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Publication Date: 
February 9, 1955
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Approved FMCF2 EgQ 08/30 : CIA-RDP80RO1443R0903(6B* M 8 1955 FRENCH CABINET CRISIS IN SIXTH DAY 1. Antoine Pinay (Independent) has thrown in sponge. Won't present cabinet, because of announced opposition of MRP executive. A. Popular Republicans are key party in Assembly: Executive Committee, in 9 Feb meeting, agreed (27 to 23) not to participate in Pinay Government. B. Majority of MRP rank-and-file approve this stand. II. These men probably next in line as Premier-Designate: A. First, Pierre Pflimlin (MRP). 1. Would have about same conservative support as Pinay. 2. Chances depend on Socialist support or, at least, neutrality, as well as willingness of Conservatives to forgive MRP for not backing Pinay. Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80R01443R000300240010-3 Approved Igor Releaa2 20611 MO ~ ?R6PB i '} # 1Z9 03bG2 '10-3 Christian Pinea.u. 1. He toying with idea. of heading left-center coalition (ba,sed on Socialists, MRP and Radicals). C. Third, Edgar Fa.ure (Radical Socialist). 1. Would have good chance of MRP sup- port, as well as aid from prior Mendes-France coalition. III. Any of these candidates would: IV. A. Push Paris Accords in Council of Republic. R. Schuman (ex-Premier, strong European integrationist) would be most likely Foreign Minister. B. Pursue Tunisian negotiations begun by Mendes-France. C. Be inclined to work with Diem regime in South Vietnam. However, would not immediately repudiate Sa.inteny mission. Issues before next government include: A. North African problems--where reaction Approved. For Release 2000/08/'geEIA-''t)P8o? 6'i 3968& bb240010-3 -2- Approved For Release 2000/08/30: CIA-RD 000300240010-3 1. Moroccan disorders, which in- creased during pre-fall debate, probably will continue throughout crisis, 2. Tunisians keenly disappointed, although have taken hope from Pinay's promise that negotiations will resume. 3. Algerian "colons" will pressure any new government to drop recently announced reforms. B. Approval of Paris Accords--this still expected in Council of Republic: 1. Foreign Ministry spokesman expects any foreseeable candidate for premiership to push Accords in Council. 2. However, 11 March Council deadline could be postponed, action delayed. 3. Delay would enhance danger of re- turn of bills to Assembly. However, MRP (which opposed in Dec '54 vote) -ABO embly. WO -g_ Approved for Release 2000/08 u A- ds Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80RO1443R000300240010-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80RO1443R000300240010-3