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Par-Neb~20Q/Q/$3 $AP6 8000500110014-4 Von Tibor Revay abz - Jan. 20, 19~~-n'0w In March 1938, during the days when the Ggxman-Wehrhacht was crossing the Austrian border, a noteworthy career was beginning in a dim tavern in the Hungarian capital, Budapest. This career led the actress Katalin Karady to the highest honors, to wealth and favor among all the leaders of Hungary. It earned for her the name of "Partisan of Love," until this name, in the last phase of her glory, gave way to the epithet "Red Star of Budapest's Professional Sky. This career was inextricably bound up with the struggle and down- fall of the old Hungary. It began with General Stefan Ujazaszi and advanced into the secret game of the agents active in the separation of Hungary from her allies during the waging of the war. This sensational career ended in the black smoke curtain of burning Budapest, on which the pitiless fire of the Russian artillery was falling, as well as in the murky background of those events which delivered the forces of the German General Friessner -- recently in the limelight again through the proceedings involving the soldiers' unions (Soldatenb1nde ?) -- over to the armies of Tolbuchin and Malinowsky and the Hungarian people to Bolshevism. What role did Katalin Karady, who has recently fled west- ward through the Iron Curtain, play in all these events? Her role begins in Budapest with the words: "Frgulein Katalin: Mademoiselle Katalin:" calls the headwaiter into the "dry" lobby where the ladies are sitting. The "mademoiselle" sounds somewhat ironical, but the girl with the halo of dark hair framing her pale, symmetrical features didn't catch the undertone. She rose, crushed out her cigarette: "Yes, Antal." The headwaiter, somewhat conciliatory, says in hisofficial voice: "Your presence is desired. ." and then, as she turns around, he bends his head nearer and whispers: "An important man." "I'll be right there," nods Katalin Karady. She takes out her compact, looks in the mirror, and touches up her face a bit -- core from habit than from necessity. Then flipping the compact back into her purse, she swings smilingly into the loge at the left. At her entrance the guest, a bread, stately mar, arises and with a smile utters the correctly amiable "Serous . ." which he had learned at the Vienna Neust9d.ter Military Academy, back before World War I. But his nex`--- Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R000500110014-4 -2- Approved F elease 2002/02/13: CIA-RDP80R0l6 R000500110014-4 words stick in his throat as his gaze meets the blue-green flash from the iridescent eyes of Katalin. We are chronicling the year 1938. The eyes of Europe were then turned toward little Austria. Adolf Hitler has summoned General von Reichenau from the Olympics Committee in Cairo; General von Sohobert, the commander of the Munich defenses, has been brought to Berlin, The Austrian Chancellor receives alarming news from the border: rail com- munications are halted, customs stations closed. What will happen? The last news which Schuschnigg, as Austrian Chancellor, received from outside, has come from his Consul General in Munich: The Munich garrison has mobilized . . . target Austria', And on March 11, 1938, Hitler gave orders to set in motion the German Wehrmacht's "Plan Otto" . . . and the astonished dwellers along the German "Autobahne" witnessed on these highways the first military deployment of the German Wehrmacht since the re-introduction of com- pulsory military service, At 6 p.m. Chancellor Schuschnigg withdrew from office and handed the government over to his successor, the attorney Seyss-Inquart. The new chancellor ordered that the advancing German forces be greeted as friends, From this hour Austria became part of the greater German Reich. But it was not Schuschnigg or Seyss-Inquart who drew the eyes of Europe toward the events in Austria. In order tocbserve the first military deployment of the German Wehrmacht, to witness the first mobi- lization of the German Panzer divisions and motorized battle forces, countless official, officious and . , secret observers hastened from everywhere to Austria or her borders, They came to their cost, for as the torchlight parade started in Vienna flickered out, because the Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R000500110014-4 Approved F.elease 2002/02/t j CIA-RDP80R011R000500110014-4 German troops had not yet arrived, the news concerning the reasons for the delay spread with lightning speed! What happened? The motorized German war machine had, on this spring day of the year 1938, only barely passed its first mobilization test. Despite perfect weather and road conditions the columns came to a standstill almost in the vicinity of Linz; the streets were blocked with stalled vehicles, the motor artillery, after continuous accidents, couldn't move from the spot, and the light Panzers (tanks) of General Guderian were caught in the confusion, unable to free themselves, to move forward under their own power. Adolf Hitler foamed with rage over the failure of his military apparatus; at this point the seeds were sown for his later quarrels with his generals. For the parade in Vienna on Sunday, the 13th of March, the tanks had to be towed through the streets . , it was the only way they could get to Vienna in time. What opportunities for the agents of all the armies to learn the strengths and weaknesses of the German Wehrmacht! As the best place to carry on espionage against Germany, the Hungarian capital had at that time much to recommend it; Budapest, two hours by railway from the border, bound by a thousand personal ties to Vienna, was from that time on'the natural relay point for all the spies, agents and observers, who were interested in the happenings in Germany. Automatically followed the growth of the Hungarian espionage and counter-espionage; now was the time to let a new net appear to be drawn around the "secret front." Of course, such a net could not be woven in the Leopoldstadt or in the St. Gellert Hotel or Margaret Island. It must be contrived where the faceless men and the girls with false faces fished in troubled waters . . . in the "Moulin Rouges" and the "Texas Bars"'and even deeper down in the S6pardes and cellar dives Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R000500110014-4 Approved Foelease 2002/02/13 CIA-RDP80R017W000500110014-4 on the side streets around the Bahnh8fe. And here, on this historic day, in the lobby of a Budapest "Lokal" between the Oktegon and Westbahnhof, began the career of the "Partisan of Love"; for the man, who on this evening and from this day on is to be under the spell of the blue-green eyes of Katalin Karady, in none other than the colonel of the Hungarian Counter-espionage, Stefan (Hungarian: Istvan) Ujszaszy; Even after a few moments of being with him, Katalin Karady knew that the guest had not come for the purpose of making her acquaintance for a trifling adventure: For while she impatiently and somewhat at a loss listened to his first gallant words, she understood something else: this tough-blooded grown man blushed like a little boy when she looked at him; he was embarrassed when their hands touched. Katalin was experienced enough ..tb notice this and also experienced enough not to call attention to it. But she thought uneasily: "What is this? Does he want something or is he giving me the runaround?" When she left the establishment late at night, or rather early in the morning, to go to her room on Poszony =street . . . she had learned what the guest wanted. They had conversed for hours; but then Colonel Ujszaszy said: "You know what to do," and suddenly he stood up. "I have told you everything. . . don't give me your answer now . . I'll wait for you . ." And then he vanished as he had appeared, and Antal, the headwaiter, was in the room, weasel-like and unobtrusive as ever, says ab ing with that watchful energy: "You look pale, Katalin. . . go home now. Colonel Ujszaszy already knows what he wants to know." Then she knew that Antal was also a party to it. When she reached her room on Poszony Street, she re-counted the two hundred peng8 he had given her - a lot of money. She had said when he offered it, "I already know what you want, but I don't want to be Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R000500110014-4 -5- Approved F*elease 2002/02/13: CIA-RDP80R01 *000500110014-4 jittery with worry all the time, and I don't need your money. . ." And the colonel tossed the money back . . "You are a woman of great style," Ujszaazy said. A woman of great style! no one had told her that before, what a fine sound it had! Then came the real baits "You lack only a good start . . which I am offering you!" Nothing, nothing but a career . . wasn't that what she had always wanted? Wasn't she truly a woman of great style? In the exciting span of this moment, while the first sounds of the awakening city came through the window from the street, a trite little phrase hummed through the beautiful head of Katalin Karady ". . the moment of decision!" She no longer thought of the colonel and his money; the great thing was that the irregular life in these cabarets could come to an end, that there was a chance for something beyond. So on that day whem the face of Europe began to change, the little Budapest night-club singer Katalin Karady began too to change her face. It was truly a decisive moment when Katalin Karady, late in the after- noon, left her room to seek the cabaret near the Westbahnhof. She didn't have far to go, but she went first for a bit toward the Danube as far as the Ketten Bridge, then turned to make her way through the bustling traffic of Andrassy Street. She did ntt know in what straits she would be taking the same route seven years later, forlshe did not know the outcome of the affair. But she had decided to take the way offered, to leave at last the notorious night-spots of the Hungarian capital, where she had to sell her little songs for a few peng8...... The Budapest air in spring is soft as sill, both mild and exciting. Slowly the soft dusk settled over the roofs; Andrassy Street teemed with the evening crowds, seeking recreation in the cheerful waves of idle promedaders. Katalin Kadady was aware of the glances of hungry- Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500110014-4 Approved F*elease 2002/02T`f3-: CIA-RDP80R0l p000500110014-4 eyed young men, challenging glances, .such as lovely women encounter, or accidental, almost furtive ones. This no longer bothered her; since yesterday something new had been born in her. Burning ambition drove her, hardness, resolution. . . she knew, even if Ujszaszy did not come this evening, she was entering the place for the last time. In a few minutes she stands before the Cafe Abbazia on the Oktogon. Suddenly she gives a start, for she senses that she is being observed. In confusion she looks for the source of this scrutiny. Automobiles honk, streetcars clang, the red, blue and green neon signs blaze forth, and all along Andrassy Street the yellow are lamps light up the dusk. On the corner a monotonous voice calls out the nameaof the evening papers . and from that direction someone is staring, unswervingly, without moving. . She leaves her place on the Oktogon and turns into the Ring. Katalin breathes deeply the silky air, and stops again before a cafe. Again she encounters the stare. . . and now the man shuffles nearer, a thick-set, weatherbeaten figure with a coarse, hard face like a clod, with intelligent, fanatic eyes . She knows the man; it comes over her suddenly. But from where? Fearfully she examines him more closely, while he slips nearer, and as he passes he murmurs: "Servus, Katalin. . ." She recognizes the voice; the dialect of the Seven Hills: It is Laszlo Rajk, the bird of passage of the world revolution. . . how did he get here? She takes a quick look, and then goes determinedly forward and stands in front of the display-window of a drugstore. Like a shadow the other stands near here "Do you have any money, Katalin?" Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R000500110014-4 Approved F j&elease 2002/02/'1j3 : CIA-RDP80RO171W000500110014-4 "Where have you come from?" "Spain. ." murmurs the shadow. "R(kbczy Brigade." Spain . Rdkdczy Brigade. , these mean. nothing to Katalin. But that here is someone in flight, she knows with that alert sixth sense that is shared by all the outcasts of this life. She reaches in her pocket, where the two hundred peng8 she has got from Ujszaszy nestle. "How far should it take you?" "Moscow," whispers the shadow. Moscow. . Katalin is startled; so that's it! But she hesitates only an instant; she comes from the Siebenb(&rgen - the Seven Hills - too, and in a split second the earnest money of the Hungarian Central Security slides into the hand of the Communist leader who is sought by that same Central Security agency. On this day Katalin Karady for the first time began to know the value of close-mouthed contacts. Ujszaszy later became the head of the State Central Security (Staatssicherheitszentrale), and he pursued this career as the bitter enemy of the Hungarian Leftist parties, by whom he was known as the "best hated" man, because of his brutal third- degree methods. Laszlo Rajk was originally a gymnasium professor, who had left his post because of his communist bent and had gone to Spain to fight against Franco in the international "RMkdczy" Brigade. After the defeat of the Reds and Francois victory Rank fled across Hungary to Moscow, where he was schooled for later tasks in Hungary. And Katalin, in the subsequent light of world events, was to meet up with these "tasks." But it was on this spring day in Budapest, withoutthe knowledge of either, that these two men first entered into relation with each other, Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80ROl731 R000500110014-4 Approved F&elease 2002/02113 : CIA-RDP80R01 000500110014-4 knowing each other only through hearsay. Seven years later, when they came together again, each knew enough about the other before they had dealings directly, and they knew to whom they owed this fact, for their go-between was Katalin Karady. In truth, she is then no longer the obscure girl from the We stbahnhof ; she is the great "Partisan' of Love," the designation under which the lovely Katalin will be known in the history of the death struggle of the Crown of Stephen. "You're an angel," says Rajk; his eyes glide over Katalin's figure like any man's eyes. But she shakes her heads "O.K., Laszlo, and so long, serous .. be careful!" She makes a motion toward two policemen, patrolling their beat through Budapest together. He feels the touc'z of her hand, small, dry, cool, and starts to say something, but. is already wallowed up in the crush of people and objects. Someone jostles Katalin, she goes quickly, and. the darkness gets deeper over the bend in the street as she cuts across. Then she hears the brassy gypsy music from their "dens," and as she breathlessly enters the "second, on the left," "he" is already there. Her heart poundso if he only knew whom she had just met, she thinks, and at the same time, If the other one only knew who was waiting for her this evening. . . But she is decided, resolute, and when Ujszaszy smilingly asks, "Have you thought it over?" she says, "Yes. . Yes." Again Ujszaszy nods; he thinks he knows women, so he can nod, he bends forward; and what the colonel outlines to the woman, what they both discuss, calmly on hiart and hectically on hers, in her answering dpeeches, no one knows and no one will ever know. For whether Ujszaszy later in Siberia remembers these words, no one an judge; and surely Katalin can have no interest in remembering this moment, in which her "discovery" was planned. Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500110014-4 Approved Foelease 2002/02/13: CIA-RDP80R01 000500110014-4 _g_ Later she became Ujazaezy's mistreas, but by that time the colonel of 1938 has long been a general and the most powerful man in Budapest, Katalin'e transformation comes about quickly; as-she leaves the dubious establishment by the Westbahnhof for the last time, after this talk, she has changed her name. Now she is known to the police as Greta Varga This debut of Greta Varga begins in the Honved barracks on the Burgberg, a debut which into lead her to the heights of Budapest society, until she rises as the red star in the professional heaven of BoAshevist Hungary and is suddenly extinguished, Budapest eocie y is still based on the old landed nobility, which rallies around the legend ofthe Crown of Stephen. Alongside this, or rather in addition to it, the merchant and manufacturing class, at the beginning of in- dustrialization, had joined socially, their joined wealth bringing needed relief to social affairs, For both these distinct `circles the officer corps furnished.the shine and glitter, and anyone stemming from this group was unquestioningly accepted into the beat society. So it was a clever move to let the rise of Katalin Karady begin from a Budapest officers' barracks. Her voice was neither extensive in range nor trained, but it possessed such a timbre as was in favor in the era between the two world ware in cabarets and talking movies, for the first time When she had sung a few songs/at an affair at the officers' club in the Honved barracks, she was, so to speak, "discovered" over night by the young Honved officers. Of a sudden no social gathering in Budapest was complete without Katalin Karady. Cultivated, with an interesting type of beauty, she was the hit of that light-hearted caf$ society, whose characteristic instrument was the saxophone, Snobbish young scions of magnates, pseudo-aristocratic nouveau riche and foreign diplomaatsArpreved heM*Afe /e z91 ! ~A-~$ 3PB 3 R 1 ady gathered Approved FqOelease 2002/02/13 -t Ok*RDP80R0,17 000500110014-4 the news, the secrets which meant the foundation of her new life. She decided not to give herself cheaply; but she made her position assured of the highest protection by several affaires du Coeur, taking care that these liaisons were bruited about. Ujszaszy followed her career from the background, but he felt himself neglected, even almost forgotten, when Katalin at a party, made the acquaintance of the owner of a Budapest theatrical publication. Bewitched by the woman, this publisher introduced his Idolized one into the film world; here she met the most renowned playwright of Budapest, Ludwig Zilahy, and without hesitation she left the publisher. Now Ludwig Zilahy became the second springboard of her career. This gifted author, who has recently earned a great following in the United States with his novel "The Dukays," wanted desperately to secure the beautiful creature by his side forever. At heart he knew she had no talent , for Katalin was not meant to be a great artist. But when he made one of his best novels into a film scenario in which Katalin Karady played the stellar role, he smoothed her path toward a great future. For in this scenario there was a song which suited the timbre of Katalin's voice, written for her by the composer Tibor Polgar . . and with this song Katalin won over Budapest. Before long all Hungary was singing this song, Now the gray to a radio career was open; Zilahy's love had removed all obstacles from her path. At the height of her fame, with wealth at her disposal such as she had never dreamed of, the beautiful woman could have been satisfied with the position to which chance, luck, ambition and love had brought her. But the star of her destiny abruptly led her to the younger son of Regent Horthy. . . and thereupon the lovely Hungarian unwittingly entered upon the uncertain path of contemporary politics. (To be continued) Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500110014-4 Approved F~'.elease 2002/02/13: CIA-RDP80R01 p000500110014-4 Picture Captions - Page 6 1. The Hungarian radio singer Katalin Karady is the focal point of our series The Partisan of Love," in which ou* Hungarian authority tells of the dual political activities of this woman, She was known as the Hungarian Rita Hayworth" when she rose, under the Bolshevist regime, to highest political honors. She owed her unique position in the realm of Hungarian Soviet art to her activityas a partisan of the Soviets, as will be related in our report, When the old Hungary capitulated under the hail of the attacking Red Army's artillery, Katalin Karady made history. Early this year she fled from Hungary; did those in power want to do away with one who shared countless underground-secrets? Her flight was madepossible, it is said, by the help of Soviet Russian officers, for she succeeded in doing what hundreds of others died in attempting: she crossed unharmed six kilometers of mined and guarded territory of the no man'c land between Hungary and Austria, 2. Budapest was known as one of the most beautiful cities of the world by all those who knew the city before it was half destroyed in 1945, The Danube dominates the picture of this sit;. Numerous stately buildings on both banks gave the quays of the Danube the appearance of modern Hungary. In our picture one is looking out from the Burgberg, bordered by numerous baroque palajioes, toward the Parliament buildings (right) and the famed Margaret Island (left), Today Budapest no longer belongs to the circles of Western culture, Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500110014-4 Approved F elease 2q02/02/13: CIA-RDP80RQ 1 000500110014-4 Partisanin de Liebe (Partisan of Love) Von Tibor Revay abz Jan. 27, 1952 Part 1 (continued) In one of the mysterious night-spots by the Budapest Westbahnhof the career of the actress and singer Katalin Karady began. When she shortly before the start of the war became an agent of the Hungarian Secret Service, this proved to be the real stepping stone to the. high salons of politics. Suddenly Katalin Karady became the feted star of Hungarian culture; artists, wealthy patrons of art, and the figures of high European politics mingled in her salons. Karady became one of the chief string-pullers of the underground politics which, from Moscow and New York, undermined the Axis' conduct of the war. Into her charmed circle came the leader of the Hungarian Counter ?Espionage Service, Ujszaszy, the renowned novelist and playwright Ludwig Zilahy, and finally the youngest son of the Hungarian Regent, Miklos (Nikolaus) von Horthy. Another friend of hers, from her home district, was the Communist leader Laszlo Rajk, whom she helped on his flight to Moscow with Ujszaszy's money. Indeed Nikolaus von Horthy the younger had little or no knowledge of the ways of politics; for this very reason he was a perfect tool in the hands of real politicians for aims of which he himself knew nothing. Horthy the younger belonged to those young wastrels for whom the Hungarian people had little use . . if one excepts the owners of night clubs, where Horthy junior was in the habit of tossing money around with a free hand. It is possible that Horthy knew the fair Katalin from her days as a night club singer . it is quite possible; however, there is no proof of this, for both have been silent about the origin of their acquaintance, which possibly started in thatperiod before the war when Horthy junior, because of numerous affairs, had temporarily to leave the country. Katalin for some time had no longer been living in the petit bourgeois Poszony Street. Later she was to live in a villa on the Pasareter Street in Buda; but at the time of this acquaintance she had a fine apartment in the Hotel Ritz . . . two beautiful rooms with bath, foyer and balcony, near the Danube, at forty-eight pengB per day. When Ujszaszi learned of her acquaintance with young Horthy he had her again put under observation, and it is from one of these Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80RO1731 R000500110014-4 Approved Foelease 2002/02112.-- CIA-RDP80R017 000500110014-4 observers that we get the description of the scene in the hotel pool, which was later to prove to be most significant. Budapest's high society used to rendezvous at the pool of the St. Gellert Hotel. Ujszaszy's observer reported Katalin Karady climbs over the railing, poises on the edge over the deep water, and takes a header. She is wearing a red bathing suit and cap and gleams in the sunlight, in the blue water, the sparkling air; her face is clear and young, her black hair shines and her black eyes glow. Slowly she raises her arms with a wide movement . . . herbody swings in a free arc into the water. A hundred pairs of eyes follow her, and a great blue-green wave carries her through the water. . . the same wave suddenly brings her into contact with a man. His arm touches, her shoulder, she turns around, their heads are opposite each other. The strange man speaks a few words, which coul4be an apology but which may well be something else. Katalin is startled only for a moment, then she nods imperceptibly and leaves the water at once. . " She lunches with young Horthy by the pool, and in the afternoon they go to G8d8l18 and in the evening? We are now in that short period in the year 1939, between Hitler's march on Prague and the imminent warlike steps against Poland, with all the world in a state of.nervous tension. Afterthe Munich conference, which had decided the fate of the Sudetenland, Adolf Hitler was at the peak of hissower. Exactly twenty years after the downfall of the Kaiser's empire he had succeeded in doing what no German and none of his opponents would have believed possible. Hitler had "brought home" ten million Germans who lived outside the borders, and had thus forged a great political power for the Reich . . forming a new threat to the peace of Europe. Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80ROl731 R000500110014-4. Approved FF2elease 2002/02/13: CIA-RDP80R01 000500110014-4 Already by the twenty-first of October, 1938, the German Wehrmacht had made the secret decision to be ready at any time to march against Bohemia and Moravia. Now Hitler was waiting for a suitable opportunity, when in March of 1939 a dissension in Internal politics in the rest of Czechoslovakia put the trumps in his hand. On the 10th of March the Czech State-President Haeha discharged the Slovakian Minister- President Tiso. The latter went to Berlin and sought the protection of the German Reich. Now Hacha was also invited to Berlin and here persuaded to put his signature to a state treaty, which liquidated Czechoslovakia and created the "Bohemian-Moravian Protectorate." With thiinegotiation the question of war or peace in Europe was de- cided; the great powers of the world backed away from Hitler, and from London an extraordinarily active diplomatic furor was set in motion. Thus Poland in July of 1939 received the British guarantee; on the other hand, the Britxhsh-Russian negotiations had come to a standstill in the middle of June . . . and at the same time the German-Russian counter-moves had begun. Already by the 13th of April, on a Sunday, Stalin had surprisingly appeared at the departure of the Japanese Foreign Minister Matsuoka from the Kasan (?) Station in Moscow; he had laid his arm across the shoulder of the German military attach4 von Krebs and uttered the words which were to become famous: "We'll always remain friends, won't we?" So Europe became a powder-keg; the smallest spark would suffice to set off the explosion. Suddenly on the 15th of April the American President Roosevelt took a hand in European events with a personal message to Hitler; when Hitler two weeks later recalled the non-aggression pact with Poland, the fronts of the coming conflict began to be defined. Between and through these two fronts the news services (information services) of all the powers began their secret game; the American Colonel Donovan dispatched an Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R000500110014-4 Approved Foelease 2002/02/13 CIA-RDP80ROl 000500110014-4 American security commission to Europe, and one of his most polished agents appeared in that summer of 1939 at the pool of the Gellert Hotel in Budapest, to pick up a "chance" acquaintanceship with Katalin Karady. From the balcony of the Danube side of the hotel one can see out over the brightly-lit river. Lights on the Franz Josef Quay, lights on the water. The Citadel and the Fischerbastei and the Coronation Church gleam in the reflections. Yellow lights glow on the slopes of Buda's hills. Suddenly there is a deep long-drawn-out whistle from the water, and slowly and almost silently a lighted ship goes by. Peace is still with us, the lights still burn in Europe. . "Beautiful," says the visitor to the lady on the balcony. "Truly beautiful." "Yes, Budapest is a lovely city," answers Katalin Karady. There is a slight impatience in her voice; surely this man didn't come here to babble about the romantic beauty of the Hungarian capital. The cigarettes of the two people gleam in the darkness, two small red points from two motionless shadows. "Almost like a stage-setting," remarks the visitor. He speaks German, but not the soft German of the Hungarian, rather his accent is strange and Anglo-Saxon. "We all have a stage-set before us," answers the woman impatiently, "and we hardly know when the scene will shift." The visitor is silent for a moment; it is quite still, and one hears from the roof the blasts of the jazz band. Then the two glowing cigarette points draw nearer together; a chance passerby would think that here was a pair of lovers . . . but it is indeed a strange sort of lover's oath the pair have to communicate to each other. Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80ROl731 R000500110014-4 Approved F*lease 2002/8143: CIA-RDP80R017 000500110014-4 Noel Field Is the name ofthis mysterious visitor, who after the meeting in the Gellert pool has also taken a room at the "Ritz." Noel Field travels through Europe for the "Unitarian Service Com- mittee," (The Unitarians form a sect who consider Christianity a set of rules for living, without accepting Christian dogma. They are organized chiefly in Englishrspeaking countries.) Secretary of the Unitarian Committee, that is Field's official position; he took the post when, in his middle thirties, he left the American "State Department" (Foreign Office). Secretary of the Unitarian Committee-. that is a post with far-reaching international connections, and this circumstance has special significance for what Field is seeking. The necessary trips, the connections, which.he undertakes, serve admirably his true purposes Noel Field is the head contact man for the American secret::service; he has begun to track down the intricate and invisible lines of the Bolshevik underground work, in order to enlist agents among the destitute emigrants all over the world, as well as to gether in- formation concerning Soviet espionage. Field did his work admirably. He has set up hi~headquarters in Geneva; from here he directs his activities. Moscow is about to enter into a pact with Hitler; agents are needed in all the countries which presumably will take sides with Hitler or who k ow...the: