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Document Release Date: 
July 25, 2006
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Publication Date: 
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Approved For Release 2006/07/25: CIA-RDP80RO1731R000700410010 +r,tvi A_*-E , OGC HAS REVIEWED. OAP 16 i953 _. he Honor so l e ,,he Director at the i-~ureau of the Bud gel Bureau of the j:1uagec ashington 25, D. u. :Near i)od e: letter of 27 . "ebruary = t e!`- es`sl ,4.eference is made to your the expression of our views regarding draft of E zecr e 3ncre lating to security standards for employment in jf the .-'ederal Government. h q(a) and (b) regardxng - r :appropriate information for the establ s i adex. security p lshrnent and maintenance by the %..ivi "e as to w),Om ecuri'cy-investigations incsex covering all v nment agency under this wlria~..:"` have been made by any (b) (5 ) Serv ina veirectingstigations ag? ncies to furnish to It he ent er d maiatejaance ofiOll It, e..ference is nriade to parag Jr l 4, r rice Corrimissios of a f 'GUAIENT me. STAT gsn CHANGE IN CLASS 0 MORI/CDF oL#p'r %f4'or Release 2006/07/25: CIA-RDP80RO1731 Approved For Release 2006/07/25: CIA-RDP80R01731 R000700410010-3 it is suggesteu that consideration be given to including specific authority in the Executive order to permit the chairman of an agency. :,anel or board adjudicating cases under this :girder to administer the necessary oath to a witness so that false testimony presented before such a board or panel might be referred to the Department of Justice! rr appropriate action under perjury or other false statement statutes. In paragraph 8(b) of the Draft (jrder, it is felt that misinterpre- ations may result from the word "consistent" in line 3, when read - with the wording of the listed items of pertinent information. e have noted that the types of information set forth in para- raph 8(b) are not limited to those listed therein. However, we would like to submit our observations with reference to sub-paragraphs 1(b)(8), (9), and (11). aference is made to the use of the phrase ' cnowingly associat- :.,ng3 in paragraph 8(b)(8). The use of such a criterion is perfectly ~...nderstandable. However, an equally great security hazard may exist where an employee unknowingly associates with certain groups and it _S, ay be impossible to inform the individual of such association. ..aierence is made to paragraph 8(b)(9), which establishes a :-riterion of intentional unauthorized disclosure of security informa- tion. Unintentional disclosure in certain situations may also present . security risk inconsistent with continued employment. In connection with paragraph 8(b)(l l), association with only one person A a subversive nature, particularly if such association is of Approved For Release 2006/07/25: CIA-RDP80R01731 8000700410010-3 Approved For Release 2006/07/25: CIA-RDP80R01731 R000700410010-3 a close family nature, often presents a serious security hazard to security agencies. Therefore, it is suggested that consideration should be given to the insertion of the word "person" after the word ;group'' in this sub-paragraph. incerely yours, IGNt( lien W. Dulles director OGC: WLPforzheimer/blc Distribution: Orig. & 1 - Addressee 2 - Signer,, ?'' 1 - DD/A 1 - ADD/A(I&S 2 - OGC-! J/ Concurre/rres: Date ene o nse Approved For Release 2006/07/25: CIA-RDP80R01731 R000700410010-3