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Approved For Release 2007/02/28: ClSRE0"[01731 R001700090002-7
25 April 1951
SUBJECT: IAC Discussion on Collaboration of Intelligence {ti and U. S. Operators and Planners in the Preparatia o!'
Certain Studies (23 April 1951)
1. On the question of the disposition of scheduled NIEs (*)
requiring inclusion of information on U. S. military plans and. str( _t;[ i. s
in order to make them useful estimates, there was considerable list'_-=oE
of the jurisdiction of the IAC and of Intelligence in this fiel:l.
2. Reference was made to the view of the JCS regarding N l'-3C,,
namely, that the McMahon request was not made on proper author.=,y sore
was it made to the proper agency and that nothing further could be
with the IA.C draft estimate in view of General Marshall's letter.
3. With respect to NIE-13 it was indicated that the asset of
opposing friendly forces (including U.S.) would be vacuous
b. that for the IAC to get into the business of "war-s:amir
would be opposed by the JCS and would in fact not be -prop - or
5. It was recognized that the problem lay in finding some ;nid-
point between these two extremes. There was considerable hope )'.presee d
in the arrangements reported by General Huebner and confirmed b", Gerc.t"
Megee which have been established with the Joint Staff. These a'raLf,.e
ments provide that the members of the JIG, who have complete acc-s
the operations or planning information essential to make their a-,ti +
?y1O . /CDF Pages
NIE-13: Prospects for the Creation of an Adequate Western uate Western E:;rop.-
NIE-30: Soviet Capabilities to Interfere with US Delivery ors' At43'? :
Weapons to Targets in the USSR
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Approved For Release 2007/02/28 :. T0R01731 R001700090002-7
6. General Huebner felt that the State Department had a 4imilr:-
responsibility and might develop a similar arrangement. Mr. str~_-
agreed and indicated that his people are in close contact witl police
officers in the Department and as far as he knew were providin; adeu-v
and proper guidance for the intelligence estimators.
7. In the case of an estimate on a primarily military su.)jeet ";he
view was expressed that this was properly a job for the JIC or JCS rat::r
than the IAC. Mr. Jackson pointed out that the DCI's responsi:)ilitN (in.
his capacity as Director of Central Intelligence as opposed to his
position as Agency head) might require him to endorse or coiwneat or
such a paper even though produced by JIC.
8. The possibility was also raised that the jurisdiction_z1 ar?a
of Intelligence within which the DCI is responsible may extent furti_(:r
into the operations and planning sphere than the Service inte.lligenc4
chiefs would be allowed to go.
ActAu~ Assistant Director,
Intelligence Coordination
Original: Mr. Jackson
cc: AD/NE
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Approved For Release 2007/02/28: CIA-RDP80R01731 R001700090002-7
%W S-E-C-R-E-T ^+'
23 April 11 51
Progress Report No. 3
Problems in which the Office of Intelligence Coordination
is involved are listed on the attached pages with brief co:rs nt,
In each case O/IC is either providing assistance to the As-isti-A.
Director(s) concerned or is carrying the main responsibili-,y b-,
agreement or assignment.
By making such a list available from time to time O/Tr
seeks to acquaint the Director, the Deputy Directors, and the
Assistant Directors with the current business of 0/IC and lo
provide them the opportunity to make suggestions with respect
to these problems and their solution or to suggest other pro-
blems of which this office should be aware.
This report is divided into two parts: The first deal,
with matters actively being pursued. Part two lists proieryts
considered. to ?have been aiatisfatctorily adjusted for the time;
being, but in which this Office retains an interest.
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Approved For Release 2007/02/28: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R001700090002-7
SOW 5 E-C -R-E-T ""'
1. Psychological Intelligence Support (O/RR, 0/0, 0/PC)
Problem: To recommend the necessary arrangements for iiter_
agency support of psychological warfare.
Status: The problem has been discussed with all agencies
concerned both from the planning or operatin.
viewpoint and from the intelligence side. As a
result of these conversations a tentative break-
down has been made of the kinds of intelligerce
support that are required.
The immediate need is: (a) to find out if this
is an accurate, complete, and meaningful breskdovcu
(b) to determine who will provide each type of
intelligence, or what portion of each type, :ad
the extent to which each requires interagency
coordination; (c) to clarify agency responsi hiliid
and to recommend appropriate ways of achieving
necessary coordination. CIA has the responsi bill..,.;'
and initiative to see that appropriate intel.igezr:,;
support is provided for psychological warfare ant!
that the intelligence activities of government
departments and agencies in this field are properi;
Intelligence Support for Civil Defense
TO /NE, 0 SI, O C I, O /SO, 0/CD)
Problem: To effect necessary arrangements for intellivenc=
support for the Federal Civil Defense Admini. tra- _ ;n.
Status: The problem has been discussed with Mr. . Babb`tt of
FCDA and with the other agencies concerned. A
recommendation is being prepared for the DCI for
possible consideration by the IAC.
3. External Research (0/0, O/RR, O/SI, 0/CD)
Problem: To determine the optimum degree of coordination e
all CIA and IAC Agency requirements for external
research; and to see that necessary nodifica>ioni
are made in existing arrangements.
Status: 0/0 proposals and the comments of other offioes
have been received. O/IC is discussing the nro-
blem with interested people in the agencies
concerned. In the Social Science field, ERS is
compiling a list of research projects not contract_d
for by the Government. Government sponsored proje_
are coordinated through the Research and Devolopmen;
Board. A representative of the State-CIA Ex ?erna'
S--E-C -R-E-T
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Approved For Release 2007/02/28: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R001700090002-7
Research Staff sits regularly with the comrtttec
of the RDB dealing with social science matters,
This committee includes re resentatives of (Army), 0/NR (Navy), and
(Maxwell Field). uu
4. Evaluation (0/0, 0/SO)
Problem: To arrive at intra- and interagency underst:ndizgs
and agreements to provide evaluation of 0/0 and
0/SO reports,
Status: Agreements have been reached on a bilateral bas:
between CIA and G-2, ONI, and A-2. Unders t& ndin
already exist for evaluations by 0/SI and Q/RR.
Further discussion is necessary before agreements'
can be reached with the State Department. The r o''-
of 0/CI in evaluation has not been determined,
1 5. Requirements (All offices)
Problem: To develop adequate arrangements for providi'ig
coordinated requirements by priority for the
various collection units, particularly with -esp3ct,
to 0/S0.
Status: (a) 0/NE is preparing a general guidance for
collectors from the point of view of est:~matos,
This general guide if deemed useful will be coor-
dinated with the other agencies.
(c) 0/0/C has initiated desk to desk contact
with OIR, State, as a means of improving both State
requests and State evaluation,
(d) JCS paper No. SM-626-51, containing G-2,
ONI, and A--2 requirements (mainly for covert col-
lection) is being matched by other requesting
agencies. These will be screened for possible non-
covert collection and the balance segregated accor-
ding to: (1) 0/30 current collection capabil .ty;
(2) 0/SO capability under present planning; aid
(3) those items for which no current plans exist.
(e) Current probems concerning daily requests
for information, if not resolvable by 0/SO directly
with the requesters, will be referred to 0/IC to
:i-E-C- E-T
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achieve a solution, by reference to the Dir,
6. Interdepartmental Committees (All offices)
Problem: To review the existing interdepartmental co1mit!"011?
for which this Agency provides chairmanship and
review the interest of the Agency in those ,..-_ier~?
has only membership.
Status: Offices of CIA have supplied committee data to Cy"-,
This office is now filling gaps in the data Vherc
incomplete, A preliminary survey has been submits,;z
to the Director. A summary of the Agency's ,oTmr--.tee
relationships with recommendations is schedl Led fr,f
early May.
S-E-C R-E-T `"r
Biographic Intelligence (C/CD)
Problem: To suggest the most effective biographic fa(..;.lit
for the Federal Intelligence System.
Status: A report, setting forth possible ways of mee Ling
this problem, has been prepared by Biographic:
Register of O/CD on the basis of IAC Agency ?epl . s
to a survey questionnaire. Tentative views )f o/1:
are: (a) complete centralization of bio-ap;fic
records in CIA would not meet the requiremen s o'
all agencies; (b) specialization and partial cent.;
ization is possible; (c) greater coordination anion
existing biographic facilities is essential.
Pertinent directives have been approved by the
Secretary of Defense after IAC concurrence; imple-
menting manuals are being coordinated among the
non-military agencies after JIC approval, The
agr.ement by which CIA will represent the oth-r
non-military agencies in these matters can be con-
cluded as soon as the manuals have been formally
Approved For Release 2007/02/28 : tA"R 01731 ROO1700090002-7
Approved For Release 2007/02/28: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R001700090002-7
S fl-C R-E-T
Scientific Intelligence Committee (0/SI)
Problem: To examine the problems of 0/SI in the fief: of
interagency coordination in the planning and pr=
duction of scientific reports and estimates and
to make appropriate recommendations.
Status: Proposal`: of the representatives of the Deftanse
intelligence agencies on the SIC have quest:oneci
the responsibility of CIA to coordinate scientij' . ,
and technical intelligence in the federal irEtel:.- --
gence system? This issue is currently under
thorough study in 0/SI and will be di,cusssc'.
further informally with the Defense agencies. ll. Economic Interpretation of Photographic Materials (o% q,
Problem: To develop the most effective arrangements i-y7 wt.d
economic intelligence can be derived from *otoccr:
materials within the governiient.
Status: Exploitation of Defense Department resources anc
those of Graphic Register of 0/CD has been exnloreci
by 0/RR and 0/IC. It now appears that 1vt:i:LF! muct:
of value can be produced as a by-product of 1Lir 25x1
Target Analysis, the results are likely to prove
disappointing as contributions to current economic
intelligence. Further investigation of phot:)grae}T
sources is required,
-1 -
S -E-C -R -E-T
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"a S-E-C -R-E-T %No
Watch Committee (0/CI)
Problem: To analyze the operation and effectiveness ,).f thF
IAC Watch Committee and to make recoxmendatt _ons r
its improvement.
Status: After analysis with 0/C I, 0/IC has forward to
the DCI a list of suggested modifications we
will be discussed with the Chairman of the 't 2tch
Committee at an early date.
11.. Coordinated Report of IAC Agency Intelligence Researwl
c- E s 0 RR ,
Problem: To examine whether the preparation of a coor{line. tr,,
report of IAC agency intelligence production- shci,'
be continued or abandoned and to raco_mmend tie prrper
location of this responsibility if continued,
Status: Investigation among the end-users of this report
conclusively shows that it does not serve th, purr,,,;,
for which it was designed, Such residual va!ue is
it may have can perhaps be more effectively real .=ct
through using existing CIA Library fac_iiitie.?.
International Communist Movement (0/S0, 0/CI)
Problem: To establish arrangements which will provide:
(a) detailed research on the organization,
techniques and individuals in the International
Communist Movement; and (b) an adequate appraisal
of the aim^,, activities and strength of the
International Communist Movement in each country
or region.
Status: With regard to (a) 0/SO is developing a count.=r-
proposal to the draft plan suggested by 0/1C. A.i ; ,,
regard to (b) 0/CI is preparing a paper defin:_ng
the needs in this field and how they might be met.
These papers will be the basis of further intra_
and interagency discussion..
S -E -C R-E-T
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...- S-E-C-R-E-T
These projects are considered to have been satisfactorily
adjusted for the time being. 0/IC will keep in touch wita the-r
from time to time, however, in order to assist in any furt-,her
steps or modifications that may be required.
Interagency Operational Liaison
Statement of principles was approved at the Ass Lstast
Director's meeting. Incorporation of these principl: -s i-t-o
an Administrative Instruction is now in progress.
--13. Briefing of Outgoing Military Attaches
-~ 5.
Debriefing of Returning U. S. Officials
Intelligence Support for 0/PC
,A6. State Department Cables
, 7. Foreign Service Economic Reportin
roposed Executive Order
Proposed Executive Order is expected to be issued in
$. National Intelligence Surveys (0/RR)
The IAC on 15; March agreed that the rate of pro cuct_7;
would remain at eight for this fiscal year and -that, he
matter would be reconsidered by the IAC in June.
The DCI recently acceded to State's request for add--.-
tional support for their part of the NIS program.
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?..- S-E-C-R-E-T
0/IC has been given the responsibility for arrartgin4.
Ils MG 251 - Protection of Strategic Resources
an Industrial Facilities Abroad
for the production of research which may be needed prior to fLe:
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Approved For Release 2007/02/28: CIA-RDP80RO1731 8001700090002-7