Allnirn
(1) A report delivered on l'Ity i, 1967 to the Vnd neloget49 conference of the
Botanical Society of the usp.
Botanicheekii Thetitut ime V. Le Komarova A6demii. :/auk SSsR,
? (net&elearineAtute trnt V. L. KomarOV of he Aeadomy of sounoo of u7,rr.
Leningrad le
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iz) Trans. 4?990
Botanical Oooloty, of the report "On the statzis of teachinz botany in
secondary ochoole" is unprecedented in the history of the Societies
forty.year activity.
At the requ.ost of rainy members of 11130 (All...Union Botanical CocieV) at '
the end of 1955 'the permanently acting Board on critical evaluation et
textbooks and of school equipmont for higher institutes of learning was
compelled to dicouss, oontrary to the formed custom, at one of Its open.
eessions, the textbook of n I. Uslinikov "Fundamentals of 'Darwinism "for
the secondary schools, and about a year later (Sovember 308.1066) the
same Board discuesed the botanical textbook for the 6th and 6th ?lasso?
by B. Ir's Vessviatskii, which is beica currently used. rihteriais of these
disoussionz, thich Were conducted with the p4rtioipatioil of solentifie workers-
biologists. methodists, teacihers, and other. interested persons. disclosed ?
the existence of 'very serious defeotz in teachlpg of fundamentals or bla'.,
Logy in tho secoodarr 004001, ?
The basic and main defect is rooted in the contents of comptanory
programs on the futelamentals of bioloa, in the present case n tho contents
of the program on botany. The eerious flaws of the school textbook on botany,
which, as it in known, was compiled strictly according to the off iota].
program, approved by the Minietry of' rducationvare conneoted precisely to
this. Under this 'brand" of botany the students are not beim,: taught the
fundaMentals of botany as a theoretical base for fartaing, but mainly, at.d
first of all, the applied problems of plant industry and agrotechnics. Under
the banner of polyteohnicalising the school, the teaching of fundamental? of
botany was transformed into the teaching of furidamentele of agriculttue with
some elements of botany. The still intentifyinl tendency to agrortomise ?
the school courie of botany is also reflected in the training of biolo,7.-
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teachers in ?podasogioal institutes where quite a cubstantial time is ?iven
over to the scrcalled fundamentals of agriculture. which,inOlude agrotooh....
Ideal prObleme exclusively,- up to studying agricultural machinery, im-
plementai anti so. on.
V. I. Lenin said, as it is known, that a polyteChnical principle of
instruetion requires wido general educations without the existence Of Ouch
wide general training, without meeterint; the fUndarantels 'of.soignei, there
also cannot be any effective .polytechnisalising.
?' Serious .defects In teaching botany to .students became so dangerous
that graduates of secondary seitools have at best a very (simplified idea about
botany,,which by no moans arouses in them either the interest te know the
flora and vegetation surrounding them, or all the more, the wig!: to deepen
the obtained knowledge by moans of independent reading of botanical
tures organisation of excursions or in any other ways. Almost atl the
participants of the sited oonferenses of tho Board [Begin p.1471 of V130
have pointed to a sharp fall in the interest of young people in botany and
in nature in general, as well as to its intelligent protection. '
Stenographic: reports of discussions of the aboveamentioned textbooks
were sent, at the proper time, to the higher organisations in Moscow, and
their brief oontente were published in part in the *Botanical Journal*
(1956# no, 15)? and will be again published there in part in the near future' (1)*
Fortunately, these materials were not left without notice: at the end
of January of the current Year the Aeademy of Pedagogic: Sciences of reTtql
called a special Meeti:ng for a discussion of the question NPUndaritIlltalg of
science. in the school course of biology", to which representative of V-130
(11 l?terials On dissuasions of the report of S. V. Vsesvis.tskii will be
'published in no. 8 of the "Botanical Journal" in 1937. (Sditoros note)
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(4) ? Trans. 1.990 .
and BIN (Botanical Institute) of Al StiBR were also invited.
- Nevertheless, the Ministry of Education remains deaf to the opinion Of
the eCientifio society and as yet did not show any ,signs of paying attentien
to the comments. Idtiott were directed immediately to its address. / venture
to tell, -procieely LA this connection, about certain facts, which relat,. to
the discussion in the Botanical Society of the school textbook "IruMasmntals
of Darwinism" by M. I. Bbl$nikov. Biologists of different specialties,
who spoke during the discussion of this textbook, ,,mentiened its nstry defects.
The general conclusion:0 was that the textbook .on fundamentals of Darwinism
'cannot be recognized, to any **tent, to be-a-valuable manual for the pupil!I,
and it is necessary to radically reorganise the existing program on. Darwinism,
taking into consideration the critical comments and to revise the textbook.
? ? it was also emphasized that the. striving of the Ministry of Eiu.cation to
;- ? ? ?
red. use the time of teaching of fundamentals of Darwinism to Students from
taro hour; per week to only one hour r wa also injustified.
NINO. then 04. the .Ministry of 741uoation of RSFSR. react to the publics
-cOnisenter It le true, they, it appear*, Stopped the introduction. of M. I.
Vel'nikovis textbook in schools ? but they shortened the time given over to
Darwinism from. two hour, to one per .week and they entrusted Professor E. A.
?VeiseloV with oompiling a textbook on Darwinism for the students, which vitiald
be designed for the reduced time, without taking into consideration the
serious criticism, that was expressed by saw besides the Botanical Society.
Mtaterhile one should point out, that the published textbook "Darwinist/1,
which was .4:Implied by Professor Veselov for the higbar institutions of
,education, had been already sharply or/tic/zed on the printed page* (abisitd?
cal Journal. no. 4# 1957). .One (mad hardly expect from this author a
better composition on the fundamentals of ?Darwinism for school ohildren, than
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(5) trans. A.990
what he wrote for endereraouates.
As you see, the steps, which sere undertaken, are yet for froto
sufficient. Cross defects in leaohin6s or botany and in rurdaraorttalo of
parwinism are still far fro% being removed; for this reason the efforts,
which were started by the public in this respect, should not be slackened.
All the more, under the ciroumeta?rees the WO cernot limit its problem to
just certain critic:1A remarks, rrhich relate to the ?entente of the prepto.q.
textbooks Keel teachinr, of botany in schools. Xt is important and r000saary
to strive for the remerval ut all these defects and at the same time to
think seriously or the matter hcer our Elotanical society could render special
help to schools for the inorease or botanical knowle4e cf pupils, for
stimulatitv: their interest In the flora, veortation and in nature in ,--,enerals
in its ratiooal utilisation as a productive power and in its protection.
;.?xch probier-s, connected .t.tith the uropnLanda rf botanical knowledge, as it
is known, ensue directly from the statute of WO.
This is the reason why the Presidium and the Council of the All..t;nion
Botanical .;:ooloty came to the conclusion about the necessity or a svecin't
discuasion, at our Conventions of the report "About the statue or teaehtri;
botany in securetry sehools%
Passing over to the specific review of program and textbooks of botany
for the 6th and 6th classes of the secondary school, one should point out,
first et all, that the school course of biology, as a whole? underoes
almost constant ohanes. During the last 8 years it was subjeoted to
"reorganisation" now on "lachurinos" now on "Pavlov's fundamentals$ the
teacher anti the author of textbooks souc,ht something. new, often 'untested
? raterial, subject to discos:lions, hut -,Thich was "modern". instance, in
the program nn botany for the school year 1963/64 for the 5th class, hich was
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(6) .Trans. A.990
estimated for 56 hours-, one sixth of the time was givon over to studying
the "lifo and aativite of t. V. Miohurin "and of "works of Atadestioian
T. D. Irsenkossuocossor in the work of I. V. lachurin". At the present
time a reorganisation of schedules proceeds in tonnostion with polyteohnift
saucing arid prefossionalisitg of the secondary school.
Zt is obvious that under fah oireumstaneoe there is no possibility
to teeth biology normally, neithor to compilo a good textbook, nor a
methodist! manual. In Our almost yearly changing of programs soustimes one
or another olosont, one or another objeet are let out. ?or instant* in
1934, biology of cultivated plants was studied; in 1946 ? 11 femilies of
flavoring plants, but latter on, from year to year the number of studied
families decreased, first to 10, 7, 6, then to 6, $ fasillos and in the
year 1964 none was left. In 1.949 a study of 24 cultivated plants was
introduced, but 4 years later their number vat Waled to 6, leaving the
potatoes, eabbago, corn, wheat, flan and apple trees. [Begin p.142].
The prosently operating tours* in botany for the school year 1056/57
for the 5th class specified 2 hours per weak, in all 66 hours per year;
among thetas
Ditrodustita 3. hour
I. Plants in nature and in agrieultur* 4 hours
!I. Collular stratus, of plants 3 "
III. doode, planting, Clormination of seeds 14 e
IV. Root...loll nutrition of plants 10 "
A lett. Formetion of organic substante in plant* a "
TI. item. Movement and proeipitation of substancos in the plant 9 or
VII. Propagation of plants DS *
VIII. Plant ? a living organics 3 "
For the 6th class the same amount of tims is provided for botany as in
the 5th. It is divided in the following order,
IIISumming up the summer work of th* students 2 hours
I. Conditions for growing oultivatod plants 9 n
U. -Cultivated plants and their growing 21 *
III. Dovolopment by I. V. Miohurin of now varieties of fruit plants 8 *
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Trans. A.990
IV. Basic groups of plant.
V. General picture of development of vegetation on earth
26 hours
8 "
Besides this it is written in the programs
"In the 6th *less (as in the 6th) during the School year 1956/66 are
introduced compulsory praetieal studies at the training-experimental plot
according to a special program.
"Practioal lessens at the training?experimental plot for the 6th
classes are built in close connection with the studies of the botany course
and help to inculcate in students the necessary knowledge and skills inagrimi
cultural work on the griming of plants on the basis of modern agrotechnices
we read this on page 4 of the "Program for the school year 1966/6/".
In the piled special programers provided* sewing of seeds of carrots
? and parsley, growing of tomato seedlings and their pruning, planting anti
selection of vegetable seeds, planting of cuttings of ourrants_and *trim.
berries, thinning of carrots and beets, watering the ousumbers. It is
interesting to point out, that none of the ennumerated cultivated plant.
were studied In the botany course. The in thing to which the attention Is
drawn, at the training?experiment plot in digging and redigging the soil with
? following cultivation of the soil. Cultivation of the soil is mentioned
tinea in this program. The thematics of experiments, which are cited at the
end of the botany course are limited to three subjects, on vernalization,
influence of fertilisers amd growing of valuable field crops (oorn and
Unfortunately. it Is impossible in a report to adbject the above cited
program on botany, for the 6th and 6th classes, to a mere detailed critical
analysis; therefore I will dwell only nn some of the most important remarks.
Firstly, the existing defective approach to teaching botany to 114.13
year old children Is very alarming, as this approach is not in accord with
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(e) Transl 4.990
pryeholou and, thus, is little uftderetood by them. This
feature is confirmed by the absence of lively interest in botany andlinture
in our children and youth.
Seeondly, here there is no proper system of rudiment* of fundamentals
of. botany; there is no succession in knoSledge,, no gradually and logically
consecutive development of ideas; 'It seams *s if almost all rildiments of
fundamentals of botanical scienceire'inOluded in the program, but thoy
are taught entirely inadequately and in a chnotio disorder without esti*.
fying the requirements of commen sense aid vonvenience of teaching.'
Thirdly, even a simple review of the program show* its supersaturation
with questions of farming practice to the detriment of the very fundamentals
of botany, to the detriment of the development of an interest in :children to
plants in nature, to the riohness and ditersity of Mere and vegetation; it
pushes in Children the development Of only the utilitarian, superficial
approach to the surrounding nature. Systematic excursions into nature are
entirely absent; they are completely replaced by work on the to-called
trainingrexperiment plot. ?
A certain eOnolusion ensues from the above *aid that the program On
botany roi seenndary schools met be eeriouely reasoned out and revised. In
this responsible work. -must Wm part not only and not so much the official
, institutions as our reepested teachers asknowledged by everyone, methoditte,
pediatriots and our /eliding botanical scientist*.
If a superficial acquaintance with the program unnovers such an uno
happy state in the toeshing of botany which arouses disappointment and
perplexity, then the direct reading of the textbook for school children in
the Sth and 6th ?lasses, which was compiled on the basis of this prOgram,
provokes new bewilderment and strengthens the uneasiness about s4Ch re*
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ducesd fundatentale of botany. This refers especially to the textbook of
V. A. letiurev. Which was compiled on the basis of the program of 1946,
this: lent one no partly replaced during the past school year by the
new textbook of B. V. Vsesviatskii that corresponded to the program with
in just now became acquainted. tBegin p.149).
The critical review and distension of this textbook an November 800
1966, by the Board of the Botanical Society permits me to bring to the
knowledge of the Convention if not all, then at lent part of the eritical
remarks, which wore rade at this conference, where over SO persons were
present, including botanietm, teachers, methodists and biologLito
Compared to the textbook of Tetiurov, from which the school children
studied botany after the year 19113, the textbook of D. V. Vsesviatokii,
which novr, partially has replated the former, is undoubtedly better.
Pint of all this tektbook, in the opinion of raw, la written in
a comparatively good lenguage, understandable to school children, although
one mete acme unfortunate expreocione. But on the whole the exposition ?ie
not bad. Frost the textbook were excluded imam ideas of very doubtful or
questionable ecientific value, Which, as it is known, were taught ?during
a course of yeatre and, unfortunately, in most cases continue to be taught
in the secondary schools under the guise of latest scientific achievements;
The rest of the contents of the textbook are fully up to the .requirements of
the program, which was approved by the ilinietry of Education. For this
flacon the further critical renarks4 with the exception of sore specific
author's slips and mietakes, must be eddreereed not alone to the author but
also to the compilerh of the program.
Biasing over to the defects of the textbook, it irt necessary, first of
all, to pause on the correlation between the botanical intonation proper end
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(10) . Trans. ..4-620
the production material. This last ono is presented in. too large, imModorate
ashount'te the detriment or acqualntanes with fundamentals of 'Wavy. ?tax '
among the 206 pages of the textbook over 60 pages, that 1.6. about 1/3 of
itO volume are tilled with purely ascroteelmical and Plant industrrptoblems,
as for instances cleaning of seeds, sorting the seeds, determinatiod of the ,
germination ability of Seeds; dates for plantings, methods of planting,
depth to which the .seeds should be cOverid ups fertiliser, top diet:0106'
for plants, Watering, cultivatiOn_of eons thereat, of the yielding ability
of plants, fertility and. struetare.of soltsplanting of grasses, strop
rotation, soil tillage,-impleMents for soil tillage, Planting of *bolter
bolts, growing wheat, earn, flax, potatoes, cabbage, apple tritest grafting
apple trees with eyes, planting apple trees, nursing apple trees, raising ?
the Sr.B winter Nichurings variety of pearsjorossbreeding, raising Renet,
? bergamot apple tress and ..others. if to these one should add that during
out-Ofeolass studies no systenstie excursions into nature were provided for
, and that the whole work of schOol children at the trainingeexperistint plot,
as it was already mentioned above, oonsisted wholly of work bearing il.
? ,
purely produotive charaoter, thin the overloading of the school course of
botany with agroteehnical and plant cultivation problems will becone quite
'r ?
We all understand very well the general problems en the pelyteohnicalizing
of the .nahool, They do oft .aroos? any doubt in any one. But in the given
cacao the Oarrelation 'between the !fundamentals of botany proper and the
production material is so unbalanced that this fact becomes a demonstration
of the incorrect, distorted use of direotions about polytechnicelicing the
school in botaoy. And, this best) mistake must be.eliminated, sinoi withoft .
;the knowledge of fundamentals of biology a correstdonception about the sure
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(11) Trans, A.poeo
rounding nature, about its diversity, wealth, and usefulness, rendered to
men, is impossible. Finally, it is impossible to understand and enrich the
very methods of the produstien activity of MAN with which the require.
ments of polytoohnioalising ars connected.
Further, ose should also think that after all, in the secondary schools
are trained for the future production aettrity not only people of the *grim
cultural profile, but also future speeialiste or mini other braze:se of our
national eschew. It is sufficiently clear, that in time out of our school
children will be developed not alone agritulturiste, tractor drivers,
brigadier*, sootechnioiene, loaders and workers in kolkhoses, sovkhoses and
other agricultural inetitutions? but also workers of other profession,
engineers, technicians, doctors, teachers, soientiste . physicists, ?batiste,
electricians, metallurgists, meohanioal engineers, and so on.
The question arises . on what grounds do we foist on all, without
exception, such hyperbolised portions of fundamentals of agricultural
production? Whys say, when teaching the 41e4hool children the fundamontala
of mathemetics are not taught some of the methods of bookkeeping or statistical
eomputation? vhioh, undoubtedly, with such an approach to polyteehnioalixing,
as it was made in regard to botany, could have been tried to explain by the
requirements of polyteehniesligingt
Would this not mainly explain the fact that young men, who later on
in life booms participants of different brattish.a of nonagricultural pro.
dustion, have a very slight idea about flora and vegetation,and very often
treat %m in a barbarous way. But very likely alas those, who after the
secondary school go to work on firming even if they have independently en-
riched their knowledge will, hardly, stand higher in their botanioal
knowledge than their comrades, who went into other branches of produotion.
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(12) Trans. a.990
This is the main, the most deoisive defeat in the status of teaching
botany in seoondary schools and I think, thxt our ? nvention must 4.4.
termini its specifie attitude to such an arrangement of the problem. The
rovrining defeets? although they are numerous, are, as it seems to me,
sonnected to a considerable degree with the first, basis defoot. [Begin p.1501
Nevertheless, T would like to be understood oerrootly. To no extent
do I reptuliate the nireassity of teaching the fundamentals of agriculture
to school children, but not at the expense of pinching the fundamentals of
botany. The production renterinl, which is oonnected to agriculture, in
my opinion should be offered only after the botany sours* and better in
senior Caawn ?
In this reopeet, of great value is the suggestion of the Seeretary of
TeX TIAN (Central Committee of the 1-11?Union laninis Young Communist League]
Comrade Shelepin, whiek was made by bin quite reeently at the Session of the
Supremo Soviet of the USSR, about the introduetion of produotion sposialise..
tion of students in the three last classes of the secondary school on the
basis of the obtained uniform and general seveawyear education.
Now, permit me please to pass over to some ether specific Grit/cal
blotto:me front the botany textbook for school children.
let us start at ones with the first page ? the introduetion. lt con.
sista of but one page and a half, but the matter is not in its volume. If
it were written in keeping with the shildrea's understanding, if it Gould
arouse interest, entio? the student with prospeste for studying botany, then
the basic purpose in the given case would have been aohirowd. But, as it
meationed,quite eorrootly, by the Board of no at the meeting on the
? critical review of the B. Y. irseeviatekii's textbook, 11?12th year age in
children is the time when they are interested in IIkyn? Reid, shin they
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(18) Trans. 4480
want to bosoms flyers, submerine saptains, they dreamt about a romantic
profession. That is why, in order to interest ohildren in botany right
from the first lessen, it is neeessery to elaborate the introduetion
carefully. Botany meterial providos mush for an interesting and enter.
taming introdustion, which would throw light upon the role of plants in the
development of life on earth and Gould disclose the mealfold importanee of
botany. MUch can be done here. nut, unfOrtuentely, the introduction is
very boring in the textbook ea. V. Vitesviatskiis a definition of botany
is given, then there Is explained what the terms *wild growing and *oulti.
vat*d* plants mean, and that from rye one makes rye flour and bakes the dark
bread, and from 'wheat . wheat flour is made and white bread is baked; that
corn is a remarkable plant, that the unplowed lands are tilled now and sown
to seeds of cultivated plants, and, finally, that stedyieg of botnny-will
help the sehool children to get aequainted with the life of plants and take
part in the general work of growing cultivated plants. Such an introduction
is hardly capable of interacting a eithool child.
The first ehapter *Plante in nature and in agriculture* is oompriset
of three paragraphs. 1) forest plants, 2) cultivated plants of the garden
and vegetable patch, and 8) plant organs.
It *forest plants* in this ohapter were supposed to give an idea
about plants in nature in general, then this experiment has clearly railed.
Firstly, the plants in nature are represented, as it is known, not alone by
the forest Tog...tette/1,bn* also by meadow, steppe, desert, maps water and
others. Besides this, the idea *plants" in nature surely inoludes not only
the green, but the nongreen plants, ineluding the mioroorganiams. The
411 idea about all this was not given, and the forest plants are limited to
birch and oak among trees, hazelnut among 'bushes, and pansy and lily of
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(14) Trans. A..990
the valley amonc leasses. In oonolusion, thP 1-ria477sph relating to plants
in nature contains such a deduotions "There are three forms of plants*
trees, lluellee an.1 2-asses. Trees and 'bushes are perennial plants ,-Ith woody
Stems. Cronees have thin, green grasey stalks. Grasses happen to
perennial, biennial and annual" (pixie II).
You. oar judge yourselves hcav mmoh this concluelor responds to reality,
ooncerninz the plants of the whole nature. It is olonr that in
children's minds of each an idea, which is connected to the wealth of plant
forme in natnre cannot help in a valuable masterinc, of fundamentals ,)f
Examinier the botany textbook ohapter by chapter, unfortueately, one
could acquaint the Convention 3issuibers not just with single serious defects;
tut there iz Imrdly a neoessity in deine 4bis because any botanist, ever
after juet turning over the pages of the textbook will find there much
that is unexpected.
For instances why is it that the whole systematic* Is limited to ee
description of three famillengs cereals, mustnrd family and leamints plmnte.
If only mativatod plants were compared then in this OR80 such families as
rose family, the umllellate, and the lily fa:J.1y should have boon added.
Such a subject R$ "Ievelopment of the plant world on earth! is limited to
three ea:1)s, scanty, impoverished material on bio104, of flowering Coos
not lead the students to the fundamentals of Ilarwinism in senior classes,
and so on. rt is Obvious, if the time, :Thich was reserved for botany,
grant on teaohina t.grotechnical laterial, than, naturally, there Is no ti's
left for studying tbs. fundamentals of ''otanl.
The textbook also has cow:1.a' terloas factual mistakee, vhich sharply
reduces its soientifio level. I shall pause on some instances.
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(16) Trans. A.990
On pa;me 102.403, under paragraph $9, a description is given of the
process of fertilization in angiospormae.: Alnosi every sentence -of this ?
paraisraph contains one or another miitake.
'The textbook does not at all give any idea about the embryo sac,
ither about the contents of the embryo one, nor about double fertilization.
Passed by in silence is 'alto the fact (Begin P.151) about the process of
double fertilisation .. one of the most wonderful discoveries in the history ?
of botany, which is connected with the -name of 8. G. aseashin.
? It is likely that teachoremathodists would cite cony reasons in do.
fending the oinplei practicable presentation of the prooess of fertilization
which $.4 none too easy to communicate to children 11.12 years 01d. / Mato
? ?
. agree with't-hem; biat .in the exposition off), V. Vsesiriatekii the wish to be
understood was achieved at the expense of direct distortion of the tunda.
mentals of science, and this is not permitted to anyone.
On pace 9,where intonation is Given about the cultivated plants of
garden and of truck garden, it is emphasized that "fruits ars'especially good,
which crow on apple and pear trees, which were? developed by I. V. Ilichurin
and his students". Usanwhilo we. all know that cood Pfruits are produced also
? on earietieti .developed by mem other selectioners fruit.growere. Tihy mat
it neoessary to Write an untruth in a textbook?
On pace 1.00, where it is spoken about cross...pollinating plants, oats
is also presented as cross?pollizatinz, while, as it is known, oats is a
typical self.pOilinatinc plant.
On pace 204, in the second paragraph of chapter 13, which is cive3
over to "reVeltipMent of thO plata kingdom on earth" me reads "The moot ancient
, organism were unicellular. They differed from modorn one-celled plants by
a still simpler struotures they had a-form of a lump of slime. Thsze lunps
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(16) Trans. A.990
were alive. Ancient plants originated from these primary living organisns".
It terns out then, that the first living beings, whieh originated on
earth, had already a cellular structure. Yet we should not forget (and in
his time Engels wrote about this:), that the *ell proved to be a product of
a long evolution. The author, of eouree, knows this very well but, ape.
parently, wishing to be batter understood by dhildren, he, instead of an
accurate exposition of the fundamentals of science, fell Into an inadmissible
On page 102, concerning the may of life of lichens, we reads "Combined
existence of two argentine in one body of lichens proved to be very profitable
for it. Tho myeelium, absorbs water and mineral slates algae fora organie
substanse franca/ton dioxide and water". Naanwhile it was ascertained a
lo ag time ago in botany, and, more over, by Russian scientists, in particular
ky.k.4t. Zlenkin, that the theory of symbiosis, according to which fungi and
algae in lichens Jr. in reeipreeally profitable relations, is not valid.
And it was shown that the fungus parasitises and sapronkytes on alga. rlor
then write about lichees that whish was erroneously written 30.40 years ago?
. Permit me t limit myself by the ()LW instanees, Which pertain to the
oharacimristie of the seientifie level of the school textbeek on botany. 0n.
fortunetely, suoh instances were by far not exhausted by me, and anyone
who would like to satisfy himself could do it easily by reading the botany
textbook pa;:e after page.
This textbook has an almost two million circulations our children study
it. After the critical remarks, made just now, it is, apparently, quite
clear, that the a000pted botany textbook for secondary schools must be re?
vlsed as soon as possible so that no serious errors of principle and no
blunder would hive any place in it.
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(11) Trans. A?990
One should also think about the ratter, to what oxtent is justified a
sondition whom for the ,.:hole Soviet Union only one textbook on botany is
offieinlly reaosesenAed. would it not be more sapid:ant to have re6ioral
botany textbooks, say for republics of Central Asia, for Bsltio republics,
for Tratussatioasia, and so on, written by qualified botany.podogoguso or by
their eollectivosT
Such regio at textbooks, obviously, should be written oncording to a
si.ngle standard program; but in. their purely botanical leatorial these text-
books must correspond to the natural?geoprephie, floristic, goobetanioal and
other peculiarities of those rogions for which tney aro destined.
Besides that, in ordor to inorease the quality of the school course of
botany. when compiling now botany textbooks one should free then from any
casual, new ideas. The textbook nast be based on strictly tested, established
data of botanioal science sad, at tho sans tin*, must be adapted in every may
to the children's age, to ohildren's psychology; it must arouse in our growing
generation an interest in flora, vegetation, and in nature in purred. In
eonneetion with this *me should acknowledge, that the practise, used by the
Ministry of gduoation, for sompiling and approval of projects of programs and
authors' 1.rmscripte on botany boathooks is dofeativo, beoauso only a very
narrow and elosed carol* of people, unfortunatoly not always sufficiently
oompstent, are ooncorned with this question. This practice, by no mans,
helps in removing 'those big defeats in the teaching of botany in school, which
rare mac everod by the botanical society. It is necessary to continue the
efforts, begun by the Botanical Society, on helping with *ordinal improvement
or botany teaching in s000ndary schools and to attain the elimination of all
ths detests in this work.
That is why, it seems to as, TBO cannot and should not limit its
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(le) Trans. A?990
participation in this very important !latter to only critical remarks, which
pertain to school programs, textbooks and reqaeste addresaed to the Mtnistry
of Ruoation and to other organisations, that supervise the school adman
tion. *ay umbers of the society, (Begin p.1621 I ft aosordance with their
specialty and personal aptitude, mad take direet part in the development
of school programs and in the compiling of textbooks and manuals, melte in
the pedagogical press, in particular, on pages or the journal "Natural
Selene' in School*, which was renamed lately to "Biology in School"; write
popular botanical articles, stories, hooks for ehildren and do easy other
useful deeds for the uplift of the quality of studies of fundamentals of
botany in school and out of it.
Unfortunate4, durint the last 24 deeades our leading *botanists
have almost not taken any part in push a popular seientificimmethodical
journal for biolegymteashers as the "Biology in School". But it was onmpara?
tively recently only that such oatstanding Potentiate biologists wrote in the
press, appeared at eonferenoes and meetings on various seientifio-methodioal
problems ass A. A. Elenkin, V. in tomerev, it. N. Whimenke, N. A. Naksimov,
N. A. Monteverde, V. I. Palladino I. I. Pollanakii, Y. I. Tetley, IC. A.
Tiairiasevo V. U. S)inkevieh, and among those in good health now P. A. Beranov,
Oellerbakho Tu. I. Polianskito V. I. Polianskii, B. B. Raikov, V. M.
Sukachevo and others. The Botanical Society must considerably accelerate its
activity In this respect. Cft the other hand the proper editorial off toes of
esientifie?pedagOgioalo methodieal and other popular journals on the subject,
of biology must, at last, go to meet the wishes of the society, and invite
to take part it their journals, besides the selected narrow circle of staff
authors, also the most worthy biological scientists, in particular botanloal?
seientistso including &leo the members of VB0. In any case, the Botanical
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(19) Trans. A-990
Society, on its part, must, in every way possible* enoourags and *timulate
this part of the activity of its member..
The publishing of popular books and Journals will be of oxelusively
greet importanoe forth. propaganda of botanical seienee. This is, of
course, indisputable. Many of those preseat, probably, remember yet to ttte
present tint, what a lasting impression was produced on thou during, the
children's years the reading of the votsterfully written books, althouz,t
containing some mistakes, of D. N. 10,4-orodow, N. A. Pholodkowskii, N. D.
Bbalosuoov, a. P. Arshanow, K. I. Berebriakow, B. t. Ts Ts
A. V. Teingors and others. Of coure*, now too books are published
for reading on botany, but there are very few of them and they appear on
the book sorbet only rarely. There almost are no books about the organisa?
tion and conducting of independent excursions for sehool.ohildron to the
forest, swamp, meadows steppe, tree nursories, botanical gardens, museums,
and so on. There are no portable, richly illustrated pocket botanical guide
books, or raw other things.
Yet, look what oonvenient? attractive, well illustrated, rich in
color, botanical publications for school children are published by our
friends in -the Oersan Demooratie Republic, Ctechoolovalia, and in other
countries. Tie have great demand for good botanical popular books,
Therefor* there is no wonder, that as soon as a good book is published,
it cannot be founds the whole edition is inscsdiatoly sold out. Try, for
instance, to buy popular?coientific or soientifiesert books on botaoy, Alch
were published last year, such as basks by N. X. V. Boshevnikow,
V. X. Korsunskaia, Y. D. Aleksandreva, reissued books by L I. Pelianskii,
A. V. ?singer, and you will not be able to find them. The demand for ? good,
scientifically reliable popular botanical book for children is great, and
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Trans. A0490
it would be regrottaUo if our Botanical Societyfould Pot pay any attention
to it and would not inerease its activity In this direction.
Permit me now to concisely sum up those basic thou,hts, which T
consider as certain suutstiooss which follow from the just completed rew
Firstly, one should apply to the X.nistry of i-Auct!ien it t request
about an immediate Rod basic rovision of the oxistIor program to botaqy for
secondary schools with a direct participation in this responstao -:,-ork or
representative* of the Botanical Fociety, as 'tell as with the follokAm4: wide
discussion the botanical society of the new project of the progrgim.
Seeman, .'no should brist; to the attention of the Ministry of '''..cacation
that the preseInt textbook on botany for the seom-dary school epee not Lorrespond
to its rurpose in many respootsy it must be Immediately revised and ofv-. be
permitted for the use of s000ndery anhools only temporarily, until a ner
textbook on Ilconry ;All he compile 4:71 the Hasis of ihe newly revised pro-.
grant. !Lne shonle also sua;est that the textbooks on botany mast give a well
written, interestInOy presented, absolutely scientifically proven simplex
of fundamental Information in sections, tuki!!, into consideration the aus
peouliaritios of the students.
Thirdly, the outwof?sohool lessons Or .the school chWren most to be
ooneentratod only on the work at the traIrin,t-oxpertient sootier, taG to a
considerahla extent OA studies of maturR1 flora, voLetation, nv berst,min
acquainted --Ah plantince of parks, botanical g$4.dons and hothouses. Orle
should ridel;y e.noourace the work of associations of young naturalists lu
this reF.poot. During, the lessons proper a nooessary amount of time Imtst e
set aside for excurslonz i0:0 nature and not to be limited only p.15fl
to the produotior objects, as it is /,raoticed now at best.
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(21) Trans. A..990
Fourthly, one should bring to the most serious nttention of the
agenoies -rf public educatIon the completely unsatisfaatory status of teaching
of flindankentals of rarwiniste in secondary schools, where the biological *does...
tion is being oompleted for the greater sass of Soviet youth and which is of
great importanoe for the formation of their world outlook.
'Fifthly, it is necessary to revise the organisational for of work
in the Rotanieal Society proper, which would permit to considerably increase
the aotivity o1'nether* of the Society net only in regard to the public
control of the 'sour** and status of teaching of botany in secondary schools,
but also concerning the propaganda of botanical soignee among school
children by moans of organising sett?* help to publishing houses Detgis
[State Children's Literature Publishine, Housel,? volodaia Nord Clfounc
Onrardel, tr., the Publishing House of the kaaderoy of Faience of WI?, Solikhosgis,
and others in the business of a considerable iocrease in issuing pertinent
goionoloio..popuInr botanical literature, as well as by swans of organisation
of reading of popular leetires for school children, youth and the adult
For the start such art activity in the Botanical Society could be centered
in the already existing. permanent Commission of the critical review of
textbooks and school equipment, but in the future there lust be ergaaised a
special, say, School Commission nf
For the conclusion of the report t shall take the liberty to appeal to
all the deiszates of the Convention, to all the nethers of the Botanioal
Society, to all those present with a request to express their attitude to
lite report given by me and to introduce any suggestions, which are direeted
to the inereaae of quality, to the improvement of the *entente of tenoning
of botany in the secondary schools, as well as to the intensification of the
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(n) Tram, A.990
activity of the Society in the busIttess cr popularisation or 1-otanioal
sciensea especially anion: ths young t)eople4
For the Confererea?0 resolution on Paltht,Tev's reports eee Trans, A,?991
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1-0.8 ;Li.
(In full)
Resolution the report of F. Kh. Bakhteev
"On the status of teaching botany in secondary schools".
(Approved at the Plenary Session of the Second )elegates.
Conference of the notanioal Society of the USSR [Iirbef] on
Aky 17, 1957).
Rot. Zhur. [Moskva], vol. 43, no. 1, p.155.6155.
Jan. 1958. 451 R.928.
(In Ruse Ian)
The All?Unior relegates Conference of thc Rotanical Society, hex !v_;
hoard.. and discussed the report "Ott the status of teaching botany ir
dary schools" [Trans. 1-9901, oonsidered its brinzing to the attentio of -
the Conference quite welltimed, this was c lr firmed by the active and /ivoly
discussion of it by the participants 'of the Conference.
The basic aspeotg of the report, which characterise the unsa.
factory status f teachin,. botany in secondary sehools, namely, non.moorre-.
spondenoe of the program and of textbooks on botany for the school the
baste requirements of correct traini of the future builders of corevnIsrto
who should poseees solid dialectic-materialistic world outlook and -lhe pvrely
conventional accomplishment of polyteohnicalisine the school, are eolsidered
sufficiently proved and have found full support from the Conference.
In oonformity with this. the Confereroe resolvedt
1. To recognise as necessary an immediate radical revision of' the
existing proeyam for botany for secondery schools, reestablishment of teach.
ing there of fundamentals of botany (morpholocy, sys te Ma tics, anatomy arc.
physiology of plants), which were substituted, to a considerable d zee, by
agrotechnioal material, with a direct participation in this work of reprosen?
tatives of the Dotanical Society and with the follmang wide dieeussIor of
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Trans. A.991?
the new projeet of the program by the peogie and botanical csommunily.
Z. To mention that neither the newly published textbook on botany
by L V. Vsesviatskii, nor, the more so, the textbook by V. A. Tetiurov
for the legendary school in wavy resposts do not Anewer their purpose.
Among them& only the textbook of n. V. Vsesviatskii after its proper
.vision, an be temporarily& until the compiling of new textbooks, pe
mitted as a manual for the secondary sehool.
Textbooks ON botany omit present a well written, interestingly con.*
vexed, and absolutely scientifically proved oomplex of information on the
Stated divisions of botany, taking into consideration the age peculiarities
of the school children.
3. To uphold the suggestion about the ?entering of teaohi funda?
vontals of ap-ioulture in the senior (340th) classes of the sec:on:cry
school& in which a speoielisation should be organised for the purpose of
preparing the students for their future practical activities. [Begin p.1541
Such a solution of the problem will provide a reel polyteohnios.lising
of our school as regards the teaching of botany which proves to be a re
ouired basis for understanding the prooesses of agrtoultu.ral production&
as well as for the perception of natural flora and vegetation.
4. The Conferenoe of relegates of the Botanical Society considers
it expedient, in conformity with peculiarities of rsituraliogeographic con-
ditions of various parts of the Soviet Union, to have not one, but stricycl
textbooks for botany in seoondary sohoele. For instance& such textbooks could
be published, besides the European part of the MIR, for Siberia& as well
as for Vigra Ira Belorussia and Baltic Soviet republics & Caucasus, Trans
oaueasus& Central Asia and others. For the oompiling of such textbooks
the most prominent botany.pedagogues and botanical-stiontists of the col's.
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(s) ? Trans.
responding. gooexsphical a ones should be ongaged first and fortisost.
. _
5. Out-of?school Studies of the school phildren Smithy con:Urea not
alone at the treinUg-ssperimental plot, but, to a considerable degree, 'on
studies of eataral flora, vegetation, on the acqhainianeO with the planting '
? of parks, botanical gardens, hothouses and Co on. In this respeit, on*
should :encourage the activity of societios of young naturalists. More at;
tention should be given during thO,sOhool studies toixoursiono into nature,
: which matter_should-bereflected in the school plow. Particulerly, to
utilito,the time Of the sojourn of the students in the pionser...camps for their-
acquaintance with the natural vegetation and floral for this purpose to re
? quest the UK WAIT [Central Committoo of the All-Union Lenin's Young Con.
muniiit League] and the blnistry of Educatien to send qualified botany.
teachers andliologists to plonser?camps.
? 6. To draw the most ?ericae attention, of the &gemlike of publio Oduoa.
tion to the fully unsatisfactory status of teaching of fundamentals of Mr..'
winism in osoondary schools, whore the bielogieal education. is being corn.
plated for the greater mess of Soviet youth and which is of great impor.
tame for the formation of their world outlook. To consider erroneous the
reduction of the *Curse of fundementals of Barwinitm to 1 hour per week in.
'stead of -2 hours.
' .1. To intensify the aotivitY of the Botanical Sooiety on popularisation
of bOtanical knowledge among sohool children and students by means of en-
couragement of efforts of members of V80 EAU-Union Botanical Society] in
publishing for the sohoolbotanical keys and .botanical atlases,popular,
seientifio,?soientific-artistio botanical books and by other menses in
every way to assist in the intensifisation Of the publishing activity in
the Oited direction of Detgis (State Children's Literature Publishinc Housel?
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(4) Trans. A.sin -
ridolodaia Grardiia? IYoutg Outrdsl, the Publishitg Rause of tho A.oadtriy
of SOilinee of tISSR, of Uchpedgis ($tet* Training sad Pedagogioal Liters..
tyre Publishing House], Selikhossis and other publishing houses.
In every way to widend and intensify the aotivity of the Society,
which is direotod to et* improvement of teaching botany in the sea Wary
sehool, to the popularisation of botanisal knowledge? protection of: rien
e n
plantings and nature. To r000mmend to the Presidium and the ?44tio;o4eit of
17B6 to discuss and solve.speoifio orcanisitional forms for the intensifiesa,
ti.ob of this work, taking into,00nsideration? the suggestions. "Ade at the
Conterencevacut the formation of a. special ,achool or podagogio oeation in
YBO far the purpose of extonoivo attraetten of biology-toschers to it. work,
O. To have the report and materials of \the Contends's on the status
of teaching botany in oeiondary schools extensivsly published not alone in
the publiestions of the central organitation of the IMOD but also, if potalbio,
in publioations of its branches and section*, as well as in the central
To especially appeal, in the Daum of the Con.ferenett, to editorial
attires of pedagogic, publications, is partioular to the journal ?Biology in,
Sehool?, about the full pablioation of the, roport and of all the vaterials
Of ,ths Conforenee which are contested -with its disoussion,on the pages of
this ,3 ?anal.
10.. In Order to attain the most effective realisation of the ro..
solutions of the Conferenos about the problsm in question, to commisoion the
Presidium snd the Allsoilpor- of VO to fora, it the ismodiato _future, and dirsot
an authoritative dolegation, from &slang the Diembers, cospetont in this respect,
to the Central Committee of the COsatunist Party of the Soviet titian and to
Ts/CAME/I. as well as to the Ifinistry Of Muoation of Ann.
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(5) Trani, 4.'414.991
SDITORTAL (pages 154.155)
According-to the report of V. Rh. Sakhtesv during the Session of the
Conference discussions developed in which 15 persons took part: The
greater part of the speakers (P. A. Baranev,"11. N. Versilin, V. N. Korstinskcia,
. .
I. B. Zamyshev, V. V. Sakharov, G. G. Bosse, L. A. Utkin, A. G. Oilier, ? ,
Tkaohenko, V. N. Beliaevas.A. K. Efeikin end A. A. 8emenova.Tian4hane1aia)
'upheld the basic aspects of the report. They wore opposed only by the
chief editor of the journal "Bielogy in Cahoot" V. Ar. redorova, by the author
- .
of the textbook "Botany" B. V. Viesviatekii, and, pertly, .by V. Chularewv. -
The resolutions' of the Conference On this question were included, into ?
the previously printed genera/ resolution, which was Unanimously adapted
on Mir 17, 1957 and which was by the Bureau of the -Section of BioloLisal
Science, of the Aeademy of Science on September 3, 1957. (See "Botanical
Journal". vol. 42, no. 11. 1957, p.1727.1734).
On the pages Of the "Sotatical Journal" the status of the teaching of
botany and of Darwinism in the secondary school has been elucidated upon
memy times. Nevertheless the agencies of publio.eduestion did not react
to dritioism, coming from the scientifie society. (Begin p.1551.
Unfortunately, the now textbook on /*minima for the secondary ochool,
which was emptied by B. A. Veselcrv, cannot, by art afls, be recognised as
satisfactory, it repeats the Matelot' of past textbooks, which were already
previously critisiced in print(1)..
(1) 6n Deeember 27, 1957, a discussion took place about the textbook of E. A.
Veselov at a Joint session of the Coveittee on critical revision of textbooks
and of school equipauint of the %TO, of the Leningrad Sooiety of Naturalists and
of the Chair of Biology of the Leningrad Sanicipal Institut* for the Improve-
ment of Teacliers. The matsrials of discussion will be published in the "Latent-
cal Journal":
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(6) Trans. A.991.
Alttitohinc great importance to the questio,s which were touched qpon
in the report of F, Th. Bokhtecv, the rd tor *a office publishes it and
expresses hope Oult now at lost the Vinistry of rducation of RL3FSE
settle this questior. which troubles our whole seientific society.
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Arvalo ? .-07,
(In fun)
Information requested of all geneticists of UR.
Eharnal Obshchei 8iologil, vol.. 11, no. 4, p.[Z12J.
1958, 4420 46,
(In Russian)
The tnternatIonal rigor of Aoloc,ical :;eiereen is preparint. K list
of all tho zenetioists of the world.
The lationE1 CommitteP of Soviet Bioloceiste, entorint, leto fhio
requests all ';ianeticiste in UMR to send in the fo11owin6 irformetion
corning themselves; this lnformtiot will be lator or Inelnded -ntotho
int(rnatioral list of ceneticists.
aak yos . to send this 'Alternation on en ordinary poet card ar-
ranging it as follows;
1. ramily name and patromormic. (tf there are works, published
in foreicn languages, indicate, in brackeft, the accepted Datle transcrip.
tion or the. 6urnarm ane of the initials).
2. Learned dezree ahd rank.
3, yenr nf birth.
4. Place af 'fork (in full) anci the position occupied.
6. 14/airless address.
C. Scientific specialty (problems -tihich interest rot especially).
In order to avoid mistakes, it it requested that this lnformatio
typed or written vory leLitly (please. -irito the surname, in printed lettere).
Please send the information to; flbekeas 74, Wthovair. ul. (04.eet)
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? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
(2) Trans. A.992
no. 9. Mosel:0er f; oft let of LiAturalir $ '011,ot JOS 1'40 t 'Ott.
It ta requested that the post card ri os registered?
PrattIdiutt of the )1atio.-.0.1 Comitto
or (nriet Biolozists?
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J rune ?
(tn full)
Tissofeev.Resovskii, n. V.
Mikroevotiutelia. Aetnentarnye
einterialy?i faktory mikrorroliutsionnoto
(Vicroevolatior. Vletentary pherosenst,
trial and factors of the ,,icroevoltz?
liotanichesPli 7hornal, vol. 43, no. 3. p.317436.
)ikreh 1958. 451 P923.
(In Russian)
1. The olassioal methods of 4,he study of evolution amount tr a
coupGrative trea1.7,ont of the morpholo,loal, physioleuical, enbryoloEical,
biogeop;rap:aleal and paleonteleLical !material; to an analysis of the res:.Its
oblained frtrl the viewpoint of 80:1403 general prineiples; and to the estabm
liniment or rt,..titis.entstlly imp orta rtt phenomena, re ro let ritioa andMe lana of
evolu ti *nary processes. This tendency nay be cr.11ed "taterosvolutiolare.
Naornevolution amounts t..!: the "najor" phenomena %nd processes ocoorrinc QA
large areas i The course of ex+ensive (tzeologioal) divisions toirezPovi
or tits and concernint., chiefly the hijter systematic est,otaries. Alm- these
1 On the oasis t1 reports read at the cyberteties aeminar of '.ho trecharl.
comeixthematioal Faculty, Vosoow State !;niversity [MOO snd at the soLitAr on
evolutionary problems in the Biologiold instiute [BEN], Aoa4eMy of f7Olotoes V35R,
in February of 1957. Reoeied [for publisationj Oct. 27, 1957. (Insortbed toll
Serpa Vergeovioh Chetverikov, dcar teacher and friend.
tAberatercia flodstki iiraltelrogo iiia1a Airadelsii Auk SSSP.
111/ jiii;oratory ilio?hysias, bral Rranah. Academy or goiehaeli 5vord1ovek1.
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a rano ? 4".. WU
lines have been described the basic phenomenn of phylogenetio differentia..
tion (with the formation of the natural, phylogsnetie general system of
organisms), evolutionary adaptations and ontogenetie differentiations (of
the wvolutionary preesee).
P. At the present time these olassiosal methods, are inadequate for the
study of the evolutionary process. In the first plate', they have to a
considerable extent been exhausted; the principal stages, phenomena and
phenemsnologioal regularities of maoreevolution have been desoribed in general
outline, and for the time being work ruins to be done on details and on
minor changes in the existing schemes. In the second place, and most imm
portant, the classical methods used in maoroevolutionary study ars purely
phenomenologisal and, hones, do not permit resolving singularly lodoosnaohnel
111 the problem concerning the real mechanisms of the evolutionary process and
the paths [ma putiakhl over whiff?' the formation of eVolutionery phonemes*
scow's. Mimy evolutionists, having forgotten the limits of phenomenological
methods and also the possibility of the extensive use or the principle of
netural selection discovered by Darwin, often pronoun.* eategorical judgment
ooneerning *medhanisme" of the evolutionary process that they have accepted,
but that have never been substantiated; this leads to the development of
evolutionary *theories" that in lissome do not belong in the methodology of
natural history. The latter was aggravated by3eng gap existing between the
specific course of evolutionary biology *ad the develepment of
gentles. Hy means of *ovation's genetic and eytogenetic experiments (login
pall) and accurate quantitative *sateen* of their results, genetics has olarie
fled the basis features of genotype structure, the amehabism of hereditary
? charaosters and the nature of variation. Yet, MAW geneticists were soaroely?
or only superfieially interested in essential evolutionary problem. For the
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(3) Trani ? 4.993 .
last deoads, hOwever, an intensive unification of elkesieel evOlutionalf
biolea and etperimentel and theoretical collation has taken place.
An espobially liportant stage in the swim) of the creation or a VOW
Arend in the,etudy of Wielutionary proceeses was the appearanee of S. S.
Chetverikov94 Olaccioal Work [entitled] "About some Ahmenti of the 4evolu-- '
tiotary pieceSe frnn the viewpoint of oontemnorary ?cenetios" (1920).
? At the close of the 2.0stiee there began to develop a new trend in the
study of evolutionary zzochanisili ? that was based on an eicpirrimental,ahd
theoretical analysis of cenetio phoneme. 1 a ocourring in :populations that
underlie the--formation of the latter .systenatio catecories and species: Thi
trend can be called nstioreevolutionare. ttiereeVolution amounts to "mime
phenomena and preceesese ocourrinc On relatively small areas and in cm*
paratively short sigments Of time leadinG tethelortation of .elementary
moolutionary phoneme's' and to the foriation of lower taxonomio units, avo
hence, le conduolve to a direet and accurate experimental and ittaar-atinal
S. The theoretical analysis of microevolutionary phenomena must be
based on the eum total of our coltenperary, explioit blowier, of heredi-
tary and variation phenomena and make use of "preeise definitions aal
curate mathematical methods for analysis end for the establishment of Latta
Irate oqrdttiono for the systems under study. Zn this .sense the study of ;dor?.
evolution of special interest also to sathetatioians whO in their o..nalysie
require the use of contemporary methods of rAthehatical locio, theory of
probability and tathematioal , tatiatiosi the fundamental principles of .
such sathomatical analysis of mioroevolutionary phenomera were laid in the .
works of S. S. Chetverikov (1916, 1926), V. Volterra (1931),?. F. Cause ?
(1934), A. T. tol=egorava (1935), V. Ludwig (1933, 1939, 1940, 1943),
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(4) Trans. A.993
& Mau,. (1939), S. 'ftrig1t.(1931, 1932, 1938, 1938, 1940), I. A. Fisher
(1932. 1938, 1939) and Haldane (1924.1934, 1932, 1936. 1939). Apart from
this, howevor, aoourats consopte of the evolutionary escheat's* and of the
strueturs of evolving tevoliniruiushehikh) systems ean, as types of the
governint systems of a higher- order, be of interest to eybernatios. In
sonneetion with the above, lath.. present brief report an attempt is being
*do from the biologioal point of view, to give a sufficiently accurate d?.
finition and formulation of the basic concepts with whish one must operate
ir moking a study of miorowvolutionary presses. A definition and brief
deseription of elementary phenomeno, evolutionary material and factors which
must be taken into oonsidoration in any serious disoussion of the source
of evolutionary pr000ssos will be given In a further statement.
Definition of concepts of the evolutionary process
and elementary evolutionary phenomona
4. C. Darwin demonstrated that at the foundation of a grandiose,
directed and regular evolutionary praises of living organisms on our planet
lie statistieal, non-direetional and *fortuitous* variation phenomena, under
the influence of the principles of the strugglo for oaishenoe and natural
selection witioh he diseovered, a fortuitous and noadireetional variation
[Begirt p.819) is direoted into a cbcfinite ehanael of the evolutionary prowls.
that occurs on TArth (Darwin. 1895).
Renoir, in evolutionary dissuasions and in plOtting Ipostroeale) of
evelutiocary schemes, elementary errors in mixing of plans must not be per.
mittedc (to wit] in proceeding from the tiondiroctivity of elementary 'aria.
111 tion pr000leses and from, a serios of evolutionary msehanisms, to forget
about the general directivity and regularity of the evolutionary process as
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(6) Trans. *0993
a whole or even rorses to impart direotion and repdarity discerned in
the course of the evolvtlotary process into discussioes of all eleventary
phenomena and Nechanisme or evolution. Al in a study of the role played 'by
micrephysical phetomene le biololys the maorophysioal Objects in tyhioh 'hey
proceed must not be fa:Totten. (Ti2ofeeveresovskii and 1,ampes Me), no in
making a study of evolutloe Rnds in particulars of the elementary pheno.
MOM and processes that pederlle its tve plans mnst net be forgotten: the
quantitative.statistioal elerxntary phenomena v41.0 mechatism on the ore
hands and the historically directed macronvolutioftary process on the other
hand. Itenoes first or alls it is eusential to define the maoroevolutIonary
5. In the briefest .lessible l'ermulations the fundamental oharaoteristios
of the mecroevolutiorary process can be defined as follows: on our planet
we call evolutioe the hirterical ebaeee oceurrin:-, in livine oreaniems that
is characterized by- tbe process of phyloi-,enetie differentiations eveluionary
adaptation and ontoenetic differentiation upon which evolutionary ,;rogrese
is based. A eescriptIon of the individual etai:ess special phenomena, t4r13
also of the trend and the phenomenolotioal reeulaeities of the entire pro?
cess as as4hole covrise the subject of macroevolutiorary lnvestiLations.
Powevers a creative stAy of evolutionary mechanism requires, first of alls
that en be !Tette to elucidate what type of elementary phenomene undere
lie the evolutionary process, ors -ihich amounts to the same, to establish
necessarily what phenomenon comprises the prerequisite essential to the
occurrence or the evolutionary process. ruoh an essential prerequisite ?Aso
will be the "elementary evolutionary phenomenon,.
6. Before an erect definition of the concept of an elementary evolu..
tionary phenompon is formulated, it is necessary t remeMber the euxuTtrx.;rutal
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(6) rroad. .4.996
chatooterietioe of the adtual oistence of liVinz pm:mists on Earth. .She
most charactoriatic and interestirc feature of life on 'Earth is ite quantum
state,- ar dinbotituity of forms. On our planet all livinc orcaniote
aotually,toprosontod, by cpeolos i.o. by diScroto corphophysiolocical, croups
of indiVidaale and coparapho-coolcidOl force 1)ers6'onotn,,,,, comral oheraptotio.,
tics aod a dOfinito realm of ,distribution, potontiolly capable eeroSsilis
vith eaoh other. and of intertinclings yet andor oonditions coroletoly,
' or a1mastoo7p1oto1ibiolec1cally ioolated Cram other oimitor group. ?
The merphoihrioloical mooninc pith? Conception of tipoples can be
vcry difforent in varlouS largo, laxOto7io subdividions,of livintorcaniame.
cpoolso are united in a taxoneMic..hioratchle oystera of higher aatacorios
refloeting Veriano ?taco? of phylOconotio differoatiation. Vuither on. thO'
? groat evolutiorry irportance.of'4* fOrdation of opooled t7ilt be cOtasisod
- as the root essential ph000 in tho process of the ovolutiOn of orconinmsand
of their adaptation of a biosphere; .The formtiOn of species to, hcrover,
?a comply= and oonolusive level of microeVolatioi ands therofere1 the forna'm
tion of a tart opecies cannot be recorded as an olomontary evolutionary,.
phonOmanon. 'Ail epeeist) of liviac Orval= moupi on the tarthfie nurface
opoolfip area?, hut the individuals or am crooks are noVor diqtributod
evonly within the boundarieo of their rcalm. zn sOme,spoolos (in bet or
them) tho,ltdI;riduals Eflecin p.6201 fort doparati, territorially diesoanted
Groupe Of varicuo sleep; in:othcro,rith mdro or loos oontiasally poinlatod
areas the population density is never uniforms .there develop individual areal,
of oencontmtion of Individuate that ore divided byeansidorabiy looi. donco1y.
populated areas. Ouch? individual, territorially coparotod croups or oon..
Pentrationd of individuate among thich a apro Or less sadden orcedits rad
lotorninatinc aotualli odour (1.6. pannIzia to really ocoomplibhed to a.
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(7) Trans ? A.993
certain degree) are called populations. Populations are the lowest and the
elementary form of group existence of the individuals of each species; the
-sum total of the individual populations and the areas which they occupy
form the General biomass and the realm of species distribution. Thus,
populations are elementary groups of the historical existence of the indivi-
duals of a species in nature. Each population (with the exception of
specific cases in which the population was formed by one elan or one pure
line) is very heterogenous an regards its genetic, composition because it
'consists of a Mixture of different genotypes; in addition, thi different
populations within the limits ea species always, to eome degree or other,.
differ statistically from each other as regards their genotypic composition.
7. Proceeding from the above statement, an elementary evolutionary
phenomenon, without which the course of the evolutionary process is ums
thinkable, can be defined as follows. We call a more or loss lonparangi
alteration in the genotypio composition of an individual population within
the limits of a species the evolutionary phenomenon. Such de-
finition satisfies two fundamental conditions; it is scarocely possible that
on the basis of the sum total of our present knowledge a more elementary
evolutionary phenomenon could be found and, on the other hand, it is impos-
sible to imagine an evolutionary process not connected with changes occurring
in the genotypic composition of a population. To realise an elementary evo-
lutionary phenomenon, it is essential to have material in the form of heredi-
tary variation and to have factors under the influence of which changes in
the genotypic composition of a population are produced. We shall consider
below the individual problems concerning elementary evolutionary material and
elementary evolutionary factors.
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- (8) , Trans. A.993
Elementary Evolutionary Mkterial
B. C Darein believed quite correotly that the notarial bricks of a
kind, that are Used in constructing the.aolutinary? prom's, are hereditary
variations emerging constantly and Omar present in all populations of
living crganisms. But in his time practically nothing me known 0-the
nature an the elementary units of, hereditary viriation. At present, axe
perimental cenotios has swum' lilted a grott deal of Ka torial:- on hereditary
variation for a.whele series of species of animas, plants and microoraanisme:
We know that 'elementary units of hereditary variation are mutations that
. emorge discretely and eing/y, and after their eisrge'nce are inherited in
accordanoe with the well investigated mochatilasi of the transmission of in.,
herited elementary characters. We know also the natUre. of notatione that can
be subdivided into three basio types:.) ior* rotations, i.e. changes oceurring
in the structure of a dpecific individual gene, b) chromosome natatices, i.e.
changes occurring in the structure of one or sorrerni chromosomes based on
original ruptures or breaking of chromosomes and not necessarily accompanied
by thanges in any individual genes, and c) gown)* mutations, 1..e. changes in
the number of one, several (heteroploidy), or all (polyploidy) chromosome of
a specific. selection. [Begin p.5211
Liven though there is rotatively little probability in each individual
mutative act, in view of the large number of geese and. of the capacity of
breaking intergenic conneotions vrithin the genotype of each species, the total
number of notations emerging in the gametes of cm, generation IS roalitively
large in all, species of living organisms, numbering from single percentages
up to a oouple of tons of percentagei containing some kind of gamete Mutation
per generation. Such putative process occurs in all living organisms, span.
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Trans. A.993
taneouely, i.e. 'without any operatic experimental influeneek from without;
'under the influence of Come shemioal arid physical restore, particularly
'ionising radiation, the pereentnge of the emerging imitations can be notably ?
,inoreased. ? Besides these mutations whieh are a resultant or ohrolososaes
feints!! in !sell nuclei and of the gehes kocated within them, we know of only
one more typo Of hereditary ohnnge -, the sodscalled plastid mutations in
green plants; plastids having i.ta' a Considerable measure autimomy and develop.
ing independently by mane- of extranuoles# formation can, similar to gem],
endure structural alterations that are trannmitted further through inheri?
taus to a chain of progeny or the changed plastid. Any. other type of ex..
tranuolear, long?term hereditary changes or real non.Mendelian.heredity.have
not as yet been eetabliahed'ivith sny -certainty, regardless or a huge *mount
of experbeental !material (perhaps, with the exception of a few individual
interesting mese of cytoplasmic Virus transmission). Some oases of cyto.
plasido inheritance of a series of properties obverved in distant hybridize...
? tion upon exast and long analysis carried out by the method of 'crossing were,
fowls! to be recultant of temporary disharmony between a genotype and
? cytoplasm that were alien to each other; in the course of time the disharmony
yam eliminated as a result or ?binges. occurring in the cytoplasm under the
influence of a genotype that was new to it.
From the above statements it follows that the well known mutativa pro-
cess 10, if not the Only one, then in any case the principal one, quantitatively'
absolutely dominant. source of elementary hereditary changes (Dobrshanskii,
1937; kEller [hiller), 1929, 1940; Reichert, 1939; Morgan, 1932; Timofeev-
Resovskii, 1937, 19404 1943; Schwanitt, 1943; etubbe? 1937, 1938).
9. Elementary hereditary changes *must serve as elementary evolutionary
material. Such changes, as has been said above, are mutations.. Consequently, ,
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(10) Trans. A.995
we met recognise that, the mutations well known to as are elementary
evolutionary materiel.
Certain dementia must be made or the sum total of elementary evolve
tionary material that it met satisfy. These demands include the followings
a) evolutionary materiel met include variations of writ eharacteristies of
a siven specie* of promises; emerging in different directions and with
various degree of pronounced deviations from the original type; b) variants
met, at least in part, have positive or negative selection value, i.e.
they must influentss such general biological properties of organism as
relative viability under specific ?auditions, potential reproduction, sexual
selection and biological isolation. etc.; s) nriatime must occur under natural
condition* and, oonsequently, met be *ordained in various eoneentrations in
natural populations of organisms d) differences between historically
ranged lower taxonomic units met be reduced to various embinations of the
cans variations, while some of the latter met come out upon an independent
evolutionary arena having occupied a specific arca. Degin p.322).
If it were taken into consideration that elementary evolutionary
material is represented practically in its entirety by varieus types of
mutations whieh we knot from experimental genetics, then the demands listed
above should be made of the latter. Further we shall consider the extent
to whisk the mutative process satisfies these demands.
10. A large quantity of natation" found and studied in various
species of animals, plants and mitroorganisme has demonstrated that the
latter could &freest any storphologleal,physiologisal and chemical oheraoteris..
ties that generally are present and vary in a given species. Besides, mw
charaeteristies could deviate very strongly from the original type and
cause clearly patholo&loal oonditions (often lethal for homosygotes), or
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(11) Trans. A.093.
properties tharaoteristio of eupraospebiflo differences, as well as'
coarsely Otable, Pregnantly discernible only with the aid of Opeoial
* methods, quantitative deviations from the original type. They, consequently,
'satisfy fully the first domend. It was demonstrateg in a whole series of
speolil investigations that irarioue mutations can to a noticeable degree
exert influents* upon a relative viability (in a homozygous state sore often.
decreasing it, and in a heterozygous state increasing it), upon produetivity
ann upoti any other general biological property in Organism. at the same
time, their action any vary under different external condition/ and in
co4Anation with various ether mutations. This explain/ the possibility a
carrying out selection. for the purpose if inereasing or decreasing the
degree of profoundness Of any charaeteristics or oombinations in cultural
plants under oontitions of artificial selectIon. Moe intations satisfy
the seeoad of the above?montioned requirements as well.
Iwo more general properties of the mutative process found in all living
organisms must be emphasised. The first one a +toss is that .the maj ority
of mutations occurring in a homosygmi state decreases viability, or produces
even ? lethal effeoti this I. not surprising, since in a harmoniuous system
of any organics., well arranged by natural selection, sudden changes tend
sooner to decrease than to increase its property. This, however, by no means
deprives the sum total of mutations of the possibility of representirt
material for the evolutionary process, but merely decreases the pereentage ?
of mutations that could have been caught up by the flow of natural selsotien.
- The ascend one, a specially important_ property of the rotative procenu found
in all organism_is contained in its *suddenness?, or, in C. Darwin's tormihology,.
"indeterminism". idatations sauce deviations from.the original type in any
'character, in various degrees and in any direction without showing any northo.
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(t2) Want. 11.993
.genloit," or purposeful direotivity; nor does hereditary variation pottese.
any characters of "adequate relations with environment", detpite the feet
that, as Mentioned above, some chemical and physical teeters are capable of
influeneing. quantitatively the percentage of evorciog mutations, sometimes
oven selectively.
11. Apt the becinning of the current century, some biolo,-;ists ad.
vented ah argument agalnst the evolutionary importance of mutatilns to the
effect that mutations really are the artificial product of domestioation
and laboratory conditions, and that they play no role whatever under natural
canditionei even their emergence and presence in natural.popelations beeame
a subject of doubt. With the development of genetics:and the experimental
use ?f an inoreaping number of natural, wild speoiee and farms of animals
and plants, data multiplied on the high degree of the heterozygous nature
of individuale from natural populations on a whole series of mutations knoWn
from laboratory experinenti. Since the middle 20-ties, as a tet.ult of the
olastical we)* by S. (14 Chetverikav (1920) mentioned earlier, speoial in. .
vettigations have teen conducted (4 the method of ihbreedinz; of a larze
blather of tndividual specimens from natural populations) first with Dr000tAili
and:then with a series of other.objecta pogin p.3241) (for the purpote of)
determining the cenetio composition and the degree of heterosygosity of
natural populations by the different nUtations. It 40011.beealli clear Vutt
all natural populations contained the most varied mutations in different
concentrations, in most cases lo W ones) In species centically investi.,
Catad.*most of these mutations wirealready known due to their emergence in
the laboratory.or'in. field experiments.
At present, the analysis of the'genetio composition of the different
natural populations under various conditions and at different times . in
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- (13) Trans. A-995
relation to their sise, territorial dissosiation, physiov?geographioal and
ecological otruiitiens ? comprises ,s? vestal tehetics division population
genetics. Population-genetic exporivonts accompanied by en exact meths.i
matioal analysis of border-line conditions oaf Populatien-dynastios syetesre
are a very important part of the work involved in, the 'study 'of minroevolu.
, ?
tionary processes. At present, in any oases there. is no doubt whatever that
the notetivi'prooliss takes piesi in, natuiv the Came as in a laboratory and
that 'all, espeoially e
1 i
? ..
04 g
.41 :col
"- 14.
Act. fluoresoeno
B. coli
/ .
. IM/
/ '
.. _
- .
? ..
' in ?
. I.
? /
0 ,
- ?
? "
. -
" I
B. proditgiosam
Btayh. aureus
Bad. subtilis ?
fifycob. B..5 .
Beecher. cerovisiae
t7illia anemia
Eporobolemyces philii.
Aspergillua nifter
Vertiollitun dahlia?
Penicillium ehrysozenum
Fusarium solani
,e, '
'Begin p.10]
' If one would proceed from purely morphological and cultural featzres?
Otto could suppose that the species of Globienorin group, (sited here, wore
phylogenetiaally close to each other. And if this were so, then one could
obtain fron them menetypic variants on the basis of purely genetical pro-
misee. This genetical analysis of -cultures was conducted by a method of
? comparison of variants, which were obtained from different exa. aped ortanismn.
In due course we established by this method of ezperimental variability c
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(11) Trans. A?998
relationship among the representatives of bacteria of genus Pseudamervie in
nodulea.forming bacteria and in various grasps of ray fungi aetinoMyeetes,
proaotinowyeetes, woo-bacteria and myeecoocoi (Krasilsnikov, 1930, 1947).
In our researeh we subjected representatives of Act. atreptosvaini,
Act. aciskat.....?rus Act. fluorescems? Act. levorie and Act. vulgar's, to tenetie
analysis. We utilised the Method of shattering the heredity on the one hand
and ?traininz on the other for obtaining variants. In the first case, Qui!.
tures were snbjeoted to the influence of 'special agents ? irradiation with
? ?
tY7 rays, actirsophacy, influence with antibiotics supraeptimal temperature and
others. Variants, which were obtained nepontnneousle without am special
influences, underwent studying also.
In general, we tad ever 130 variants. Among them 73 were obtained
from 10 strains. of Act. ft. 1.:salmsiti...?11. 10 variants from 3 strains of Aot.
globisiorus, 11 variants from 4 strains of .Aat. toxicus 16 variants from
4 strains cd' Act. levoris 9 -variants from 3 strains of Lot. fluorescene (e)
and 0 variants from 3 strains of Act. vulgaris tRegist p.113
Variants of every species were distinguished one from another by the
character of growth of colonies, by the 'hada of color of the aerial sops
colt= (pals yellow, light pale yellow, white or dingy pale yellow, and others)f
the lower part of colonies in some variants was colorliensin- others; brownish,
sometimes reddish-brown or yellowish..brown. name variants' tinted the sub..
stratum into blue color, others into pinkish, brownish-pink or
and simply into a brownish color over the synthetic ;medium SR..?. * "law variants
? The composition of nutrient media R.P, and others was cited in N. Krmaillnikovi
books "Aotinonvcetes*antageniste and antibiotic substancee. Moscow, 1950.
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(12) . Trans. AI-4198 .
remained colorless on all media under different conditions .of growth.
We did not observe any noticeable deviations in the structure of the
myoelium, sporangium and spores during .this research. The usual physio-d.
logical or biochsmical peculiarities also did not change appreciably.: In some
variants only the weakening 4)f this or another enzymatic 'function as noted
liquefying of gelatin, decomposition of attars and forstation of acids, and
some -others.
In some variants the described diverge:lass stood out 'very sharply.
'Without 'knowing the origin, such 'variants could have been taken for separate
Simultaneously with studying the cultural-morrhological and physiologi-
cal properties we also concentrated our attention on the modification of anti-
biotic indicator*. The variants under examination were grown.different
nutrient media 'under various conditions of growth, in a state of rest and on
a rocking device. !Mowing that the costposition of the nutrient [Begin p.121
medium and the conditions'of aeration play the most essential role in the tori.
. mation of antibiotio substanoes, we tested various sources of nuttition
-and of aeration at different degrees.
AS a result of all this research we had variants with different activi-
ties, strong and weak. Among ivanereus variants of Act. stroptomycini there
were strains, which were almost devoid of activity, that gave, under the
best conditions of growth, not more than 5-20 units/al. There were also such
the activity of which surpassed the activity of the initial culture by 6-10
times (table i).
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(Is) 'rano. 4771,0
Table 3.
Activity of the obtained variant* of Let. streptomyoini
in unit 1.
Variants ,
Initial strain
Variant* 88, 265 and others
Variants 510, 625 and others
" 24, 66, 372
Variants 113, 420, 625 and
" . 33, 38, 214 and
Variants 68, n 91, 674
" 306e 896 and others
Similar data were obtained also in variants of. other species of
globisporin group. Decrease of activity in some arta increase in other
varie.nts. The formation of variants with a degreased activity was noted
the more often. Cultures with a high antimicrobio activity were obtained
very rarely.
As it is seen. from the above cited, the antibiotic characteristics of
actinotareetes ,thanged fairly strongly in a quantitative respect. We have
a different picture as to the qualitative changes. egin p.131
? Tests of variants have shown that neither the antimicrobial speotrum,
nor the charsoter of the mutual antagonism have changed. In variants both
were similar to those in the initial cultures.
All the 73 variants of itt strontarTeini had the same antimicrobial
characteristics as the initial cultures (see table 2).
They all inhibited the growth of gram - negative bacteriall B. colt
8. nrodigiostan, Ps. fluorescens, Pe. aurantiscus, and others, and gram-
positive - Staphylococci, sporogenous bacteria, mycobaoteria, including the
tubercular rod, then certain yeast and yeast-like organisms and fungi.
Possessing well expressed antiaotionsycetesi Characteristics, all the 75
variants, as also. their initial strains, did not inhibit the developeent
of their own cultures. They did not mutually inhibit each ?that-. *ter
464-ast...ameamalr.imisirbi,t-sarkek,-(43443, They interacted upon each other as
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(14) Trans. A?998
"otvivti" 'Offspring/of one and the same culture. They all reacted monotypi-
cally to the influences of other species of tOtinoxycetes. In other words,
. all 73 variants, with t great diWersity of cultural peculiarities displayed
antibiotic, characteristics, charsotirof antagonism in the WO way as the
typical initial Culture (table 1.).
The same data were obtained also in variants Of other species of globi,
sporin group. All 16 variants, obtained from 5 strains of,Act. globisporue
differed noticeably culturally, but did not dhange either the antimicrobial
speotrua. or the character of the mutual intraspeciflo and-interspecific anta-
gonism. Al] the 18 variants, as one, inhibited the growth of those bieteria,
yeasts and fungi as did thi 3 initial strains, or as their typical re-
presentative (table 2).
we did not notice any qualitative deviations from the initial strains
in antibiotic characteristics of 11 variant* of Act. begin p.141 toxicus,
of 16 variants of Lot. levoris and of 8 variants of Act. fluoreicens.
We used the method of induced mutability or the directed method in
order to change the antibiotic characteristics in aotinomyoetes of a given
group. In one of the series of experiments the cultures Act. streptomycini
were asegttlis the filtrate of different variants of Act. globispotus, Act.
toxicus and Act. levoris.
The length of treatment of filtrates differed from 10 hours to 1.5 menthe.
Cultures were kept at room temperature. at 25' C or 37?C.
In another series of experiments we used phages as weotors for the trans-
forming substance. There are indications in literature about the fact thtt
individual phages have the ability to transport the transforming substance
trots one culturo to another. As a result, the receiving strain acquires the
properties of the leading strain. Such changes were described for strains
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(15) Trans. 4-998
B. soli - IC-12 rith the assistance of the.special tage (lambda).
Sermonti (1957) observed similar changes in actinomycetes under the
influence of special actinophages. A colorless variant of Act. ooelicolor.
after an injection with a phage, just obtained from the initial pigmented
culture, gave colonies of a darkAlue 'color, which was peculiar to the basic
tattle/. culture,
We utilised '19 differobt aotiriophages in.our experiments. Among them
there were some characteristic (monovalent, which affeot only the tested
actinomycetes) and some non-charaoteristic fbr the utilised cultures (poly--
valent phagis). [Begin p.15]
During experiments of both series, we influenced 15" different culture*,
which belong to 3 speoiess 8 cultures of Act. 'streptomycin!, 4 strains Act.
? globispbrus and 3 strains Lot. levoris.
? Results of our experiments were negative. We did not succeed in changing
the character of antibiotio "roperties in tested strains either by treat-
mint with filtrates of leading cultures, or by phagous corpuscles. We hid.
variants, as in the preceding experiments, which differ considerably from
the initigi Strains in cultural and certain phyeiologioal properties. ?here.
were many forms, which were characterised by aotivity. But not in one single
case could we obtain variants which would be qualitatively different in
antibiotio properties. We did not observe such kinds of changes in actino-
mycetes after whioh the new forms would synthesise a new antibiotic, that
was inappropriate to the initial culture. All variants of Act. streptomycin/
synthesised streptomycin or globisporin. From' variants of Act., levoris we
obtained only slevorinff t,ut no other eztibioties.
Neither were antibiotic properties qualitatively changed in any other
species of the globisporin group. Antibiotic substances, which are peculiar
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(18) Trans. 4-998
to Act. toxious, Act. vulFaris, Act.elabisporns or Act. fluoresoerts? re
mained ?unohanged in their variants. Only the intensity of their formation
and of their accunulation in the medium were sheared.
Consequently, the ehharaeter of antibiotic properties appenre to be
a hereditarily securely fixed1 extrenely? stable feature. In the sem* way as
the morphologioal character of spored.bearing (structure of sporangia and ot
spores) the ability to synthesise characteristic antibiotics did not change
qualitatively under external influences and under different oonditions of
the growth of producers. 'Begin T1.163
The described stability of antibiotic properties is not a special ease
for the globispnrin group. The hereditarily fixed stability, in relation to
synthesis of specific antibiotics, was observed by us in other groups of aotino-
myoetes s in gray forms of Act. grisinus. white - Lot. albus, pigmented - Act.
violeoeue, Lot, ooelicolor, Act. aurentiacus.
The stated material gave us the basis to consider that; I) specific
antibiotic substancse appear as a very stable hereditarily transferrable
charaoteristio. This feature is more stable than the ability to synthesis*
many other metabolites; 2) antibiotics are extremely specific,, and by their
character they determine the eharacter of interaotion of microbe*, which
produce then. Owing to these peculiarities the mierobe-mnte.gonists, which
fora the specific antibiotics, can be well differentiated and reoognised;
5) antibiotic.., as a specific, biologically effective feature, !oust be utilised
in systematies of aotineetycetes, and, perhaps, for all microorganisms also;
4) the feature under consideration, nevertheless, is appropriate only in
oonju.notion -4th basic, morphological, cultural and physiological oharaeteristios.
It cannot be used as a basis feature; E) antibiotics and the ohmmeter of anta-
gonism must be accepted an a secondary, very exponential specific feature only
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(17) Trans. JVW110
for.tha subdivision of morphologically and culturally similar groups of
microbe-antaganists. (*.gin p.17t
Albert A.,' Nature, v. 172. 1953, N4370, p.2014 Biochem. J., v.54, 1953, p.297.
Krasilonikov, N. A., Ray fungi'and organisms related to them, 1938. Moscow.
Kraailenikov. N. A., Key to ray fungi. .1941. Moscow.
KratiPnikov, N. A.. Roy to bacteria and actinompates. 1949. Moscow..
Krasillnikov, N. A., Concept about a spools* in bacteria. Shurnai obshdhei
biolOgii, vol. 8, 1947, no. 1.
Irasillnikov, W. A., AotinamySetes antagonists and antibiotic substances.
1950. Moscow.
? Krasilfniko*, N. A., About fntrao and interspecifio antagonism in micro-
organisms. MU SUR. Now series, v. 77, 1951, no. 1.
Krasillnikov, N. t., Intra- and interspeoifiO antagonistic interrrelation in
mioroorganiams. Uspekhy sovremennoi biologii, v. 31, 1951, no. 3.
Krasillnikov, N. A. About classification of aotinomyeetes, which produce
antibiotics. Trudy Meshdunarodnogo kimposiuma (1-7 Feb. 1)5511956, '
Warsaw. Trudy 1-go Soveshohaviia pa aatibiotikam v Mosk:m (1955/1957
Krasillnikov, N. A., Koreniako, A. T., Skriabin, G. K.. and Vikitima, M. K. ,
. About the character of interspsoific antagonism as a principle for
recognising and subdividing 'spool's in microorganisms. DAN SSSR.
v. 77, no. 4.
Koraniako, A. I., and Rikitina, N. T., Report at the Second All -Union Conference
on Antibiotics in May of 1957.
Kuchaeva, A. 0., Report at VI' second All-Union Conference on Antibiotics in
May of 1957.
(Begin p.181
Ven!shikov? G. P., and Rubinshtein. M. M., Isolation of a new antibiotic
"longosporin" and examination of its chemical nature. Lhurnal Obshchei
Khimii, vol. 26, 1956, 2035.
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?, AQJ 1 ? Mum ? ?.?
Semouti, G.. and Spada-Sermonti, I., J. Goner. zierotiol.$ v IF. 19F61
W4091 *tuns, v. 176$ 1966, p.141.
ahnor, H. und 1tt1ithor L. hur Systematik der Antinomyostea. Aroh. f
/11kroblo1.$ lid. 26, nr7? 3.307.
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Oillarov, M6 8.
tsforsatsiia ob ergaelsatsii nitsionallnago
komiteta Sovetskilttbiologev.
tInfornatien oft the organisation of the
National Committee of Sovist
1188R. Minister:two Aryeshego Obrasovardia.
*oohs,. doklal, Tysehei Shkely. Riolog.' -
*mkt, ita* $o p.1934.194, 1942. (lot is 714. Library)
(in Russian)
(In full)
The taternitiona/ Union of Siologisal Golemoos esc found/id during the
period fran the year Me to 192$1 nee it is ineluded in the International
411 Couecil of Seisntifie Voiems,ehieh unifies iniornationat ustions of various
fields of felons*. The Toternational Union of Biological seieseee somusted
12 sossions of the General Assembly, sines the tins of its foundation.
Meadomies of soienes, national soientiflo.prosearek 00enoilosand op/Delany
forged matiooll oommitteos of about MO governments are moMbors of this Union
and take part in its financings
The Union at the present time ineludos several Emotions botany.
biology of the oell, apology, entomology, embryolorf, biometry, genetioss
limnelogy and niordbirlogy. It forms also the solontiflo?ressarob 00emlo.i
slow, for inetanee, Commission on Applied Zoology end COMMUSIOK on a
Siologleal Method for the Control sr Posts.
The Union of pielogisal Saloom also takes part in the aotivities of
unitod ooasdasions, consisting or reprosentativos of unions of different
410 fields of alliance, founded by the International Council of Scientific Unions
(for instaoco? on oseenography, eleotron mieresoopy, radiobiology).
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(2) Trans4 Ac999
Tb, International Union of Biologist So tress Suppertid and even
foundod solentificeiresearoh ostabliehmento" which gavewaitto seiontists
of ail countries. Such are tho Naapolitan Zoologisal Station" Rtyo.
logical Isatorstory in Uttwoht, international Organisation of Miernoopie
?monitions in /tattle' 001Intion of Oulturos of tioroorgenisas Sod
Wild Spode* of trosephilA, International Nutt of ikumutterodity it
Coponhagen and other'
The Union of Siologisal Soioncos ?pointed a arise of international
amnia in different titan of Noros. Asia and Awls's' the /Spate of
which wares rote of mieroelomento in the physiology of plants' botanical,
homenclatare, intonation of gametes' growth' dovolopmont and origin of
the nervous system, gentile and eytelogleal tomenclaturo, physiological Sod
grotto praline of esbryologye biochemistry and morphognesis, @Minis
of insects with mieroorganisme, role of antorobes in stun" Soology of
plants ander arid conditions" and *therm.
Rosining with thi year 194T, the Onion Si millers& Map it the or*
ganisation of intormationil engrosses for sciences of its profile (ecolegis.
cal" ontomolOgical, betides', microbiologioal" and othors)s
The Union. his in view tho 'conducting of annual conventions (*Ors than
two a star).
An important prOblca of the Union is the maiming of help during
publications of oatalegun of varietios in National Mesas (1 list of tick
vanities hos bon published); it has pros-rod for publication lista of
soologiete and of genetieiets (list of betas,* was patina& in t964)
Works of thcloUrnetional Committoe on inlogioal" Naotorielogioal and Notanie.
cal Nosonolature were published with tho help of the Vnion?
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(S) Trans. 6490
In acoOrdenes with deeisint of the Presidium, the Mildew Of
SCUM' of USSR, personified by the Section of Biological Sciesses, has
alio booms a meter of the Internatienal Union of lielegleal Soiseces tins,
the year 19660
A SUOMI Coemittee of Soviet Biologist' Si formed for development
and strengthening of oonneotions of Soviet biologist* with etrioue inborn
national scientifie organinntions of biologists; it unites solentifie
worker' of seientifie.researoh inetitutesi and universities, as well as
dtvtdust Soviet soientists, whemork in the field of biology.
Different SOOtiOOS are represented in the Committee in conformity
with the etrueture of the International 'Union of Biological Sciences.
Ii the field of botany:
1. General botany (Aeademicilatf. W. Subachev, Institute of Forest
Industry Studies (Ifni of the Academy of Science, LW, OUR, Treponekto,
*woos ?bleats). -
S. Systematics (B. R. Shishkin Botanical institute of the Academy of
Science, USSR, loningend);
B. Anitemy Ohd morphology of plants (V. 04 AlOsandrov# Botanical
Institute of Alr? Melo Leniograd).
Phytiology of plant* (P. A. Genkeli, Institute of Physiology of
Plant, of 416 USSR, Mosecw). fliegin p.104).
6. Osobotaky (14 P. Korot, *scow).
6. PhytopathoRegy (11. S. Dubin, Timiritmnrigriaultural Academy,
?. baleobotegy 4i. L. Takhtadshian, Botanist% institute of AS, USSR,
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(4) ?MO, A*99$
S. History of Utak, (P. A. Barnum, Botenioal Institute of Al,
USSR, Laningred).
9. Neology of Pleats (0.?. ielenshiii, Botesioal Institute 0434 UM,
2n the field of noolery.
1. General neology (Aosdendalaa H. H. Pimlovektis Zoological ISItitaittill
of Al. Mito Leningrad).
S. Hatosolocy (0. ia. Reidtionke, teelegieal Institute of Al, USSR,
teningrads 111. S. eillerfro Loftin!' or ilorphology afkaimals OAT, USSR,
X. Rehryeiogy Asterevo Institute of Morphelogy of AMISia* of
Al, MSR, NOSOWNS 11. P. ?Oki*, laniagred State University).
4. %oleo of Ands (i. I. Feressovo tomtits* of Geography at
116 01514 leoeve).
Tit other fields of biolAW
. 1. Nineties (N. P. Dubin*, tnotitute of liophysles of Al, USSR, MINNOWS
I. I. Xashdin, Institute of Gonsidss 01J, ussl, mos000).
1?; laerebtOlOgy *sheath** Inotitute if illorebioloa or mr,
Thelasselogy (P. V. Ushahev, Zoologleal Xsatibtts of Al, UM*
Lesingrads L. A. 2onkovieh6 Institute of Oesaselocy Oil* MR, lbseow).
4. iinstelegy (IL S. Gievehtia, Inoryhvies (Inseew Tsohnloal institute
of nth Industry and Fisheries (Weal As LI altelab)11 la. V. Pell,
Auto of Hydrobiology of Al, Ukrainian $U, Hire).
V. Mr. ihaboabovvis approved ee Chairmen or the Committees I. S.
Oilierer ea a Bsientifis Seerotary.
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[0i 111111II ? Morn
At the organisational minims of the Committee L. A. Senkrvioh
&men as VieesChairmass sad S. N. Pcvleveklis P. A. Mr ov L S.
Oseverilas X. S. Wein and S. P. gory/visas members of the Presidium of
the ceem4ttoo.
The Committee feces primary tasks, whisk ars esmnooted with the
eireulation of data in contrive *broad about the development or biology
in USSR, with the preparetion of measures for tee partioipation by Soviet
biologists in foreign (international aid metiomal) *ingresses, with the
enlisting or foreiga scientists for.taking part in bielogioal esurrentions
and senterenoes in the Soviet Vision. The Committee at inform the Soviet
seientifio *este* about the work of internatioeal and national organisations
of biologists and help in the development of book esehasges between the
Soviet and foreign. biologisim.
Vatioaal Committee of Soviet Siologists is attaohed to the Bastion of
Siologleal, Selene,* of AX 6 =BR.
The address of the Committee iss Ilieseees S-0714 lesinskii Prospekts ST.
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(zo tun)
Courses for seed greweruagronemiste.
Nakamura vol. 2, no. 6, p.$0.
June 1957. 69.1 XP$.
(In Russian)
Over two thousand seed growieg farms (kolhhesee and sovkhoses) grow
seeds of double interlinear, varietplisear and intervarietal earn hybrids.
In order to increase the oualifioatisee of seed grever..agronomists of these
farms, permanently funetiesisg study esurees were organised at the4111.Union
Selentifie?aosearth Institute of Cern in Deeprepetrovsk, ie sonformity with
the decision of the ISIC of IOU [Control Coomitteo et the Communist Pattfl
and the Conseil of Ministers of VIM *About measures for transfer of hale
hhoses and sovhhoses to planting **amyl.* hybrid seeds.' Speolallets fres
sited growing farms of the Issolasroderotioaset the Ukraine, lasakhsbin,
CoorgianSSR, Armenia, 5serhal3as, Voldavis, Vibek Tadshihstan and tirghis
651 aro studying here.
The key Otos in the progrimn of the *purses was given ever to the
seleetion sad seed growing or sera, to the aohievenents of the Soviet and
foreign solostion seldom.. The prOhlems fon meshanisation, sultivation and
harveetisg, mummies and organisation of growing hybrid own seeds are studied'
in detail.
The students of the sours.s bosom sognainted is detail with the *rotes
of fertilisers is orop rotation, with prinsiples of building up crop rotations
and the plump or cern in them, aloe problems of plant nutrition.
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(2) Trans. A*1000
A largo section of the program is se4ie4 by the seed*sontrol Job, by
methods for determining the qualities at seeds. Fusdamentals in drying,
salibration and storing or seeds are also gives. Leetures about measures
for the control of weeds, diseases and pests of seri are also oendsetul; Is
laboratories the seed grower*agrememiste simey methods for detsrminktiom
of the quality of les said material.
Orer four hundred agronomists have already received their training
at these esurses. lquipped with knowledge they will strive with a still
greater energy for a fundamental improvememt if cora said growing and trine*
for of kelkhesse and sevkhoses to its plantiegwith hybrid seeds.
Title of figure 1.
Title of figure 2.
A group of seed-grewer-agreasmists studyiag seed
graying solosee.
Seed grewer*agramemisis derives studies in the
phytepathelegy laboratory.
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?TIMM. iloo
8o1weev. 8. P.
Proisvoistvo gihridnykh soda kukurasyv 883X
!Production of hybrid corn seeds in 883Il
Tessoiesn. Obohoh. pe Resprostramenitt relit. t
Inuoh. Znanii !Iroshiury?Itenegrammy
ler. 8A, (Geliskekhos. Ber.) 4, 3Ip* 1988 20 1191,
(in Russian)
Table of Goatitate
Certeill ilkroleatiOn 0 Ora ktibria* Page 4
Produotion of Ilybrii 00,111 4100411 in ?12
Rasta peoulbtrities of growing hybrid corn mods 19
The Soviet people are putti vitt groat enthusiasm the
measures *Mob were projeoted by the Party and the Government for 0. sharp
rise in agriculture. for 4 total inerease in grain yields and, ia the Out*
put of animal husbandry products. kmovement ha* developed around the
eountry for serryineout the most imporiemt problems, 'Molt wore *et out
by TeX of.088 !Central Committee Of the Communist Partylr to over-tskm the
034. in tho next few years in tho produotion of meat, milk and bettor per
head of the population.
Corn to the most important reserve for the ingress* of grain produo-
tion, as well as of sucoulent and green fodder for eattle. IR ocapliance
with the resolution of the January Pion= of the TOL IPS3 (1958) the kol?
khosee and scythes'', of the eountry have oonsiderably widened the area for
planting of this crop. Corals,. **espies a substantial plea+, in sgrioul*
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(2) Trans. A*10tat
Ural production in almost ell region' of the country. The kolkhoses end
sovishosos have considerably etrengthened the fodder has., inereased the
productive ability of cattle sod raisod the output of prodoots of *Alma
husbandry, especially of milk, odes to this crop. Obdo4hte41y, the ti?
portant,* of corn will increaso with every year.
During the past ',oars, arca* for corn plantings in baste regions of
its cultivation for &rein has increased, so mush that its widening can be
carried out only on an issignifteent seal.: Therefore, the rise of product*
tion of corn must proceed, first of all, along the line of raising the yielding
oapaoity of this crop.
It Is known, that corm, unlike aiy other crop, possesses vast potential
possibilities. It resets extremely woll to the stepping up of agroteekelos
in its cultivation, to tho introduction of organic and mineral fertilisers,
to the conduetimg of irrigations in arid rogions and by its high yields it
mays, with intim% the resources *pont on its growing.
As data of soientifio-researeh institutions show, as well the loading
import.*** of kalkhosos and sovkhoses, a considerate inst.-ease it the
yielding capacity of corn atm** achieved through planting this crop with
hybrid seeds. Llogin p.43
less testings of varieties end hybrids of corn, whisky.** oonduotod
during the coarse of maey years it the Stet* variety test plots, havo shown
that planting corn with seeds of the best double ieberlinoar, end Utility
saw also varietrolinear hybrids of the first generation, increases the
yield by 2040 percent when eamparid with plantings of rogionelisted varieties.
Taking into consideration the importance of transfer of kolkhoses and
sotekhoses to planting corn with hybrid seeds, the nth Congress of the Cam?
moist Party of the Soviet Onion has pointed out the neeessity ea* organise
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(1) Traits. A?1001
sation of production of ktbrid seeds of this sr" on a wile seal,.
Certain ird'ormation on earn bribride
Those organisms are 'ailed hybrids, whisk were obtained as a result of
smiling of toms whisk differ one tree another, emeanding to their heredity.
Biologioal Scions* has long ago established an important regularity, whish
eonsists of the fast that the offspring, obtained from crossing sarelaised
individeals, or those grew* water differing oonditions, in contrast to
their parental forms adept themselves better to new oonditions of life.
These offspring differ (in the first generation) by a more vigorous growth
IM dirrelepsent, by an inereased vitality and productive eapasity that is,
? they give rise to heteresis, as it is oustemary to *all this peeuliarity.
This method of hybridisation, whisk produses an bureau in the vigor
of plants of the first generation of hybrids, has been known for a long
tire. reser MsPreiter, Assistant of Beta', at the Russian Amber, was
the first in the year 1760 to dissever this pheammenes. later on this
'nestle* of obtaining and utilisation of plant hybrids was developed in
detail ia the teashing of the great Russian selsotioner ? traneformer of
nature, I. T. Vishurin.
In 1$76, Willie* Bill eendusted the first experiments on wrossitsi
two varieties of corn at the Xiehtgan Experimental Station (n).
IA our sentry the first works on the studies of hybrids of corn re?
late to the year 1010. They we're bogus by the famous Russian scientist
V. T. Talanov at the fields of the Experimental Station of the former
Ilk Ikaterineelay district. The yield of seeds of corn JOAO Grusbevelsila X
leasing in the first generation proved to be higher on the average, by 5.1
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(4) Treas. 14001
eentners per hectare than of the Orushevshila variety sad byl *outliers
higher than of the lemelig variety. The vegetative period of the hybrid
was isternediate between the two parental verieties.
Preduetien of hybrid seeds of sets b* with a elople imbervartstal
grossing or twomest eueoessfully selected, for the *peals natural eon.
intones varieties of this crop. Nogta p.43
Nevertheless, as experiments have Shows* the possibility of obtain*
*Aswan yielding eonbisations of intervaristal hybrids is eemparatively
Neseerehhes shown that best results ars obtained free erossimg varies
ties whisk belong to differ's* botanisal groups. Is the experiments or
Aeadeniolan3. P. Sokolov the highest yield was produeed by hybrids, the
parents of whioh were the best varieties of different botanical groups, regiona-
lised for the givma sone.
Further research has shown, that the highest increase in yield of
corn is produced by teak hybrids in the formation of which take part not
only armlety, but also a self-pollinated line, or several self-pollinated
What than is represented by a self-paltsabed line et cora and why to
it so widely utilised for Obtainieg hybrids of this crop?
Owe belongs to cross-pollinating pleats. Owimg to such a method of
pollination the plants of the common variety of cern are very heterogeneous
in their hereditary composition. tut this heterogeneity of the hetditary
composition of the variety, as a rule, does met come through sharply as
long as (kora is reproduced by the usual method.
110 Nevertheless, one can form, a corn plant to become pollinated with its
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ownpollen. For this purpose the fel. inflprescence (the sir of cora) and
the male inflorescence (the tassel) are covered Op by insulators before
flowering; when blooming begins the insulators are removed and the pollen,
which belongs Only to the plant *question is traasforred to the ear of
corn, ater that the finale inflorescence is again covered by the insulator.
If the meads, obtained fro, each oaf-pollinated plant, are planted into
separate rove, than each roi of plants will :differ fron,the initial variety
in M great number of economic and botanical properties. If a forced oak. .
pollination is conducted for eeveral generations, than the so...coned cielff.,
pollinated lime are obtained, ihiCh produce similar descendants.
The first generation of the self-pollinated corn plant Shows a sharp
diereses in the growth.of plants, reduction in the siae of corn ears end of
'the atount of cited* on thes4 as well as of the weight of geode. During
further repeated selfpollinatioas the productivenese continues to &create,
although not to such a degree as during the first year.
After 4-5 times of repeated self-pollination the yielding capacity of
self-pollinated lines decreases by 30-50-, and mere, percent eompired to the
.yielding capacity of the original variety from which these lines were-de-
At first sight it may Use that such weakened plants, which are obtained
es a result of forced /Begin p.6/ self-pollination, are not of my value.
Nevertheless, this is not so. Science and practical works have proved that
crossing of anteleted in origin self-pollinated lines produces hybrids which, '
when compared with the initial lines always are characterised by highly
increased productivity sad viability.
Further crossing of such, specially salsoted'intadinearhybrids
produces.doUble interlinear hybrids, which also are characterised by in,
'dressed vitality and yielding capacity.
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Trans. A-lool
Special Oroseings are conducted in soientifiosireseareh institutions
in order to detest the most favorable combinations ,of self-pollinated.
lines. The, thus revealed, valuable lines compOss then the initial ma-
terial, whisk the seleotioners use for the production of hybrids, that are
outstanding in productivity end other properties.
The following corn hybrids are distinguished, depending on the initial
for wl taken tbr crossing.
Simple and double interlinear hybrids. Simple interlinear hybridi,
as it was already indicated, are Obtained fro* crossing two self-pollinated
? lines. Owing to the fact that for obtaining seeds of simple hybrids there
La required a great number of seeds of selfuvollimatedliens; they are.
not used ter mammal plantings, but are utilised al parental Awns for
growing double interlinear hybrids,
In order'to grow seed. of a dbuble interlinear hybrid one Should
first obtain two simple hybrids from different silt-pollinated lines, and
then, next year, arose these hybrids with each other. ftbrid seeds, obtained
as a result of such grossing, are the amide of the first generation of
double interlinear hybrids. "
Production of a goed double interlinear hybrid is a prolonged and
oomplieated process, akida is aceomplished in scientific-research institutions.
? It consists in developing and *electing the best self=poilinated lines; in
? producing highly productive simple hybrids by means of selection and crossing
of lines; and, finally, in selection of the hest awkinations of two simple
hybrids for obtaining a high yielding double interlinear hybrid.
A diagram for obtaining simple and double interlinear corn hybirds
? is aboun on page T.
As it has already been pointed out, double interlinear hybrids of corn
of the fitst generation are characterised by a particularly high Yielding
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(7) Trans. A-1001
capacity. This is explained by the fast that several lines take part in
their Ibrmation; these sake then more resistant to various unfavorable
conditions of growth, as well as to diseases and posts. levertheless,
one Should point out that not all /Begin p.7/ the interlinear hybrids are
highly productive. Sighky productive hybrids are obtained only after a
suooessful selection of pairs. The best doable interlinear hybrids have
been regionalised by the Slate Commission on Variety Testing of Agrieel-
taral Crops for various sones of the country.
Diagram for obtaining a doable interlinear hybrid
27a3.4) I
'a /rale I
Ilelf-palciinatad S5117po114nated tad Self- lasted
I Lim no. 26
\ /lin. n.. 2? line no. 28
\4 ...% ; / no. 29
Sispeissaattrlinsar hybrid I Simple ale rear hybrid
\ ( ii)
laskra" *Ideal',
Double interlinear hybrid
(first generation)
wirlit no. 2 511
Varietr-linear ftrids are obtained after missing the common regiona-
lised variety with a self-pollinated line or hybrid of self-pollinated lines
(see diagram an page 8).
Prodaction of a varietrainear hybrid also is a long and complicated
process as it is connectcd with development of a self-pollinated line and
with the work of correct selection of parental foals, in which rest the
valuable hereditary qualities.
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Trani. *Alma
The variety?linear hybrids, thich wre developed until the preelmit
tLie, have a lower yielding cacsoity than double interlinear hybrids. Vito
of late, e new variety-linear hybrid tokovinakil 3 we regicsallied for
commercial plantings, which predates a yield siallar to any of datable
latervaristal hybrids are obtaised as a result of *moist two com-
mon regionalised varieties (see the diagram). Aegis p.8/
Mamma for obtaining a variety4inear hybrid
Despropetrovek 8elf-pellinated line
emr.sheriikairt 380'
Hybrid (first generation)
This is the simplest and the fastest method for obtsiaing hybrid
cora seeds. bet the hybrids, obtained as the result of nob crossing,
extend in yield the usual regionalised varieties only by 640 percent.
Diagram for obtaiaing an interwariet.1 hybrid
"Toroneshekaia 76
Nab Hale
*Menke &at cora-1130'
Itybrid (tint generation)
tlforkeviseicii 1*
As research has shown, crossing of two varieties, which sharply differ
? in vegetative periods, in the first generation produces hybrid., which
ocoupy an inteneediate place between the parent., and which, nasally, more
often appreaoh the early-ripening variety and rarer the late-ripening.
Initain n-97
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(9) Trans. A-1001
Table 1.
Tielding capacity of various corn hybrids and of the common regionalised
Oa 1\
?SACOOTO1D$ 'GO UOTAt Or OTASO variety zest
Average yield of grain
Excess of hybrid
yieldi over region*.
? ? used varieties
in' fibs
in %
. 26.9
Odesskii 1
26.8 -
25.0 .
Bukovinskii 1
f ariet7-line ar t
Doeprovskii 2
Yrasmodarskii 4
Bekovinakii 2
' 57 .
Bukevinskii 3
Double interlinear a
46.8 -
Bybrid populations
Krasnoderskaia 17,145
Footnote. idaen compiling yielding capacity tables of hybride and varieties
at the variety test plots the most highly yielding varieties for the given
region were taken for ?caparison.
Intervaristal hybrids vent often ?cow a seediest place, compared to
the parental varieties in the height of plants and "saloshenie" /setting?/
of sirs, ns well as in the .numher of barren plants, in the resistance to
disease, in the yielding of stalks. /Begin p.10/
One should point oat, that the greatest inerease in yield of grain
compared with the common regienalised varieties are produced by double in-
terlinear hybrids (with the exception of the new variety-linear hybrid
Bukovinskil 3); next in the die of increase of the yield, come tbs variety-
linear, and, finally,- the intervarietal hybrids (see table 3.).
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(10) Trans. A-1001
In 1957, under State variety testing there were, la oar sountry, n3
oors hybrids of the native and foreign *elections included in them were:
141 double interlinear, 20 - varistr-linear end 22 interverietal hybrids.
At the present tine the &tote Committee on Variety Testing has regiona-
lised for various ?blast, and krill& of the sountly 26 morn hybrids, among
thee 10 double interlinear, 7 nriatrainear opt 9 Interroristal hybrids,
and besides this oele hybrid population (toblo 2).
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?Table 2.
Double Interlinear yeti
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
Ift) ?rms. A.1001
v 440
v IR.63
v R,43.7
Eraenadaraidi $
linkevineldi 2
ltektridnekii 3
Doeprovikii 2
Simple hybrids
Variety Vo
Variety Olorlia
Variety Whit* Dent Thar.
? inter
$imple hybrid,
Varietrainear tbdds
Self-pollinated linleObermovitekeia 21!
Self-pollimated Ui. VIE-hir
Self-pollinated lime Orushevekala 00
Kuban Experimental Station of
VIE filllon Imetitute of
Plant Industry/ and lioldavien
beientitio-Essearek !Istituto
of Apioultsre.
Men Experimental Station VIE
$1114 Severo-Osetinekli State ?
Agricultural Experimental Statist
Nubian Experimental Station *X
Kahan Experimental Statioa VIE
and Damodar Ssiestifie-Re-
search Agrisultaral Institute
the else
reheat Experimental Station of
YX and Zakerpatsk Oblast,
Agrioiltural Experinental
Islam Experimental Station of
lie same
a a
Stasmodarek Seientifie-Sisiersh
Imetitate if Agriculture.
Chermevitekeia Ste Agrieul-
tural Eeperiment Station
The same
All-theion Seloatitic-lesearoh
Corn Institute
(Teas cont. on next page)
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(12)1, Trans. A4001 ID
Table 2(omat.)
$ane of hybrid
Deeprov skit. 56
Irasnodarskii 4
Bakovinikii 1
Dneprevskii 3
[Begin pa2j
Odesskii 1
data 1/49
Maternal fora
Simple hybrid Iskra
Varier Kinsesota 13 extra
Variety Sterling
Varlarty Dnepropetawskaia
Variety Deepropetrovsksia
Variety Voronesbakaia 76
Variety voreneskakais 76
Variety Mite Dent Shari-
Variety White Dent Mae-
Variety Asepropetrevskaia
Variety Beebe
Variety Itinnesot* 13 extra
Variety Khershovekaia 23
Paternal fens
Variety Severodakotakaia
Ar mkt* scientific -researoh iastitute
it use developed
All ...Olden Scientific-Research Go
Self-pollinated line 0ruabevskais 380 The sane
Krasnodar Sellentitio.Researeh Iastituto
of Agriculture.
Self-pollinated line deralbevekais 3801AllAkeiram Scientino-Seseareh Cara .
Interlinear hybrid Kraanodarskii 3
Intervarietal Hybrids
Variety hosenobehekala 41
Variety zubovikpaia 3135
Variety White Dent Kbarkevekaia
Variety Severodakotakaia
Variety Veronesbaken 76
Variety Orasheveksia Odeseksia
Variety Voronethakeia 76
Variety Oreshevekais
Variety Voronesheksia 76
Hybrid populations
Offspriag of idxture of seeds of four interlinear hybrids
Kmihyabev State Agrieultural Maperinent
Chernovitak State Agricultural Saperi-
Rent Station.
Veronesh Agrieultural ixperineatel
All-Saioa Selentine-Researeh Dorn
Institute. rate
Rostov Iaspecui of the State Cemaittee
Variety Twain of Agricultural Plan
All-Unica Seimatifie-BeseazPob Selection-
Osmotic Institute.
Ukrainian Scdentifies-Desearob Institate
of Agriculture.
Nectar Inspectorate of the State Cam-
matte. on Variety Testing of Agricul-
tural Plante.
Kharskev Iaspestorate of the State Com-
mitts* on Variety Testing of Agricul-
tural Plots.
IKrasnodar Sonatina-Research Institute
of Agrioviltere.
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?13) Trans. At/WM&
It is neoessazy to point out, that the majority of hybrid* of eorn,
regionalised a% the present time, produce high yields of grain, Ail, in
the yield of green mass they, as a rule, do not surpass the mama regions,.
lisedvszleties. *widest eon hybrids were =trot created for any regions
of the country.
That is why the most important problem of the niestifie-researOb in-
stitutions is the production, in the next few years, of such cora kybrids for
various regions of the countzy, whisk would surpass the Gomm varieties not
only in the yield of pain, toCt also in the yield of groom mass.
Production of bybrid con seeds in USSR
Data of misses and prseliee show that eorn hybrids predace high yields
only in the first geseration, and ftrther on their yielding capacity is
sharply reduced (see table 3).
From the cited data it is seen, that after planting hybrid seeds of
the amend generation the productivity of seeds is sharply 'advised /aegis p.13/.
and appnximalWes the yielding 'spotty of the ?omen regimaalised varieties.
Therefore it is necessary for +commercial plantings, annually, to grow
hybrid corn seeds of the first generation, whin are ons of the most Loper.
tent reserves in the raising of the produativity of *is crop.
Iblkheses and sovkhoSes require hybrid seeds in all the regions of
corn anitivatiom for grain. lielmalheless, up to recently the ergmaisation
of prodactien of these seeds was poorly adjusted.
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WO ? Trans.
Table 3.
Productivity of seeds of cern *ben planting hybrid seeds a the first and
MC MCI genoraw.on j, wocoraing
co am Or MIL110 ? arms/ MSS new.
lype of hybrid
lame of8
Mean yield of
Deviation, of theylati of'
hybrid of the second gene-
13.0 41i g
A ,
4.(ci: 4.
104 t
i g t
Q z 1
tonlicol '
ii.e -
Aybrid corn seeds vera aroma in very small 'quantities on the initiative
of leaders and agricultariste of individual farms. Only individual seienbLOo.
researih.institutions were occupied with the production of seeds of self-
pollinated linos; they, altogether, grew only ilightly over 15 oentners of
sua seeds. lotaithstanding the groat soonest() value of corn, there was
not one selentific-research Institution lathe country, which meld direst .
the work of selection and sapertment stations on this crop and render than
methodleal and practical help. The necessary control forth* gra/atm( of
hybrid corn moods in kelkheies and sovkhosee vas also absent. Plantings of
corn with hybrid mods of the first generation occupied insignificant areas.
Is 1955, may 115 thousand hector's were planted to Ulm seeds, or about
one percent of the totill area of corn plantings.
' In order to quicker and better organis* the work of seed greying of
hybrid corn seeds. the Central Committeo of the Communist Party and lks
Soviet of Ministers of WU on the lit of Marek, 1956. adopted /login pah/
.a resaution 'About measures for switching the kolkhoses and eovkhoses to
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(15) Trans. A-100I
plantings of corn with hybrid seeds: ATMs resolation established an order
and plans for prodestioe ofbybrid cora seeds in the Vnionse republics before
the pad of the Sixth Vive4ear-Plan; it created intoreetedness ie seed
growing farm for growing and delivering each seeds to the State; it pro-
vided for construction of special plants for treating sore seeds as well as
for other options.
At the present tin. great Stats inportanoe is attached to the growing
of e)rn seeds. Deems of scientific-research institations and thousands of
leading kolkhoses and sovkhoses were ettraeted to this work.
The soieatifie-rasearah institutions are **basis (primer') link*
in the oYotmo of mood growing. Taking this into consideration acoording
to a resolution of the Osverament, the A11-0iio5 Seientific-Reeearch mitt.
tat of Corn was formed; it was entrusted with 000rdinating all the soienti
fie-research work on ars in the couetry and rendering methodical kelp to
selection and experimental stations on selection of this crop. 'surto,* seleo-
tioa and experimental *Wiwi* were transferred under its direst supervision.
241141111 ast, )7 of the biggest esientifie-researoh institutions were ad-
ditionally enlisted for the work of production of seeds of parent*/ forms of
ore hybrids. Thus, at the prevent tine over 0 scientitio-reseeroh
tate., seleotioa end experimental station are now engaged, in the country,
In the predestion of corn hybrids smiths propagation of seeds of their
parental forms.
These sciontifie.ressareh institetions develop highly yielding cora
hybrids, 'high respond more folly to losal conditions? ere resistant to
lodging mad diet/sees, are early.riptning and sold resistant, as well se ky.
bride with sterile pollen on fowl* plants. Besides that they grow seeds of
eslf-pollinated limes in 4/mettles which fakir provide for the prodvation of
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(16) Trans. A-100l
seeds of simple interlinear hybrids, as well as elite seeds of varieties,
that are the parental bus of variety-linear and intervarietal osrmrhybrids,
until the letter e= be replaced by more productive ones.
The All-Union Selentifio-Nesearch Institute of Corn and the scientifio-
resetroh institutioms under its eupervisima are developing the most effective
procedures of as-rote:Antos and methods for moshanisatim of cern cultivation,
as well as studying other problems, whit are conneoted etth the increase of
the yielding caposity of this crop.
The propagated seeds of self-pollinated lines and the groin elite seeds
inter through the atate procurement network 'begin 12,1$7 the second seed
growing link - the spatially *sleeted 65 seed growing sovkhoses of the first
group, whisk conduct plantings of the proper self-pollinated Anse on hybri-
disation sectiove end, as a result of thoir crossing, obtain seeds of staple
corn hybrids of the first generation. Amides this, these sevkhoses pro-
Mete seeds of simple hybrids up to the second generation, whioh borrow the
paternal forms of double interlinear hybrids, as well as seeds for highest
reproductions of corn varieties, which are necessary for obtaining variety-
linear and.intervarista hybrids.
Tho seeds of parental forme of corn hybrids, grove at seed growing
sevkhoses of the first group are transferred through the procurement points
to seed growing kolkhoses and sovkhopes of the second group, of which there
aro at the present time about 2 thousand. Mese farms produce on hybridi-
sation sections hybrid seeds or the first generation of double interlinear,
variety-linear and intervarietal hybrids of core. Allsoet ell of the gmni
hybrid seeds of eon are delivered t?o the Government, retaining only a small
quantity for commercial plantings.
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%al/ 411"Wall.
*brio sore seeds, *Leh aro turned over hy seed growing farm of the
wand group, ere sold to kelkhoses endavkheses for growing am by the
stores of the Ministry of Orate Predate.
Wary seed growing farm has as agrisulturist, specialist in seed growing,
who is, as a rats, seleated as a highly* qualified specialist with **Indent
experience in prastial work.
Large masers's were put aside for senstratios of special plats for
the treateent of cora seeds, as well as for toasted equipping of se/esti-
fie-researek institeticas, of sovkhoees ead kelldieses, whisk are engaged in
the predation of hybrid seeds.
Daring the an 19564957, 16 factorise were castrated in the amp.
try for treatneat of coca seeds. The seed growing fares deliver hybrid seeds
of ars direstly from fields to the factories. owes ears are stripped
of their casings by neekleery, they adage heat drying and threshing, the
sada are calibrated into grape awarding to sise sad fere, are disinfested
and are filled into bags. Calibration of seeds helps the kelkhoses and
sakkessa to plant into a hill by shookrew planters a strictly donate swat
of seeds and releases then fres the nest labor-assuming work - the thialeg
of corn plants. It is projected, in 1958, to ecnstrast 25 more suck factories,
and 59 in the years 1959-1960. The total productivity of week factorise will
rash 500 thousand tons of seeds per season. /Begin p.16/
Personal neonatal interest of fares, predmeing these seeds, helps a
let in the saassful realisation of plans for prevision of hrbrid
sada and of their parental ferns. thwrefere, the Ooveremest atablished
increased fixed prises for seeds of self-pollinated lines and bybrid seeds Of
the first generation sad iatrodaced a series of other advantages for these
who deliver seek seeds.
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Trans. A-1001
Every year speoial resoerees are pet aside for awarding premiums to
worker* of ***hoses, N73 /kadalme-trester Stations], of agriselteral armies,
seientific-researOh institntions, &airmen sad agriculturists of kolkhoses,
workers of the proourenent orgotisatimes, who help in the falfillnent and
ever-felfillnent of projects of prodeotion and delivery of hybrid cern seeds.
In order to increase the qnalifiestions of soot growing agriculteriste,
who work at seed growing farms, permassetly fanctioaimg stet, soirees were
organised at the All-Union lisientifie-leseareh Destitute of Corn.
Desalts of past 2 years showed that the new proton of seed growing of
hybrid seeds of corn, formed in accordance with the instructioe of the Party
and the Government, has justified itself fully.
Owing to the wide rage of work on the prodeetiee of hybrid Dorn seeds,
which we. Wotan in 1956, kolkheees and sovkhoses great, in 1957 have planted
2.5 million beetares with these seeds, or 22 Umtata" than were motet in
The work proceeded, being still bettor ergoaised mod on meek older
seals, on prodeetioa of hybrid core seeds in 1957, ntinn th. alsod growing
fames and the selentifie-researeh institutions seqeired the meeessary experience.
In 1957, the seeds of silf-pellinsted lines were grown on an area of
1,000 hectares in eaiestifie-researth institutions. Seeds of simple inter-
linear hybrids were gram on an area of 7,402 hectares on hybridisatioa
sections of used growing farms of the first group, and on motions of pro-
pagation on an area of 61,114 Wiliam. Eybridiestion sections, 'here seeds
of double interlinear, variety-linear and interverintal hybrids of the first
Reparation were grown, ooeupied 263 thousand hooter's; included in times were
the highest yielding double interlinear hybrids - 220 theasantikeetares.
Ocaparod to the year 1956, the area of hybridisation sections of double in.
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. . VLIFi arams. A?XVVJA,
terlinear hybrids has been immured by more than 60 thousand hectares.
In the spring of 1957, the network of seed growing tams, which
were selected in 1956, were revised. And, at that time, in the more
northern regions of production of hybrid seeds, where corn does not attain
full ripeness every year, the number of seed growing farms was reduced, and
was increased in the sout.hern regions. this measure gave positive results,
Pegin p.17/ because a further concentration occurred in the production of
hyorid corn seeds in the regions,most favorable for it. besides this mum7
seed growing farms, which during the first year of their work had comparatively
small areas of hybridisation motions, widened them considerably in 1957.
In 1957, almost all the scientific-research institutions, which were
assigned this work, mastered successfUlly the growing of seeds of mar-
1, pollinated lines. The scientifie-research institutions delivered to the
?averment 5,173 centners of seeds of self-pollinated lines. Besides this,
the seed growing farms delivered to the Government 4,677 ?outflows of such
seeds. Um, aroverement storages Imre stocked with 9,850 centners of seeds
of self-pollimted lines of corn.
? The Moldavian Scientific-Research Agricultural Institute accomplished
an especially great work in 1957 on the production of mods of self-pollinated
lives, This Institut. grew 970 centners of seeds of self-pollinated lines and
delivered to the Government 955 contners of these seeds.
Jood results were Attained, when growing seeds of self-pollinated
lines of corn, by Stavropol' State Selection Station, by Alum' bxperimental
Station of the Ail-Union Institute of Plant Industry (nd) and by many other
everimental institutions.
Seed growing farms of the first group delivered to the Government
9,172 tons of seeds of Dimple hybrids, having fulfilled the plan of procures.
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%we) Trine. amauvit
seat by 133 percent. Now the mostly has at its dines anoint of
seeds of self-pellinated lines and of simple hybrids *ask will perwit pot
only to evemsefully follUl the plan for establishing motions of hybridi-
sation of di**, dyable interlinear and of other hybrids in 1958, bat else
put pay part of these seeds into the Goverment imams, fend.
Oharesteriatio posiliartig, of melts of the work of 1957 on graulaig
of hybrid 00111 mods of the first generation is the feet that this Sob was
sumessfally amosplielged by 'hole oblestfeArais sod repviblies.
Seed growing kalkhoses and sovahoses of the amend group in Moldavian
104 in gressoder and Stavrepoll trete, in isperoshalt, Stalin,beeprepetrOvsk
and istrabhan ?blast's, in labardine-galkarekais Mg haw werfalfilled
the plans et prods:Um and delivery to the Oeverseent of hybrid man seeds.
The seed growing ferns of Iramodar irrid were tba first in the wintry,
in 1957, to fulfill the plan of procurement of hybrid seeds. They delivered
to the grain-eollmtion points over 20 thousand tens Of hybrid eons seeds.
Seed poling tarns of Moldavian SU delivered to the Owertment over 15.5
ihomasd tonal Alegi* p.11/ Stalls *blast' - over 8.5 thousand tons and
laporeshek *bleat' - about 11.5 thousand tens of Iwbrid earn seeds.
all the seed owing farm of the mooed group, in 1957, delivered to
the Owsnment 127.7 thousand tons of hybrid seeds of eon, or almost %wise
as 111110)1 as in 1$56, isolating 112 thosesged tom et reeds of the highest
yielding doable interlinear hybrids. Mew there already =Let all pessibia,
lltias in order to pronstaraly, already in 1958, for *Misses and sovkhoses
of Northern Camases. 'bigwigs SU and of met of *blast's of the *raining
Sidt to ohmage to planting ma fur grain purposes with only seeds of high
? yielding hybrid seeds of the first generation.
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(21) Troe.
One shoed point oat that in 1957 in many regions, whore the productien
of hybrid oorn seeds is consesArated, the weather conditions were unfavorable
during the vegetation period. Nevertheless, on all farm, where the growing
of hybrid seeds was conducted at a high agroteehnies1 level, good prediction
yields were obtained.
'kw, for inataaso, the 000d growing kolkbes 'Wish' in Tsui**
raft of 'Krasnodar krill (*airman 0. P. Levitskii, seed growing agriculturist
V. P. Ponomarre), Whim had the largest area of hybridisatioa *Potions
703 hooter'., has *stained from it an average harvest et hybrid seed* of
28.1 oemAsers per hectare.- The holkhes delivered to the state 12.5 thouland
centaurs of seeds; other kelkheees sad sevtheses,rill be able to plant over
62 thousand heater's of core with theta seeds in 1950. The kolkhos reeeived
fres the Government over 1.7 *Mien of ribles in mow forth* delivered
'seeds, not wanting the nature' sompeasatiens for seeds, which were nsde in
part panes% terser:71ft out Goverment prevision sad parients is kind
for the works of the NT$. Produetiom of hybrid corn seeds in this tolkhos
became one of the met printable himmohes of the eoonemy.
Sovbhos ,Peremega* in Zaporishikaia obleste (director V. It. Chaplenko,
mod growing agrioultnrist R. N. Neguelaveksia) has attained great eastern*
in the prediction of hybrid corn seeds under arid cc/Mittens of 1957.. This
grew hybrid *ern seeds of the first generation of the hybrid VIR?412
on aft area of 1:00 hooter.* and harvested, on the average, ISA centnore of
seeds per hectare. The sovkhos deliVered to the Oevermamit 7 thousand calmer*
of hybria seeds aud received for the* 3.2 silliest rail's.
Nevertheless, *pinkie( *bout positive results on production of hybrid
eorn mods, achieved during the two past years, ono Nowt remain silent
about serious defeote present in this work, First of ill one hes to point
out that the teehnieal base eleerly fell behind the amount of hybrid own
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(22) Trans. A-1001
seeds produced by sciantttieres.areb instibattone and seed growing terse.
/Begin p.19/
Poor provielom of wood grrawing farms with drying plants and store-
houses for seed corn letd to the circumstance that a considerable part of grown
hybrid seeds, in 1956, was mot dried orttdms, underwent deterioration, lost
its Planting qualities and proved to be unsuitable for seed puppies.
J*rieg the process of work at smolt seed graving farms serious vio-
lations of methods were permitted* am 'ell as of the agrotechnios for growing
hybrid corn seeds **tot their parental forms.
It is very important not to permit a nixing of parental forms of hybrids
during the proems of growing hybrid imbeds govertheless, there were cases,
leen plantiog on hybridisation sections was conducted by ineaParienalid MM.
bore of the kolkhes, vho allowed the nixing of seeds of the male and female
forme. Naturally, susb plantings had to be re3ested from the number of
At same of the firms the woods paternal fosse were ted without
addition to *goof same other (signal) nom this, farther on, made it
difficult to diesern the AIMS with female end ails *ern
Individual seed growls& farms violated the roles of tassel removal fro*
the hails plants as hebridisatioa *lotions, they were late with this work
or permitted leaving a oossiderable swan of tassels left on range pleats.
In many cases harvesting of hybrid corn seeds was delayed up to late in the
falls this took plow* especially in 1956.
Ewing the past period the seed growing kolkheses, eovkhoses end seienti-
flo-reesaroh institutions umpired great experience in growing hybrid earn
seeds and their parental forms. Stedies, generalisation and wide introduo.
tion to all farms of the blooding overtones permits to considerably improve
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(23) Trans. 1.-1001
further work on productioh of hybrid corn seeds.
Buie peculiarities of growing hybrid corn seeds.
As it was pointed out above, hybrid oorn seeds are grosn at seed growing
tarns. The yield of corn in kolkhoaes tad Covkhoses of the country's which
ll *these, seeds for the planting, depends a. great deal on the.
correct orgszization of work end .adherence to the methods of growing bybrid
seeds at thee* tarns.
On how really important the quality of hybrid seeds iss one can judge
from data of research conducted /Begin p.20/ at the 0ovensunt Varlet, Test
Plots of. Krasnodar krill.'
Seeds of the same hybrid V1R42, grown by.the Staticin
VZR and by kolkheiess were planted on several variety test plots. The
yitild of corn seeds was obtained by the State variety teat plots
depending on the origin of seeds (table 4).
Table 4.
Yield of corn seeds depending on the quality of bybrid seeds
eeerding to data of State variety test plots in tramoodar krai)
Nene of hybrid and of the
farm that pew its seeds
sane of State variety test plot and obtained .
yield of cern *sects (4,/ha).
Timashev? Otracinen-
skit ? skii
' Tear 1955
VIR-42 Experiment station
35.7 ?
VIR-42 Kolkhos
- fear 1956
V1R442 Experimental 'station
VI3.42 Ecakhos
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(24) Trans. ApNLQ91
It is seen fr,a the cited data that corn plantings, which were,con-
dacted with seeds grown at the Kuban Ixperiments1 Station Via, gars by
1042.11 centner Of vela' more per hectare than plantings conducted with
seeds of the dame hybrid, but group at kolkhoses. This is explained by
the fact that in kolkhoses, belbre the organisatiaa of special said growing
farms, agretechnics of growing hybrid seeds were violated and the seeds
Generalisation of data of OcieCtifie-ressarch institutions, as well
is of prodaction experience of leeding 'calk:hoses and sovkhesse, sham
'that it it's necessary Bus ebtsining.eihigh yield of hybrid seeds of corn to
ensure thi performance Of the following bane agrotechnictal reqUiremeate
during their growing.
Selection of the section and of the fertiliser. porn is very re-
sponeive to fertilisers, and it inereasee its yield *era, after their intro-
duction into the soil. Therefore, theleading fen's, evenchen pleutiOg ? ?
ocra on fertile chillness* sells, introduced large amOunts of both organic
od mineral fertiliser's to hybridisation sections, /Begin p.21/
At the kolkhes eIl'ichw in TemriUkskii raiau of thenodar krai cadet ?
sovkhos "%renege" in Kaporeshis oblast', which attained high yields Of
hybrid seeds tkey. introduced manure and mineral fertilisers on hybridisation
sections under earn plantings.
Kolkhos nossiiam, in Usti-Labinskii ratan of Krasnodar krai, harvested
&yield of hybrid earn seeds of 30.7 cleaners per hectare,. At this kolkhos
they introduced 2 centhers of superphosphate and 04 caitner of ammonium
nitrate to hybridisation Sections under the preplenting cultivation.
Manure was introduced in the fill before the autumn plowing, reckikaift
10-20 tons per hectare. .
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14?21 Trama. A.,movA
Mineral fertilisers are most often introduced during spring under the
cultivation of the ploughlands 2-2.5 sentner of superphosphate, 14.5 centner
of potassium salt and oentner of ammoaium nitrate per hectare.
With a good provision of plants with moisture corn sharply increases
the yield. Therefore, in regions of insufficient moisture, one should use
widely irrigated lands sad sections, whidh aro eituated in lower localities,
but whiCh will permit to produce eon plantings at the meet opportune times,
fOr the establishment of hybridisation sections.
In all cases the areas allotted for sera planting must be *loan of
mods. it is very important that there be as other plantings of corn around
the allotted motion at a dietaries of 300 meters, sine' otherwise there will
occur a cress-pollination of plants and the plantings of cora at the hybridiA.
111 'union section most be rejected from the number of hybrids.
Preftration of the soil. In the.. cases, when hybridisation sections
are Using established on areas after the cereal crops, simultaneously with
their reaping, or right after the harvest, it is moosssary to remove the
stubble to a depth of 5 oentinsters. Shallow plowing of stubble causes the
sprouting of woods, Which are then destroyed 4, the following autumn plowing.
The fall-plowing must be oonducted in August - first days of doptember to a
depth of 25.27 oentimeters. The early and the d prod's.. more
favourable conditions for the development of the root system and far a bettor
growth of corn plants. All the seed growing farms, ski& obtained high yields
of hybrid corn seeds, mitigated the ear*, and the deep plowing of fields in
the fall.
If thistle or other perennial woods are present on the fields the ce-
lltivation of soil after cereals is vandal:1W differently.
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(16) Trans. A4001
Thus, for instates, certain whims* and kolkhosits on tubas after
removing straw frost the field sondust stubble removal toy /Regis p.22/ dies
plow-harrow to the depth of 74 wattmeters in two direstions. ls 1540
days, when the growth of perennial weeds begins to appear, the field is til-
led with frame barrow-plows without moldboards to the depth of 1244 *esti-
meters. With suOk a sultivation the weeds are destroyed bettor and a deep
loose soil is formed, which prevents the soil free drying.
One proceeds with fall-plowimg when, after the second disc tilling,
a Norwood growth appears, but not later thms the end of August - beginning
of Septesamw, hemlines a delay in tali-plowing involves a redestios in the
yielding capacity of corn.
In regions with insufficient moisture during the winter period it is
necessary to conduct snow retention in order to provide as great as possible
accumulation of moisture in the soil daring the fall-winter period. ?rector-
drawn snowplows are utilised for this purpose on a large scale.
During the early spring, When snow begins to melt on the fields, the
thaw waters are dammed up, and, at the first possibility for entering the
field, it is harrosed in two tracks, finishing the *irk in 1-2 days. There
should be no delays in harrowing beaming moisture evaporates very fast in
spring. Research has shown, for inetnnoo, that in Tikhoretskii mien of
Krasnodar krsi delay in harrowing of the pleased for one day led to a less
of miter up to 100 tons per hectare.
After the appearamee of weeds on the field the plowlead is cultivated
to the depth of 10-12 centimeters. The day before planting oorn the field
is cultivated again to the depth of embedding the seeds so that they my be
planted into the moist earth in a peeked seedbed. This helps a faster ap-
pearance of corn sprints.
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kW/ Trans.
It is better to conduct the prep1snting maivation of the plodIand
by cultivators with flat-cutting cultivator teeth fioeffle knivesthwhich
undercut wen and destroy the weeds but do not overturn the soil and thus
do net dry it out.
?reparation of th. seed. Thi. seeds of parental forms ofon= hrbrido,
whist' mere oarearkid for seeding purposes nut be tested in a seed -control
laboratorr for their planting qualities 15-20 days Wort, planting.
Seeds of selfspOlinAktkleoralines nuet have a germination not boss
low 80 percent, and the seeds of staple hybrids and varieties, whioh are
the parental forms of variety-linear and intorvaristal hybrids - not below
65 percent.
It is recommended to warm the seed. of parental fore* at hybrid ors
in the sun in the course of Zs) days. s oir4oat warming helps in the in..
amass of viability and field germination of seeds.
For the proteotion of germinating seeds intim soil awe spauta
from infection /Begin p.23/ by various fungi the corn pods are treated will
0renosam in the proportion of one kilos:am of the eprotravitele /fungicide
per ton of moods, or *Merkur& iiontsins 2% of othylmercurychloride, en*
Tidied by gamma isomer of Satachloraa (124 in oonvorsion to gamma isomer) and
a filler of talcum *roasters of talcum with Melte' in the proportion of
1.5 kilogram of the "protravitol" (fungicide per ton of seeds. beside.
that, in order to protect the moods from the wireworm they should be powdered
with )Iezachlerst dust in proportion of 3-4 kilograms of "pretravitel" /in-
seatioide per ton it corn seeds. Treatment of seeds with asotobaotoria,
Wore planting, increases well the yield of earn. Is those oasis when the
hirenoisitorio footnote rnsespound Won Iron f. Iatsdhook on Poisonous
Chooloolo, p.363, NOSSOW. 1956.
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OM/ Trans. A?AVU1
semis of corn are treated with asotobaotoria, their treatmentylth Orees-
san and &sting with Sozaehloran shoed be oondected 2-3 weeks Wore the
planting stems. Tho treated seeds are plastid immodiatoly after their
treatment with the tester/al fertiliser, since the soil protests the bac-
toria fit)* the bein141 action of Oremooso end of Sesmohlorask
feft. Sowing *fears on sections of hybridisation is conduotod in
brief periods attar the soil bosons, hostod up to the temperature of 10-10
of heat at the depth of 10 oentimeters.
Seeds of both parental fonts ere sows by cheetrow corn planters and are
ombedded in the mil to the depth of S-10 oentimetore depending on the typo
of the soil, its warning through and moistness. The seeds of .elf-pollinated
limes are embedded to the depth of 4-6 *estimators, but without tail into a
moist layer of soil.
Placing mad alteraatimn of plant rens of the female and male forms
must prevido a better fertilisation of matornal plants. Proper correlation
of rows of finale numtmale plants on hybridisatiam sections is established
by taking into eonsideratiem lova climatic peouliarities.
In legions of *efficient moisturs, as well as en irrigated lands, the
sowing of corm an hybridisatima soctioas of double interlinear and inter-
varietal hybrids are oondadad in seek a manner that after each two rows of
plants of sale lb= fallow 4 rows of plants of the female fern. In them,
regions it is also posaiblo to oondaet the mowing of oars in seek a imly
that after eadh row of male plants follow two rows of finale plaits.
*so growing mods of simple interlinear hybrids, the correlation of
rows of parental. forms of arm hybrids is *aged, and it is mad, that two
rows of plants of the male fame meld alternate with two rows of plants of
Si..]. form. ;he is.. alternation of rows of parental foam is established
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(BY) ? Trans. A-1001.
also when growing seeds of variety-linear hybrids, in which the so1f-po3.1i-
nated line it the paternal form. In the case, when the paternal fora of
the variety-linear hybrid is a. simple hybrid, one csa r4ats the correlation
of rows with Maie ani fatale plants as 2:11, or la. /Begin p.24/
At the kolktos lined Kalinin** in Oulikerichakil "Lion, Krasnodar kral,
in 1957, on a pert of plantings. when growing double interlinear hybrid
VIR42 the correlation of rows of male and festal* plants was 216. On this
section the harvest of hybrid suds was by 4.4 centaur per hectare higher
than with the correlation 2s4 of rows of parental fonts. ?
In arid regions the but results azu produced by sowings on all bybrif
? disaiion notions at a correlaticn of rows of parental* forms at 2:2, sines
this provides a better fertilisation of .are of female plants. Ispedienoy
of such on alternation of parental forms .was *sped-ally obviously confirmed
in 1957, liken in ssarp,' Ukrainian regions during the period of blooming of
corn a strong soil and air dryness were noted. At those farms where planting
on hybridization 'motions was conductod according to this scheme* the ears
proved to be fully. fertilised and corn Produced a considerably greater yield.
Al it was already pointed out, on hybridisation sections the sowing
of corn is oonducted with oheoluvw corn planter* at a distance between the
hills of 70*I 70, osatimeters. In order to ?,gearehtee the correlation of
rows of male mid fools plants* as 2e4, tie seeds of .the seals tone are poured
into 2 end seed hoppers, and the seeds of the female form int) the four
middle hoppers.
If on the fern the sowing of corn is conducted in the :inner that
after each row of planks of sae form follow two rows of plants of the fe-
male form, then it is necessary to put seeds of the fenals fora into two
-?end hoppers as well as into two center seed hopper* of the plantar, and
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Argus. 4.04.WVi
. 4 '
the seeds of the sale fora into the second from the left and into the se-
cond float the right of the outer seed hoppers.
Men the sowing of corn at the hybridization section is oonducted
according to the plan 212, then into the outer seed hopper from the lift
(along the course of the planter) seeds of the male fen are poured in, into
two hoppers, next in turn, are poured seeds of the female form, then into
two next ones seeds of the sale font, and finally into the end seed hopper
are, put in seeds of the female fora.
The experienc, of past years has shover that female plants are better
fertilised in that. case when the sowing Of corn at the hybridisation sections
is conducts.' d in the manner: that the rows are aurangeil crosswise to the ,:iiireo-
tion of the prevailing Winds. Therefore, in places where this is possible
such a layout of rows should be used widely.
Crosswise plantime at the ends of the field are not permitted under
ary circumstances, since in such oases a aixtmg of feted* and male Plants
occure inevitably. /Begin p.25/ ?
In order to distinguish easier the' rows of male plants fres the rows
of fatale plants, a mall amount (0.24.3 percent from the weight of corn
seed.) of gorainable sunflower seeds are added to corn seeds of the matt
e ?
fora; later on the sunflower plants are left at a distance of 25-30 Meters
twit each other as a signal crop. Daring allocation' Of hybridisation sections
on an area where sunflowers were grown, it is recoaaended to use as a signal
crop seeds of other agricultural plants, since fallen sunflower seeds can
sprout and disorient the kolkhes workers in the determination of rows of
tale foram.
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? (31) Trans. A-1001
At the kolkhos *Loa Lenin", Oloneshtskil raion, Moldavian SSR,
they used soybeans as a signal crop instead of sunflowers. Moreover, be-
sides a high yield of hybrid seeds, they harvested 3 thousand oentners of
this crop, that is 5 contners per hooters. this gave the opportunity to
the kolkhos to obtain an additional income hum this valuable oil crop.
Some of the seed growing farms arrange an additional sowing of seeds
of the nals form in the vicinity of the hybridisation section so that their
pollen should be transported by the wind to the female plants. In addition
to that, they sow thsea seeds 5-7 day later than the corn soling at the
hybridisation section. This permits to have an additional amount of pollen,
and, mainly, at the time ahem at the basic planting there is already little
of it. In the presence of a sufficient amount of seeds of the male form'
at the farm, sudvsowings will thormghly justify themselves.
Care of the plantings Is a deciding measure in obtaining high yields
of hybrid corn seeds. Therefore, all the work on the care of corn sowings
at hybridisation sections must be conducted on time and accurately.
Care of corn plantings is begun with the harrowing of sprouts. /n
these cases when the appearance of sprouts is detained, and the weeds start
growing, harrowing is conducted before the appearance of corn plants on the
upper surface of the soil. Harrowing loosens the soil, helps in the destine..
tion of weeds, improves the access of air to the germinating seeds, which
is favorably reflected in the development mad growth of young corn plants.
Tilling of interroso with cultivators is begun wheel the first 3-4
leaflets are formed on the plants.
The working parts on the cultivator are placed in such a sw that at
the edges of the interrows (near the plants) would be the one-sided cultiva-
tor teeth - the scuffle knives or chisel-shaped parts of the cultivator.
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(3?) Trans. e?oloai
Thisle.done in order to exclude the possibility of undercutting the plants.
. /Begin p.26/
The first.cabivation is usually dpne in a crosswise direction to the
course of the plan", and the second - the first. lho
.thinning of plants in hills is conduCted immediately atter the first culti-
Most often three plants areleft in the rove of plants of male foru.
in order to obtain them mote ofths pollen. In the rows with female plants
in regions of sufficient moisture in each hill two plants are left, in order
that, on the average, there be one and half plants per hill. Under condi.-
tions of a severe droight this increased the yield and the farm obtained .27.8
centners of hybrid corn seeds froe each hooter*. '
The interrows on earn Plantings are usual1y cultivated 3 .times :in
two directions during the period of vegetation. At the soirkhoi *Peremoga*
of Vasillevskii reion, Zaporozhsk ablest' under arid conditions of the year
1957, in spite of the fact that wma plants mere almost free from 'weeds, the
cultivation of interrows was =tinned and this permitted to obtain a high
yield ,of hybrid seeds.' ?
Planting of seeds or plant* into the thinned out hint I. not wanted
=hybridisation sections, since at such times usually a mixing of male and
female plants *come.
Varietal weeding is conducted on *11 hybridisation sections, Where in
the formation of hybrid seeds pelf-.pollinated lines take part (obtaining
.siaple interlinear and variety-linear hybrids),
. Varietal weeding is started during the phase of 475 leaves, that is .
simultaneously with thinning of plants. At that time already a certain part
of admixtures (hybrid plants) stand out by their sore vigorous height, wider
' leaves and their greater number. Such plants are removed.
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-(3) Trate. A4001
Later on the 'Arleta) "iodinate repeated evesly 1045 days and is
finished without fall bstbre the beginning of flowering; of own. Daring
each varietal weeding new plants - admixtures are removed, which for some
reason were not previously &tooted and removed.
To the admixtures belong also the plants, Ahieh sharply differ from
the baste type in color, width gad crimping of loaves, preemie of mathoeyan
(violet coloration) at the base of the stalk or on leaves, .bushiness, thick-
ness and height of the stalk, an earlier or a too late onset of tasseling
mad of other properties. /Begin p.27/
The nuaber of varietal weeding. on hybnidtsation victims, suit be not
less than tape without oocnting the thinning.
At the hybridisation sections of simple Internaar and verietil4inier
hybrids, the varietal -weeding must be oondnot.d esp.ciaUyear.fuUy in the
rows of plants of the male bra.
In order that the varietal weeding he condected correctly and anli the
admixtures be removed, the peed growing agriculturelist on the faze must
first study well himself the characteristic properties of the self-pollinated
lines, cod than teach the workers, who will conduct the varietal weeding,
how to recognise the admixtures from typical plants of the given self-polli-
nated line. It is necessary to eonsult the seleetiomer in, such eases, *ere
the seed growing agriculturalist cannot himself properly separate tho basin
type from the admixture. It is the job of local agricultural organisations
to train the seed growing agricultursliste for conducting varietel
In 1957, at the kelkhos 4Illiche, in Teariukskii lesion, Krasnodar oblast
the sowings of CO= on hybridisation motion* were treated twice with the pre-
paration DDT and nexachleran from an airplane; this protected than from damage
by the caterpillar of the corn borer. Owing to this there almost were no ears
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AI4J Trans. AgialAil
damaged .by this pest, Whereas in 1956, when the plantings were not treated
by'poisOnous chemicals, there were reckoned over 0 percent of thea. Such
measures of Control of this pest must be also Practiced by Other seed growing -
. Sighmiyielding hybrid seeds are obtained only in that ease, when Al..
mole plants on the hybridisation section are pollinated only with the pollen
Of male plant.. Therefore the tassel* knit be removed from female plants
completely and at the proper tine.
?. So as-tO prevent the possible day in the removal of teasels &ma
. female plants, 1045 days before the beginning Of the supposed tam:ling a
daily Observation is set up of the development of corn at the hybridisation
Moreover, one must keep in mind that in the majoritir at female,forms
of plants the flowering of tassels usually begins On the 50-60th day after
the appearance of sprouts.
In order to coOduct the removal ef tassels better, the.coruplenting,
on hybridisatiotk mations must be examined 15 days &heed of this work. Daring
the precise of field examination it is necessary to ettabliih how_correctlf-
the rows of parental forms alternate; for this purpose the contralingagri-
culturist and the oiled growing agriculturist from the fern together vith'the
taamslender and the field teem-leader walk across the corn plantings and
cheek the contir*ty of distribution of rove of plants Of male and !gaols
forms of e. hybrid. /Begin p128/
- All the cease of deviation from the accepted scheme of alternation of .
'rows ars recorded on the Olen as well as marked in the field, in order that
they be not forgotten, and tassels be removed from all female plants at the
proper time and in all entirety. The rows of plants of the mile fora usually
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. =tins. A?IVAL .
are easily recognised by the presence in them of the signal crop.
During the field examination are checked,alsothe degree of varietal
_contamination of the plants, the presence of crosswise plantings and the
cOrrectneas in the observance of apace isolation.
Space isolation for plants, where deeds of simple interlinear by..
bride 4010 grbeall'must be witless than 300 meters; while for bzrbridifaition
sectiona, where sleds of double interlinear, variety-linear and intervarietal
hybrids are grown - not lees than WO meters.
The greater space *gelation for hybriditatian sections, where seeds .
of spsOle morn hybrids are groan, is explained by the fact that these seeds'
'will be utilised not for commercial plantings, but fbr furtherhybridleationp
Obtaining Suds of double interlinear hybrids. If during growing the seeds '
of eimple hybrids there will be permitted the mealiest pollination of fatale '
pleats by the pollen of other sowings, this will toil, tea:high:degree, on
the yielding qualities of seeds of double interlinear cora hybrids.
If the apace isolation is not observed then before the appearance of
tassels on (torn plants the fans sowings of corn should be mowed for green
lied or silage laths lone, which will provide the required isolation.
In the when crosswise sowings are found on hybrldleation sections,
all the corn growing in transverse savings must be immediate:1y mowed for
green_ feed.
It is necessary to determine the requirement of the firs Inman-power
for conducting the detaieeling before the beginning of this work. The average
work load per aan is *sully istablishod in the use of 1.5 hectare Of the
hybridifetion seetion or 1 hectare of plantings of the female fbrm of corn.
.0ne should start the removal of tassels immediately after their appea-
ranee is noted even on single plants.
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%Jo) 4W5Re? A.AVVA
Tassels are removed at their appearence from the bell mouth of the
upper leaf, when it is possible to grasp by the heed ell their sheets. At
suah a time the tassels are easy to break off together with the stems with
a sharp movement of the hmed up. Ome should aim daring this work not to
break off the upper leaf of the plant beeuase this negatively refleets in
the yield of hybrid seeds. One should remove especially oarefally /Regis o.29/
those tassels, which have fully emerged from the bell mouth of the upper
loaf and oproad out their shoots.
/he period of appears*** of tassels on corm usually continues for 12-15
days. But during individual years with unfavorable *UAW' conditions, as,
for instance* the year 1957 was, the period of tasseling is greatly extended
and ventilated for 30 days. In order to provost the pollination of female
4IPplants by their own pollen, their tassels most be removed daily, independent
of the weather. Bering the wares of the full period of the tasseling phase
the work cannot be stopped even for one day, because pert of the tassels might
start flowering and pollinate a eonsidsrable part of female pleats of cora.
Whom in the Remora maw of the female form there will remain less
than 10 percent of plants with **removed tassels, the removal is oompleted
during the sours* of one day, removing all the Remaining tassels* ineludimg
those *Ash did not fully emerge from the bell mouth of the upper leaves.
Zs order to obtain f411-ve1es hybrid corn seeds one should remove,
without fail, the side shoots on female plants, sines *Ms fully developed
tassels are formed there. In order to relieve the work load, which is created
daring sinulteasess pluekimg of tassels and removal of side shoots from the
plants of female forms, the side Shoots Should be rewired earlier - at the
time when ewe plants attain 5040 centimeters in height, and flail* this
work before the plucking of tassels. Bide shoots on *els plants of corn
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ehoule not fit removed einoe they berm tassels ene prodace aLitionel pollen.
every farm establishes the strictest dally eJntrol of. the qua-ity of
netassellev durene the course et the whole period of condectin of Lhis work.
Tills control is aacomplished by the fiele teemeJeaders, the teameleaaers and
the aerieulturiste at the lame. earin! the work of detaaseling the field
team-leecers are constantly _n tie iield with the werkers and they cheek
the quality of work of each member of the team.
Write, this ork, tne field team-leader walks behind the workers, w;2o
remove the tassels, and, while controlling their work removes the taaeels,
which are left occasionally.
The team-leader of the field work brigade checks the work of each
team not less than once every oay. Vinal chareine of workedays to kolkhos
members or isyment to the workers of the sovkhoe for the work pelformee: is
conducted by takik; into consieleration its quality.
In the seed erowin kolkhoe nAossiien in UstseLabinsk raione Krasnodar
krai, in 1')571, each eember of the kollehoe was aesiened an area cf corn and
the veyment Por the work of detaesellne was made reckonine 18 work days for
beein p.34 one hectare. itecorden, to the information of the administra-
tion ai o the aerioelturist of the kolknos, such a system has fully justi-
fied itself; the tear:els were removed fully and on tine. Durine field in-
ventigations no unremoved tassels were liscovered.
kericulturiets of the seed -roeine farms are systematically in the
fields Airine the whole period of hybrid corn seeds erowine, while luring
sowing, detasselim; red herrestinc. - are deny in the field; they examine the
quality of work pro^awead on hyeridieation zections, makiee neceeeary potations
in their journals.
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)91 114111111116
Taking into consideration a special importance of timely and correct
removal of tassels fres female coin plants. at hybridisation orations, the
qualit, of work is controlled, apart from winters at the farm, also by persons,
Wo are specially appointed tr the Oblast' (or gni) Departments of Agri-
culture or Ministries of Apiculture of the Republics frxe theinsaber of
workers of agricultural institutions or scientific-research establishment..
Wen determining the number of =rammed tassels On fatale plants all
the tassels are accounted for on which there are even single anthers. The
number of =rewired tassels must not exceed 2 percent during each invegti-
If the number of unromawid tassels on female plants exceeds the extob.
lished acme, the harvisHit fro* sugh maims is rojeoted as trbrid
? A field app. robation, *la has the aim of establishing the typicalness
of grown .sseds and, the degree of their contamination with disease, is con-
ducted in addition to field eznainatleing of Unmoved tassels fats fess)*
plants on on plantings of self-poLlinated lines, latch were produced both
tbr the purpose of propagation, as will as for hibridieation (for obtaining
sinple hybrids), and also on sections of propagation of simple hybrids. Field
approbation of salf-pellinated lines, sowed on hybridisation sectiOns for
obtaining seeds of simple hybrids, is a colpulsory supplement to field exami-
? ration., Which were omdected during the time of detasseling. Yield ap-
probetion is mot condacted on hybridisation sections far obtaining double
interlinear, varietar-linear and interlinear lvtrids.
If, as a result of field approbation, it will prove that the ears have
a trpicslitcr below, and the wieeniinosto" (presence of goods of a differed
*Transiatorrs note. Explanaiion of this term se found in the Rwisian Agri-
? cUltural Dictionary by A. I. Oldster las ?Number of mania seeds, which are
found per 100 ears".
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r09) Trans. A4.3.1ALL
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solar in the ear) is above the established norm, then the storing and
utilisation of these seeds for sowing can be effected only with the per.
mission of the Ministry of Agriculture of USSR and the Ministry of Grain
Products of USSR.
Harvesting corn on hybridisation 'cottons is a very reepensible phase
of work in the production of hybrid [Begin p.31.1 seeds. 1214imed or in.
correct harvesting of the elready grain seeds sharply reduces their sowing
qualities or loads to the fast that those seeds prove to be fully unsuitable
for seeing on **count of low germinating ability. And furthersore, during
an incorrect harvesting there night be permitted ? partial nixing of hybrid
ears with ears of male plants, that is the quality of the seed saterial will
be lowered. ?
In order to fully preserve the grow harvest and to guanines the hist*
quality of hybrid seeds, they suet be harvested on time and correctly, dried
quickly Sod stored excellently.
Harvesting of kybrid corn ears mat be carried out at the onset of full
ripeness of seeds in as short period of time as possible. Is those cases
shim the ripenitig of obrn is deleyed and there is a possibility of early
frosts, harvesting is carried out during the wax stage [yellow ripe] of the
seeds, with an immediate drying of ears in son driers.
Data of scientifie-ressarch institutions show that after a timely and
correct drying such seeds pm vs to be valuable sold.iig material.
Testing the viability of unripened sem seeds, S. N. Euleshov has
established, that germination of seeds of this crop, which were harvested
daring the silk-wax stage, but before the onset of fell frosts, and than
dried at the proper time and correctly, reached 95400 percent. Productivity
of plants, when utilising these seeds under field conditions, did not differ
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WO/ Trans: a-ia.u.
fro' the productivity of plants, obtained from the fully ripened
? Unripe corn 'ear. must be dried in driers or in thesunshine in the
open air, and then stored in dry, well ventilated buildings.
nerves-tint the yield on hybridisation sections is conducted at dif-
ferent times for the panels aril the male plants, in order not to permit avy
miming of hybrid ears fan female plants with ears of male plants.
It is better to harvest the plants of the Kale fora at the milk-Luc- -
stage, and the hybrid *era after their ripening. Maw seed milting him
practiced widely such harvesting, in 19564957, on hybridisatioa. sections,
and it gave giod results.
By first harvesting the rows of -plants of the male fora, the farners
. thus prepared openings for the .passage .of vehicles dining the harvesting of
hybrid corn ears from the renal. e plants. With such a'harvesting the'possibi-
lit( of Axing of the ripened hybrid ears with the ears of the male fori
was maids& And the formed openings in the plantings served as good pas=
sagemsys for the Ando - which dried faster the hybrid ears on female ,plants.
Therefore this method /Begin p.32/ of harvesting of *ale Plants must be used
wider on all seed gnawing rams.
In those Oases when it is planned to use the cern Cars fruit *Ile plants
in the !bra of _ripened grain, the ears of female plants, which are the hybrid
seeds, are harVested first from the hybridisation sections and removed fro*
the fields. 'After this are harvested all the ears frost male plants is well
as all the ears that fell to the ,ground.
The harvested hybrid corn ears are on that same day removed to specially
prepared, well ventilated buildings, threshing floors, or sheds.
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(141) Trans: 144001
? There they are imnediately sorted; *are of another type are rejected
an well as those Which are strongly infected 'with fungus and baeterial diseases.
The granary approbation of *ors is conducted after the sorting.
? /he harvest of hybrid seeds from hybridisation sectioss?of sinplo,
double interlinear, variety-linear and intervaristal hybrids ie subjected
to granary appribation. The method for conducting granars approbation is
the same as for the common varieties.
The granary approbation is oonduate4 by the seed growing agriculturist
on the Jam The record of granary approbation is *hacked by the controller
egrieulturist. The statements about field examination, field and granary
approbation. are handed over to the grain-collection points, where the seeds
are delivered.
It is necessary to remember that plantings of corn with hybrid seeds
are the most important reserve of raising its yielding capacity, and one
should tale ail measures in order that these seeds be of the best quality.
The overleaf), of two years of work on prockotion of hybrid seeds of
corn, according to the new erste* of sited growing, shows that we have all the.
possibilities prematurely to fulfill the task, which was set up by the Party
and the State, on transfer to planting earn with hybrid corn seeds in the
basic regions of its production for grain.
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tweaks or vonsems)
Vsesouisnaia Nauchno-Technidheskaia Konierentsiia po
Primeneniu Radioaktivnykh i Stabillnykh Isotopov i
Isluchenii v Narodnom Ehossiaistve i Nauke.
All-Union Scientific-Technical Conference on the
Use of Radioactive and Stable Isotopes and Radiations. in
National Economy and Science, 19577.
Trudys Radiobiologiia.
Moskva, Akademiia Nauk SSSR, 1958. -2861. h42.9 Y963.
Table of Contents Page
&sin, A. M., About the elementary mechanisms of the biological
effect of ionising ....... 3
Frank, G. N., Biophysical research on radiation reactions of the
organise ......./. 111
Meisel', 14. N., Ionizing radiation and cellular metabolism-------- 26
Gorizontov, P. D., About the change of biological properties of
' blood in irradiated animals (on the problem of toxemia)-------- 37
Dubinin, N. P., Importance and nature of primary radiation genetical
Tarusov, B. N., Kinetics of radirrechemical conversions in the bio-
substrate and the prophylactic effect
Kritakii, G. A., Biosynthesis of purines and exchange of their pre-
decessors normally end after 68
Tutodhkina, L. T. Petrova, N. D., Polikarpova, L. I., Shikhodyrov,
V. V., Changes of connsotivetiesue protein structures during
acute radiation sickness, caused by 74
Shallnora, M. N., Effect of intensive irradiation on structures and
certain physiological properties of microorganieas---.?.-------- 80
Remesaga, T. S., Effect of gamma-neutron radiation =microorganisms- 90
Galltsova, R. D., Vakina, I. P., Conditions of increased biosynthesis
of ergosterol by yeast organisms --------- 97
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(2) Trans. A,1002
draevskii, B. 1., Barakina, N. F., Neifakh, A. A., Faleeva, Z. N.,
Shapiro, I. N. About the role of the local and remote action
of ionising 41040???????????? il??????????? ..... 103
Shtern, L. S., Effect of ionising radiations on factors determining
the composition and characteristics of imaediate nutrient me-
dium of organs and tissues of the animal organima 112
Oromakovekaia, th N., Rapoport, S. Ia., Meohanita of early changes in
penetrability of histo-heaatio barriers under the influence of
Krichsvskaia, E. 1., Effect of I-ros on the contents of histamine in
tissues-----.-- ..... 126
Kordhak, L. I., About distribution of staining material, injeoted in-
travenously, in tissues of mice normally end after 1-raying.--- 130
Koroll, S. A., Mednik, N., Nemotoxic factor in tissues of animals,
exposed to the effect ionising radiations---------------------- 135
Soshka, Is., Comparison of the protective effect of homogenates
(homogenised suspension!? of heeatopoietio and other tissues--- 147
Drashil, V., Soshka, In., Effect of certain humoral tissue factors on
synthesis of DNA after irradiation----------------------------- 148
Tonkikh, A. V., About the role of suprarenal glands in the develop-
sant of radiation si..... --.....-------------
Noiseev, B. A., Pathogenesis of endocrine disturbance after radiation
injury (reaction of the anterior lobe of hypophysis to irradia-
fjgfl e ,.a.wfl..I.efl,OlflflIflflflhlSaIOuI fleflSaeeaeefleee---
Aleksandrolrekaia, N. M., Effect of various doses of ionising radiation !.:1
atter the effect of ionising radiation-----------
on the morphology of the brain and internal organs after gene-
ral irradiation under physiological and pathological. conditions 168
Sneshko, A. D., Vital observation of disturbances of oxidising pro-
cesses in the central nervous system-------------------------- 177
Aladshalove, N. A., Overalow rythas in the dhangss of the electric
potential of the cerebral cortex and of hypothalamus after
radiation injury ---------------- ...... 184
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(3), Trans. A.4002
Kotliarevekii, L. I., 0o4wheleva, L. S., Xhogak, L. E., On the
question of the effect of ionising radiation an animals with
a different type of nervous system under physiologioal and
pathological conditions----- 192
Piontkovskii, I. A., Volodina, I. A. Niklashevakii, V. E*, About
certain disturbancescof the higher nervous activity in rats,
born from females that were subjected to ionising irradiation
during the prognanoyperiod 197
Ninaev, P. F., Role of the nervous system in radiation reaotione of
the organism ..... 204
ftritsin4 I. T., Disturbances of cortico.ivisceral interrelation dur-
ing acute radiation 211
Solovsev, A. V., Rolodkina, O. V., To the analysis of the effect of
X-ray irradiation on secretory and motor &nation of small
ventricles, formed !me the small and large curvature of the
111 Barbashova, Z. I., ole of the upper cervioal sympathetic ganglions
in the reaotion to penetrating radiation in control rats and
those aoclimatiasd to
Rudriaahov, D. A., Andreenko, O. V., Ulitina, P. D., Resultant O. O.,
Pastorova, V. E., fttina, R. P. Xalishevekaia, T. R6, Shim-
nem, L. R., Physiological and biochemical data about the nes.
ture of hemophilia during experimental radiation injury of the
animal organism-- 237
lakovlev, V. V., Functional state of cutaneous vessels after total
irradiation of dogs with Xabrecrilk.0?1111WINIMPO 4111.1.? MOND 0.1111.111.1?111M ..... 0001.1.11. OWN.
Beilovintseva, N. 11141, Speranakiia, S. N., On the question of impor-
tance of the functional state of liver in the development and
course of radiation sickness------------ ------ 251
Timofeev-Resovekii, N. V., Luohnik, Radio-stimulation of plants and
its possible theoretical 258
Tealishchev, S., Ifogilevkin, V., 'affect of neutrons on the growth
? and development of plants ............................. 267
Budnitekala, E. V., Borisov:, I. O., Rffect of ionising irradiations'
on the change of components of fermentative reaction of the
lipoid exchange of planta...................................... 276
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Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
44711101, Alemwmy?
Bellgovekii, M. L.
Wasledovanie ustoichivosti nasekomykh k insekticidam.
'Inheritance of the insecticide resistance in instate).
Zool. Zhur. vol. 37, no. 7, p.1024-1038. July, 195e.
1410 R92.
(In Russian)
9. Deduction (pages 10354036)
Review of the existing data on genetics of insect resistance to in-
secticides shows that differences in degree of resistance of various races
to poisons can have a different genetic basis. In, many cases difference
.in resistance, as well as in many other quantitative indices of animals and
plants, is conditioned by a difference in many genes and, in accordance
with this, in the second generation of hybrids we observe a complex negro..
gation, which is characterised by a general increased variability and an
absence at clearly delimited classes of descendants. Such inheritance, as
we already mentioned, must be expected if the given difference is condi.
tioned by dissimilarity in many characteristics, each of which comparatively
weakly influences the general resistance. on the other hand, it is necessary
to point out the unexpectedly high (as much as we have to do with a *mati..
tative feature) percentage of oases of monofactional conditioning of increased
resistance. Such cases, as we have seen, are known both in house flies, and
Institut biologioheskoi fisiki Akadmaii nauk SSSft (Moskva). /Institute of
Biological Physics of the Academy of Science of ussal.
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vgt 44414101,
in Drosophila, as well as in mosquitoes and in scale maceta. They speak
about the existence, in the insects, of effective protective mechanisms,
which increase the resistanoe so much, that on their background the influence
of secondary differences, undoubtedly aims present, a1rea4y dOes not tell.
It is known, that in the scale Aonidiella aurantii suchmeohaniem con-
sists of the change in the physiolocf of respiration; in the scales, resistant
to HON 5ydrooyanio acid fumigant?, it is not connected with eytochrome
oxides., but with the auto-oxidating *mime, which does not contain atoms
metals, possibly flavoprotein or cytothrome b5 (R. Metkalf, 1955i V. 11140160-
worth, 1956). In the lines of house flies, most resistant to DDT, a similar
role is, possibly, played 17/- the presence of DDT - dehydrochlorinese. Zn
Anopheles pubis., on the contrurY4 according to research of Bradbury and
Standen (7. R. Bradbury and H. Standen, 1956), resistance ter-BBC is not
oonneotedwith apr mechanism of detoxification. Finally, in many cases nothing
is known as yet in general about the nature of protective mechanisms, but one
can suppose, that * clear monohybrid segregation, according to resistance,
serves as an indication of their presence. From this point of view it
would be interesting to conduct a physiological omaperieon of lines of re-
sistant flies, which will produce, after crossing with the sensitive, mono-
hybrid and, respeotively, polyhybrid segregation.
The presents* of only one of the cited MSS of cytoplasmic heredity
&OW* that, similar to other characteristics of multicellular enimals and
plants, the resistance of insects to insecticides, is comparatively rarely
conditioned oytoplasmically. Nevertheless, natural selection, which pro
dooes resistant races, does not neglect a single hereditary change, which
-411 is useful for the genus, regardless of which part of the cell it is connected
with. That is Irby in different genera, in different populations of the same
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Trans? 1-1003
gonna, and in req.* to various ec icicles,' we then scat such diffe
genetic mechanisms of resistance.
In conclusion, one should point out, that the previously mentioned
experiment in nature, which was "involuntarily conducted during the conic.
of the last decade kr the workers, who Conducted chemical control of harmful
insect*, has shown bow fast evolutionary changes can proceedin insect
. -
poiulations even in'quite Unusual directions. It also shown that these.
changes occur at the expense of gonetiCal /Begin p.1036/ heterogenettrof the
population, and their-Areal** deperid directly on the degree-end character of
this heterogeneity. Finally, it elusidstes the full groundlessness of the
opinion, which is occasionally exprossed,:as if the adaptable hereditary
changes in the population can ocouz.? only under the influence of ;changes of:
natural factors, which enter into the =umber of conditions of life of the
given genus. Of course, the ineecticidei 'seat of all fit such a definition,
nevertheless, We *et that they play I role of a very effectivefactor Of an
adaptive change in popeations.
Inheritance of the Insecticide resiltarice in insects
Pl. L. Bel skii
? Institute of Biological Physic., Academy of Sciences of the USSR O1osoov4
Samtary Lin English -- Copiwg
Abe capacity of insect populations to acquire insecticide resistance
is connected with the genetic heterogeneity of these populations. Selec-
tion of more resistant individuals in genetioally homogeneous strains gives
wetly* results.
The genetic's' basis of differences in the degree of resistance of dif-
? terent insect races and .strains is different in various cases. It can be
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(4) Trans. A.-1003
aonogetic, polygenio or cytoplasmic, depending upon hereditary changes that "
happened to be fixed in the process of formation of the resistant race in
The fact that aany cases of monogenio inheritance of resistamtaxe.
known Shows that effective protecting. **chanties able to increase eharply
insecticide resistance are rather mama among insects. The physiological_
basis of these mechanisms is known in some oases and needs elucidation in
The study of the genetics of the acquired insecticide resistance in
iniegt populations leads to the understanding of the mechanism of rapid
evolutionary changes taking place in these populations -under the influence
of quite new factors (insecticides) introduced in their environment. -
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP8OR?O-142-6R01.070o020001-7
Vill ?
Marakistanov, IC P., Oorbachrr, V. S., and tileticin, P. A.
7,a vosdelyvanie oda* chslovekoat sta gisktarov kulaunsys
fthe growing of 100 hectares of COM by one msg.
glikurusa, vol. 2, no. 6. p.15-20. Ause, 1957. ? 59.8 195 ?
(IA Russian)
The area of corn planting in our country grows froa year to year. If
in 1954 it equalled 3.2.ni1lion bee:tares, then in 1956 it already was 29.9
flhion hectares. towards the end of the Sixth rive-Tear-Plan corn plantings
will ocacqrf 28 aillion hectares.
Total harvesting of seeds red of silage mass grow accordingly; the
volume of work mid expenditure of labor increase also. All this urgently
requires now a considerable increase in the lett] of nechaniSation of culti-
vation of this crop; of introduction of the 'new, advanced agrotechnique,
sharp radaetion In the expenditure of labor and cheapening of the cost of
According to data of the All-Union Scientific-liesearch Institute of
Mechanisation of Agriculture the expenditure of labor for cultivation of
corn end for harvesting in the average comprise, at the present tine, 15.72
man-days per hectare. i.da utilisation of machinery, released by industry,
and nechanised harvesting of corn by the combine 1?1-21, permits to redact the
expenditure to 8.45 man-days per heaters. Vat when utilising experimental
machines, as well as herbicides fbr destroying the weeds, expenditures of
Olavnoe upravlenie nelchanisattii i elektarifikatsii Ministaratva eels skego
khosiaistva Soiusa ESL jOhlef Administration of Nechinimetion and Taectri-
fixation of the Ministry of Agriculture of ussg.
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tg, Trans. a-mAlis
labor, depending on the utilised corn-harvesting machines, comprises 2.0$
man-days per hectare of planting, while utilising carbine ISK-2.6% and
3.31, when using P-2A.
The existing technology for corn cultivation, when applying the avail-
able means for mechanisation, is es yet very imperfect: too much labor is,
expended for planting with a manual transport of the measuring wire, for
thinning out, weeding and harvesting, for husking and sorting of ears and
for loading and unloading work. (Text continues after the tab)e).
Kind of work
Allko tillingo fr .o1
Preplanting preparation of soil
and planting
Care of the plantings
Expenditure of labor In mampdays per fhectare When
means of A aerial end experimental
mechanise. machines (See the mo-
tion pre- cord scheme)
sent at the
0.16 0.16 0.1
Serial machinery
(See the first
Harvesting cornet fall ripeness
of seeds*
0.29 (with the
use of herbicides)
1.82-three row combine
1.51?combine KSK-2.6U
2.77-combine KU-2A
2.23-corn ear picker SPU-2
*Taking into account the huskIng of ears, their delivery to the threshing floor and
transportation of the green mass to the silo.
**20 percent of the area of corn plantings was harvested by the combine KU4 and 80% -
***The whole area of corn planting was harvested by KU-21.
That is the reason why the Moistly of Agriculture of USSR and the
scientific-research /Begin p.16/ institutions of the country have conducted
during tIms present year, a wide production experiment in kolkhoses on the
Use of a complex of different nachines, :each provide martin= nechanisation
of all processes during corn growing, and which permit one man to grow up to
100 hectares of Germ,
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%)/ AIESUWO aWW#41
Experiments im kolkheses of ISYSI, of Ukrainian, Madavian and Easakh
republics were caudated aceording to a similar program and method, which
are developed by the War Adedssistretion of Agrioulteral Nechanisatiom
and Electrification of the Ministry of Aviculture /Mk/ of um together
with scientific-mean& iastitat100.
Experiments, about which we speak, were laid. oat ID kelkhoses, ac-
cording to two abeam, first . cultivation and harvesting of corm, utili-
sing a complex of sashimi which ere now produced by indastry (one variant
of the experiment and one control); second - cultivation of corny utilising
serial eachines, as well as noniontorinststial ones (four veriest, of the
experiment and a control).
Poreitah variant of the experiment and eamtrel actiaas were sepsrated,
in crop rotations, of an am of about 100 haters*, is all 60 thousand
hectares. on these funs, there for some reason it was impossible to se-
porate out section* on one fiiid of the crop rotation, they were isolated
at various plural but, at the as time, it was Observed that they be
similar in *co and mechanical ampositien of soil, preaceseors tilling,
end so on.
And what kind of *adds.s and implements will be utilised at the ex-
perimental sections of MIO /Machine-Tractor station/? Dispatched to the
sections am 450 tractors Ut-54, 600 treaters DT-24, 565 seeders 8E0E.68
(with a diagonal transfer of the measuring wire); from among these 100 drills
with hydraulic controls and 110 mated, 345 oorn-harvesting coebines KU-25,
395 silage-harvesting combines SI-2,6y 80 among then with hydraulic controls,
30 combines 124-2.6U and as we 0.3 of SWIMS anstraction, 15 corn ear-
pickers SPU-2A. Earmarked for hauling work were 900 self-discharging trutcr
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444) UMW* Amisimisi
trailers, se we
600 deep e =4850 kW se on,
Seeder 310-4141 works *a 4 %mit with treater* "Untworeal ? ur-24,
00 and UP-45 at a rate of newentat of 14.5-5.2 kilometer, 'per Wen
t of the drill, Asa planting intermit 70 Z 70 esatteeters? attained
12-15 hectares; per 10 hours of vork? rile sewing mit is servieed by toe
asni tractor driver Sid the sever. The Illimoulas wire was being traile-
r-erred neeheniestly. ikon using seeders Mt40 ter ending 1 hasten
0,13 ani-dep is osposded with seeder ditcdt-6 0.47 sami-dnrs that is
&latest four time sere.
? afall harvesting oonktne 1Wa2A (f 1
eines the end of 456. Ito diatingeleblen reetwiw? as mooed with the
earlier released model of whine XV-2, sensiets et the follawings the tram
f s maxi* has hook nand hr 50 erillineters and the wheel Lees ars
shifted bask bp 110 redeeed the lead on the asehanien of
the inelinatice? of the setting apparatus, inereseed the eareeper elevens.
Snprowed the assess to silage *Wittig arena and ? mowed the possibility of
t, t. Let** et the silage elevator hif the shocker valee? (1"exil ie
eenlineed after the etheues).
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Trallif? .11`VAJWi4
The recommended assembly. of production machines
according to the experts*, of scheme I.
Isperirment according to scheme I
1. ?replanting cultivation of soil
:saliKlifitr aildiirtgeharsrrows, cultivators
2. Sowing of corn
frail:. seeder SiO5 with diagonal
transfer of gauge wire
3. Oars of corn plaik.inge
ICouplings of light harrows or the rotary
hos, 1C101-4.2 (two longitudinal and lateral
4. Corn harvesting 1
. ,
I &Wanes 1U-2A and U-MI, motor oars
OAZ-93 and ZIL-585 or tractor trailer of
2-im tons
5. Basic tilling of Ion,
IAgricultural **alines LD-16 and P5-1511 I
/Begin p.17/
co '.u, s an
iimplements available at ICS
&Achim tractor stationg ?
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rrassi, asm.ani
k ?
Joe ad assembly of production and experimental machines for different variants Scheme 2.
Variant nan Variant "b" Variant "c" Variant *do Control
(100-200 hectares) (100-200hha.) (100-200 ha.) (100.200 ha.) (100.200 ha.)
1 Pre antis cultiv tion of soil
booplings o/ giving
harrows, cultivator
ry4, X11.4 sad
2. Sowing of con
1 Couplings of sigsag
harrows, cultivator
ICP-4, res44 end
1 ano of alai'
harrows, cultivator
U-4, 14, sad
&waling* of sigsag
harrows, cultivator
1'-4, X1111-4, sad
railer gooier =t-
ie with hydraulic
IMounted amour en
tractor DT-24
3. Caro aura plantings
to on
tractor DT-24
?Miler senior SLGK-
68 with hydraulic
a --nasinga of light
harrows or rotary harrows or rotary
he* ERN-4.2 (2 loss has M4.2. Treats
gitudinal and 2 las sent with herbicide
torsi cultivations 2.4-D with the aid
of On (ons longi-
tudinal and lateral
it. Corn harreating
2.6 with hydraulic
controls. Motor cars
OAZ-93 and 7.114-565
or tractor trailer
of 24 toss. Ear
hashing nachine
togging* of lit
harrows or rotary
hoe M4.2 (2 loos
gitudiSal and 2 las
Ural cultivations
Couplings of light
harrows or rotary
hoe EiMs4.2. Troat-
nest with herbicide
2.4-D with the aid
of ONE (olio longi-
tudinal and lateral
CORM= a4.6
hydrollo controls or
Motor cars CAZ-93
and ZIL-585 or trio-
tar trailers of 2
tons and Vlis3. Ears
husking naohine
Combine Kals2.6b.
Motor car Z110485.
Tractor trailer 24
tons. Ear-husking
&whine SIS2.76 with
hydraulic controls,
111-3 of MIMES cop.
strection. Motor ear
E11-915. tractor
trailer 24 tons.
Ear-husking machine
on next page)
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? (7) ? Trans. A-3.004
Variant NO
(100-200 hectares)
g5. Basic of soil
Agricultural. machines I
LD40 and P-3511
Variant isb"
(100-200 Si.)
Variant Raft
? Scheme 2.
'Variant ad?
(100-200 ha.)
Title of figure 1. Corn hargesting Combine KU-2A.
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tv) Trans, A-1004
The bunker of the corking was raised by 350 millimeters and moved
tO the left by 160 millimeters, which permitted to load the ears into cars
With an increased lifting power. the hunker stand his teen reconstructed
end this facilitated its mounting as well as access to the left silage
Getting ft*.
Solidamast rolls were installed on the oosibins; this reduced crumbling
*adds:raging of cora ears, is well as excluded the polsibility of the break-
ing emey of planks from the rolls and their getting into the husking moili
and silegolicutting drums. A new chainsdriven msdhanimm, has been installed
or opening and closing the bunker's trough /Begin p.18/ and the suspension
of this trough was reinlerced.
The cenetruction of several tension devices of feed chains, of the
dreg, drink and the chain of the main drive have been changed. Yer safety
ding work, new guards and protecting boards have been introduced, the
else of diameter of eonveyer's axle of the Shocker has been increased, as
wall as ihe bracket bracing of the conicaltranamission in the upper part
of the hoist.
The dhotis's, introdueed into the construotion of the combine, have ib.
creased its operation safety andprodactivitr. Now it can harvest 5.2.
hectares per 10 hours aunt. With much a productivity of KV-2A the ex?
imnditure of labor comprises 0.58 men-dcf, while with the work of cabins
KV-2, uhith harvests three hectares per 10 hours of work, 1 man-day per
Among the experimental machines at the experiment sections are uti-
liseds traotori DT44, with hydraulic mystems and projecting cylinders,
emuttped plate 11.4.-35, mounted spike-tooth harrow, sixprow trailer seeders
with diagonal transfer of gauge wire, three-row corn harvesting Combines,
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-i5IWe 11?41W4
corn ear-pickers SPU-2A, silage harvesting contines 82-2.6 with bsdraulic
controls, corn-silage-harvesting universal caibines t.31-2.611 and smichines
for husking corn ears.
Tractor DT414, with a hydraulic tryst's ang projected cylinders, is
intended for work with traotor.aounted four-bottna plows P11-11-35.
Oatpat of the unit, mben Arming to ? depth of 2043 centimeters,
is 0.66-0.85 hectare per hour. The unit is serviced by one tractor driver:
The moimited three-section spike-tooth harrow is mounted on tractors
1V-213, PT-114, wirodt ani U-2 with the aid of a three-point pivoting hinge.
Lifting and lowering of the plow is conducted with the aid of the tractor's
hydraulic lift eontrel.
Seeder !MGR.% six-row, mutmted, with a diagonal transfer of the gauge
Vire differs from seeder 81E01-68 by the presence of hydraulic controls, with
the aid of which the ployahares are lifted and lowered, as well as by the
presence of a system of hydraulic controls by knot catchers. Lifting and
lowering of markers is done with the *id of special rods trim the seat of
the tractor driver. The sowing unit is serviced by cue tractor driver.
According to data of the A/J.-Union ScientificAissearch Institute of Agricul-
tural Mechanisation, the labor eve:mature with the utilisation of this
seedtr is 0.06 nan-dsys par one hectare of the planting.
Title of figure 2. Chock-row mounted seeder.
The six-row check-row seeder (figure 2) is mounted on tractor "Belarus'.
The neas?using wire is treasforred as in the seeder 8101E-611. The precision
in sowing a given number of seeds (one, two or three) is guaranteed to ,;o90
percent when utilising a mounted seeder. This makes it possible to consi-
derably reduce the labor evenditure for thinning the plants in hills. The
sowing unit is serviced by one tractor driver and the labor expenditure is
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thul Trams. am.auuri
0.06 mmaliders per heater* of planting.
,Corn earvicker 5111hqk Vivre 3) is intended for harvesting corn in
the phase of full ripeness ofthe grain. It pulls oft the Oars from the
Stalk., cuts oft the stalks and collects than in the mounted .hooker.
The tar-piOker is a tVoiirow trailer machine, /Begin p.19/ working
five the power-tike-off.of the tractor willaruslo or/D-35; it is intended
to harvest corn from interrows of TO centimeters.
The unit is serviced by tour sea, including the tractor driver. Its
output is 0.54 hectare .per hour.
Title of figure 3. Corn ear-piclOW.8PU-2A.
MI* of !igloo 4. Cornpharvesting combine ISE-2.6V.
The three-row corn-harvesting combine, of MIKIS construction, is .
intended for harvesting corn planted with interrows of 70 centimeters, both
In the stage of foil ripeness, as well as during milkpwax phase of seed
ripeness. Ibescoombines are released in two versions: with and without
an apparatus for grinding the leaves and stalks. !hey have similar cutting
apparatus, feeding devices for stalks, break off rolls, corn ear conveyers,
bunters for the ears of 1.5-2 cubic meters holding capacity and trailer
shocker for collecting the stalk mass. The working parts are moved from'
the power-take-off of thi tractor.
The wahine, with the grinding apparatus, works in a unit with trac-
tor DT-54, and, without the apparatus, with tractors 'Belarus" and IDP-35.
The unit is serviced by the treater driver, combiner and a worher on
the *locker. Prodnctivity of the combine is 5.5 hectare per 10 hours of
work; empanditsre of labor at such an output is 0.6 man-days per hectare.
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4616 114 01,141 ? JIV''.6.1"Tie
The universal corn silage-harvesting combine 103X-2.611 (figure 4) was
made on the basil of the combine 51-2.6 and was intended to reap corn both
daring the sem-041k stage of ripeness and after full ripeness of grain,
as well as for harvesting other allege crops.
This is a trailer combine, the ilidth of the ripper 16,2.6 meters,
or Lb' ur rows of corn, sown at intarrows of 70 centimeters. ,the -cutting
apparatus is of a continuous shearing action ani can be used on both the
row and the continaolue plantings. 'Unlike combine 31-2.6, it has a feeding
apparatus, which consists of a top tester with soft planks and a lover
smooth roll, and a break off apparatats.
The break off apparatus consists of rolls with a grooved surface.
Between the feeding end the breaking elf apparatus there is a space for
the removal of broken off /Begin p.20/ ears to the conveyer. This spice is
shut off by valves when green mass is harvested topther with the ears.
The 'grinding apparatus is placed behind the. break off apparatus; it
consists, as in the combine 51-2.6, of a knife dna and a counteroutting
blade. The combine has two horizontal coarreyers, one for the ears, another
for the ground mass. At the end of the ears ccumerlare rolls which are
made to *memoirs from them long stalk splinters, and also a lift for the ears,
attiich transport* them to the trailer wagon.
Combine 111X4.617 wring as a unit with tractor DT-514. Four people
service this assembly. Productivitr at the combine, when harvesting corn
at full ripeness of the pains, is 9.7 hectare per 10 hours of work. gm.
pendithre of labor for harvesting one hectare is 0.4 man-day.
Cora eir-husker 0I)-4 (figure 5) is a stationary machine, intended for
husking the corn-eare. The "Lachine works from the tractor's power-take-off
or froa an electric motor.
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j Tram. 44-Jauc
The output is two tons of oars psr hour. Acvon pimple must attend
this maohino. iks workers' praductivity* using OF-k* is inoroassd
1.54 times* es compared to manual husking.
At the boginaing afar& of this roars sonimars were oonductod at
the Soloatific-losoaroh Institmto of Corn and at the Krasmodar
Boisatifio-assoarah Agricultural Institute Aire directors, Mist agrioul-
Urinate and onginoors of NTS were present* as mill as workers Lion scionti.
fie-research institations, oho took part in the oonducting at exporiminks.
Omit yerk was sondustad by hilkhoses amd XIS in the *Wiwi of the program
and methods.
0.-workers of more thin 30 sciantific-rosoarob ostablishmaits mad of
agricultural imatitutos took part is soadisting experiment.* together with
markers flonkciikkosas and MT$. Solantifis ustkars were attached to each
XT3 aid to any kolkkosos. Brigades and teams more tumid from oxporiemood
mschmaisers mad kolkkosalks and na.kinis and implommats were assigned to
this. Kontos of movemamts of units were laid out Air oank brigade and tom
ones* experimental sostioa.
Ths oxporimonts were andustad on this fields of soisetifie-oxperinsatal
and educational institutes along WAAL kolkhams. Whoa oceductiag experiments*
grout importanse an. attached to a *most amounting of labor exponditurosi
of monotary-matorial rossuram, as usll as to thaassamiting of the harvest.
Inmorroot or inasourats amomsting oamiload to fault, conalusions. la eon.
motion with this, groat rospondbility was entrusted to directors of MTA*
chief agrisilturists and engineers* brigadiers of traitor brigades and as-
count ants of 11218* as cell as *harem* agrommmos, accountants and bookkeepers
of kalkhooss.
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wrens. atftimuu
The fuller, Tore thorou?;bly nd in (nater detail 411 th produotion
experiments be conducted, the faster will the complex mechanisation of cow
txowinc be introduced to kolkhoses end Eovkhoomrs, ard the more considerably
will the labor enenditares be reduced for the production of this valuable
iitle of figure 5. Corn ear-husker CP4.
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Trans. 41,44U13)
(In full)
lakukhine, A. F.
Airobatsiia posevov kukUrusy i uelovila
sdachi sedan euradarstvu. '
Lipprobation of corn plantings and condi..
tions for seed delivery to the state.
Kukurusa, vol. 2. no. es p.23.-25. Aug. 1957. 59:11 195
(In Itassian).
It is well4mowm. that when planting corn with seeds of regionalised
varieties 1,.ts yielding oapacitiY is considerably raised when ?papered with
plantings with ordinary seeds. Still better reeults are obtained fres utiS hung -
hybrid seeds. Intervarietal kpbrids compared with varieties giro an
increase in yield in the limits of 10 percent, variety-linear hybrids up to.
? 20, and the dpuble interlinear up to 25-30 percent and over.
iegardless of thief the growth of areas of hybrid sad varietal plant-
Inge of corn in fax, behind the gronth of general &MU Of this crop. brid
and varietal plantings of cora. in 1955 eoaprised only 25 percent and in
1956 - 57 percent in ratio to the total area of planting. Consequently,
about half of all areas under cern are planted with low-Yielding, ordinary
? seeds or a mixture of seeds of different varieties and hybrids. This reduces 19
the total barest of corn considerably.
It is necessary to conduct a series of assisures, the course of ace
cospliabaent of which is described further on, in order to complete the
transfer to =trona plantings with hybrid and regionalised varietal seeds
&ring the next 'two-three years.
Glavnefa inopeKsiis pa oononovocistvulatotorotra ool. toga Ikhosiatotv_a 85SR
/Chief Inspeotorate at Seed Growing of the Ministry of Agriculture of MSA/.
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(2) Trans. A4005
After condUcting a twofold field examination of all plantings on hy-
'bridisation *options for deterdining the quality at detasseling the plantm
of the female form the next task in order.approbation.(1)
? Yield approbation is of $ compulsory orders
on all plantings of eelf-pollinated linesi.mhibb mere produced both for
the purpose of propagation and for hybridisation (in order to obtain simple
on all "mations-of propagation of simple hybrids;
on seed section' of kolkhOsse andeovkhoses; '
on all areas of seed plantings of seed growing and elite seed ,grosing
tarns avd Of seleotionm*exprimental inatitationS;
on plantings of deficient sad prospective varietiess
. ? ?
. on highly yielding footless of general virietal_plaatings (in quanti-
ties, Whkh are necessary for providing Varietal *sad* to kolkhossis and
? sovkhoses, .and forth, realisation of the *tate ;lin of procurement, taking
also in consideration the export Of seeds beyond the borders of the republio).
The area of general varietal plantings, Which are subject to appro..
bation, is determined smelly by the Ministries of Agriculture of the &Iliad
republic* admitting to represwatetions of the *blast' (krai) Dspaitmenti of
Assiteultere and Ministries of Agriculture of the Autonosious Republics.
? held approbations of cora ars oonllicited at the fall ripeness of seeds
in etrict.conforsitt'with methods, eitedin the institation an the conducting
of approbation of varietal plantings, and with methodical directions on
growing hybrid seeds *fewest and of its parental forms.
tl/See article of A. 6. Limb *Ukhod as posevami na uhastkakh gibridisatsile
gars of plantings on hybridisation teatime in lukurusaao. 7, for the year
. 1957.
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mhos oodles tiag ? field approbation of self?pollinated lines and
staple hybrids, one should follow the method, uhia was established for
approbation of common varieties of corn. When eecomplisking this work,
it is necessary to cress the hybridisation opetion at a diagonal line sad
analyse the ears of one of the parental forms (female or male), and, when
returning Aegis p.22/ along this same diagonal lime - examine the other
parental form. For each 50 beaterse of a hybridisation section, 250 cern
ears of maternal and paternal forma mat be eubjeeted to analysis.
Plantings of self-pollinated lines must have not less than 99.5
percent of ears of the basis type; presumes of semis seeds Should not ex-
ceed 20 pieces per 100 ears. On hybridisation motions, whisk ware laid out
for growing seeds of simple hybrids, the plants of the male fora must have
not less than 98.5 permit of ears of a baste type, amd mot mere than 50
xenia seeds per 100 'am implants of female ferns there should be mot less
than 98 percent of oars of the basis type and not mere than 50 xenia seeds
per 100 oars. In the harvest of seeds of simple hybrids on sections of
propagation there should be net loss than 97 persist of ears of the basic
type and notion) than 400 xmaia seeds per 100 ears. beedis of self-pol-
linated lines mode! simple hybrids are not separated in categories according
to typicalness.
If, as a result et field approbation, typieelness will prove to be
lower, and the presence of semis seeds higher than the indisated norms, the
the obtained yield, depending on the six* of admixtures, is rejeeted from
the number of those grown for seed purposes sr is reoemmended for planting
with the permission of the Outstay of Agrioulture of USSR and the Ministry
of urain Predate of USSR.
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? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
(4) Trans. A-I005
Field approbation of self-pollinated lines, planted on hybridisation
sections for obtaining seeds of simple hybrids, is a coepuleory meashre in-
...Mallon to field examinations. In the absense of one of the two documents -
the document of field examination or the document of field approbation -
the seeds, obtained from the hybridisation section, cannot be considered
' as seeds of simple hybrids.
? On hybridisation sections of doutle interlinear, varietrainser and
interwarietal hybrids field approbation is not conduted with the exception
offers., which are attached to factories for delivery of seeds. .
Plantings on propagation emotions of self-pollinated lines 'sod the ,
elites of varieties are approbatol by a plant breeder or a seed greeting
agriculturist free the selection station or a scientific.research institu-
tion in the memos of a representative of the oblastijor kral) Department
of Agrioultsre.
Varietal corn plantings at the elite seed graving farms are pprobated
by the agriculturist of this farm together with a representative of the se-
? lectionmexperimontal institution or ()blast' (kral) Depart:swat of Agriculture.
. 'Plantings an hybridisation 'sections and of propagation of staple hybrids
are approbated by an agriculturist controller in the presence of the seed growing
agriculturist and representative of the fare.
Varietal plentings of corn on seed growing farms are approbated by
specially selected, the most experienced, apprdbators from the machine-
tractor stations together with the seed growing agriculturist of the given
Xe kolkhoses and sovkhotes, approbation and registration of varietal
. and hybrid plantings of cern are conducted by agriculturists, who work on .
these farms, and in their absence - agriculturists from MS iliechine-trector-
station/ or tram aAlwat organisations, who were appointed Or this purpose.
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Approbation can be conducted only by those agriculturists who had
training at &special course of the seminar arranged by seientifio-research
,institutes, selection-experimentel establishment or educational institution.
It Is necessary to organise short seminars at MTB .for agriculturists, ebo
previously had training at the courses of approbation and who have experience
in this work.
Before the beginning of approbation, agricultural institutions and
sins-tractor stations must organise an inspection of kolkhoses and sovkhoses,
if they have varietal documents far planting corn moods, and also ahead of
time to furnish the controllers with blanks for registering the plantings.
In ease of absence of the planting certificate on the farm, it is =weary
to take all measures for its recovery borer* the beginning of approbation.
?told approbatiin must be Oondusted on time end at a high level. The
varietal documents must be filled out correctly. For this purpose it is ?
necessary to provide a systematic, qualified control of the work of the
approbators on the part iof dhisf apprObstors, chief agriculturists of NTS
and eavkhoses, as Well as on the part of interregional inspectors, who are
appointed from the number of best approbaters of the ablest', kral, republic.
In view of the especially great importance of approbation, of varietal plant-
ings the agriculturalists approbators receive an established additionel pay
for their timely and highp.quality /Begin p.23/ conducting of the work.
- It is necessary to harvest hybrid and varietal ears as soon as full
ripeness of the seed takes place, since dale; in harvesting leads to a loss
of part of the yield and a redustion of quality of seeds. In those cases
when danger arises through the arrival of early fall frosts, harvest is permit-
ted when yellow rips, with an obligatory condition, that drying of contours
will be organised immediately after harvesting.
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(6) Trams* ilo4005
It is neeaseary to harvest *ors ears fron fend* and sae revs separately
on hybridisation sections in order to avoid their nixing.
Sere fres sale plants, as well as ell those that dropped
are not need for seed purposes.
Tie harvested hybrid old v? eorn ears rat be r.sov.d tram the
field the era. day and stored on roofed threshihg Coors, under sheds (specially
? eonstructed or ad,tasted), or is well veatilated builfilap?
bertins of own ears ittr seeds is eoaduated sinolteneously with harvest-
ing. It is neoessary to move all ears *Joh irs nontypieol fer this Sivft
? variety or hybrid or are sari end dieeaSed. Sorting of seed ecru ears
rust be done very quiokly sins* the preemiee of rSp. and digerati eon%
ears sea oattse the spoilage of the loved sin in ON heap.
*en sorting ears at solf.pellincted lines and of singe bybride
mall ears are not rojeeted, as well as these with unfilled tope Or partially
fillet only diseased ears and those whisk differ $harply in gm sad fora
furs the basis *me
The stershoase prehatioa is sombaoted after sortias the said ears of
hybrid sird varietal corm it is a oompulsery supplaikaut to field Slaaiu.
tics and field approbation.
Storehatups approbation is sonde.tad by the tars oilrior/tarist) an in-
specter uricultarist *basks his work* while on nospseed igniting tarns - a
older apprebater or the chief agriculturist of Ms or of a writhes and in.
terredonal isspeoters. iteselte of storehouse approbation, which is **newt*d
aceerding to a method specified in the instructions for approbation and in
nethedisal directions for growing hybrid seeds of cots and of their mental
ram, ore doeussated.
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(7) Trans. A-1005
After sorting and storehouse approbation corn seeds must haves
'seeds of self-pollinated lines - only ears of the baste type, with-
out xenis seeds)
Seeds of simple interlinear hybrids of the first generation - not .
less than 99.5 percent sr ears of the basic type and not more ihsm 30 amnia
seeds per. 100 earay ?
seeds of simple hybrids, collected from propagation sections, - not
less than 99.5 percent of ears of the basic type. and Dot more than 000 xenia
seeds per 100 ears; '
seeds of the first generation of double interlinear, variety-linear
and intervarittal hybrid, - not less than 98 percent of ears of the basic
type and not more than 600 lents seeds' per 100 ears.
11, Seeds of self-pollinated lines, of simple, double interlinear, variety-
linear and intervaristal hybrids are not separated according to typicalness
during both the sterehouse and field 'probations.
During storehouse approbation of varietal weeds, which is conducted
after ear sorting, it is permitted to raise the category of trpicalnesis
but not more them by one, as compared to the category established for field
approbation. Such raising of Category of varietal purity is not permitted
for slits seeds.
All documents about field examinatiems, field and storehouse approba-
tiara east be turned over to the state grain storage points before acquisition
, Ivory amalgam:it of seeds, &living' to the stats grata storage point
must be accoapaniedlw proper sbouments.
On hybridisation sections of double interlinear, varietpainear and
intervarietal hybrids of farms, which are attached to factories for delivery
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tOi Trans. A-1005
411 of seeds, field approbation is oompulsory besides the field examinations
prior to harvesting. sush a ease, during field apprebation on hybridi-
**ties: sections, the pereentage of oontaminatioa of plantings with other
typos of corn is establiehed, as well as the number of amnia seeds, and of
those infected with fangal and bacterial diseases. At the same time, re-
gardless of the degree of varietal impurities and inflation with diseases,
rejeetion of the yield of double, interlinear, /login p.247 varietplinear
and intervarietal hybrids is not *Meted. Harvesting corn, whisk is to
be delivered to the factories, must be begun at the moisture content of ears
of about 304 and in case of a throat of the coming of early autumn frosts
with a still higher moister* content. As the harvested ears are delivered
straight from the field to the factory with husks, their sorting; and store-
!, house approbation is not sendested. Haab batch of hybrid seeds, delivered
to the factory, is ascompanied by one dimmest.
In uniformity with the reselatioa of the TeX LPSS (central Committee
of the Commumist ?arid and of the Omen of *misters of MSS, there ere
monetary varietal bonuses in the following amounts paid off for hybrid seeds,
delivered to state warehouses, besides the basis price for the steeds,
Class of seeds, Use of bonus
awarding to 008? for is /install/9
All-Uniee State for seeds
Standard; 65141
Far seeds of self-polliasted lines and
simple hybrids of the Ist generation I 275 rubles
11411 250 ?
For seeds of regionalised double inter-
linear hybrids of Xs% generation I 150
11.111 125 *
For seeds of regionalisedverietplinear
and intervarietal hybrids of the
lit generation I 100 *
110111 $5 N
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t9) Trans. 4.100
? Seeds of simple hybrids of the second generation and of hybrid popum
Wiens are paid for as varietal seeds of the I and 11 reproductions.
For hybrid seeds and parental forms of hybrids, whidh are delivered
to ETS as a pay in kind for their work on the farm, the kolkhos receives
the monetary varietal bonus, while the basis cost of corn seeds is assigned
by the state grain pmcdhase point, to the Stateludget.
Besides that, the seed growing kolkhoaes receive preferential counter-
veil in grain for hybrid seeds, delivered to the state as oomiillsory supply-
ing and as payment in kind for the work of NTS, in the equivalentst
For 1 centner of seeds of propagated self-pollinated
lines; of 1?111 Glasses of the seed Standard.
For 1 centaur of seeds of simple interlinear hybrids,
1-111 classes of the used standard
For 1 caner of seeds of the aria generation of
doable interlinear hybrids, 1.111 classes of the
seed standard
For 1 centner of seeds of variety-linear' and inter-
linear hybrids of the first generation,
classes of the seed standard.
3 contneri of *min
2 ,
For varietal seeds, delivered to the state by seed growing farms, a
monetary "bonus is paid off at the following rate over the fixed price for comp
*Praia corn seldso
For elite mods, meting the norms of the seed stan-
dard for the elite
For seeds of the first and second reproduction and
seeds of deficient varieties of all reproductions
(except the elite) or I and II categories, I-II
classes of the seed standard
rursimilar seeds, Me the /II class
For similar seeds, which were not brought to the
norm of the seed standard, but in quality are not
below the restricting conditions of state grain
For seeds of the 3rd and of the following reproduo-
tions (except the deficient varieties) of I and 11
categories of varietal purity, 14I classes of the
seed standard
200 percent
90 "
70 a
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L-1-000Z0001701-019Z171-0108dCll-V10 17Z/60/?1,0Z 3Se3i3i -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI
?olluoqoxo JO Si
-yob* Sulpuodoossoo o Suyps0000 odoso mos, sow Jo soysomop isomdmo
Jo quommo; so; quomoo otuy umto% WV Jo Nam oql so; pupt uy vomo
-A*d it pus usvo Jo souddos AsosIoduoo Jo quoimum sow oosowit/a4 Buy
-Ras? pus sq Aq posamop soplaqlq Jo pm elm poopumod-mo Jo aping
suompuoo luy
-itoyaloos olowytogi4ou 04, VA 1pzITUS%4 poso ottl Jo
sum om ol. vtisosqqou OSe4. ROT* (spool sunup. sos
. psipun* Piss
ipqR :0 $op in wo AOXOQ 44(1 'OK ita0304,0 III JO
OtiOr4OOPOZdO4 //, JO moyloyalui# lumpy Jo rpm aos
sOsintosad ma, rono Jo suompuoo :ay
-4n:41m NM nom lou 0111 lug 4pswinns Pm 0R4 0
wou wil, oq lopoosq qou WO& gimp sepses soyluyo au
/Red uy2o4/
? ? 53st 4114114,10
///..I 88W0UP3 II POO I JO e(4UOTOT011 OM IMMO)
SUOTIOUVOXIOS SUPOITOJ 0% put papt4 eqt Jo spoof sos
? ? est ossintosod uToal omo Jo suompuoo Suyqoutoos
OTC AO/OCI %Ott en ROTIZA WI epsopuno peso ova Jo
loaftrolo, o% 4qpoosq %au saw Town foga, asyynyo agg
Mr Zit stIV P VA ?I1Peel Jr(Prie st0A
4 a rx propose pomp oqw JO SOOSOIO // pus /
? irroysollwoo // puo / Jo ouonouposdos Ihrpoorco; sift
jo osyloysto thmoodooid put sawmill JO WW1 put
oirts03,4o0 ix put 1 fettoirnpozdaz pug pug vet ost4 30
opus JO MMUS* Le/
StiOntridOd pysqiq Jo open put opus fitoysoa. sos
oquo En Jo swim ow !mom lopoos *ma 401
toworuyntoo &mono;
ol tayps0000 top= IT num U23 uy rpusolunoo royquesopad gems
oqq. 4)4 posoomp 'opus WOO pyaqAq ost4 AO; WO nut se irloysta JO&
movaudortos3 am* Jo ouompueo Supoyspos
UM smog IOU Oil 11014A qttq ipanuoto peso om, JO
mom oq% 01 qtatnoaq goo saw Romp hip?00 jingo du
0 Olt propane pees Oqq.
JO ossevio ziri f4Isod /flotro? 30 Asolowo 11/ Jo
sumouposdos Ito JO soyloysie ituoyortop Jo opus 404
iptiOsted Oz .4forepsndwpas2 wits Jo suompuos Surmoysvos ott%
nom qou saw Amirdb uy lout opsopuove pits 54% Jo
AMU s144 os itognoaq tom sass 'mg,' copses amirpo
cnimir ?OM/ itrrl
L-1-000Z0001701-019Z171-0108dCll-V10 17Z/60/?1,0Z 3Se3i3i -10d panaiddv pue Pe!PsseloeCI ,
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
For hybrid seeds, turned in to the Stets for exchange, the state
grain purchase points issue to the seed graving kolkhoses ordinary, provision
grain (weight calculated according to varietal purity and moisture content);
equivalents used are the seam according to which preferential oountervail
was made for deliveries of compulsory supplies.
for varietal seeds of corn, which are deliverod for exchange the state
grain purchase points issue ordinary corn grainsin equivalents established
by the governmaat. Issues in exchange for grain of othsr crops can be made
only with the permission of the Ministry of Grain Products of USSR.
Varietal and hybrid seeds, which tre issued in exchange for ordinary
seeds, are evaluated according to fixed Prices plus varietal bonuses and
the leaved ordinary grain - at fixed prices. Offence" between the pride
of delivered seeds and the pries for the ordinary seeds obtained from the
state grain purchase points is paid to the kolkhos in cash. ?
Haulage of seeds, which are turned in; in the course of exchange, to
the state grain purchase points by the farms in their own conveyance i paid
for to seed growing farms leocording-to the operative tariff for transports.
tion of grain V. motor transport.
After fulfil:Lomat of all obligations to the atate in **paying the grain,
the seed growing kolkhoses can turn in the hybrid and varietal corn seeds,
using their MA discretion; not alone for exchange but also can sell than
to the State. An such a ease the kolkhos receives a supplementil monetary
bonus over the price of ordinary corn in the amount cited praviOusly.
Sovkhoses tarn in the varietal and hybrid seeds only in the order of
einhangs for ordinary forage grains (weight is calculated according to varie-
tal purity and moisture content). Compensation is caltulated using the
same norms, according to which such seeds ware oveltated for compulsory de-
liveries and exchanges to seed growing kelkhoses.
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24: CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
(12) Trans. A4005
Varietal' and kibrid seeds, Which are turned in by sovkhoses for ex..
change, are evaluated according to the delivered price established for
soviheses, with an additions] monetary bonus in the amounts cited pre-
viouAy; the forage grains, obtained by sovkhoses from state grain puri.
chase points are also calculated according to the delivered prices. The
state grain purchase points pay the deliverer the difference between the
price of accepted seeds and the supplied forage grain. Furthermore, the
sovkhosis and the selection-experimental institutions, who turned, in the
cornSeeds for exohenge`purposes, receive also the proper price for hauling
the seeds to the purchase point.
'Fwyment of s'dditional monetary bonuses, as well as utilisation of
preferential equiVilents, are done only in that case when the seeds, turned
in by the seed growing farms, fn114 satisfy the standard norms, including '
'misters content also. For deliveries of conditional seeds, having gm in.
worm! moisture content, the else of monetary and natural bonuses is re-_
.duced4 depending on moisture. ?
floods of regionalised corn hybrids of the first generation can be
accepted without a contract from non-seed growing farms even in that case,
when they are net brought up te the norms of the seed standard, but in
guilty are not below the restricting conditions of the state grain pur-
chase points. For such hybrid seeds the state grain purchasing points pay
a monetary bonus over the price of the ordinary warn in the amount of 100
percent of the fired price.
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AlmaralAr A %AAA
Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
411111 4011.1.161
Wasiike, A. 8., and Ilischke, P. 7.
Selektsionne - semeseved-
timbale robots a kukurusol.
Areeding and seed growing
work with coml.
Makers'', vol. 2$ no. 12, p.32-36.
Dec. 1957. 59.8 895.
(In lassian)
Ihe All-Union deleetionmaanetisel Institute inert T. D. lgyeenke has
begun its work with corn $1200 the year 1939. The methods of corn seed
growing, utilised during these years, basically were directed for the re
111 -
tention, of varietal purity and not for the increase of their yielding am-
purity. But the workers of the Institute, basing themselves on the teschlese
of Charles Darwin about the selective ability of the organisms, and taking
into consideration, that the vitality of hybrid offspring increases eon,-
siderably after ermine the plants, which differ in their biological and
ecological aharacteristies, have developed a new method of corn seed growing.
This method, in 1949, was recommended to all selection-experimental
institutions of the country by the Ministry of Agricultare of VDU.
Utilising the new method of selection, the Imetitste improved the cern
seeds of the wEnepropetrovskalas variety, which OR the average for 4 years
gave 33.4 (*steers of seeds, and seeds, grown awarding to the old method,
gave only 28.2 ?miners of seeds per hectare.
Besides improving the yielding qualities of seeds of the existing
Ovarieties, new and higher yielding ?ore varieties can be dove/4,1nd using
this method. This was cwafirmed by the experienoe in the work of the Insti-
tute in developing the variety Nrusbevekaia Odesskala".
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Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
Speolness of the variety *Ormihsvskaia, rail& were obtained fro'
vario6 halide's** of Odessa and likolaevek eblast's verso the initial ma-
terial for devolopmemt of ihis variety. These speelasse, together with
37 specimens of morsel the *Orughevehala* type, Shish were selected in
Moldavia, were planted 1211946 in les surgery for arose-pollination and
As a result of repeated eress-pollinatioa sad selection, a new, more
produotive, variety of sera uus created. Ca the average, during four years
of resolwrok (190-1,50), variety *Orumbevekaia Odeseksia* aseeeded in psis
yield *Oraihrrehaia Maspropetrovskala* by 5.4 costar per hectare.
Daring esperiments on fourteoa variety test plots is Odessa, Niro-
'regret" sad lineprepoirevsk oblast's in 1947, the variety *Orughevekaia
? Odesakaia* prodieed, on the average, 40.5 meteors more of grain wheaten,
or by 4.6 oestmer noire than the variety "Daspropetrewskala*, whit* vas
regionalised for those Oblastis at that time.
Sine. the pv1950, the variety *Orumbevehala Odesehala* has been
regionalised in the eons of distribution of hybrid *Odesekli if, its patersal
Was, as well as in likolesveh ablest' tor growing seeds ler export to
Northern oblast's of the eountry, where it can give high yields of silage
mass. *Orughevshata Odesekeia* refers to a group of varieties with yellow
flinty grains. Its positive sharasteristio, when planted in northern Oblast's,
is its rogistanse to low temperatures durimg the spring period. /aegis p.33/
Together with development of methods of good growing and brooding of
varieties, the Institut* also condasted work es brooding cern hybrids.
As a result of *tidies of as hybrid combinations sad of selection of
pairs, the Inatitmte bred the intervarietal hybrid *Odesekli 1" bylaws of
crossing variety nnepropetrevghaig*, maternal fora, with the variety "Oreshov-
skate Odesskale. This hybrid is ohareotarised by high drought.registanos,
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?31 Trans. A"Avvo
and in grain yield it exceeds "Onepropetrovekaia" variety, on the average,
by 4-5 centaers per hectare.
Thus, on the average for 9 years of experiments (19474955), at the
Berssovskii variety test plot hybrid 00desskii 1" exceeded in grain yield
variety "fteprepetrovakaia? by 3 canton's, at the LiahaehoVekii by 5.8
.and at the paltskil - by 3.1 contort per hectare.
In 2049 the hybrid 00desskil 1* was regionalised, and 101956 it was
already planted in Odessa and &kola,' oblastos on in area of about 160
? thousand hecteres. In 19529 in Odessa ablest' together with hybrid 00desskil 10
was regionalised a new, and more productive double interlinear hybrid WI 42,
Which was bred by the All-Union Institute of Plant Industry.
Taking into consideration a high yielding capacity' of hybrid VP 42,
especially in grain, the Institute paid such attention to its introduotion
into production of late.
On isolated notions new seed tanneries for self-pollinated lines
Via 44, UR 38 end 'VIP. 43 are being:established using seeds obtained as '
result of repeated oelf-pollinations; seeds of lines 44 and 38 are propagated
as well as seeds of simple interlinear hybrids ?Slava" and 0Svetoch0.
Seeds of self-pollinated lines 44, 38, 40 and 43, grown in 1955, sere
utilited not. only on hybridisation sections of special corn seed growing farms.
They were. sent out for propagation to greatosekos, Rosovekca and Ismaillskoe?
experimental fields, to Stavropol', Miliutinsk, Alna*Ata, Strero-Caetinskaia
and other selection stations.
Fulfilling the resolution of the ToK KPSS &Antral Oemmittee of the
Communist Partil and of the Council of Ministers of USSR, abilut measures
for transfer of kolkhoses and sovkhoses to planting corn with hybrid seeds,
the Institute increased the voltage of work on growing parental forms of hybrids.
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Inns. A4P1U00
Title of figure. Ears of corn *Odeaskaia 10*, bred
by the kolkhos *Lanni itichurina* Dshankoi raion,
Kryaskaia oblast'.
Last year on propagation seCtions were green and turned in to the
State 342 cantina's of seeds of self-pollinatod lines, or over four these
more than it was specified in the plan. Besides that, the seed nurseries
have grown 23 contners of seeds of silt-pollinated lines 44, 38, 40 and
143, while the plan specified 3.2 eentners. Above the planned assignment
were grown WI *anther of seeds of the simple hybrid %lava* and 216
contner' of seeds of hybrid 18votooh*.
,The collective body of the Institute also renders prectleal help to
kolkhoses and sovkhoses with intzeduotion of hybrid seed* for produotion
plantings. In 1953 hybrid plantings occupied in Odessa *blast' 68.1
thousand hooters', in 1954 - 1054, in 1955 - 158.9 and last pear 3119.5
thousand hectares.
The yield of hybrid seeds. obtained In 1956, permitted this year to
plant with hybrid seeds the pester part of the area, occupied by corn in
Odessa oblast', as well as to provide a considerable amount of seeds for
planting in other ?blast's of the country.
In latter years, the Institute has conducted work also en breeding
new corn varieties.
Different methods were applied for this work. But the aost effective
method of intervaristal hybridisation was with fres pollination. By this
method, on the basis of free intervarietal crossing (without &tasseling)
of varieties ?1tUDS11 1.111131511ei /Begin p.34/ Doepropetrovskaia and Kinnesota,
O 13 Extra, with the use of additional pollination by the mixture of pollen
of variety - pollinators and of the maternal variety (Kuban Leaning)
during a comparatively short tins, for tour years, ? new highlyv.roductIve
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rrans? A-Auuo
variety sOdeaskala 10" was bred.-
Variety "Odesakain 10* is especially valuable for planting for silage
and green fodder, since owing to great height and,vigorous development of
stalks and leaves of plants, it produces high yields of peen sass.
During testing on variety test plots of 27, ?blast's and republies of
the country, varlet/ 10desskaia 10" considerably exceeded the kybrids and
varieties of corn, regionalised there, in the yield of ,ellage sass.
In 1955 the planting* of 10desakaia 10" on the average in the eight
varlet/ tAksting plots of Odessa *blasts produced by 1372 feeding unite per
heaters sore, than the plantings of hybrid TM 42.
? In the yiald of ailap and dry sass variety 10desskala 10" often is
not even excelled by such high-oproductIve late-rips:dal; double interlinear
? hybrid as VIII 156.
tinder production conditions of kelkhoses and sovkhoses *Odeaskais 10"
also produced higher ,yields of silage sass, than other varieties and hybrids.
In 1955 the team of the two-tines Nero of Socialistic Labor, S. D.
Vishtak, who planted variety *Odesskala 10" on the area of 12 hectares
obtained 231 centners of corn ears in wax-silk stage of seed ripeness and
400 oentner of green 'sue per hectare, and frca three hectares, where corn
was harvested for seeds - 110 centnen of ripe seeds per hectare.
At the kolldibs "laud tirova*, Shirlaevskii raion, Odessa ablest'
during the sans year varlet/ sOdesakala 10" on an area of 10 heotares produced
1.200 centners of green mass per hectare.
Last year at kolkhos "Luang frasnoterat non, awe. ()blast',
variety "Odesskala 10" produced 720 (=taws of green we per hectare.
? According. to its vegetative period, *Odesska 1O" belongs, to a group
of *odium late varieties. It ripens usually 125-130 days erten the appearance
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kg)/ won. AINLVVO
of sprouts, 8-12 days later than hybrid VIA 42.
in 1955 variety 00dessksia 10 was planted in nine kolkhoses, which
were serviced by Shaw:beak? 8upportihg.4)emonstration MTS &whine-tractor
'Utica of Beresovekil .ssin, Odessa oblast', where it gave higher yields
of seeds, than hybrid VIR 42.
This variety gave high yields also when tested in other countries of
People's Democracy. In 1956, at the production cooperative 'Friedrich
Ingelse in Shafstedt (Kills district, german Democratic Republic) 1.200
centners of green as were obtained frostlike% bectaret
Agrotechnics for breeding variety 'Odesskaia 10" is similar to other
varieties and hybrids: But in connection with its tallness and a longer
vegetation period when growing it for seeds the area of plant nutrition
? is recommended to be increesed by 20-25 percent.
This variety, in comparison With other hybrids ahd varieties, differ'
in increased resistance to low .temperatures during the spring period; this
makes it possible to cultivate it inner', northern ?blast's of the country..
Of late; the Institute widened its work on breeding early.ripening
hybrids and varieties of corn, which have high yielding capacity and are
adapted to local conditions of graving. Crossings were conducted of fairly
tar/priputing varieties, such as Spasevskala, Sesenchukskaia, Toroneshskala
76, Itemnistaia ftlint7 earlriripening and others with medium-ripening
self-pollinated lines, simple interlinear hybrids and varieties.
? Testing of obtained hybrids has thorn that the best among than are
considerably more early-ripening, than the double interlinear hybrid TM 42,
and equals it in yielding capacity.
Variety-linear hybrid wforoneshskaia 76 I Slava", whirl ripens 1042
? days ahead of hybrid V1fl-42, presente special interest, and during the two
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(7) ? Trans. A4.006
years of testing sommihat ezoolled hybrid. VIA 42 in yielding capacity.
This year the new hybrid underwent preliminary tests on timers' variety
.test plots of Odessa, iirOvegrad and Kharkov oblast'.
As a result of crossing of varieties "Longfellow" and Ireenistaia
early-ripening" and of the following selections a DOW productive variety"
no.16m, was obtained, which is more early-ripening compared to the studied
? varieties and hybrids,. After harvesting of plants of this variety, /Begin p.35/
even in northern raions of Odessa and Nikolsevek ()blasts' it is possible to
plant winter wheei.
? eine* 1955 the Institute has conducted works on studies of hybrids,
Obtained from crossing of early-ripening varieties with late-ripening.
As it is known, T. D. Lysenko, on the basil of studies of the length
of the light Stage in late-ripening southern and in earlriripening corn
varieties, ahlth ripen in northern regions of the country, suggested to cross
them for obtaining early-ripening hybrids, *it% would give high yields in
northern regions.
Taking this into eonsideration, in 1955, the Institute conducted
direct and beck crossings of early-ripening varieties noroneshikaia 76,
Opasovekalap.Sesenchukskaia,? Ifremnistala eerly-ripoining" and othe is with
late-ripening varieties "Muskets 10, -Zakarpatskaia Shensi* obboitdnala
deritn Sterling and others.
Two-years study of obtained hybrids has Shown, that under conditions
of the south of Ukraine they, as a rule, occupy an intereediate place in
their vegetative period between the initial varieties, or approach the
sore early.ripening, but only in isolated Cases the late-ripening parent.
Whereupon, usually, if an early-ripening variety was used as the Maternal
form, than the hybrid obtained was mere early-ripening.
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?47, traigs? 1110.INVO
Of late, the Institute widened the work en studies of the collection
material and of separating fres it the best speeimens as initial material
for crossing Gad breeding selfivollinatedlinee. Last year, in the eol-
leetion mummy, 562 specimens were studied of various origin, among thea
500 specimens from the ItleAd Collection of the 13.14sion Institute of
Plant Industry, end this year - 696 specimens.
The Institute began, since 1955, to breed self.pollinated lines of
corn. As an initial material areutilleed meetly the lecal varieties
ottnepropetrovskaia, Oirushevelada-Odesskaia, Odesskaia 10, Iharkovekala 23,
Iharkeveksia *it, dant", and others.
Particular attention is given to breeding early-ripening self-pollinated
lines from varieties with flint type seeds.
Utilisation of suck use as initial material for double interlinear
hybrids will give the possibility to obtain hybrids which are resistant to
low temperatures during the spring period and are mere est/y-ripening.
At the present time varieties noronesktkaia 764 Spasovekala, Boson-
dbukskala, tromnistaia early-ripening', end others are used for breeding
earlywipmeing lines.
Tor developing self-pollinated lines, which mould in economic-ble-
logical chareeteristios Ashtray differ from lines developed fr011 varieties
of native eeleetion, the test foreign optimisms from the colleetien material
were utilised as initial material.
This year in the nurseries were studied 286 lines of the first genera-
tion, 357 lines of the second gemeratiem and U. lines of the fourth and fifth
generations (from self-pollination). The Institute has also conducted
411 analysing crossing, of several mere aligned lines.. Ilextyear the obtained
hybrids will be studied in eopparison with hybrid1VIAO, simple interlinear
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Trans. Ae.AVVO
hybrids e31wvan and "Svetcch", and other hybrids and varieties in order to
select the best lines for breeding double interlinear hybrids.
It was discovered that perennial propagation of lines on isolated
seotiono with free pollination leads to the increase of their productivity.
Sow the Institute studies, how this change of yielding capacity of the line
is reflected in the productivity of simple and double interlinear hybrids,
obtained fras crossing of these lines.
!bother with this are eiveined the variability of self-pollinated
lines after their repeated self-pollination and selections. As it is knows,
when growing seeds for lines, the seed nurseries are planted with seeds from
repeated self-pollinations of plants. Regardless of the fact that self-pol-
lination of plants of self-pollinated lines is conducted on well aligned
material, sometimes occasional families of one and the same line differ one
from another to a considerible degrees in the length of the vegetative period,
might and vigor of plants, height of attachment of ears, resistance to
diseases, and is on.
For instance, in 1956, some of the lines of VIII 44 tasseled on July
? and the others on July 12413. This year also /Begin p.30/ was observed a
considerable diversity in, families in the linits of one and the emu has. .
Thus, by means of repeated selfaipollinations, selections and propaga-
tion on isolated sections of individual families, *Loh differed from other
families of the given line in several characteristics, it is possible to
develop ass lines from the existing, aligned self-pollinated lines.
A wide distribution of double interlinear corn hybrids raised the is
portance of studies of productivity of regionalised double hybrids deperWag
on the quality of the initial material. is it is known, when growing seeds
of the first generation of double interlinear hybrids, seeds are utilised as
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Oa) Trans. &maw; .
of,the.first, so else of the following generations of simple hybrids.
Moreover, some workers of scientific establishments think that yielding
qualities of doable interlinear hybrids do not at all depend on the ,fact
which of the generations of simple hybrids was taken for crossing. One
cannot agree with this.
It is known that hybrids are productive oar in that case when the
most productive varieties, *stars adapted to the given conditions, ars
crossed. Therefore it is supposed, that the result from crossing qualitatively
differing generations of simple hybrids cannot be similar.
? Tests of seeds of hybridVIR 42, conducted by the Institute, and whida
were obtained both from crossing the .first generations of simple hybrids
okras and nvotochs, as well as from crossing second, tbjrd, fourth and
fifth generations of hybrids,. have Shama that nor* productive seeds of byblid
VIR b2 vere'cibtainedshan crossing first generations of simple hybrids. This
vas confirmed by data from variety test plots.
We think, that the growing of seeds of the first generation Of simple
hybrids meths organised in such a way that all the sections of hybridi-
sation be planted only with seeds of the first generation of simple hybris
(especially the maternal form).
The experience of selection - seed growing work of the Institute and
data of kolkhoses mad sarkhoses show, that it is expedient an each farm to
plant not one hybrid or variety, but two or three, which differ among them.
selves in length of the vegetative period.
The necessity to plant an each fern several hybrids or varieties is
specified by climatic conditions, as well as their resistance to low spring
temperatures. Raving at its disposal seeds of several hybrids and varieties,
the farness start planting earlier those, which are resistant to low temp
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kIL, Trans. .00,41=0
perattny. With the setting in of wars weather hybrids and varieties leis
resistant to cold 'weather can be planted.
Planting of different hybrids a.'nd varieties of cern for silage, ;thick
are olutraotarised by ripening at various time, has an economically - or-
ganisational importance, since it permits to considerably lower the pre*.
sure of work when harvesting and transporting the silage mass.
? lit kolkhoses and sovkhoses of the math of Vkraine it is expedient to
plant pert of the area with early-ripening hybrids and varieties, that have
a vegetative period of 95-105 days in order to utilize the land after bar-
vesting corn for sowing winter wheat. '
The necessity to plant in each kolkhos and sovkhos several hybrids'
and varieties sets before the seleotion establishmenta a problem to develop
for their sone such a collection of hybrids and vans ties of corn, which
would provide both the highest yield of grain, silage and green fodder, as
well as mould increase the yielding capacity of the winter wheat, When uti-
lising corn as its predecessor.
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Trani. 1.1007
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centwirs P400 and Shilkkove$ Z.
? Poludtanie glitserina shrashivenien
drevearifth gidrolisatov.
Abtaining of glycerin by fermenting wood hydra,'
In Akademila Mc* Latviiskoi 86R. Otdelenie
SiologidCfsekikh Sauk, BielegiCheskaia Nuke-
Sellekona i legman khociaatra. vol. 3$ p.141442.
Riga. Akmdeniia "auk Latviiskei UR, 1957. 1142 1442
(In Ineeimn)
At the present tine the demend for polyatomia alcohols and glycerin
in USSR considerably exceeds those amounts, chi& are menufactured by soap
and other branches of incity.
The increased demand tor glycerin on the part at many bramble of
national economy compels the waters of science and practice to find ef-
fective method, Ibr its production.
Research in the field of obtaining glycerin is carried on in two direc-
tions in our country and abroad. The first direCtion includes aynthetic
methods for obtaining glycerin indpolystostio alcohols, the second-bie-
shenioal methods.
At the Institute of Forest Soenomy Problems research in the field of
fermentation of hydrolysates of various plant raw materials began in 1949.
Hydrolysing of plant raw materials with concentrated sulfuric acid,
? according to the Riga method, peraits obtaining solutions of sugars, mhich$
as rswmateriAls for the glyeerin industry, possess mamy advantages over
tut 'se erect
Economy Problems at the Academy of science of Latvian SW
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(2) Trans. 1-1007
molasses as well as over hydrolyse*, that are obtained by methods of
hydrolysis 4th weak solutiono. Those advantage* consist of, first, in a
high oonoentration of brirolysato sugars; s000ndly, in the preemie in thole
of phoegkoria acid, *Lob permits obtaining phosphates proper, and, finally,
in the *bums of foreign adeixturo", ihioh hamper the extraction of glycerin
from tort and the rocovery ot salts.
Research, *Joh mos conductod with pmro glycol* was successfully ap-
plio to itydrelysatos.
A refilling method of fermentation was chosen, where salts were intro-
ascot(in separate additions in a dry form. Th. rase of yeast was - 7th
Tonnkala, in fa woonnt of 10-15% of the sugar, temperature of fermentation -
32 to 350 0, concentration of sager in the wort - 18%. /Begin p.142/
Formeatation of sugar solutions was condustad in the presence of various
salts. Tho best results in glycerin and alsohol yield were obtained from
distabstituted phosphates.
Utilisation of biota-through air during fermata on of sugars, in
the presence of phosphates, leads to the looms* of glycerin yield by
30444 cuspated with oxperiments without *oration. Thump for instance if
without serration, the yield of glyostin oonpriess 12% of the sugar and of
alcohol - 30 then with aeration the yield of glycerin oosprises 16.5%
and of aloohol - 28.3%. Thr ported of fermentation at tit" Sake tiMO is
redwood from 48 hoar. (wLihout aeration) to 24 hours (with aeration). Tho
must of circulating gir is in the linits utilised in roast production.
Fermentation must procsod in hermetically closed vats. The volatils products
are oolloctod in sorobbors. Contents of glycerin in the wort, when fermenting
sagers in a concentration of 18%, end with the addition of phosphates, with-
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(3) Trams. A-1007
out utilising &oration, equals, on the average, 2.16% (with an average
yield of glycerin of 120 and of alcohol - 5.0 (with a yield of 30).
When fermenting the sugars of the sane oendentratima, but using aera-
tion, the content of Armin in the wort, ins:vases to 3-0. ilbsn stripping
alcohol from the worthy, for instence, indirect steam, coneentratioa of
glycerin can be inereeeed ep to 5-6%.
Taking into consideration the work of the Loktrvitskii Ukiah eon
siders profitable the exiractioo of glysorin from mato liquor at its ors-
tent of 0.68%, one shoold point out, that the process of extraction of &-
twin fron our vests liquor will to more t000nomicii.
can rsoomeend two variants for reprocessing hydrelyeates fOr gly-
a) ferneetation of hydrolyseter, obtained after preliminary hydrolysis,
with a neutralisation La then of phosphoris acid to sodium: phosphates;
b) fomentation of the gotta* iiedineet7 atter orystallisatice of
glasses with the addition of phosphatos, whisk were obtained from the hydro-
lysing factory, by extraotiaa of *petite with selftris acid and neutralisation
at phosphoric acid by soda Oh.
At the present time work is bring condnotod for obtaining glyosrin
with the aid aft. Subtilis. In 1956y with the partisipatiom amd aid of
the institute of Nicavbielogr of the Aeademy of gioiemee of USSR (Nereow)
16 stains of the bullies were isolated; preliminary tests of these gave
salmoraging data. thus, fir instant*, the nuseun strain 9789 prodeoed 20%
glycerin, 33% lactic acid, 12% alcohol and 2% of 2.3 butpleme-glysol (that
411 is utilisation of sugar to 67%). Another strain, isolated from hay, yielded
glycerin and 2.3 butylene.ayool mounting to 30% and other prodaota.
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tit) Trans. Ai*li)tif
tersrantation of sugars idth Bac. subtilis is advistageous because it
is conducted without additions of salts, and, thus, recovety of glycerin ani
of polyatonio alcohols will be facilitated considerably. The work iv being
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(in full)
Timofeev-Resovskii, and Luchnik, N. V.
Radiatsionnaia stimuliatsiia rastenii e*
vosmosbnaia teoreticheskaia interpretatsila.
/Radio-stimulation of plants and its pos-
sible theoretical interpretation/. '
In Vsesoiusnaia Nauchno-Technicheskaia Kon-
ferentsiia po Primeneniu Radioaktivnykh i
Stabillnykh Isotopov i Isluchsnii v Narodnom
Rhosisiave i. Raftke. Trudy: Radiobiologiia,
p.258-266. Moskva, Akademiia Nauk SSSR, 1958.
442.9 9963.
(In Russian)
Many researchers noticed that small doses of ionising radiation
(fairly different for various objects and conditions of the experiment)
do not inhibit the growth Or cause the emergence of any pathological changes,
but produce the, so-oslled, stimulation, which is expressed in the accele-
ration of growth and differentiation, in the increase of biomass, in the
raising of resistance to damaging reactions, in the lengthening of life
(in imbeds) and increase in the yield of seed. (in plants) /1-5/. In our.
laboratory, since 1949, experiments are being conducted on the studies of
radio-stimulation of cultivated plants /6-9/, froth water Organisms /10/,
bacteria /11, 12/ and mammals /1.3/. In the present report an attempt is
'being made to give to this interesting phenomenon a theoretical explanation,
the elements of which were fermented preViously /14/, uh.rimpon experiments
with cat/rated plants mill be taken as basic material for analysis. It
La..rara ? os rsogo a 650. fl ophys o aboratory
of the Ura). Branch of the Academy of Science of MST/.
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%gi xrunz. ivNitvvo
is necessary to emphasise beforehand that the "toxicological hypothesis"
Of radio-stimulation, developed .further on, is applicable, of Course, in
only certain "reasonable" limitis of doses. In the experiments of our labo-
ratory, in laboratories of L. P. Breslavets, K. Saks and of many others,
we deal With the stimulating effect of doses, meaeurable in tens or hundreds
of Roentgen units. Tho question requires special consideration about a pos=
sibility of applying this hypothesis to suggestions, existing in literature,
about the allegedly occurring stimulations under the influence of doses of
ionising radiations, smaller by several orders of magnitude. .
Basic results, obtained in our laboratory, come to the fallowing.
In mani laboratory and 'field experiments, with about 15 species of culti-
vated plants, it was ascertained, that smell doses of X-rays, beta dnd
gamma-rays (*exiling for different crops and condition* of experiments in the
limits from ten to several thousands of Roentgen units) accelerate the
growth and increase the general biomass and the yield of grains) after a
further raising of doses stimulation changes over to a progressive injury
of plants with the inorease of doses and ooncludes with a lethal effect.
Radio-stimulation is observed after irradiating dry or swollen seeds from
without, as well as when they are soaked in solutions, containing radio-
active substances, and also when introducing the emitters into the soil or
nutrient medium. The greatest stimulation was observed with a Prolonged
(in the course of 24 hours) soaking of seeds in q solution of inextricable _
mixture of products of fission of uranium, the radiation of Mhich consists
principally of fairly hard beta-rays. In figure 1, as an example, are
represented results of field experiments with /begin p,259/ 13 species of
cultivated planta. Besides this, during the course of 4 years., production
plantings were conducted of ten species of plants on the total area of 300
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177011? A04.UVU
hectares, that gave similar results.
Title Of figure 1. Effect of irradiation in small doses
on the growth of plants. Deviations of results of
field experiments fres the control (in %). In the
limits of one crop the experiments are divided by
large interspaoings, and variants of one experiment
by mailer spacings.
Words in the upper part of figure 1. Left to right:
peas, beans, Phaseolue, vetch, alfalfa, clover.
In the lower part, left to right: wheat, barley,
eats, millets, buckwheat, taste, flax.
During experiments, attention was drawn to ascertain the conditions,
which influence the appearance of radio-stimulation. Very interesting and
important proved to be the fact that alpha-rays, being utilised in the same
doses and under the same conditions as other type* of radiation, do not
cause any stimulation of plants. Their inhibitory effect, with the raising
of the dose, tells such stronger. this fact, most probably; can be explained
by the effect of linear density of ionisation. Pherefore, special experi-
ments were conducted by soaking seeds of peas in solutions of isotopes of
rare earth elements, which possess beta-radiation of various hardness.
Results of these experiments, presented in figure 2# show that a hard beta-
radiation Ce144 causes approximately the same effect, as a nixture of
uranium fragments; and the soft beta-rays Pm147 cause an effect intermediate
between the alpha-radiation and the hard beta-radiation. A great role is
played. by the intensity of irradiation and the stage at which the reaction.
takes place. Numerous experiments have shown that, under similar conditiOns,
stimulation is more strongly expressed after a prolonged irradiation, then
after a short, and is pronounced more often when irradiating wet seeds, than
dry seeds or sprouts. The results of one group of experiments, where both
of these factors were modified, are cited in table 1 for illustrating these
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Us) 'Trans. a-1000
The results, cited above, are rather hard to interpret theoretically
sine* the growth of plants, and, the more so, the yield are the secondary
..results of other, more direct effects of irradiation. Therefore, special
attention was given in our experimente,to cytological studies of tissues
of irradiated.PIants at various dates after irradiation /35/. Already a
? detailed analysis of result* of basics Amperiments points to the fact that
the acceleration of growth oceUre at the expense of stimulation Of cell
division, Since in stimulated plants the dry weight. is higher than in the
control; /Begin p.260/,this tills about the decrease of the an sise of
cells and about the corresponding inoreas* of their number. (Text continued
,aftir Table 1).
Title of figure 2. Effect of different emitters depending
on the physical dose. Results are given in the form
of a an deviation from the control (in %) taking
into account the features (weight of roots, of stalks
and leaves).
Wards in figure 2. Insides Mixture of fragments. Be-
neath the diagrams Dose, for /physical roentgen *qui..
valent, rep./.
Table 1.
Effect et gamma rays on the yield of pea seeds (in % to control) after
irradiating the seeds at different stages of 24-hour soaking.
Length of irraiation and stage Dose of irradiation
of soaking_ 150r ,250r
? Control
24 hrs. of soaking and irradiation
6 hrs. after the beginning of soaking
6 hrs. at the end of soaking
30 minutes at the beginning of soaking
30 minutes at the end of soaking
100 100
150 122
131' 101
139 116
123 102
136' 113
Direct biometrics analysis, conducted, by S. R. Tsarapkin, has shown, that in
410 stimulated plants the average /Begin p.261/ Rise of cells is substantially'
reduced, While in the inhibited - is somewhat increased as compared to the
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lPJ 4ranmo
Control. Similar results were 4140 obtained on bacterial cUltures /11, 12/.
Cytological examination has shown that the percentage of dividing cell* in
the root meristem increases considerably after soaking the seeds in weak
concentrations of the solution of uranium fragmente, while the percentage
of cells with ohromosvme reconstruction differs but little from the control.
Similar experiments with Solutions of alphi-emitters gave i vats different
pictures mitotic activity did not substantially differ 'from the control,
and the percent of abnormal mitosis increased much faster with the dose
(figure 3). Comparison of these results with data of the effect of emitters
on the growth of plants has shown, that there. is a well expressed Correla-
tion between the stimulation of growth and the mitotic oaCti4ity on the one
. hand, and inhibition of growth and the number of abnormal mitosiSes - on
.the other hand.?
Title of figure 3. Effect of various doses of alpha-emitters
(a) and bete?emittere (b) on the percentage of normal
mitosises (A) and Mitotic activity (B).
*rd. beneath both diagrams' Doss, rep.
? 'Spelital experiments have shown, thatunder these Conditions the raising
Of mitotic activity is not limited to a short term wave, which follows its
inhibition, but begins before the destruction. of cell* (which proceed* also
at stimulating doses). It follows from this, that stimulation of mitosis
is not only compensatory and does not occur as a result of the activity of
necrohormones, which are formed during the destruction of cell.. Therefore,
here proceeds areal stimulation of mitosis, which is a fairly direct re-
sult of irradiation. /Begin p.262/
-- The folIqving circusstance helps in the understanding of the mechanism
of stimulation of the oell division. In the cells of stimulated plants is
observed a considerable amount of binucleate symmetrical cells. Since such
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tD) Tuns. A.a1C)05
cells are almost absent in the control and after the action of inhibiting
doses, one hal to assume that they are indebted in their appearance not
to the injury, but to stimulation, since the effect dee, not grow with the
doe*, but has an optimui. /n such a case this can be explained only by
the fact that the formation of cell walls is behind the increased division
of nuclei. Data, cited earlier, about the decrease of the size of cello
in stimulated plants can be explained in the same way. Since the increase
of biomass is determined, in the first piece, by the speed of protein
synthegis, this means that protein synthesis is somewhat behind the increased
division of nuclei, the number of which during stimulation on the average
Xe somewhat greater, Thus, one must assume, that after radio-stimulation
the first in order is the increase in nuclear divilion.
EXamination of interrelation of various mitotic phases leads to an
interesting conclusion. It appears that an increase of mitotic activity
basically occurs because of the increase of the number of prophases. This
phenomenon, like the appearance of binucleate cells, cannot be explained
by the inhibition of anr process, since this effect does not increase along
with the doss. Therefore, an increase in the muter of prophases is not
connected with the blocking of a transfer frma prophase to metaphase, but
with the acceleration of transfer from interphass to prophase. Consequently,
the acceleration in nuclear division to accomplished at the expense of some
prodess occurring during the intorphase. It is more natural to assume that
_cause of increased nuclear division is the acceleration of synthesis of
desoxiribonucleic acid (DUA), which, as it is known, is accomplished during
the interphase.
Thus, results of the cytological analysis leads to the following con-
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tT; wow, &sumo
.Inhibition of plant growth is connected, to a considerable dopes,
' with deitruction of Cells, occurring, basically, at the ixpenso of chromosome
breakage and Of curtain types of chromosome aborrations.. Ons? of the 4asic
Caus-es'of stimeation of growth and devslopment of plants, under the actiOn
of small radiation doses, is the stiaulation of cell division, at the basis
if which lies the acceleration of nuclear division, 'Shia is, probably,
connoted with the acceleration of Di A synthetie.
During blophyticil analysis of phimomena of radio-stimulation one
should proceed first Of all from the following three-sxperimental facts.
1. IffeOt of radiation on the growth of plants is not a single process,
but is formed already on the cell level of, at least,' two types of changoss
genetical (among whicht'aftor the utillsod.desse,.the most estential are
the ehroncsome4betrations) and physiological (along Which the influence
=the spud of mitosis is especially important to us).
2. The stimulating effect of radiation. it inlinvorso dependence on
the linear ionisation &malty; ilpha-particles with high ittnisation density
do not cameo it in general; mug beta-partioles the most offectirs are the
vartidlos of high energy, &Kong elsotromagostic quanta -.the shortwaved.
- 3. In experiments with radio?stimulation appsars an inverse factor of
times stimUlation is nuch sharper expressed, with all other conditions
equal, during a long irrpdiation.
Let us begin our analysis with the influence of the linear ionisation
density. Prom a macrogeometris point Of view the effect of all ionising
radiations on matter is similar. Nevertheless, the Marco:metrical picture
turns ott to he sharply dissimilar. A section of meristenic tissue of a
pea is diagrammatically represented in figure 4; /Begin p.263/ it has been
irradiatod by a dose of 5r&p. of alpha-rays with an energy of 5 Min and
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' Trans. A-1008
dose of 0 33 rep of bets,particlei with an energy of 1 Min (uhlah
corresponds to the average energy of products of uranium fission). It.
is seen from this diagram that While during irradiatiohalth alpha-particles
no ionisation Occurred inmost cells, after irradiation with beta-particles
all. the tissue vat pierced with a net of ionising track' even at a dose
15 times mailer. Linear ionisation density Of these radiations, is also
very differints alphafflparticles proitais about 13,000 iOnisations only of
theory, ahem* beta-partioles with an energy 1 Mira only 6 !Amiss.
tone. .It is necestory to espsoiallf point out the degree of tniformitt of
ionisatione. Ionisation denaity OhO:hgerinsignifidantly in a1Pha-partia1iel
from 1,300 ionisitions forl:F at the beginning of the way to 5,200 at the
end. In bota-partioles, on the contrary, the difference is very great and
the number of ionizations -changes from 2 to 1,700 per micron so that at
the end of the way the same ionisation density: is formed as during the
course of alpha-particles /16/.
title of figure 4. Diagrammatic representation of micro-
geometrical distribution of ionisation after irradia-
tion of meristematic tissue of apes by a dose of 5
rep of alpha-rays of radium (left) and a dose of 0.33
rep of beta-radiation of products of uranium fission
It is clear from these comparisons, *at in those cases when it is
necessary to leave great energy one small sectien of the area for causing
an offset, for instance, in chromosome cross section alpha-particles must
be mare effective as Aosta passages of beta-particles leave lc* energy;
beta-particle produces *any ionizations only stat the end of the flights.
And, on the contrary, if for the realisation ef some effect a certain opti-
mising energy is required, then bets-particles most produce a high effaot.
Indeed, if the question is about the not too fine parts of the cell (beginning
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1.71 44411,411WO W.WWWW
with parts of an order of )1 and higher), then beginning with small doses of
beta-rays the statistical nature of their absorption will tell little; all
sections will, approximate/7 receive a similar dose, which will increase with
the raising of the general integral dose. With the action of small doses
of alpha...rays eertain parts will receive a very large dose, whereas others
Will remain vairradiated; whereupon this effect tells already at the level
of the coll. An obvious case of this was obtained in our cytological ex.
periments /15/. With the increase at the dose of alpha-rays the number of
cells with chromosome breakage grew, but the number of breakages per injured
cell did not change, /Aglaia 14264/ while in experiments with beta-rays to-
gether with the dose grows not ORINf the number of injured *elle, but also
the amount of breakages por sell (although considerably slower).
As to the inhibition of the growth of plants under the activity of
alpha-emitters and high concentrations of beta-emitters, its mechanism was.
already ascertained previously to a oonsiderable degree. It wee known that
the inhibition of growth was connected mainly with the destruction of cells
/17/, and the deetruction of cells, in its turn, was connected withohm.,
=some breakages /16/. It is known also, that energy is required for chromo-
some breakage of an order of several tens of ionisations. Therefore, the
fact of greater inhibiting action of alpha-particles finds its explanation
in the peculiarities of microgeometrioal disposition of ionisation and fully
corresponds to certain biophysical facts mmi theories /16, 18, 19/.
Biophysical analysis of the phenomenon of radio...stimulation, after
soakina, the seeds in solution of beta-maitters? is facilitated by the fact
that stimulation of mitotic activity and at growth is observed during the
action of such concentrations, when the percent of chromosome aberrations
almost does not increase owing to the emomalous reaction at small doses /20/.
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VW/ 411111111111,
411 herefore the serve of dependence of mitotic eetivitir est the demo *eh be
considered as a staple sum, and not as a result of two effects* One should
meation4 that radie-stimelation is observed also after irradistion, of seeds
from without with oomparatively high doses, whisk eaves a waffisiestiy
large member of ohromeseme aberrations' in seek eases, no doubt, sewers
an ihterastion of two abbots. The premises on the carve of it maximum of
the effector the dose shows **troy the slimmlation of attests a eertain
optimum energy is required, the exseeding of whisk does net ilreaty cause
this West.. cytolegioal analysis has shown that stimelatiom of mitosis is
acoomPlithed tiring the time of DIA synthesis at the time of interphaos*
Biophysleal analysis led to the same conclusion. Display of the inverse
faster of time after stimulation mob, explained by the faci4 that the
cells are net similarly sensitive to the stimulating offset of rays* there-
fore, during short irradiation only few a the cells are irradiated to a
specially sensitive stages while &IAN prolonged irradiation all, or iimost
all, sells pass through this stage during irradiation* Probably this ex-
plains the feet *atlas* irradiating dry seeds from without the stimula-
tion is expressed sonsiderehly weaker, for its memifestatien are needed
mush higher doses and the faster of tine is absent* It is interesting that
in sertata eases the phenomenon of the inverse faster of time is explained
by the peculiarities of the *intoner rays on ish metabolism of =oleic
acids /4/, villa leads up on the other hand to the same commlusion, and,
namely, that ens of the primal promisees during radio-stimelation in the
sotto' of rays on the metabolise of omelets adds.
As it was aimed,' said, biophysical examination of the form of the
O curve of the offset of the doss for 'Minie astivity tells about the fact
that a eertain opttema energy is needed for stimulation of mitosis* In
eonneetion with a larger offeetiremess of radiations with a small linear
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(.1) . Trans. A-1003
ionleation'density one Miasma, that for the realisation of thia
reaction not a high energy is needed, which is concentrated in a limited
part of space, but en accumulated energy of separate amen "packages of
energy". Thesmisting fasts do not Oontradiet the *toxicological hypothesis'
Of radio-stimmaitimnbA4 according to which in the irradiated cell arise,
theory-small Conceraabetiens,.prodUste Of denaturition Of protein and
'"foreign" molecules assiresultof both the initial radio-shemicil'effects,
as veil 44,.reasibly,et also primarily. induced chain reactions, whareupon,'
as it La known, the.preteelytio and, in ,genersl, the farMantatiee'aetivity
of the cell can ill ?SUS jsetinp.205/ At the IWO tiA! the reelbility
is not *saluted that, in the presence of stimulation, irradiation acts
more specifically on certain intracallular ot6anolds, for thatence, the
nucleolus. Clarification of the specific nature of these primary processes'
? represents a further stage in studing the mechanism of radio-,etinulation.
Mbennhile, one can assose, With a sufficient definiteness, that the basic
cause for the stimeation of growth of higher plants'is the acceleration Of.
cell division, and:during the acceleration of cell division the -primary.
effect la the stimblation of division of cell nColeis at the basis of which
lies the acceleration of synthesis of MA. The described process appears
very rarely in such a pure fora as with a protracted soaking Of seeds in
!mantic:sup of hard beta-emitters. Often, beginning already 'pith "stimulating"
does*, an important role is played by cytegemetie offsets, 4o that the
total inflame of irradiation on the growth consists of two different end
oppositely directed preceeses.
In conclusion, one should pake two more remarks of a general character.
First; the exiatence of the phenomenon of radio-stimulation doss not at all.
speak about the necessity of lonicincridiations for a norma esistence of.
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(14] wrens. PmuLUVO
living organimes. Assumptions of such a sort do not have any real ground
and their groundlessness tab recently shown very clearly by A. P. Tinogradov
P2/. Secondly, there exist, up to the present time, 'opponents of radio-
Stimulation, the de not recognise the fact itself. Objections usually
proceed *long one of the three direotiomss either the stimulating offbot
Is explained by a chenical action of radioactive substances or of accolpeny-
ing admixtures, or, having established in precise experinents an abeence of
stimulation, they assume this ma proof of the absence of stimulation in
general, or, finally, they lesus fromoa preConosived opinion about ionising
radiation as an agent, Which causes only destrastive aotion. DO Should
Says as regard tide, that radioaltiatlation is observed not alone after
contact with radioactive isotopes, but also after irradiation from vithOut
/0/. Further on, the manifestation of radio-stimUlatien depends not only
On the dose, al it follows fro* the principle of Armit-Shultse, but also
oniony other factors. Thus, under fully similar conditions alpha-rays,
in contradistinction to beta-rayi, usitally de mot produce any stimulation.
Therefore, one cannot expect stimulation under all conditions of the expert.
ment. Finally, it is bard for tiny researchers to admit the fact of radio-
stimulation since in the majority of theories of bleb:if:Leal action of rade-
tion there does not seem to be any rotator it, mad the atthore of work on
radio-etimtlation rarely ties a theoretical explanation to the obtained
resets. Ixactly for this reason in this report vs tried to draw the mein
attention not to the fast itself of radio-stimulation, but to the possibility
of its theoretical explanation, thereupon ve triad to SW, that the phenols-,
non of radio-stimulation net only doss not contradict the basic principles
410 of biophysics, but moires its clearest interpretation exactly owing to
biophysical snalyvid4
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(13) Trans. A*1008
1. Breslavets, L. P., Plants and I-reys. Publisher AN S831., R. 1946.
2. eshall, N. 0., In the collection *Session of the Acadegy of Science of
USSR on Peaceful y Utilisation of Atomic Imre'. Conference of the
Section of Biological Sciences of the Academy of Science, Publisher
AN USSR, N. 1955, P.349.
-3. Sax, K., *Am. J. lot.", 42, 1955, p.360.
4. Ilecteev-Resarkkii, N. V., Poriadkeva, N. A4, Nakarov, N. N., Preobrashel-
skate, Z. I., Trudy laboratoril biofisiki UYAN Oral branch of the
Acadian,' of Science of USW, 1, 1957.
5. Brunoto.V. V., *An. J. Rostilenol.*
6. Poriadkova# N. A., *Hiofisika*, 1, 7# 1956, p.597, aegis p.2647.
7. Parie.dkova, N. A., niulleten, Wallskogo Otdeleniia NOIP Orel Erma
of the Moscow Society of Raturaliste% 1$ 1957.
8. Kulikov, R. V., *Stull. Ural's*. OM. NOIP,* 1, 1957.
9. Timofeev-Resovsiii, N. V., Poriadkeva, N. A., "Notanicheskii /bursa%
41# 1956# pal.
10. Tuaftwvasassovskaia, B. A:$ *Biulleten, Urallak. Otd. NOIP*, 14 1951.
U. Sokurova, E. N., Effect of various tfpes of ionising radiations on nitroi.
gen-fixing bacteria and microflora of the soil. Amtoreferat dismission,
Institut* of Microbiology of the Academy of Saloum of USSR, N., 1956.
12. Sokurova, B. R., sIsvestiSA AN SSSR*, Biological Series, 6, 1956, P.
13. Luchnik, &V., V. 0. Kulikova, *Doklady Al SSSR*, 110, 6, 1956, p.982.
14. Timofeev-Resovekii, K. V., *Blofisika% 1, 7# 1956, p.616,
15. Luchnik, N. Vos *Bielletent Urallek. OW. NOIP*, 1, 1957.
16. 11441, D. K., Action of Radiations on Living Cells. London, p.194.
17. Gray, L. H., Shales. N., *Brit. J. Radial.", 24, 1951, p.82.
18. Vimofeev-Ressetatt, N. 11., Zimmer, K. O., "Slops.', 1, Leipzig, 1947.
19. A. Dussati-Tmsreo? L. lavalli. Tooria delPurtel e units biologiche
olementari, Milano, 1948.
201 Luchnik, *Dials.% 2$ 1, 1957.
21. Luchnik, mons.% 1; 7, 1956, p.633.
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?ran*. A-1008
22. Vinogradov, A. P. oDokladrANSJ5RI*0 110, 3, 1956. p.375.
23. Droslavets, L. P., Berezina, W. Dhohibris, 0. 10, MOnarichikoriso M6
*Dials.", 1. 7, 1956, p.625.
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Zbarekii, T. B.
Problem biokhimii kletki.
/Probleies of cell biochemistry/.
Vestnik Akademii Nank &MR, vol. 27, no.-8,
p.26,36. Aug. 1957. 511 Ak1hV.
(In Russian)
The contemporary period in science is Cheractariged not alone. and not
so much by development and deepening of special narrow fields of knowledge,
as by attraction ofdifferent methods of research, by combination of dif-
ferent approaches for eaution of one or another problem.
At the present time studies of mechanisms of tbe most important bio-
logical phenomena, such as 70owth and development, variability and heredity,
processes which lie at the base of Various forms of physiological activity.,
have advanced very far. Explanation of these mechanises required the cam-
bination of morphological and biochemical methods, which permit the studying
of the unity of structure and of chemical basis of function on the most
elementary levels of life. Biochemistry already does not satisfy even the
detailed knowledge of individual reactions of processes of glycolysia and
oxidation. or reproduction of these reactions with purified enzymes outside
? the organism. The strictly well regulated sequence of biochemical trans-
formations in the cell is connected with spatial separation or, on the
contrary, ccabination of separate enzymes, or of their groups, with the
absence or their very high concentration in certain sections of the proto-
plasm.. Biochemical representations cannot therefore be full without taking
into account the localisation of chemical substances and biochemical reactions
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lz) Trams. a..xviry
in tho cell without a clarification of the structural bases of metabolism,
of synthetic processes, of such reactions as conjugate phosphorylation, as .
transformation of free energy; which is enclosed in chemical compounds; to
muscular contraction and other forms of the physiological work of the cell.
jaactly ao also modern cytology cannot be satisfied with only the morpho-
logical research. proper. A morphologist tries to .study the structures,
visible under the usual microscope, which exist on the submicroscopic level,
and here he invariably meets the biochemist in as such as these submicroadopic
structures are none-other than macromolecules of biologically important sub..
stances (proteins, nucleic acid*, polysaccharides; lipids), which especially
interest biothemiets; or aggregates and Complexes of such macromolecules.
Th4s, biochemistry or a cell is one of those boundary nada of knoW-
ledge a swift development of which has bean prepared by successes in disciplines,
whiehhave produced then, and is conditioned by the development of old and
? appearance of new methods of investigation, that inmate possible owing to
rapid growth of technical advances.
Biochemistry of the cell enters into many sections of biological and
medical science; in its development are deeply interested not only morpholo?
gists and biochemists but also representatives of such disciplines as physio-
logy of animals and plants, microbiology; embryology, genetics and selection,
mechanic* of development; pathological physiology; oncology, and others.
Exactly the oytobiochemical methods lead us to the closest /Begin p.27/
mechanisms of formation of form and function in their unity in various organisms,
heginning with viruses and endtogwith the higher forms of the plant and
animal World. .
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t3) Trans. A.d.00y
At the outset of development.of biochemistry, during the second halt
Of the past century, many attempts were made to determine the chemical corn-
position of different organs and tissues taking in consideration the inter?
stitel and intracellular localisation of chemical Components. An important
place among these Works is occupied by classical research of proteins of
muscular and nervous tissue, which were prepared bl.A. la. Danilevskii and
histochemical and physiological works of F. Risher. Nevertheless, &breaking.
'away fro* elucidation of the morphological structure of the studied biological
object was characteristic to biochemical research, directed to a deeper
study of chemistry of substances of biological origin, ad their conversion.
In the orgehisme. AlthoUgh during this period acorphologists penetrated
deeper into the etnecture of the cell and discovered in it new formations, 1
the chemical nature of such structures remained vague and only individual
biochemical warts refer to the chemieal.structure'of the cell.
But already in the thirties of the present century one can observe
the revival of interest in interstitial and intracollular locialisation of .
chemical substances and of their conversions. A tendency arises to pais
over from biochemical studies of extracts to the ;sxmaination of "insoluble*
proteins, in Which a structural basis of tissues is found. Attempts appear
to interpret the mechanisms of contraction of protoplasm. The most imported,
role in this respect were played by the works on isolation and study of the
nature of proteins, which form the muscular fiber, and, namely, the obtaining
by 4. Veber of myosin file and, especially, discovery by V. A. Engellgardt ad
MI. N. Luibimova of adenosinetriphosphatase activity of such filaments, their
capacity to active elongation in the presence of adenosinetriphosphate. This
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%MI 44..Arma?
? research, shah began a scientific trend - mechanochamistry of muscles - re4
ceived a further development in the berks of A. Ssent-gyorgyi, F. Shtraub and
I. L. Ivanov. Subsequently the contraction protein complexes were isolated
from cell nuclei (1. B. Zbarskii aid K. A. Ferevoshchikeva) and from other
formations of the cell (G. Veber).
Along mith contraction proteins from 'various tissues it became possible
to isolate difficultly soluble proteins, particularly nucleoproteide of a
filar character, for instance "plasmosin", obtained by R. Bensley from liver,
"procollagen" by V. N. Orekhovich and A. A. Tustanovskii, "structural pro-
teins" by "A. Ssent.Syorgyi," and others.
If one succeeded to conduct these works by old methods, then the new
stage of cytochemical investigations, which combine the chemical studies
? with studies of intracellular structure, is indebted to the improvement of
methods of research work. First of all, these are the successes of micro-
scopic technique, introduction and distribution of phase-contrast ultraviolet
and electron microscopy, development of microsurgical methods, which permit
manipulating individual cells and even parts of cells.
Histochemical methods of staining microscopic sections played a large
role in determining the chemical components of cells and tissues. Neverthe-
less, one cannot fell to take into account, that with all the great value
of these methods for localisation of chemical components, the results obtained
through them are not always correct in virtue of many artifacts, which arise
during the process of treating; this refers especially /Begin p.28/ to
quantitSative evaluation of the contents and assignment of many substances.
In reference to the chemical composition and metabolism of individual
411 organoids of the cell, the most important results were obtained after their
isolation and subsequent chemical study; this required development of a technique
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(5) Trans. A4009
of homoonising the ticcues in various media and differential centrifugation
of hotozanates. Methods appeared for isolation of cell, nuclei, using citric,
acid, salt media, as .well as saccharose, glycerine and anhydrous systems.
Saccharose media proved to be especially prodUative, inasmuch aa from such
homogenates one succeeded in obtaining much finer cell particlos-mitochondria
and other granules of the cytoplasm in an almost unchanged state.
After fractionation of homogenatee of tissues into cell components, a .
serious mistake in the interpretation of obtained data can be introduced by
the heterogemiey of the initial material, the ,presence in it of cells of
different types, ap well as of non-cellular components. The, recently emerged
method of preperation of cell suspensions (N. Anderson) and separation of
'dna sdspeesions into groups of homogeneous cells has good prospects for
overcoming this difficalty. Interesting results of the work on studies of
the inner structure of various cells of one and the same organ were recently
obtained by a group of telgian authors (C. Daduve and others), who have
successfully utilised saturation of reticuloendethelium by iron, introduced
with the food in order to separate reticuloendothelial cells of those of the
liver proper, and a eubseqpent division of cells with the aid of aneleotro.
One of the serious difficalties which biochemistry of cells meets,
especially When studying growth and development, is the very small quantity.
of the material for research. The usual ndcromethods of biochemistry prove
to be insufficiently sensitive for chemical analysis of such specimens as
individual cells or their email groups. At the same time, in many cases,
particularly When studyins ooLenesis, fertilisation and embryonic develop-
ment, the possibility for analysing individual cells is of great importance.
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co) Trans. A4009
Special apparatus for these purposes and several suitable, original ultra-
micromethode were developed by Danish biochemists K. Linderstrom-Land and
110 Pater. Of late theft appeared repOrts about differentiation of protein
substances with the aid of microimmunological reactions, Which are conducted
under a microscope, as well as &pout the application to the smallest objects
of contemporary methods of chrotatographic analysis, which will permit, for
instance, determining the nucleotide composition of nucleic acid of an
individual nerve cell.
The nucleus, as the largest pert of the cell served as an object of
chemical and histological research prior to other cell components. let, in
? the last century one succeeded, although by very imperfect methOds, to isolate
nuclei from animal cells of certain types and subject them to chemical analyais.
Already these first works led to discovery of new biologically important
chemical compounds-nucleic acid and comparatively simple proteins of a basic
character, protamines (7. Hither) and histones (A Kossels). These Chemical
components, which are characteristic to the nuclei, later on underwent deep
studying. It seemed that the nucleic substance possesses a comparatively
simple and at the cams time peculiar composition, which distinguishes it
from other parte of the cell and repreeents almost exclusively a complex of
nucleic acid with protamines and histone,. At the same time the cell nucleus
was regarded /Begin p.29/ as a bearer of several functions of active lifer
yet not one of them can as yet be held to be inherent to the nucleus alone.
The question about the function of the nucleus in the activity of
the cell cannot be solved without a minute cytochemical research in the oast.,
position and metabolic activity of nuclei and their interrelation with cyto-
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(7) Trans. A-1009
plasm. Experimental data point to the very considerable role of the nucleus,
Which is expressed not in quickly occurring changes in the metabolism of
cells and tissues but usually in slowly developing and long acting manifesta-
tions of nuclear function. The nucleus produces a considerable influence on
the organisation and inner structure of the cell and thus acts, probably,
not so mndh directly as through protoplasiic structures, Mainly cytoplasmic re-
ticular network and minute ribonucleic granules of the cytoplasm. TO the
nucleus, apparently, belongs avery important role not only in Processes of
fertilisation, of cell division and heredity, but also in the differentiation
of various cells and tissues, in ontoginesis of specific functions of dif-
ferentiated organs.
'Mechanisms of such kinds of complex and diverse functicue of the nucleus -
is one of the most important and interesting problem' of cell biochemistry.
Attraction of method* of contemporary physics met help in the solving of
this problem. Of creat interest in this respect are the models of the strUc-
tyre of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), obtained on the basis of I-rey analysis.
Not without interest also are the attemps in applying the theory of inforMa-
tion to the mechanismak synthesis of specific proteins with the assistance
of nucleic acids.
Experimental data on biochemistry of such chemical components are per-
missible for considering as bearing relation to possible mechanisms of func-
tional activity of one or another cell organoid. However this does not per-
iiit to reduce the functional activity as such to one or another individual
chemical component. Thus, the very interesting data about the rigidity of.
the DNA structure, its specificity and importance in factors of transformation
and transduction in microorganisms and bacteriophages is yet insufficient in
order to reduce, for instance, the processes of transfer of hereditary features,
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Trans. a-10051
in all their complexity, to the specific structure of DNA or exclusively to
the nuclear function.
It is necoseary also to take into consideration that the features and
composition of cell nuclei of various tissue* and organiams, especially at
different stages of development, with their relative similarity, can be
heterogeneous, and that even, such a characteristic component of the nucleus as
DNA, in alms ()flee, for instance during the development of fish eggs, appears
practicilly fa* not in the nucleus, but in the cytoplasm of the ovicell.
If the nucleus accomplishes such complex and manifold functions, it
is tiara to imagine, that into its composition enter only the =Imperatively
simple protein. (histones and protemines). Indeed, contemporary data shows
that the TrOtein composition of the cell nucleus is not that simple and in-
culdss the highly organized proteins of the complex amino acid composition.
Proteins of the usual (acid) type were discovered by, A. N. Deloaerskii
in the composition of nuclear nucleoproteids, which were isolated from bac.
- teria and plants. Subsequently, it was shown, that nuclei, isolated from
animal cells, always contain a lot of protein of acid character ("chromosomin"
according to Stedman). This acid protein considerably differs, according
to properties and to amino acid composition, from protaminss and histones;
particularly it contains tryptophan, which is lacking in basin proteins. Tho
acid protein contains about 10% of lipids, is homogeneous during electro-
,phoresis and can be regarded as lipoproteid (D. Mayer, T. Wong and L. Thomas).
Into its /Begin p.30/ composition enters a considerable part of Rik of the
nucleus, forming, apparently, a complex which is present in the nucleoli
(0. P. 0aorgiev and S. M. daidov)..
In the dompositionof cell nuclei was detected a special "residual"
protein which was insoluble in the usual solvents (I. S. Zbarskii and
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?71 ? Lx-aum ? 0.....a.vvy ?
S. S. Debov). This protein iv 'free from nucleic acids, does not contain
tryptophasa and suggests collagen by its features. The reoidual protein
comprises about 5$ of the dry substance of nuclei of normal cello, and after
isolation from them of nuoleiproteid and the acid protein, remaine as a
silhouette of the nuclei, retaining the form. According to more detailed
recearch of the Czech authors, D. Soudek and L. Bones, the residual protein
forms 'the sheath of the nucleus.
pperimenteiwith tagged amino acids pour some light on the functional
importune of nuclear proteins. In our experiment, Which were conducted in
vivo, radioactivity of tagged amino acids was detected mainly in the fraction
of the acid protein, as well as in the tryptophan .containing protein of the
nucleiproteid fraction which, apparently, has mostly to do with biosynthesis
of protein* in the nucleus and with in the Cytoplasm, Connected,
with it. Corresponding research, conducted by A. hitakii end his co-authors.
in Vitro, led them to similar results, which are regarded by them as an eyi-
dance of' a strong link of these proteins with DM, and its participation
in the bioarnthesis of specific =Clear proteins.
In this, process of particular importance are the protein-nucleic co*.
pious, in. which the most essential are, apparently, the Compound proteins,
which are stongly linked to nucleic acids. On the'other bend, the basic
protein components-Matope or protamine - which are wally isolated from the
nueleoproteid coaplexi are comparatively inert in respect to inclusion of
amino acids and can play only the role of a factor, that is blocking and regu.
lating synthetic processes in. the nucleus. Fran this point of view the bond
of nucleic acids, particalarly DNAs 'with proteins in a living cell can be
different than in the isolated nucleoproteide? and is capable of enduring con-
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t1U). Trans. Ai-1009
siderable changes in processes of biological development.
The **reseed considerations are insufficient for passing judgment *beat
the metabolic function of the nudlei,without qualitative and quantitative
information aboUt the gnomes of the gell'nucileur. .This queetion, nevertheless,
mares *further detailed ressarch, 'hoed take into consi-
deration, that the restlts'of determination of amnia acitivity depend, to
a great degree, on the method of nuclei isolation and aust be controlled by
,mathode Of histeehemical staining. Deride. this, nuclei, obtained fron cells
of different tierces, are 'similar to each other only to a certain degree, and
can differ greatly fres oheanotier in the contents of aarq armies. The
cited data refermainly to nuclei whieh sere *ablated, rm. the liver. .
. .
Many mimes werfedetected in cell nuclei. Owlet ate relatively rich
in phosphitese-adenosinstriphosphatese, which is aetivatedbycaleium, Menem
sine?pbosphatice and, espedielly, by alkaline phosphates.. The high cents*
Of artinas, is eharasteristic for the nuolear fraction, as Well as for the
enzymic sytteme at synthesis of nucleic, acids and of Certain costumes, WU..
eularly, diskaphopyridine nucleotide (Codehydrogenase I) from ATP and aloof
tinamidemonenneleotide. At the same tips oxidising envies, ouches tucciao-
dehydrogenase, cytochrome oxidate and others, are detected in very small .
Imountel and there arelbundations far thinking that mon these smell amounts
get into the nuclei froik the destroyed :.aitschondria.
Such a type of research has shed some light not only oaths chemical
topography of the imam, taAalse On its function as the organold of the
cell.? The notions about a great role of the nucleus in oxidising processes
did net find any confirmation. levertheless, the nucleus takes part in the
reactions of biosynthesis, especially in synthesis of 'plane proteins and
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(11) Trans. A-1009
nucleic acids. ,There is ? basis /Resin p.31/ to supl.oss, that this stage of
synthesis of nucleic acids from nucleotides (A. X. Beloysova), as well as of
Synthesis of certain menages, for instance, codehydrogemse I (U. 81:insider
and co-wor)ers) are connected with the nucleus only.
Histochemical observations lead to similar conclusions also. In
cells ofirarious tissues are described tiny basophil lumps, detected on the
nuclear meihrane and attesting about the transfer of material, rich in nucleic
acids from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. This phenomenon of "nuclear seers-
tlon", which is especially Clearly demonstrated in the nerve cells, speaks
about the passage of RNA and of proteins trot the nucleus to cytoplasm.
Nevertheless,. in order to ascertain the chemical nature at the secreted
' material it would be very important to isolate these tiny Ivey* and subject
? them to chemical examination.
Nzplanation of the mechanism of such processes as fertilisation, cell
multiplication, heredity and so on, depends to a considerable degree an de-
tailed studies of the chemistry of the cell nucleus. Nevertheless, the already
available data permit to suppose, that the nuclear apparatus plays a directing
and regulating role in the organisation of the protoplasm structure and can
accomplish this function lay means of synthesis of specific nucleoproteid granules,
placed along the system of reticular network, which is closely connected with
nuclear rembrame and perinuclear layer. Such a mechanism would be able to
accomplish the regulating function of the nucleus not only in the general
processes of developmentubut also in the specific differentiation of certain
organs and tissues. In this connection certain pathological processes, especially
such as tumor growth and radiation intury can be caused by disturbance of the
nucleoproteid complex of the nucleus and of the nuclear function.
If the nucleus is connected mainly with prolonged change* of processes
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. (12) Trans. s-buy
of development, then in the cytoplasm, apparently, prevail the rapidly pro-
oeeding reactions of glycolysis, oxidation, and so on. These processes are
localised both in the undifferentiated cytoplasm and in various vanules,
the majority of which are placed in a certain way and oriented in the coll.
Of special interest is the circumstance, that biochemical processes, which
are much later ontogenetically, for instance, oxidation or specific reactions,
whidh are characteristic to a given tissue, are to a greater degree connected
with structural formations, than the more primitive processes, such as
glycolyeis, which proceeds mainly in the structureless hyaloplasm.
Thus, complication of the morphological structure of the cell is *a-
companied by the complication of biochemical processes also. Such a cor-
respondence is achieved both by the linking of specific group reactions in
these or other grsneles and their safeguarding from the interference by other
ensymes, as well as spatial distribution of enzymic systems when biochemical
reaotions can be accomplished in a required volume and continuity.
One of the most interesting problems, 'which as yet was almost not
touched upont is the problem about the origin of the cited structures and
granules, correlation of chemical and morphological differentiation in the
ontogenesis & the cell.
Different granulise of the cytoplasm were obtained and purified compara-
tively recently. Studies of such granules by a method of fractionation of
homogenates of tissues (iir. Schneider and O. Hogeboom): led to further, more
precise, definitions of our information both about the structure of cytoplasm,
and about the position in it of many chemical components. Granules of cyto-
plasm of the mammals' liver are studied in greatest detail. The conclusions,
cited below refer to this research. Undoubtedly, /Begin p.32/ many properties
of the granules and the presence of granules of certain tips. are characteristic
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(13) Trans. A-1009
for these or other cells; yet mitochondris. and iicrosomes, apparently, could
- be obtained from most diverse *sisal cells and perfori in them more or less- .
ijlar fuluitiens.
, Mitochondria are the larger among these granules(0.-lp in diameter).
? .
It ii-pOssible to isolete,them fraM finer grannies and obtain thee in a.
purified, almost unchanged term, frt.* tisane homogenates in itotonic sac
chime. solution. -Nitocheniria contain many lipids, but very little BMA.
They are rich in ens and colter within themselvee mainly the oxidising systems
' In them is contained practically all the suocino-dehydrogenass, cytochrome
oxides, and cytechrome system of the cell, and, apparently, 'almost the whole
ensymatie'system of the citratedIreble cycle.' Xitochondria provide oxide-.
tion of fatty acids .s well as of keto and oxyaciole, which are the interme.
diets products of exchange of earbohydratee, fats and proteins., Thus, mito?
chondria represent a very complete apparatus, which includes certain com-
plexes of snipes in a spatial and functional combination with each other.
In isolated unimpaired mitochondria one succeeds to reprodUce both the
complex, multistage oxiditing processes as well as individual reactions, whidl
testify about a high eentent of such ensymes as dehydrase of glutamic acid; ?
oxidases of exalacetic acid, capryl acid, choline oxides*, and others. The
activity of certain hydrolytic enzymes is also referred to' the
- I
traetion. There are a lot of data in literature also aboutother enzymes,
contained in mitochondria. Nevertheloss, owing to the imperfection of mothod4
data can be incorrect and require thorough investigation. These doubts do '
not refer to the oxidising processes and, already nov, there are reasons to
think that the chief fellation of mitochondria oxidation and oxidating
phorylationsand they, thus, are the organelle, which provide the cell with
energy and resynthesis of oyysokoerfilcheekikho thie,t-ergall phosphoric cos-
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(14) Trans. A-1009
This function of mitochondria is confirmed by thu fact that the
cello, in ditch glycolytic processes prevail, for instance, tanac,rous
-cells are poor in mitochondria, and, on the contrary, development of the
mitochondria apparatus, Up to a. certain degree, correlates a high dif-
ferentiationok cells and development in them of the structure and of the
oxidising type of metabolism. and energy. Thue, the nerve cells are especial-
ly rich in mitochondria, whereupon, in contradistinction to Missies sub-
stance, they are met in different parte of the cell; nerve terminatione in
tissues end in synapse are ?Specially rich in mitochondria. Examination
of isolated mitochondria of nerve cells permits to conclude that these large
granulet are most closely connected with the nervous activity, particularly
with the transfer of nervous excitation. The main macs of cholinesterase and
cholint-acetylase is concentrated in them. About this testify for instance,
the latest data shoving that acetylchaine syntheeis in nerve tivsue can be
successfully reproduced in mitochondria isolated from the brain ofa rabbit
(d. Hebb and B. Gmallmen).
Mitochondria can be seen well under an ordinary microscope, but through
an electron microscope it is possible to discern their inner structure of
pectinate character, which is included in a genera sheath, which protects
mitochondria from destruction and extraction of enzymes contained in them;
Thus "insolubility", Which is usually ascribed to the oxidizing enzymes of
the cell, in essence depends on their organisation in mitochondria. In a cer-
tain sense mitochondria is a closed system, which represents the result of
Morphological and chemical differentiation.
The fraction of microsomes or the all granules is not as well de-
termined as /Begin p.33/ mitochondria. Usually to them belona particles
from 50 to 150 mp in diameter. Microsomes are very rich in RNA and lipids,
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l4 Trans. st-tuuy
which compoce up to 4o% of thcir dry sentcnne. Their encyMic apporatun is
poorer ,..nd not as variegated as that of mitochondria; nevertheless, certain ,
enzymes, namely, onterast, glucose-6-phonphataee, diphosphopyridincriacleo-
tide-cytochrome c reductano are mainly connected with this fraction. What
cenceres the functions of the micro:x=8, they are as yet not sufficiently
clear; yet the hill content of PHA in thrrs, as veil an the intense inclusion
into this fraction of tamed mine acidn, permit to suppone that they play
an important role in synthesis of protein in the cell.
&Nifty mitochondria and microsomes other types of granules are also
described in literature, which are obtained during fractional fractionation
of homogenates or the liver and of other tissues. oome authors (Pl. Peter-
mann, A. Novikov and others) describe five, Seven and even eiht types of
cytoplasmic granules, which were isolated from homogenates of liver and
tumors. One 086 consider only the fraction of night" or ntnkt mitochon-
dria as more or less determined,Whioh has relationship to aeoretory granules,
and, apparently, playing an important role in the synthesis of snout? pro..
eine. Works of O. Deduve and co-aathore merit attention; they, having
improved the method of fractionation of liver homogenates, have found that
the enzymes ribonuelease, desoxyribonuclease, cathepsin, pivgluouronidase and
acid phosphatase are connected with granules intermediate between mitochondria
and microsomes, for which fts authors suggested the name of nlizosom". These
authors express an interesting hypothesis, that each type of granule is
homogeneous enzymatically, that is, it has a definite physiological function,
and each enzyme is correspondingly connected with one type of granule,
that is, it has a definite intracellular localization.
'Fraction of "aupernatant fluid" remainind in the centrifugalized
deposit after the settling of mitochondria and microsomes, contains yet
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(16) Trans. A*100%
a aossiderable sweat of MIA asd mew *soluble, amuses. Is this soluble
treaties the systole of glyoolysis remains prastisally sompletely* there too
USA be detected henokiname* phesphorylase, phosphogluaosutase* aldolase end
dehydrase of lastie sold; here also Imre discovered way other ewers; but
it still remains unslear to what *stoat they ems be referred to sonstructeral
hyaloplass and to uhat *stoat they preeeed from these or Ohre stracteres.
The trestles itself is tar from being homogeneous. Of late* from ?entail*
fool =shims of high oestrifugel power fres the repersatant fluid of hemp*
piste, were isolated my Its. grannies about the also of 10.40 sp* whisk
are large nmeleopretsid salesules (about 50% Mk) sad containing all the
RI& of this fraetlea (11. Petemoms).
Oomparises of slostrosomieressople plotter, of the sell with results*
obtained by,melhods of fraotionation of homogenates of tissues end imitation
of sell *moments permits* for Isaias's* to identity musleopreteld gremlin
with basephil granules of the eytoplasm. Is conflorsity with the method of
frestiomation the.. smeleoproteldneeresoliketles ere also detested through
the electron mders000pe in differentiated sells mainly oak emdaphasmis set*
work (retioulen4 orgastoplasm)* While in nomdiffereatiated they are distri?
bated mere diffusively.
Nevertheless* there yet exists a rift between data of the elestres
siereseopy and frestionettes of homogesates. Sopesially great difficulty
is preowned by siereeomes, shish are not visible through the eleetronniero*
scope as ropiest, forsetiones Nevertheless* a detailed sleeting' miereseopio
esemiskties of the sediment of siemens* shows that they are fragments
Aegis p.3k/ of a single endoplassic network* they isolide the *Mathi*.
efli7sisteram* their contents mmd snoleoproteld gramiles.
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0.7) Tram. A-100y
A more prods* charaoteristio of these formation., shish will permit
to establish their losalisaties in the eel, is ems of the important problems
of mytobioehemistry.
Zn gemeral, there is yet meek in the interpretation of eytebioshemical
data Chi* is vulgar. Thus, the origin ef several types of intermediate sad
*tautest granules, 'kith are doesribed in literature also remiss vague.
Of great interest is the question if sash a postulated veriety of different
types of gruel's, is 4'1641%41feet, is it eennested with differeat parts of
the madoplassis network or with some peoullarities of sell formation, whisk
as yet were net &tooted by the nateresoople technique.
Isolation esdlbieohemisal eharaoterietio of 'ell eempomeats have played
a large role net *Lone in the elucidation of :Unctions of cell organoids
and studies of the many sides of oell metabolism, but they also led to the
revision sad progress in maw pwoblems of biedmexistry and easymclosy.
Together with bacteria sad viruses of plants, animals sad bacteria, the iso-
lated mitocheadris end other morphologioal formations of the cell are utilised
for the elarifisationet details of eavaatie promisees, especially of sash
Where there tabu plum a eombined ?ours* of two or several motions (for
instance nibbled phosphorylation). These some isolated cell frictions per-
mit net only to detersive the distribution of those or ether biologically
important substenses in the sell, but also to detect unkempt or formerly un-
determined ehemieel comgenents.
Tim, it is known to all bloohemiste, that resets of studies of these
or ether bioshemisal professes or smaponent parts of tissues depend to a
great degree on Ni. method of *Misdates a tissue preparation. OsuiLly the
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(18) Trans. A-1009
examined microscopic sections, pulps or extracts from tissues gave dissimi-
lar results. Misr different solvents and methods of treatment were suggested
for the extraction of various enzymes. According to the capaoity for isola-
tions the onaymes were subdivided into soluble (1yo-masyme) and insoluble
(dismo..easymes); and vexy often that part of the tissue,which feast to
dissolve, was then neglected.
The situation was considerably simplified., Whei it became clear that
the "insoluble" components were simay fixed with larger morphological forma-
tions of the cell, and the phenomenon iteelf of fteolnhilite of many sub'
stances often depends ()nth* feet of which cell fractions enter the prepare.
.Precisely owing to utilization of many simple models and methods of
fractionation of the cell.studies of the mechanism of protein biosynthesis
moved forward, this being one of the central problems of biochemistry. At
the present time the gumption about localisation of protein synthesis in the
cell is discueeed very widely. T. Keepers son developeda theory, according,.
to which proteins of the basic character (histones) are synths-sited in the
nucleus with the assistance of heterochroaatin and of the nucleolus; these
later on migrate to the nuclear xembrone, where, in combination with EN4,
they form more complex cytoplasmic proteins. This theory did not find any
confirmation in many points, and now the point of view of Zh. Brash* teems
more probable; according ,to it the role of the nucleus consists mainly in
resynthesizing the materiel of granules of the cytoplasm and of coenzymes,
whereas synthesis proper of protein takes place in cytoplaemic granules.
Indeed; experiments with inclusion of tagged aeino acids have shown,
that the most intensive protein synthesis is connected with microsomes. In
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(1?) Trans. A-1009?
general, the inclusion of amino acids into Various granules of the cyto-
plum is the higher /Begin p.,35/ the more RNA they contain, and *ice versa;
treatment or granules with ribonuolease lowers, or altogether destroys,
their ability to include amino acids.
? Further studies of the intracellular localisation of this process,
which lies at the basis of the active if. growth and development undoubtodly,
will shod light also on it mechanism. Already now it can be safoly said
that biosynthesis 'of protein occurs both in the nucleus and in tho granule
of the cytoplasm, whereupon in different parts of the coil, apparently, various
proteins are synthesisod which also, probably, play a different biological
aytochomical direction permitted in many oases not only to localise,
but also discover end define more accurately the phenomenon itsolf of
structural interlinking of biocheitioel reactions. To such reaction* rotor
first of all the processes of biosynthesis of proteins and other substances,
for Whieh the participation of poll structures since long asp was aokiowledged
necessary (A. I. Oparin? A. L. Kursenov). Here too can be referred tho role
of structures in process., of oxidation and of oxidising phosphorylation
(0, Varburg, V. A. Engelogardt). Research has shown the disturbance of
pr000sses of oxidising phosphorylation and *wheaten of Pasteur effect during
the breakdown of cell structure (7. A. Anoblogardt, I. F. Slate, N. V.
Blitsina), Which will, undoubtedly, serve fora further cognition of the
mechanism of these most important biological reactions.
Studies of biochemistry of the sell play the most important role in
solving =my problems of general biological importance. Thus, research of,
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(20) Trans. A4009
Brash.) and of several other authors made it possible to approach the -
explanation of the role of the miasma, of the cytoplaen and its organoids
during the processes of embryonic development. Imbryochenioal research of
ensmatic -processes are also interesting which point to the eubstantial,
although not yet quite clear, role of phesphatases in the process of
growth and development and biosynthesis of protein. Studying enzymatic
reactions, one can observe cheeps in the processes of metabolism, connected,
apparently, with definite stages of development, and which often reflect,
similarly to morphologic4 changes, also the phylogenesis of the given
StRilar transfers in an accelerated fon' can be: observed during
regeneration of organs (for instance of rat's liver after partial hepato-
ectomy).. Here appear characteristic changes of glycolysis and respiration,
as well as the activity of the cellular nucleus, which are characteristic
to both the nondifferentiated and* later differentiated stages. Cytochemistry
promises an elucidation of regularities, which govern the prooesses of growth
and development by studying the given problems. It is difficult to overesti-
mate the importance of perception of these regularities. One of the most,
interesting objects for such a type of research is the metamorphosis of
insects, during which it is possible to observe during short periods of
time the breaking up of old cells end tissues and the appearance of &
large number of new, more differentiated formations.
The yet unexplained problem of the mechanism of mitosis, the theory of
which is yet constructed on unsteady foundations, require* detailed cyto-
chemical studying. A substantial role was played here by the intracellular
localisation of sulfhydryI group. (L. Repkin)? influences of several in-
hibitors, atmospheric.oygen and other substances on atolls (H. Lettre),
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(21) Trans. A-1009
changes of nucleic acids of the nucleus at its different stages..
.It is quite possible, that mechanical shiftings in cells (Changes and
movement of chromosomes, contraction of the. pulling threads of the spindle,
and so on) can be: connected with contractile protein complexes which Were
uncovered, in the cell nucleus and. in the protoplasm of various cells.
/Begin p.36/.
There is no doubt that cytochemical research will play a role in
solving the Problems of heredity, genetics and selection. ,The ever more
clearing up strict specific specificity of DNA and many peculiarities of
the composition and activity of the nuclear substance, its, exchange with
,the cytoplasm and with the environment can also give very important informa-
tion also for this field of knowledge.
Scarcely less important is the study of pathogenesis of thetAlmore
growth. Among thousands of examinations in biochemistry of cancer ever
more place is given to cytochemical works. One should point out, that it
was exactly the Studying of individual cell components that led to discovery
of certain peculiarities of tumor growth, Which could not be detected by
? other methods. Comparative poorness of tumor cells in mitochondria and dif-
ferent distribution in than of RNA (its comparative contents in cell nucleus
and in the finest nucleoproteid granules of the supernatant fluid) can have
a bearing on the characteristic nondifferentiated type of metabolism of
tumors and their tendency 'to a high, including aerobic, glycolysis and dis-
rupted respiration. In his last works O. Warburg connects all these facts
with a lowered structure of the cancer cell, its primitive composition,
lack of development of highly-organized structure, which are characteristic
of ddifferentiated protoplasm.
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kicd; :craws At....miuy
411 changes of correlation of protein fractions of cellular nucleus, which
are characteristio to tumors, and which are not met in normal organs were
detected in our laboratory. Nuclei of tumor cells contain a comparatively
low percentage of the nucleoproteid fraction and a very high percentage
of a fraction of the residual protein. Abundance of residual protein is
explained not simply by increased contents of the residual protein, which is
peculiar to normal nuclei, but by the presence of a speoial fraction, contain-
ing tryptophan, which is characteristic to tumors and which accumulates during
the process of the tumor growth. This phenommoon, probably, reflects an
injury in tho nucleus apparatus in the tumor cell, which shown conclusively
also in the comparatively decreased ability of nuclei of tumor cells to
synthesise protein, as it was demonstrated by thn inclusion of tagged amino
? acids.
Differences in the tumor protein were detected also in the supernatant
fraction, which wen obtained after sedimentation of nuclei from the homogenate
and of the greatest part of granules of the cytoplasm (L. A. Lilber and
0* 1. Abele?, S. Sorof)s
Elucidation of characteristics of the tumor growth can be of a fairly
great importance Also for the pathology of growth and development in a wider
sense. First of all it refers to pathological regeneration, 'which occurs
during radiation injury, and to other violations of the activity of the cell
ouv'i of cell metabolism, Which is caused by the actlon of radiant energy.
The brief review, eiLed in the present article, of cytochemical methods
and role of biochemistry of oeiIe in the study of certain problems of arta-
lArciologr, biochestistry, general biology and pathology does by no means
? exhaust the possibilities and importance of cytehiochamistry or, encompassing
this trend still wider, of biochemical and biophysiCal cytology. Methods,
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(23) Trans. A-1009
utich are ccnnected with such type uf researchsare as yet in the stage of
development and improvements therefore tho obtained results up to the pre-
sent time are classified more depending on the utiliced methods than on
the object and problems of research. Nevertheless, mw these methods have
attained or are attaining a sufficient degree of efficiency, in order that
their comparison would lead to mutually supp3.ementary conclusions.
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Trans. A.1010
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Berg, R. L.
Soveshchanie po primeneniui matematicheskikh
metodov v biologii.
/Conference on the Application of Mathematical
Methods in Biology/.
Sot. Zhurl /Moskvai, vol. 43, no. 11,
p.1654-1657. Nov. 1958. 451 R923.
(In Russian)
In May of 1958 the Biological Institute of Leningrad State University
/LOB/ imeni A. A. Zhdanov conducted a Conference on the Application of
Mathematical Methodain.Biology. Professor P. V. Terantlev was the initiate'
and chief organizer of this meeting of mathematicians and biologists, the .
first in our country; he is Head of the .Chair of Zoology of Vertebrates at
LOU. In the organisational committee of the Conference took part: P. V.
Terentlev (Chairman), V. S. Ivlev, L. S. Nasidnekii and R. L. Berg ((3ecretary).
The Conference proceeded under solemn conditions with a great gathering
of peoples over 500 persona visited it. Improvement of methods of .valua-
tion of the authenticity of experimental lata.wae.not thealmof7tht_y:ens.
ference. Its SissLvas to point out ,tbs specific fields_ of biology and
of biological reguliarities, the ?tion of which is- impossible without
the application_of mathematical methods. Seventeen reports, which were
read at the Conference, were dedicated to various aspects of application
of mathematics in systematics, physiology, cytology, business and demography.
The audience listened with the greatest of interest to those reports
at the Conference which threw light on the connection of biology and mathe-
Leningradskii Oosudaretvennyi Universilet imeni A. A. lehaanova /Leningrad
State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov/.
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(2) Trans. A-1010
matics from philosophic positions.
A. I. Popov in the report "Pessibilitioefor Utilizing Mathematical
Methods in Biolog, from the Point of View of Dialectical Materialism" has
shown, with full persuasiveness, that in biology are used both the quantitative
methods, as well as the qualitative processes of research, which come.ih
contact with mathematical logio and with the theory of information (cyber-
Thoo..Adaas were developed also in the report of A. A. Kvaeov "About
the Nature of Statistical Laws". Kvasov has demonstrated the fruitfulness '
of utilizing mathematical logic in the field of evolutionary theory on an
instance of theory of natural selection of Charles Darwin. Darwin was the
first to establish that a correlation of the combination of organisgs and
of environment beats a statistical Character and that the survival of the
moat adapted is then such a meehanian, with the aid of which the simple ac-
cidents in the changes of organisms are converted to a rigidly directed .
necessary process of evolution. A clear understanding of the statistical
character of evolutionary conversions permitted Darwin to overcome the abstract
determinism of the dynamic approach, which comprised the very essence of
Lamarek's teachings ai.out factors of evolution. At the beginning of our
century the babe for utilizing and development of statistical mechanisms
worst the mutation theory, studies of regularities of distribution of
discrete hereditary inclinations in the offspring (Mendelism) and, finally;
chrcmosoam theory of heredity. The speaker pointed out, that the first
steps of development of genetics, which preceded the formation of the chromo-
some theory of heredity, coincided with the period of gnosiologicalcrisis
in natural science. The first attempts to link Mendelian and the mutation
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theory with the evolutionary teaching took a font of Antidarwinism (de Vries,
Johansen, Batson), but later, on in genetics the materialistic approach to
the studied phenomena has triumphed, and to the moment of the formation of
the chromosome theory of heredity genetics entered the channel of Darwinian.
The presence of individuals, or of comparatively independent iselated
objecte, intrc;duces certain limitations in the use of statistical mechanism
in biology. Examination of a strong interaction among the particles of the
ensemble requires development of a special method of statistics. But all
this by no means implies a rejection of methede of mathematical statistics
when studying life.
In the report "Prospects for the Use of Exact Methods for Studying
the Facts of Evolution!' 41. I. Shmallgausen threw light upon the applida-
tion of principles of the new field of mathematics "cybernetics" - in
biology. Use of principles of cybernetics has already received a sufficiently
vide spreading in biology. M. Viner (1948) generalised the basic /Begin p.1655/
principles of the working organism of automatically regulated mechanises net
oily in machines, but also in living organism'. The ideas of Shredinger
(1945) about the organisation of chromosomes include, the conception of
hereditary information. The first attempt to interpret the hereditary cods
on the basis of the model of deeoxyribonncleic acid, suggested by Watson
and Crick belongs to GILROY (1954). The information theory is Widely applied
to the analysis of regulatory processes, which are realised in the organise .
through the nervous system (Shannon, Ashby, McCarty and others). Regulatory
syttems, and particularly endocrine apparatus, playing the role of homeo-
static structures, Ihich sustain the stability of life functions of the
organism at a whole, are also embraced by the new point of view; A. A.
Malinovskii (1957) utilised the idea about the controlling systems for describ-
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t4) wrens. AmmIVIU
ins processes of individual development.
I. I. Sh amllgausen was first to apply the theory of information to,
the examination of mechanisms of the evolutionary process. Interaction be-
twimm.the population of the given species and the environment, including
both its living and inanimate components (biogeocenesis) represents an example
of a directing apparatus. Free biogeocenosis, Which, of course, includes
also the parental population of the given species, a flow of information is
transferred along a direct channel of the bond to the daughter population.
Transformation of this information occurs during the process of independent
development of individuals. Interaction of the daughter population uith
biogeoconosis - this is the transfer of information along the channel of
the reverse bond from the population to biogeocenoais. During the transfer
of this reverse information occurs its conversion. The process of conversion
of reverse information in biogeocenoais represents then the regulating macaw.:
nism of evolution. Precisely this irocess is responsible for the adaptive
character of evolution.
The new point of view permits to put into practice the differential
approach to the role of external factors both in individual development, as
well as in evolution.
External facts are divided intos 1) essential factors, or vital resources,
in a broad sense, and 2) occasional factors, obetacles, Which to a greater
or smaller degree disrupt the transfer and conversion of information along
both channels of the bond.
Emerging in the role of obstacles in the channel of the direct bond,
the external factors help in the al,ptarance of mutations, which disrupt the
transfer of information from parents to the offspring. But precisely by this
they create the material for the activitr of the basic regulating mechanism
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(5) Trans. A.1010
of evolution - natural selection. Ztepping forward in a role of obstaolea in.
the channel of reverse bond, the external factors help in the elimination of
the bearers of harmful mutations from the population, decreasing the voluxo
of transferable information, tut at the sass time raising its quality.
Progressive, evolution is accompanied by the emergence of obstaale-teur
sistanoe in both channels of the bond. Regulatory mechanisms are created,
WhiCh provide a high reaction. threshold on the Cytological level, an well as
on the ontogenetical and the population level.. Transfer of information
along both the channels of the bond beoomes eger more secure. At the same
tiro the rate of evolutionary transformations grows.
p. I. Berg in her report 'Ecological Interpretation of Correlative
Pleiadese suggested to divide the external influences into the forming and
the controlling (selecting). Such a division will permit to find out the general
evolutionary principle of origination of programming of hereditary trmhsmisdion.
Programming is not directly connected with the fact itself of the existence
of all the living. ReproduOtion of the simplest living. structure is a
proceev which occurs without any progremming.
The code of hereditary transfer exists there utore the parental organism
generates a being, thich differs from itself, that is, Akmma'Where there is
an elternaticn of Lonarations or individual developent, no matter haw
small is the chain of ontogenstic transfonzations leading from the mote to
the individual, which can start the whole cycle anew. Won-coincidence of the
forming ond of the controlling factors appears to be the condition for on.
ginetion of hereditary ooding. Hereditary coding, according to common dense,
is indieeolubly connected with a certain autonomy of the living forms and,
in particular, of dinompions in respect to the quantitative expresoion of the
forming factors.
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(6) Trans. A-1010
Atitonow or dimensions of some
in respect to eisee of other
parts finds its expression in the ere of correlative pleiadee, as
P. V. Terontlev has first called this phenomenon in 1931. A strong example.
.of non-coincidence of the forming end of the controlling influences is the
correlation of entomophilous plants, which have specific pollen carriers
and insacts.transferrim the pollen. Insects, in the ;riven case, emerge ?
in the role of factors strongly controlling the sites of those parts of the
? flower; which the strict localization of the pollen on.the
? specific) section of the insect's body, rho insects take. no part in the forma-
tion of the flower, It WAS found out that the plants, which enter with in- ?
sect - transporters of their pollen, into specific correlations, including
the localitation of the pollen lump have flowers that do not depend in their
size on the dimensions of their vegetative parte and :i.nflorescences. The
size of such flowers are Frogrammed with the aid of sigialsi which lie with-
in the basis /nucleus 7/ itself, most orobably with the aidof an intra-
cellular mechanism. i.ihe cause of appearance of correlative pleiades in
the !liven case is quite clear. It /*An p.1656/ consists in non-coincidence
? of the forming ard the controlling (selecting) influences.
P. V. Terentlev in his report 'Method or Correlative kleiades uhae
demonstrated, Ly the example of a frog, the existence of sharp differences'
in. the SUS of coefficients of correlations between the dimensions of various
parts. qroups of characteristics, th-, dimensions or which are convected
. one with another by hiah coefficients of correlations, in the presence of ?
low coefficients of correlations or in the absence of correlation between the
? dimensions of those same Characto-istics with amens1.on6 of other properties,
he called correlative pleiadee. lhe method of correlative pleiades Fives a
basis for qualitative. analysis of the tombination of characteristics on the
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(7) Trans. A.1010
basil) of their, quantitative ratio. Terentlev pointed to the value of the
method of correlative pleiades for systematics. Members of a pleiad, the
average correlation of Which with other members of the given plated proves
to be the greatest represent a characteristic) - indicator. Opinions of
eystematiete, particularly when applying the method of "Geinke", must be
based on charaotoristic-indicators, which are the real Characteristics of
the system. "Taxonomie coefficient" (Vitenbergs 1923) is a combination of
A. A. Liubishohev in his report "Biemetric Methede in Systematics"
recommended for evaluation of the significance of cheracteristics a criterion,
independent of the number of examined individuals, namely, a coefficient of
N 172.)2
g 2 1
81 r 82
where sl and 82 are standard deviations, aid 1.2 are corresponding mean
values. The method of Fisher's discriminant functions penaits to increase
the coefficient of discrimination. 'The fruitfulness of application of these
methods was demonstrated by A. A. Liubishchev on the instance of three species
of fleabeetlees Haltica oleracea, H. issykulensis and H. carduorum.
The fruitfulness of appliCation of statistical methods in systematics
of ticks was demonstrated in theses of the report ofthe lets V. B. Dubinin,
which were reed daring the concluding session of the Conference, and in the
report of A. F. Tumka "Results of Biometrio Studies of Ameba of Human Gingiva
in Connection with Intensity of Nutrition and Conditions of Heeiding in
the Organism of the Host".
V. S. ivlev in the report "Mathematical Analysis of Dynamics of Popula.
tion of Fishes" spoke about theapplicability of mathematical methods for
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(8) Trans. A-1010
studying the changes in the number of populations. Construction of theore-
tical models of fish populations, caught in their entirety, permitted to
plan ways for practical solving of the problem of intensification of the
fish industry.
Report of L. L. Vasillev "Utilization of Biometry in Neuromuscular
Physiology" attracted much attention. Vasillev approached the basic object
of neuromuscular physiology - an isolated frog's nouromueculat preparation -
an a certain combination of elements (nerve andmmuecle fibers), each of
which pOssesses its individual characteristics (excitability and the rate
of conducting the impulses of excitation). The properties of individual
elements vary, forming the Gauss distribution curve. Dependence between
the strength of the irritating agent and the magnitude of the physiological
responis, caused by it in the nerve and muscle, in all cases is expressed
by emote or less symmetrical sigmoid curve, which coincide; with the cumu-
lative curve of the variational series. Variability of the excitation
threshold And a reaction according to the principle "Ali or nothing" of
individual fibers must produce on the basis of theoretical reasons a pump.
lative curve of dependence for the whole set of fibers. - of the entire
neuromuscular preparation.
The report of P. 0. Makarov was given over to the use of biometry in
the physiology of the analysers of sense organs.
M. 3. Navashin in his report "Certain Instances of Utilisation of
Mathematics in Cytology" attracted attention to the change Of dimensions of
the organism during changes in the sire of _cells, Which occurs is a result
of polyploidy. Double increase of the cell volume of the organism is not
siccompenisd by a double increase of the volume of the organism. The organism
becomes larger only by 1.6 times. This value can be predicted on the basis
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tY) Trans. ,4%.3.01.0
of the amplest 'Mathematical caloglation. The matter is that during a double
increase of the volume.of the cell its surface does not increase twice, but,
.proportionally- The intensity of metabolism and speed of cell divisions
is slowed down exactly to this rate. A polyploid form hale a smaller amount
of cells than the:dtploid, and, correspondingly, its sips is greater than
the else of the diploid not. twice but by 1.6 times. The Other instance of
US* oimathamatlea in the field of cytology is connected With studies of
configurations of chromoeomes in all the Cells 'of a certain tissue. There
here it is possible to follow the real cell gerwations,orthe degree Of
relationship of cells of one OrganiempOne Succeed* to shalt that the degree
of this relationship and similarity of configurations of chromosomes in .
mitosis are in direct relation. The closer the relationship, the more
alike are the chromosome configurations during mitosit.. Apr other explanation
of this direct relation, besides the preservation /Begin p.1657/ Of the don
tinuitv of chromosome* in interkinee144 is .excluded on principle. The
*ravnoveroiatnont" /equal probability/ of prOximity of various Chromosomes' .
.of the chromoaome colleotion in the equatorial plate of mitOsip is also .
proved with the Same degree ofroliability. :Navashin illustrated his report:
with the richest: of experimental material.
Reports of L. S Kaminski4 L. x. Polisicov, S. F. Baranov and B. 1.
Stebtkov, which were dedicated :to the use of mathematical methods-1.n
medicines as well as the report Of Z. 0. Frenkel' 'Problem of Prolonging
Life and Gorontologe wore hoard with live interest. -
Lively discussions unfolded around the reports of A. A. Evasov, I.
Shmaligausen, V. S. Ivlev, L. L. Vaailiei, P. V. Toren-MeV, B. L. Borg and
? A. A. LiUbishchevs both biologist. and mathematicians took part in them.
0: I. Egudin, when discussing Ai A. Litbishchev!s report set out a course
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(10) Trans. 4'4010
for the formation of criteria for distinction of populations. lu. V.
Linnik andif. V. Vollkenehtein mentioned the novelk and fruitfulness of
the application of theory of information to the evolutionary process.
Linnik pointed out beveral problems which await their solution in the trams
of mathematIcal methods of research.
Received July 10, 1958.
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ka rai)
Shk1iars T. N.
Preduprediti opasnoeti
tselinnykh zemliakh.
/To prevent the danger
Zashchita Rastenii ot
no. 1, p.18-19.*
(in Russian)
golovnevykh Opifitotii na
f smut epipbytoties on virgin
reditelei i Bolesnei, vol. 4,
ob., 1958. 421 a
In the .of 1958 the students of the Bectionsof Plant SPotection
of the Agricultural Faculty of Timiriazev Agricultural academy during the
. period of prOductionvictice on virgin Linda in Kustanalak ()bleat' haVe
Conducted in accounting of emit infection of spring wheet soda othor train
? Large areas mere investigated, for. tames at the Krosnopresnensk
sovkhoz - 38 thousand hectare; (ha.),' it the Borkovsk - 6.5 thousand and
it the Stalin* - 25 thousand ha.
Results proved to be very eerious. Thus, in the mendygarek reion, at
sovkhozes Stalinskii, Khartkoyskiii, Tenisovekii and tomenets-Ural'skii from
1 to 3% of plants were infected on the examined plantings; in the Mzunkollsk
miens at sorkhozes Kuihyshevekii,Irehevskii? Kievskil, Borkovskii, grasno-
presnonskti ?-? from 2 to 10A) in the Ordshenikidze reion: at oovkhozes Bata-
linskii, Pokrovskit and "Put! k koMmunisme'- 4, at Pririichanskii - 5%,
at sovkhozes nimen1 Dzhangilidin* and the Ordzhonikidzevekii 6*i and in
sovkhoz Instant iliVerdloW - 10%, at the'Tobollskii - 13A and Komarovskii - 18%.
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Title of the figures Student, A. Gorshkov, of the
Timiriasev Agricultural Aoadsmy conducts an
accounting of infection of wheat with wheat smut,
Vstilago tritici, at the Krasnopreepenskii sovkhos.
? These data signal a serious danger of. smut epiphytotics on virgin lands
which fact must urge the leader' of sovkhosse and the avircultural setablieh-
gents to take measures for organisetion of works on freeing the seed* from
diseases. Such measures MI be the exchange of seeds, thermal disinfection,
sun "obogrect, Asating/, leolation of seed sections to fields, which are free
from smut, pre.orinter planting. For accomplishing the latter it is sufficient
to isolate onl 1% of the total acreage on the farm. These'plantinge can
provide the fare's needs in seeding material. In many *aims on sections,
which are protected by birch pickets, the snow covering is sufficiently
111 stable and wheat overwinters safely. Flint thinness can be overcome by
doubling the norm of sowing.
The cause of strong infection althea% with smOt is the lack of it.
control, the seed material is not disinfected as there are no installations
for thermal treatments on these farms (treatments of Khodekovskii, of .the.
Delorftskaia %apartment Station and Earaba)ykAlaperiment Station). Among
other species of smut were mentioned; covered wheat smut (T. tritici)
(eovkhoses cuibyshevskii and Frigorodnyi) and species ef ogt smuts. At
Arshalinsk sovkhoz the infection of oats reached up to 6%, while at Dshety.
gerinskii on some fields up to 30*.
Control or covered wheat smut and of the smuts of oats is simpler.
On some farms the seeds are teated with granosano but the mechanisation of
the treatment is not up to the mark, and this makes it impostible to cope
/Begin p.19/ with a large volume of work. There where spring Asset from
year to year follows wheat, and there are Tic crop rotations it is especially
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13) Trans. A4011
important to raise the quality or the seeding material and to study the re-
sietance of the regionalized varieties (Tsesium III, amens, Akmolinka,
Gordeiforme 189).
At the present time, ,daring the evaluation of the reeistance Of plants
to phytopathogenic organieMA, among theA also to the smut specie, it is
necessari to consider the presence of geographical populations and races
within the parasite species.. Studies of, the zonal distribution of aggres-
sive rafts and evaluation of resistance of individual Varieties to them
mikes it possible to cL,cduct a varietyve.change or iariety-rotation4.that is
. .
temporarily to substitute in this or that region the varieties, which are
strongly infected by the most prevailik; rate?, by Varieties teach art mbre.
resistant to them.
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Trans. As1VA,
(In full)
villi ?
Muir, S. 0. ?
Viaimodeistvis fitogellmintov 1.
nisthikh gribov, v rasteniiakh.
/to-operation of phytohelminthe
and lower fungi in plants/.
Sashchita Hastenii ot Vreditelei 1.
golesnei, vol. 4. no. 1. p.34-35.
Jan./Feb. 1959. 421 Zl.
(In Russian)
Dimage, which is caused to agriculture by phytchelminths, is clearly
underestimated. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that the patho-
genic effect, caused by them, is often ascribed to the accompan$ing mycosis
and bacteriosis.
Indeed, many phytohalminthe can parasitise the higher plant only in the
presence of fungi.. They do not antagonise the putrescent (seprobiotio).
medius, they do not produce in plants any specific syaptons of infestation
and on the basis of this Hrofesoor A. A. Paramonov refers then to the group
of phytohelminths of nonspecific pathogenic effect. 'The other group - of
the specific pathogenic effect - can do without the accompanying sycosis and
.is in antagonienimith saprobiotic medium. Neverthelest, the presence of fungi
proves .to be a stiiulating factor for many of these nematodes. But in litera-
ture there are indications also On the linking of mycoses with holninthiasises.
Thus, citrus trees, infested by citrus nematodes undergo a much stronger fungal
infection (Thomas); cotton fusariosis is linked to Heteredera radicicola in-
festation (Zaitsev); potatoes, infested w3th Heterodera are more intensely infected
Junior Scientific co-wurker of the Helmicahologic Laboratory of the Academy
of Science of USE.
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V) ILILLID? 41..11,016
with fungi (Triffit); cotton wilt Jo connected with the activity of the * '
meadow nematode (KOrlianova) and so on. Most of the researcher* link it
.with the inoculating rele of nematodes. It was established by us that in
the excretions of digestive glands of the second group of phytohelminths are
contained amylase-enzymes, a proteolytic enzyme (of papainase t)rpe), ,and in
the, onion nematode there was also found the protopectinase. Thus, the re-
presentativeit of this group can lyse the tissue of healthy plants, consume
the'produots of the lysis and cause in plants a specific pathogenic effect.
In the excretions of the representative Of the first group (Hexatilus
viviparus) are contained only the Proteolytic enzyme and glycogenase. Oon-
sequeral$, the representatives of this group: cannot lyse the starch, con-
tained in the higher plants and utilize it fully for nutrition. On the
other hand, funglvwhich contain proteins and glycogen, are the basic nourish-
ment !Or the group in question. Therefore these phytohaleinths are ramie
in eyebiosis with fungi and do not product any specific .pathogenic effect.
Nevertheless, many representatives of phytohelmintbs of the specific
pathogenic effect also often consume the mycelia of lower fungi, since they
are capable to lyse both protein and starch, as well as glycogen. This
iSpecially refers to the stem-nehatodwi of potatoes, Which parasitise potato
tubers, which are rich in starch, and are comparatively poor in protein.'
Thus, Ditylenehus destructor, obtaining fromthefUngus mycelium additional
"protein nutrition", and possibly also some biological &011ie substances
(bias), multiplies much more intensely in the presence of mycosis and in-
creases the infestation. It is thought that the development of mycosis
diseases is caused by the inoculating role of phytensestodes.t However, it
is possible that hereenother factor may be playing a role, namely the
stimulating action of phytonenatoden on the development of fungi.
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ts) Trani. 41,4014AL
? According to the conception of Sukhorukov (L52) "the parasitic organisms
in their nutrition are adapted to the metabolism of the plants and are 'served'
by their system of enzymes". Thus he shove that Phytophthora, Which does not
contain enzymes, which break up etarch, depresses the inhibitor (sisto-amylase)
of potatoes, thus stimulating the hydrolysis of starch in the tuber. Where-
upon the degree .of inhibition of amylase depends on the ability of the
variety to resist Phytophthora.
Orechuzhnikov and Klimova (1940), hydrolysing the storch by preliminary
coaling the potatoes down to 00, caused the infection with Phytophthora of
a resistant variety of potatoes*
AA the hydrolysis of starch can lbw accomplished both by rising the in-
hibitor of amylase/ as well as by adding enzyme from without, we made an
assumption, that the phytohelminth, which secretes amylase and causes in,
tens/fled starch hydrolysis, can assist in the infection Of potatoes with
Phytophthora* In order to ascertain this we conducted the following expert..
mints. Tubers of Phytophthora resistant variety of potatoes were separately
inoculated with root-knot eel-!worm and stem nematode. After such infestation
became clearly Opressed, the tubers were infected with Phitophthora, rive
days after in those which Are infested with root-knot eeri!worm we detected
Phytophthora mycelium, and in those infested with item nematodestraces of
mycelium at a dietaries of about 0.5 cm from the focus of infestation* We
could not cause any Phytophthora infection in places where nematodes were
present* This can be explained by the fact that Phytophthora can parasitise*
only on healthy cells, but since nematodes move faster than a fungus mycelium
can grow, then the latter cannot withstand competition and cannot get ac-
climatised. It is also possible that phytehalminths swallowed the mycelium
of -Phytophthora.
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Noninfested tubers .(in the oontro).) were not infeeted with Phrto-
eti1i were marked was the stiailating role of the onion stem nenstode
in the development of foot rot of onto, caused by liotr34,16 anti. Usually
this fungus Infests plants at the end of Winter in large quaititioe.. Rut
during the vegetation period the infeation weakens as the outside Males dry
up end then dwindles' to the moment of harovetlig. Oat the Onions whish'Wer?
infested with sten nematodes, ma alms infested with Imposes, among which
D. allii *coupled a proninent place., Ws eonducted such's* experiment - we
kept a large number of sten nematedm in tater in order that they excrete into
it ammo of the digestive glandes After that, with the aid of a capillary
vs introdueed into one onion bulb the water, **staining the nematodes' mammy, ,
and into another one - pure tap Water (for ? control). A13. the onions were ?
inf. sated with foot rot; those, whish were prelininortiT treated with neautudes'
enzymes, were strongly infected by the fungi, but froa ming the 10 Maras
only 3 became infected and the infeetion was fa* weaker then ?n 'the experinental
Seri we meet two factors. first, the.ensymes ogles, and prOtopeotibase,
which are contained in nemitedes, excretions, while wasting in. the aeons.
Litton of sugars, disrupt osmaregulation in /Begin p.35/ the sells and assist
in increasing the voltam of the latter, as well as eau* the Maceration of
tissue, *Loh leads to creaking of the *Atha of the onion and opens the gate
to. infection. Second, protein Wray-aim under thelnfluonee of nematodes' ,
enzymes assists in the accumulation in the onion of free amino acids, Which .
serve as a nutrient sulistratun for B. sUit. In the same way the infection
of cabbage leaves with L cinema fungus is intensified, if, with the aid of
a capillary nenatodeer enzyme were applied to them preliminarily.
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%) I Trans. A-LWe
Thus, nematodes not alone inoculate the infection, but also create
favorable conditions for the fungi, by stimulating their development. Fungi,
on the other hand, stimulate the development of infestation. In this wayi
mycoses and phytohelminths are closely connected among themselves.
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(ID rai)
0 riikrobiologichelikom metode
About the miCrobiSlocloal method/.
2ashohita flastenil ot Vreditelei i Bolesnei,
vol. 4, no. 1. p.36-37. Jan./Feb. 1959. 421 Zi.
(In Russian)
The microbiological method of control, while beinz very tempting in
theory, Proved to be hard to solve in practice. Experiments with various
miorobiopreparatione usitall,y give coed resets in the laboratory, but under
field conditions twy are little effective, since the preparations, al.parently,,
lose their virulence. About fib years passed since the time of Mechnikaves
experiments in tieing green mmscatino for extermination of larvae of beetles
of genus Aniseplia, but as yet there are no reliable measures for microbio?
logical control of this pest up to the present day.
We observed in Crimea (during July and aueuet) a maim extinction of
gypey moths from various diseases; whereupon the'corpsee of Caterpillars and
of pupa dried out very fast, serving thus as a steady repository Ter an infero.
tiois source of episootio ditileasses. At the places of extinction of the pest
thero were so Many corpses of the caterpillars that they completely covered
the soil under the tree tops. There were from hundreds to several thousand
of them over lsq. m. All the trunks and branches in the lower layer were
covered with cocoons with dried out caterpillars, which did not have time
to molt, or with ;Ape.
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tz; Trans.
These observations spurred us to utilise the insect corpses, which died
from diseases, for the production of a microbiological preparation like the
one that is being prepared in gravies), at the present time using Japanese
beetles, that perished from the milky disease.
The corpses were ground to a powder in a mortar and Were preserved
/Bagta p.37/ in glass jars with ground glass stoppers.
Bach a preparation was tested by up in 1948 against gypsy moths. , It
was fed once to the experimentaloaterpillars in 4 moistened form (in dilution
1s1,000). As i result of this the pests perished during the sows, of 30
days. Mortality in the control was equal to 33%. Similar data wers.obt4Lned,
also in experiments with caterpillars of the satin moth, lackey moth and
cabbage moth when utilising the preparation, diluted 1:20,000.
In 1950 a similar mloroblopreparation vas applied by us for the liquida-
tion of a focus of ease reproduction of gypsy meths in Mekensievsk forestry of
the Balaklavsk luMber camp on an area of about 1,000 ha. 1hr focus was sprayed
once during the period between May 17 to 22 from an airplane in a dilution
of 16,000 and 1110,000, expending 20 1./ha. of the liquid. In a week's time,
the examinations showed that 99.2% of the rests perished in the stage of cater.
pillars, and the rest in the stages of pupa and butterfly... In the control
(3140 caterpillars) the mortality vas equal to 5.9%.
. These experiments, as it seems to us, mike it possible to understand the
causes of failures, which overtake the researchers who use microbiopreparations,
obtained in a pure culture on an artificial medium. There are no pure cultures
In nature and all the pathogenic microorganisms live in * complex micro..
biocenosis. It was not without reason that V. P. Pospelov conneoted_the de-
volopment of epolyedregy" /polyhedrons, producing the yellows or tree top
disease/ with yeasts.
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(3) Trans. A-1013
In a report at a i;onference on Bio-sethod (Kiev, 1958), 1. A. Talmo
cited several examples, when after the use of muscadine insects were destroyed
by bacteria. .Consequently, *one pathogenic microorganism* can prepare con-
ditions for dvvelopment at others. Reproducing microbes on artificial media,
we lower their virulence.. One Mould also point out that microorganisms,
the most pathogenic and interesting for practical utilisation, -liosema, viruses
and Certain fungi do not develop in any. of the artificial-media and, comma
vently, they can only be Cultivated under natural conditions on living insects.
'Proceeding from these principles, we think that the basic key, which
must open a wide path to the microbiomethod4 is the preservation and utilise-
tion of insects, _which perished from diseases in places of their Mass re-
production in order to transfer the infection from the feding foci to foci
'which are just beginning. This mithod is quite sound ecobomically, especially
in forest econo0y. Our experiment in Orissa &Owe that during one day one
? 1.
Works' can prepare from 70 to 1206 of air-dried corpses of insects. In tonere',
one kilogram Of the preparation, counting pulverising and packing, costs Us
1,000 rubles. When using it from 2 to 4 gibe. the treatment cost from 5 to
10 times cheaper than with DDT dust: Of Ours', this work can be dome only
in the presence of a fully qualified microbiological control.
For mese production of this preparation one can use' the wastes of Oilk?
worm breeding, in particular, cocoons of china oak silkworm - "chkhara and
karepachakb". Dried well and at a proper time (but not killed by high tem-
perature, that is, which were not conducted through the "simplex") they
pulverise properly and can be stored for several years in jars of dark glass
with a-ground stopper. The preparation; prepared from the cited material, has
shown high attentiveness for the control Of ypay math,, lackey moth, satin
moths fruit moth, Dryobia redikersevi and many other objects. One must men*
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(4) Trans, As1013
tion that bombyx is not suitable for this purpose.
It would be expedient to organize a vide and thorough study of micros
biocenosis of different groups of insects vith the purpose of discovering
Specific resistance to diseases of some of them, as sell as of seleCtion of
individual specific components of microbiocenosises when preparing micro-
biopreparations. Of course one should not stop also the work with pure
cultures, cultivated on artificial Media, but one has to take into considera-
tion that so for thin course did not bring anything but disappointments in
practical application.
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I i (in
i . ,..0.413. Asielit
I ,l .
0 , n
TiiihdttetskOs 0. Es Vagarious A. Mis Pilkoptit*, A I.
:suchen" U priroda silikataykh bakteriir
Mae the nature of silicate bacteria been studied19
kahchita !MUSA. at Vreditalei 1. Solesnei. vol. 4,
no. 3.. p.33. imifeb., 1959 421 tl
(In Russian)
'The Agrotschnical Section of Itasehaivek isperinent flection of the
Ukrainian SeientificsResearth Institute of Agricultire. *an studying /the
Influence of silicate bacteria on the productivity if pc titan, in 1956,
obtained 1 rotative rest, that let treatment- of seed tubers With silicate
bacteria lowered the produetivity of potetass .thi. deteriorated their quality* -
Two additional espiritiotto sore *Waited in 1.959.
1. Influence of silicate bacteria On ? background of sonuring
30 tins of run 11451$60 275.
2. Influence of silitate bacteria on. background of 'amiss*
Area of plots of lsod t Mg, ste Rogioation t fourfold. &wisest*
? were conducted on sediun?podsolle dustyysandy soil. The precursor was winter
wheat, Which weeplanted over a lupine fallow. System of the autusn pre-
paration of the soil &misted in Shallow plowing of stubble pnd * following
? in the course of discussion. Ste journal Zalhohita Raetanii ot Vreditilei
lkieine5.* nos. 3 end 5 for 1957 and nos. 2 end 5 for 1956.
0 Lotontitio Getman.* ot istesiukenk Lxportiont Station,
i Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80R01426R010400620001-7
Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7 .10111
fall-ploming to the depth of 22-25 em. Berly in spring (April 4), the
plots were harrowed by heavy harrows, and on, April 6 sad 8 were fertilised
with superphosphate and potassium magnesia-. Manure was spread on April 12.
After this the plots were Sowed to the depth of 2042 os and harrowed.
Planting of potatoes (varietyHorn& was conducted on April 25 *a-
cording to seheme 35 X VO cm. Preliainarily the tubers wort treat/idwith
silicate bacteria, obtained fro* the Odessa Stricture]. Institute. Ammonium
nitrate was applied over the sprouts, on May 25.
Phonologioal Observations 616 not show arc difference among the variants
of the orperiment. Harvesting was dens on August 29. Data or calculations
in the first experiment have shown that potato productivity preatica317 did
not Change. Thus, on the plot with bacteria-treated tabors the yield was
266.9 centner per hectare, *bile frau non bacteria-treated tit was 262.5 c.
Variant of experiment
ield of :
. 0 -
of starch
i of
sick pleats
Silicate bacteria.
1145 r60 K75
199.8 ,
M45 t60
R45 Aso / silicate bacteria
170.9 '
M45 175
185.5 i
.1.45 Is I silicate Motorist
as table tows that bacterial truant of tubers, in the absence of
manure, did not produce any additional stead, bat, on the contraryeven
lowered it. On the background of HP no additional yield wan obtained. This
feet does not confirm the opinion that silicatebacterie have an to
form Soluble forts of potassium in the soil, at the expense of the mineral
wealth of the toil proper. Oft the background of OK the additional yield
comprised 5.6%. In this ease one sight think that silicate bacteria activate
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(3) frau*. A4014
phosphorus, in consequence of which the yielding capacity is increased. Seed
qualities of potatoes, grown from bacteria-treated tubers, sere not improved.
$umming up the condacted experiments, vs cannot agree with the confir-
nations? of individual taunt *bout the fact that silicate bacteria give
positive results on ell kinds of soils. !heir negative influence, which was
observed in our experinents, requires the clarification of ths nature of the
activity of silicate bacteria and further testing under various soil-climatic
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(la full)
At the Session of VASIOLNII. on Problons of Yegetablo
?rowing, Potato Growing, Llultivation of Orchards sad
Zashchita Rastenii ot Vreditelei i Bolosnei, vol. It,
no. 1. p.56-58. Jan./rob., 1959. 14n U.
(In Russian)
In the work of the Session, which took place in Meow fres October 30 to
November 3, many ogriaoltural practitioners, representatives of Joanna
kolkhosos sad serkhosos, took part along with a large grow of seleetistsi
in all over 700 persons. 1045
The Session was *Poled with the immoral address of the president of
? VASICNNIL fiusaiton Academy of Agricultural Mame* imolai V. I. Lents),
Aeadomician P. P. Lebenov, who pointed out to the extraordinary important', of
the raised questions, *specially in the light of &anion adopted of late
by the Party and the Oovernmett about the increase of production of vegetables,
potatoes, fruits, berries and grapes. Vico-President, Aaadaudoion D. D.
Broshnev, in his report about the problems of scientific establishment* pointed
out that along with navy others, the one important problea of scientists is
to give aid to agricultural agentios in drawing up scientifically based plans
for offeettvo allocation of production of vegetables, potatoes and fruits, se-
(lording to natural-osonomio songs at' the country, taking into consideration
their concentration around cities, manufacturing centers, in oasts sone* of
repr000ssing industries as well as in southern regions of early ripening of
fruits and vegetables; to take part in tarrying out soil and bydrogeological
?research, development for kolkhoses and sevkhoses of roseemendations about
the sots* of measures, which forma* also the control of pests, plant diseases
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(2) . Trans. A-101$
and weeds; basic improvement of seeding and platting material, as 11 as
to suggest varieties with different dates of ripening, increased keeping
qualities, resistant to drought, dise*S* and pests.'
? 'Civar 100 addreasee were heard end discussed at plenary conferences and
emotion*, including 62 reports. in these such attention was paid to the ,
queetions of plant protection. Doctor .of biological Sciences, D. L. Tverskei,
in the report "Complex of AftWOO for the control Of pests and diseases'
pointed out that,seience and practiee have developed effective methods for
control both of individual species, as well as of whole groups of pests,
diseases and weeds, and their realization produces on the farms a Serious
economic effect: Thus, for instance, timely chemical protOotion of cabbage
provided an increase in the earning capaSity from.' hotter. of 2,500 rubles
and even more, while expending about 100 rubles. At &Meadow suburban sovkhos
'men t Oprokii*, for 'instance, additional profits from an area of 162 ha '
comprised 'about 1 mm n rubles. In this same sovkhoz,protective measures. are
well carried out also for hothouses and hotbeds, and this also produces good
?returns for the farm.
Interesting data are available On the control of potatolate blight.
Thu., the yield of tubers increased by 75.87% after spraying with Bordeaux
Aerosols are of'grett,importance in the 0Ontrol of fruit Crops from
sucking and leaf-chewing pests: Treatleeni of fruit plantings .with them
returned about 119 rubles for each one mills spent.
rot, notwithstanding. the possibilities for oonsiderable /Wrens* of
yield* of vegettblet, potatoes and fruits, and improvement of the quality
of production with the aid of correct organisation of .protective measures
and application of the most effective methods, this has been as Yet paid
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(3) Irons. A4015
very little attention, according to reports. Prepayable about achievements
of science and leading axperienco is (*flied oat comr @lightly, as well as
iatroduction of prophylactic and egretechnical measures far control of pest"
and disoass*, work Widivalopmest of varieties, moistest to diseases, is mot
booing oonduated suffioiently; not snout poison ohmeicals are produced by
the Industry, as well as ognipmaat, ineludimg the
drop spraying.
IN A. larpov, Director of the s 'Boll
rful sashimi forfins-
(Obseov as'
shared his experience is applyimg kerosehe for the astral of boo
tbe ?
carrot plantings, *Joh vim *salad with kerosome, no loading Imo required,
*Soh gees time possibility to economise thousands Of mansdays, as well as mew
The problems of pleat protootion woo mare thoroughly /800a PS7/
disciassed at the Sections, in resolitiono, adapted by the Session, it vas
agreed to bider elvoidato in the prat' the achievememts of *Gismos and of
the laiding experience, to organise medal faction* rarimonstration of lading
metbods of plant proteotion; to widen the preparation of OPooletotol to Lawb
crimp the production of the moot effective poison ebelicals fOr ibs protection
of potatoes, vegetables, fruit4orry crepe sod gropes; to attract attention
of the chemical indumtry to the preparation of oombimed ehemicals of a omears
action against posts, Mammies and moods; of prepared aerosols and oomentrated
preparations,speeding up the Production of DOW POUNWOO to develop research
on the bleIogisal method of oentrel of pests and diseases in emdeination with
the chemical and agretschniemI methods, to study the Winona* of poises chomisela
not only es pOsts, disclaims and 'woods, but also en the cultivated plants; to
introduce widely into production the soul systems of methods, We'd on the ant.
plication of agrotechnioal, chemical biological and other methods of control
of pests, disuses and reeds
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_ Trans. /104.101)
At the Section of Potato Growing
In men7 reports it was convincingly shove that simple and aniailable
measures for freeing potatoes fret' diseases ixrovide an increase in gross
and moreover the cost of predation is ruined (by 15-30%). The
VASIODUI Session paid suck attention to these problem's. In reports and ad.
drosses' during plenes7 oonferenees (Acodesioiga S. II. kkuow, AcalludAdan
,V, TAW.% ?motets*, 1. V. Saberev, Professor IL 1. 7terekol, and othan)'
it vas shown the same= economic, looportame of selection-Seed growing,
cheminal and ether methods and nesse. s sane qaestions took such tine also
in the works of the Section.
Doctor of Agricaturel Seiontims, P. I. Al osadk,' and Candidate of Agri.
cultural SoienceS, A. Is. laneres, gave an aecoent of the main results and
described the problems mad moths& of, further selection, aid partially also
of seed grOwing work for the purpose of developing and latzeduoing into
practice of disease-resistant varieties.
hsports of Nember-Oorrespendents of the Academy of Science of %kite R.
sign &SR, 1. A. Dorishkin and Professor M. lalashov, Professor it. S.
Duda, were dedicated to the analysis of the effectiveness of nothods for
rendering potatoes healthy (spraying Idth nicrodeses of simper sulfate, 1%
and 2% of Bordeaux mixture, slash and other fungicides, summer plantings,
spring plantinp in combination with early miner harvesting, growing of two
crops daring one sumer, hardening by light of seed potatoes and others) under
production tests en large areas, up to 50011a. Spraying the potatoes with
iengicide sharply radioed the infection with potato blight and increased the
harvest by 40-63 Oka, reduce- the cost of potatoes by 15-31%. General ex-
penditures for these works in a sun of 15-34 rubles guaranteed to sovkhoses
Rd kolkhoses the obtaining additional profit in the amount of 6004,000
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(5) ? Trans. A4015?
rUblee per hectitre. Soninfectioue pathological process** are of great ia-
penance. They are not alone harmful in theaselves, but they increase the
susceptibility of plants to liarg, infections, as well as to pest*. In this
respect the leading role must be assigned to the introduction of disease,
resistant varieties and application of developedeethods for rendering the
planting material healthy.
The attention of tbs Section was drawn to the alaraing figures of in..
crease in numbers of stem and potato nematodes, as well as the spreading ?
of the Colorado beetle and potato canker. . Thut, if in 1946 on the territory
of the USSR (in western republics) there were 4607 foci of potato canker,
then in 1958 they grew to 68,400, that is 14 times more, and moreever they
were already found in Mbecow ablest'. Those facts testify about the imediate
necissity of a serious improvement in the organization of potato enterprises
and first of all - liquidation of foci of potato canker on personal PICO of
collective farmers.
The existing data spoke ale. about the growing spreading of helminthiasis
of potatoes. In England, for the control of these diseases of greet premise
is the utilisation of. special group of fungi - halminthophages.
' The resolution, adapted by the :4ssion, pointed out the importance of
strengthening the development of methods of control of nematode's, ilolorado
beetle and potatoocanker, of studies of the possibility of antibiotic applica-
tion, of growing and propagation of heelthy planting materiel, or develop-
ment of varieties immune to diseases, paying special attention to a creative
participation of phytopathologists in selection work. The Session also
mentioned the necessity of strengthening the structural work on improvitnent
of high production machines, as well as the expansion in the production of
poison chemicals and anti-pathogenic sera for rendering seed potatoes free
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(6) Trans. A-1015
of disease.
At the Section of Vegetable *swims
In her report "Sews in the Control of Diseases of Vegetable Crepe,
S. A. Osnitskate (NUOKH fficientific esearch Institute of Vegetable Urowing]),
paused an results of studies of certain most harmful diseases of carrot 000do,
in particular, phomosis, its bishogy, weys and sources of spreading, inter-
relations with the plant-host. ?or the control of the sited diseases a nothed
'us developed for disinfestation of seeds by the preparattion TMTD iletramethyl-
thieran disulfide, hiles for phomesis ? also spreying of plants with 1$
lord:roux mixture or suspension of TMTD before harvesting the crop.
For the propose of increasing the resistance of root crops to diseases
it was mosmended to VA0 phosphorus*potassium and potassium fertilisers. A
system of measures vas suggested for the control of onion foot rot - flame
drying of onions at the early dates, proplaatimg disinfection of seeds, and
others. As means for *entail of powdery mildew of cucumbers in hotbeds and
'hothouses it was reeemmended to use the now effective preparation "Phygon"
instead of the presently used colloidal sulfur or amt. sulfate. An important
role in the *patrol of anbury clubreet of cabbage was disclosed in pleating
the seedlings in post subs-shaped bleeks without Amy addition of humus or
earth, which say be infootodi of great inportemse is also the utilisatims of
resistant cabbage varieties.
In the report "Sews in the Control of Pests of Vegetable Grope 1. Al
gerasimor (MOW pointed to the specific requirememte demanded ef poises
chemicals by vegetable growers: inseotisides must be mempoisemeus to sem and
animals, or must quiekly lose their poisonous properties, mist be used at
times and by methods by Which the taste qealities of vegetables will not be
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UI) Trans. A-1015
impaired. Wide application must be found for prophylactic treatment of seeds,
cabbage seedlings and onion sets by poison chemicals) it would aiso be ex-
pedient to substitute DDT and Rexachloren with phosphoroorganic preparationS
(thiophos, malathion mitofotax"). In the 'Teton of protective measures, under
conditions of hotbeds and hothouses, an important place,nuat be assigned to
disinfestation of hothouses and hotbeds by the aerosol method with the aid
of smoke spots, as well as by utilizing new promising preparations for spraying.
the plants (methylethylthiophos, malathion, Wirsulifonat" -ChloropheR714.-
Professor 3. M. Tupenevich (VIM All..Union Scientific Research Institute
for Plant Protection7) in his report on prophyleetie measure's for protection
of vegetable crops from diseases paid attention /gin p45?7 to great losses
(up to 100 of the yield from diseases of vegetable crops and to the im-
portant role of agrotechnics in their lowering. Is the system of prophylactic
measures, in the opinion of reporters, the essential point is - to grow healthy
seeds and sprouts (in nutrient pots of peat-manure mixture with the addition
of cultures of the bacterial fertilisor'AMO, to introduce efficient crop
rotations, correct use of fertilisers, control of weeds, *yet= of soil til-
lage, which helps in the development of saprophyte fungi-antagonists.
I. D. ShApiro (VIM) pointed to considerable losses of vegetable crops
from pests, which come op to more than 20 mln of Oentners annually in the
open iund in the Soviet Union as a whole. For cabbage and cucumbers alone
they comprise 25-3o$ of the yield, while a ohenicel protection, with its cor-
rect organization, Ave. an lacrosse in the yield Of cabbage, in different
sone*, from 65 to 300 oiha. Under conditions of the north-west sone dusting
of seedlings with 10T and RR is being conducted systematically, also intro-
duction of HUH into the mass of peat-humus pots, watering of seedlings with
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(8) Trans. A.1015
Nexachloren suspension during the period of transplantation and later en.
At the Sertisel.tual Section
Aloft with ether important questions masers& were discussed that ars
direeted to the imprrrement of plantings' proteetion. The first &mystery
of the Crimean Oblast' Committee of the PartylV. 0. lemiakev, has informed,
that in the ',blast' as a reset of wide application of leading measures of
agroteohmies and **Masi substanses, including the merest mass, gardens en
large areas are almost entirely free from fruit meths, mites asd ether pests
and diseases, owing to *Leh total harvests of fruits of the highest Oullitir
'ore ownsiderably increased* and additional profits, to holkhoses and sovhhoses,
in 1958 exeeeded 21 mln. rebles.
Agriculturists I. V. Shilev (Liptak oblast') sod I. V. Sihelsonhe
(Mildavia) told about the experience of groliag high yields of fruits and its
protection frmn posts and diseases. la the report of Professor S. Z. Savedarg
an analysis was given of the existing aohievemente amd suggestions were intro-
dosed, about effective measures for the central of pests of fruit and berry
Among the resolutions adapted at the Session it was rtummmummilmi to
seisatifie-research institutions to Joke mere prestos and further on to in.
prove the protective measure, in the nurseries, and in youag and in fruit,
booing orchards, including also the new methods sadnesses applicable to
Impel conditions. Particularly, it was pointed out* that spraying the fruit
trees daring early spring with strong emulsioas of mineral ells must be ro-
llgirded as an extraordinary measure, which is needed only during liqeidation
of especially dangerous foci of overwintering pests, for mast/mos of the
San Jose seals. At the same tine it is better to use dinitreertheerissel (or
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Y) ? Trans. A.1015
its mixture with petroleum oils) as a poison of a more universal action.
Serious attention was paid to the -prevention of bringing Pros without, as '
well as to spreading of many dangerous local pests and diseasess.with the
'planting materiel on the basis of impreVement the output of alt plants
froa the nurseries.
It was recognized as necessary to increase the production of powerful
? blower sprayers and a wider use .of aerosols, utilising also the helicopters,.
. to sharply increase the prevision of individual orchards with chemical sub-
stances packed in maill well as providing more perfect apparatus
for individual orchard*.
Delay by medical.stnitary organizations in giving conaltusions about
Peraissible residual amount* Of the new effective poisons as well as about
hygienic conditions of their application, which delay their introduction into
? Practice wee mentioned. It was reccemended to speed up the testing of new
? chemical substances, the development of biological and agrotechnical methods,
development of resistant varieties, and studies of virus diseases .of fruit and
berry crops.
At the Section of Viniculture
Two reports were medal by Professor D. D. Verderevskii 'About Protection
of Crapes from Pests and Diseases in USSR" and by Professor Is. I. Print*
*About affective Measures of Control or Fasts of Grapes". Questions about
the protection of grapes to one or another extent was touched upon in f,!,other..
addressee also. Uclusive importance was stressed about control of phylloxera,
grape berry moths, moth Theresia ampelophage, grape scale, golden Weevil, .
spider Mite, aildew, fungus Arityphe pidiva, leaf spot, berry rot, caused by
Botrytis fungi, and others.
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(10) Trans. A.1015
D. D. Vordsrevskii pointed out that mildew infeetiem alone daring some
years Si certain lesalities tuts dew the yield of grapes up to 50%, aid
hinges trisrpho oldies . up to 10%. the speaker suggested the use of a was,
plan of measures for the sontrel of mildews destrastion of the overwinteriag
infectious source, sentrel of the primary sad swoodary infettiems et plants
during vegetation, spraying *ad dusting with soppier emyehloride lastead of
the Bordeaux mixture (lime Ohoald be omitted) or dinitrerodanbensons together
with stopper evehloride, or slash in a 045-0.75% oomemotrations spraying the
vineyards on dates whioh are established seoording to date of observation of the
eigaalisatioa Berries; oultivation of vine varieties that are resistant to
the predominant poets and diseases.
In the report of Professor Prints attention was drawn to the importenee
of protection of vineyards, from infeotion with phylloxera, whieh are yet
free fro* it; to oondacting abseiled eontrol in regions of its spreading,
somOkete liquidation of smell foot, and in owe of further spreading .
utilisation of ? method of its liquidAtion, while preserving the bush, by
means of one.two leiter introdustion of fenigasts into the soil. Ons can ro-
sewood for these latter ethylene shloride or clarified heel of ethylene
Chloride, together with pare ohlerebenswe, and new preparations (hexaohler,.
butadiene, Do buten of 14-diehleroProPons Cital ca ? Glig a (5040%)
sad 1.2-dichlereprepane Caj GMUL a 01101 ? am2 a (30-5007.); it is also
nosessary to iateasity the work of cultivation of Naris ties, which have a
group resietwee to phylloxera, mildew, Arisyphie ?idiom, Betrytte; fungi, uhieh
would be winterise,* and high yielding.
* translator's mote t torsisia talon /ran /. Popov e alleadboek is Poifteinill
chemicals*, page 229.
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(1) maw. A.3.015
The chief aviculturist of the swifts l'imeni LeninO, inAnara raion
N. Pawl told that on the fern there are 1v100 ha f vineyards, and that
they are systematically and successfully protected from diseases and ,Asts?
'4be resolutions made by the Session obliFy.eVIIII together gith profess.
siontl institutions for viniculture to develop during the next 2 years
system of entio.phylloxera mothoda epplioeble to different monks) it is moss.
eery to liquidate phylloxera in 19594960 in the Amps re6ton in order to
prevent the danwer of its spreading to new plantino and also to preserve
from infection the scioe?rooted tIrspe oropsi to liquidate in :1.594.961 alI
the plentinie or hybrids - direct producers on the territory uf !forth Uaucasus,
to introduce tocAther with the ,raZted crops the scion-rootsa, utXtEin
sand and sandy loam soils for afl. standard varieties, and on lied and medium
clayey soils to clkAivato the comparatively phylloxera-resistant varieties
with a periodic ramigstion or the *oil.
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Zhukorskii, P. N4, and Bodionova, N. A.
States kullturnykh lipor 42-khromosonnykh
pShwnits, ustoiohirykh k bolesniian.
/Synthesis of cultivated types of 42-
ohromosome .at resistant to diseases/.
Trudy po Prikladnoi Hotanike, Genetiks
Helektsii, vol. 30, no. 3. p.271?217.
1957. 451 192.
(In Russian)
At the present time smog the varieties and species of at the over
whelping majority of them are nonresistant to smell diseases as species of
rust, smut and powdery mildew.
All the countries on earth, which cultivate whoa% are engaged in
stubborn struggle while brooding resistant varieties; nevertheless, as a rule,
such varieties prove to be only temporarily resistant owing to the appearance
of new, more aggressive physiologisal rules of parasitic fungi. But the
matter stands far better with some species of sheet. It is knees, that sudh
species as Triticum Timopheeri, Tr. fug/Leidy*, Tr.earthliegm, Tr. monococcum
stand out by their natural resistance to diseases. This cheracteriatio is
inherent to than as species, Hoverer, these armies, except Tr. carthlicsm,
are net the cultivated types of shoat, and Tr. oarthlicum has poor baking
;polities. /he remaining throe species are distingaisked by the brittleness
of the spike's stalk and their grain is difficult to thresh out. The most
valuable species of wheat is the 42-ohromosome soft wheat. As are all the
other 42-chromosome species of wheat, it appears, as a species on the whole,
411 to be nonresistant to diseases. As the problem of VIA /All-ihiton Institute
of Plant Industry/ is to aosumulata as wide initial material as possible for
selection, we resorted to an artificial creation of immune material in
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(2) Trans. t-1016
42-chromes Cats of the cultivated type that is to syhthetic introdustion.
Widening of Um initial material in 42-chromosome *Oats (nonresistant,
as a rule) for their selection fbr immunity can be produced by a method of
remote hybridisation, sic Use history of plant growing on earth did not
provide humaniti with immune 112-chromosems wheats. The above cited for ree
piston% swiss do not belong to the group of 1s2eehrososome wheats. In order
to crate really cultivated types if 42-chrososses wheats, which would have
a sharply expressed resistance to diseases, it was necessary to resort to a
complex hybridisation with tray immune species of Cat (It. Tisophoevi and
Tr. fungicides). but whit, unfortamately, are not characterised by a culti-
vated structure (they herr a brittle spike during ripening, and the grain is
very hard to remove from the spikes). tr. carthliows is a oomparatively oulti-
vated species with a rugged spike and the grain is easy to beat out. A new
genus in cereal systematise, Raynatriceswes also utilised; it is monotypical,
synthetic, quite cultivated, but it Is a 42schrososome type and resistant
to diseases. The following species and forms took part in crossings*
1) Tr. fungicidna Zhuk egriboboinsiat /Amaricidem/ wheat. 2 u 56) Mg. 1)
a new synthetic type, spephidiploid, obtained trot crossing the most immune
species of wheat - Tr. Tisophievi Zhu. (2 n a 211) and Tr? earthling imvs)d,
variety fuliginosus at., /Begin p.272/ ehmatcarthlices (2 n MI the
latter is resistant to powdery mildew and is only slightly infected by leaf
Planta of flengicidest 'sheet are of spring imml, late-ripening, with
eturdy straw. The spike is tad, feathered, black; the grain it large,
. hyaline, very elongated, the absolute weight up to 70 grams; it is crumpled
erten, but it is Feasible to maks a selection for well filled grains; hard to
beet out' fertility it slight in the south under dry conditions, and good in
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(3) Trans. 1,4016
? ??
non-charms= IMO. Resistance to disease is upraised very clearly.
2. Raynatricua Drake ins nom (2 n 2 42). It is a new genus of
cereal, a natural anphidiploid between *Worn Nabs*/ and Raynaldia (Tr.
dicoccus foriniel. X Eaynaldis,villosa Schur.). These are spring plants
early-ripening, strongly covered by a wax outing, grey; the spike is long,
narrow, and, yet before rioting it breaks up into epikeleti. The grain is
long, elia, hyaline; is hard to beat out. It is of interest in eslection for
inanity owing to ite resistance to powdery mildew and a slight susceptibility
to lest rust.
Title of figure 1. Species of "griboboinalalfungicidue, Wheat
(2n : 56).
Title of figure 2. Bellflrained/irhaerococcua/ (a) and broad.
leaved (b) wheats.
3. Wheat Tr. srhaerococcua Fere., variety &beam, Pero. (2n : 42,
figure 2a) le cultivated it /Begin p.273/ India. Only spring torus are known.
Plants ars undersised, non-lodging, with exclusively strong straw. Laves are
Mort, sticking up. Spikes are thickset, of an inflated type; grain is
spherical, very all filled cut. It is infected by fungus diseases, especially
by powdery aildsw.
44. Tr. *satiresL. esp. anpliesifolits Zhuk. (2n a 42, figure 2b). It
is a broad-leaved wheat, cultivated in Central China. It is spring wheat,
early-ripening. Attracts attention by the width of the loaf blade, by the
sharply expressed elevate type of spas0 eraltiflorousness of spikes and re-
sistance to lodging. Is inflated by fungus diseases.
5. Tr. asstiven L. (2n: 42)1 is a waft wheats a) barrel-shaped shut.
Obteirod by means of crossing the ball-grained and soft wheats (Tr. aestivate L.
var. sibaeridionale X fr..Sphaercaoccua Pero, var. achinstun Pere. 2n = 42).
Is characterised by a resistance to lodging and Urge, harrel-shapetgrain.
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IS infected by diseases. b) Wenn* 62 (Tr. seetivire L. vat. lutescens ov.
62; 2n* 42) is of known standards widely :revelling in production.
Thus, in the work of creation of varieties of *teat, resistant to
disease, were utilized both the lathe species and the autcoptibles brut *bleb
were dharaoterisedbymany other velueble properties in the economic respect
(resistance to lodging, high yielding capacity and others).
Interspecitic hybridisation of the agriboboinsie ig. fungioidum 2huk./
wheat with the soft, ball-grained and broAdaeaved, and intergeneric hybridi-
Ottioo of goloitricum with the soft wheat, sirs conducted with the sin of
joining in hybrids of high resistance to diseases, ptomain to Tr. fungicides
shdRayrittrionst and the productivity of the soft end broad-leaved Wheat*
And nonlodging ability of the ball-grained. In the following generation
Win:mosses were utilised, that 10, repeated pollinations of hybrids with the
pollen of the paternal species.
Studies of the realetanot of plants to diseases we conducted under
conditions of natural and artificial infection; besides this * provocative
date of sowing *es applied (14 days later than usual). The susceptibility of
plants wee determined according to the S. I. Vavilovls Scale. TAU-way of
spreading of diseases was :compared with phases of plant vegetation. In ettre of
individuat vatiebility in one family only the least infected Amu were
utilised for further work.
friThe sin:wig/4r intsce-Ptible Variety tgino TO was planted on both sides
of each tested specimen. This provided* uniformity in the infection's hitting
the plants end gave * possibility -with a greater authenticity to compare data
on the degree of plant infection. This is especiaLly characteristic for the
early phases of Sant davelOpeent. Therefore individual hybrid familia ware
additionally tested for age resietanoe to diseases under conditions of arti-
ficial infection.
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(5) Trans. JA-1016
knot for inoculation of plantings was collected in the field by means of
shaking infectedwheatleaves over * funnel in a test tube or by carefully
removing the postales with a lancet. Directly before inoculation a small
amount of water was added to the test tabs containing rust modospores, and
carefully stirred. Before the application of the spore suspension the plants
were impiously sprayed and intend with water. The spore saspension was
applied with a small bruits or a lancet to the center of the upper leaf of
each plant. After the application of the Japonica a repeated spraying with
water was condmoted; after this the boxes with plants were cormed up for
hours with booths mode at cellulose film, which were prelimiaarily moistened
inside with wet paper. High temoratire andmoisture Aegis paTb/ created
good conditions for infection, which began to appear already on the 8-9 day
after the application of the inocalue. The plants were inoculated brims during
the formation of the mooed loaf and at the hesitant of the heading eta..
Zvelestien was oonduoted 1042 days after inoculation whom on All the plants
&visible demonstration of the disease took place.
Inoculation of plants with fresh oonidia of powdery tilde, vore combated
daring the booting stage and the phase of milk ripeness of the groin. In
order to classify the hybrid material, according to ecommicallyvaluable
properties, the resistanoe to lodgings bushiness and height of pint., ton,
length and ocapactness of the spike. number of sylkelets and grains in the
spike, fora and fullness of grains, fertility of the spike end weight of
1,000 !speeds ware evaluated. Individual selection of best plants was cone
ducted annually.
For cytological analysis the experimental materiel, after sprouting,
was cooled on ice; this provided for the contraction of chromosomes; fixation
of the seed roots was oondurtad according to Nevashiej cuts on the microtome
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(6) Trans. A-10I6
had * thickness of lh mililaicrons; staining - by iron hemetnylins according
to Beidenhain. Further treatment of the materiel was Conducted by usual means
of microtome tethnique.
Resulta of research have dhoti, that the majority of hybridhallies
of the combinatients fungicidta X. Tr. inherence= var eibona; in rs
backnose ;alio /sic/ Tr. sphternoccue, under conditions of manl and
artificial infection, nand either full resistance to rust specie and to
powdery mildew or were infected by them only slightly (figure 3).
Title of figure 3* Immune hybrids of *Iriboboinaien
/Tr.faa?ci4at *heat I ballegrained fa.
Wheat during the first emeriti=
is with pollen of bell-erained /Tr.
aphaeroconum/ Wheat.
Families, in the formation of Which took part the amplinifolium abut,
had a different degree of susceptibility to disease*. Among them sere net
both the resistant families as well as those highly susceptible; often /Begin
p.275/ a condo:rah', differentiation in resistance (from 0 to Is points) as
observed in the limits of ore family. A diverse susceptibility to diseases
was shin by fannies of the coubination(Ranatricum I it. antirms, variety
Interns cv. 62) I Tr. durum en horanion. The majority of them were strongly
infected, especially after the pronditive time of sowing and artificial in-
All the families of the combination asynatrion I Latinate 62; Pi I
Borannump P3 repeatedly ILutes-cane 62, and the combination Tr. pingioidum
barrel-shaped, were infected to a great degree (to 34 points).
Croup resistance to rust species and powdery mildew was shownby:sullies
7-12. 15 and 55 Of the enbination Tr. funs:kit" I Tr. inherence= variety
Althorn; in Pi baokiross with pollen of Tr. aphaernocens Burins artificial
infection in individual Sante of then Utilise, on the place of inaction
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(7) Trans. A-1018
I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/24 : CIA-RDP80R01426R010400020001-7
'applications either necrosis appeared or singles weekly developed pustules of
leaf rust and tafts of powdery mildews the latter disappeared quickly and did
not recommence later on. Testing these families at different geographical
points(1) hal Shown that the majority of then, under conditions of Kreenodar
krais Show * small degree of infection taint rest (fro* 0 to I point). A
stronger infection (frail to 2 potato) was observed at the Althea Control Point
after a pit -winter planting. So infection of thee* faxilies with powdery
mildews stripe and We rusts was observed in any of these places.
Sybridological analysis of plants of the coibination fr. fantioidea
Tr. sphasrococcut variety slobosass in Pi buckaroo's with pollen of Tr. sphaero-
coccus) has shown that the majority of them in many of properties and chorus
teristics swerved to the side of parental species and componeelts of the saphie.
Length of the vegetative period of hybrid fannies of this combination
does not show sestantial divergencies' when comparadwith the initial species.
Muss for most of then the niter of days from erecting to heeding is treater
than for the ban-graited /Tr. ephairococcus/ stoat, but is smaller than for
the fungicidumi but the duration of khan of development from heading to ripen.
int is shorter than for the ball-grained/Tr. ephaerecoceumi and the /untied-
stii, it is rarely more or email to the latter.
Single eatly-ripening plants, which gave rise to new Jainism (lb 8 and
11a) with a shorter period of vegetation than both parents, were isolated
during the process Of work.
In the site of leaves most fsailies swerved to the sideof the Un-
trained /sphaerococcus/ wheat (shorts wide), there were Also Moines with
long slim leaves as in thefungioidun. Individual families cabins the close
hairiness of lutes, natural to the fungicidal', with the width of leaves of
(1) At the trainotter State Selection Scation stadies of resistance of hybrid
seeds were conducted in the laboratory of P. P. Lukolenenko; at the Kuban Ice
periment Station and at the Derbent Control Point by th* co-mortars of VIE.
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(6) Trans. i4016
the bell-grained isphaerococcum/. In toughness of the straw many families
swerved to the side of ball-grained wheat and thee do not lodges in 'height
they take a medium position between the ball..grained and the funticidua.
Coloration of the spike is either black, as of the tenacity, or white me
of the bell-greined; but the most often seen is the smoky gray. In all hybrid
families the fors of the spike is either cylindrical or Spindle?like, there-
upon the grout is considerably wider then the side. It is interesting that
the parental species have a reverse correlation of sides. Consequently,
according to the characteristic in question, hybrid families fully sinned
to the side of earl:kilns wheat, the influence of which as eligibly seen also
in the formation, of an awned barb or awn on the spike's seal. in most plants.
/Begin p.276/
It is necessary to mentions Apecifio type of segregation in the off-
spring from crossing with internecine sephidiploid. Le it vu alreatrien-
tioned the fungicides wheat is an *mph/diploid &ma crossing earth) icum with
thenhesel Whereupon the phenotype of the artistica Wheat was fully absorbed
in the taphidiploid (2n : 56)t $eenwhlIe, in hybrid offspring of the studied
todbination the mejority of resistant and homotygote families are of a clear
type of the carthlicum wheat, but the number of Chromosomes (2n: 42) (figure 4)
corresponds to the sphaernoccem, What, in our opinion, can be explained by
Title of nos Is. Chromosomes of a resistant hybrid
of the "gribobeinaiell Om/ wheat with the
ball-grained / -recto backcross with pcalen
of the tall-graine erococoum/.
The foam of grains in hybrid plants does not correspond either to the
fungicidwe (long), or to the aphaerococcum (ball-grained). It varies from
lanceolate to barrel-shaped; sometimes grains ere met that are angular,
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(9) Trans. 4.1016
ribbed or with a Pimps Peed vessels of many families have at the top $
slight niftiness and a light amelgasated lustre . properties characteristic
to grains of the parthlice' Wheat. The coloration and consistency of grains
in most cases corresponds to parental species (red semi.hysline).
Together with a swerving of individual families, in manypetTorties, to
the tide of parental species and !components of the saphidiploid, new growths
also took place, to the number of which refer: 1) characteristic horizontal
placement of leaves; 2) red coloration of the spike; 3) Whits grains.
In Muir resistance to diseases the best families of the given !combination
stand above the fungicides and approach the ttimottesvi Wheats
Combinations trs maplitsifolium 16 (Ti. fungicide* I Tr. optairecoccum
variety ilobosumi in Pi backoress with pollen of Tr. apheerococcum), and the
coabination reverse to the given: 76 (Tr. fungicides I tr. ephaerococeem
variety globotams in NI Mattress with pollen of Tr. .sphaerococcun) I tr.
ampliesifolium . is sore complicated since five specific genotypes are !combined
in them. %sir faeilies are characterised by a large reuse of bOth biological
and of LOX logical properties. Length of the vegetative period in hybrid
families of the colhinations in question originally was greats; than in the
asplissifoliva and corresponded to the fungicides. During the succeeding
years, owing to seleotion forearly-ripeness, the period of vegetation of
most families was shortened, compared with the fungicide*, by 34 days. This
was accomplished, basically, because of a mach fester pacing by the plants of
phone of developsent from, heading to ripeness.
Individual hybrid families have much in common with plants of the pre-
ceding combination (Tr. fungicide' I It. sphaerococcum varietyal-Oben; in
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(10) Trans. 44016
Yi bat:arose with the pollen of Tr. &pasta:acme), red semi-hyaline grain,
puma in somatic cells of 42 chromosomes and others. Nevertheless, un-
like that, the majority of families of the combinations in question has either
wide lateral side of the olio (deviation to the side of the fungicides)
or an even width of both sides, as in the seplissifolius4 tab is explained
by the multiflorounese of the spikelets. The inflame of amplissifolium has
been told visibly also on the Zonation in most plants of wide and long
leaves, in the elevate form of the spike and the inflated spikes. /login p.277/
In the compactness of the spike the individual families swerved to the
side of the ephaerococam, in nultifloronness ? to the side of asplissitolia.
Remy families are resistant to lodging and have a high bushiness. In re-
sistance to diseases is. a large diversity even in the limits of one family
(individual variability).
Individual families of the three cited combinations were brought to
hammy:tatty, they ars fertile, with comperatigelylarge sada. Weight of
1,000 grains of best hybrid families ranges from 34 to 54 grams; length of
the mein spike from 642 cm, amber of grains in the spike from 29-22,
productive bushiness Iron 2 to 6. The majority of isdlated hybrid families
is resistant to lodging and to fungus disuses; selection has fully removed
the brittleness of the spike atm and the difficulty in threshing out the
Real cultivated forms of 42-chromosome tate were obtained, which are
resistant to diatom. Their utilisation as scmponents for crossing will
considerably facilitate further *election work for isnity, eines hybridi7
nation with resistant to disease, but little cultivated, species of teat as
Timophavi, spelt and others is connectedeith the appearance in the offspring
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(11) ?rang. A-1016
of many negative characteristics, which sharply reduee the productivity of
hybrids, not speaking about the fact that the crossing proper of diverse*
Chromosome varieties is aocomplithed with great difficulty.
Mork on developing, testing and propagation of best fa- es of inter-
specific hybrids of that is being continued.
Favilov# R. I., Selection of resistant varieties as a basic rthod of net
MUkovelcii# P. M., Stadia in the field of hybridiaation# immunity and
transaantation of plants. Trudy Moscow gal. madam. im. limirissevi
vol. 6# 1944.
anikovekii# P. M., Cultivated plants and their progenitor*. 1950.
Shukafskii# Pi M., Problem of immunity of cultivated plants to din* 8.
oPrOblemq,botanikini vel. II, AR SSA) iRp.
Nichurit4 I, Voi Selection a a 14T8r for obtaining plants, immune against
diseases and pests. Selected works. Voronemh# 1939.
Serokina, 0. N., Fertile and constant 42*.chromoecms hybrid Mann ventricome
Hi:Train* durum. (To the problem of synthesis of so tea )77YRiano
Prikladnoi Snake, Senetike i Selektsii, series 11, no. ?, 1937.
R. W. Allard, A cylogenic study defiling vith the transfer of genes from
?vitiate TimoAsevi to commtivhett by backtrossing. 'hurt. of Agnes
Vbs., vol. 76.0 no. ,-11, 1949.
Francesco San Martini, Frumento Roberto Forlabi e Ran Marino. arum, 1956.
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(In tall)
Avdonin, S. S., Professor*
POvyshenie plodoredlis pochryarashneishaia
midst:the sotsialisticheakoge senledelna.
An/reaming soil festal:kr - an important task
of soolalistie agrioulturs/.
Vestnik bellskokhosialstvennol Sauk', vol. 4,
ne. 1. p.62-70. Jan. 1959. PO 1,633.
(In Russian)
The publication 'Controlling figmrse for the development of the national
economy of USSR for the years 19594965" projects ? grand program of works
for a tarp rise of agriculture in our orentry. It is planned, at the end
of the next seven years, to provide a yield of grains of 1041 billion pood
hood: 36 pounds/ of sugar beets - 70-76 an tom. sottomliAbrie Sel to
6.1 min tone, seeds of oil crops - up to 5.5 min tone. total yields of *gra..
cultural produottion will be inoreasildlOy 1.54 times. now, When the Soviet
people, under the leadership of the Partin have (tarried out a great work of
reolamation of virgin and vast* lands, of eqsippiag agrieulture with the
moot technique smd providing it with qualified workers, Atm seed growing
has been considerably improved and the production of ebonies" fertilisers
is being ineressed, the most important national economic problem)** arisen
in its full magnitude, namely, inereasing the yielding weeny of all agrioul-
tuna crops!*!.
? Maiber-Correspendent of MOGUL /All-Union Academy of Agricultural Soleness
lasni T. I. Lonin/, Direoter of the All.Unioa Scientifie-Research Institute of
Partners and ilgriculteral Soil Science.
? **From the 'Controlling Figures for Development of Rational loonomy of USSR for
Tears 1959-1965". (Theses of the report of Comrade S. S. Ihrulhohev at the Ill
Convention of the Gemmumist Party). Oospolitisdat, 1958, p.53.
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? ? Irons. a-mm.-/
In the theses of the report or 'Conrad* IL 8, amebae*. it is further ?
*aids 'During the torthoseing seven years a sharp inprevement in the
esti= of 3.and is planned as basie mans for produition in famine." irtee
? seeond footnote on preeeding page/.
In USSR of late, a great work has been carried oat on reclamation of
virgin ind waste landi. This imrk will bi contacted in *0 titvre also.
Nevertheless, at the present time the leain problem a ligrioniture in USSR is
to sharply incresse the yielding caveat" of agricultural ereps.
Zt is necieseary to Utilise all the. vesture** an *Loh the yielding
eapacity depends in order to Sharply increase the productivity of agriculturel
Plants,' eorreet agricultural technique, geed meads, fortil.' laws ma may
others. Among these methedil of tomiest Iwo. litanies us the procedures, *Jai,
are directed to the tsar...sing of soil fertility.
The question about soil fertility has an *Wiest Uttar. Fecrple, yet ?
at the down of 'agriculture, have notioet that the yields or plants depend on
the clealitr of the soil. Interesting thoughts on the 'questions of fertility
ware expressed in snidest Rome. The onitient agricultural writer of ancient
Remo, Columellia, argued about prehlons of fertility with his contemporary,.
Treallime, *o deminetzated that the soil can tomme lagtwverished in the
*Ouse of time, /Begin p.63/ that it, 1.1k* seas must bowel ad, and, is *
woman, becomes barns with time. Colunellia did not share this point of visit.
Re until in a rich end deseriptive *toilet "The earth is net ail elderly wonsa.
it is a virgin, always young, beautiful, al.ways fresh, youthful, always
able to be fruitful, if only one knows how to ciseriah her youthfulness, to
preserve, to maintain its tender, vivacious life**. In order to preserve
*Ia.h. Liaaracii. levity of Opinfons of Scientists about Conditions
of Fertility of the Earth with an Application of the General Deduction to Agri-
culture. *Published by Num University in Mit.
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(3) , Trans. A.1017
the imirtility of the ail Camellia recommended to fertilise it and to break
it up (plow).
It is possible to judge fro* the attention* whim* vas paid. to this
question by theolassiss of ilarziwiteniniams how-great is the .iimportinoo of. ,
soil fertility. ? Karl Mrs 'rotes *Together with the development of manta
seisms* and of agronomy the fertility of earth shmages also, since the
resources change with the aid of which the *learnti of the sell looms suitable
for immediate utilisatien*". Developing this thought* Serl Mars rretes
With a quitik. development of the ',reductive strength eU ibe old machines
/fist be reiAl000d by more Profitable ones, that AO musi, be discarded altogether.
The soils on the.sentrary. is being impieved eonstent3.7h if One _handles it
ProPedY*411.11 ?
In the history of agronomieal science the opinion about the fertility.
of the soil has changed new times. There iras a time when it was thought,
' that pleats live On Maus ?aloe. baring the forties of the ban, century this
wrong theory was refuted. The German seimatist Liabimiti in 11140/ put forward
? a theory of minerai.nutrition instead of the Nemo theory ofplan. t nutrition.
According to this theory 4fertility depend' s on the mown of minirel *Orient
substage's, that are eontained in the soil in ? state accessible to pleats.
Poi mew years in all countries of the world soil fertility mu measured by
tbe stores of nutrient substances in it. The Soviet scientist, Academician
V. It. Viltiame, attracted attention to the feet, that Aeoil fertility depends
not alone on the presesse of nutrients but also on the /*sums of moisture.
y. Viltians understood under fertility of sell the ability of the soil to
provide requirements for the plants' lit, by a siitultansous and joint proses*
arl . Capital, vol. 3, p.753
410* Kart Marx. Capital, Vol. 3, p.794, 1949.
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VI; &rime. arsioaki
a two factors of their exists= water and food. Such an understanding
of fertility was a considerable step forward.
Up to the present tem soleness has samalatasi new data, *Joh give
* basis to think that soil fertility depends net done on the presence of
nutrients and of asisters.? Many cases an Mown when there is I sufficient
mount of nutrient and of soisture in the soil, bet the yields obtained aro
very low. .tor instaneefin saline soils, by means of intredustion of ford-
=sere and of water throngh irrigation; it is royale to provide, pleats with
nutrients, but *till it is lapossibla to Obtain a kida yield. CaasolasataYs
such a soil ptovides the plants with nutrients. and, water, but doss not possess
high fertility. ?The sure phonon's= sae also 'be observed in the non?chernesen
sem of OM. On highly add sods, regardless of the _prevision of plants:
with nutrients aidwe. ter, it is impossible to obtain u good yield of auger
bests, barley, *eat, clover and other crops. in the present INISS the soil
has a *efficient amount at nutrients and water* hat leo fertility. The
low yield of anger beets, barley, "Mat, clover and of other saps is explained
, by wasessive acidity of the soil and other aleavarabla PraPartial? Piadia p?64/
The richest in the world and the thickset rise:rooms are to be found,.
in OMR. With artificial vstaring these soils have quite a sufficient meant
of nutrients and misters. at under ends conditions such plants as tea
busks* will not grow. This is explained by the feat that a tea bush vows
well only on add soils. Sao% plants as 'mu idelgensts" t. indeniseene,
var. denipstit var. et ILL and lupine also do not grow well on Amuse"
soils. Soil fertility is closely connected with the peculiarities of plants.
One and the sans soil is fertile for one kind of plants, and nonfertile for
? others. Thus, highly add soils of iho non-ohernoses sell are fertile for ?
sprees, pine tree, alder, hersetall, sheep sorrel, *parry and other plants,
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?1.1 vrans. AP4U1114
but aro nonfertile for:sager beets, Wolfs, esparsetto, a3s4 many other agri.
cultural crops.
. It mug seen from one' experiment, which we conducted on an acid to. b$.
podsoX soil with placating* of clover and timothy to that extent the soil
fertility is connected with biological .peculierities si oultivated plants.
In this experiment, in order to increase the. tortilitiv, many different' testi-
liters were introduced into the loll. Under the innuendo of the nitrogen
fertiliser the yield of timothy increased by 404 *bile clover was fully
destroyed under the inflames of the nitrogen fortillier (without the nitro-
gen fertiliser *loiter grew poorly, but survived nevertheless). Thus, ono and
the Sinesell, containing similar swats of nutrients and iseisteris, when
planted over to a grass. slitusw, with an introducrtion of the usistal dose of
nitrogen fertiliser, proved ti. be fertile for timothy end sionforttle for
For our ether experiment on highly acid torf-pedsello .soil, during the
Connie of four yearswe introdued. a similar ammant of different aineral
fertilisers under oats, turnips and lepines having all other coalitions ideal..
coX. Soil and dinette sonditions Or all the crepe Imre similar, but ,re. '
sults were entisely different. On .the poor turf.podsalla soil, after intro-
duction of nitrogen fertilisers, the yield of oats, under the infltionee of
nitrogen has increased by 60 and the .yield of turnips was sharply roduvad.
It is clear bon data sited abeire that soil fortilitor is oonalicted in the
closest way pessible with the poseliarities of the plants and'depende not.
&Ilene on the stores of nutrients an& water Laths soil but also on the eon.
bination of all these properties, *bah preduo* an influence on the developuu
sent and growth of the given plant.
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The level of the yield is the indication of soil fertility* the greater
the yield the higher the fertility of soils. The $oil fertiliV diipends also
on the reactio' n of the environment. Xxcessivo acidity, as well as excessirre
alkslinity, lover the 'yield of plants. In many soils there are substances
poisonous to the plants. Thus, in:turf-podsolio soils with high acidity
there are fret forms of amino*, nengenese and iron, ribich all also poisonous
at hi* ooncentratione. In the southern regions. of the lieV,ist Union there
are maw saline soils; an executive anoint of silts th then sakes those Male
-Soil fertility depend) not only en the general anount of nutrients,
but else on their oerre3.ation.' it a fell prevision it plant* with srairients
ail nowt", anoint of one or *eyeful of them redress the fortilitY of the
At the tins when T. R. 1111 LOW wrote about soil fertility, under
nutrients, *Leh Jpreceed fro* the soil, were understood to be the ask sub-
strates tad nitrogen. At the present tine the Soviet scientists have asoor-
tabled that plants utilise carbon dioxide not alone from the air, but also .
from the soil. Coneethently, the plants' yield depends also in CS21031 dioxide
present in the soil.
? Hicroorpniess influence soil fertility tea large degree* they con-
vert nutrients, insooessible to the plant. s, making then accessible. Micro-
biologists have ascertained that around the plant roots aocenalates /login p.65/
a great amount of nicrotrganiinis. They settle around the plant, rota ter
the purpose of utilising the diesharges of plants as toad. Reciprocal advant-
age is obtained fro* such symbiosis, sicroormises rosette the foods .and the
? plants are freed from vistas, *Loh sere formed as s result at netabolien.
Iran this point of Wier microorganisms, in respect to plants, play a role of
waste removers.
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VI/ 441- Via ?
Daring, ths latter yew it was ostabliitted that certain microorganism ,
secrete such abates:is "hick stimulate the growth and 'development of plights.
AMong the products of satabolie activity of microorgmlems, Which .sharply
stinulate the growth and development of pleats one should ipation gibberellio
add. Ex mints of the litter years ev. shoes, that stimelaters lir plant
gromith are secreted by. st whole tortes of miSroorginiash lienrertheless, sot
all the Microorganisms are at benefit to the plants. Awes soil micreirganisms
there azim nob that are harmful to the iilants and they rodue 'the fertility?
of the soil. the negative activity of sertaia micreirganisas comallits of the
fast, that they enter the Plant roots mid cause various' doses's. the? -
microorganisms, in the presets of their vital life, seerite ***tattoos that
are POSAHMOU to plants. Thas,. Microorganisms prebioea. twofold influsnOO -
on soil fertility when" converting nutrient's' of the toil to a state avallahle.
to the plants and relieving the products of plants, Shoy increase' .
the fertility, but seireting polaensis substances- dining the samosa of their
mei metabolism, they &crease the soil fertility.
, Soil farttlity depends also on the physical prepertifie. In stractural,
cultivated soils, where there is a sufficient ?emmunt.ef air, the plant roots
obtain an adevate see at of oxygen., I a stMucturslees, compact soil the
plant roots lack oxygen; the presence .of the oompaet horisen in solonets
hinders the gzursth. of, the mot oaten of pleats; dissimilar coloration of
the sell produces .influesme on Its thermal cherasteristici. Thai, the deter.
nineties of soil fertility, fish existed le 'thim lessen% time, as its ability
-to satisfy the requireneat of plants .in food and :water, Met he held to be
antiquated, since the fertility of iilf sell, that is, it. capacity to
a harvest, depends not only on the presence in it of food and water,
? but en the thole combination of characteristics, Wick prods:* an influence
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to, Trans.
on the growth and development of gents: Therefore, when increasing moil
? ferillit* it is necessary to Ivry," net only the nutritive and water
regimes of the soiit but also other propertiet of the soil.? ?
Vbitll recently; it as thought thit on low productive soils the poor
harvest was conditioned by the'iaot that plants of small size grow thirst the
eereale have a *Way developed straw, fine spikes and iickly,grainel oabbige.-
Omall heads, beets - email roots, and so on. rilhanuhile the research of
? latter year" has shown, that low fertility. of soils is aceempanied not enly
by emmll sizes of individual plants; but also by theirtetal lout for
instanievon acid peat-podsolic "ells, which are characterized by insufficiency
Of nutrients, by, massive acidity and excess of free forme of aluminum .
, and Manganese., Under the influence or the acid reaction of the environment
and of other unfavorable charaeteristios of the soil winter rye, winteraeat,
clover, alfalfa and many other craps are lost not only during winter but
also during the spring-Winter period.
At the present tdme the main problem of agricatare is to obtain a maxi..
?ma harvest from each unit of the area with Minima expenditures of labor and.
money. Intensive agriculture is -Impossible without a high soil fertility.
A high lovil of nashanisatien, good varieties of agricultural plants,. correct
cultivation /login p.66/ of soils and numbs 01'91404 and fothommeasurIT
of agroteaties predate ? propereffect, when they aro applied on highly.
'fertile sells.
Vegetal' crops beer the name,ef kitahen garde* crops not by accident.
They sire cultivated fro* tile Immemeriel in gardens, animas, Which have
Ugh fertility that was achieved* eystmeatio introduction of large de"es
of !enure into the toll. When cultivating Vegetable drops an field lands it.
is neceleary first of all to look after I sharp increase of the fertility -
Of soil'.
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? A71. Arany. ^^AvAir
At the present the the yielding capacity of vegetables is 'yet lOw
in many resting. The main reason is that vegetable crops have been *taken
out" from kitchen gardens to field low*yielding soils. Vegetable crops mut
be est out on bottom lands, on reclaimed peat begs, and the like, that is on
soils *Leh have high natural fertility. Ilirvertheless there aro not onsuge
. of such lands in our sovntry. Therefore, at the present tibe, it is necessary
to mat* large bled:, of soils of kitehen garden type, having,in view the
'utilisation of mechanisation ikon cultivating **getable crops and obtaining
1110 yields.
? The above laid about the creation of highly fertile ails for vegetable
crepe filly refers also to the formation of fertile soils for rush a crop as
corn, ethich give* good results also in the nowiohernosem sone but only on
fertile 'soils.
? .Care about preseriing and inoreasing the fortillly' of soils 1. needed
? in all *ones of the *riot Union. Sven on termer virgin and waste soils it
is necessary to take ears in preserviag. and increasing the soil fertility. ?
larlier the fallow apnea of, agriculture prevailed in regions of realanation
of virgin and waste lands, but at the present tine the chief' means for increas-
ing the soil fertility in this region is the aconamilation and preservation
of moisture.
.Decrease in yielding capacity is often observed after several years
of cultivation of cereals on virgin sad waste lands. In the past this '
phenomenon vas explained by deterioratien of the soil's Stratton. !sport-
sesta in latter years have shout that this is far frail se. Formerly it was
thought that only voter stable crumb, larger than 0.25 me, is valuable for
- apiculture. Reeser* of V. A. Trantsesan has shown *at the grub iron
0.25 to 0.05 me that Anus after lengthy plowing of virgin lands, is also
valuable tor agricultural purposes. The main cease of fertility reduction
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of virgin and waste lands, after its cultivation in the course of many yOarSi
consists in the fact that a greet number of weeds develop as a result a is-
ixroper. agroteckniss. Control of elide, ,by may of introduction of clean fele -r
' love, Of proper agrotechnitre end oppliAation of herbicides, is a mortal
means for the preservation of soil fertility.
On soils, readied 5-10 years ago, in regions of virgin and mete_
lands, is obierved * large accumulatien of nitrogen nitrate at a' slit
,PI:ovisloa- of then with phosphorus. .It votad be effect ve 'to introduie pike'
phoriO fertilisers on such soils.? At a present level of previlion of agri-
eulturo with fertilisers it iced be dee to use small demos (04 oilta) of
mutilated seporphesphat* into .thot rove. Thus, for prostrvation-and intlresis
of eon fertility in regions of reelimation of virgin end waste lands,' it is
necessary to provide far the acommtlation and preservation or moisture, far Ito
*antra of weeds and 'applioatien of phosphoric ferttlisers.
* In the Soviet Ualett,eolonete tummy oVer 53-m1n of ha. lateral ferti-
lity if thee* Soils is low. A smith as the saline soils are 'very diverse, ?
it it necessary to use various methods for their improvement. .1xpental
raiment' in USSR has *inlet that /Begin p.67/ for a sharp ittoresse.of soloists
'fertility is required not alone thim substitution of exchange "odium with asa.
Gime, but also sultivation of the packed Witco, resw-val of Vater-selubl'
Matt, 13,214110 Of Mane of organic **Stemma in Site soil, elininatieu of
re-ialluisation and denim...tine of other nessuress.
Introduction of gypsy* into the soil is 'obligatory vhsu recleining soda
soloists. AO the experiment" of A4.14 Urinal:make, O. N. Sather, S.?. Bonn,
and others have sheen, the -do. so of apses etta be utilised at La rate of half
Of that quality which is needed for the displacement of all the exchange
sodium. Bast results Imre obtained when application of siva* van done on
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Trans. /PAW
? the baokrremed of deep tilling. icoording to data of K. A. Orincheake and
V. A. Pe3.ipets, geed results were obtained *en introdusing small doses of
vpsum (14 Ow) into the revs.
**least. of Sather* Causes, lends aleng Volga river, Zassidisteaa
libido, and other visions of USSR there is often obserVed a high stratitift,
cation of the saran:mem Iberia's. On. these soils it is pasibl.
? is* self-shatieratioa by means of utilising the earbasates of the. soil
or this purpose the fiplark,asbnaibt* /deep plowing/ t13.1ing saisald be utdli-
d to the depth of about SO ca. Deep plowing .substabitially increases the
tsrtilit of soloists soils. To the disadvantages of this 'method theuld be
? referred the fast that a kielogleally low-active layer of foil is breught
to the serface. In eantectien with tide it is neeessery to UAW's.' ergasto
end nineral fertiliser*, and in the Fosses* of water-soluble salts a washing
of the reetinhabited lapir of sell is required.
? In order to nom the:disadvantages of this deep plowing the All-
Union geleatific-Research lastitate of Fertilisers and sell
edam* (II. E. Saliabo) suggested a new method for increasing sail fortiliti
of median and deep velem% by mesas of plowing with a three-storied plow
of V. P. Moseley and T. G. Soto. The essenee if the work of the three
storied plow is in thet the horisen above the eelabete remains bastion:
on the serfs**, sod the. solonets and the anambolenets are stirred up and
bosons mixed. Whereppon the solid, peeked same*s barium' disintegrates and
? Is ettenuated by the soil of the carbonate layer. After the storied plowing
the water eharaateristies of soloneta ere sharply improved while the fertile
layer of soil mains en the surface, the experinants of N. N. Saliaboi
? 11. S. Ostia& and K. Z. *Wiwi under ocaditione of dry sad irrigated agricul-
ture, have *own that the storied plaiting inereases the fertility of **least.
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UR) Ais1017
considerably greater than do the deep /plantashnaiaj plowing amid deep melltna.
ins of the soil. According to data of these atibors, the -yield of ,hard wheat
on the lielousinekti base, Piton* radon, Suitor oblast., in 1956, after
the 'anal plemringl, somprised 12.8 a per ha, and after the three...storied
? plowing 19.3 o per ha. At the kolkhos Chapaevas, Pttsr.k ratan,
8aratev oblast',? after, a steal plowing 8.1a per he were harvested, ad after
the three-storied - 13.1 c per ha. Still bettor results Amore obtained from
the Storied plowing during the experiaent. with irrigation, which was eon-
demted .in the sovIchosoimeni Nikelane, Chernelarsk ratan, Astrakhan *blast'
in 1953 (table 1).
Table 1.
Influence of the storied Tasting on the harvest of
Variants the
of experiment
&null tplowing to 7.2 cm)
Three?sthried plowing with plow
PT-2.40 to the depth of 45-50 ma 2
I' Iha
i 4
, 440
isegn PIN
It is seen from table 1, that under the influent's of the three-
storied plowing the harvest of tomatoes, lam 1951s, increased by 12% and the
? 71eld of enbbngir in 1956, ? by TO? Imporinents Shown that AkeV three-storied
plowing represent.. testamestal amelioration of solormts.
In the eons of chernessm soils the soloists often are met is the foss
' of smell sections, armed which the fertile soils are situated. In such
cases one *an nes successfully the method of asealevanies /covering with earth/
of eolonets, ehich consists of throwing the soil fres neighboring sections
ever the solonets. As a result of this on the Neonate spots eonditiens aro
tented that are favorable to the eolith and development of plants. Oa the
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whole the solonets sails represent * vast ressivoir for * further widening
of planting areas.
In USSR chernosem soils, whish have a vary hi* potential, fertility, ?
occupy vett areas. The problem is to oomrert the potential. fattliitc/
.-theie, the richat'soils, to en effective One. Together with the corroot
? tilling, the iffeetive fertility of chernosem soils at be increased. also
by means of utilisation of organic ad mineral fertilisers.
Son.chernosem soils occupy *bast SO% of the .1183R territory. Of great Wartime* is the Buroliaa part of the notx-alsernosee sm.
Zn this spacious Iona with a thick popeation, large, cities and industrial
ce4orei, there are large -kiosks of Cereal crop's," tlx eDolgunotai /Lints
Somata Var. et eultivated, the pleating areas of which comprise
here over SO% of all, the plantinga of flan in the, cm. try. .In the Sumas
part of this 'sone there are over 50% under potatoes, and lager veptables
over 30% Of all areas oceVied by the.* crops in USSR. Animal fisibasidry. .
playe a lerge ro3.e here else. Groat vegetable-petatc and animal husbandry
bases are being mated around Boom% Leningrad, Perms, Corikiir'Svordlovek -
and easy other cities and industrial centers. Climatte conditions in this
sons are quite favorable for cultivation of a large mount of agricultural
plants; there are me destrictive droughts here.
' Kolkhoses and sorkhoses of the now.chernosem sone obtain high and
steady harvests of *areal and other ?rope, utilising the attainments of '
edema and leading practice.. But the average yiel.ds of areal and other
crepe are still low in this sone. liCaambile, it is peesible to obtain in
this sons 'yields that are higher than in the &moms sane of MA. This
is explained by the fact that in the 'Chinon= sone and ii ether anthers
anti eastern regions at the wintry there are net sufficient atmospheric pre..
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(l) Trans. A*10I7
cipitations and droughts oecur very often; together with productive years,
there are years of real srep failures. This does not happen in the non-
cherMIMI sae.
In this connection one should mall D. IL Priud.ahnikovis ?plasm
about the signitiossoe of the noss-ohernesen sone is the agriculture of USSR.
In his work under the title *Resernlyi nilliard" /Reserve billion/. D. I.
Prisaishaikev wets $ *It previously the ealerpient if our plantings Roved to
the sou* and iesth-west, to the side of lands that de not seed fertilising,
than now the greatest interest represents another direction in the ?weeding
of the oultivated area, whisk is ?cosseted with a new faster ? abestealisaties
of agriculture". "Anti if already the whole sherneass has been plowed. *Loh
lies in the bolt of sufficient moisture, then we have to pay attention to that
ollattie region and to these soils solely es whisk Western Ramps has built
its intense econsoy, sanely: to non-oherimosen, which does not knew arty
droughts and is sayable, with fertilisation, to give steady yields of a
Dail* *ype, that is 30e of grain per hectare.** Nen p.69/
These thought' of D. Prianishallerr have not yet lost their boor.
tem at the present tine. Destrustive droughts in ecothers regions of our
country are possible now aloe.
The opeation about isorming sail fertility is of an exolusively
great inpartanoe for regions et the nes-shernosen sone of USSR. At the pre-
sent tine os hirve all the possibilities of radically improving the properties
of peat-pedselis soils. then acees.3.1sh4ng the said nessures, it is possible
to obtain annually not one but at least two reserve billions of grain and of
* b. N. Priasishalev. delected Works. vet. Vt. 1955. p.167461.
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(15) Trans. 104017
ether agricultural products. It is possible during a Short time, to ad..
ditiona131 obtain about 50 pod* /1 pod : 36 poueds/ per hooters. In the
nonsidhernesen sone of the Summer part of Wait is possible to additionally
obtain 2.25 billion pude of grain and of other agricultural products frost
the 45 an ha of planted areas.
Now, *en the work, enormous in its seals and economic effect on
reclamation of virgin *donate lands in the Zest, has been a000mp.tisbmi it
is necessary to proosed with the raising of agriculture in the non...there/J-
ean belt. In this sone the measures for the raising of agriculture are of
vast economic importance. Heolanattor of this 'virgin soil* meet become a
public Sob.
In order to prove that it la possible to obtain good yields in the
non-chernosen belt we are siting data about productivity of cereals in Russia
during the period froa the year 1683 to 1912 (table 2).
Table 2.
$,,n yielding wait, of cereals in the 'gums= part of Russia (in.puds
per sdesiatinalia unit of land measursj: 240 acres/)
Menpohernesen sone
Obernesem sone
14 34
It is seen from table 2, that in 25 districts of the nowichernosem
belt on the average for 30 yews the yielding capacity of cereals vas not
lower, but rather somevhat higher than the prodeotiviti in the 25 districts
of the chernosan sone. The six-year experiment on varietal plots (see table
3) is just as strong a proof about the possibilities of raising agriculture in
the moe-shernosen sone.
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Aa it is seen from table 3, the duetiit.y of weal crops in the
noa..akaraoiia belt was fairly high, aid what ie 001)**1114 inPortant, it
was quite steady. Daring all the years the predutivity es verletol plots
in the mempichammosem belt was considerably higher than on varietal plots
is the choruses sone. On the overage for els yews the harvest of urea
crops in the nonemcherneses use comprised 1/.37 a per ha, and in the *erne-
*ma 13 30 e per ha. Noroivorip one shoed point oat that bleb yields were
ibtainodvithoonperativolysodast expenditures* elementary agretechnies were
maintained end for each heaters of the ploolond were *PP11011 3.4 t*** for
mum wed 2-2.50 oradiwrol fertilisere?
For a radical increase of soil fertility in the nos-Ohe belt it
is necessary to *Allis* net separate measures, but their complex oembisatien.
The nest Important element, of this complex ores lining of acid soils, plantm
lag of perennial grosses, applicatlos et organic and mineral fertilisers,
sowing of legume crepe, &opining of ihe plowing layer and ether seellerattre
Lining PUT* * treat rol. in the lacrosse of fertility of acid soils.
This assure provides the ebtaimimg at Usk yields of pironnial
*Way redness the lees of winter crops, isareases the ettectivemess of fort-
lieirs? Daring the next tievon-roar-Plia no propose to lime not loos then 20
ilm of ha of acid soils. /Aegis p.r3/
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, 4emilliWfA ."..-wwarg
Table 3. .
Productivity of cereal and legume crops on State varietal
slots daring
ari 1?51-1956 (in
Obl Mlle
19$1 J
non?cheLosime zones
Iteskovsteia .
Iraliainsksia ?
. .
Ihe average
The tenet
16.9 -
13.8 i
T.6. I
. 17.0
. 11.8 .
15.3' ?.
Toromeshekale -
!hie average
lion-chermosen s
in % to the chemises_
110 _
? aa are citsct Sr mean pr0ductan area or varas?
plots, of which there are in each Oblast' from 8 to 15. lasers* if a varietal plot
is 100 ha. . ,
The proper crop rotations with the planting of perennial gropes ere
of great importance. Unfortunately, to many kolkhC:ses.and. ecSkhosent,
'role of grasses is anderestinated: One of the Causes of this was their low:
Daring the next Win years mineral fertilisers will play &Ileum's**,
role in increasing moil fertility And productivity of agricaltatal plants.
In the year 1965 the USSR agriCtItare dli receive, annually, over 30 sin
tons of ndherel fertilisers. Together mith the mineral fertiliser" the
organic ones will elso play a'large role. If at thepreaint time we utilise
about 300 ala teen of Manure, then iR the nest years its amount will be
? bronght to 450400 aim tv utilising a considerable mount of peat. Nut-
mansre, peat-.fecal and other composts outplay a greet role in increasing
the soil fertility. Wastes of the communal econany of +AU? and industrial ?
centers are -of greet importance in increasing the soil fertility, se are el"
the green fertiliser*, sopectiilly the plantings of sweet lupini, utilising it
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%awl 44-MUMilt Ae.^146111,
as fodder and fertiliser. As a, rss4t oZ the accomplishment of the cited measures
the soil fert1.110*, and the prodia3ttvtty of all agricultUral crops will be
sharply increased, what, in turn, wi entail. also a steep rise in algilla
Method* for increasing soil t.rtility represent the most important
probe* of socialistic agriculture of wrist
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? Thins. Aar= ?
? ?: (In _full)
? veilt
Litvinenko, S. Br.
Vywokoaktivnyi reetovyi stimullator.
/Highly Active growthatimUlant/.
Vestelk Akadem. Nauk BSSR, *01. 29, nu. 1,
p.81-82.. Jan. 1959. ' 511 Ak1/0.
As it ist known. N. A. III;isillnikov, Ifeabor-Correspondent of the Academy
of Science of USSR comparatively recently obtained and tested a preparation,,
similar in action to the gibberellic said aa vigorous stimulant of growth
and, development of illants(1). '
Just recently Doctor of Biological. Salinas; V. I. Bilai,(Ustitute of
Microbiology of the Aaadsmy Of Science of the Ukrainian SSR), Mid Candidate
of Itchnidal Sciencos, D. A. Verner (Institute of Organic Chemistry.of the
Audeay of.ftlence of the Ukrainian SSW have, for the first tin's in the
Ukraine, ohttined orystalliled gibberellin from native strain* of 9bsariUm
monlliforms *held (Whidh were isolated from various plants, growing in
Ukrainian MB). he identity of obtained crystals with gibbstallin.was
ascertained by the method of chromatography.
We began the 'work of studying the action of this gibberiallinon
plants in the Botanical Garden of the Aeadegy of Science of Ukrainian 13Sit.
Grassy plants were tokens short-day plants - aromatic picotiana
(Nicotiana odorata) and Chinos* aster (Calliste0hus *Leonel*); long-day--
gentian (Gentian& orassicaulus) ands** lavender (Limoniumsirardisinva), as
(1)Seel "Vestnik:AkodealiMauk MR, 1958, mo. 6, p.70-73.
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? yell as shrubs . privet (pigustram raw!) and karraaantha means*.
The grassy plants were a week old and were in the phase of two tree
leaves, the shrubs - in the phase of two cotyledon leaves.
One part of the plants of each kind was treated daily with gibberallie
solution ,in a 0eneentration0.0025%, and the other part with a solutio*
Ina concentration 0.025%. The 000trel plants reoeived water instead of
the gibberellin solution.
Treatment was condusted according to a method seed by Professor
K. Zh. Gheilaktiont one drop of the stimmlintle solution was applied dai1y
to the point of growth with a pipette.
All the plants were kept in the hothouse.
Already at the end of the first week of trealmmet abeam, evident
41/ that the experimental shortuday pleats overlook the control in growth and
At the end of the second week the effect of stimilents appeared wipe..
?Lally prosinent4 in !lifetimes, *rates the oomArel plants were yet in the
phase of the rosette, while those treated with gibberellin had a stem 7-10
=long with amass of flower buds at the top. The leaf blades in experi-
mental plants were larger, wider, their petioles lager them in the oontril
Twenty eight days after the beginning of the experiment that is, at
the end of the fourth week, the tobacco plants, treated with
started blooming, having stens 15-20 =long. /begin p.82/ Bat the control
;Unto were yet in the Oben of the rosette.
It should be pointed out that the differenee in somoontrations of
gibberellin solution (0.0020 and 0.025%) was not refloated in the tempos
of growth sad development of pleats.
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1111111111e A?411)4.0
The long-day plots did net reset to the treatment with the stimulant:
during the soiree of 7 'leeks there was no difference detested in the growth
and development of experimental and oontrol plants.
A. regards the shrubs, gibberellin prodsced ott them a noticeable
effect: in both variants of treatmant the pleat* were 10-12 on tail and
had 8 to 10 tras leaves while the contval plants only grew to 3.3.5 en is
Might end had only two eetylodoe leaves.
Thus, one ean thimk that gibberellin, obtained by the Ukrainian re-
searehers, proved tabs a higtay active growth stinsiest. The technology
of its production is being developed now.
At the sena time it is neceeeary to continue the studies of the effoot
of &Morel:Lin on the plaits. It is necessary to establish the optimum
doses and the best methods of treatment of various plants with this stile*.
lent; the necessary *vete:Arnica baokground for the treated plants1 whieh
are developing under soselerated tempos. It is also inportent to wider*
take a comparative study of the effect of gibberellin and auxins on plants.
Ands finally' it is neoessary to test gibberellin aoearding to all indium
under production conditions.
The study of archanian of option of gibberellin in **enaction with the
metabalien of plants will present a great theoretical and practioal interest.
Title of filmes The experimental plant before
and after treatment with gibberellin.
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Ierusalimakii, X. D.
"Impost= po sepreryvuomu kul'tivire-
/Symposium on continuous cultivation
of mieroorgasimish
Abad. Lusk Vestnik. vol. 28, no. 11.
p.73-714. Nov. 1958. 511 Akita'.
Csechoslovakiass Aoademy of Science organised the first Sympesima on the
Question of Continuous Cultivation of Microorganisms. In the work of the
Symposium, which proceeded in Prague, June 23 to 211, took part 119 Csechog.
slavak scientists and 30 mresentatives of other countries, including USSR.
111 The Soviet delegation was composed of X. D. Ierusalimakii, E. A. novae,
M. Is. Kaliushnyl, X. P. Andrew and I. S. Ternovskii.
Sixteen reports were heard at the Symposium.
As it is known, with the usual method of oultivation, microbes grow in
an irremovable beemenisemyl/ medium, the composition of which, under the
fluence of the metabOlic activity of these microbes, graduallr blooms worse;
this retards their development, while a elntinuous renovation of the sidles
occurs during a circulating method of cultivation. When it is sacoeeded to
establish a balance between the speed of the flow of the fresh medium and the
speed of multiplioation and biochemical sotivity, of microbes, then the old-
tare is all the time under steady conditions and, oensequently, in one and
the same physiological state. The means used for achieving sus h a movIng baa
lance, are based on several different theoretioal principles. These general
theoretical premises for cultivation of microorganisms in circulating media
were examined ir revere lectures (X. )talok, Csochoslovskiis; D. Herbert and
X. Powell, ringland; A. levik, U4.4 X. D. Ierasalimakii).
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tg) . Trani* A?1019 ?
The results of the use of the asthod of oirctO.ating cultures for ?
ipOlving'varlous practical problems were set forth,in another group of leoturesi
' tor instants% for greying bakers .and feed yeasts, for aloe* and acetone*
butyl fervientatien, for produCtion of vaooines, and so on (T. Kolas, Sweden;
14.11. Wain, 1116.11Adf K. loran, 1. Eushka, I 'Mr, K. trensel and W. Miner. ?
0sechoslovskilaj K. #. Andresv, H. Is. Nelluhnyi; I A. Plevaki? 0. A.
Bakushinskain and it. i...3emilthatevac USSR, and other.).
And; finally, in neny.riporte was elucidated along with other-prebleies
the teehniqne. of continuous cultivation of niorobes under laboratory and ?
industrial condition.. The lecture 44 II. Rshichitey (CsechosloVakia) wee
especially given over to this problem.
.A lively digraustion developed around the reported data and especially
about the theory and tosknies? of continuous 01QU:ration. There are many
varieties if this method. In sons oases one tormentor is weed for cultivating
nicrOorgenisas, in other? several fersentors are connected one after another
in- the fora of a battery. Itiorsorganieas can develop in a liquid medium; which
is verrcarefully stirred, but it is possible te grew then on a solid surface,
. ,
which is lashed by a flowing mediae. ?The solutions for 'cathode of stirring
the culture, aeration, regulation of the speed of the flew of the ,stediun,
eonstruotion of apparatus and 00 on varY also. &ming up the
biome clear that there, cannot be /Begin p.714/ uky. ow special universal
Mt's, and d*Pglidint on the raised problas one should resort to diffez.ent,
Om of the, boat important results of the Symposium was the wide reciprocal
in.fornation about the we** that are oonducted in different countries. In.
_ otr country, as well as abroad, the possibility for intreduction or continuous.
. processes? is studied by various industries. It Indus' trial prastiei these
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t3; . Trans. k1cki.9
proses**. were often applied without sifficient scientificatheoreticsl pounds
and therefore did met prods** the required offeot. And the theeretieal?re-
, search, which vas developed after the Seoend World liar (especially in USA;
*Wand and Trance) erten vas severed from predastion and served mainly, for
? investigation of individual problems of genetics, physiology sad bleakemista7
of nteroerganians. the ,Syn Posts* helped in establishing * sonteet,betveen
theotste end asattecturers, bringing to both nosh ?that vas Mu and uriix-
? pestad, and thus was, weloubtedly, useful to both parties.
Date, heard at the Symposium, private talks wag its participants, as
well as visite to scientific institutions of Csechoslevakiia, Si.'wh the method
ef continuous. cultivation is studied widely and from. may angles, here shires
that it has highly diversified prospeete both in the field of scientific re-
search and in indastzlia practice. And, as every continuous method, it is
? more progressive than the interodttents nevertheless its rich possibilities
were underestimated up to now.
At the present tine the methyl of oontiasoss cultivation is being pre-
pared for introdastien or already is practiced in a series of productions which
utilise the activity of adaroergssioms, as, for instance, production of alcohol
(from foot wastes and hydrolysates) baker's and fodder routs, products of
bacterial fermentation (acetone and bating, lattlo acid, acetic acid,
butrlene-glyool, gliconic algid and others), noses of microbial origin,
antibiotics (penicillin, streptomycin, and others), vitamins 112 and 1132,
intermediate product for vitamin C (sorb...), preparation of live visages of
the intestinal 'group and of other, bacterial toxins, bacteriephages, several
ioed products, and so on.
Those whoP addressed the Symposium pointed to the timeliness ef such an
international conferees*. Ars unanimous wish was expressed that the ass**.
alovakian Academy of 'Science is the future also carry on the role of an inter.
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(It) Trans, A4-1019
netionel scientifie-orgenisationel miter for the problen of oontinuous
cultintion of mioreerganisms. in oonolusion it is neeessat7 to mention the
good orgenisation of the mark of the apeposives. The touts of lectures mere
printed beforehand and distributed to the delegates. AU the addresses mere
imsediately translated into three languages (Om*. Russian and laglish) and
volved VI reales this facilitated the discussion lamensely. The *stall
aseemodation of delegates was faultlees?
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Ai swim ?
(In full)
Prokofteva-Beigoirshals. A. A., and Alikhanian. S. I.
Vashnye problem, genetiki.
/Important problems of pasties/.
Aka& Ka* SUR, A/Utak. vol. 29. no. 1.
p.98400. Jan. 1959. 511 Ak110
(Zn Russian)
At the Second into Conference on ?easeful Utilisation of Atomic
Energy (asneva, aepteiber, 1958) an important plasm was oocupied by the pro-
blems of radiation genetics. The increased interest in genetics and a sharp
rise in research in this field of science are explained not only by the ex-
clusive aotuality or problems oonnected with the development of methods of
evaluation of the genetie danger of ionising radiation to man. This interest
is oleo determined by great prospects, which are opening before biological
science in oonneotion with the utilisation of ionising radiation and of
radioactive isotopes in the research of the fornation and reproduotion of
structural buss of heredity (chromosomes and genes), selection of plants,
animals and mieroorgsnisms.
The reports, relating direct/7 to genetics* or touching upon it closely,
were grouped **wording to subjects. At separator conferences were discussed
the genetic eonesseeenees of radiation, mechanism of the radiation effect and
radiosensitivity, proteetion free radiations, use of tritium during scienti-
fic-research work, improvement of media and genetics.
In reports, given over to the aftereffect of radiation, resets of
radial/emetic ?tumor*, obtained on Drosophila and mime were generalised.
Theme objects were regarded as test-organimme for judgment of genetic aftero
effect's of radiation in man. Me most seats problems of modern radiation
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%di Trans. AmolVai
genetics were elucidated: dependence of the frequency of on the
dose of irradiation, differential radiosensitivity .of cells of different
type sed.stages of ,development, the problesof the "doabling" dose, mutating
effect of.emall dosed of radietior4 mechanism of the "Oxygen effect" in the.
mutation process, genetic aftereffects of irradiation of populations of
organisms, mutatienprocees under the influence of; irradiation in polygemetie
systems.. An isportant Saco in several reports was allotted to the extra-
polation of data, Obtaieed with animal*, to man and analysis of methods 'of
.evaluation of genetic danger Ulan (G. G. Naler,'14/.. RusselLUSi;
G. Bonnier*, I. Gwyenot, Pwitser1ss4 end others).
'On the basis of generalizationof the world -experience of radidgenetic
research oalkoiophiles 0. G. Muller has shown, that redioiensitivity of
set eels, depending on the stage of development, verietinVaiy wide lialts.
colOssal variation exists also. the "doubling dose", that is dose of
irradiation when occurs a doeble amount of mutations, which arise spontaneouily
in organisms under the Lathan:* of the natural beckground of radiation and
innate agents. A "doubling dos*" for mature sex cells (srar.astosin) is
by 6 times lowersand for the spermatid by 12 times lower than for the imme
ture Sem cells. /Begin 0.99/
,the summarising report of V. L. Russell touched upon the results of
.vest research of the Oakridge Rational Laboratory (uSA) en the effect of
'ionising radiation on mice. A fir higher radiosensitivity of the mouse at
comrared to Drosophila use established, and a luck stronger, than it was
Supposed anal the present time, mutagenic effectiveness of small doss" of
-irradiation, the most dangerous for man. The problem of genetic danger ef
mmail :bees of radiation', in sonnet:Ufa with the inerease of the general back.
ground of radiation on earth, occupied 'the central place at the scientific
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la ? per.V60.040.11,
*renew at press?oosferesses tad the emetic slue,
? Serious attestios was paid to the problen "Mechesiss of *sties of
dtsti.n sad radiosonsitivity*. in the report of L. P. robittin were est-
lined basic treads at work of the Laboratory of Radiation. Genetics of the
? Institute of nephrites of the 'massy a Beim* of On and was results
- of research on plant' and animas were generslissd, showing that the degree
of radiowneitivity of organisms in noisy eases is *Itemised by Ni. degree
of Wiry to the sell NA*101111. Materials were presented for the first tine,
? latch were obtained in our country, about the high. radiesensitivity of the
tost-ergasiss nearest to son the nkey. 8. 1. lord (Howland) reported
very valuable Notarial* about the aonneotion of leukemia in siee, ceased by
radiation, with the 'lawny observable injuries to their *browse's epparot?
tee. a. A. Tobias (tSA) gave an analysis of the effect of ionising radiation
on yeast collo, pointing to the role of the degre, of pelyploidy is their
? radiosensitivity.
A sualarislxig report on the problem "Protestios fres the affect of
irradiation owas presented by the Director of the **ridge Hatless/ 1?*bo.
ratory, A. Hollander. He studied saineolkylisetttieearboaide oust amoreapto.
alkylgasnine as important protective subetanoes against the multi? effect
of irradiation. The effect of protective substasses ia eenditiosed, word..
? Jag to Hollander by their fixing is a certain short period after irradiation
of free radicals. At the sew tine in saw oases ewers a ression of ehroi-
lialkamee which were tom by ionisation.
A special *Worms vas set aside for the use of trittea is soienti?
tiereseareh we*. Use of tritimalabeled *pine itisidisi as highly
specifie marker for LILL ehrosesoses, together with autoradiography, spurned
a possibility for esperisentel *Atm* on the meet difficult and tendansatal
problem of genetics ? the nature of the prows" of selt-repoodaetion of
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111 ehromosomes.
Now data in this fiold *ors reported by the Lairiesa scientist
"V. Wats" 1W. L?' dultues1/ (Srookhaven Notiona-LAboritory, USA) an
f. Gepil-Alengar" (Atomio COolor in fteibah.INdia). :tritium laboled
chromic.** and aschiusisaa of that, reduplication were illuotrated at the
U$A esposition by exeollOat niorofhotographs, under ,the nicrolcope NAV
? special film, *Loh have reeolved a high appraisal of biologists, ?ietasioh?ta.mists.
? T1 o. research prastioelbrought to 3tght at Conference, has Amon
the possibility to *Miss atonic seer * estaing praoticallyvaluabla.
mutation/II vide Orospoots have been opened before tta radiation selection of
plants and miereorganimas.
In the reports on radiation
depends**e of radioeemaitiviVf of
*Um, problems worts ox
to on the dsgme of inj
cell nuolous,on differential re sonaitivity of various spicia3 and varietios
of plants, coansotion of "mistime of plants with a &gm of polygoidh
on direoted obtaining of useful mutations by way of utilisation of various
types of ionising radiation, on oembinod effect of ultraviolet and Frays
(A, G. Satardshian, X. S. Bora, /*min p.100/ Indio; Gustafson, ?. Vt,Swedam)
A. 11. Sparrow, USA). A swiss of portly practical problems wore elucidated,
etemseoted with dem and materials for irrsdiatiou4 the stays most favorable
for irradiation, inportanoo of water in sued*, and se an. T. V. Gustafson
reported shouts new radiation mutant of barley sfallada SrIktoid 32s, ishidh
was released in 190 by the *Swale" Station. In India works on radiation
eolootion of whist, swirls* are expanding widely.
tho report of Si /. Aukhanian vas given over to meioses in the field
of radiation *election of prodloore of antibiotics (fungi and astinonyoetes)
is USSR,
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tPi "MUM* A.L4Jat1/41
? Summins; up the ,;ortference, it is necessary to mention that in iMany
direotions, Scvist scientists work with thu sums actual problems as the
scientists of othc.r countries. At the assit; time ',wrist geneticists also
work on Isiecial ;emblems, iLicaa were introdabetttq tpsa (pnotocLynamic effect
of the visible li&ht, protective substtuicee atiainst this effeot, and others);
they use for the solution of problems other, original ob4ects (in parti-
cu)ar, rich embrioa) 41221 alreadj have attained big 8110001306, for instance in
the aeleotion of satibiotic i.roducera.
Nevertheless, works on some sections oi radiation genstAes proceed
yet quite Ineafficiently. To such seotions refer oneral theoretical genetics,
rs.diation imttc rMaol1441.6, ratIlation selection of plants, research on
structure end reprodo.btion a elements the cell nucleus, utilising labeled
c o mpo aids ?
During the Conference there wowed friendly meetings, where problems
of further development were also discussed of both the theoretical problems
a radiation genetics as well es of praotiaal mane of uppAaation of ionising
radiation Ix the selection.
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=WM. AwhlUgl
(In toll)
? Filosof estestvesnaniia
/Philosophic ymoble tura. icieacce/
And. Sauk SSSL Vestnik. no 1,
pa324.38. Jan. 1959. SU 4k10.
? an Russian
? 1d.rfl nature]
develosent the like of which hi
biginning of the 20th century IA
disooveries and theories so san w scientific
knowledge were created that one rightfully spe
revolution, the greatest in htitor, Soviet scion
bitiork to the development of natural science.
Intense breaking of old theories and understandings, a progress
precedented in past *pooh,/ which the natural soignee experience.
present time, raise espeoially sharply great and complicated philosophic
problems; they show the more oonvincingly that it is impossible to do
eithout appropriate philosophie generalisations and conslusions.
About this in particular, testifies the feat that of lets philosep
pro ens of natural seism' occupy one of the Wit pleats In $hil Pork of
philosophic congresses, meetings; they are more frequently sad tharma417
? diseassed on the pages of philosophic and natural-scientific journals and
books, in newspapers and in scientific-popular literature.
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leg/ A.FOR00 AM&Widb
/St during the first stage of the revolution in natural history,
V. I. Lenin has shown, that correct answers to the philuephic problems,
raised by nodern soleness subs given only by dialectic materialise.
Leaning on the fundamestal ideas, developedby V. I. Lula, the Soviet
selentistis philosephers and naturalists have performed during the past
years a certain woes of philosophic generalisation of ashievements in
nodern natural seine, and of exposing ot idealistic misiaterpretations in
natural fetuses. At the sans time, one Should sontion that the development
of philosophic problems of modern natural scions* remised, in many respects,
as ? tight place of our ideelogisal from*.
Ideologists of untemperary bourgeoisie, in their inclination to
disprove the eonelusiens of dialeetie materialism eeposially readily re-
sort to false ideollatie interpretation of the phenomena and regularities,
newly diseovered by the naturalists. Taking advantage of the hesitation
amAptilesophie instability of modern great physicists and representatives
of other fields of natural actenee, they,yell then into the idealist's no.
rase. It is knew, that mar prominent scientists In sapitalletto countries,
'she are "stikhlinyek blementalt/ materialists, as long as they stand on the
ground of their epeelalty, passing over to the philosophic interpretation of
the newest discoveries, *fobs it correctly understood, only deepen and
widen the materialistic idea about the laws of life and development of nature,
very often maks deeply emulous, idealistic oonclasiens fru their disooveries.
Medi= revisionists use the idealistic interpretation of achievements
of the newest natural silence as a means for revision of theoretical fundesen.
tele of MarxianiusLeninism.
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All this nig:sins/ from Soviet philosophers and naturalists, %s awn
serieim and constant attention to philosophical prOblon of ,modern natural
scienee. The foots of,* superficial attitutde of geniis Soviet scientists
toward the evaluation of attainments of mataral sciences cannot be further
tolerated, their Pesuliar philossOie *neutrality*, attempts to ignore the
philosophically difficult problems of modern soleness 'Extensive experimental
date frog the field of studies of the atomic *Isamu and p.133/ of.
elementhl particles, Valuable physical results of the quantum theory and of
theory of relativity, attainments of sybernetics, physics and chemistry in
biological researches, adman,' ether probleis of seders natural science re*
quire further deep studies and interpretatiems. A close co-speratian'of
Maxim scientists, of the union of natarilista and of philosophers is needed
for an effective work on the basis of principles of the Marx,Lenin theorp
The All-Union Conference on itilosophio Problems of Satural Salience, which
took place inane, at the end of October of the last year and *Whims
called by the Academy of Science and the Ministry- of Nigher Education of
attracted Over 00 of the most eminint specialists in the field of
Aaiunl science and philosophy. Alton thenwereAcadsnicians and Correspond-
ing ambers of the Aeademy'ot &dense of SEE16 academies of science of union
republics and Of industrial academies, workers of scientifie-research in-
stitutions.and *thither edueation establishments. Representatives of
Bulgarian, Rumanian, Osman, Rungarien and Oseohoslevak scientists were
present at the maetiegs'ae gusto..
Ihe problems of the Conference were foratlated in the introductory addres-
ses of the President ?t the Amide:ow of Wows of UWE, Asadamisine A. W.
Miensianov and the President of the organisational committee On the condustiti
of the Conference, Asademioien X. Y. Ostrovitianeva.
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Mr, 4KMMO. aw.svaa
The Conforms' had as its aim the joining of ereative efforts of
Soviet philosophers and naturalists for dielootio.caterialletie gemerali-
satioa of ashievemeate of modernKmataral edema and raising of its theore-
tical level in order to help the speediest solving of the meet important
problems of tho mime.
The following letterei were heard and diamonds by A/Monists*. Mit Mi.
Min.- 'Materialism and lipirieer1ticism02ot V. I. Lenin the great sideineei
Aceaseptelal/ weapon for the pereeption and reforming of the maid") 47 the
Academician of the Academy of Selene* of the Unladen SSR. K. Z.Omel'ianev.
skit . "V. I. Lenin and philosophical problems of modem Weise; by Dotter
of Philosophical Sciemos, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Pedagegjeal
Scions* of UMW, S. K. Wrens "About *omelettes of forms of movememt et
matter in natures by AsedemielmeT. A. Pek *Abemt iaterpretatiest of quantum
neshanicem; by the CorrespenWang Maher of the Mildew of faience of VIM
A. Aleksandrov "Philosophic's' subjeotomatter and importance of the theory
of reiativity, by Aeadatteiss S. L. SeheIrr and Professor A. A. Liapemow -
"Cyberneties and materiel sciseee*$ by, AcedemisimalF. A. Ambartsumian
'Certain methodelogisel questions of oesmegegysi by Acsdamisimaly.
gardt and Corresponding MeAbor of the Academy of Medial' 114011405 of WS;
0. K. Prank - 'About the race of physies and ehemistry in the lavestigatiot
of biologisal preblemens by the AeademicismA. I. ?saris - "Problem of the
origin oflife in the light of ashievements of modern matured seionoesi by
the Corresponding Member of the Aeademy of Wane 11. 1. araskeicalcov 'Lenin's
theory of MUGU** AtrasheniM/ and seders physiology of sense orgems".,
As the work of the Conforease has shock the scooseses of median se-
? tura seisms are revealing the basis ideas of Mirs*Leminphilesephy, deeper
and Lenore detail, aboat the material 'odd and the possibility of its hiller
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(5) Trans. s.4.221
perception. They inwritably lead the naturalists to the materialistic sco.
elusion about the primacy of matter amd the seemed position of eenesiousness,
about the a:totems* of objestive reality, whisk is reflected by commiousness.
lamdmnsatal fasts about the struotare and properties of matter, which are
discovered by modern natural seisms*, resolve proper philesophio interprets.
tionenly in the dialectio-materialistie toughie& about the world as a regu-
lar movement of natter in space and time. Data of modem natural solemn
*confirm the idea of dialsetie materialism the mere slimly about thought
being the function of the brain, about emissieusnoss as the property of
Owing to the newest matural &dense discoveries the ideas about the
material *nit, of the world*, about the variability of all forms of matter
and of its movement, about the immmastibility of matter in depth, about the
objestive Character of laws of sham of the world are filled with a now
'petals meaning. There is nothing laths world besides the wring matter
in its matiform expression. to this sonslasion nest come every mats:411st
who is creating on earth &Memos* of plsoste and stars, the obtains in
accelerators streams of partial's, *Joh are similar to oosmis rays, who is
miring the problem of artifielal transmatatien of the inanimate to the
living,* who transform, in the interest of nos the hereditary natere of plants
and animals. Data of modern physies, monogamy and if other sciensos offer
additional aromas for confirmation of the idea /Begin p.134/ of dialestie
materialiem about the eternality, infinity and linitimanass of the weld.
The ideas of dialectio materialism about universal continalty and de-
velopment of the materiel world penetrate over draper into the seders natural
solemn. Reciprocal transmutation of matter sad light, oonversions of ohemical
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(6) Trams. A-1021
ss teases, as well as of elementary partial*s of matter one into the other
are a clear confirmation of the eniversal sentinel*, mad development of the
material woad.
Una describing the obarasteristies of objects of the miereworld, as
it is even ackmeWledged by certain bourgeois oaten:lista, one unmet find
any other lam/lege, than the language of dialestiss. The absolute and the
relative in the theory of relativity, possibility and reality in the quotes
swamies, internal regularities of the organism sad the enwiroameat, coatis-
uses and interrupted, qualitatige and quantitative eonversions in biology,
and se on ? these ere the estegeries of dialesties witheet which the mature.
lists sunset de. *Dialeeties as al161m, menesided pereeptioa(witk an ever
increasing weber of sides), with ? greet amber of shades a every approach,
It approximatioa two reality (with a philesepbimial system growing into a
ubele from sob Abode) - this is the immeasurably risk subject sitter(l)
to which modern natural misuse gredmillyprnmeds.
K. B. Nitta nentioned in his lecture that the present Costumes Goias
sided in time with the gOth anniversary of the brilliant work of T. I. Lenin
"Materialism and Inpirieeritisise. All the following develepment of natural
misuse has mistimed the correctness of Lenin's dadaist/ems and. therein.
K. M. Min emphasised that the greatness of Lean, consists in the fact
that be knew how to reveal the objective meaning and the essentiality of
revolution in soleness to give ea answer to prehleme whisk were right and
to foretell ahead for along tine the weys of philesophie solving of problems
of natural solemn. Ideas oft'. Linda are today also a groat wawa in
111 (I) T. I. Lenin. Philosophical notebooks. K., 1947, p.330.
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(7) Trans. A-1021
thS struggle against idealism, metaphysics and revisionism,illuining by an
=fading light the ways of knowledge and of resonstructien of the world.'
146 X.tnel'isnovikii also referred in his report the greatest leportance
a the heritage of Lenin's philosophy for *darn physics. Ne has Oman that
the development of phyaloto by Soviet and other progressive foreign scientists
*accomplished with the fruitful influence of ideas of the dialectic -
materialistio philosophy.
The lecture elucidated the fOratiation of such problem by modern
physics as the problems Of objective reality, Causality, correlation of sta. .
tistical and dynamic regularities, and *there. Settieg,ferth Lenin's opinions
=these questions and Showing their *earth* for Scientific philoiophie dip. 1
dnotione fron.the modern quantma theOry, the speaker disclosed the unecienti.\
tie opinions of various representatives of positiviim, which are harmful tlo
the development of physics: K. MO Oliel'ianevakii has elphapised that feiltL'
compel Oven the modern physicists idealists to take the .stand of astikhlinyll
/elemental/ materia3ifoot and dialeetict when astaadluettinaz specific research.: .
Nevertheless, many physicists, working under conditions of the capitalis?
society, Where the idealistic verld oUtlook is predominant, trying to phiio.,
sophical4 comprehend their airg discoveries, undergo difficulties lathe facie
of fundamental breaking of the customary ideas end representations.
. In his appearance, A. Z. Zhmudskii, eh? pointed out that Lenin obegeni
the liquidation of the crisis in physics', disputed the idea of the le0tUr4,',
about the deepening of crisis of physics in eapitalistio countries. A. Z.
Zhmudekii said that the overcooling of the crisis in physics io fecilitated
by the piessnoe of the socialistic system and the Work Of communistic partiesi\
in propagandising dialectic materialism in various couhtsies, achievements
of physics proper as a salmi% develepient of international scientific re '
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lotions, the dialeetle Character of the processes of metur. thSssslms Ukiah
are examined brands= physics.
Under modern conditions when in capitalistie gauntries use dialectic
materialism is being spread, the ides !orisie in Phrrisile mast, certainly,
be defined more accurately. auto at the same time, one *asset forget, smd
Onellianovskii paid attention to it omits gernotly when anenerine
to A. z, zioniaskii in the *losing address, that a considerable part of mitheat
physicists of the world in the sharpening 'trestle between naterialima and
idealise, in conneotion with the spreading of dialectic materialism in eapi?
talistio ocuntries, /Begin p.135/ mein ow idealistie positions and irre-
concilably persist in their tendency to disprove the deductions of dialectie
? O4 K. Xedrov in his lectere examised the problem sheet the relation
ship of forms of the movement of natter in satire on the basis of data whit%
? were obtained by natural seisms, darLeg the last 60 years. NO has Shown that,
as in the general case of movement there is a mode of existence or matter, se
too inset& private VISO a strictly ;pedal) form of movement, appearing as
a mods of existence of the give* farm of matter mmerrespomdm to s specific
fors ot natter.
Amide discussion developed also in commestion with the lee off!. A.
Fok on philosophic questions of *ant= leeeheniee.
As it is known, there are different:points of view among dieleetic
materialists an these questions. V. A. wok, A. D. Aleksandrev end others
think that lantana mechanics is a theory of a single microobjeot and reflects
its potential possibilities under the given outer conditions. The followers
of this outlook recognise on prineiple as impossible the gonstriotion of a
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kY) 1T12311.
dynamic) theory, on the basis of .shieh it would be possible lull:Oily to`fori?
cast the movement of a single stioreobject. According to D. I. Slokkintsent.
quint= mechanies is a :the of giant:at ensemble: the quanta statistical
character is explained by ?the interaction of micreobjects with microscopic
eniironment, 'arta the question about the constructzlon of a dynamic tbiory of .
en individual idereobjest can be delved on the way of further developuent.
ef theory and experiment.
The third point of view, which is developed by the. French sCientiste
de Broil and Vigier Assam; from the Possibility of constructien of a eo-
ordinated theory of a microobject,tad. eh, along with the Statistic deseriptiork,
gives a unilateral definiteness of the denilact of .an individual microobjetots
V. A. Fok in his lecture espediaLly emphasised these philosophical
problem, arising .in corsieetien with the peculiarities of deseription of the
finest objectsrof matter. lie pointed out the important role that is played,
at such time, by Wan of potintial possibility and its realization as C
reflection of dialectic categories of possibility and reality.
During disease.= of the lecture in which D. Is Flokhintsev, Is. P.
Terletakiii D. D. Wank?, T. A. Lobidevi Z. la. Hillman, V. V. PerfiVeii
and others took part, it was Motioned that the Soviet scientiets are unani.
moue in their naterialistic approach to the salving of. philosophic probleis of
the quantal mechanics, that even certain of the bourgeois ecientista Port
Born, *timber& and others) now withdraw from their positivist positions.
Participants of the discussion paused on.qaestiens for the fornation
Of I modern theory of elementary Perticlie. 1). 1. Ivanenko and Its P.
/*riots/Kit characterized the inportanoe.of nonlinear theories during re.
search of microprocesses. D. D. Xvenenko and 2. Is. Kalman toraised, as
very .proadeing, an attempt of the Derain scientist Heisenberg to create a
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(10) Trans. A-1021
single theory of the field * an opinion which found an objection on the part
of V. A. Yok and D. I. Dlokhistestri V. A. Fork and D. I. Blokhintsev, from
different positions, expressed their doubts in mannection with the prospects
of further development of the quantum theory in direction of ideas of de
D. I. Blekhintsev pointed out in his address, that at the present tine
theoretical physics is general lack a rich creative phantasy. Physics has ao-
cumulated IR the field of studies of the atomic nucleus and of elenentary
particles a groat faetural material, which it was net yet possible to unify
into an metier* system.
A. D. Alekenedrem summod up some of the subjests of discussion on
philosophic questions of the theory of relativity, whisk were conducted in
both the natural soles** and the philosophies& literature daring the source
of the latest deoadee, and on the basis of this tried to tlicidate the phi-
losophic noenisg mad importance of the theory of relativity. The speaker anti...
cued the extremely biased positives .4. unfounded dmaial of the theory of
relativity, on the moo side, and a nochomioal acceptance, together with the
positive *intents of its evident methodological flaws, on the other. The
theory of relativity, said the lestarem, represents a physiohl theory of
epees and time, a teaehing about ibselate spa's and time as ferns of the
existent* of matter. The name itself *theory of relativity" seems to be un0
fartanate, and it should be changed to the name *hypothesis of the absolute
wads, the principle of relativity ftsght p.134/ ascertaining the invariant
proper* of the laws of nature, their similarity in respect to all inertial
system, ascertains by the same tibia their irrelative character and is
rather .a "principle of irrelativity", The speaker denied the lawfulness of
the general theory of relativity as a saientifie theory. In his opinion,
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Irani* APYWA.I.
the general principle of relativity, shish assepte srawmopravnost," /equality
of rights/ of inertial systems, - is impossible in general. The genera]
theory of relativity, leach cones to the theory of gravitation, said he,
remained as an extraneous layer, whioh ewers up the essenoe of the theory
of relativity of A. Einstein.
116 F. Shirokov did net agree with the negation of the general theory
of relativity and reducing it to the lama gravity. Such a mndh narrower
formulation of one of the basis prineiples of the theory virtually means,
in his opinion, a denial of the objective reality of fields of inertial forces
and of physical effects produced by them. This treatment is step back,
it returns se back to the Nevionien understanding of the inertial forces as
unreal, fictitious. The geometrical explanation of gravitational forces
loses its definite physical resents& shish is expressed in the well.knoin
principle of local equivelesse of fields of gravitation and of inertial forum,
amd6 naturally, loads to an **sortie* of the existemoo of a peculiar pre-
eminent system of 'harmonious* 000rdinates against whisk *any scientist*
objeeted quite correctly.
V. I. Sviderskii, A. L. Zelomenov, A. A. Tispkin, and others also
took part in the discussion of A. D. Aleksandrovls looters. The lecturers
and those addressing the meeting, have Owen that the theory of relativity,
'shish is considered as a physical theory of space and time came close to the
idess of dialectic materialimm about spas* and time *a objective forms of
the existense of matte% about the eentinnity of matter, movement, space
and time.
Examining tbe qualitative differenees in the structure of cosmic
systems of different order, V. A. Ambartsumian has presented new facts,
"shish dispute the ideas about the similarity of the universe. Mese ideas
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Trans A01074,
are placed as the basis of certain tozu cossogenis theories, which are
utilised by the idealists for tid.istis deduetions, lbe speaker and those
taking part in disoussions, G. I. Mean A. L. Zolimanov, *Mothers pointed
outthatmsdern astrophysics, as a whole, confirms the materialistic) theses
about infinite variety of ausifestatien of the deep properties *flutter,
that the materialistio point of view *engem* in seleatific comiogopy.
A lively *selling. of *plains was caused by the leoture of 5. L,
SObolev and A. A. Liapunov oboist the position of cybernetles inmodemns.
tural educe
Criticising the statement that eyberreitos is a pee*ds.idsasi, the
speakers brought to the fore the preelical aide of this new setinse, the
birth of which, in their *pinion, promises to humanity prospeste that are,
probably, not less important than the discovery ?flatbeds for obtaining
intrasselear Onargr. Airing the Osaforsmss (is partisalar is the addresses
of G. IN Mikellehii, F. K. Anokhin, 0. V. Platomov) doubts core expressed in
oonnection with the possibility with the aid of cyberneties te solve the
problems of heredity, hireetod evolution, end so on.
Iaportant problems free the point of view at natural oases* *Ad dic*
lectio materialistio philosophy were elusideted in the looter* of V. A.
Engellogerdt and 0. A4 Frank. lbe others of the lecture elreseed* that re-
ferring to data of masers science, notwithstandteg the qualitative dir.
femme between the living and the insatiate, the physical and ehemloal
methods are quite applisahle whet studying the living. Seder* natural solosse,
*long with concretisation of the qualitative ohmmeter of the living and the
inaniaate, dissevers ever more fasts *bout their comeonvreperiles 4214 re
gularities, thus confirming and deepening the idea of dialectic materialise
about the material unity of the world, *beat the interrelation *thrum of
movement of matter.
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ta3) Trani' 114016/4.
Participant. in the discussion (V. L. B(yshkov and ethers) joining the
lecturers, emphasised,_that,ithderstanding of the essence of life processes
at the present time. is impessible without takinh into consideration data of
nuclear physics and technique, at .well as without 00 attainments of electronic
Apparatus construction and Cybernetics. Varioas.teachinge about inoomOrs-
hertsibility of life processes were decidedly refuted both in the lecture and -
the addresees. /Begin:p./3V
Sisakian oaid that "absolutisataiien /absolutisel of the character
alit., exaggerated references to the character of biolOgy sometimes hinder
the application of physics and ChemiatryaS important means for the penetra.
-tion into the essence of biological phenomena.
lbe Bulgarian scientist, I. Panche*, showed the fruitfulness of physico-
chemical methods for the examination of living processes en the lowest (cell)
Oreat interest was evoked by questions raised in the lecture. of A. I.
Oparin. If yet .quits recently the problem of the origin of lit, was almost
never elucidated in the world's natural history literature, then at the
present time groatattettion of wide circles of naturaliste has been attracted
to it.
Moreover it in thought to be generally accepted that this problem can
be solved only in the light of studies of that gradual develepment of matter,
Which .preceded the appearance elite =earth. A. I. Oparin, on the basis
of data of biochemistrys'citicised the idea about primary origination of the
"living factorial molecule" and emphasised, that multimOlecular systems, inter,.
actin with the environment(opon systems) were the ()Annals for the emergence
of Ws.
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(3.4) Trani. A-1021
The speaker touched upon certain problems of historic materialise.
Criticizing the unscientific astating by bourgeois scientists of the problem
of .development of man only in the biological upset, A. I. Oparin stressed
that the wide high road of human progress proceeds net through the biological
development of an individual humanpersonalith but through perfecting of
man's social life, through social progress.
.In his report 1. I. Graihehenkov cited forcible arguments for the
refutation of the statement of the adherents of idealistic philosophy in
natural science about the fact thatthe'vereatility and polychroey of the
external world, of objects, existing outside of our consciousness, ea though
depend on our sense organs, and this world is created by these organs and
their specific properties (seeing, hearing,. smelling and sensations).
The speaker domonetrated charis, which shaved, that. development itself
of senso organs, both of'the'lovent and highest organisms, is donnected to
the effect of the external world of Many qualities on the organism and on
the tense organs. the sense Organs are farmed in accordance with the quali-
ties of the external world, they perceive it adequately and reflect. These
facts and their generalieation, en the basis of the theory of development
and dialectic - materialistic examination of the interaction of the organism
and the environment confirm the utter rightness of Lenin's theory of rolled-.
? N. I. arsthchenkov also showed the role of the reflex theory and
teaching of I. P. Pavlov about physiology of the higher nerve activity,
which lies at the basis of interaction of the organise and the environment
with the aid of sense organs or analyser.. Iu. /". Frolov, V. N. KolbaDavskii
and others spoke about other problems in connection with discussions of the
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(14) Trans. A-10iCL
report. 8. L. Ruldnehtain raised a queetien about 241?11111111, that are
necesstry.for increasing Scientific-research works in the field of psychology
aid elucidated its prinoipal purposes and *eye Of development.,
?? then closing the ?ConfSrentet P4 11. Iredenevo eerrespending Ifesber of
the Academy of Sciones of USSR, empasised its great POOdti111 iliOrtit2100 tar
increasing the theoretical level of researeth Of philseophic problems of modern
natural science. So, Lit philosopherd_ant nateratiste hieve shone cinaiderable
creative activity in the precise of preparation end conducting of the Oonft -
:wince. Debatable *tuitions mare solved on prlaciples in friendly .die- ,
crassions, on the basis of Analysis of theoretical ideas and faotual data of
. .
suience. Participants in the efillfillritiel have rightly criticised as mist-
ceptable the ustheds for diesussion of theoretical problems; such as are
'practised by the editorial office of the "Botauisal Joirnal"..
Results of the Conference were discussed on shialkaly ts 155P at a
joint nesting of the Presidium of the ASademy of Bciensis of US$R and the
Board of the Ministry of Nigher Zdesation in USSR.
As it me pointed out at the meeting, the condestett Conforense
nitted the Soviet soientists to eschauge opinions on a leng-rangs of tpostionst
to share with one another the resat* of their reeearch. It will kelp a ?
farther rallying of all scientists to positions of dialectic naterialiem, a
new ,development if all the fields of sciences in the struggle- against the ideo-
ley of imperialiss,' ageinst the modern philosophic zsvisiontas. /Begin p.138/
Presidium of the Academy of Science at USSR and the bard of ligher Educe.
tion of MA planned ease measures for the raising Of development of philoso-
phical probleas of modern natural science and =pressed confidence that Soviet
naturaliet-ssientiste and philosophers will attain new creative soccesses in
solving the probleas ehish, were set before the .ecienei in the ? theses of the
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(16) Trans. A-1021
report af N. So Khrushahey at the 21st Coureationof Jommunlet Party
of the.f:;.)vist 121tion.
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(In f*11)
Afriliss4 Z. X., and Xudheeva, A. .
Primmeste antiblotikov v restenievoistwe.
/Applioation of antibiotics in plant growing/
Akad. Rau SEAR.Vestnik, vol. 29, no. 1.
p.142-143. Jan. 1959. 511 AkIlif.
(In Russian)
A Conference on the Application of Antibiotics in Plant Crowing took
place October 8 to 13, 1958, in the city of Rrivans it was called by the
Institute of Microbiology of the Academy if &dense of USSR, by the All-Union
Institute of Agricultural Microbiology 'ARUM /All-Vilon Academy of Agri-
111 ohlturel Sciences inemilF. X. Lemin/ and the Rester of Microbiology of the
lesimey of &domes of the Armenian UR. &dentists, she are specialists
studying antibiotics sabstanoes and their applieation in various fields of
national eoonomy took part in the work of the Confewemse, the purpose of wadi
was to systematise the acconlatednaterial and to develop more effective
methods for utilisation of antibiotics in plant growing. The Conference was
opened by the President of the Asmdemy of Ramo if the Armenian MR, If. A.
I. AA Xrasilsnikov made a report on the present state of the problem.
It was established that soil sioroorgeniams, in the prosess of their active
life, produce different bielegisally active substances (vitamins, imams,
onsymes,toxins, antibiotics and others) which are assidlated ti the root
system of plants and are distributed in them, predicting one or another effect.
411 It is possible to influent)* the growth, develeponnt and the yielding oapaoi ty /CZ?
Lot plants by stuAyingaimiregulating these processes. It was proved that
of microbes can produee medicinal, prophylactic, toxin, stimu lating
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tit) ? True. 1,...J.OZZ
and other offsets on the higher plants.
K. 1h. Challakhion 'gave interesting information ibeht miciobe meta
balite*, Math 'Mallets the development of higher plants. Hie experiment)
with the ffeet of gibberellin* (obtained from rheltriele fungi and other microm.
organisms) on plants have shaft that one can prodzoelernslization and calsu.
lation of blooming. Of plants with the aid of these eabstanoes.
? 16 N. Pidoplichke-repOrted Oast theacaMyyears-of work of 'Ukrainian
myselogiste in studying the soil fungi flora and its tee'for-tho control Of
disease, of *grit:cultural plants. ii `series of leetwros (elf. I. Bilai,
-11.116 Msskovets, 'and others) use -given Over to the utilisation of Triebo-
. 'demi Ong** for the central of diCeases Of cotton, potatoes and some other
agrieelturs1 crops.
..Encouraging data were Obteined when utilising Cultures ofsetinomy.
cete.sntaganiste for the control of various pbyteplathogenio diseases of plants.
? P. 0. Niisibekisn reported about the isolation of aitinompetes cultures,
, ,
whiCh prod** active amtibiotice with respect to the pathogen* Of potato
canker and. dry-rot of,00rn4 Individual cultures of actinompete-antapniste
mere panel:fall utilized for the control of ringret of potatoes (11.*Orynbsev)
and slier basteriosis of cabbage (T. K. Naluninm). AU& effectiveness of
preparations fro* cultures of totinosiyottes was discovered for preventing
cotton from wilting (06 K. tublanovskaie). Certain bacteria were successfully
. used for the contra of disease, of vegetable *rope (v.0. Tummies', 16 I.
? Mirth:L=4'14, A. Bobikien), aiweli-as for vertioilliurn -wilt of potatoes ?
(16 T. 1ikitins). Ovid result* were obtained from the use of epiphytio
mlarollora for the comtrol of certain fug)* diseases of plants (In. K.
Vosniakovskaia, 06 0. Shirokov, A.16 Milbandian).
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(3) Trans. A*1022
A group of lectures was given oirer to obtaining and use ,of new anti-.
biotic preparations. 17. 4. Trakhtenberg, E. K. liedionerrakaia, etary-
gins, V. 0. Okiettion, and others reported about results of studies -of
phytebaoteriemycin and its application, as well as of other antibiotics for
the control of gesmoSis of cotton.. and bean blight. A dories' of preparations
of antibiotics was *n0?68.0117 a disinfectant of tomatovtieeds for
_the control of baoteriel calcite! (R..;)1. aalachien) and for the .oentrcl of
tisesses of orainientia ,flowers (S. P. Proticenko, A.. 0. /12(11101112 8. A.
Chelyshkina). E. Ka. liashha and K. I. lelltiskova spoke about work on studying
? plant antibiotic Harenctrino, which was twitted fro* lacertelle and which
is successfully used for proplanting treatment of Amiedd. and for spraying of
pleat* in ordar fir increase their protect:I:city and: forthe dontrol of bac. ,
terial diseases, a well as about certain 'synthetie antibiotic*, 'which prcricni
to be eniativo for the .centrol of diseases of vegetable craps. 2...Z. Bekker,
A. B. &ilasw and .others reported about obtaining preparations Of griteofulvii
Ind trishothecin end about their effect on fungi, pathogens of such .diseases
as cabbage anbury cluhroet, /ken p.143/ wheat smut (I? tritled), anthracnose
of watermelon, and others.
The lecture of A. 04 tachaswa was given over to a new *field of anti-
biotic application; she reported tbout resulte of research with antiblOtice
which are cietiwe against grimy moth - a haratel pest of forest plants. Anti,
biotic subetaneea were found, which cause death of ,fron 35 to 100% of cater-
? pillars of the gypsy meth en the third day of their development (a preparation,
obtained Iron Act. wielacous 719).
. At the Conference works on general and nethodical question* of use
of antibiotics in plant growing were widely represented. In particular,
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. t4/ ITUDa* JkiNIAMit
special ettaution was dram to the studies of the appeaiance of relistance
. ?
to antibiotics obtained from fern of phytopathogeniO baoteria (V. P. ? .
figraniaidis L D. Daiwa, 11. gelikevaktia). ? In this eenneOtion
?'amenity was stressed for Using simultaneously several effective antibiotics
in order to utilize then more succeisfolly for the control of certain plant
possibility of formation; of satibiotie substances by 'micro-
Organisms directly:in the soil was established end resniitt has been con-
dusted on their detection, .tecumulation and prseertation, as well as on the
absorption. by soils of 'various sntibiotio preparations introdueed fro out.
side. .LA wide distribution of tincio strains ?Of nicroorganialts in :the soil has-
been disclosed as well la the ateaftlation of preduats of their netebolin.
?The cited oircuitstanoe smite to suppose direct participation of them
mieroorganisas in the doings of soil diataoteristitts, in formation of microbe
11161204111111 end as a result of these processes their influence on the develop.
want et higher plants.
At the Conference reports were presented also en application of now
methods when worldng with antibiotics An plant growing' in partieulaz. there
was described a fast Method of detersinstion of the oharatter of the effect
of antibiotics on plants based en the growth of coleoptiles Of *Cat at
certain concentrations of substances (M. A. Vinegradova and 11. 5. Ape).
Mentioning the priority of Soviet 'dentist in the development of
principles of utilisation of aerobe antagonism and of intibietiet in latent
growing, the Conference stated, the insufficient development of works in
our country in this field, their lagging behind the reel reguironents of the
-vigorously developing agriculture. the Conference recognised the teed to
organise industrial production of antibiotics and of microbe preparations,
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(5) Trans. A-1022
whisk proved to be effective for the seatrol of eertain plant diseases
(phytobasteriomycin, griseatulvin, triebedermin, preparations no. 150, 125
and others), in order to widely istroduo, than into the practice of agrierlture.
It is especiatiy important to more quickly organise experimental workshops
at the existing factories of bacterial preparations, and later on !ea-
teries of a simplified type for prochicing antibiotics against the specially
injurious plant diseases. Us Oanfereses pointed to the extrema.," poor
technical equipment of laboratories, which are warted in stedyiag and uti-
lising antibiotics in pleat growing, and resegniseds as timely, the organt.
edition of special experimental installations for obtaining antibiotics and
mderebe preparations.
24001.1 attention of the Conferees* was paid to the necessity of
increasing and developmeat of plants of mierobe origin (of the typo of
gibberellin and others), as well as isonducting vide search for producers of
these substamees among the various groups of mieroorgenimes. The necessity
of coordination of seiontifie-researeh establishments lathe week of studies
of antibiotics and of ether attabolitos amicroorganisms in plant growing
was streamed in the resolatiess of the Contemns., as well as the necessity
to call periodic sonfereases on the problem wader consideration.
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, "rano* 11.1?ILVIC,
(Zs full)
Svetavidov# A. N
0 pedgotwoke neuehnyhh kadrev vZoologiohaskon
Institute Chadonli Milk SUR.
/Training of selentifie staffs at the Zoological
Institute of the Academy ot Soleness NSW.
Akadenii *ask 8551. Irrestiia. Sera* Sielogi-
ohesksia, vol. 24, no. 1# p.155-158.
Jan./Feb. 1959. 511 Sea.
(In Russian)
Daring the Great Patriotie War, the Zeelogisal ins titnW lest snOY
specialists at the trent sod in besieged Leningrad. The Institute vas fated
with the diffirat problen of :lapwing these losses, which it proceeded
to do ilready in vex tine. The basis grrap ef its where gathered in
Stalinabad to which the Institete had tem evacuated. The first aspirants
were enlisted in 19424943. In the years 1944.1945, when the Institute
timed it possible to secure a considerable member 0 vacancies, the number
of aspirants inereased several time, (fig. 1). Dalai these years, eepecialky
in. 1945# mar pre-desteral students wars taken en immediately attar the war.
In subsequent years acceptances of aspirant, and pre.doeteral stadents de
*roused semewhat# bat the nneber of those vorking at the Institute continued
to be large as a result ef the aceeptemoes in the precediag mire. Many
aspirants have been aceepted sines 1950; pre-doctoral students were not
inor0000d Prior to 1,53. Daring 1954-1955, the noiher of prs..doctoral
students increased somewhat.
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? ."1111.41
Fig. 1. limber of aspirants and pre?deettral students
Won ea between MO and 1,57.
/Maternally lined symbol . Aspirants/
Anisa-hattlied syabel - pre-doeteral students/
leseattilly interesting is tho distribution of aspirants and pre.
&sterol student* emoording to the different specialties (Fig. 2). In the
postwar years, espeeially hotness 1950 audit% the largest number of
speeialista las alleested to vertebrates; /this somber/ included also
lehthyologists who had a preponderates rim ether *pastelists lathe fol-
lowing years as wall. &Mumma" ith% sad nn these ssegiulists owleriAssd
324%. Commiderdhly suallwr Ces ike average MU), yet larger thaa in
ether eposialtios, was the marbor et bpdsiblelogints sposielising in a series
of groups of &patio amluals eareilod as aspirants and pai-dectoral *toasts.
Memerleally, third to tetrth plate, is hell by aspirants and pre-desteral
students of entemelogy (avenge for the sums years OA%) sad Perusitibloar
(1740. It sheald be meted elth satisfaction that in the past 54 years
the number of aspirants aid pre.decteril students of amtemelsgy has increased
seasIderabiy. This 16 important bemuses the ZoOlegiesi Institate has ox.
perioneed the greatest shortage in specialists, if eatmelogy whose group had
seetaimed the greatest lessee daring the war.
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As the member of aspirants ani pre.doeteral stadents ineressed, se
did, natally, the number of disaertations Adefended in the iciemtifie
Council of the Zoological In. a preponderant majority of these dig-
eertatione ware presented by persons mho had completed graduate study
programs. This did not way conflate the training of aspirants emd pre..
doctoral students, but the Institute contributed also toward the raising of
the qualifications of its ewe fellow workers as well as of outside specialists
'he did not undertake formal graduate studyprogreas. /Begin p.156/.
The nemberof dissertations &Zoned by outside specialists was invariably
large (fig. 3). The member of candidate's amd doctoral dissertations in..
erased sharply in the very first postwar ave.-yew plan, as compared with
the war and prewar years. In the f011owimg five years the nadar of defended
411 candidate's dissertations increased even mere.
Pm: 2 Pa iii111. .1, 1
Pig. 2. Distributimg of aspireate and pre-dostoral
stedsats aolording to specialty (in %)
Apia a. - Antemelogy
&peg a. Parasite.logy
Symbol e. Hydrobiology
Symbol d. - Zoology of vertebrates
Most dissertations (fig. 4), especially in the prewar and postwar five-
year plans, were devoted to vertebrates, including ichthyology. The total
111 comber of dissertatioa on this group of animals defended in the last 20 years
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to) =Aux* 441Nim6,
oompriessapproxinataly one third of all dissertations. 'tioneWhat fewer
.,sertations for the total number of years were on entomology, because the
44,0 bsmber of these,diesertations was defended only in the last two
yeArs. Third place for 20 years was held by diesertatioas
;hydrobiology, in the stain, on various groUps of aquatic animals, in the
last.instance - on parasitology.
It is rather interestimg to note that there was no essential dig-,
formes in the ,unber of .ten and women enrolled as aspirants (fig. 5) in
the postwar years (50 Ma vid 46 mean). As farts pro-doetera/ students
an; Conserned, there was a.tharp preponderance of nen (33 and .5). Men who
defindod iheir deUtoral dissertations were approxlmately,SPst as many times
more /than wens*/ (44 and There were else pore ion among candidates
with.dissertations (lob nen and 45 women), but /the percentage/ was cow.
sideiaily less ,than between these mho defended dos towel dissertations (fig. 6).
The we* Conducted by spesielists of the Zoological Institite with
Aspirants and pre-docteral students made it possible to prepare. a large
number.of scientific workers (beginners as well as these with higher .
Tiall4esti(ins) of those who had oempleted their experience as resident doctors.
'Thieves made possible to a large extent by training and defence of dip..
sertations by workers of.** Institute as veil as by those of other scientific
estibliahments,whe had not undertaken fOrnal aspirant's and pre.doctoral
/Studies/. The Zoological Institute trained specialists net only for further' ,
. work on its premises, but also for other scientific establishments. Not all
of thee* who bad completed. their aspirentit work were retained at the
Institute, bowies a group of then, preponderantly pre-doetoral stadents, were
temporarily attached only for preparation .1 dissertations and, after the
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i5) Trois. A4.023
sitedoste had defended Imp thor returned le *hair ova establishments. Mare,
it seethe noted that the soloctissi it *Spirant* vas garlic& mit Mt only
by anmovmsamemt of aoesptenes and sobsolosat eeppetition. A eansiderable
portion of then vas aseigned b usrtahn their *spinets work vpon re-
semonadatioR of heads et faselties ef higher scientific institutions, pri-
marily of the lonaingrod5aitersity, vhile tssr still had the atmtme of a
stadmak. These stadents took part is expodiiiams avenged by the Zoologisal
Iastitate en vhia their sillability Sir ashlostive esiontifie week vas
determined Aegis p.157/I they ammoplialed their verk for a degree with
materiel sollscied en the expeditions. Vim agreement with the heads of
feealties, they, in addittma to the above, rewired training vith a viev to
agairing knowledge meedod far their Mom apasiatty. Thus, la partieelar,
were trained ssientifio worker, for a series of Widest specialties that
had bees mem-emisteat attho Zeolite% herstoibro.
fig. 3. Luber of eandidatess and destoral dissertations
defoaded looloses 1335-1954.
/Top linsh (Orese-hatehed imminer of amoristlow
dotovied by ateide specialists)
SOMA a. - **al dissertations defended
Symbol U. . Oandidatost
*Abel o. Deets's,
Awarded vithout defense of a dissertation at the time degrees ad titlama Imre
? introdseed siand 190?1940/0
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(6) %W. &at)
Pig. ii.Distribstion at detailed lioarrtatioar awarding
11* allmeinity (in %).
area s? - Satan*law
?V* ? taresitalagy
Symbol a. 1104robialegor
distal d? tobeisity f vertabratas
lanbor no and reels adpiranto *at pra-darteral
aalla batmen 1044$7?
Pro-dastioral eindesta
Symbol a? - nen
Symbol b? moo
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(7) Trans. A-102)
Fig. 4. Sambr of men avid vemenehe defended candidates' and
dosteral dissertatione between 19)5.1,0.
Symbol ir#101
As asesult of this varied approseh to tlt training of psrsrnl, tne
Zeologisal lnstitst* vas ahle in a oemparatirely brief time not only to
plum the losses of its specialists, but even to increase the staff of
workers ss emnparlmivith prover time (fix. 7). Sere, it most be emphasised
that the, majority of the nev corkers finished their training sad resolved
their degrees at the Zoological Imstitate and that only a few had oeme from
ether scientific estahliehnonts. It is esposia14 important to note that
the number of seientifis corkers performing the function,' of entomologists
eke in prewar tins were inraffleisat Aegis* p.1$8/ ands as indloated above,
sustained especial4 great losses during the car years' has increased oon.
? as
siderahly. At prosent,itiat the rearm?, specialists in matemelea at the
Zoological Institute have numerieally become the largest /group/ as compared
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(8) Trans. A-1023
with other speoialists. It mast be noted that there is a need for these
specialists because of the large number of insects, the inadequate knowledge
of than and the inportanos of their practical and scientific upset. There
have appeared speeislists on seals insists and ooceidis, on. series of beetle
groups, on hymenoptera, diptera and on others that: had been absent from
the Institute earlier. The numberlf the fellowship of hydrobielogists that
in prewar time was unpropertionally large as (tempered with that of other
specialists has increased only a little and they numericallynewhold second
place. It is essential to note that among them now are specialists an some
groups of animals (dendrooeratida Poratidae deep-sea podiculate fishes!,
hydroids, sea mollusks) who were not there in prewar time. The number of
411 specialists on vertebrates has green oonsiderably, but in proportion with
the growth and number of the colleagues in ether specialties in the years
191? end 1940. ilte number of parasitologists has increased in approximatelY
the some proportion as compared with prewar years, and here, too, specialists
len trained for groups that had net been developed earlier (lower ticks
brimitesh lies, gadfLies sto.). In the postwar years, there appeared at
the Institute specialists on protases that had never been investigated at
the Institute earlier. Finally, in 1948, specialists on comparative anatomy
(laboratory of load. I. I. Shmallgausen) were added to the staff of the Insti-
tute. Theft number increased in 1957 when part of the wafters of the Usti..
tut, in. Leggett was added to the staff of the loologioal Institute.
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Trans. A-1023
b la ?
Jill Pi111
?.1 A. a
PLC. 1. Distribetion et soismetifte workers essordiag tor
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?1111111? Arnitia
airsabeldsa, R. O.
Antibletitheelds "snitcher** aktinemiteetnop
proiskaoshdeniia pretiv fitepategemnykh
jAatibiotio subetwees of an astimarriste origin
against phytepathogenis microorganisms/.
Akadenii la* SUR. Sortie Rielogieheskala,
vol. eh, as. 1, p.103-110. Jan./lob. 1959. 511 WS.
(In Itioslas)
At present a great deal .of experimental material found in literature *en-
firms a series of advantages of antibiotic substanses of isieroorganiams over
? shemieal preparations: fungicides sad bacterioeides.
? assemplisbad in the past 7 to 10 yaws In ow errantry gad abroad
loaves In doubt that microbe antagonists and antibiotic substances rill from
year to year be used mere isidely as disintgetents, in ea prophylaxis and
tagairmeat of vegetative plants sad also in the deeontanination of nlla
frock some soil infections.
The problem of the given clerk is to develop biological methods of con-
trgl of tea pathogenic fungi that are objects of external and internal
quarantine - Urneb7tritse Onliebiotium (Sahilb.) aore?? thfs causal agents of
potato mart, and 8/plea& xe (Behr.) Lev., the ousel agent of diplodia
in main.
It ant be noted that the causal agents of the, indicated diseases which
re study vary distinstly /fres each other/ as to their biology. One of
? them - the eausal sprat of potato wart, S. andoloietioms - is an obligate
Institut Oemetlit Akadmaii iku)c (SIR /Institute of genetics, Asadeny of
Soigne** USSR/.
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tli 1110111. JAVa4
parasite other fungus, D. se
a facultative parasite
Mato wart is every harmful disease. The methods used at, sent to
eredioate the fool of potato wart by means of ehemisals are very impassive
end require speeial moor ausnires whonwork is oarried cat with extremely
Poioesces sebstanses, eueh as ehleropicria and simile sada. Sense, seienti-
fie-researeh erganisations are searching formers readily available aid more
offoottre measures leggiest this disease.
The use of the cater** of microbe entagemists fres the ao inompete
group mad their antibiotic slistemoes against the'Atausal agent of potato
wort *salt be endh &method.
? As meationed above, the fongu S. endobioticum, causal agent of potato
ea" is am obligate parasite that des; mot grow on artificial culture media.
This eirommetenee makes working with it difficilt. the laboratory methods
used le the selection et *aerobe antagonists are saffisiently developed with
regard to phylepalbegenis fasetative parasites. it these lathed. samnot
be used in loofa with obligate parasitesopartisularly with the causal spots
of Potato wart. The method *lob we developed involving contact of dormant
hookeiashehikkelei seespermagia of the fmagus S. emdebiettree with the
cultures if aolimseyeetes undergoing tests proved the most suitable and
eenvemiest for the gime object. A detailed deseripti= of the method used
and the results of the work will be found in our artiele (Mirsebekian and
Units/ma. 1956). This method will make it possible to observe cheeps
oceurrtag in the protoplasmic, cadent of the sporangia directly underlie
micreseepe. fsegiap.104/
of diplidia in melee - is
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*Kamm* PlumVros4
It mast be noted that all the .tX
belong to the actinesretos pipient gr
*tosses in these cultures was also obe
selected from the antalosists
The probes* of antibiotic sib-
egaisst a series of easssl agents
of plant diseases (bestirs and foul) fued On Stoehrlimecous *urns M. The
pipassts *oersted by 110111101117004011 into the medium played an especially Leper-
teat role in - selection. Sy coloring the deformed protoplassicf ?: content
of spereagia, thy prednood the possibility of observing pathologioal (*kenos
end of establishing the secheniam St elation exerted by entibiotio substmess
upon !vague sporangia.
lisperiments described literature (01inso. 1926). /doom ted/ how
the author had bees usable to estahlish the posetraties of salons generally
recognised in syselogi. foal poetise, through a solid medniute (the Watts
layer) inside the sporangia of the Amos 5. endebietioum. 4 oeenterbslasoe
the exporimeste sonduetod by the indieated author oftvontional dyes that
failed to prostrate isei.ds the sporangia, woo for the first time, established
that there warred a free titivates- et pigments (blue and red) of a bias.
gioal origin that oolored selectively only the interval protoplasmici vastest
of the sporangia of S. andoblotioma and left the itioadiarase uncolored.
In * sicrosoopio study of the sporangia of S. ondobiotieus the intersal
content of which was colored the color of either oss or another astinoweeta ?
piptent strain, no observed various always of deformities is their proto-
plasm. Muss plameolysis and coagulation wore observed. Daring ooagulation
the entire protoplaam was eamocestrated is most eases is the center of the
sporangium in the form of oar eoasslate deprived of it grs4dnau.
there were *wanes with vanalos the ooagulated oeStent of *Loh
appeared is the formAindividkuilly soatterred small clots sad coagulates.
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kn) Trans. Ap.,K114
1 observed also la spGringta fowl in die
the tissue of o tgrowths, except in theme the penetratien and adoring
occurred later. During the contact of sporangia with the otinemyseto eul-
tare 7111imere emoir sporangia . a membrane without a ***tent - got into the
preparations. This is an interestiag phoneme-ems the latibietie substamees
et this strains bablb stimelsite the exit of sowers* fres the ilswalStas
or the Internal content loses its graininess ender their inflreaoes as if it
'ere resolving.
? In preparations nada tree ccstroi. vantabts nearly
unehenged - with a normal graininess.
When sporangia mith a adored cugoiatsd or plasulyted intermel son-
tent mere placed into a drop of waters plammelysis did not oe er which, at.
cording to data by I. A. Doreshin and $.Y. Goriest* (1951) and other authors,
serves as triunes, of their inabilitcf to survive. We, however, sons/der
that the biological method permits solving conollsively the problem of
the reciprosal relatione between the above indicated sporangial changes and
their viability. In Order to obtain esti,. antibiotic substances against
the indiested fungus the *sleeted astinemyeete antagonistic strains /Os
103s 1314 167 and 711 were cultivated on different nutrient media: mistrals
*roots and natural. Dering the eultivetion special attention was paid to
the intensity of pipes% secretion during the process of the growth and develop-
ment of the prooroants.
Obeervatione halve demonstrated that pigaints sere seereted mere inter
sively on potato slices. On sone culture media pimento were not secreted
at all. The potato slices were colored throughout in the color of the
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. *Keay* 4mp...46v41
preermultte pigment.
An intensive phenomenon
served in taro of strain 711. In
the ours, of 20-25 day* the small pious were grednallyliquatied Ws a
thigh1 transparemt liquid of * derk.hrown *color imam with * greenish
yellow hue la a thin layer. the unliquefied portion of the slices remained
in the liquid in the form of viscose, moue coagulants of a dark-broma oiler.
The antibiotic activity of the ciltural liquid of this strain against
St agrees was very bit* reashing up to 60 thousand units per al. The
aatibiotic mahatma's were resistant to light and possessed thernestabilitys
they do net loss their antimicrobial aotivity even after undergoing auto-
clave at 1 atm for 10 minalles. In this Case the antitsetsrial notivitg de-
creases somewhat, but the entifusgal activity is tally retained. In deter-
mining the antibiotic astivity of the cultures against the sporangia of the
S. endobietieum fungus in slices out fro* tissues of fresh outgrowths, as
well as in dormant sporangia (in easpemded drops), the best results ware
obtained !scathe actinenycete strains of 70, 103 and 711 grams an potato
slim and pigmented distimetly the color speelfie of tie prooreants, pig-
ments. After the aetivity of the antibiotie substanees of the indicated
astinemysete strains grow on potato Upeesha4 bees tested under laboratory
conditions, it was tested Also/ by the biological method, i.e. in vegetative
experimeate. Wirt infection is transmitted through the soil when potato
tabors are planted. A mass exit of soesperes from the dormant sporangia in
the soil begins ehen conditions are favorable (moisture, tempereture); when
the zoospores get into young petite shoots, they penetrate inside of them,
nmltiply and fern outgrowths. In potting up vegetative experiments an ap-
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IV;?MOW 44440-411
propriate filler (component) vu selected for the purpose at preserving the
activity of antibiotic substances for an extended tine after they had been
introduced into the soil. liso mixture of this tiller with the actinemw-
oeto culture we named provisionally a moompost". The saperiasats verso set
up in soil artifielally imoulated with winter sporangia of the S. endiesietisum
fungal; at the rate of 293-300 opera:mem per pa of soil. the suseeptible po-
tato variety Vale vu used in the aimporiasato. Composts were introduced
into the soil tg, various methods. 11;xperiments were essehketed also in pre-
seeding treatment of tubers with antibiotic sustamees whisk we obtained
and with standard antibiotio preparations - penicillin, stZsptiein, trio-
Wein and plumbs with lb astivity of 1000 mite per ml.
The best resets were obtained *en composts were introdued into the
simataneously with the tebere at the time of planting.
The revolts of this experiment have demonstrated that with
eau duress* in the member of sporangia is the soli, i.e. after the exit
of suspense teen the sporangia, total infection in controls oomprised 9744
of this incidence 82.8% ume du to infection eourriag at an oarkiate,
while in variant, that had been /planted/ with *imposts the. infection per.
outage mu reduced to 16-25. In addition, the experiments disclosed late
It is obvious from the above that siren introduing into the hills eon-
pests enriched with the antibiotic substances of the actinceyeete caters"
indleated above, the percentage of wart infection had sharply decrease. This
can be explained by the facts 1) that a protective RAO ? a barrier against
the foetal agent of potato wart, the fungus 11. endebistioes - is created, when
compost' rieh in antibletie substances are introdused /into the hills/. As
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til &roam. mm.mpuf
As soosporea leave the sporangia they get onto the compost sone before
they cope in contact with the young shoots of tUbers and most of them perish
from the antibiotic action of the compost; 2) apart fro& the above, a portion
of the sporangia may, prior to the exit of the zoospores, lose their?viabi-
lity under the influence of antibiotic substances if they oome in contest
with them. Late infection of potatoes by wart observed in our experiments
coincide with the inaotivation of the antibiotic substances of the compost
in the soil. In &terming the duration of the activity of the antibiotie
substances within the oompost after it had been introduced into the soil, it
was established that their activity lasts from 30 to 45 days, whish coincides
with the duration of the infection. This phenomenon indicates a correlative
relationship between the time (late) of potato infeetion with wart and the
retention of antibiotic activity of composts after they have been introduced
into the soil.
In resent years, work conducted by a numbere Soviet and foreignin-
vsstigators has demonstrated /Hokin p.106/ that in the presence of energetis
substances in the soil, antagonist, secrete hydelisiut/ antibiotic sub-
stances in the soil. These substances are capable of preserving themselves
in the soil; the duration of their preservation depends on the properties of
the antibiotics themselves and on the character of the soil (Oottlieb and
Siminoff, 1952; Greenbelt /or (hoesbarb/, 1953; Stevenson, Lochhead, 1953;
Xrasilenikov, 1954; Umiak*, Artamonova and Letuneva, 1955).
We *sums that the penetration of antibietio substances into potato
shoots and tubers plays a rather important role. we established in experi-
ments in preseeding treatment and in the introduction of compost into potato
hills that some antibiotic substances penetrated inside the tubers and retained
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(8) Trans.' A,-10214.
their activity. In digging Up the tubers (vegetative experiments) it wee found
that 'the maternal: tubers batochnye klubni/ had the coloring of the ectinoi.:
mycete procriantel pigments, Aich evideneed the penetration of the pigment
Complex inside the tubers. It is possible that thleartificially in:reties
the resistance of tuber, to wart infection aid (treetop a passive iMmunity.
Similar data are found in our work (Nirtebekian and Menikova,,1955)-