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December 20, 1973
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NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE OFFICERS OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR. OF CE' AI. N Approved For Rei a 200 /O;714'~CIA-RDIj OR0 800140003-2 25X1 TO: DATE: 20 Dec 1973 FROM: George A. Carver, Jr. SUBJECT: State Department Newsletter REMARKS: The attached extract from the December 1973 Department of State? Newsletter was sent to me by Ambassador Porter's secretary. I think it is the document you are looking for. COMM A. wryer, Jr., Attachment George A. Carver, Jr. D/DCI/NIO Approved For Release 2004/06/14: CIA-RDP80RO172OR000800140003-2 all a major rcafignmetit of Stag 'I personnel, President Nixon announced his intention to fill.18 top posts in the Del,m cnt and abroad . . 1,lamed Were: 9 Elcveii new Ambassadors to the:: Sovjct. Union,. Mexico,' Chile,, Indo nesia,: Portugal, 14aitiRomani i, Ken +a, Malf, Guatemala and Ma- laysia ; A new Ambassador at Large .? ` ' # rm :.A tzew Ctounselor of the Depart- t F t ment..:~ rrEl+ ~' dour n rv. Assistant:.Secrctartcs, f A r ; or f ican Affi E arsurobeAa Tntemationat ` Organization .'Affairs, "and: Economic and Business Affairs. ' . ~- ?A news U. , S. - Rcpresentativo to the E"uropean Office! of the United Qtlont. .in'Geneva, 'It4 the rank of Ambassadors , Ali the notninatio,ls require cots f. flmiation by the Senate to addition to discussing the Presl dent's ::seIectens fie, a press f con er once In Vie Department vn December : !! (7, ?Secretary. Kissinger.. disclosed the resign ttfons f .William I. Caseyt as Under Secretary for Economic AfTa3! rind Jtase l J d p l isco as Asit S ...sstanec,. - ;rotary. for, Near :Eastern' and South Asian Affairs. Under Secretary Casey' has? been nominates by the President as the flew President of the Export-lmfiott Bank.'Assistant Secretary :Sisco is leavinL.the Department to nsgume the 'Presidency of Hamilton 'College in. Clinton,' New York . On: Noveniber, 15 the President an notttieed, his intention to nominate Stuart dash Scott, a New York yer,-as the new envoy :ii )irortug 1, . On: December 3 he named six ad_ ; ditionai;AAmbassado . Five of the sin ar `career Foreign. Service officers... :-Joseph J.:: Jovn "to ? Mexico. A forriaerenvoy to- .H'onduraa, Mr. Ydva has served as thTe U. S. Rcpr~scnta five oil the Council of the Organiza- tion of American States,: With the rank of.Ambassador, Since 1969. Heyward Ts{]nit] to Mr., 5;at4 Mr. 10. am Mr. Marshall Mr. Moldy Isham ryas Political t'3iFc6r tit. PartrMs`;: during the: Viet-Nam e peac talk .s from 1971 to 1973; Subsequently he Was dttufcd to the Coitimission on the Organization of the Otovcrnment. for" .tile Conduct, of Foreign Policy. -Harry G. Barnes, Jr.;, to Ito r ia ' rtan Mr Br i ..aness a former Dep-? ? Illy Chief of Mission in ..Bucharest (19o g-71) He: has been serving as- s+ 3 fir. Date 4 up T ffi C6 n Z) U;ptrty : Executive Secretaryy of the Department since 1972.. . -Anthony D- Marshall. to Kcnyi: A forther New .York busittessrnan, Mr. Marshall has. served as Arl vos-: ,odor to the Malagasy Republic from., 1969 to 1972. He is currently . Am-. bassador to Trinidad and Tobago.', Ralph J. McGiiire to Mall M McGuire,-who served as Deputy Chit of Mission in' Kinshasa, ha , been Dl =' rector- of! NATO and Atia tic Poliu .e0i-M1l1taiy Affairs' In. the Bureau of Eumpean:Afairs since .19 3 -- Francis E. Meioy, Jr., to Guate malaR Ambassador Meloy served n, U.: S, envoi to the Dominic n Repub tie from 1969 until rece ttl? He cra., Deputy Chief : of Mission in. Rome. flvln 1964 to 1969, On, Di December 4 the Prsident n pounced his intention to n ,,rnrnittato ' Francis T. Underhill, Jr., as.Arzl bassador to Malaysia. Mr. Underhill is Deputy Chief of Missio in Seoul. Francis L... Dale as he. U. S. Representative to the Euro can C4~rce .. '' of the United Nations, wit r the rani; Of' Ambassador,' .An Ohio civic nrd busineys le. der, .Mr, malt is Chair- mail of the Board of t114.-National Council on Crime and . De inquency. -On December S the Pt.? uounced ' his 'intention to i#omin:te ' :? Pine veteran Foreign .Servi ?e p4rsoil- ncl.. -~ Walter J. Stoessel -as Arnbassa dor to the, Union of Sovi t Socialist Republics. Mr. Stoessel is A.ssistarit Secretary for Eurapean.,A airs ":. David H..Popper as Ambasaa dor to Ciiile. Mr. Popper 1. Assistant Secretary for; International Organiaa. tion: Affairs. --bavfd D I?ew o as Amba sa oar to Indonesia, Mr. Ne; oni Is .a si and, wintier. or starit Secretary for African Ata rs, f 1 ere Public Service tAwardd for In ter governmental Operations, Helirtut. Sornlenfeldt as CCU] sefor of the Department. A career Foreign Service Oiiicer,. M . Son nei feldt I. on detail to the tional S curity Council ass ()no of t't; aarrr.cii al assistants to Dr. Kissinger. Robert J. McCloskey cador at T-..arge, Now U. S csfvoy fio Cyprus, Mr. McCloskey rya Y.formeily ~. Special Assistant to till.- icret try for Press relations and tic Depart- ? meat spoke man. Mr.. tsirraaa Mr. U Qrl4ii. C i't;itiClflii' t7 3?lii~ fl"{7wi, Tiv;1 e For Release 2004/06/14 CIA-RDP.80R01720R000800140003-2 Dorlsia f3 basum as Assistant pattment:. tse nas oven uet~u> S cretary':for African .Affairs. r ?,_ vG Secretary ai'tlic Tai arttiit?, t' Upper Volta" Aprred Fofe 20 0410 1'4 1: P P R 14HQ3e fe,a%sr Secretar '.fiir European Affairs Mr: `? ~ k' #ted. partner with But#ei?, ct ricl: and Hartman is Deput vChief of Mission :r Marshallfrorn 1959 to .19 ,(), f and. MYllntster-Crnrnseior at the u... S Pre ltil nt ,tit tut: tuc 1 ,143 Missiun to the European Coco count a .>."' atlsi Development Comp Iny rntor ties (USEC) iti-Brussels .. -T- poraiest, in I~iew 3c'Qr1?, frolrn 1959; to when ] G ? ' W:1% nlme~fj c u IC envoy to L G'banolI,' l+ .,a. r~"""?~'~w :: n 23 Secretary for cvnotnic and Business mr McGttirer whet t, :,latccl i t Affairs Mr ;:th tha D1oa:Intcrnul political Rel ians ` to tisa LTnser ec y Sectia ti ;: f tfte Economic ~ ars i T g lie ` lnn o post s ost_siiicv L972 Irt ~ticent years. ----........,.? Minis- ..Branch of the:;;Bumnu of Tntc 11 ent cc , h se R e ll q ? tCJQM, L7ya ?,, tcs^Cf~liris8lOri1'Moscow.t 19E7~-?c~:-')a $;alla4- Secretar o Deputy Assistant Scuretary for Euto a' i ,, Tn 1960 he'became Foret a fiaxr ASSiStsint 'td "the n9e ean:LAffair~: (:1965-Gf l,'and Atnba 't x0#ftcer in the U.S Arms Control and : Assis ant Staff- pirecter of. rise S nistr' s ider,tst. pcxland (t 968 72) . ?; n ~ ?' 4 Disarmatnent: Agency . Rt turaynft to ' Inter and St meixtal ctor r?up ftc s Deputy>Ditect:or for' or. serving a ~c,inin the I'ad gn Chief o rho t a R! hi f ofd the .Hine ~Irtte nano al ' :. r9ialntinn from 1:x`69: tQ 1972, it 'ic1'a corisuiir' Section, , anal t xlet ut uac rvucn.cea ,. . > _,__. n,,laa~,c ,.? ~. Press Section n Moscow:Ch ief of:t a Deputy IDtrec:tor, anri Director iif the Nlinii,tcx Counselor. >3L.USEC iii tus- S dial:-~Research ;Division 1tt. _ Bad 5 Ofce.of Research for Soviet, Bloc? sels 969 he' w s dewilcd to.t11c. Na Mr jBttfltlm, ~vlicx llas b6en n fined e f ~ b " i has b o arg iri C , In 1 Offii tve e c eri-.' y t8euhettn; and. as. . USSR Affairs lit Munal;tla; Chief of ti TU 69 tct 1971 IVir, ,aclw n Fr10 1 tary for Inter ot L~cpaitgl: Assistant Sec.rocoriomie h eultir Sactiott rn I~jalcnrta; E: ut Clilcf ,af Mis cxn i7 f Th a sc rot s ep Y ion Affairs national prt anizal. c trfir er in Dink.arta; and Fotcign A.- ~: ructi ? ,._ ra , , ,~ WlInetl a vainti er of 7Uiniii~'' rise Foreign ~v_rVJCG. Ica . V, ,_a...,r.. ,.. C, ., ., ir,A nriinn ~of the Under .;ccr ',. Approved For.Release 206/14 CIA-RDP80R01720R000800140003-2 The Anibass~idor-desiUnate to In- t?1,kb ... - - - rile Arthur a; i tt ?t, . ~? doncst3, Mr. 4'4.'SQn1, 11 iiS t7AR1Cil -a tartar. _ __.: -,. ,__~_?__ esq.. i~~~;1,,, ,i1so laas.hz;ets Ettccti- .1970,