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Document Creation Date: 
December 15, 2016
Document Release Date: 
September 6, 2002
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Publication Date: 
January 21, 1954
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Approver Release 2002/10/10 : CIA-R@Rap 00040029000 - 0 9/ i(54 STAT Carnegie lnsutut on of Washington 1530 F vtrast, 1iortlwsst Wasbiagtou 5o D. G. 1 received sour letter of 1 January regaraic t avo writte hian astsiug e GOU4 p by to see cat the next tics he is is Washington. I trope that we can straighten this whole matter out when he cornea by. Let no know when you gat back Ave the Coast so that w can have a talk. Cordia17yr yours., ~rrMEP Allen W. Dulles Director STAT 0/DCI,l jck (18 Jan 5L) Rewritten: AWD:jck (20 Jan 54) Distribution: 1 - 0fficialse 1 - Reading 1 - DCI Chrono 1 - RWF Chrome Approved For Release 2002/10/10 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000400290004-7 - M1 X (O/L .17- Approve r Release 2002/10/10: CIA-RDP80R31 R000400290004-7 1530 P STREET, NORTHWEST WASHINGTON S. D. C. Mr. Allen W. Dulles, Central Intelligence Agency, !Washington 25, D. C. January 14, 1954. The brother 'orried in our discussion over tat we me thp nhnnp today is and his address is 0 Pam sure that if you invited him to drop in to see you the next time he is in Washington that he tip uld do so and that it would accomplish a great deal for him personally by easing his mind of a burden. I dontt think it would take you more than a few minutes to do this, and he strikes me as a very nice young chap who is perfectly sin- cere in his worries. I am off to the Pacific Coast, and I just got back from SHAPE. Life seem still to be a little hectic, but when I get back from the Coast I will give you a ring and hope we can have a chat about a number of things. Cordially yours, V. Bush. STAT STAT Approved Foelease 2002/10/10: CIA-RDP80R017S000400290004-7