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Approved For Release 2006/07/24: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R000300250007-9 Alice June I Executive Registzy Chris 14 November 1958 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence VIA : Deputy Director (Plans) SUBJECT : Eloy Alfaro International Foundation 1. This memorandum suggests action on the part of the DCI. Such action is contained in paragraph two. 2. Attached is a suggested reply, for signature, to the letter of Colonel A. C. M. Azoy, New York State Civil Defense Commission, requesting information on behalf of Lt. General C. R. Huebner concerning the Elroy Alfaro International Foundation. Chief Western Hemisphere Division Approved For Release 2006/07/24: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R000300250007-9 18 Itifov 1958 Colonel. A. C. M. Amoy New York State Civil Defense G.wmission 124 Want 28th Street New York 16, Now York Our records indicate that the :ploy Alfaro International Foundation was formed in Panama City, Panama on 5 January 1949, and was legally recognised 'by the government of the itepublic of Panama on 2Z January 1949. Article II of the Sy-Laws stated, The Eloy Alfaro International Foundation is a non-profit, non-political organization, created to honor, and to promote knowledge of, the life of General Elroy Alfaro as a statesman and liberator. Among the fourteen members of the foutsdiag directorate and council of the Toundation were prominent men from Panama, Ecuador. the United States, and Cuba. The motivating force within the foundation was Colon Eloy Alfaro, son of Eloy Alfaro, the distinguished Ecuadoran s ,and statesman whose memory the organization perpetuates. Colon #loy Alf"* was a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1913, an owner of as export-import company, and at one time Ecuadoran representative to the Organisation of American States. He was well known through- out the Western Hemisphere for his active support of inter- American unity and cooperation in peace and war. Since his death in 1957, one of his sons, Eloy Alfaro Wig, also a graduate of the United $tat** Military Academy, in 1939, has become a leading influence in the Foundation. Approved For Release 2006/07/24: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R000300250007-9 Up to 1952, a large number of the Foundation's decorations had been awarded to soldiers and scholars from both the United States and Latin America who were peemineat in the field of Pan-Americanism. Lt. General Willis D. Crittenberger, U. S. Army, a former chief of the Inter-American Defense Board, has been one of the outstanding members of the order. Also, awards have been given repeatedly to a number of former conmia ing officers of the U. S. armed forces, such as Lt. General Albert C. Wedemeyer, in the Pacific theater during World War It. Among these in the field of education who were recipients of the higher awards of the Foundation during the years 1953. 1954 and 1955, were the following: J. Hillis Miller, former President. University of Florida; John Allen, vicee-President, University of Florida; John S. Wright, the present President of the University of Florida; and Dr. A. Curtis Wilgus, Director, School of Inter-Americas dies, University of Florida, and Director of the Pan-American Foundation. The Eloy Alfaro International Foundation also has presented busts and portraits of #loyy Alfare to many patriotic and nationally known fraternal orders, such as dw Masonic Order, the American Legion, and to public entities, such as the Nebraska State Capitol, Lincoln, Nebraska, and governmental bodies of many Latin American countries. In recent years, the Eloy Alfsro International ;Foundation has apparently been rather inaetivee. but there is no reason to believe that it has not adhered to the reputable and idealistic mission for which It was founded. Siace rely, sod Allen W. Dulles Director Approved For Release 2006/07/24: CIA-RDP80R01731 R000300250007-9 STATI.TC. Letter to Colonel A. C. M. Azoy cc: DDCI Signature Recommended: ('igs:c;.` xitiia IiC~lns eputy Director, Plans DDP/WH Icrncc ( 14 November 1958 ) rsl Chie: Distribution: Orig & 1 cc - Addressee 1 cc - DDCI 2 cc - Signer's file 1 cc - C 1 cc - CWH/3 (t- 1 :, 1 - Er R- ~--w-.C,s:,-)