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Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80f01731 R003500080030-7 3.'x:: or V IC JI t_3 A: 7, C Ica, Cta-'trTr 1' C'Z) ;:i. Ij jj,- T'4TfJ" 44 OF Will :, t :. 1~ i4v--zary C#t . 1.3.1 avura I'll* 'Aul by 16)0 ' ara As it, is re" fate Ux~ I/Q tT 14atributions addressee I MORI/CDF Pages 2-4 and 6-41 Army, DOE, DOS, JCS, Navy and USAF %06 0 Od_ lIIt .lease 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80RO1731R003500080030-7 -1?-v Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003500080030-7 f; 3ah13C,,1~t8 of t'+e JIGSt~' nee t;1 t7~- of i.l 1. The Committee agreed in nr?incipla to rise t? rc e.-tin - -AxWee ?'-1 ^'?r Stenographer fbr reeord.A.n-, the r ctrirut ss. The C+rxaar: r1ttE a votse : "rt. tinuance of verbatin amid s and iiecanttad the C`*i. snis M: : i for i l t exper men a purpose a 1i ief s.c:~ount of t hr, matting i s q'1, jjit fi=ik by the Secretary, aceoMga`arq the rf:po>=t. 2. The Chairman announced t: rt the pro je*ct card fix-,@ of natia,.r=: T on Communism will he pro-maser thr-o v h the fre .ities of rt., Collection and Disaeminsion, CIS.. Abstracts oi' tht pro j ,. be made readily avnilabie to nn,,-st$, 3. The Chairman announced t t, fret t ba n!' sent We FBI has eit }t r- JICSO, but ewrea; ad ho oe that tt-o r {t w-4-1-1 pecansidar thik The Committee Convidered two n,xbr-d aai one of the SubComma .t )e s t (I } t M yaj . and (2) euggestiontr for rsro1oet9 on r'A ots of Ieat*aattAnyl = There was a diaauasion of srl(itinatai nro eats *h as the eaxta eim t representatives fbr later a]loaratioas. caps l.3xt3s of E~zt. r~- 1 R a~ for collaboration, and ntobiawa of eofeetion 6!b> n.0" jean ue% all the Sub-Committee's trend of thotW t in arr$vfn at the list of r,rt{ix tip: 5. The Committee voted to arCant; the rnport of the )ubdGa n .ttF -, 6. The Secretary distributed a memorandum from the pub-Comittes i the periodical estimate of internaticncrl Communism for oonside-ratidn by # e JI11SAT1 members. It will be diecuarsed at a It for meE:ting!. 7. It was agreed that the Cha3rrrwi world tor- erlf th{, firms. JIB 'T- -an( ti the I1tC upon eompl i.oft enc? * aa+ant, n TT `.he Cal so ' } prt visions may be made to cute the r:*oam by providir>t; the s#s manpower and to determine allot t ionic to the member ttp'enolas g Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003500080030-7 Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003500080030-7 10.11 %_Ie V a 04 A Ibrah , Ald.3Q Lb~. Theodore Babbitt, Presidfrg .YRESE,~~ rb,. Barnard ........ 9T3mnrtmnt Of state Mr. Berna ................. Dp!'" men( of Stab '..li9RO kin man ...... ...................Dep{~ of Staim Major Col. E.B. m :holgo# ... a ............. s D&N tment of the rmr ~. jor R.E. Bcyjmtov..a ..................0 .. Deprtmnt of t,-qe Idw hr. We Abbott, ..e.a ................. .?p.M.DO. rtrmrt of the '~ Col. D.H. WacP wits.. ... 0 ................ 9 ODepart mwrit of the t F w Lira Stefan PO9Dony4 0 a . s ..... a ........ a ... *DepariIma "Rt of t. is Air P ? Fir, Ca. fold der, Jr..... o...........a...Atom a t&Orgy Co sglan Capt. U.P. Wright, Jr., U ..... a.........Y0 1i, C}-Afe of gaff Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80R01731R003500080030-7 Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003500080030-7 1171 E'PA i ONTAL n?' 'S CM := Qmltm SL rMUM (Verbatim) and of a wire recording ievice which had already been movn.ted hey imnediately is that of the decorations on the tab? e, This is tl i BABBITTs One very practical detail tbtt I should lam; to t :se t quite a job to mount it. It need not be Switched on. ~.f; 25X1 Committee the possibility that we use the wire recording device here and we can go on as we have. But I should like to pit up U, tbr, future, simply as a device to assist our personnel side of our oa'fiou minutes. By an l edited report' did you mean a report taker -from - m -; batim report? TiORfIS: The usual secretarial notes. BABBITT: Would you rather have a verbrtim transcrivt .on Mitt 3s ti', _tad has been edited. BABBITT: Tiaturelly it would be cirouUt?d for the eocePtancts NICHOLS: I think we in the Army would prefer to get iu3 edited ac) ', Of course with the concurrence of those att?-nding the cordbronce a , It seems to me that the incident that occurred would have ocurr i at one occasion an edited report might have m NW a Useful purposes TETZERs At the risk of causing a split in qy depart nt, I iier question of a replacement would be greatly eased if there * ovld h:a n objection on the part of tba menibers of this Committee to :sing t. to v of. Q recorder. It works the same v ay ?- the ren rks are taken down w,1 tt -I- scribed and a verbatim report will be circulated. ORRIS: I would like to take the opportunity of rnis.:rg the q ' of whether -.*.e want verbatim reports or edited reports. I chink t a at Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003500080030-7 is going to be absent for soma: time in the :ftcture cad f i Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003500080030-7 4fte N* and boiled down? I th1xslc W. Morrie is ta1ki: about ex seceRt>tar notes. 7AOIITZs Persoay, r think the edited report that has ban ciund somewhat is general] mare purposeful. It ;vas 'xadiag thrtuugh a lot c i necessary naterial. BABB'T: Somebody bas got to do that! ML='Would it be possible to ask the Secretary of the Cac.t#. I to give us a one page stun ry of the results of the meeting, with - he rather available for the others of us who would like to bare the w! t ri report in our M es? BASS 3TTs If W, are going to have a var'tatfm report wVmy, -A think that could be done, I gatl;her that the Consem is in fhb of at lead having a verbatim txascn'iption har y for referenoe purposed, in a ,flits the incident that- has been eyed to. I think i ; is a pratty gob 3414 to have a ' latim transcription available fin reference. Does aaVona object vIo1ent37 to the preaanee of these ,dgaha on =aa table? TIACi 1ITZ : !fat at all. -?+a IOffl': WYl r would theca be W objeetion' BABBITT: I know sow people around town who object for psarahe:lam: c ;' . reasoasa. Sorthing akin to 'i13 e fright`. ZS : lu connatioa with this problem,, I thick we might a * rss& ourselves to the matter of the utilization of this mschir3ry in tk* f uxm v I would be perfectly willing to bane this used in the fixture. B-kBBITTr I gather there is no great objection on a ;rbodir's i* to the use of the wire reeorUim devios9 TIPIM 7&Nt It would rill be desirable if :9rau had a bri. sum===rye' addit:on to it. BABBITT: We will try to work it out, Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003500080030-7 Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003500080030-7 tlaam: Perhaps not a summary, but a statement of decisions rem* ed at the meeting. If there we only two or three decisions, that coun34 be done in a few lines. BABBITT: That is what I meant by secretarial notes. That is, a general outline of the discussion and a record of the decisions:area NENZ E : I am not sure you nerd an outline of the discnsei+pn, frOI that point of view -- but that, after our discussion we have arrived a, certain specific decisions, that these assignments were given to a on ticuAR1sub-committee, and that this person was asked to do the" thins. I I that point and came to the following decisions". That need not , be m* than a page. BM3BIT3? s Let's get the opinions on the desirability of ham a AZ].] transcription of the notes available, no matter what form the c$rav-lat;vd version took -- whether it be a short one page summary based on'the tran- scription, or the secretarial notes. How massy favor the eatistece of o fuU verbatim transcript of each meeting? (Ea jority raised hands) BABBITT: Hoer many would prefer to have an abridgment eireUlated (Possorgr and Wackm-itz raised hands) P2411311AN: Would it be possible to circulate= an abridgment, and full transcript? I just raise that as a possibility. BABBITT: I think if we circulate the whole thing each time, whk.i is quite an operation, that maybe that would be enough. We wfl3. eontd.nue to make the full transcription. for experimental purposes we w#21 drew up a brief account, secretarial minutes, of this meeting. I have two brief announcements before we cart take up the report. I have spoken to the Assistant Director of our Office of Collects m and Dissemination, (who also runs the Reference Center and the CIA bibrei' in - 3 'tECRET Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80R01731R003500080030-7 It could be done. "The Committee considered this point and Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80ROl731 R003500080030-7 AIAW ~,~,C~?ET connection with it) about setting up a readily accessible central Li l'e of the projects which have been requested to be sent in to the Saor r. That is the description of the projects. I am told that it will be -rery easy, through a mechanism known as Telefax, I think, to reproduce aw". Mm in T,UU machines the abstracts of the projects un to 250 words. They need not go up to 250 words, but the mnch7 ner r will take up to that maw, could be dorm very easily for future filing with the Secretary if tb= Cor9=r3; '.ee Members would see to it that socot hying the project (if it is in t isto-n or if it is not) they would file an abstract for a full deaori'tion of t'i project, which would then be typed on the Telefax cards, coded and r(lecM el The ultimate objective being that if any aanaiyet in any agency there fte' starts to work on a nro jest having to do with international. Gar rmndst ;, he can apply to the CIA Library for a loan of all projects on thaw part eul n? phase Which he is about to undertake. I know this Telefax operation sl.iUh from the outside, and I know that it works very well. Natural3yryou sI . not i et out any more than you put in *v but if everybody puts in eve him ;} they have, we will eventually be able to push a button and got out gees abstracts of all projects bearing on the subject. As the coding rued nip i usually works you get rather more than you need on the one thilrag,, bt yob; cover the whole field adequately. It, will also give you the locatic r of the paper of Which you have the abstract, and the various coping. instance., you might find that there are two copies in G-2, rxnd~ one L- 031, and one in CIA. I am going to pursue that further, to see the' codin* operation, to see if we can come up with something which will be of practical value to the JIGSAW oper!xtion. I think I should also mention the absence of the FBI roesresenta ivae this time, and to tell you that the Direction (CIA) received a lettex frcr. the Direction of the FBI mentioning sale remarks of nine at the last. eta] and stating that in view of those remarks the IM desired to lthdraii frog -4- Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80R01731R003500080030-7 Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003500080030-7 ftol %f the JIGSAW Committee. That letter has been answered, with a request fbr reconsideration, which is still unanawerad. So I cannot tell you *tither the FBI will finally end formally withdraw from the JIGSAW Committee or not. I most certainly be they do not, because they are in posseaB-Ion of information which should be of great value in the study of interhntiarE-l Communism if it could be made available to the other members of the it ~ However, that matter is not decided yet. You have before you two reports. the was circulated last week contains a list of first priority projects. Th.) subject is "190= 0- clatt os for Priority Program". The other one, a much more bulky document, which has just been ,--.istrfbx;ed, is on the subject of "Suggestions for Projects on Aspects of 1terna'ionti Communism". This is a more lengthy document anti for that reneon 1 t.-ink it should not be discussed it any detail today. What we intend to do '(if the Committee approves) with botch of ti=ese documents, if they are approved, is to forward than to the I&t0 with t re4ur!i; which is yet to be written requesting full supper; from the a nisi in the production of, In the first place, the priority projeoU>, and ?r3tl?i n the framework of the larger list of projects. The larger lima, in spite of its size, is t_dmitted3,y far from oc,: ph? t a t You will recall the four fields of investigation: which we have. disc. ed tr:1t ra. noticed, on page 2, that there is only one paragraph on fiel numbr:~ I. 1 `hrin- ciples of Communism"; and field number III. "Activities of nationei 1Fid gional Communist Organizations"; has not been completed; and field nhusbet IV. "Communism as an Instrurngnt of Soriat Foreign Polley", is only MV-rtetst out. But that, when completed, will be forwarded to the I&C, not as a list of oroSects, but as backpround and a framework against Bch the most im- portant and priority erogra s of this Committee are to be viz . Its shall hone to get the opinion of the agencies on the validity of the oriorilies E C R E T Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003500080030-7 Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003500080030-7 R1T in the priority program, and with that their approvwa of el .oe tiow or production. Obvious3r, the Sub-Coirdttee'a report for the Piaritzy Program j- before you for discussion arid posaihle amendment in the wey of 'addit1rns, r- txactions, or in,an oober Hay. Is there atr dineuaeion? tarr. IJemseras chairman of the Sub-Committee, would you like to lead off? MUM There might be a number of. things pointed out with refwona v to the Priority Program. You will note that the Committee has rot rated tuhetic proo jeots,, fa.v a number of reasons. First, because it is felt Mast a 4,aro s of. agencies rather than one agency should address itself to the problepa a# doing these proJects, and therefore sovorel oroJeabs could be dtnne at bbe same time. In looking over the projects, you trill aee, I thy, qui.#, rot that we have in a sense picked on a number of projects Which could be iom by different departments. Thus, Ibr example, project ' h' . ("Pesarit methods or selection, changing characteristics in the leadership of 111,1 Cc+mrn- nist parties in. Southeast Asia") is obviously a project to be dpne pAmarI.. . by biographical intelli ;ene organizations of the government a Pro j" 114, ("The pattern of olande tine Commimist activities of both legal and #3: I. parties", etc.) is obviously a project to be done principally to, SO. ' JO b.c v designated project 'J'., as one which obviously should be at leapt psrt:?.y dares by External Research -- if not --holly. There are a tumbO ' of other projects which are of srec3 1 interest to member departments of tbb Committee. Another point that I would like to mike In this eonition is that this Priority Program, ar we have it here, should not be the kst of as the only aspect of the program for immediate work in JIGSAW's program. Thnt It to say, thin is, in a sense, the first batch of riports that ought to =ee dome in the near i'btture, but almost all of them make sense only if connect*-' a+ri , another series of reports that should be done eoma af'terwirda. Thus, for example, take project 'b' ("Communist organizational po--entiel s and capabilities in the international maritime inaustt7",) it Is quiff} ellar EffRET Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003500080030-7 Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003500080030-7 that iu terms of the situation that exists in the world to&ay, parti**-t' in the Western World, but to some extent in other parts of the sraorlA ..- 14111 say in Australia and to some extent the South Pacific -`? an m4arstanOW -it' the Government of Oommmist potent:Iala and capabilities in the ,rltkt & Indmstrv is an important requirement. But that ought not to be thou ;ht of as -F.aolzLtti from related projects which fit together. Thera are five or sirs maiaa- a-< tegio industries which I think all of us agree ought to be studied at ones time or another if the reauiremente of the American government sere to be reeemmt sd. The .same thing can be said about a number of others. Pro_joat 's' (tdle :I refers to Communist strategy as revealed in Commnist tactics iin Sou* :east. >ti* I although obviously of rreat importance at this time in view of the evwate in the South Pacific, is really only the first of a series that ought to 3e cc=-ki with reference to Communist strategy and tactics. T4ere are a number -,f c i rs thai sd1l come to mind 3.mmediate]y as you look at the report. BABBI 't Yds. X should say that that Project 'b', on the, inter .rticrr maritime industry,, would be oonnectod with any other studies of the r.. othea^ industries affected by the U, or any other Oor mnitnt dominated ? labb;- orwwni-,etion. BABBITT: ;Githin that framework, is there air discussion, &441?tioa , or suggested deletions from the nriom.ty list? NICI3QI,8 t 1 am a little confused at this nertieular staga. In thw shnr, list we have 'Communist capabilities and intentions fbr sabotage of it r=ortt- ir- facilities' in Just two countries -- France and Italy. I think It shat td t made annarent that the ArAy is interested in these capabilities and ir> nt cb-+. 7 Number 13 throursh 21 is the proun. The same thing holds for the othettr. is the general nrinoiple that iir. Nemaer Is taikinp, about. down here as Number 14. ("Covunist potentials 9" oapebiiit,ies in the- ma i t industr3l.") There are a number of others under the sites general sub-t.aaio. By reference to the fuller report, p4a 4,, this prytticul&r oat, as an examtale, may be seen in the context of thou others you s> ;eat. I Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003500080030-7 Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003500080030-7 lnwi r E C F $ T In any specific arc-a in which we might be calleca upon to use of r r i.l 4ary ~'c r o a. What I want reassurance on jr that this would not restrict our field ,f IrdA ?aet. BABBI7?: Not in the aliahteat. NS'iZx' .r On the contrary, That is Just the point I eras twin to rr te. As you are now saying, this suggestion of 'at makes sense only if we- ? eeu in -d-nd that that must be done with others. NICHOLS: I want that in the record. i E 7LIt: I feel strongly about thatd This is the top nart or :.he tZe xg the projects that we feel should be seen now, and should be dai1 irm?ee ietn. r. But the iceberg can not be handled unless we do all of the otht oro jt eta fit in immediately with this. NICHOLS: I have no other comment. BABBIM We have to start somewhere. Is this as good al place as a:rrr. shall we say, to start? NICHOLS: From our standpoint, that is the best place. le are, tw1tsH17 interested in item 'a' on the short list. Fie juste do not want to be r , ic^ca3 at a later time by having a comment made to the effect that you shoul: harm said that a long time ago' . 25X1 PENN3190: It seems to me it would be useftial if a raragreoh M:e '?er* of Nemzeer' s and statements are outlined and nut in. BABBITT: It will be taken care of in tar pore than one a:trar ra . h, I hopes If this report is accented as a Priority Program, as I se.1d. it era-_ go forward to the IAC with a rather lengthy report as another atl;achr t.. JICSATT report, which you requested me to do at the. last meeting, and v tch have not done, for masons quite, beyond my oontrol (beaterioloci w,l of attu") `. and consequently I think we could very well r'orwait the whole thrszg iii ,ne ei.c h., That is, this report as an attachment, and as a point of focus of the tkaoi i -d progrress report of JIMAY up to now, leading up to this, and regteestirj tl support of the agencies on a priority basis. It will be far mori than; me paragraph of additional information. I propose to circulate tbendrat 3f _8 Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003500080030-7 Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003500080030-7 CRET part of our report, so that a whole step will be taken at the tame baia. BABBITT: I wanted to ask the members of the Committee et this we culated and approved, it might be useful to continue along partil.lel 31net and get all of the information needed for actual allocation of, these ari ~_ftx- jobs8 That is to say, at the same time that the report is being drif`fied :LL is iW suggestion, and the suggestion of most of the members of the I think, that that list be sent to each of the departments with a recuest ''ca some indication of that department' a planes in this general conr.otlor . Iet.` i say, for example, that this is sent to State. I an sure that +' depiertsaerd; will answer by indicating that we plan, within the foreseeable'futu*e, to do project ' b' - and several others, and we would be interested' in h ing pout ions of those reports allocated to State. If similar answers are r ceived frog each of the member departments, JIQSAW can then lmmsdiateily proceed to al.lceet ng those joss, and in fact in the report to the I&C indicate those allocation; as will be very soon.. xZ 'A ZER s Mr. Chairman, before the report to the IN is finish a d, report to the members of the Committee at a later muting, to ask the+ir approval of it before it is finalised and dispatched to the IM. I 'ham 1?i+,4 .to signify officially if possible, but probab3,v tentatively only, which err sate they thought their agencies and departments would be interested in pb duairg. I think there are very few which would be completely within -the) fie:i of r a s si- bility of only one department. But in using the term allocation. it vould bb understood that that department would have general charge, but 'iighf. All ep some ;her department for assistance in various phases of the cfork. it I would be very glad to have some indications, on the basis of this 1:.s', ?f the interest, shall we say, of the member, agencies . 0 So far, as SO is concerned, I think that I f$ and I'll fa1`_ wi s ?i i our field of interest. So rending an approval from. headquarter , I s=oup Q$~:r that we would definitely be interested in If' and ' is . As a matter a.` far--. we are working on 'f' already. SECRET Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003500080030-7 Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003500080030-7 BILBBITTs All it subheadings of Pft ? Yea. 'fie might call oft other departments for ass1ttar e. Bt B2 ?: That. would be done through the normel procmdure.. M AM Do yoh fuel that probably ' o' could be at least partly . :lone. c r done with the cooperation of SO? On '&, as you know, we have put out one interim ttudy b a U O 'further, perhaps by State or ORE. But It it is felt that wo can oont .ibuta more an the suh1set, we shall be glad to assist. subject, and we feel that more could be dome, that it could be aarrie`t a I N ZCR: There my be a number of them that would have to be do*- by a try to do the whole thine inside the office. Or would it be better tt a it, for instance, to G-2? it be easier to nut that downs, for instance, an an ORS project? We d r :~ ~rets't agree. It seems to me that the best machinery wE have for that is th OW,_ , ~' A coordinating meehan sm, isn't it? I an putting that out as a grwatiotr. . Il en l e available and certainly all of the departments cooperatin. Bt1BtBITT s When you say ' by all of the denartmerstte cooperation' in, and in fact suggested, On'),, could only be done by all of the fdv11i A task force from several dceaartmentn. The one that Colonel Nichols eh wrd NICfOLS s It would seem to me that that particuU3r one, 'at, can ;m contributed to by every agency almost in an equal amount? and that cave cy a na-7 ha s an almost equal interest in it. N : Not all writing on the same thing, but subseetione of a ?eport of this type. and therefore how can you assign a prinary interent? I+ t!I .' You might have a task force, dividing the actual work, w various departments taking primary responsibility for sections. . NICHOLS: The Point I am getting at is that everyone nas an eqL*l into SEG1ET Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80R01731R003500080030-7 Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003500080030-7 **rr 111t:1a0LS: With a chairman over the whole thing. UEf,?ZERt It may be that that is the kind of a job that to worth VCN from the point of view of procedures as well as substantive value. tie number of different ways of doing it. :lt!BBITT: That is what I wanted to bring up. I simply sage the: rrachinory as the one with which I am moot familiar. Normally, if t)* 4 vrf-rn e n 3nterraallT, generated Oi project, a meeting would be called to: disc a tte outline and to allocate nroduotior? responsibility for various rseatior.s of 113-I MS fly sugr'ertion on a project or this type would be: that r:3 hs o to explore the whole business rathor thoroughly. For example, titles ai.s nct really sufficient in some cases to tactually let you 1cnoe' what is behi ,d tht request. In a care like this it seems to me that tbo first thing a tr=tb4crrt i tee would do .would be to find out, frc the An w, (mho sup-est?d it In t 'r% first place) ghat they had in mind in detail, and get other information frprz othe t departme3tta as to what they think ought to be done, and as the: r ro jeo :: stare e up you may find that one particular organization is better thap anothq-r Ir attacking the kind of problem that you now see. P' 'NIGI41Nt Does not this.sue^est that there is a cb tinuif - vale it continuing the Sub-Comrittni for that ournose among others -- at lab t Ors the exploratory level? BABBITT: Yes, I think there is. We ripht also add, i',fotmally- t least, to the Sub-Committee (again from the ORE oixrt of view) one of the rw eot people from the Publications Division, who are the ones famrlinr with the machinery, and working out the terms of reference. That could be dota=i on an entirely informal basis. PE I.Iiir : I raise this question also, to take it down to one tb - t h i n directly at me, ? 3 e, were it states "Thin is recommnded oray if it - can undertaken by External i seaarch". There are two or throe thins whit we ? of:Jd need if we were to undertake it. First of all, this world wenft there had some kind of general outltYe agreed ton so that everybody fare gets? -- ll. - Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003500080030-7 Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003500080030-7 of information about each of those oountriesa, so that at soizs point #',3err be a comparative study made. Individual analysis on the countries, v iot. that on whatever countries we study we ail' have approximately the so=w r much as they can in getting anW research done out in the univeraiti don't think there will be too much problem in placing something, or it pici.pia; any case, there is one on Runmary. There are others underway. As a latter fact, there is one underway on almost all of the satollite countries. Sc flow do you r..o about having everybody more or less diaasetisfied equal.j:rt where you send seven copies of something that thick, without causing have not yet had a chance to get out, partially because we cannot f1g?nre at least partly historical, is not worth a great deal u1l.ess we can tee it it a pattern, so that it can be projected into other countries which hen-* nt4, as yet been penetrated or have not as yet had the Comftalats asstmme ;-oset?~ So that the External Research staff ought to have that k#nd of infora:rticn an outline that we could talk to people about & Secondly, and this a slit t= t c another problem which is really quite separate and which you may not Mist tc discuss at this *..,,oint, but for the actual comparative study it would Tote d mean that somebody ought to be paid to do it. It is possible, perhars, ve:~::.1a