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March 3, 1954
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Approved Fnr Release 2000/05/ 80R01443R0001~00170004-9 NSC BRIEFING 3 March 19 4 25X1X7 THE EGYPTIAN SITUATION Current Situation Reconciliation Nagib and Nasr weak compromise inviting struggle and possible disintegration ruling Revolutionary Command Council. A. Authority Nasr and Council weakened by developments . /~k~. ~"~-~~ ~~~ B. Nasr lost face and possibly some of his` nerve. C. During critical days he was described as "pathetically bewildered and frightened." D. Nagib basically weak, .indecisive. Personality only asset. Character not strengthened by return. Approved For Release 2000/05/30 :CIA-RDP80R01443R000200170004-9 Approved For~Release 2000/05/30 :~~'OR01443R000200170004-9 F. Unknown elements in army maneuvering for power. G. RCC has begun crackdown on unruly elements. II, Anticipated Developments A. Future authority RCC could now be uncertain. Position weakened by: 1. Continuing intra-council maneuvering, 2. Possible challenge from new military groups. 3, Undefined role Nagib versus Nasr and RCC. B. Wafd, Moslem Brotherhood, Communists, other extremists, and old-line politicians may try establish relations with Nasr ova Nagib or: other army factions interested in power, 1. Both Brotherhood and Leftists appear involved return Nagib. Approved) For Release 2000/05/30 : ChA-~4DP80R01443R000200170004-9 SECRET Approved For Release 2000/05/30 : ~ OR01443R000200170004-9 j C. Early return constitutional government remote des ite i p~ public announcement. ', No progress economic development possible during confusion, 1, No basis prepared. 2, Council and Nagib too preoccupied. ~. Prospects Suez settlement in state of 25X6A suspense. 1. Increased influence extremists and uncertain internal security lessen hopes for settlement. 4. Possibility sudden agreement remains should either Nagib or Nasr emerge as dominant figure and believe such agreement might be sold people. Approved For Release 2000/05/30 : GI~F~DP80R01443R000200170004-9 ~, SECRET Approved',For'Release 2000/05/30 : ~ OR01443R000200170004-9 E. Egypt's position and influence Sudan adversely affected by Cairo developments. 1. Nagib's 1 March visit Khartoum precipitated severe disorders when supporters Sudanese independence clashed with pro-Egyptian elements. 2. Earlier announcement Nagib's removal from office seriously disrupted pro-unionists. III. Immediate Future A. Period of confusion, maneuvering, loss power by RCC likely promote more ' extremist military dictatorship. B. Extreme rightist anti-British sentiment likely to increase. C. Communism unlikely become significant; may attach itself to anti-British sentiment and rightist extremism. Approved: For Release 2000/05/30 :CIA-~tD.P80R01443R000200170004-9 SECRET Approved Fo'r Release 2000/05/30 ~'~~c~~80R01443R000200170004-9 NSC BRIEFING 3 March 1954 BACKGROUND Sudanese Disorders on 1 March 1. 1 March visit Nagib to Khartoum to attend opening first Sudanese parliament precipitated clash some 30,000 pro- independence and pro-Egyptian demonstrators and police resulting 20 deaths, including British police commissioner, and over .100 injured. 2, Opening parliament postponed until 10 March. Nagib requested leave Sudan "interests of public security.'.' 3. Pro-independence Umma Party, headed by the Mahdi, defeated November elections by Egyptian-supported National Unionist Party favoring unicin Egypt , Approved For Release 2000/05/30 :CIA-RDP80R01443R000200170004-9 SECRET i Approved ;For~Release 2000/05/30 :~~OR01443R000200170004-9 4. Tribesmen Ansar sect, religious counterpart Umma and faithful followers Mahdi, appear in force in Khartoum shouting "Get out both British and Egyptians." Spear-bearing tribesmen charged police. 5. Violence followed wild demonstration 25 February. Unionists on learning Nagib's removal when crowd shouted: "No union without Nagib." Approved for Release 2000/05/30 : ChA~t[3P80R01443R000200170004-9 SECRET