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Publication Date: 
June 8, 1959
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Approved For Release 2003, 9 ' IA-RDP80R01731 R00 o ST C JFlDEN R I L! JUN 1959 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD C L9- 0922 SUBJECT: Briefing of House Science and Astronautics Committee 1. In accordance with previous arrangements, Agency representatives appeared before the House Science and Astro- nautics Committee in Executive Session on 5 June for approxi- mately two hours beginning at 10 a. m. The briefing was held in room 214B, Now House Office Building, and there was a technical sweep of the room prior to the briefing. Present from the Committee were: Overton Brooks (D.. Louisiana), Chairman B. F. Sisk (D., California) J. Edgar Chenoweth (R., Colorado) James G. Fulton (R., Pennsylvania) Erwin Mitchell (D., Georgia) Perkins Bass (R., New Hampshire) Staff members present were: Spencer M. Beeresford Charles S. Sheldon, Ii Raymond Wilcove Agency representatives present: 25X1 P- WILrImere g s ec ve Counsel NCJ c: ? %`3F CLAt =3. 11 . D`_ 0LASS FLED NE X i I?:.'V.i..`V UAL F: 25X1 II Approved For Release 2003/08/20 : CIA-RDP80R01731R000200010011-1 Approved For Release 2093/08/20 : CIA-R'D ROi731R00020.OA10011-1 No transcript was taken,, but arrangements were made by the Chairman for Mr. Beresford to prepare a summary which would then be cleared with the Agency. Mr. Sheldon advised me that they had facilities only for storage of up to SECRET classification. 2. Dr. Scoville did the principal briefing from a series of papers and not a prepared statement. In effect, he advised the Chairman that he was continuing the briefing the Agency had conducted in February. However, Dr. Scoville did bring the 3. There were several references by Representative Chenoweth to the question of who is ahead in what fields. insofar t was developed by I Dr. Scoville that this is based on bar an reliable intelligence but that certainly in other fields we were not satisfied. 4. Representative Sisk took this occasion to comment rather fully that he believed the intelligence people were doing a pretty good job. Representative Chenoweth hastened to make a statement that I'll was not implying that our intelligence was bad. I, too, think it is good." 5. ~ Representative Sisk asked a specific question relating to velocity data of the Soviet lunar shot as it left the earth and as it passed the moon. This information was promised to him. NF1 DE ; iAL Approved For Release 2003/08/20 : CIA-RDP80R01731R000200010011-1 Approved For Release 2003/08/20 : CIA-RDP80R01731R000200010011-1 6. At the conclusion Representative Brooks thanked the Agency representatives most graciously for the briefing and stated he thought it was most interesting and of considerable help to the Committee. S/ John S. Warner JOHN S. WARNER Legislative Counsel LC:.TS'.4`; l cab Approved For Release 2003/08/20 : CIA-RDP80ROl731 R000200010011-1 Approved For Release 2003/08/20 : CIA-RDP80R01731R000200010011-1 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE DIRECTOR For approval. Attached Is a memorandum which records the, hearing before the House Science and Astronautics Committee on 5 June. The hearing went very well and Mr. Brooks was most appreciative of the briefing. In view of the fact that Dr. Scoville covered the recent Soviet ICBM shot to the longest range yet, I strongly recommend that a brief memo concerning this shot be forwarded to the following Committee s Approved For Release 2003/08/20 : CIA-RDP80ROl731 R000200010011-1 Approved For Release 2003/08/20 : CIA-RDP80R01731R000200010011-1 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE DIRECTOR Ssnat$ Prslaredssss Investigating Sub- Sa-mittaa: and The CIA S ibcOmmittees Of Senate and House Armed Services. Dr. Scoviils co*cars and is preparing an appropriate s xemarwiducm if you approYs. sI John S. Warner APPROVED DHH S. WARNER LegisI$tivs counsel 19-5 c, t~4 LLE2 W . DU LL.ES (DATE) Director 10-101 FORM I AUGN 54 101 WHICH CMAYF BEM USED. Approved For Release 2003/08/20 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R000200010011-1