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Document Creation Date: 
December 19, 2016
Document Release Date: 
July 26, 2006
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Publication Date: 
January 25, 1954
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80R01731R001300050010-6.pdf85.22 KB
Approved For Release 2006/07/28: CIA-RDP80R01731 R001300050010-6 1. Same time back this use , asked what would be necessary to autbes ije the blre4w of Central ZateUigence to award the its. of PPsedea. After ccsultation with the Bureau of the Bu et, who It tom consulted With the DepertVient of Justice,, we are ; , dir t that a e ",traad* Cr letter frM the President to the Director of Central Int.Uigancs will suffice. Th=e is no stated prat , but I rooommoad the use of the awamot*andtmt tom, ox being am* elearly to *u Position of the Director rather than to the incumbent Director persc yr. A of suaah a nemot'andtet is attached. 2.) If you SPOMM we + ears a request dough the norms]. Bureau of the Budget a bwnW e , unless you w sh to esent this request directiq. 1 Attachment Proposed duaaa OGC:LEH:jeb cc: -tCI (2) IG Chairman, Honor Awards Boar OGC Approved For Release 2006/07/28: CIA-RDP80R01731 R001300050010-6 D It MAIM AND FM Z Director of C.-tra3 l ate113ge e S J= s Mede-1 of Freedom go Director of Central l telligance is ized toxLs outlined in motive Order 10336, dated 3 April 1952. Suth sward shs33 be 5sde under regulations prescribed by the Director of Central Intelligence which shall bop so fear as y ti 1s, uniform with the regulatiaes preeuerjbed by the depart*ente named in paragraph 5 of the said Exeoutive Ozdw, to award the Medal of Freedom * a cco Approved For ase 2006/07/28: CIA-RDP80ROl 731 R001300050010-6