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Document Release Date: 
August 13, 2003
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August 14, 1959
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Approved For Release 2003FaMFMRDp6OR0117131R000200010006-7 COG 9-1260 DOCLIME'T1 NO. NO CHANGE Li DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANt3E-ID TO: IS S C NEXT REVIEW 25X1 AUTH: DATE: . REVEWER: 14 August 1959 EMORANDUM WM? Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT; aPPT is con \_Executive Registry Planning Board Board Discussion of Senator Jackson Study of National Policy Making Machinery This memorandum contains a recommendation submitted for of the Director of Central Intelligence. Such recommendation Wed in paragraph 6. Z. The attached Journal item records Mansfield's call to arrange & meeting with Agency representatives and members of the ,rackeon Sub- committee staff to discuss the outlines. Mansfield mentioned that besides talking with Amory and Bissell, the Subcommittee would like to talk with Sherman Kent, William Bundy and The meeting as planned asks been put over until 17 August. 3, At the Meaning Board today there was general discussion of the ackson study and in addition to the regular group. Ed McCabe and Henry McPhee from the White House were present. William Macomber from State and John Warner from CIA attended as did Oliver Gale. Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, who has been designed to coordinate these matters in DOD. Mr. Gray asked those present to recite any factors bearing on the problem and Mr. Smith of the Policy Planning Staff of State discussed a meeting with Senator Jackson as did Mr. Gale. Mr. Gray then asked me to outline our contacts to date which I did. 4. There was considerable discuseion as to what guidance could be furnished the various departments. It seemed to boil down to the fact that he guide lines agreed upon by the President and Senator Jackson must be scrupulously observed and any discussion of substance avoided. We moved next to the question as to what should be the response when individuals were - CIA INTERNAL USE ?NU Approved For Release 2003/08/20 : CIA-RDP80R01731R000200010006-7 Approved For Release 2003/08/20 : CIA-RDP80R01731R000200010006-7 asked to give their personal opinion.. It was sgr..d that no point of executive privilege could be raised nor could the various individuals be instructed not to answer. Therefore it was agreed that those whose views were to be sought out should be briefed thoroughly not only on the remolution and the agreed on guide lines but also on the prior speeches of Senator Jackson which shed 11012341 light on his views. Such individuals should be reminded of their responsibilities in connection with offering personal views when they might not necessarily be in a position to judge the entire picture. It was agreed that some experience should be accumulated before trying to smoke these suggestions more precise. 5. Mr. McCabe pointed out that he owed Senator Jackson a list Dints of contact in the various departments and it was to be hoped that in the normal case this should be the regular congressional liaison individual although he would check with Nigh department before any name was furnished. Note was taken of the fact that in the case of OSD an exception had already been made in the case of Mr. Gale. However, the fundamental principal involved was that there should be a focal point so that each department would be in a position to know what was going On with its employees, requesting them to report to that focal point. Mr. McCabe said that he did not necessarily need a periodic report but would appreciate being advised of any item. of significance. Mr. Gray thought it might be useful to bring up the subject again at the Planning Board as it moved along. 6. In view of the above I recommend that you meet with the individuals already mentioned by the Jackson Subcommittee staff and myself in order that this matter might be explored further prior to arty individual discussions with the staff. If you approve, necessary arrangements will be made. Attachment The recommendation in. paragraph 6 si John S. Warner JOHN S. WARNER Legislative Counsel " NW. Director I. 9 AUG 1959 Approved For Release 2003/08/20 : CIA-RDP80R01731R000200010006-7 Approved For Release 2003/08/20 : CIA-RDP80R01731R000200010006-7 M.rnowdum for the Directorof Central Intel' nes. Dated 14 August 195 Subject: Planning Board Dtscusitn of Senator Jackson*. Stud of National Policy Making Machinery ributiont Orig i...idstive Gorns.1 DCI 1 DDCI 1 ER 1 - DIVP 1 - DDil 1 - AD/NE (Sherm Kent) Mandl, Approved For Release 2003/08/20 : CIA-RDP80R01731R000200010006-7 Approved For Release 2003/08/20 : CIA-RDP80R01731R000200010006-7 corpt irern Js'uul office of the Lesislady* Camelia rhuvictity Aug et 1959 en the staff of the JacksOn Selma Machinery *eZphon.d r.gz.et1ag that meet with the staff to ge over the outline ttia Soviet and Chinese Csmantutiet y. Arreasements were made to meet with arrow will accompany be one other Agemty repress/Motive. Mansfield aise ?roaght ep the question which Senator Jackson d earlier with the Director of the *tall roestins with certain opt. in latormal asesssions la addition Vs the names y and Siesta. Mansfield also listed Sherman Kent, William undy and riming and other arrangemeats wiU be *cussed ferther with Nissiefield tomorrow. 'WARN/tit we Commie' Approved For Release 2003/08/20 : CIA-RDP80R01731R000200010006-7