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September 29, 1977
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Approved For Release 2005/11/23 : CIA-RDP80S01268A000400030008-9 Fu-~~ s /c 29 September 1977 MEMORANDUM FOR FROM SUBJECT ice o egis a ive ounsel Death Gratuity Bill for CIA Employees STAT STAT 1. At long last we are prepared to go forward with this proposal. On final review, we do have several minor language modifications which we have noted in red on the enclosed draft which you sent us. This concurrence assumes i =1 STAT the act that contract employees are not covered. As we have previously indicated, we believe that we can provide for contract employees on a case-by-case basis. 2. If you have any problems with our proposed modifications, give STAT Approved For Release 2005/11/23 : CIA-RDP80S01268A000400030008-9 STAT Approved For Release 2005/11/23 : CIA-RDP80SO1268A000400030008-9 Next 9 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2005/11/23 : CIA-RDP80SO1268A000400030008-9 October Z6,, 1974 3 -? Pub. Jaw 93-475 as :S-i,?+ 1411 . I Ietai) . 11.1 4, ,Ej J !'oleitnl Servlr, o1hur MR lie MOM to state. a preference Will a Approved For Release 2005/11/? : CIA-RPP80SO1268AO0040P0a4008-9 can ecu lie I oll ? t. t'tunert 51 a 1 e fix tt':e ve [1 r.? Stl. i.itions l(Suect to the type of public urg.litizatioll to r:hich lie out I Ia: to bls ,:y fizst. assigned hat may ]lot slate a preference- with res ket to the nlnit- L;11111 1 ical locntio)t to Which Ill; would lilie to be assnnccl, `i?, (l]) A Foreign Service officer on assignment under this secti[in An Coll- t_...__.l ... t... ,... ~.F., :l F~. , .,ln,? ?'e-I: !, C~:Nr,r T)1 el1t. ill ta)e ;H, slt:tll Service, and t1te otiict%r relr):lins an t ny1yeE Of the llepart.ntelil xvhily t enact- so assned. Iloesever, :uiy period of time an officer is assigned under eriod t11at. the oiiii er art of all t t l l b be salected out under section 653 of this Act, or regulations promul- 27 use joo 1. y p et as p e. nc ul l nclt this section sha 11115 renutiited in a class for purposes of deter[minng whether he is to hall be' gated pursuant thereto. The Mary of the ofticer? shalt! he paid front 33-r.y. d - -- vI 1'l J "' ;le :.l[1oua1 L`(c) Any pei?iotl of time that a Foreign Service officer serves on, Sv$tem. all assil~nnzent under this se::tion shalt also be considered us a l,eriod of limo that. the officer was assigned for ditty ill the continental tjzu.ted States For pu['posesof section 562 of this 1\ct. 22 USG 562.. tL(d) I'oY'theI)ttt'I1i)SL C, thins etton- Drtfl.riil:io)i9 T:duea- "(1.) `State' means- \ a State of t}le:l tlited States, the District of Coittui- xiiereof (' ) and 4 in any povSCssion of the United States; and imila "(B) an iiistl'lllnentality or authority of a State or States t lt: a' CS 4letin4 d ill slthf,rlrttf;riph (A) of this TTr+tragraph (I) and d h ty; an U. ]l Ode: tl-;Mate authority or instrun)ent:t '''?a:>) Llocal gOvvrl meat'trlen115 _ any p[)ll!'tt`itl subdivision, in St t'lllileltt1111t}' or author- % i Mal- paragraph (1) 1111[1 , _.-_._r. _ instruntentality, of author ity'." ;ulnuatl 1)11litic:~1 sn li:?ision , cltllorit}. (11) Th amenelmrnt niade. by sub.-ieetion (a) of this sections shell 22 USG 96Er t ' h l i ,,, rio t year t r l.sit,le, as apply only to a Foreign Ser. ice officer who completes his e ,- uher . of service as such an officer oil or lifter the date of enactment of this . 11,;lynlent i,1,1e?rsh i p z.l Or-a-. and the "MUS '"'o C?l) ol?git- o f 1;146 tug new i~1;,4i?Ir r:[ravrulTt1;s roll ci:~ f_~IY Fot;tirt:y SCtit'ICI-t 1'):tiSO4 tCt. Se.c. 10. The Act let itle d "An Act to provide Certain basic authority approved itg iist? 1, 1f15G is i1tnenderl altinent of State): )e the P f l , . p c r by inserting itr.rnetliately before ectiou 15 the follotvince new secti.ort: 22 usG d nndet' 22 use [[Srx:. (a) Subject: to the Ino' Mons of this SeetIon ttn such i-eg liiiki[)11s ifs tttt ;Et:Y?etaly of ;,tote lilay 11' csrrthe, the ;,111t!? tall;[ is iLlttllOrIaCd tCD Y'O+6lll0,.:jor pap-went of L gg1'itttlit? _ to the slit'l'[Viil y [e5iitOE a ,rh~i4 nd4 nts of En} Xt c)tel; n dal i t Ics eirirT~ti:ee IN-110 thesis _.-i-i~tu ]l 7 sn>t tzned in the I , l r formtmce of dtlt. Outside the I T nitcct + t1th'S ] n ol'i cle - nth \ l ate o 1 - tl rinlO tt1F. eC 11x! t(i 4]llt. (`.all. `. S._ ,t 14 ll. f ]t anon or its purpose are ant 10117.4 to f 11111E e o to account. for eaiatldes and expenses of the employing agency. _\ny death gratin} p[t'yineR-n-t. made under this sedion shall be heltl tci lrty e ~ee)1 a + i7r e1tc _ l ii icTdll,on to lay of{,rt enet)k. 1 y2110R from 111y alircE.- B ll a ? ""~ (iz 44:,41et7,x;l rtutIelay, ientAt I 11 C I (I 1 tl)1t~~ttlo~tQtt1}'~ it. ilm ski-vi vor euttltieltl'?11? zn_ zit r >> cstaot~~c) } -E"~i_r-t li.7ozltil} c[-nljlen; Lt)u,l_iilrElez scttinn ; 3:J of ti~~_*.-lllttal -St etc , !',ode, bectu e- till death resulted from an inn1X(e, eludinf JTiSi 1 c pi oxtrrziite .y c iu cd1 t~,e enzp yrn.t>