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Approved For Release 2007i0~11#7 ~C~A~R,~P80R017318003500080001+ 9 `~ ~'~; 1t~.1~NDU~ TOQ JIQ3A~` Com~ttc39 'a J~srnta.r~ .:~9~E} 1. In aeaordanrs? with the decision tide ~ the J`,~:.C#~A~ gar`-fit in its o~' 25 August 19.9, a aanvasa of irrtel2l.~:~~r~ce F~?j?~_ on interrmitional Communism - finished, in. groC~s ctr plal~neci ~- tas, undertaken $'T the Secretar~r, i'lcis canvass oavered the '~> ~P_.'e~~=ies represented in the JICSA~ Committee as we:~.l as exterr~~. IE~e:~ea~c:.n. A separate report coverin~t the results of this survey' wi?~1 bee ~F~dek the Secretary ?~t the next 33~3~ meeting. However, the Fsu~i-Cai~s3t~ oherged with the r@sponsibil.ity for aut~ad.'~tir~r recommer~ti.or*a planning for a co-ordinated IA program of intell3.gence ~.~~ thi~i tip cou3d not meet until m3.d-~otrember because only then hack the Ca~~v~t been concluded. 2. Af'F.Fir f5raquent meaiu3.ngg from m1d--Ivovem~r tbres~,~~h ~~ ~+ the members of the Snb-Ccman3.ttee came to f~he co~olusion !ghat ~ ~r~- duation plan for intelligence ors international Comi~e~ shou3~ vot:r, siet not merely of ar_ outline of the sub~c~ct. In order X.o give: pea w speatitro and comprehensiveness, the Sub-Cc3~nmittee felt that a ~od.~~~:.c-a plan should be submitted to oot~rise, ae ~;merniQd by the [:a~uai. ~, ~q-~ ~aa~ar "fields oY investigation" a~hiah are presently sign.~.ficaz~ font national infel.~LigQUCC in this sphsrQ. The Sub-Coa~itvea reco~r3nda that the JI4Sa11 allocate ~arimary rssponsibi~.ity for inte~lige~c A3 v~r r# duotion in the reapeetive fields of irrvest3gation to a s~> ~on~~:t~s responsible for detailed prcrgraa~ming. Approved For Release 2007/05117 :CIA-RDP80R01731 8003500080001-9 Approved For Release 2007i051'~_7 ~C~IAhR{JF1i80R01731 8003500080001-9 '~. This Comm~.ttee ahauld analyse the production t~rol~].~ subatantivaly and rrooedurally, and drag up ibr each f",~ela ~` in~~~~. gation, a specific grogram for consideration of the J7f'~A~ ~-=~i.~~~~F phis program shoultt include prioritise, topiae {wit:~z terms. sub-allooatf.ons to oarticiAating agenci+~s or resear~ c=rg~r~ ~t~s#~~#r, and soheduZing ae far as it can be foreseen. 3. AS thus drawn no and utilised, the production: plan i~ere+t~`.~. sub~m3.tted can obviously ~rform at lea9t three impartant ftmc?;io~ additional to that of f'tarix3shing an oTer-all inclusive: nerenit .stir ~ (1) in bot~i its fi~tlde~-ot-imresti~gation atag? sad prog#~amud~ s~ ~?~~ it caa indicate topiae for advance intslligexice oollection. ~c ~.ivf_t== (2 } when its parts are allocated and sub-allocated, it can n~ ~~rver:t wnnecesaary' duplication of effort, C3~ it wz~ Arcrvide E. bas3k for. selection of` prioritise out of the widetst and most strate~zio~ ~~an~?~ of mayor probl,gnis in intalligenae nradnction as iatsrn~tio~ {~~-~~~T 3T:A The > and r~ragramming of iateil3,~snce c~rxlno~ ian international Commur,. ~ sm should slweys permit f'7.exibil3lGp. 11~arl objectives a~ad epaaific ~nrograms e2~oazld be etonatantly ~~mf~e~? and adjusted in the light of changing events and new estiasates. Approved Far Release 2007105/17 :CIA-R?P80R01731 8003500080001-9 Approved For Release 20071051175: ~I~-F~D~?8~}R01731 8003500080001-9 ~."~ 1'x~ot3uctian ~ ~'~~,~. T .+'17 ~~~. C~'`~A.p.$~ Keith parenthetical rsferenoe:~ to the tnoies Basted srrti upon in the "AAemorandum to JIC+SAi~ Cong~#.~',~;ee f'~om Sub>C~r~t~~~e" ~, 15 August 149) I. PRIlaCIPLES OF Ct'~'vYI'~~EIf (Cf. Part A of the F-bmora~' A continuing analysis of their deve:t.opme~ot eith n~~tias~sr ~r~~if tas A. Theory (s) Communist doctrine {A-I) (b) Communist organiz3tian (A-2) (a) Comtnursist etrate~ and tactics t$-3) {d) niem ar~d the USSR ;To include the role of the USSR in the mifi ior; and iateroretstion of P1{ar~cist-Leninist r~rS.ne4p~ ~ a~~. dootrir~s; the use of doctrine .for Sovietaolit~zal: purposes; and the function of thb Scrofet ~'tete i ~a gT'O~riII$ Communist IDGttei'!lent as represented: in Catr~ ?t. t~~eary and doauaroerits. ) (e) Non-r~rthodoa theorise; es~eaisllp *Titoiam~ B. Thr paycY~ology and soaio2o~y of Comnnanisr~ a~~d ~f Oo,=zn~t activities II. INT~ttti?~TIONQI. CO~TIST ORQ1i~dIZR7'S~1iV AiVD ACTIVi~3C The nature, sativitias, and persanulitie~s of tbs -a~riouts .nt~`rr, organisations. in which Communists are in total or ~_ x~4a:? csc~r~-.aral: sponsorship and utitiaston of such orga~iz,~tion. (a) Osrert international Communist agencies; s.~., ~.c nsl Approved For Release 2007/05117 :CIA-RDP80R01731 8003500080001-9 Approved~For Release 2007i051~ 7~ ~I~ F'80R01731 8003500080001-9 (b) Clandestine i;~Ne,-~u;t3a~*~s'~. C?amm~?.ist ox~;an:t?~~t3.o~ acid aotiv3.ty: fH~-].4l C?ntrol of natioiml or rr.3~?~i+~nal RPs; ean~ic# age ~ sl aka== a uga, eta. (c) Iuterra~tional front orgard.s+~tiora (B-b) n Com~?~~ni inf'ittrate8 ar -bc~ntro12ec1 orgariizationa b~baa~~ wcra~ : f e ~a~th~ atudanv, profesaiarati, ethn~'c, ate. } (i) (;ommunirat r~r.~tratian of strateg~.o :~ ~?nsty ~e~s , ,~~ ~' (d) Communist operations in izst~rnational nl~~ agencies {B-1.~) {a) Interrlmtional Comrn~nist pr,~x~aganda: D~rgRtli.~at~,~?., ~+rr pia and effects,, vtc. (&-7) (f) The over-all xyetwark anti 3an':?grstian of . (~~'xe a'-~?~ e) i:~f~ ~: ~? national Communist organi~a'~iazus aad act1~-Ltioa# end -t~} ralacti~r+e impartanoe of their reapeat've c:apabil:~t~.e~ ania }~~~?~~ xlit3a~ {i~-1Z) (g) I+eaders sad personalitis8 ixi ir~ernaticnt~~ Commvuiat s.,~.~ (B-lOf (h) Anti- an8 counter-Com~maaist e]~emants in iirerr~ftwon~'_ _~~~a~!3sa- tions and movtiaments (B-$, 8-~) IIIo ~JATIONAL. CU's"uiUNTST F'AR?'IES,~ AND Ct~DN7.'ER AC`Tl~'lfi~ Organisation, aativitiea, psrsannQl, and relati~ ~~?ta ~s,~ r3ovietr- Communist Horror nalititss A. A aeries of countrQ-by-oountr~,~ ett~dies of i~?fv;ld~Al ~~;~ parties each in its own setting CB-4) (From a planning rjewpoint, it rro~uld e~m adrisa~~3.s t}~ t to ~s t,t:wdp of sash ~ztionri3. party be more or Tess .comparsb7.e writL~t the st# ui3~?s ~~i t~Tae rest. This would hermit, far instance, an e~as]4ysia of the ~ lat~..e~ai r re~- lenae of fundamental features, and might give clues toy the v~_~3.a#,~==s~~ e~eotable under various emerging or trresnec-~ive aond~=io~.~ De?t~~ c. number of ~.ndividusl part~r studies are concerned and ~ vc~f ,~, t~z. a single party would be rsshansible for drawieg an outii~rr for? ~oa~=~.hi _~> ~ C R L T Approved For Release 2007/05117 :CIA-RDP80R01731 8003500080001-9 Approve F,or. Release 2007i051~ 7E ~I~ F~p~'80R017318003500080001-9 ~i111i `rr" common features- off` any stud~-, it erovld ae~m tae for ~I~3O~ a~ a ~~_>~~ to pass upon an outline fbr national n~tiea befox~- ~ecc~a~.1'~g ri' for arm sin,~*le party study. Such an outl.ina ~rhioh the ~t3-Co~~it~~~~ submit at a later date may he accepted i'or balth intelli~nae ~?Alld~`.?~} sad production.} B. Type studies sad aom-~aratit*e su~maries (a) Tlie organisation of national Cawm~cnist parties ~ e study (g.,~) (b} Clandestine a1~d r~x~dergrow~t orgenizatic~s Uzi aat? its capabi~.ities Rnd vulnerabil;~tiee~ in the na~io~I r~ studies ;&-I.i.j - su~mc~t~r comparison., ~poc~r d~