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February 24, 1951
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r W ~~ STANDARD FORM o.64 D 25602 Office Memorandum ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR PILAFS DATE: 24 February 191 FROM : Assistant Director for Research and Reports SUBJECT: Proposal for Psychological Strategy Board REFERENCE : Draft Presidential Directive, dated February 19, 1951 1. O/RR's principal concern with any proposed organiza- tion to coordinate psychological warfare relates to the impact of such proposals on the allocation of responsibility for psychological warfare intelligence. The problem of intelli- gence support for psychological warfare operations is not mentioned in the draft proposal. Should any question arise as to whether some mention of intelligence support should be made in the directive, it is the view of this office that it would be undesirable for the directive to deal with this problem. O/RR, O/PC, D/IC, and the appropriate offices in the IAC agencies have been informally working out arrangements for the allocation of intelligence responsibility in the psychological w arf are field. These arrangements appear to be satisfactory at the moment, but all parties regard them as tentative, and we feel that it would be unwise to freeze any detailed allocation in a directive at this time. 2. I would personally add a comment on the proposal at the bottom of page 2 of the draft that the chairman of the Board assemble a staff of individuals detailed on his request from the participating departments and agencies. Our experience has not been very satisfactory with staff' detailed from other agencies to work with us. Especially in times of crisis like these when all agencies feel a lack of enough competent people, the natural Lrtpulse is to assign to this sort of staff those people who are not urgently needed in the current operations of the agency. If this Psychological Strategy Board is to be effective it must have a staff of the very highest competence. I would suppose it would be more likely that such a staff would be assembled if the chairman of the Board were liven authority to hire his assistants directly rather than by assign- ment. NSC review(s) completed. 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/04/27 t-W FI 0ROl731 R003400010040-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/2 F P80RO1731 ROO340 COPY DRAFT Approved For Release 2005/04/27 TRUE 1T 31 R003400010046*r ar 19, 1951 To% Secretary of State Secretary of Defense Director of Central Intelligence It is my desire, and I hereby direct, that there be developed and implemented, within the framework of approved national policies, a vigorous and imaginative psychological warfare effort. There is established under the National Security Council a Psychological Strategy Board responsible, within the purposes and terms of this directive, at the national level for the formulation of over-all and strategic psychological warfare objectives, policies, and programs, and for the coordination and evaluation of the various components of the national psychological warfare effort, including authority to issue policy guidance to all departments and agencies of the Government executing portions of the psychological warfare effort. For the pur- poses of this directive, psychological warfare shall not include overt types of economic warfare. The Secretary of State shall continue to be responsible for the coordination of the operational planning and execution of national overt psychological warfare activities and for insuring that such activities are consistent with U. S. foreign policy. The Secretary of State is directed to examine into the organization established under NSC 59/1 and is authorized to effect such readjust- ments in that organization as he deems necessary to accomplish the purposes of this directive. Approved For Release 2005/04/27 p- )QR07 31 R003400010040-4 tU -SE HE Approved For Release 2005/ :%1OR01731 R003400010040-4 - 2 - The Board shall be composed of: a. a full-time chairman, designated by me. b. the Under Secretary of State, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, and the Director of Central Intelligence, or, in their absence, their appropriate designees; c. an appropriate representative of the head of each such other department or agency of the Government as may from time to time be determined by the Board. A representative of the Joint Chiefs of Staff shall sit with the Board as its principal military adviser to ensure that the programs formulated by the Board are consistent with and complementary to approved plans for military operations. The Chairman will give leadership to and organize the business of the Board. He will take the intiative in bringing matters before it, in expediting the reaching of decisions, in promulgating its guidance and in ascertaining the manner in which agreed upon objectives, policies, and programs are being carried out. In the event of an inability of the Board expeditiously to come to a decision on a matter before it as a result of a substantial divergency of views, the Chairman, prior to any report to the National Security Council, shall consult with the heads of the departments and agencies concerned in an effort to resolve the issue. The Chairman of the Board, subject to the direction of the National Security Council, may organize and direct a staff of individuals, Approved For Release 20051010P: SEMTOR01731 R003400010040-4 Approved For Release 2005/044P c -3- 01731 R003400010040-4 including part-time experts, detailed, on his request, from the participating departments and agencies. Such personnel when assigned to duties under the terms of this directive shall be under the control of the Chairman, subject only to necessary personnel procedures within each department and agency. Insofar as practicable, staff work for the Board shall be provided within the agencies concerned or on an ad hoc task force basis. The participating departments and agencies shall afford to such staff as the Chairman specifically designates, full access to whatever information they may require to carry out their assigned duties. The Central Intelligence Agency shall provide such funds, space and other administrative services necessary for the pay and support of this staff as the National Security Council may direct. The Chairman will report periodically to the National Security Council on the Board's activities and on its evaluation of the national psychological warfare effort, including implementation of approved objectives, policies, and programs by the departments and agencies concerned. The heads of the departments and agencies concerned shall examine into the present arrangements within their departments and agencies for the conduct, direction and coordination of psychological warfare with a view toward readjusting or strengthening them if necessary to carry out the purposes of this directive. This directive does not authorize the Board to perform any psychological warfare operations. Approved For Release 200510 A ft OR01731 R003400010040-4 I Uf Approved For Release 2005/04/27 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003400010040-4 Approved For Release 2005/04/27 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003400010040-4