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Document Release Date: 
August 13, 2003
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Publication Date: 
July 30, 1958
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OGC 8-1384 ~` A xe ,,,jve Aeyis`.Y Approved For Release 2003/08i d : 6A-RDP80R01731 R000200010051 7E ---~ ORANDUM FOR THE RECORD ILL! LIZ 30 July 1958 SUBJECT: Briefing of the CIA Subcommittee of the House Armed Services committee 1. The CIA Subcommittee of House Armed Services was briefed by the Director for approximately two hours beginning at 10 A. M. on 30 July. Members of the Committee present were: Carl Vinson (D., Ga. ). Chairman Overton Brooks (D., La. I Leslie C. Arends (R.. Ill.) Paul J. Kiiday (D. , Tex.) Walter Norblad (R.. Ore.) Mr. Robert Smart, Chief Clerk, was also present. Accompanying the Director from the Agency were: General Cabell Howard Stoerts John S. Warner 2. The Chairman requested information on our budget. He was furnished an over-all figure with some discussion of the proportion divided between vouchered and unvouchereed funds. A check is to be made. and Mr. Smart will be briefed on current figures as to total budget and reserve. 3. At the request of the Chairman, the Director then discussed the status of our building utilizing the briefing paper dated 27 June 1958. The was particularly interested in the amount of the architect's fees is apparent involvement with the New House Office Building which is to be constructed. This information is to be supplied. 4. The Director then briefed the Committee on the general Govern- ment Training Bill, Public Law 85-507, and the fact that it repeals Section 4 of Public Law 110. The Director expressed concern that this occurred without notification to the Agency and expressed an Agency desire for a procedure whereby legislative matters affecting the Agency would be considereq,py the Subcommittees of the Armed Services Committees of the Do,uMENr NO. G !. 101 tJC) CHANG !N C. DEC:LASS3i?iLD ss iced For k ~03/O EbtF8O10173i120 0200010051-7 Mfi6 Approved For Release 2003/08/20 -RDP80R0.1131 R000200010051-7 *uses. The Chairman indicated that he thought this was appropriate that he would look into the matter. (Mr. Smart requested Mr. Warner to provide appropriate materials an this subject.) 5. The Director next briefed the Subcommittee on the nature of the current Iraq Government, outlining the underlying conditions in the area leading up to the recent coup. The Middle East area was discussed very thoroughly including the degree of Communist penetration and infiltration in the area. 6. The DCI then briefed the Subcommittee on the spring series of Soviet nuclear tests, the Soviet missile efforts and their heavy bomber program. The Chairman raised the question of what is being done by the Soviets in the field in controlling weather, citing reports of melting ice packs in the Artic. The DCI indicated that a basic report was being pre- pared on the subject to include discussion of where responsibility lay in this field in the United States Government. 7. Mr. Norbiad cited an example of an intelligence officer in the Sixth Fleet who last fall, in response to a question by hlorbiad, stated that he got most of his intelligence from the UP ticker. (Subsequently, it was determined appropriate to invite Mr. Norbiad to the Agency to give him a briefing on the procedures and methods of intelligence dissemination. Mr. Warner will make necessary arrangements. ) a~~fl1 JOHN S. WARNER Legislative Counsel Distribution Orig & l-DCI 1- DDCI 1- ER 1- DD/ S 1-Legislative Counsel Approved For Release 2003/08/20 : CIA-RDP80R01731R000200010051-7 Approved For Release 2003/08/20 : CIA-RDP80R01731R000200010051-7 MEMORANDUM FOR: The DirecterPD C / Attacked is a s ary of ' , 1 briefing of the C . subcommittee of H Armed Services ear 30 July. Necessary follow .up actions are being taken. SIGN[D JOHN S. WARN1 Legislative sel 71951 (DATE) FORM NO - 54 101 WHICH RELACES FORM USED. Approved For Release 2003/08/20 : CIA-RDP80R01731R000200010051-7