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Publication Date: 
December 11, 1958
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Approved For Release 2003/08/20 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R000200010035-5 11 December 1958 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Conversation with Mr. William Darden, Senate Armed Services Committee 1. In discussing with Mr. Darden the Agency proposal for a briefing on CIA activities, Mr. Darden indicated his view that this was very desirable and he thought the Chairman would readily agree to it. He also responded to the suggestion that this might be combined with the CIA Senate Appropriations Subcommittee in view of the fact that only two additional Senators would potentially be involved. 2. Mr. Darden was advised that the Director proposed to address a letter to Senator Russell on this subject. Mr. Darden also suggested that such a briefing should be accomplished very early in the session. In connection with the possibility of the Director meeting with Senator Russell, Mr. Darden suggested the week after Christmas as a desirable time and if not then, the week of 1 January prior to Congress convening. 3. Mr. Darden indicated that lack of official noting of Sub- committee meetings was a precedent established over the years and he saw no reason why the fact of meeting could not be recorded in the normal manner of other Subcommittees if the Agency desired it. He further indicated that Armed Services Subcommittees normally did not report to the full Committee except on specific bills. s/ John S. Warner JOHN S. WARNER Legislative Counsel Approved For Release 2003/08/20 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R000200010035-5 Approved For Release 2003/08/20 : CIA-RDP80R01731R000200010035-5 ems to be Discussed with Senator Richard B. Russell For assistance in your discussion with Senator Russell, I have attempted to list in summary form the various points which should be discussed. These are not necessarily listed in the order of priority. 1. The request by Mr. Cannon that the Appropriations Sub- committee be briefed on a continuing basis as a specific example of the briefing problem generally. Y=: u will recall that Mr. has not been answered and various methods have been consiCaon' dered s It wuas st generally agreed that it would probably be undesirable to circulate the weekly bulletin or other types of intelligence reports. However, it was suggested that you could make an initial presentation at the early part of the session concerning world affairs and offer to provide periodic briefings at the pleasure of the Subcommittee. It was also suggested that Mr. Cannon designate someone on the staff who could be briefed periodically as the agency saw fit or as otherwise determined to be appropriate. Z. Discussions with other Senate leaders. You will also wish to discuss with Senator Russell the desirability of a joint meeting to include Senators Russell, Johnson, Bridges, Hayden, Saltonstall and possibly Dirkseu,to discuss the forthcoming session and the requests of the various committees for briefings. You may also wish to raise the possibility of measures being introduced in the Senate for a "Watch Dog" Committee. 3. The matter of a substantive briefing of the Senate CIA Sub- committee of Armed Services which was the subject of a letter to Senator Russell including the possibility of a joint meeting for this purpose with the Subcommittees of Armed Services and Appropriations. It is believed appropriate that you might mention to Senator Russell that you are desirous of briefing the Subcommittee on Agency operations, activities and accomplishments and that in this connection we would propose that the Subcommittee allow us sufficient time shortly after the beginning of Congress to put on our prepared presentation on this subject. Somewhat related to the above is the question of what actions should be taken by the Armed Services Subcommittee. The first point would be the question of a formal announcement of the appointment of the CIA Subcommittees. Secondly, I believe it appropriate to ask Senator Russell to consider the question of official noting by the Subco ittee of the fact of appearances by CIA. Approved For Release 2003/08/20 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200010035-5 Approved For Release 2003/08/20 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200010035-5 - - - - - - _ .. .., . , . THE DIRECTOR Attached is a proposed letter for your signature to Senator Russell proposing a briefing on Agency activities before the CIA Subcommittee of Senate Armed Services. The matter has been discussed with Mr. Darden and the memo of conversation is also attached. Senator Russell will be in town the week preceding the convening of Congress and if you are able to see him then, there is attached a list of items for your discussion with him. S/ John S. War 6or JOHN S. WARNER Legislative Counsel FORM NO. 101 REPLACES FORM 10.101 1 AUG Approved For Release 2003/08/20 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200010035-5