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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/19 :CIA-RDP80S01540R002200220014-4 PRESS ANI~ INFOTRTMATION DEPARTMENT INTERNATIONAL UNION OF STUDENTS, VOJT~$SKI1 12, PRAGUE III ',~ ~iw,Y French student delegation in Moscow, 1952 REPRODUCTION AUTHORISE D Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/19 :CIA-RDP80S01540R002200220014-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/19 :CIA-RDP80S01540R002200220014-4 Nc~..12 3uly, 1913 TABLE _OF COI3TETdTS IIIrd World Student Congress .....:.............contents page Round and About ...:..............................,..........1 .IVth-World Festival of Youth and Students............?,.....5 ISR Notes...... ............................................8 .Student Press ................................,..............8 In the lUS Departments .....................................9 Summer vacations ...........................................9 IDS INVTTES.YOU to THE IIIRD `,WORLD STUDENT CONGR~S IN WARSA~i, POLAND e " from-27th August to 3rd September The number 6 issue of the IIIrd World Student Congress bul- letin, just off the press, has nine dull pages de~otedto the latest Here about Congress preparations in all parts of tie world. Write for a free copy, of the Bulletin, if .you -don t receive it regularly, and distribute~it to .friends and col- ieaguea to keep them informed on all the work going on among students for. the Warsaw meeting. . , Here are just a few of the last minute announcements from ex- pectant participants at the Congress. Three student organisations in Africa informed the IDS last t~tsek that they vrill be represented at Congress. These .ere the National IInion"of Students of the Gold Coast, the Aesocia- t on of Students of Togo and Ibadan College, the only higher. educational institution in Nigeria.. gealistforenf,.ngen, the student organisation of the economics faculty of Oslo University in Norway has decided to send as obse~+rer to.the Congress. Although they do not see ~ to eye with .ail aspects of IDS, po-licy, they meant to examine the fur- ther possibilities of co-operation. and have urged that other faculty organisations do likewise. From Istin America the Sport Association of Panamatbivecsity hart exprsea?d its interest in attending the sport cammiasion, one of th? many to be-held at Congress. The Federation of Secondary School Students in Guatemala has sent word that it too will be there. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/19 :CIA-RDP80S01540R002200220014-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/19 :CIA-RDP80S01540R002200220014-4 ROUND AND ABOUT GNUS cOU~rc ~L The Iiaternational Union of Students has been invited to at- tend the Council Meeting of the National Union of Students cuf Ehglend, Males and Northern Ireland, to be held at Read ing from 1{}-12th July. Among the sub3eats to be discussed are grantsd fees, student self-governor?nt, relief, .unity of studen sgort and participation of British students in the IIIrd V~orld student Congress. The IUS has accepted a proposal to arrange for a cultural group to take part. in the Fes- tival at the end of-the year. INDIAN UNIVERSITY SAYS "NO THANKS" Lucknow University in India, has turned down an offer aPfin- antis! assistan~? From the United States Information Ser~fce. The t~iiv~ersity ofYicials announced that acceptance of a i d would-have encouraged outside interference i.n universit,y floe- dom. The Indian gaper "'The Tribune" declares i:hat p u b~I i ~ opinion will certainly -support the decision . of the univers~.ty authorities on this,matter. ~- 4~EFTIATGS TO JAPANEST _ STUDENT'S ~ 6TH CONGRESS "On the occasion ~ of your 6th Congress," states a t e 1 e gra m from the Polish Student Association to the All Japan Federa- tion of Student Autonomies, "we send you hearty - g F ?e t Inge and wishes for effective discussions for the welfare of the studying youth of Japan, . in .defense of their rights and ~n- suring them proper conditions of life-and study. We shall be very happy to welcome your representatives ~-t the II7rdWorl d Student Congress in Warsaw which will be a great gathering f?r unity friendship and -fraternity of students of th e whole word in the fight for peace and a happy future. I~ng 11ve~the Internationa Union of Studentst Forward tot h e IIZrd U~orld Student Congress! " '"i~iORE TEACi~Il~3G JOBS"- FRENC~i_ NATIONAL UNION A press conference tree held in Paris by UNEF !French NUS! and a number of teachers organisations and trade unions on their point action to obtain mgrs teaching fobs for Agreges degree holders in secondary schools.-There are several cate- gories of persons who qualify for such positions but Agreges hoidera are winners of nationride competitions and therefore those best qualified for the positions. ~ The: French~g~vve~xueecxt has hired leae~ qualified persons rather than Agreges winners in order not to have to pey-higher salaries to the latter. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/19 :CIA-RDP80S01540R002200220014-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/19 :CIA-RDP80S01540R002200220014-4 ~.2_. Austrian Students Protest- ing Increased Fees. HALL FOR ACTION TO HALT FEE a ~ Stud~nta of the Chemistryl~ stitute of Vienna met at the beginning of Juae to protest against the proposed law in- creasing tuition costs near- ly threefold ixi high?r ss~a Aftefi the meeting the stu- dents marched to the build- ing of the "Central Cc~i#tee of Austrian. Students"agdpre- sented a resolution -cal- led on this body to organise an? immediate campaign against the intended ruling, sin c e crly ~azr~ted action pan pre- vent t?. ~ law from being en- acted. NE'~+V DOR~dZTORIES GOING UP IiJ CZECH0SLOVIA~IA Taro new dormitories, complete with modern conveniences, for Prague students .are being completed. Fire other. dormitories and a student restaurant are planned for the c~pital,~~.i ty. At least 2OO students wi13 be housed in each building -wit h board provided at minimum cost. CHILE NEEDS 3OOt~ DOCTORS, 120 GRADUATES Y After.a 34 day strike of medical students, supported by a 48. hour general strike of all students in Chile, the educational authorities have .been forced to concede to student demands. A eommissi?n, including student representatives, will meet to prepare a report and call a meeting to draw up a programme of medical studies. The question of medical students and doctors is a very im- portant one in the country. According to official statistics ther? are only 3000 doctors in Chile and the minimum rec~uire- went calls for 3,000 more. Only 120 doctors graduate year~.y from the University. The strike-was called because of the intended chs~nge in the study course and to eliminate un~~.ecessary expenses and red tape in submitting doctoral theses. At the mo;nent, i'orle, a medical student must subttiit IOO copies of his t~'iesis "which involves such a large sum of money that y students finish their studies but ,are dented reeeigt oi' degrees. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/19 :CIA-RDP80S01540R002200220014-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/19 :CIA-RDP80S01540R002200220014-4 _3_ I3A;'V ISH NUS A~:wT~ E~CIS~ELI~ER5 ~wr..?+r~r ..rr. r~ r The q~zesticn of how to lower costa of textbooks, a sp ec~~3.y -imported literature was 8 real problem for Danish' students. The booksellare had a monopoly on tk~e- sale of Danish st~i ~ for- eign literature artii the latter was sold about 15~ h i g h e r .than the official rate of exchange. Since government price control failed to resolve the question the Danish Student Council in Aarhus began the attack by establishing its own bookshops and selling imported books at prices conforming to the official rate. The Danish NU3 then following this example set up a central student bookshop which opened this spring._Pooksellers vio- lently opposed th~.s.move but the monopoly was broken w h e n .two of the largest firms in Copenhagen agreed to sell for - eign literature at the normal rate of exchange. It is expec~- ted that other hook dealers, in the very neaz? future, Grill find it expedient to i'ollow snit if they want to, sell text~- boclcs to students. FIGHT TO RETAIN DORhiITflRY A~INISTRATZO?~ The student administratiorY of Parisian dor~i.tories - "N~ison Communautaiz~ea" - is fighting hard to retain controlc~f these hostels in the face of pressure, from tree National .Educatio.nal hssociation which wants to take them over. These dormitories were foxier houses of ill repute which students ? confiscated at the end. of the war. E14GLISH S~i~=~T CHRTSTIxN .~O~EA~FENT SPONSORS PEACE C?~iIFERENCE A general, peace conference, sponsored by the Student Chris- tiara Movement, will be~ field in ~Iuly in Swanwick, E n gla nd. 400 students are expects to attend tre conference w h o s e comcnisaions will discusaeace among nations and other sub- ~8cts. -~ . S'f~T~ -THAT PICK! HEAVE TFt{;T SHQEL! A campaign to build a university c ubhouse, a workshop t p naimeo~caph scripts, bulletins, etc. ~ nd a university sport stadium, has beer. _ launched by the Feder~t..i~on oP` University Students of auto, Ecuador.. ~ `~. The initiative -has developed for the building of theme s~ c-~~..t~ ~ , stadium for which a competition as to its form and construe- ~`'-- tion has been opened to students of architecture and emg~.-~ nesting. Each student has been called upon to pledge to re- move 2 cubic metres of earth on the site of the p r o p o std stadium so clear the area for a football field. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/19 :CIA-RDP80S01540R002200220014-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/19 :CIA-RDP80S01540R002200220014-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/19 :CIA-RDP80S01540R002200220014-4 IUS INVITES YOU TO . T~ IVTH +NORLD FESTIjtAL OF YOUTH AND STUDENTS IN ~JCHiARESI' 2-~bth August g IUS flag awarded to best R u m a n i a n- student brigade working on Festival constructions S' ~li F~C1~7r1; i. r l~i~ ~tlti V L~ ~t~tJii 1SGS ~e theses 'for discussion at tie fo ult? ialtinte ~~ ~~ tivsl, one of .the .~aein activit ea sp dente, have been fora4ulated and include: Medicine-Problems of clinic$1 studies for medical studenta~ A6~II~Y- New Pros" pacts of raising the productivity of. he earth; Netural.~Q~~ encea--Role of man in the traasformation of nature; Cinemato-~ grapl~y-Creative possibilftiea of film actore~; Ar~chitscture- Architectural problems in connection with the dsrrelppment7pf. town?. In each case the main report will be delivered by s trail-known specialist in the field and a co-report will be given by. an outstanding student of the subject. In eine~at+a- graphy for example, the main rep?rt .will be gives by a Frer~h or Ita~ian expert~on films, and the co-reporter will be the young .Czech direct~-~t end author of pTonorrow There Will Be dancing Ey~ere" which .deals with ~~the ' 3 previous y o ~i t h and .student-:festival ZNDIAI~ STU~PiTS ACTTVE IN FESTIVAL pREPARATIOI~S The Ail India Student Federation was one of the sponsors ?t a meeting in D?lhi on 22nd Icy, rich set up .the N a t i .o nal Festival Com~aittee with offices on ~6 Dhsramtollah St. i n Calcutta. The programm? Planned for. Indian participation' is a very ambitious one. Provincial F?atival Committees ready been formed in Bihar, Bomb4y, 'As$am, Manipur, B eng a 1 and elsewhere. Local national festivals are to be organised in such areas se Bihar and Bombay. ART ~1INNER. TO GO TO FTSTN_AL GRATIS ~I~~iM~~ 1 rli Art students -of Eciglar~d are taking part in a enmp~tition and exhibition of Graphic. and Plastic-Arta in London in 3uly. .The winner gill be awarded a free trip to the Festival. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/19 :CIA-RDP80S01540R002200220014-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/19 :CIA-RDP80S01540R002200220014-4 -6- ' LATSN AF~iERICAN FESTIVAL F,OUNDUP .? BRAZIL-STUDEP~T SPOF,T ~tTRIES A roaring four from the Urr-iversity Sport Federation of Rio State will participate in the Friendly Sport Competitions at the Festival. The Sao Paulo University football team is in- terested fn playing against its counterparts in other lands in Bucharest. On the same university campus Festival commit- tees have been established in the law and architectural fac- ulties. i ARGEItiTTINA-FACULTY TOURNA~:^r,NTS TO HO~TOIT.4 FESTIVAL Approximately 20 students are expected to-be included in the Festival Delegation. A university Festival committee formed in Buenos Aires is sponsoring a series of sventsin publicise the Festival among .Argentinian students. Various faculties have arranged the following tournaments and competitions in honour of the World Festival: Medical-football,; Ehgineerin~- basketball~ Law-literary; Economics-football? Architecture exh~.bition grid Fine Arts-8 competition in panting plus an~ exhibition. It is expected that more than 100 artists w i 11 submit entries for the. .competition. ., BOLIV,~i-ARTS Fr^,STIV_aL. AIDED BY IUS ~~BER OR(~AIS3'ISATION The Bolivian University Committee for the IVth'World Fbstf.val of Youth and Students is organising a .national art festival in Le Pas prior to the World Festival to publicise the latter in Bolivia. The , University. Confederation, verhich is ac- tively participating in this committee, .is the national union of the country and a member organisation of the IUS. ECUADOR-~i1ANT TO 1~T i~;I55 FESTIVAL IN BUCHAREST? The president of the Festival committee in Guayaquil is Sabino Hernandez who has already been elected to attend the IIIrd World Student Congress. Other members o;P thin committee in- clude students,journalists, athletes and prufess~rs. T h i s committee will hold a beauty contest to choose ~diss Festival, the winner of which will receive free passage to Bucharest, In addition a local festival will be held on campus as part of ,the preparations for the IVth World Festival. COLOTi~I1~-CspVERNiViENT TRIE5 Ti: HALT PAF'i'ICI~'ATION On 19th ~e~y, at a meeting of the Festival Committee in .the hom? of Dr. Diego ~ion~tans Cuellar, a member of the Wca?1d mace Council and former .mayor of Bogota, the police .broke up the gathering and detained University Prof, Cuellar and 32 other particioants, including 5 girls. 'The meeting had been aq~anged to discuss plans for Colombian participation in the Festival and the competition fora "Student queen". At the beginning of Jtane,. after two weeks incommunicado,. Dr. Cuellar and 2 stu- dents were brought before a mx?.itary court and accused of "subversive and unpatriotic act~.vities". A big protest move- inert has begun against the, atLez~pt to prevent participation ih the most important youth snd student event of the year. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/19 :CIA-RDP80S01540R002200220014-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/19 :CIA-RDP80S01540R002200220014-4 -'~- Venezuelan yeuth and . students perfoz?ming at the IIIrd ~iorl$ Festive. in Berlin,' 191. 5~~~~~:~.Tr~LP-S:~ECIAL FOi,KIAkE ~'ESTIY,~AL Preparat-ions -for the Festival in Venezuela ere #nvo matey students. Competitions in literature, .poetry, p&i~tlug", folk music and sport are under way. Qn 39th June there will .be a special folklors festival far young women in .Caracas, the caw pital city. A national fes? ival gill be -held at the same as the 'World Festival takes place ~.n nucharast. - I~~S'I`ITdGUISI~ED DIES JUDO ESTI~fAL CC%a.~'ETITQRS Pianists', singers, dancers-participants its the co~etation of yoking talent for the Festival are appearins in concert ~halla in P~oscc~w before. distinguished- jury members who wial make the fine.l. select~.on. The jury wa4 particularly impressed by the ~roungest piano contestant ~Tatashs YuzbBSheve3~a who performed the Saint.Saens piano ccncerto. Two other notewortl~,y .comg.e- titors were apost-graduate of the ~oscov~ Co~:servatory anal a students at ttte~ Ler;iz~grad Conservatory. Dance contestants~a many parts of the Soviet Union presented solo and group per- formances-. Students at the 1.eadi :g ballet schoal$ and young peoples dance ~x?oups. from the tlkra?ne, Belorussia,. Georgia, A~erbaid jan, Kirgizia, Latvia .and Estonia participated in the competitio;~s. ~ . IRANIAN FARTICIPAI~iTS TO SFiIAIG GIFTS The' faculty ?f letters of Teheran University intends ~ Sarin-g to the r'edtiva3: gifts of wood .carvings, sculpturQ hard--painted egg shells, 2 pairs o~ clothe ,shoes, "ghive", a speciality of the city o;~ ~,erman and 2 large dolls dresse~t in national cc~ tomes. The :medical faculty will present a ai.lver pictureli and mosaic frames carved out of wood and ivory, called. "kho tam kart". The mathematics department has prepared 2 -carved flower pots-, a marble peace dove and a flag with the Picaeso peace dove. These are only a few of the presents announces in. the grid i~sue~of the r estival newspaper in- Iran. C3thers were mentioned in the i'irst issue and still more will b e listed an succeeding numbers of the paper. x x x x x - Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/19 :CIA-RDP80S01540R002200220014-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/19 :CIA-RDP80S01540R002200220014-4 -$- ISR NOTES A representative from the Coma~i.ttee of French University Re- lief recently visited the IUS Sanatorium in T3~fbotov, C~echo-- slc~vakia and presented gifts from French students to .the In- dian patiepte there. Berman 8tudeAts have promised to send sn electric rotaprint t? their Chilean colleagues in Santiago de Chile. Five' Indian students. ~tho were patients in the IUS Sanataz~ium ' in T3~ebotov have completed them treatment and -been ~ d i a-. charged. . A relief committee set up in I~yderabad, 'India, hers affiliated to the International Student Relief. . ISR i8 offering 5 scholareha~pa to students from colonial and d?pend~at countries tv study in Bulgaria. S T U D.E N T .P R E S S DUBLIN lI~D STUDENTS "SCOPE" ON SALE "Trinity College Dublin, a College i~iscellan`y" announces tkiat~ th? students of the Royal College of Surgeons- of Ireland will. put on sale. thi? month s magazine called "Scope". "JORN9D0" ~~S ITS APPEARANCT AGAIN , Rye President of the Brazilian NUS expressed his "gratifica~ Lion on the reappearance of the independent organ "Jori~ado" in university circles", To date five issues of the magazine have appeared and one carried a detailed article a nt i t 1 e d "The IIIrd World Student Congress Open to all Students". The magazine has also agreed to publish further details on Con- gress,greparations in succeeding issues. NATIONAL POEYRY CONTEST SPONSORED BY "VARSITY" '~Varsity~" the undergraduate newspaper of Cambridge tkxiversity aamou~e~~ the organisation of a nationwide .poetry eompe~tit6.on open to students of arm .university or to anyone . unde~C- .the age of 2y. C. ~lY Lewis, English ppo?t, Professor of poetry at Ox- ford and signatory of the Author a Peace Appeai,.will fudge the entries. Not more than may be submitted by each applicant, the maximtiun length for each peen not to exceed 50 lines. 7~ere is no limitations however, on subject matter or form. N. ZEALAND UNIVERSITY NEWS ASSOCIATION BORN With the .aim of encouraging mutual asaist~ce among the mem- ber:>newapapera and with newspapers of ova seas t}niveraitiea, the New Zealand University Student$ Newspapers Association has come into b?ing. A statement of-the asaociationa`. a im:s appears in "Critic", Otago University newspaper. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/19 :CIA-RDP80S01540R002200220014-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/19 :CIA-RDP80S01540R002200220014-4 -9- I~N THE. rUS.DEPART~ilTIdTS Ph~ys~cal Educatioa and Sgorts . . Mr. ~utru, the vice-president ?f SYL /Finnish 1VUS/andl~r. Os- terman, president of SAUL ,dsstionwde university sport orga~- sation/ came to Prague to meet with members of the IUS Secre- tariat anti PESL on the question of hold~.n.g the. KiIth 'World University Summer Games in Finland next summer. If agreement can be reaches on certain stipulations, SAUL will carry out th? organisation of the Games with the help of the Fi n n i s h Kational Sport Federation. The participants cotdd_probably be? housed in the Olympic village of Oteniemi.. Ail sport events woulat be held in -the same places where the XVtn O7ymp~c Games took ,glace. The tentative programme, including at~le tics, gymnastics; swiumaing, volleyball, football, basketball, water polo, rowing, cycling and weight li#'ting was approved. About 180 Finnish students would be expeoted fo participate. SA~TIx i .representative stated that his organisation had welcomed the IUS,Executive Committee resolution on the unity of student sport and would work towards its r*~illment. SUYB~ER VAC A'~ IO1~S $Y~~~# ORQANISTD . ti E S The first scumaer camps ever to be organised ~y ,Iranian ti, stu- deats will be l?cated near the Caspian Sea . ~~ a Siesh der lake not fer:;f~o~ Teheran. VA.CAT ION PLANS IN THE SOVIET ~UNION,~ Iharing the summer vacations all All-Union sports contest in light athletics, basketball, volleyball, swimming,stics ar~d boxing will be held in Moscow. I~dore than 1300 ~ students from all corners of the Soviet Union will take part. The sport club "Science's is opening an alpine camp for stu- dents in t_he Altai mou.~tains and Caucasus. Students at alpine camps in the Pamirs intend to scale ,the D~olotov peak, one of the highest in the country. Thousands of students from~Lsningrad, the Urals, Siberia,the Ukraine and the Baltic Republics will-visit Moscow durir~,g their sumrser holidays? The guests will be shown the city s sights, visit factories, new constructions, museums, exhibi-. tions.and theatres. EXPEDs,TION TO ASCEND 22 3'~0 F0~3T ~OUNTASN A student expedition left Delhi in ~~,y for Tonakpur to pr~aere for an assault An'the Nandakot peak, 22530 feet high,"India . News" announces.. The party consists of fa students who w it l conduct physiological ex~'eriments on themselves at~high al- titude. The leader of the expedition i~s from Calcutta Uni- versify. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/19 :CIA-RDP80S01540R002200220014-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/19 :CIA-RDP80S01540R002200220014-4 ~'t%% d R '~ ~ ~~ D ea o ou ~ ~ World Student Neza~s? `+1'ORLD~ STUDENT NEWS is published monthlyo by the International Union of Students in Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, ? Russian, and Spanish. WORLD STUDENT NEWS woks for international Student cooperation, national inde- pendence of -peoples, democratisation of .education, woxld peace. WORLD STUDENT NEWS publisher articles and information on s~udent life and con- . ditions, gives space to science, art, sport, and humour. WORLD STUDENT NEWS discusses the vital problems of students. LISTEN . TO THE VOICE OF - THE ~INTER.NATIONAL UNION OF STUDENTS On the need for world student unity, for peace and national independence, for coopera~on in cultural and sports activity among students from all parts of the world. The Prague and Sofia short and medium wane radio stations bring you student news, musical interludes, comments about IUS activities, the conditions of life and study the world over. There is an IUS broadcast every Monday in seven languages over Prague radio, and every Tuesday in four over Sofia. - ~ _ f ~"'`~ 1 .r f .. LANGUAGE ME~~TiME KII..OCYCLES LENGTH ~ ~? ~'4,,,,, I k ~ , 1 - [Monday, Pragne] ` ENGLISH ~ 19.00-19.15 ~ 9,504 kc/s 31.57 m ~_ FRENCH 19.00-19.15 1,286 kc/s 233.30 m ~ ITALIAN 22.00-22.15 1,232 kc/s 243.5 m 5ERB0-CROAT , X17.30-17.45 9,504 kc/s 31.57 m , GREEK 16.30-16:45 9,504 kc/s 31.57 m GERMAN 18.30-18.45 1,286 kc/s 233.30 m ' 23.15--23.30 1,097 kc/s ~ 273.50 m . SPANISH { 23.15-23.30 { 1,286 kc/s 233.30 m [Taeeday, SoSa] TURKISH 04.00-04.15 593 kc/s 506 m ?s,r` 1,670 kc/s 39.I1 m - (Stara Zagora) 1,224 kc/s 245 m - (Stalin) 1,124 kc/s 267 m GREEK 04.15-04.30 593 kc/s 506 m _ ? .7,670 kc/s 39.11 m SERBO-CROAT ~ ,21.15-21A5 6,070 kc/s 49.42 m MACEDONIAN 21.15-21.45 7,670 kc/s. 39.11 m Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/19 :CIA-RDP80S01540R002200220014-4