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Document Release Date: 
December 18, 2007
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Publication Date: 
October 30, 1952
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SLWR1TY INFORMATION Approved For Release 2007/12/18: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R000700440034-4 i ur stunt October 30, 1952 NSC REVIEWED DOCUMENT AND HAS NO OBJECTION TO DECLASSIFICATION. 9/19/07 Subjects } delay Ybeting of PSB9 October 30, 1952, in G+ieneral. Smith's Office. Presents David K. E. Bruce W. Bedell Smith Charles A. Coolid Alan G. Kirk Action was taken as f allowa on the items indicated s 'er_ f?r ASC i0/ &2&0 of October 28, 1952, by the .1 rector of Central ^ ce was agreed to. Cenoral mtth will present it in smooth the other two members of the Board# who will indicate their concurrenoe is writing. General Smith "trill then forward the paper to the C Secretariat, in conformity with the last paragraph Adm . ral Kirk said that he would comes the preliminary work the revision of the 10/5 Procure to implement the recommendations contained in General. Smith 'e paper -- this to be in draft foam until approved by the Board. Parka The luncheon meeting of Admiral Kirk and several of his with dames J. Wadsworth, Acting Administrator of Civil Defense. w brought to the attention of the Board. The natter of an "observer" the PSS Staff to it with the panel proposed '' Er. t+ dlsworth turfy psychological problems the U.S., with the view of ing thereon and with respect to the psychological repercussion such items on the foreign field with whit PSB may properly be cerned,, wa agreed to. It was pointed out by tr. Bruce that the PSB Staff observer should be very careful to min an "observer" and diecourage any disposition on the part of Civil Defense authorities to associate themselves with the activities of PSa. DOCUMENT NO. / q NO CHANCE IN CLASS L7 DECLASSIFIED 16 r.!, J ~"G?' T, S C 25X1 5; ,uRflY INFORMATION NEXT REVIEW CATS: O ~1~A A ~ UTH: "TAY -RU Approved For Release 2007/12/18: CIA9- DP80R01731 R00070044003 - REYIEWER~ Approved For Release 2007/12/18: CIA-RDP80R01731 R000700440034-4 TOP SECRET p Sc The Board was informed that the NSC Staff was favorable to the idea of a semi-annual rather than a guerterly report to was recommended that the Board go along with this suggoe : which was agreed to.. It was further indicated that the PSBStaff should prepare a form and method of procedure in drawing up the periodic reports to the NSC. Admiral Kirk undertook to do this. it was indicated by Admiral Kirk that the PSB Staff was having a little difficulty in certain areas with respect to the proposed plan or format for making plans. It was reported to thetBo $d that since there was no standard form for drawing up Pl r entirely within the province of the PSB Staff to prescribe a format under which the plans of PSB should be submitted. This will be done. 3aaenhex Amemorandum was furnished Mr. Bruce concerning the greataf the desirabilit of ha~rin Mr. Jose h Sweene undertake the study It appears there gray be a possibility that p of ;fate may have in mind an assignment for Mr. Sweeney in the near future. Mr. Brute was requested, if practica ale, to hold dir. Swee for this study until 1 January 1953. This was agreed to. Mr. Bruce was informed that there _were rumors afloat ii t aeither - d o b g. e ass might shortly had lei't his 25X1 at home or abroad. It was pointed out that He was 25X1 post in head of the nti desired assigned to the PSB Staff it aember 1 1, and it is ur?e Y that he not be transferred at the present tire. Txis Mr. Bruce under- took to look into. Alan Q. Kirk Director. cc, General W. Bedell Smith r~.Y~i4!!~ 1~1't~KI~A'f10N ~i DJ_16 #oZof3 Approved For Release 2007/12/18: CIA-RDP80R01731 R000700440034-4