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October 3, 2003
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November 12, 1974
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Approved For Release 2003/10/16 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R002300020035-1
Many thanks. I agree this is a good-article
even if we didn't finance the strikes
12 Nov 1974
Approved For Release 2003/10/16 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R002300020035-1
Approved For Release 2003/10/16 CIA-RDP80R01731 R002300020035-1
The Daily Telegraph, Friday, November 1, 1,974 15
ROBERT MOSS on the implications of America's `passion for disclosure'
much less stony. It was not in
C -1 THE fuss about has I Ainvolve- Chile, ~7,, ~~~ it broad range of g tog al forces
ton, but the chances are that, that united to topple the regime.
when Dr Kissinger returns A cynic might even say that the
from his present journeyings, ? conclusive proof that the coup
the Comniunists was not essentially th the work of
there to haunt him. Gen. the CIA was that it worked
so smoothly.
Andropov, chief of the K G B, perhaps it is not good
must be convulsed with
t the si strument. The D G I has now it would discourage people in enough for Americans, or
a's allies to conclude
h " sight of so 1 olouised by the other situations who might A r
er a been comp ete y
that what "our" side does is
many American Senators and K G B and operates under the contemplate turning to the DAM
newspaper editors protesting close surveillance of a K G B Americans, rather than Rus- ustified because the other
that their country has no general in Havana. A D G I sians, for outside support. side is doing the same, or worse.
erious y pro-
dez de Ona
, The limits of the C I A in But when
right to purs}ie. any sort of officer, Luis Fern
covert foreign policy. occupied ' an office next toAllende's, reading his correspon- volvement in Chile have been posed, as in two recent books
President Ford said the ob- dance and screening his visitors= muddled beyond recognition. licensed on the CIA, that covert opera when, in his attempt to There was, it is true, a personal During the first months of tions should never be ,
justify the fact that the CIA factor involved: he became Allende's government, before it it has to be, pointed out that
spent $8 million to support op- Allende's son-in-law by marrying became apparent that the Marx- this would leave a tremendous
position parties and media under his daughter, "Tati," but it was ists in it were bent on a total vacuum in many areas the
President Allende, he pointed more than a family affair. seizure of power, the Americans Communists would not be slow
out that the Russians were that were
spending coa t more on The continuing inquest into conciliation, This wasola policy of to donepinrtChile e would have prouct them far and nd tend t to con- the Chile affair is part of the tse Hitler-
duct more ruthlessly, malign legacy. Watergthe work of Ambassador Korry, vokcd little comment if they
It is only they
necessary to glance and the Vietnam war. Both who, for example, tried to to had been done to opp the Soviet
back over the past few years to undermined the confidence of natiornat satron ofl nde over Amehe or, for that mgh,ein the latter major r6gline see that the have made many Americans in the integ-
a tremendous investment in in- rity of the Administration and can interests, such as the big case, there might have been
created an enormous copper companies. He actually complaints about the threat tot s
flfort h
e e
n t
telli?gence a favour
is only when theCm
ic offered regime sQEvennn Latin Ame nca, supervason of eve ry aspec t lof would have enabled the Chilean hat"
which has always ranked low policy making. They also Government to pay compensa- monists have won that people
, created a passion for disclosure tion with official bonds under- realise that they had been on
the their Russians order have been priaritiesdoing that now makes it impossible written by the American the way to winning.
some very curious things. for anyone to assume that con- Treasury. The deal, however, Russia remains -r expansionist
In March, 1971, the Mexicans fidential information will be was rejected by Allende after power-and its chances for fur-
it was vetoed by the leader of they expanion, given the effects
O t
expelled five KGB officers, who ke confidential. the extremist wing of the Social- of the oil crisis, the rising
had been masquerading as Soviet One of the most dangerous
di ist party, Carlos Altamirano? strength of the Marxist Left in
plomats, becauise they had aspects of the Chile affair is
helped to flinance and organise a the way that the names of It was not the CIA funds southsecte ern a new Europe phas and d the ft pros
American of e of guerrilla group called the "Re political parties, newspapers that finally brought about the isolationism, are probably greater
d'etat in September last than at any probably the
volutionary Action Movement. A and radio stations and trade coup isolati
few months hater, Ecuador ex- union. organisations that are year. At best, they served to now immediate post-1945 period. The
gelded another three Russian alleged to have received CIA keep in being a number of news-
officials for their role in funding papers that would otherwise Americans and their allies are
funds have been bandied about. increasingly on the defensive.
the Marxist-dominated Gonfed
erasion of Ecuadorian Workers If public hearings go further, have collapsed as a result of
which had used the money to or- the next step, no doubt, would spiralling costs, declining,adver- The A a rians exec ede hem-airly ganise a general strike origin- be the naming of Chileans tising and frozen prices. Without selves,
ally planned to co-ordinate with alleged to have had some rela- that critical voice, and it out in what was seen as an attempt
on comity There art
a Left-wing coup. tionship with the American the, mao _s_ttrrike al ns, that of prevent Chile
In Cdrile, Russia's hand was Government. This would not mince UE-_ that ride tfons, why hatshpres nt condi-
many obvious siamuain, alth,,th a in only put them on the death serve to demonstrate wide is no reason, in present regar-
lar cases;,ati a> d Ot R 2~ li '16sp' I 8 ' ai 0a@2f~?3gn?nstrous-or immoral
ntelhigenoe organisation, he tinns prd l that eve espou e e th at
GI, served as Moscw's in- cause of " Allende the Martyr "; have found their road to power -thing to do.