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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
June 29, 1951
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Approved For Release 2008/01/28: CIA-RDP80R01731 R000800160011-9 VWW%ni. ^ 29 ,ate 1?)1. In tftely carry f.ld t the nat to re cable with y at big, the l Request for Noti to the c *wI c Intelli>trrct Cc tttei the Central fnteh1j e e #ge y ash et tee- its Abilities for coddle for in t e to i 11 s~ es ea + ly + firsd try pry_' tut on I >- 1 . ers requested that ym no ete two persons on this tb ttee at the ePrlisst sc-ti- . 'ax F. i.l I:3.ka[rs s 3 mst t siliar A&II-t the matter on is tt econ of at least representative sal n O 2 arch trC ree as it re .*t.e to +M8 eta rw &Oidnistrt T! 'Tx~ e rpie of tl*ee no noev she d be designated as the principal r resentettve $nct the other as alternate. JCS review completed OHM -, as -J * Director 15 IA -D 2/l (1te c .D/Rx (Rewritten O C Distrs Orig&l-a 1-Can Rec 2-signer / 2.-f}AD/RR . MORI/CDF Page 1 Approved For Release 2008/01/28: CIA-RDP80R01731 R000800160011-9 . Approved For Release 2008/01/28: CIA-RDP80R01731 R000800160011-9 3 July 1951 Brad--This was written :ior to the production of the NSC Committee paper in "Scope & Pace of Covert Operations," but as it pertains to a particular type of covert operations, I am sending it on. W.B.S. (This memo recalled 7/3/51 -- DCI wrote above note on the original and returned it to JCS). Approved For Release 2008/01/28: CIA-RDP80R01731 R000800160011-9 Approved For Release 2008/01/28: CIA-RDP80R01731 R000800160011-9 SEW 29 June 1951 I ' M FO t: T$ ChAIpux JOINT C t FS Of STA "F bJ CT i Coordination of CIA Activities with the JC3 Reference: NSC 1U/2, paragraph 4 Although the President has not so directed, the etrv+elc nt of military Activities and the preparation therofor appear to me to have reached the point where it is desirable in certain major co*iwids ttiat the covert activities of t-V Central Intelligence zoncy be coo ?dinatcd with the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It is y belief that this "ordination ebo ild be a ffec to d i diatel y in the I u ropean # atre, with the Co=Lander in Chief, C. ti-. Naval. 'orces 1"tern Atlantic and '?editerraneaa, with the Command r in Chief, U. S. Pacific Fleet, and with the Far .:astern Command. It would be appreciated if you would indicate the mech=i for coordination which you desire to establish both with the JCS in Washington and with the respective t ceatrc co andeers. Naturally it is our desire that knowledge of the covert activities of this agency be restricted to the absolute z1ni*u ber of persons. WALTER B. LTh Director O/DCI LBK:mlk Distribution: trig & 1 - Addressee 2 - Signing Official 1 - Originator 27 June 1951 Approved For Release 2008/01/28: CIA-RDP80R01731R000800160011-9 _1 L.-.;)