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Document Creation Date: 
December 16, 2016
Document Release Date: 
October 26, 2004
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Publication Date: 
March 15, 1971
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Approved Release 2004/12/02 : CIA-RDP80ROI R000600100012-8 'SECRET 15 March 1971 Mr. Walt W. Ro stow Federal Office Building Austin, Texas Dear Walt, From time to time in our various telephone conversations we have discussed the perennial problem of documents. There have been some developments in this area which you may find of interest. One of my able and industrious colleagues has gone through nearly the whole inventory of Vietnamese Communist documents acquired by the allies through capture or other means and winnowed out those that are particularly illuminating or of intrinsic historical importance. Appended to this note is a list of some of the most important ones plus as a sort of care package for an old friend -- an English translation of each one on the list. You will immediately recognize some old familiars (e. g., the Crimp) and you may have several of these already; but I thought you might find It useful or helpful to have a complete set. I have taken some quiet soundings in academic circles on these documents with a view to discovering how much interest there might be in them. My own belief is that it would be in everyone's benefit if they could be brought or put Into the public domain in a form accessible to and easily used by scholars, serious journalists, students and concerned citizens. Opinions on Vietnam are probably so locked in concrete that few would be changed, but I am nonetheless enough of a congenital optimist to believe that at least the level -- if not the content -- of public discourse and knowledge about Vietnam might be improved if there were greater access to such primary source material. It goes without saying that any such project would have to be executed without a hint of government sponsorkhip and (for different but equally cogent reasons) without government funds. My soundings to date have indicated that there is considerable interest and we may yet be able to A -e c EGl4Z:~ Approved For Release 2 IA-RDP80R01720R000600100012-8 Approved Fir Release 2004/12/02: CIA-RDP80R01 WR000600100012-8 SECRET percolate along these lines. The optimum result, to my thinking, would be publication by a respectable body in a uniform-format monograph series with each major document constituting a separate monograph therein, carrying a number and pagination that would make reference to it easy and unambiguous. If you have any thoughts or suggestions, please lot me know. I hope all goes well in Texas and would welcome the chance to see you over a drink or a meal the next time you are in town. In the interim, my warmest regards, as always. Sincerely yours George A. Carver, Jr. Special Assistant for Vietnamese Affairs Attachments SE U M T Approved For Release 2004/12/02 : CIA-RDP80RO172OR000600100012-8