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January 12, 1951
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Approved For Release 2006/1 : 1qj;jR01731 R000800100064-7 R t TILE CRAIRx t, >C)AL SECURITY RESOURCES BOARD nnua1 r-stir to of the Status of the et Atomic Energy Program (CIA/S1 100-51) Attached hereto for your infuriation is a copy of the current &i-'It Atonic Z.ergy Intelligence Committee estimate of th* 9 tatu of the Soviet Atomic Ener Program" whica was c n- ourred in by the members of the Intel.Iigenoe Advisory Co .ttee. of the Ptesident's statement at t.: 77th of the National Security Council. t"I have also directed he distribution of ISC and CIA reports be strictly li m- . .ed&, only one copy of this report is being &s seminated to .your offic , The distribution to other ajencies is beix-ig made in a similar manner. WALTER B. C /s 100-El spy #3 of Distribution. Copy 2- } Sig Heri.. COPY 3 - Copy 14 - TSC Copy 5 - AD/SI Copy 6 - NED/SI OSI: NEED - TW KB:man: se4 NEXT REVIEW DATEf NO CHANGE IN CLASS Cl Q rULASSRw6ED CLASS. CHAMCi TOt TS $ COMMENT NO. RATE ( REYIEWEits AIiTH A HR 7 Approved For Release 2006/12/16: CIA-R?P80R01731 -7 .-.. Approved For Release 200 JAN i. q 1 Me SUM, ARY OF DEMISE Semi-Annual Estimate of the Status of 't Soviet Atomic Energy ?rogram (CIS./SI 100--51) Attached hereto for your information is a copy of Joint At .c Energy Intelligence Committee evtL-nate tus of the Soviet Atomic Energy Program" which vas In by the Me bers of the Intelligence Adv L.sory Co: aittee. 2? of the President's statement at the 77t:a onal Security Council, "I have also directed ie distribution of NBC and CIA reports be strictly li - eds's only one copy of t its report is being disseminated to your office. The distribration to other a encies is being made in a similar manner. WALTER L DiR- -T, Distribution: Copy 2 - } Signer a.- Copy3- } Copy 4 - TSC Copy 5 - AD/sI Copy 6 - DIED/sI OSI:NED - 'KB:man: sea DOCUMENT N8. 'NO CI#ANGE IN CLASS 0 JIEGLASSIF!Eo 9W IFS. CH ?4OED 1,01 Ts 3 NEXT RE I W CATEr 7n h "-- AUTH. H R DATE sEVIEWERI 5X1 *bV etItft I fte 11 AM.Mako roved For Release 2006/12/16: CIA-RDP80R01731 FQ040A 4t7 _ G F Approved For Release 2006hf,'Mo : "II 0RO1731 R000800100064-7 JAN 12 1951 OR, DELI L BUJ EAU OF I ZEST I UA IoN Annual Estimate of the Status of the t Atomic ".nercr Program (CIA/SI 100-51) Attached hereto for your personal information, and information of such of your assistants as you deem is a copy of the current Joint Atomic .or r Intel- estimate of the #Status of the Soviet Atomic of the President's state,-tent at the 77th meetiz of the National Security Council "I have also di- reated that the distribution of Iz7SC and CIA reports be strictly linted' , only one copy of this report is being disseminated to your office. The distribution to other agencies is being made in a similar manner. WALTER B. SMITH DIRECTOR End.: Copy l2 of Distribution: Copy 2) Si finer Copy 3) Copy 1 - TSC Copy 5 - AD/SI Copy 6 - N?ED/sI 0SI: NN1ED? - WKB:man: sea DOCUMENT NO. _ NO CHANCE IN CLASS ^ CE"ASSIFIED -/ aaoZ 0 CLASS. CHANGED TO. TS S, NEXT REVIEW DATEt ? DAT _ 11EVIEWERI 5X1 Approved For Release 2006/12/16: CIA-R?P80R01731R000800100064-7 ,ence Advisory Committee. og ram ich was concurred in by the members of the Approved For Release 2006/ JAN 12 1951 R: C I R , M I L I T A R Y LIAISON CO tfr TO THE ATOMIC EMU CO LtSSION emi-Annual Estimate of the Status of the Soviet Atonic ErierQr Program (CIA/Si 100-- ) Attached hereto for your information is a copy of the went Joint Atomic er r- Intelligence Committee estimate of the "Status of the Soviet Atomic Enerrj, ogra e which was con- curred in by the members of the Intelligences Advisory Committee, It is requested that you make this copy available to the Chair- man of the Research and. Development Board., and to the Director, Weapons Systems Evaluation Group, who x:11 not be furnished epa a e copies* of the President's statement at the 77th of the National. Security. Council, "I have also directed W. only one copy of this report is being disseminated to office, The distribution to other agencies is being made a similar manner. WALTER B. SMITH GIREr TC , Copy #13 of C ./SI 100-, .. Distribution- Copy 2- Copy 3_ Signer Copy t.-TSC Copy 5 - AD/SI Copy 6 - iTFD/SI OSI: NMED - 'NKB: man; sea NO CHANG'A IN CLASS ^ 0 D CLASStFfto CLASS. CHARGED TO a T$ S RATS fl_ RB Tree Approved For Release 2006/12/16: CIA-R?P80R0l731 R000800100064-7 Approved For Release 20/12/16 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000800100064-7 "W 0 JAN 12 1951 BUWXT Energy Fr==" vh1ah was con- .tellUFCe+ Advisory Co ittee, t to statement at the 77th meeting ii, air have also directed that the reps be strictly limited". only bOlM dse ated to your office. agencies is being de3 in a similar Ya.7,a f- I"$ s t :hi tine suz ry' b be pre a in in 40 of baring droved by the Intel :;e ice Advisory *opte of this "y win be c .nated. WALTER B. SMITH DC RECTO P eit dopy No. 6 of egi 10th-#. Distribution: Copy No. 2 - Signer' 11 Copy No. 3 - Signer Copy No. 4 - TSC Copy No. 5 - AD/SI Copy No. 6 - NED/OSI OF STATE 'IQ AS$IST4t ', INTEL OF S7112 Estimate of the Status of the Soviet gy Program (C7A/Sl 100 ,.51) to for your information is a copy of the Xntelligencs Cittee estimate of Hp G}IAK-OE IN GLASS DHAIIGED 'COI SS CI s dV TS ! ~... . ELA MIT REVIEW DAT" --. 1~ Approved For Release 2006/12/16: CIA-RDP80R01731R000800100064-7 ti yr,~a o s Approved For Release 200 a[ P80R01731 R0000800100064-7 -iw JAN 12 1951 k.