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Document Creation Date: 
December 15, 2016
Document Release Date: 
February 24, 2003
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Publication Date: 
August 3, 1956
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80R01731R000300150006-1.pdf78.88 KB
I. Afghanistan's econo .:c depends ee on the US has in the last eight months expanded to the point where,, if the present trend contin-eons, the SoviE.t Union will probably be able r td in the next few years to in- fluence effectively Afghan pol.i.tical as wf ll. as economic policy. The basic cause of closer Aff an-Soy1et relations is Afghan prime minister I 'awl's conviction that only from the USSR can he obtain the large-scale economic assistance required for the rapid modernization of his country and the political and military support to make his dream of Pushtooni.s- tara a realty. Baud now appears to be stronger than ever-both inter- nally and in regard to his bargaining position with Pakistan. 2. Recent completion of contracts for ;oviet construction of ton devel.t naent projects in all. parts of Afgt'tanistan, extensive Afghan use of the transit route through the reported shipment of alert half of i fgh nisstan's total exports to the and Afghan receipt of Sov- iet and probably Czech arms a evidence of the closeness of current Afgisan-, soviet relations. r;_striippheed For Release 200103105?: CIA-RDP80R0l731 R000300150006-1 Orig. & 1 - addressed: ';.2:- tCI 1 - DD/I 1 - AD/CI :;F;P,`?' E ;~ C.'~A~ ,. NO t~ E_AS 'C: TS S C t att~t, 1~s:iL `'a !?3 The Secretary of Defense 3. Kabul continues to i intair contact with the Went--as in the ease of the = J ,5OO,OOO aviation agreement recently signed with the United >tatess?-aind Daud will probably c tinue to be susceptible to Western proposals which w tu'ld give him acme protection against an even tual Soviet takeover. However, the overal2 trend of Afghan policy at the present is clearly toward closer relations with the : oviet bloc. OCI/~ --r1 (3 August 1956) ~-- D O C t ,25X1