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Approved For Release 2006/07/28: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003600030018-5 Approved For Release 2006/07/28: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003600030018-5 Approved For Release 2006/07/28: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003600030018-5 TOP SECRET DAILY SUMMARY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP Number ' 312 1200 2 4 FE B 1947 The information herein will not be quoted, para- phrased, or reproduced in any form. Utmost se- crecy must be enforced in order not to jeop- ardize the vital interests of the United States. TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2006/G7128: C-IA-RDP80RO 1731 R003600030018-5 Approved For Release 2006/07/28: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003600030018-5 1. The President 2. Secretary of State 3. Secretary of War 4. Secretary of Navy 5. Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief 6. Chief of Staff of the Army 7. Chief of Naval Operations 8. Commanding General, Army Air Forces 9. Director of Plans and Operations, WDGS 10. Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Operations) 11.. Assistant Chief of Air Staff-5 12. Special Assistant to the Secretary of State, Research and Intelligence 13. Director of Intelligence, WDGS 14. Chief of Naval Intelligence 15. Assistant Chief of Air Staff-2 16.-24. File Copies Approved For Release 2006/07/28: CIA-RDP80RO1731 8003600030018-5 Approved For.RRelease 2006/07/28: CIA-RDP80R017 10003600030018-5 TOP SECRET EUROPE 25X1 1. RU trMnwiMdraya1n_-U1-R Re wry reports that! Soviets have begun organizational preparations for the withdrawal, by 15 April, of all but four divis! ns of Soviet troops currently estimated at 10-12 divisions. r MW Soviet military commander will have un er commana a' o le civil organiza- tion of Soviet operators ... to control the country in civilian guise." 2. USSR: Violent propaganda attacks on US--According to US Embassy Moscow, Soviet propaganda attacks on the US have reached an unprece- dented intensity. The Embassy believes this attitude may be designed to cover up certain weaknesses made evident by recent failures of Soviet policy at home and abroad. In the Embassy's view, the present campaign is calculated to create among the Western Powers an attitude of pessimism regarding the forthcoming CFM meeting, so that the West- ern delegates will be grateful for even minor Soviet concessions. 4. HUNGARY: Colic a of coalition Government again re rted imminent-- US Minister Schoenfeld reports that Premier Nagy now expects the om- munists and Social Democrats to withdraw from the coalition Government, because the Smallholders Party, refuses to waive parliamentary immunity for its former Secretary-General, Bela Kovacs, who has been accused by the Communists of participating in the alleged subversive plot against the Government (see Daily Summary of 27 January, item 5). Nagy fears that leftist-spired disturbances would make it impossible for a purely Smallholders' Government to maintain order and that new elections may therefore have to be held. 5_ FRANCE: Possible removal of key Army officers TOP SECRET 25X1r 25X 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/07/28: CIA-RDP80R01731 8003600030018-5 Approved For-lease 2006/07/28: CIA-R DP80R01703600030018-5 TOP SECRET (CIG Comment: Should Petit become Comnomdft of the Army, the Communists will have gone far in neutralising the effective- ness of the Army in putting down any Communist attempt to take control of the Government by force.) d. 7. GREECE: r views on ree economic cr r- a Porter, CmW of the Economic Mission to Greece, reports that the Greek economic crisis is so acute that if the Greek Government awaits the final recom- mendations of his Mission, the situation will have "deteriorated to the point where little could be accomplished." Porter is therefore cooperat- ing with the US Economic Mission and the US-UK Currency Commission to formulate "specific immediate undertakings by the Greek Government" to combat further wage and budget inflation. TOP SECRET 25X6 25X6 Approved For Release 2006/07/28: CIA-RDP80R01731 8003600030018-5 Approved For Release 2006/07/28: CIA-RDP80R017a1,JR 703600030018-5 TOP SECRET FAR EAST 8. CHINA: Chinese Government reorganir Lion--US Ambassador Stuart has been o-rme by the Generalissimo that the reorganization of his government will be undertaken "in the closing days of this mondh." Courier ship deli--Stuart also reports that on 23 February (2 days before the scheduled departure of the US courier ship for Dairen), the Soviet Embassy handed him a note stating that it could not notify the proper authorities concerning the ship's departure (as the US had re- quested) because notification must be made through US Embassy Moscow to the Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs. The State Department has Instructed Embassy Nanking to hold the ship pending further instructions. SUS aid in cap ur private for assets sought--T. V. Soong has. informed US Treasury Attache Nanking that he is anxious to obtain from the US and UK Governments a list of private Chinese holders of assets in the US and the British Empire. According to Soong, the Chinese Government Is considering taking steps to gain control of these private assets. Soong believes that without US and UK gyration such steps `4could not amount to much.,, THE AMERICAS 9. PERU: Debt settlement offer unacce a to US--US Ambassador Cooper, on instructions from Washington, has informed the Peruvian Minister of Finance that Peru's latest dollar debt settlement offer is "completely unacceptable" to the US. 10. VENEZUELA: Revolutionsat movement is reported rea? --US Military Attache Caracas reports thatr followers of ex. president Lopez Contreras assert that all local preparations for a revolutionary movement have been completed (see Daily Summary of 12 February, Item 4). TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2006/07/28: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003600030018-5 Approved For Release 2006/07/28 -CIA-RDP80R01731 R003600030018-5 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2006/07/28: CIA-RDP80R01731R003600030018-5 Approved For Release 2006/07/28: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003600030018-5 Approved For Release 2006/07/28: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003600030018-5