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The Director of Central Intelligence Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003800040001-0 /CTS I TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION COPY NO. _2 NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL STATUS OF PROJECTS as of August 24, 1953 lo-~.r~y c0AJ a~GG -r~'o a Cjz~ -/ta Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 WARNING THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS, TITLE 18, U. S. C., SECTIONS 793 AND 794, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 TOP SECRET August 24, 1953 SECURITY INFORMATION NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL ~jTAZUS_OF PROJECTS Tabl of Contents Page I. Projects Under Consideration by the NSC ............. 1 A. Items Scheduled on Agenda for the 160th Meeting. 1 1. Report by the Joint Chiefs of Staff......... 1 2. Significant World Developments Affecting U. S. Security ............................ 1 3. The Situation in Iran ....................... 1 4. The Situation in French North Africa........ 1 B. Items Awaiting Subsequent NSC Consideration..... 2 1. Fort Security ............................... 2 2. Internal Security ........................... 2 4. NSC 26 Series ............................... 2 United States Policies in the Far East...... 3 5. United States Objectives and Courses of Action with Respect to Formosa and the National Government of China .............. 3 II. Current NSC Planning Board Projects................. 4 1. The Position of the United States with Respect to Iran ........................... 4 2. United States Policy Toward the Soviet Satellites in Eastern Europe.............. 4 3. Continental Defense ......................... 4 4. U. S. Position with Respect to the Regula- tion, Limitation and Balanced Reduction of Armed Forces and Armaments ................ 5 5. Security of Strategically Important Indus- trial Operations in Foreign Countries..... 6 6. Project Solarium....>.....> ................. 6 7. United States Policy Toward Communist China. 7 8. NSC 26 Series ............................... 7 9. Communist Influence Among Students in Various Countries ......................... 7 10. United States Position with Respect to Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 11. United States Objectives and Policies with Respect to South Asia... .................. 8 12. United States Objectives and Policies with Respect to North Africa... .... o..oo ....... 8 13. Electro-Magnetic Communications ............. 9 1 . Review of United States Objectives vis-a-vis the USSR in the Event of War .............. 9 NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - i - TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP8ORO1731 R003800040001 -0 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION T yeo Contents (Continued) Page 15. The Position of the United States with Respect to the Communist Threat to Italy.... .............................. 10 16. Armaments and American Policy............ 10 17. The Position of the United States with Respect to Yugoslavia..,*..,,,,,,,,.... 11 18. United States Objectives and Courses of Action with Respect to Latin America... 11 19. U. S. Policy with Respect to Austria..... 11 III. Other Current Council Projects................... 12 1. The Current Situation in Indonesia....... 12 2. U. S. Psychological Strategy with Respect to the Thai Peoples of Southeast Asia.. 12 f U d St t P f St t it 3. rograms or us o n es a e a 12 tional Securit as of June 30 1953 N , .. y a 4. Coast Guard Operations Affecting National Security ............................... 13 5. Near East Oil Situation .................. 13 6. Reported Decline in U. S. Prestige Aboard ................................. 14 7. Further United States Support for France and the Associated States of Indochina. 14 8. Programs Affecting Escapees, Refugees, and Defectors .......................... 14 9. Report by the President's Committee on International Information Activities Dated June 30, 1953 (Except Chapter 7). 15 10. Report by the President's Committee on International Information Activities Dated June 30, 1953 (Chapter 7)........ 15 11. National Petroleum Program ............... 15 12. Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands Remaining Under U. S. Jurisdiction..... 16 13. United States Export Licensing Policy Toward Hong Kong and Vacao ............. 16 14. Effect on National Security Interests in Latin America of Possible Anti-Trust Proceedings ............................ 16 15. Certain European Issues Affecting the United States .......................... 17 16. Analysis of Possible Courses of Action in Korea ............... ................ 17 NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - ii - TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP8ORO1731 R003800040001 -0 Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION I. PROJECTS UNDER CONSIDERATION ~Y THE NSC A. ITEMS SCHEDULED ON AGENDA FOR THE 160TH MEETING ON THURSDAY AUGUST 27, 195953 1. REPORT BY THE JOINT QHIEFS QE STAFF For a report by the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, based upon an examination by the new Chiefs of Staff, at the direction of the President, of (a) our strategic concepts and implementing plans; (b) the roles and missions of the services; (c) the composition and readiness of our present forces; (d) the development of new weapons and weapons systems, and resulting new advances in military tactics; and (e) our military assistance programs. 2. SIGNIFICANT W RL DEVELOPMENTS FEC ING U S. SECURITY The subject is scheduled for discussion in the light of an oral briefing by the Acting Director of Central Intelligence. 3. TBE SITUATION IN IRAN Ref: Council - NSC 136/1 The subject is scheduled for discussion in the light of an oral briefing by the Acting Director of Central Intelligence on developments and an oral report by the Secretary of State on actions taken or contemplated with respect to the situ- ation. (See also related project in Section II). THE SITUATION IN FRFNCH NORTH AFRICA The subject is scheduled for discussion in the light of an oral briefing by the Acting Director of Central Intelligence on developments and an oral report by the Secretary of State on actions taken or contemplated with respect to the situation. (See also related project in Section II). NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 1 Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION B. ITEMS AWAITING SUBSEQTJENT NSC CGNSID RA TION 1. PORT SECURITY Ref: Council - NSC Action No. 830-,a; Memos, June 23 and July 31, 1953; Progress Report dated March 3, 1952 by the Treasury Department and the Department of the Navy on the NSC 78 series; NSC 159 Qri n: The Council on July 2 referred the letter of the Acting Secretary of the Treasury on the subject (reference memo of June 23) to the Continental Defense Committee of the Planning Board for consideration in connection with other continental defense problems, with particular reference to the possibility of the Department of Defense taking responsibility for certain U.S. ports where U.S. military vessels are concentrated (NSC Action No. 830-a). Current Status: The views of the JCS and the Con- tinental Defense Committee have been transmitted by the reference memo of July 31 and are tentatively sche- duled for Council consideration on September 10. (See also related project in Section III below.) 2. -INTERNAL SECURITY Ref: CQcil - Progress Report dated July 23, 1953 by the NSC Representative on Internal Security on NSC 17/4 and 17/6 Origin: The reference Progress Report has been circu- lated for the information of the Council. Current Status: Tentatively scheduled for September 10. 3. N5C 26 SERIES Ref: Coun i~l - Progress Report dated August 7, 1953 by the Acting Secretary of State. Origin: The reference Progress Report has been circu- lated for the information of the Council. Current Sta us: To be scheduled on the agenda of an early Council meeting. (See also related project in Section II below.) NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 2 - TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 iur oz~n.Mi SECURITY INFORMATION ITEMS LkLd SC CONSIDERATION-Won 4. UNITED IN THE EAR EAST Re : Council - NSC 148 and 46/5; NSC Action Nos. X58 and 777-1 (2); Memo, subject "Cost Estimates of United States Policies in the Far East", April 21, 1953; Memo for All Holders of April 21 memo dated April 23, 1953; Memo, April 30, 1953; NIE-47 Origin: Draft statement of policy on the subject, pre- pared by the Planning Board, was submitted for Council consideration as NSC 148, together with a Far East Financial Summary and an annex constituting an NSC Staff study on Communist China. Current Status: Awaiting further study by the Council of NSC18.. UNITED STATES OBJECTIVES AND COURSES OF ACTION WITH RESPECT TO FORMOSA AND THE NATION GOVERN_RT OF CHI A Ref : u c - NSC-M 0 an ; ex to NSC ; NSC Action Nos. 760, 624; Memos, April 6 and 7, 1953; NIE-27/1; SE-29 Ori : The Council on April 2, 1952, directed the NSC Staff, after preliminary discussion by State, Defense and CIA, to prepare a report for Council consideration in the light of a review of NSC 48/5, insofar as it pertains to U.S. policy toward Formosa, the Chinese Nationalist Government, and other anti-Communist Chinese forces and in the light of views of the JCS, contained in NSC 128 (NSC Action No. 624Th). Current Stat, s: Awaiting further study by the Council of NSC 146 as amended by the reference memo of April-6. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 3 - TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION II. CURRENT NSC PLANNING BOARD PROJECTS Ref: Cot c - - NSC 136/1 Plan. Bd. - Memo, August 3, 1953; Record of Meeting, July 30 and August 6, 1953 Origin: The Planning Board on July 30 discussed U.S. policy toward Iran in the light of recent developments and estimates of the situation and agreed to consider at an early meeting the desirability of a basic review and re- vision of U.S. policy toward Iran. Current Status: A report on the subject by the State Planning Board Member and a coordinated estimate of the situation by CIA are scheduled for discussion on August 24. 2. UNITED STATES POLICY' TOWARD THE SOVIET SATELLITES IN EASTERN EUROPE Ref: Council - NSC 58/2; NIE-87 Plan. Bd. - Memo for Senior NSC Staff, March 3, 1953; Memos, May 18, July 28 and August 17, 1953; Record of Senior Staff Meeting, January 29, 1953; Record of Meetings of Planning Board, April 24 and May 20, 1953 Origin: The Senior Staff agreed on January 29 to prepare recommendations for Council consideration an several urgent and immediate policy questions, including this policy question. Current Stats: Awaiting consideration of the revised draft statement of policy prepared by the Board Assistants (reference memo of August 17) and the staff study trans- mitted byy the reference memo of July 28. Scheduled for August 24. 3. CONTINENTAL DEFENSE Ref: C - NSC 159, 159/1, 140/1, 139, 131, 131/1; Memos, July 22, August 3 and 4 (two) and August 5, 1953; Memo for All Holders of NSC 159, July 23, 1953; Memo, subject, "Organized Evacuation of Civilian Populations in Civil Defense", June 9, 1952; Memo, subject, "Port Securityy " June 23, 1953; NSC Action Nos. 651, 804, 830-s, 84~ and 873 Plan. Bd. - Memo, August 19 and 24, 1953; Record of Meeting August 12, 1953 Origin: The Council considered NSC 159 on August 6 and requested the new Joint Chiefs of Staff to, submit to the Council, not later than September 1, 1953, recommendations on continental defense, including their views with respect NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 4 - TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION CONTINENTAL DEFENSE (font'd) to certain matters outlined in NSC Action No. 873-b. The Planning Board was directed to submit for Council consider- ation _ not later than September 17, 1953, recommendations for Council action on the subject in the light of NSC 159 and comments thereon, the views of the Civilian Consultants, and the recommendations of the new Joint Chiefs of Staff. The President requested Mr. Flemming to establish a special task force to study and make recommendations on improving the organization of government with respect to interanl security functions and with respect to the con- tinental defense functions covered in Part VI of NSC 159. Current Status: Awaiting pursuant to the above action: (1) final views of the Civilian Consultants (preliminary views transmitted by reference memo of August 19); (2) recom- mendations from the JCS; (3) recommendations by the Plan> .Wing Board based on (1) and (2) and on NSC 159/1; (4) recommendations from the Director, ODM. A draft statement of policy on "Necessary Measures for Securing Adequate Continental Defense" prepared by ODM as a Planning Board response to NSC Action No. 873-9 is being circulated by the reference Planning Board memo of August 24 and is scheduled for consideration August 26. 4. U.S. POSITION WITH RESPECT TO TEE REGULATION LIMITATION AND BALANCED REQUCTION OF ARMED FORCES AND ARMAMENTS Ref: Council - Progress Report dated January 19, 1953 by the Under Secretary of State on NSC 112; Memos, "Formulation of a United States Position with Respect to Regulation, Limitation and Balanced Reduction of Armed Forces and Armaments", February 17 and June 3, 1953; NSC Action No. 717-i Elan. Bd-L - Memo, August 24, 1953 DrIgin: At its meeting on February 18, 1953, the Council agreed to explore, prior to the next UN General Assembly meeting in September, the possibility of a new U.S. pro- posal on the subject (NSC Action No. 717-22). Current Status; Awaiting completion of a review of NSC 112 by the Planning Board not later than September 1. A draft report by the Executive Committee on Regulations of Arma- ments,submitted by the State Planning Board Member, is being circulated by the reference Planning Board memo of August 24 and is scheduled for consideration August 26. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 5 - TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 5. SECMITY OF-STRATEGICALLY IMPORTANT INDUSTRIAL OPER TIONS IN FQRE1 COUNTRIES Ref: ou,ri. - Progress Report dated June 8, 1953 by the Under Secretary of State on NSC 29; NSC Action Nos. 837 and 844 Qri9in: The Council on July 2 referred the reference Progress Report to the Planning Board for re'tiAw and report (NSC Action No.837). Current Status: A report,to be circulated, containing (1) ODM-Defense recommendations, (2) 0DM-Defense proposed statement of policy and (3) State-CIA recommendations is scheduled for discussion on August 26. 6. RROJECT SOLARIUM Ref: Council - NSC Action Nos. 853, 868 and 886; Memo, July 22, 1953 Plan. Bd. - Record of Meeting, July 30 and August 20, 19-53 Qriein: The Council on July 30 discussed the three alterna- tive national security policies presented by the Solarium Task Forces on the basis of the reference memorandum and a new basic concept proposed by the Solarium Working Committee and circulated at the meeting, and directed the NSC Plan- ning Board, with the assistance of representatives of the Solarium Task Forces: (1) to draft for Council consideration a new basic national security policy with courses of action, in the light of the above discussion and (2) pending the completion.of (1) above, to recommend for Council consider- ation any details of action proposed by the Solarium Task Forces which should be implemented at once, including proposed specific actions with respect to particular Communist-controlled nations (NSC Action No. 868-a and -b; see also NSC Action No. 886-b). Current Status: Awaiting report by the Special Committee (composed of the State, Defense, JCS and CIA Planning Board representatives, assisted by representatives of the Solarium Task Forces) constituted by the Planning Board to carry out the directive to the Planning Board contained in NSC Action No. 868-1a. A Progress Report by the Special Committee is tentatively scheduled for the Planning Board meeting on August 27. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 6 - TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 iva SECURITY INFORMATION 7. UNITED STATES P LI TOWARD C MMUNIST CHINA Ref: Council - NSC 154/1, paragraph 19; NSC Action Nos. 77-4 (2) and 833 Origin: Paragraph 19 of NSC 154/1, approved by the Presi- dent on July 3, directs that, in the light of the post- armistice situation, a fundamental review and reassessment of our basic policy toward Communist China, as well as our position with respect to Korea, should be undertaken. Current Status: U.S. policy toward Communist China is tentatively scheduled for discussion on August 31 in the light of NSC 146, 148 (see section I-B above) and 154/1, NSC Action No. 777-4(2), and the Korean armistice. 8. NSC 26 SERIES Ref: Council - NSC Action No. 753; Progress Report dated March 9, 1953, by the Under Secretary of State on NSC 26 Series; Progress Report dated August 7 1953 by the Acting Secretary of State on the NSC 29 Series Origin: The Council on March 25 noted the reference Progress Report on the subject and that the Department of State is preparing a proposed revision of this policy for Council consideration (NSC Action No. 753). Current Status: Awaiting report by State. Tentatively scheduled for August 31. 9. COMMUNIST INELUENCE AMON STUDE S IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES Ref: Pi, 1 B - Record of Meetings, June 2 9 and August 10, 1953; PSB D-33; Memo, August 4, 1953 Orin: The Planning Board on June 29 agreed to recommend that the Psychological Strategy Board with such outside assistance (e.g., from the Ford Foundation) as might be appropriate, prepare a study and recommendations on the subject. Current Sktatus: Awaiting a supplementary report on the subject by the PSB for the information of the Planning Board and for possible transmission to the Council. Tentatively scheduled for August 31. 10. UNITED S T A T E P O S Q WITH RESPECT TO GERMANY Ref: Council - NSC 160/1; NSC Action No. 88-1 r i : At its meeting on August 13 the Council adopted the statement of policy contained in NSC 160 subject to certain amendments and agreed that the policy as adopted NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS ? 7 - TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION SPECT_T0 GERMANY(C nt'd (issued as NSC 160/1) should be reviewed not later than the first Council meeting in October, including a review of the Financial Appendix (NSC Action No. 881-9.). Current Status: Awaiting review of NSC 160/1 including the Financial Appendix thereof. Tentatively scheduled for September 17, 1953. 11. UNITED STATES OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES WI H RESPECT TO SOUTH BSI Ref: Council - NSC 98/1 Plante d. - Memos, June 9 and August 13, 1953; Record of Senior Staff meeting, January 29, 1953; Record of Planning Board meeting, June 22 and August 19, 1953 Origin: The Senior Staff at its meeting on January 29 agreed to prepare recommendations for Council consideration on several urgent and immediate policy questions including this policy question. Current Status: Awaiting revision by State of the draft statement of policy on the subject dated August 13 on the basis of the Planning Board's discussion on August 19 and completion by State of a staff study responsive to the questions of the Board members. 12. UNITED STATgS OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES WITH RESPECT TO NORTH AFRICA Ref: d - Memos for Senior Staff, March 4 and 16, PJAA, 1953; Memo, August 18, 1953; Record of Meeting of Planning Board, May 11 and August 20, 1953; NIE-69 and supplement Origin; Draft statement of policy and staff study prepared by State were transmitted by reference memo of March 4 for consideration by the Senior Staff. Current Status: Awaiting oral reports by the Acting Director of Central Intelligence and the Secretary of State on current developments in Morocco at the Council meeting on August 27 (see Section I-A above) and consideration by the Planning Board of the draft statement of policy of August 19. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 8 - TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 SECURFly S IIRORMAT ION 13. ELECTS O>MAGNE T IC COMMUNICATIONS Ref: Counc NSC 137 and 137/1? Memos, June 2 and 30, July 3 and 14y 1853; NSC Action Nos. 812 and 840 Plan, Bd. Record of Meeting, July 1, 1953 ri in: At the request of the Deputy Secretary of Defense, his memorandum and its attached report by the Joint Chiefs of Staff on "The Effect of Radio as a Medium for the Voice of America on Military Operations and Upon Military and Civil Telecommunications" were transmitted as NSC 137 for consideration by the Council of the recommendations con- tained in the second and third paragraphs of the memoran- dum. Current Status:' Awaiting: (1) furtherconsideration by the Planning Board of recommendations 3, 5-and 6 in its memoran- dum of June 2 pursuant to NSC Action No. 812-d, after a ointment of .a Telecommunications Adviser to ODM, and (2) a Progress Report from the Director, Office of Defense Mobilization, on the implementation of paragraphs 2, 4 and 5 of the Council action transmitted by the reference memorandum of July 14 (due October 1, 1953) and on paragraph 3 (due January 1, 1954). 14. V EW UNITED TE 0 JEC S S VIS-.;i*.VIS T USSR IN THE EVENT OF WAR Ref: Council - NSC 153/1 and 20/4; NSC Action No. 811 Plan-. Bd. - Record of Meetings, May 29, June 29, July 6 and 13 1953? JCS Draft "U. S. Objectives in the Event of 6enerai War," dated June 269 1953 Origin: The Planning Board on May 29.agreed that the verbatim inclusion in NSC 153 for Council consideration of the paragraphs of NSC 20/4 relating to United States ob- jectives vis-a-vis the USSR in the event of war (paras ? 22 and 23 -- see Annex in NSC 153/1), should be regarded as a tem orary response to NSC 79 pending Planning Board review of these paragraphs. Current Statu: Awaiting consolidation by the Board Assis- tants of the various drafts before the Planning Board on the basis of Mr. Cutler's draft of July 7. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS .. 9 - TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 TOP SECRET SECUR ITY INFORMATION 15. JIJE POSIT-ION OF THEITE ST . T WITH RESPECT TO T COMMUNIST-THREAT T I' A Ref-. Council--- Coounci - Progress Report dated May 20, 1953, by the Acting Secretary of State on NSC 67/3 OrIgin: The reference Progress Report - on the subject advised that the Department of State considers that NSC 67/3 has, in some respects, been overtaken by events, and that a new draft is under preparation for submission for the con- sideration of the Council, which will reflect conclusions drawn from the outcome of the Italian national elections held on June 7, 1953. Current Status: Awaiting preparation of a draft report by State. 16. ARWJMENTS AND AMERICAN POLICY Ref-. CourLei - NSC 151 ~ NSC Action Nos. 725, 799 and 8699 Memo, July 28, 1953 Pla. Bd. - Memo for Senior NSC Staff, February 4, 1953; Record of Meeting, May 6, 1953 Origin-. The NSC, on February 25 1953, after discussing recommendations of the Department of State Panel of Con- sultants on Disarmament contained in their report on the subject (reference memo of February 4), referred the report to the Senior NSC Staff, directing it, with the assistance of Dr. Vannevar Bush, to report back to the Council on possible.means of carrying out the recommendations (NSC Action No. 725). Current Status: Awaiting-. (1) Report by_the PSB-on pro- gress made in developing and implementing the program for informing the American people_pursuant to NSC Action No. 869-b and (2) preparation of a report by the lid Hoc Committee with respect to recommendations 2-5 of the Department of State Panel of Consultants. '`? NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS 10 _ TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 17. THE P O S I O N OF THE YUGOSLAV A ES WITH RESPECT Ref: Council - NSC 18/2 and 18/6 .Plan Bd.- Record of Meeting of Senior Staff, January. 29, 1953 origin: The Senior Staff on January 29 agreed to prepare recommendations for Council consideration on several urgent and immediate policy questions, including this policy question. Curren .Status: Awaiting preparation of a draft report by State. 18. UNITES STATES OBJECTIVES AND CCUROE$ OF ACTION WITH RESPECT TO LATIN AMEBJ~A Ref: Cow NS1; Annex to NSC 144 Origin: NSC 144/1, approved by the President on March 18, stated (para. 3) that its limited purpose was to define our objectives and courses of action concerning important problems common to the area; policies toward specific country situations, such as those in Argentina and Guatemala, were left for subsequent papers. Current Status: Awaiting reports on specific country situations in Latin America from State (including especially Panama, Argentina, Guatemala, Chile, Venezuela and Brazil). 19. U.S. POLICY WITH RESPECT TO AU TRIG Ref: Cot cal - Paragraph 7 of Progress Report dated July 23, 1953 by the Under Secretary of State on NSC 38/4, 38/6 and 63/1; NSC Action No. 885 ri in: The reference Progress Report states (paragraph 7) that the Department of State considers that a new NSC paper on Austria should be initiated in view of changes in the Austrian situation and the full or near completion of certain actions covered in existing NSC papers on Austria. Accordingly, a new paper will soon be submitted to the Council. Current Status: Awaiting a report from State. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 11 - TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP8ORO1731 R003800040001 -0 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION III. OTTER CURRENT C 0 L PROJECTS 1. THE CURRENT SITUATION N IN ONES 4 Re : ouncll - N SC Action No. ; NSC 124/2; VIE-77 P an. ]3d. - Record of Meetings, August 10 and 20, 3; Tentative State Draft of Progress Report on "United States Courses of Action Toward Indonesia", dated August 19, 1953 Origin: The Council on August 6 directed the TSC Planning Board to study and prepare recommendations with respect to the developments in Indonesia (NSC Action No. 872-b) Current Status: Awaiting revision by State of the pro- gress report on United States policy toward Indonesia in NSC 124/2, dated August 19 (due August 28), and review by the Planning Board after September 15 of U. S. policy toward Indonesia. The progress report is tentatively scheduled for Council action on September 3. 2. U. S. PSYG -IOLOGICAL STRAT?LGY ,J UTH RESP CT TO TZjE THAI PEOPLES OF SOUTHEAST ASIA Refs Council - Memos, July 7 and August 12, 19539 Memo T-77=1 Holders of July 7 Memo dated August 5, 19539 NSC Action Nos. 780-d, 758 and 884 Origin: The Council on May 13 (NSC Action No. 788) noted a brief oral report on the subject by Mr. C. D. Jackson and directed the PSB to submit for Council con- sideration a plan for coordinated psychological operations based on Thailand. Current Status: Awaiting preparation by PSB of a redraft o'+f thSummary of. the plan contained in the enclosure to the reference memorandum of July 7 on the subject in the light. of the comment* by the JCS-(reference memo of August 12) and the changes proposed by the CIA? and re- submission to the Council, including the addition of a Financial Appendix. Tentatively scheduled for September 3. 3. STATUS OF UNITED STATES PROGRAI S FOR NATIONAL SECURITY AS OF JUNrU.1 Refs Council - NSC 161, 153/1, 149/2 and 142 Origin: The President has directed that in accordance with established practice, the departments and agencies responsib],e for the several national security programs prepare reports on the status of those programs semi- annually for the information of the President and the Council. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 12 - TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP8ORO1731 R003800040001 -0 Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION STATUS OF UNITED STAT AS 0-' JUNB 0. 1953 C ont t d ZZ Current _,_ _Status: A report by PSB on the Psychological Program was received July 30; by State on the Status of U. S. Relations with Respect to Other Free World Countriesi August 3 by the Federal Civil Defense Administration on the Civii Defense Program, August 49 by CIA (concurred in by IX) on the intelligence program, August 4; by the AEC on the Atomic Energy Program on August 4; an annex by CIA containing some comparable data on the Soviet Bloc August 5; a joint report by IIC and MIS on the Internal Security Program, August 11? and a report by 0D11 on the mobilization programmm, August 20, 1953. Await- ing reports on the status of other U, S, programs for national security as of June 30, 1953 from the other departments and agencies concerned. Tentatively scheduled for September 10. 4. COAST GUARD OPERATIONS AFFECTING NATIO~JALSECURITY Ref: Council NSC Action No. 3ti 0 Origin. The Council on July 2, 1953, noted that the Secretary of the Treasury is undertaking a review of Coast Guard operations, in connection with which he will submit to the Council recommendations regarding matters involving interdepartmental operations (NSC Action No. 830-b). Current Status: awaiting report by the Secretary of the Treasury., Due September 1. Tentatively scheduled for Council consideration September 10. (See also related project on "Port Security" in Section I above.) 5. NEAR EAST OIL SITTJ1.TI0 N Ref; Council - NSC Action No. 875 'Pan. d. - Record of Meeting, August 19 Origin: The Council on August 6 noted the President's request that the Attorney General, with the assistance of other appropriate departments and agencies, seek to develop a solution which would protect the interests of the free world in the Near East as a vital source of petroleum supplies (NSC Action No. 875-2). Current Status: Awaiting report by the Attorney General. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 13 - TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 6. REPORTED DECLINE INS U. S. : PREST ABROAD Ref -0 Council - NSC Action No, CQ7 Origin: : The Council on July 30 directed the PSB to prepare for Council consideration before mid-September a study of the reported decline in U, S. prestige abroad with particular reference to certain specific questions (NSC Action No. 867), Current Status: Awaiting preparation by the PSB of a report on the subject before mid-September. Due September 17. Tentatively scheduled for Council consid- eration October 1. 7. FURTHER UNITED STATES SUPPORT FOR FRANCE AND THE ASSOCIATED STATES OF INDOCIi N1 Ref : Council - Memo, August 5, 1953; NSC Action No. 874 Origin: On August 6 the Council discussed the report by the Department of State transmitted by the reference memo on the basis of an oral presentation by the Acting Secretary of State and agreed that the Department of State the Foreign Operations Administration and the JCS should proceed promptly with further exploration, in consultation with the French, of the proposed French program9 and agreed that, if State, FOA and the JCS find that the proposed French program holds promise of success, State and FOA should submit for Council consideration detailed recommendations regarding further U. S. support for this program including consideration of such factors as those outlined in NSC Action No. 871+_&, Current Status: Awaiting results of exploration of the French program by State, FORA and JCS. $, PROGRAdMMSLFFEGTIN G SCb EAP F' UGEES, AF D DEFECTORS Ref; Council - NSC Action 70-b; Progress Report dated July 2, 1953 by the Director of Central Intelligence on NSC 86/1 Orrin: Paragraph 4 of the reference Progress Report stated that PSB is submitting to the NSC a full report on the President's Escapee Program. The Council on July 30 noted an oral report by Mr. Cutler that he had requested the PSB to widen the scope of the report to the Council referred to in the progress report to relate all of the programs affecting escapees, refugees and defectors, with recommendations as to organizational arrangements to improve the integration of these programs. (NSC Action No. 870-b). Current Status: Awaiting a report by the PSB. Due September 21+. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 14 - TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 9. REPORT BY THE PRESI Ref : Cc; . i cil - NSC Action Nos. 836-.d and 8669 Memo July 20, 1953; Memo for All Holders of July 2b Memo, dated July 24, 1953 Plan. Bd. - Record of Meeting, August 6, 1953 On The Council on July 30 adopted the recommenda- tions by the NSC Planning Board with respect to the sub- ject report (except Chapter 7) contained in paragraph 2 of the reference memo of July 20. Paragraphs 2-?2, _4 and c were subsequently referred to PSB for implementation. urrent Status: Awaiting report by the PSB due October 1 on progress made in implementing the recommendations of the subject report referred to in paragraph 2-9 of the reference memo of July 20 (as revised by the reference memo of July 24). The Planning Board on August 6 agreed that PSB might consider recommending a policy on in- formation activities at the time it submits its Progress Report. CH. PTER ITIES_=_D TED__ J!JN_E 30,1 Orrin; The Council on July 2 discussed Chapter 7 of the subject report, noted the President's interest in the recommendations contained in Chapter 7 and in receiving the views of the Council in regard to Chapter 7, and referred Chapter 7 to the Director, Bureau of the Budget, for preparation of a draft Executive Order suitable for implementing the recommendations contained therein to be submitted for Council consideration. (NSC Action No. 836-c). Current status: Awaiting the legal opinion of the Attorney General on the draft executive order prepared by the Bureau of the Budget (see NSC Action No.883-b). 11. NA TIONl L PETROIEZ PROGRAM: Ref: Council - N SC 97/ Origin: Paragraphs 10 and l1-a of NSC 97/5 call respec- tively for a review by the Secretary of Defense not later than September 1 of the military requirements for avia- tion gasoline and a review by the Council not later than December 31 of the goal of a tanker reserve of 175 T-2 equivalents. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 15 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 ivr aD.nr_.L SECURITY INFORMATION NATI ONL~L PETRQ LEUM PROGRAM (C ont' d) , Curren tatus: Awaiting progress reports on NSC 97/5 by 0DM on October 1 and January 1 in the light of the above 12. mentioned reviews. CIVIL ADMINISTRATION OF THE RYUKYU L&DS_ REMAINING UNi Ref Council Memo,August 7, 1953; Memo, subject "The Japanese Treaty Islands", June 15 and August 7, 1953; NSC 125/5, para. 4 Origin: The Council on June 25 in connection with its action on "The Japanese Treaty Islands" (see NSC .action No. 824 para. 4 of NSC 125/6 and reference memo of August ~) agreed that the Secretary of Defense, in collaboration with the Department of State, the Bureau of the Budget, and other interested agencies, should re- commend for Council consideration a policy on the civil administration of those Ryuku Islands remaining under U. S. jurisdiction, which would reduce U, S. responsi- bility for such civil administration as rapidly as com- patible with U. S. military requirements. Current Staff Awaiting report by the Secretary of Defense. 13. UNITED STATES EXPORT LICENSING POLICY T OVJARD HONG KONG IiND_ AO Ref. Council - NSC 152/2 and 122/1; NSC Action No +--b Origin: The Council on July 30 directed the Economic Defense Advisory Committee to review NSC 122/1 on the subject in the light of NSC 152/2, and to submit re- commendations for any revision in NSC 122/1 required to make it conform to NSC 152/2 (NSC Action No. 86+-b ), Current Status: Awaiting results of review of NSC 122/1 by EDL,C. 14. EFFECT ON NATIONAL SECURITY INTERESTS D I Ref a V~Co cil -^Memo, June 1, 1953; NSC Action No. 805 Orin A report by the NSC Planning Board on the subject (reference memo of June 1) was considered by the Council on June 4 1953 and it was agreed that in view of the adverse effects and national security interests in Latin inerica of the proposed anti-trust NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 16 - TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 Tur ~Jtuxti SECURITY INFORMATION FECT ON NATIONAL SECURITY INTERESTS IN. UTIN AMERICA OF POSSIBLE ANTI TRUST FREDIN proceedings: (a) The proposed anti-trust proceedings should be postponed, without prejudice to the Govern- ment for one year, and (b) The Attorney General should be directed to negotiate with the company, as a matter of urgency, for the elimination of practices deemed to be inconsistent with U. S. anti-trust laws reporting back to the NSC on the results of the negotiations (NSC Action No. 805). Current Status: Awaiting report by Attorney General. 15. CERTAIN UROP-AN ISS S AFFECTING THE UNITZ:p STATES Ref: Cow - NSC 115; Memo, June 23, 1953 Ori in: At the request of the President a letter to the rF~ esident from Ambassador Draper transmitting a study on the subject was circulated to the Council for considera- tion and study by the reference memorandum of June 23. Current StatusAwaiting the views of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on the letter and report from Ambassador Draper. (Due September 1.) 16. ANALYSIS OF POSSIBLE COURSES OF ACTION IN KOREA Ref; Council - NSC 147; NSC Action Nos. 759, 777-:, 7322 787 and 79)+; Memo, "Future Courses of Action in Connection with the Situation in Korea", March 30, 1953; NIE-80; SE-41 Origin; A report on the subject prepared by the NSC Planning Board in the light of the estimate of the JCS transmitted by the reference memo of March 30, was submitted as NSC 147 for the consideration of the Council. Current Status: l; political annex setting forth the foreign policy implications of the course of action selected by the Joint Chiefs of Staff has been prepared by State pursuant to NSC Action No. 794-b. Further con- sideration of the subject by the Council has been deferred in view of the Korean Armistice. NSC STATUS OF PROJECTS - 17 - TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 TOP SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION Approved For Release 2007/07/13: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003800040001-0 SIGNATURE RECORD AND COVER SHEET DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION REGISTRY SOURCE NSC CIA CONTROL NO. 77551 DOC. No. - DATE DOC. REC'D. ug t e DOC. Da Copy NO. 9 14===2r LOGGED BY es 19 f Pac D. H. No. o i NO. OF ATTACHMENTS ATTENTION: THIS FORM WILL BE ATTACHED TO EACH TOP SECRET DOCUMENT RECEIVED BY THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OR CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET WITHIN THE CIA AND WILL REMAIN ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT UNTIL SUCH TIME AS IT IS DOWNGRADED, DESTROYED OR TRANSMITTED OUTSIDE OF CIA. ACCESS TO TOP SECRET MATERIAL IS LIMITED TO THOSE INDIVIDUALS WHOSE OF- FICIAL DUTIES RELATE TO THE MATERIAL. 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