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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
May 7, 2007
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Publication Date: 
November 8, 1949
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80R01731R003500090016-2.pdf250.57 KB
Approved For Release 2007/05107 :CIA-RDP80R01731 8003500090016-2 ' (bPIFIDENTIAL #r. ~ernsrd L. ~lj~deux ~s~~v~ ~~~ist,snt ~~ ~_,~ .`~d~C~r~3t1d.1Y Dsrt~extt of c~~erc~ ~~~~i~~t~, ~. ~. ~~~.~ qtr. ~x~ai~~: ekncr~le~~~ ~c~s.x 1~ettEr of ~ ~io~tLter r~~sst Imo, ~: .-... ~ ;"s'~a~ce of t~~~ Ccsntr~~ Intclli~s~sc~ A;~pnay in ccal2eetin~, ~ ~~'c~~^r kt.~.s- #sn~arce^i~r=~~~ ~~,~c~~rt~ccrt -Lre9. ~olic~ ~r~r~, ~3psciica~l~`, a~ ~~'~ ~an_ts~"?"GC~rtef.~ c;o~~:~clit~~s r3"~tc~riGsn c~ri~in to E.~att cauntr3es. It is ~ssrzed that r;~uc~ ~rfcmaatian on Lhis ttspiC r~il2 b~- eve ~l~t~ ~rvu~h D+~ps.rt?~~rt ,f ~tL~tc ~~~ ot2~ar chsnssle. Infer ~s~i~!$ thrv~.~gh oz~r ;~spra ~~ntat:I~re~ aDro~d ~s shsl.i be ~;I~.~' t c: Z~ ortlar the~t t#*~i.: -ay be tia~;.s c?'fsctis-l~r s close ~~.r~ ~.:' ~-k~cg - X131 bs xequire~? ~i*~ t,Y:r ~p~3rcypriats Affice~? of t~s Dsp~u?'#~:+~~..t G offif~el"C!s . ,a~t- t~ai~n~e to be the 1i+~iRoc c~f`~`~,c~r i . ~,xrpose. ~ Ft~ mill cmll upon fir. Ed~rs.rct P. G~~.x.~?#n.e tc~ you=fvr thi ~ c~OS ~~-?s~ oe1'T"~`--i;'~?~ re> uez~t ~hi~}y the ~3epu~t~srat of Ce:*..a~~-cs ha}. c~lSdA. ~11'~Ce'rslj~ y'ouPB ~~R. ~. ~i llaaskoett,et '~~ t'~ CLOY b~ w3"si> Distributions Director AASO - ~. ! r c s f ~-) Central Reaorda f~~~a I L C::~ F' T:: C~~ C'?~~~ F~ :: C'~LE.~~~ If~I~TF~I~I~::TI~Ck~~v~ r~.F'F'L~~r' conFiop+ne~ Approved For Release 2007/05107 :CIA-RDP80R01731 8003500090016-2 Approved For.Release 200 1~Q~3iJ07 ~" ~t~a=R.4P8Q 173;1 R00350009001iE~ -- t l DEPART(vtE=NT OF COMMERCE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY V+/ASHINGTON 25 November 2, 1948 Rear Admiral R. H. Hillenkoetter Director of Central Intelligence Room 7135, Federal Works Building 18th and F. streets, N. W. ~I~ashingtan, 25, D. C. Dear Admiral Hillenkoetter: Attached is a statement prepared by the Enforcement Branch of the Office of International Trade of th~a Department soliciting the cooperation of the Central Iatelligence Agency in the enforcement of a=port central regulations. ~Ve send this to you in the belief that your highly trained personnel abroad can be of considerable value in making export control policy effective. Your attention is directed to the two actions requested of CIA on gage 2 of the attached. 9Qe should appreciate your re- action to this request and would suggest also that you desi~,*nate an appropriate representative of CIA to canault with tlidr. Edward PE Guinan?, Acting Chief of the Enforcement Branch, concerning more specific arrangements. Sincerely yours, Bernard L. Gladieua ' I~acutive Assistant to the Secretary Approved For Release 2007J05J07 : CIA-RDP80R01731 8003500090016-2 Approved For Release 2007/05107 :CIA-RDP80R01731 8003500090016-2Y ~hforce~nE:nt of impart Control Re?;ulations . To efT ectuate Rmericar. policy on export controls a~ h_i~ha~ ae~~?~_~ of compliance with snd enforcement of the coxiditions of exF~oi~t. li~?>ise?~b particularly rel