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Document Release Date: 
August 13, 2003
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Publication Date: 
July 16, 1959
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Approved For Release 20;03/08/20: CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200010008-5 Y 1959 Proposed Meeting with Representatives Murray and Rees I. This memorandum contains a recommendation in ph 4 for approval of the Director of Central Intelligence. 2, Subsequent to a luncheon meting with the Chief Counsel and Counsel of the House Poet Office and. Civil Service Committee, it was suggested to you that it would be highly desirable for you and General Cabell to call on We Murray, the Chairman, and the Senior Minority Member, Mr. Rees. Apparently, it was agreed that this, of course, should be one merely of discussing certain CIA matters and possibly some items of intelligence interest and specifically not discussing legislative items of concern to the Congressmen since we do not wish to appear to be requesting something. 3. I believe it would. be of interest to Mr. Murray and Mr. Rees to discuss generally our efforts in the CIA Career Service Program. Of possible interest as related to this program would be the recent District Court action in Koctan Y. Dulles. Certainly, it would be appropriate to mention to them the splendid spirit and cooperation the Agency has received from Frederick Belen and Charles E. Johnson. I don't believe you should no into the specifics but for your information this cooperation and assistance has included K. R. 1870, which in designed to overcome the Supreme Court's ruling in Cole y. Young. The !.resent language of this Bill exempts the Central Int;ITIRenee A envy. Also, this cooperation and assistance was evident both in the drafting phase and in Subcommittee hearings of H. R. 7758 which emends the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (P.L. 110) extensively to conform with ,the uniform allowances and other emoluments being made applicable through- out the Government services, including the Classified Civil Service as well as the Foreign Service of the Department of State. Then it might be appropriate for you to discuss very briefly world affairs or some current newsworthy items. pul Approved For Release 2003/08/20 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200010008-5 Approved For Release 2003/08/20 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200010008-5 4. I am attachi for your information the cents furnished to you earlier in the year concerning Kr. Kurray''a views on sensitive agencies, such as CIA, the I and SSA. In view of these comments and in order to provide some basis for understanding against future problems, I reccmmend that you approve a W the necessary arran ;ee x..ts for this meeting. J S. WAR= I ,'Vi.alative Counsel 4 is approved AU" W. DULIM Director OGC/LC:JSW:Jem Original - Legislative Counsel cc -?'DCI DDCI ER Date Approved For Release 2003/08/20 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200010008-5