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i i 1 II I'_ III _ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/24: CIA-RDP80T00246AO12500080001-4 /CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ntains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage, Laws, Title Contemporary Work in Celestial Mechanics DATE DISTR. DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE AC STATE I I ARMY (report entitled 'report to Commission 7 about the work accomplished in the USSR in 1958=1960"? M mission 7 is that part of the International Astronomical Union concerned with celestial mechanics. Tie report was prepared by M. F. Subbotin, director of the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy,, Leningrad. Its bibliography contains 46 references. am C?0=N F-I D-E=ST-T-I-A-L? 50X1-HUM 116-\ C* I LNAVY AIR AEC 0 22 Mar 61 U INFORMATION REPORT ANFORMATION RERORT NOFORN NO DISSEM ABROAD LIMITED: Dissemination limited to full-time employees of CIA, AEC and FBI; and, within State and Defense, to the intelligence components, other offices producing NIS elements, and higherechlons with their immediate supporting staffs. Not to be disseminated to consultants, external projects or reserve personnel on short term active duty (excepting individuals who are normally full-time employees of CIA, AEC, FBI, State or Defense) unless the written permission of the originating office has been obtained through the Assistant Director for Central Reference, CIA. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/24: CIA-RDP80T00246AO12500080001-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/24: CIA-RDP80T00246AO12500080001-4 Next 7 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/24: CIA-RDP80T00246AO12500080001-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/24: CIA-RDP80T00246AO12500080001-4 WJ. W016 R E P O R T to Commission 7 about the work accomplished in the USSR in 1958 - 1960. No attempt is made either to give a complete bibliography of published papers (especially of those pertaining also to the Commission 4, 17, 20 and 22 ) or to describe theo- retical work in detail. PROBL OF THREE BODIES At the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy at Leningrad the investigations on the final motion in this problem was continued and some interesting results for the case when the constant of energy is negative were obtained by G.A.Merman C13. He has obtained also [23 a new general solution of the problem of three bodies in the form of convergent series,quite different from that of sandman. V.A.iirumberg [33 has studied the relativistic problem of three bodies and has found{ 43 the corresponding corrections for the motion of the loon with a completeness not yet attained. some particular cases of the problem of three bodies related to the study of the Trojan group of minor planets and to the Rabe's hypothesis on their origin were investigated by t.*.A. Chebotarev and his collaborat- ore [5,6,7, . dome cases of temporal capture in the elliptical restricted .problem were V.F.Froskurin and L. I. itumianceva [93 . At Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University, some special aspects of the restricted problem were considered by late N.D.Noiseiev 410J 13.K.shohigolev { 11j investigated the "second Hill's intermediate orbit? as- a possible starting poiat for the solution of the Bate lltte. problel. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/24: CIA-RDP80T00246AO12500080001-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A012500080001-4 ware ao& bar 2. was-, P4:t4 to e.t.. ary an a , :1 . t `` these j*:erat;,.o a r er. 'ed by Y . rtie.!v 1 } p story 4the a for s ol~tt 63 rasrcxted ' o b by i1Z?~.w`' THEORY has proposed a new form of the development of the disturb i ?' ,ction suitable for any value of the mutual iocIina nn and more convenient than the form given by 'Xisa:er d. G.M.Bazhenov C183 has published two methode,baaed on the Tshebyshev' a approximation, for computing the absolute perturbations of a minor planet. I.S. Jarow;-Jarowoi {193 has constructed some new prin- ciples of the approximate theory of Ceres, which proved to be in esbonl' al e$peement with the observation for the years do Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/24: CIA-RDP80T00246A012500080001-4 UM B s ha wo:rci n.t the principles t e ,oat urn,. 4MPX-O'Ving the orbits, Of the o 't rasa the o beervat ions witkh` sc r6x` out by U.K.Kulikov and Yu. V. Batrakov- of the artificial satellites were published by Yu. V.Batrakov t 38J and I.D.Zongolkvitch CJ 1.I?dedov (40) has given a general survey of the orbits towards the Moon. G.N.Daboshin C 41, has studied the rotational mouveasnts of the artificial celestial bodies. 74blsms of orbit determination of these :liter were considered by Yu. V.Batrakov ~36J and T M . . M-neev 0373 . Some results from the discussion of the observations MISCEI4LA OUS WORK M .S.Petrowekaja [42j by a generalization of the A. " " rya oma1 orbit are actually convergent for iher's method has shown that the Hill's aeries renraaont{Me Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/24: CIA-RDP80T00246AO12500080001-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/24: CIA-RDP80T00246AO12500080001-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/24: CIA-RDP80T00246AO12500080001-4 L.$ bbott 43] He has also or modification of the conventional 8 parabolic orbits,. method for. the c' pat,4i; a name ric`al, character07 .itivsly diflg el*?rs His theory confirms q; 1-knO n result of u.Brouwer that after a K3/2 . &nrest igated the aocumalatfon' of. e or9 ; with the regard on the ranida. The practical application theory was investigated by A. S. tiochilina [46] . order of rid #i `'eretI:a , `eet:loa o . of this k B F R H S N C L S Norman G.J. Bu11.Inet. aetr.Leningrad, 6, 687-712,1958. L 2J Merman U.A. Bull. Inst . astr. Leningrad, 6,713-7322 1958. C33 Bromberg V.A. A.Zh.35, 893-903,1959. C41 Bromberg V.A. Bull. Inet . astr. Leningrad, 6, 733-756,1958. t 1. C gj Chebotarev C61 Chebotarev C7~ Cho bo t arev u.A. and Bozhkova A.J. Bu1l.Inet.astr. Leningrad,7, 186-201,1959. u.A. and Volkov M.S. Bull.Inst.aetr. Leningrad, 7, 202-207,1959. U.A. and Volkov M. S.Bu11.Inst. astr. Le,mi.agrad, 7, 420- 421,1959. 83. Che botar. G.A. and Bozhkova a. J. Bull.Inst. aet r. 581-587,1960. ,c?va L.I.Bu11.Inat.aetr. '?+ 92,l959. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/24: CIA-RDP80T00246AO12500080001-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/24: CIA-RDP80T00246AO12500080001-4 L 11} ihohigole B.M; . P zb 0127;.. go ov-''.A4 .1f [14]. PoloZova 4 y3! , .A.. Bu1.l.l et. , tr.tie ingr?aa, 7s 4,22 44Q 959. [16 Thor .~~ ,, Pu1:l. Ine>i . ate tr.. +aui rad, 7 r 64-9-6574 1960. [151 PalQzova 18 Ba Ono* Ei. ., l nst. tr.I,eningradf7 X3..7].1959. 19 J ap at*'WO I.S. Publ. Sternberg astr.Inst.,28,25.-9O i 1. L203 Dub_os x. (~..N. Pabl. Sternberg astr.Inst. 28 121-148 1960. [13 LuboshiA G. N. Pub 1. Sternberg aatr. Inst. , 28,14,9-160.1960. ~22J iuboahln G.N. Publ.Sternberg astr.Inet, 28, 161-170,1960. C23] mybakov A.I .Publ . Sternberg aetr., Inst . , 28,171-202,1960. C24j. Kybakov &.I. P ubl. Sternberg astr.Ins t . , 28, 203-248,1960. L15j ?ybakov? A .I. Publ.Sternberg aatr.Inet., 28, 249-275, 1960. [2'6] Yosaehevsky M.P. Publ. Sternberg aetr.Inst, 28, 277_2911960. [273 Xasachevak,y M.P. yubl.Sternberg aetr,Inet., 28,293-304, 1960. C28.1 Z'ofgolovitoh, ILA), J iill.Inst . ast r. Leningrad 7, 521-536 1960. C2?] Pra ke ~l8 V. v u t I t. aa.t '.. a , - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/24: CIA-RDP80T00246AO12500080001-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/24: CIA-RDP80T00246AO12500080001-4 6. L311 Jarow-Jarowoi M.S-Ball.Inet.astr.Leningrad,7,552-553, 1960. c321 neletzky V. V.Artif.5atellites of the Barth Moscow I, 25-43,1958. [3'3j Beletzky V. V.Artif.uate111tes of the Parth,Moscow, 3, 13-31,1959. [34] Kislin M.i).Artif.5atellitee of, the Barth ,Moscow 3 .. W7, 1960. C35] Sulikov, L.K. and batrakov, Y u. V. .8all.Inst. aetr .Lenin_ C6] [37] r38.] ft. L3 9 [40 [41. [42.J C43 7 T4r 55.3 [46 ~ grad, 7, 554-569,1960. batrakov Yu.V. Bull.Inst.ast.r.Leningrad, 7, 570-578,1960. tsneev T.M.Artif.Uatellitee of the 1sarth,M1oecow, 4, 43-55,1960. batrakov ru. V, Bull.Inst.aetr.Lontngrad,7)503-510,1960. Zhongolovitch I.y.Bull.of the stations for the obser- vation of the artif.Satellites,Moscow,12,196U aedov L.I.Artif.Satellites of the 8arth,Moecow, 5,3-15 1960. Duboshin G.A.Bu11.Inst.aetr.Leningrad, 7,511-520,1960. Petrowekaja M.S.Bull.Inet.astr.Leningrad, 7,441-465,1959 Subbotin M.F. Bull.Inet.astr.Leningrad, 7) 407_415,1959. Subbotin X.F.Bull.Inst.astr.Leningrad.7.416-419,1959. Myachin Y.F. Bull.Inst . ast r. Leningrad, 7, 257-280,1959. Soohilina J.S. Bull.Inet.estr. Leningrad,7, 281-286,1959. . ~.F.Sub~otin Director of the Inetit'ut? of The.oretioal Astronomy Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/24: CIA-RDP80T00246AO12500080001-4