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Document Release Date: 
October 26, 2004
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Publication Date: 
March 30, 1971
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Approved For IJ&ase 2004/12/02 : CIA-RDP80RO1720 D0600100004-7 WAS:-::NG+ON, D.C. 20505 30 March 1971 MEMORANDUM FOR: Colonel Richard Kennedy The White House SUBJECT : Suggested Modifications in Text of "Talking Points on Lam Son 719" Per your request, we have studied the paper entitled, ."Talking Points on Lam Son ?19" and are offering some suggestions for slight modifications in the text. Our suggestions are set forth in this note's attachment. O/DCI/SAVA GACarver/mee Distribution Orig - Addressee w/att 1 - ER w / att 2 - SAVA w/att Richard Helms Director Approved Fo~ 20e4/1'2'?/O' -Or Approved For Lease 2004/12/02 : CIA-RDP80RO172DWO600100004-7 Proposed new words are underlined. Words in present text that we suggest be excised are enclosed in brackets and lined through. 1. Paragraph 2, page 2, second sentence: But reported /~ e ective/ enemy losses were more than 13, 000 killed and many more were wounded. 2. Paragraph 2, page 2, fourth sentence: Exaggerated reports of enemy losses in Vietnam have been numerous, but this time /t-may be-low/ the enemy acted more aggressively ....... 3. Paragraph 3, page 2, last clause of second sentence plus third sentence: ... food obtained from areas which had previously been under Viet Cong control in South Vietnam but which are now /=ix-ily/ under the authority of the government. Moreover, the Communists /he/ had suffered great losses ........... 4. Paragraph 4, page 4, second sentence: Viewed in conjunction with ARVN operations conducted simultaneously in Cambodia, these two efforts have probably precluded major enemy offensive operations in South Vietnam during the current dry season. 5. After end of paragraph 4 on page 4, suggest you add the following new paragraph: Hanoi will of course want to mask the extent to which its capabilities have been impaired and will therefore endeavor to act as if it is playing from strength. To project this image, the Communists may be willing to spend additional manpower capital in the days immediately Approved For Release 2004/12/02 : CIA-RDP80RO172OR000600100004-7 Approved For ease 2004/12/02 : CIA-RDP80R01720W00600100004-7 ahead by trying to count a sharp flurry of attacks in the ncrthern part of South Vietnam, and elsewhere if they can get such attacks off the ground. Such attacks may be specifically directed against U. S. units in an endeavor to increase American casualties, whatever the cost to Hanoi. Nonetheless, we still believe the Communists have lost the ability to mount sustained major offensives and believe the overall record of Communist activity over the next few months will support this contention. 6. Page 7, final paragraph: The operation has achieved its primary objective of carrying the fight to the enemy's sanctuaries and disrupting /destr-oyi3-g/ his principal lines of communications ........ Approved For Release 2004/12/02 : CIA-RDP80RO172OR000600100004-7