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Document Release Date: 
June 27, 2008
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Publication Date: 
July 9, 1957
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Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO01600750001-1 RED AND DISSEMINATED 8Y AV JAM-x[j4/ 3eOw IT(1O, on 11 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY National Def.*se of the Qnfted Stater Seca. 793 and 294, the baoxmission or revel, of which In any moaner to an unauthorized son In prohlbfted by law. On= Or UVAIL MMG,&jW= j.==W= MR RUM= MUUMUU* W zue T IPAVPAAMAINI~ cal w+siattcal~s c on with ksnt i'~" a$ mep eta s Contained huet, _ referred to is this rby the foil r g A. First Andwrago ~o Signal station C. d tetra, NAVY review completed.1 Fe --'1L21ED. quay Go Assn quay R. Ihfng am of Soviet d+est 'a aft"hJUW area of 3.4 motor trpedo a boats J6. Turkish tanker X' Bfttb1ft area Of 88811 m1scala..Ous .ft Vessel arrived at the the town 5dd wel + any rage was eer very good holding ground because brisk winds blew during the six days the vessel was the '?o "tistiaet rim anchored in this position. aeachtarege, -essea,e s Odessa gi by port eaY,ciaxls V w the delay at egeent, moots was seen an tegd by delay but no angww wale ~eivede The 4000 inquiry by e '~~. 84p 8 bb blb i light in ah to the 916=1 station located at d":Lg- "tor was made in I1ssi:tna shin to the a~ at finally.. the vases]. was told to for C at 211630c, source sued that the delay was due to the tact that the cargo to be leaded as the vessel Vfflceedj to vessel at her berth was , being UWUWwted to the berViing y -P-- tski Sake am 1 area pwalbl Tes o s- avrived vls small motor at the ~ inch g, at 2200 by the pilot who e launch. thick tog for the t into a Vessel gat the berth saw 2p minutes Iateer in of age end spoke mod ]mglish mot was about 5 kil ' m b o ge s a at all bale ubject Port 'a uc~__ a _ 0Z7 at an s and the pLifts Srive good oft' FORK NO DUBS ABROAD LIMA T ED: Dissemination limited to lull-time emplo#rees .1 CL[;CA.~y producing NIS elements, and higher echlonu with 444 Pqj and. within State and Dew e, to the W.M rucin on abort term active dut air imme(f!a!e +ttr . Not to be dlsa.mla np.,~ c Qe~e components, other c L;M -llio ssiort Qj _ P (excepting Indtvidna oasaltaet>, external pro)eats or y fh. PDrigipating Qua. hqs. been. Qbtaipeg..lhr l>Ni(-time empia+S?e*a of CZA, JiBC, PBI. State or ;=) U nless t1' no AirecYur for Gatral Rehreape C.'(/E l Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80T00 46AO01600750001-1 7;r Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A001600750001-1 centers of military Interest. I o Unifor,n and students at 1L IEtsc llanaous in ita n. s and *11rit :.fvj, vsn?, no one talked about iti miscellaneous small craft were berthslA In the area # labeled designator U. a of the crew Vai le at the Beeman'{s Club, as follmsa ,~ a ro "He:elth Protection in the Sov:1.,m t;. 1c)a, ?'wvh,et published in Moscow in 1956, s t, "Marriage and the Family in the USSR~9 in 1956@ "MM Tsimlynskalra P! oject," a PamPhl&t publi d in Moscow, b 8R, in 195% "T Tanker I ?bennt, a book p? fished in sc f SR, in l938. All of the publications a-aye,; vritt in gngi i s 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 LOA I 25X1 25X1 NOPORN NO DISSJk AURGO Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80T00246A001600750001-1 pam et Published in Mos , was Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO01600750001-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO01600750001-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO01600750001-1 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1955-J-350139, tl'.1EN71; REDIFIXT FORMS INC. - NEW BRUNSWICK. N. JJ Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO01600750001-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO01600750001-1 22 Mai MOM y -. to m4gr * , AIMI III M - ME M, ff " I I ~ I j I I =2 I 11"At, M-0, q JOE -M - - ~ Y~I 11;;` .!ILJI^: IMI-VAMITAN Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO01600750001-1 27 it 1:71/" 23 24.7 32 Q, Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO01600750001-1 From a Russian Government ehart of 1931 M. 17 --\ 31 % ',22 22 22 26 27, 12 -- 171 f 25 10 12 18 17 )9 17 1,, 21 22 17 IN, 23'1 16 15 20 32 23 fne.3 IV. 27 E .,fw 26 0 24 25 77 27 Ch.,Ln.L 19 25 -2 20 33 19 130ft 39 W-NOW I ad I'\ 32 32i I Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP80T00246AO01600750001-1