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7 March 1957
Bibliography on microwave Propagation t'~x3d
Antenna Theory
15-page photocopy of a bibli?graphy
in wish o Soviet papers of interest to workers in microwave
ipropwmtion and antenna zaeory]
The bibliography in an alphabetical t of Soviet authors and the
English titles and dates of publication for about 450 of their pub-
lications, It covers Soviet papers in this field from the early 19300s
to about may %"6, SXF
LIMITED: Dissemination limited to full-time employees of CIA, AEC and FBI; and, within State and Defense, to the Intelligence components, other offices
producing NIS elements, and higher echlons with their Immediate supporting staffs. Not to be disseminated .to consultants, external projects or reserve
personnel on short term active duty (excepting individuals who are normally full-time employees of CIA, AEC, FBI, State or Defense) *unless the written been- obtained througb.the-Assistant. Director. for. Central Reference, CIA.
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Illegible Items on Photostat
Page 4
1. Fainberg, Ia. B. and N. A. Krizhniak, Artificial anisotropic media. ZTF ?5_, 711-719, 1955
Page 8
1. Levin, M. L., Characteristic vibrations of thin metallic and slot antennas. DAN 6 ,
661-664, 1948
2. Levin, M. L., Resonant slot antennas in waveguides. IAN (Ser Fiz_) 12, 310-321, 1948
3. Levin,?M. L., Theory of an annular resonant slot in a waveguide. ZTF 18, 639-652, 1948
4. Levin, M. L., Excitation of a smi-infinite vaveguide through an aperture in its
bottom. zTF 18, 653-656, 1948
Page 9
1. Mandel'ehtam, L. I. and N. D. Papeleksi, On a method of measuring radio-wave
velocities. ZTF 3, 659- , 1937
2. Mahdek'shtam, L. I. and N. D. Papeleksi, On radiowave propagation velocity. UFN 26,
145-167, 1944
3. Mandel'shtam, L. I., N. D. Papeleksi and E. Ia. Schegolev, Measurement of the radiowave
propagation velocity along the earth's' surface. Izd. Gostekhizdat 145- , 1946
Page 11
1. Rapoport, G. N., Some results of a general theory of diaphrammed wave-guides.
Radiotekhnika 2(3), 78-80, 1954
2. Riazin, P. A., Computation of the radiation of a rectilinear antenna in the nearby
zone. ZTF 3, 027- , 1937
Page 12
1. Riazin, P. A., On doe electromagnetic field from a vertical half-wave serial above a
plane earth. ZTF 5, 29-40, 1938
2. Shklovskii, I. S., Ultraviolet radiation of the corona and chromosphere and
ionization of the earth's atmosphere. Izvestia. Crimean Astron. Observ. 4, 80-113,
Page 13
1. Smirnov, V. I., Theoretical study of the effect of multi-ray radiowave propagation
on shortwave communication at 4 meters. ZTF , 815, , 1945
2. Smorgonskii, V. Ia., Computation of phase and group velocities of surface waves.
Radiotekhnika 10(5), 25-30, 1955
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Page 15 (continued)
3. Solov'ev, E. G., Electromagnetic wave propagation between two-circular-cylindrical
surfaces in the presence of longitudinal diaphragms situated periodically.
Radiotekhnika 11 (1), 57-60, 1956
4. Solov'ev. E. G., Circular and rectangular waveguides with longitudinal diaphrams. ZTF 25,
707-710, 1955
5. Solov'ev, E. G. and L. V. Belous, To the theory of a spiral line surrounded by a
cylindrical semiconducting shell. Radiotekhnika 11, (4), 31-35, 1956
6. Shklovskii, I. S. and S. B. Pikel'ner, Thermal radio radiation of the sun. Izvestia.
Crimean Astrophys. Observatory 6, 29- , 1950
7. Shteyn, N. I., Solution of some boundary problems of the electromagnetic field by means
of two-dimensional models. Elektrichestvo _, 50-55, 1951
8. Shuleikin, M. V., Investigation of radiowaves passing main lines between Moscow and
Kharkov. IAN (TN) 641- , 1937
9? Shuleikin, M. V., Propagation of electromagnetic energy, Part I and II, First Russian
Radio Bureau, 1923
10. Sifrin, K. S., Scattering of light by large drops of water and polarization of
light rainbows. IAN (Sero geog. & geofiz.) 14, 128-163, 1950
Page 14
1. Vysokovskii, D. M., Influence of the distance between oscillators on the resonant and
directional properties of a 'wave channel' type radiator system. Radiotekhnika 11(5),
21-25, 1956
Page 15
1. Zaborshchikov, F. Ia., D. N. Krasnolobov and M. P. Fomina, Automatic ionosphere
station# Elektrosviaz' 1, 18- , 1941
2. Zernov, N. V., On the diffraction of plane cylindrical electromagnetic waves.
ZTF 21, 1066-1075, 1951
3. Zernov, N. V., On the solutions of the integral equation relating to the boundary
(diffraction) problems of electrodynamics. ZTF 21, 766-f11, 1951
4. Zernov, N. V., On the solution of non-stationary boundary problems of electrodynamics.
DAN 80, 33-35, 1951
5. Zhekulin, L. A., Electromagnetic wave propagation in ionized magneto-active media.
Vestnik elektrotekhniki 2, 63- , 1930
6. Zhekulin, L. A., Propagation of electromagnetic waves in magneto-active ionized media.
ZETF ?i, 76-91 , 1934; IAN (0TN) _J, 91- , 1938
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- J -
Page 15 (continued).
7. Zhekulin, L. A. Pulse reflection from an inhomogeneous ionized hyer. IAN (Ser. Fiz_)
9- ,
8. Zhekulin, L. A., Evaluation of the intensity of a Wave diffracted from a dielectric
sphere. IAN (OTN), _, 1235-1242, 1946
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VKht-zar, A. 1. one. G. Ia. LyiibArs'Ki, -hp,)ry the ex,,1111* Ain 3f vlhr~*!,nf! In 5! wev~
4.hie?er, A. I. ano L. F. F 1L_
2-,, P40
Al 'pert, Ia. L., On ray trsjo~ct,)rir!~ i- mpimeti-Active innlzp(l me,iim. iPi (Ser. F12.) :".1- 11-47; ~F-F
111-113, 1946
Al'pert, Is. L., The trajectory of rays !n a magneti-mctivp ionize,, medlum--the ionosphere. 10 (Ser. FIZ.) 1_2
267- 1948
1&, 267- P 1948
Al'pert, Is. L., A study of the phase structure of the olectrmagnetic field of radio waves near the e-th's sur-
Allport, Ia. L.p Structure of the stm3sphere and processes in the replin of the F2 layer. ZFrF ]~@, 995-1%lt 104P
Alloort, Ia. L.. Research on the F 2 layer of the ionosphere during the total solar eclipse of 2r May 1041 in
Allpert, Is. L.* The sporadic layer Of F2 in the ionosphere. DAN IQ47
Al'pert, Is. L., On the structure of the elactrimpgnetic field of two synchronously w-)rking oscill"torf!.
Allpert, Is. L., Influence of earth's surface ur~on T,hose structure on the electrnmAgnetic flel~ )1 - redietinp
Allpert, Tn. L., Results nf ro0in nt-mervattins during the solar eclipse (corr.usculwr -nl ultxmviolptl 0 .1uly
1945. 1~_AN a, - 1045
Al'pert, Ia. L., ?
netic wave pr,)pm911tjor, over the earth. Izd.
Al'port, Is. L., ?
earth's surface. AN Q7, 6,2q-612, I
question of electromWetic wave pr-)pmgPti-)r in pipes. LTF Al'pert, Ia. L., To the 1040
Allpert, Ia. L.9 V. L. GintburF anrl F. L. Feinberg, Radiiwmve
~,Js '112 112-127, 1945
over an inhomogene earth. ZIT 11, 1236- 1 1041; L_- -,f -I -a- -0,
Allpert, Ia. 1. and V. N. C-)rnzhankin, Sol!- eclipses one, rael-) investigati-in )f the 1-)nospher-a.
q July 194 5. LIAN Ia, 260-264, 1945
Al'pert, Is. L. one. V. V. Migulin, Study if the phase structure If the electromagnetic jro,ind the es-th's
AN (Ser. Fiz.) 1940
surface. _4, 458-
~4 11, IAN 45P-
Pynchr in ,:Fly.
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~nis ov, E. V. and N. M. Sovetoy, Electrommgn' tic wave propagAtl,ir, al,ing nA~,pf~ helix placed within a
Trudy (transa Iit A114oviet Conference -)n the Stretosohert, 133- 1935
Inform. t
iadf6wsve f in ? .e-
an ngrad, 1938
ArzheOW,'. I. S., -A,new solution of the'problem on t:hwcnlculA4i:)R of the vector by its curl and divergence.
Arshsnykh1. S., Representati)!i-)f electr:~)ln'aghetic fields by re order' potentials. I)AN 120, ln53-1057, 1955
Astef'ST, A. V. and A. I G. Arenberg, Ta~sts! on r I adid i communications by ultrL41;, 'short wave serostats. V.etnik teor.
elek- _U. 419- 1928
Bartenlev, G. M., On long-range prognosis of the critical ionosphere frequencies and cases of perturbations In
them. IAN (07N) No. 9p 1139-1151, 110-1171, 1947
Bakhrakh, L. D., Maximum coefficient of dtrected effects of linear and plane~antannas. 1
Belkiris, M. G., Tables toevoluate the else tromeane tic field in the umbra for varl3us soils. 'Sqietakoe radio'
*Press, 1949
Bogom~lov, A. G., Principles of radar
.Ixd-vo "Sov. Radio" 302 p., Moscow, 1954
Boll ; man I., Electromagnetic waves excited by a linear vibrator In a rectangular wave guide. Radiitekhnika
'Jig) 1946
:Bonch-Rruevich M A Measurement of the electric stpte of the upper stratosphere in polar regions (Kennelly-
Heaviside layer
Bonch-Bruevich, M. A.9 On the first experiments in the USSR to measure the height of the Heaviside layer.
Bonch-Bruevi chp M. A., ? t and propagation ?1.J'
energy Bonch-Bruevich, M. A., Short waves and directive antonnes. Flectrichestvo ., 228-234, 1925 absorption in an ionized gas at the time of the established region.
~onch-Pr: - uevicho M.,A.p Role of electromagnetic waves in studying the atmosphere. Trudy
Sdviet Conference on the Stratosphere, _324- , 1935
Bonch-Bruevicti, M. A., Short waves. Svillslisdat, Yorcow, 1932
Praude, B. V., an error In using the integral equations if antenna theory. 1825-1842, 1955
Braude, B. V., Potential graOients in high " power transmitter. 1Radlotakhniks (2), 1946
Br,aude, B. V., Computation of the total resistance of an antenna, taking into account the terminal conductance
of the earth. Radl,2tekhnika 1(5),
Br surle, S. J. and 1. 9. ?
visibility. 1AN (Ser. Fix.) ?
Brasma,, N. A., ?? the-solution by the grid method of the simplest miXsd problem of the matrix telegraph
equation.' Radiotekhniks U (1) 1956
Brekhovskikh, L. M., Propagation of sound wAves in a li,,uld layer between two absorbing half-spaces. PAN 49,
lq7-400, .1045
Brokhovskikh, L. M., Propagation of soun,~snd radio wolves in a layer ?
propaF.,ation of aound and radio waves in a lay-r. IAN (Ser, bounded"by two semi-spneep; theory if the
Prekhovskikh, L. M., Ref ractiin of spherical wFves from the plane surface of separation between t,:o media. ZTF
1-8, ' 1948
Brekhovskikh, L. M., Propagetion of sound in a liquid layer of a constant irrelUent if propef-tion speed. LAN L2,,.:
1Q48 ~e
Prekhovskikh, L. M.p field of diffraction if electromagnetic waves In the problem if the point emitter. IAN,(Lu-
Fit.) 12, 322-334, 1948
Prokhovskikh, L. M., On the propegatlin if sound In an underwater sound channel. PAN ~2, 157-160, 194c)
Prokhnvskikh, L. M., New mothoe of solving the problem regarding the field of a point radig Or In a Yk I minpted
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Prok,hovskikh, L. M., Reflection if pl3ne waves from stratified non-homop,
Ine,)us media. !IF 12, 1126 1 OZO
Prek~ovsklkh, L. M., Focussing Bound wpves by inhomopeneoui media. jb_Btj A
Br,ekhovskikh, L. M.j The field of a point rediAt,-jr in 8 lamInar-inhomogenerjus medium. 1. Int gral form of
solutiin. 11. 1
505-519, 190
Diffraction Brokhovskikh, L. M.p Diffraction of 9~und waves on an uneven surface. DAN 22p 585-5889 IQ51
general theory. ZFTF U, 275-304p 1952
Brekhovskikh, L. M., ?
1 (Ser, F17-)
1949; IM (Ser, Fit.) 2-2, 322- 1948; ZTF 12, 1126- 1949
Orekhovakikhj L. M., Reflection -if plane wrves from laminer-inhomogeneous media. 1126- 1949
Brokhovskiich, L. M.t On extension of the boundaries of applicability of rry theory in rtudying wave propa-
r stion in laminar media. I.
Brokhovskikh, L. M., ?
2,TF 21, 874- 1951
Brek.hovskikh, L. M., Reflection and refraction of spherical waves. 1
Brekhovakikh, L. M., Limits of applicability of certain approximate methods required in architectural
acoustics. 1UFN J_2, 464- 1947
Br.k~.vftlkh, L. N. and I. 1
Zh.,I, 23-30, 1955
Rrokbovskikh, L. M. and I. D. ivanov, On extending the limits of applicability of the ray theory in study-
109 wave PrOPsgst6n in landner media. PAN M, 545- , 1952
Bulatov N..D. On lonospheric-sagnatic perturbations. TrudY, Sib. Ms.. Tekh. Inst. 6, 122- ?
Bunimovich, V. I., Fluctuatl6ng processes as oscillations with random amplitudes and phases. _ZTF .12, 1231-
1259, 1949
Bunimovich, V. I., Electromagnetic wave propagatinn along parallel conducting planes. M
? ?
, 1541-
Burden, G. D., Measurement of dielectric permeability losses In solid dielectrics in the centimeter region
by means of wave guides. ZTF 20, 813-821, 1950
Burshtein, Z. and L. Solbv'ev, On the propagatiin of fundamental waves between parallel surfPces. rAN,
465-468, 1955
Chernov, L. A., Correlation of the amplitude and phase fluctuations in wave propegation in media wi th ran-
210-213, 1953
ui= f
211-216, 956
Chetsev, ? On the reelatance of a rectangular plate vit-rating in a cutout in a plane wall. Rrikl. Mat.
439-444, lq51
METF 2, 106Q- 1937
Denisov, N G., Propagatiin if elpetrimagn-tic signals in an Ionized gas. _7'_F a, 1154- 1051
Ivy, al, al. toks, J, 4-15, 1939
Vr@bMn, A. L., Radiation resistance of lines with standing and travelling waves. 635- 1941
r1ristakii, V. M., On magneto-i-)nie splitting in the sporadic E-leyer. PA,
! f:
(7), 126- , 1956
Faddeeve.-, V. N. end N. ". Terent'ev, Table if the probability integrpl W(r) 2 PX.(-2 2) rex, (t,
if complex argument. cl'~T, -Moscow, 1054 T
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Fj 2,,
No. 4, 105()
1 q48
Feinberg, F. L., Russian radiof~hysics an
EadIottkhni_1L8_ 1(4), 5-14, 1947
Felld, Ia. N., Electromagnetic wave propagatt-)n injines with rectangular screens. Z'T as 587- IQ1Q
Felld, IA. N., Slot antenneFt 1, 12, 1051- 1947
Felld, Is. N., Slot antennas, 11; 1.2 17, 1457- 1947
Felld, Ia. N., On C,,mputatiln if static capacity of antennas. elp- 1943
Fal 'd, Is. N., The Vo~indpry value problems 'of electrodynamici and integrtl equntions if some diffractl an
problems.' in 14, llr-341, 1944
Felld, Is. N., Surface rointlrC systems. 199-202, 1946
Felld, Ia. N., Diffraction antennas with axial symmetry. DAN a, 111-114, 1946
Felld, Is. N., Yultiplp alit antennas. ZIF U80- 1265-1272, 1948
Ave propagation around the earth taking diffraction and refraction into account- Invest,
F I. ok, V. A., Calculation of the electromagnetic field if an alternating current in a spece'witah a plane b)undmry,
Inik. 17, 401-420, 1933_
surface. IW,2h
Fok, 343-)45, 1041
Fok ".:V. A., T)Iffrecti:)n if radio waves around the erth's surface. J. Phys. 255-2(.A, 1945; J~y Jjo 00-
1945; LJ_LM (Ser. Fit.) 10, 187-188, 1046
Fok, V. A., Diffracti-,)n of rwili waves arnun,4 the spherical earth. LAN 46, 310-313, 1945
Fok, V. A., The field of a plane wave In the vicinity of a cond ucting br)dy. INN (So . Fit-) 1-2, 171-I.P6, 11,46
Fok, V. A. , On the propagation and scattertrF of radii wa7es. ]JI1 1, 23-34, 1046
Yok, V. A. , The diffraction of rad!o waves ar,,uM the surface of the earth. "o-cou,
fok, V. A., F'rerrel. diffraction by convex bodies. UFN /Llp 5P7-5q9. 1951
of arbitrary form. 27-7 20, 961,-97P, IQ50
Fok, V. A., Field of a verticel and horii,intel dl~ole raised above the Eurfece of the earth. 7FIT IQ,
IC-1?4, 105C
IAN (Ser. Fir.) 1J
Fok, V. A., Upon certti, intevrpl equationt, if mathematical physics.
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Frmdin, A. Z., To the ques?.inn )f a point radiator. = .9, JIL1,1- 1939
Excitation Gappnov, A. V., Excitattin of a cavity resonator by thin antennas. ZTF 21, 1085-IC99, lo55
Gapenov, ~,A. V. and M.. L. Levin, Theory -if thin antennas in cavity oscillatorr- DfiN Z, llc3-1106, 10~4
Casarian, Iu. L., To the question of wevegulde sound propagetion in inhorogeneous media. 1
133-136, 1956
Gertsenahtein, M. E., The scattering nf radio waves by the licol n,)n-h,imogeneities in the Plss-.8 i"
sphere. ZI-F _21, 67MPI, 1052
G*tmentsev, G. G., New date on solar and galactic radio radiation. TJFN 527- 1051
Getmantsey, G. G. and V. L. Ginsburg, Lunar diffraction of solm: and cosmic radio-frequency radirtion. 20,
1 ?
Gintsburg, M. A., ? gyrotrcpic media. IAN (Ser. Fir.) JP, 44.4-455, 1954
Gintsburg, M. A., On.propagation of Electromagnetic waver in pyromagnetic layers. LAN UO 753-756, 1954
Ginsburg, T. L., 1n solar radiation in the radio frequency range. L&N .2o 01-494, lr446, fistron, ~hur. ~6, 114-
P 1949
Gintburg, V. L., ?
Ginsburg, V. L., ?
Ginsburg, V. L., On radiowave abForption and the number 3f collisions In the ionorphere. J. Phyr.
I Q44
Glnzburgo V. L.9 ?
solar corons. A
GintburF, V. L., ?
4P7-5rl, 104P
L8, 155- , 194~,
76- 104Z
Gorelik, C. S., Interference, diffraction PrW1 spectral refolution In optics and rwi'o. UFN
a, 4P?-415, 19,P
Grib, A. A., 1
221;-22P, V)55
Gr,,inberg, C. A., ?
conductivity varying with height. -rAN 2-6, 581-584, lQ4('
Grinberg, G. A., On radloweve pr~-paps?t,n above the earth's surface taking intm mccount.1ts sphericity ~nc' the
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Approved For Release 2008/11/12 : CIA-RDP80T00246AO01000230001-4
Ksts~'enelenbaum, P. Z., Nonregulmr wsrveguldes with slowly varying parametors. -T'AN 102, 711-711~. JQ~5
communication lines. IA!iLC!:N) 7, IC3- 1917; jjjqjLtr03Vi8Zj 2, 39- 1938
Karantsev, A. N., Sbort wave absorption In the ionosphere an~ electric field Intensity at the recAver. ~Ar;
.2, 1261-12Q6, 1941; IAN LCP:2) .2, 1107-1137, 1947
Xazants ev, A. N., Radio forecasts an,4 their pr9ct.Icel applic~ilon to co. putation of operating. frequencies.
Kel'dysh, M. V., Some cases -.)' degeneracy of equotlins of the ellit k1rd nn the boundary, of the reFl:)n.
LL" Z-7, lel-IR4, 1951
Kesspnlk~h, V. N., Coupled ensrv~ of a rn(limtIniv conductor. Z.-F 2, 1557- IQ-IQ
KeFsenikh, V. N., and .11. r. Pulatc,7 et a2, -it!- unknown. - d 11,41
Kalinin, A. I., On the computation of ultra-ehortwave field intensity in the "lindl-Of-githtw part of space
Radiotekhnika 10(9), 31-38, 1955
Kalinin, A. I., To the clmputatlnn of fiele intensities Inthe umbra and penumbra regi,3no during ultra-short-
s"I U, No. 6. 43-50, lQ56
Karnovskii, M. I., Pirectional properties of elliptical re dirtora. ZTF IQ, P39- 1940
Karnovskii, M. I., rirectional,, properties ol spherical rsdimtors. M7 LO, 070- 1940
Karnovakit, M. I., On the operation of diroctiDnal rs,list6rr in the frequency band. 2-7 U, 73(,-
Kerhel', A. A., Choice of the elements i f a dividing filter In the ipera-ion 'if two medium an,' Iing wave band
transmitters connected to one anterins. 21dJ211k.
tr -31, 1955
Katsenelenbsum, P. Z., Symmetrical excitati,n if an Infinite dielectric cylinder. ZTV LQ, 1168-11FI, 194Q
lur'ev, V., Phase displacement during the reflection of light by thin
Crinb"rg, G. A. and V. A. Fock, To the theory )f c'3".'tq 1. refrne-1A,ii )f ejoctr~=ag, In"st.-2n radio
Gusev, V. D., On causes of the Variation of tne amplitude Of 8 sinole Pulse in reflec-I in fror tho Ion ph- r- .
Gutin, L., Upon the sou-ndfi-ajd of a vibrating piston. ZE~,.4, 404-411, 103"
Gvo2dnver, S. P., Radlowqve propapstinn in the atmosphere. 27F 2
:87- 1912
Iampol'skii, V. G., Obliquely incident plane w-ves on wire rrids.
ImmPol'skii, V. G., Approxi mate method if determining the.,effect of phnne distortion In th~ mperture of a three-
dimensions! antenna upon Its redintion cheracteriatfca. Rt~~khnV&ee, LOW, 1?-2-, lQ55
11'~I.n, V. P.. Electrodynsmie probleme for non-Ideal conductIng bodies having mngulsr lines. r: AN 211-216,
Isak~ovlch, M. A., Scattering of wevesJy a statistically rlugh surface. ZFTF L3. 3015-314, 1952
laakovich, M. A., On scattering and radiation of wives by stntistlenl'y inhomogeneous and statistically oacillat-
Trakovich, M. A., Use of laminas elizinst!nF the formation if trson.~verse w-ve, I-. the reflection of 1:)npitumnal
wAveF from the boundaries of a solid. AkuAt'-7b~'
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IAN (Ser, F17.) L, 813--0,42, 1940
Larl.yzhenakets, 0. A., The Fjurier method fir wave equation. rAN lo"C'
ILCI 25-34, 1946
Lebed*v, N. N., Application of singular Intarral equationF to the vrohlem of the distrituti)n if electricity in
thin closed surfaces. ZTF 12t 775-7U, 194F
problem Leontovich. M. A., On a method of solving the of the earth. LAN (Ser. Fit.) 1, 16-22, lQ44
Leontovich, M.. P., A theorem in the theory if diffrection and Its Application ti the diffrection by P narrow
slip f arbitrary length. A-= 16, 474-470, lQ46
Le int)vIch, ". A. an~ 7.
ea-th's surface by
Le*intivich, M. A. Aml V.
IFI, 1056
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