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Publication Date: 
December 9, 1954
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Approved For Release 2000/08/3U L'TA DDP80R01443R000300170003-9 I. Overnight press reports state that a coalition of Socialists and anti- Yoshida conservatives (new Democratic Party) in the Japanese Diet have elected Ichiro Hatoyama as Prime Minister in place of recently-resigned Yoshida. A. The vote was 257 for Hatoyama as against 191 for Ogata, the new president of Yoshida's Liberal Party. B. Hatoyama votes from 120 Democrats, 61 Right Socialists, 73 Left Socialists, and 3 minor parties. Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80RO1443R000300170003-9 SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/305 tAAW80R01443R000300170003-9 25X6 25X6 C. Socialist's-support for Hatoyama leader of the anti-Yoshida con- servatives, was apparently won at price of agreement on new national elections early next year. 1. Conservatives had opposed new elections, feeling only Socialists would benefit thereby. D. Still partially paralyzed by '52 stroke, Hatoyama will be a figurehead in the interim regime E. The Diet will be dissolved in late January, elections follow on 10 March. II. Hatoyama is man of great charm and personal warmth, has been very friendly with American officials. A. avors Japanese rear] ment. 25X6 25X6 Approved For Release 2000/08/30,,ELQ 3-9 Approved For Release 2000/08 ? -RDP80R01443R000300170003-9 B. Told press, after Yoshida's resignation, "Japan survives only because of" security alliance with US. C. Is strongly anti-Communist, but favors diplomatic relations, expanded trade with Communist China, USSR. III. Need not expect Hatoyama government to change Japanese foreign policy. A. Will be forced take cognizance increased popular favor towards "normalization" relations with Orbit, and Communist China in particular. B. However, will continue policy co-operation with US and West, although this co-operation will be on tougher, more nationalistic basis. Approved For Release 2000/08/30-: CIA-RDP80R01443R000300170003-9 SECRET 25X6 Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80RO1443R000300170003-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80RO1443R000300170003-9 Approved For Release 200gff - CIA-RDP80R01443R000300170003-9 0. Barring conservative amalgamation bitter, deep-seated personal rivairie in a struggle for control of the conservative movement promises little prospect for stable government in the immediate future. Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80RO1443R000300170003-9 SECRET Approved For Release 2S i0 1O1 CIA-RDP80R01443R000300170003-9 Hatoyama, Ichiro 71 (Japan Democrat) Partly paralyzed veteran politician, prominent in public affairs since 1915. He organized the postwar Liberal party and was deprived of the prime ministership by MacArthur's purge in 1946. Restored to political life in 1951 he became a bitter rival of Prime Minister Yoshida. Hatoyama strongly opposed Communism within Japan, but favors closer relations with the Orbit without jeopardizing ties with the United States. His financial polities are likely to be influenced by the inflationist Ishibahi, and his pro-rearmament stand could weaken under popular pressure. Approved For Release 20 MET IA-RDP80R0l443R000300170003-9