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This material contains Information affecting the National Defense of the united states within the meaning of the ll7spionage l,&wa. Tltle
18. U.B.C. secs. 793 and 794, the tranmmlasion or revelation of which In any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law.
SUBJECT Polish POL Distribution DATE DISTR. 7 JUL 06
POL di str'. butioa ;; Poland,
including information on individual distributing stations, on the quality
of fuel, and on consumption.
(Wass Washington distrib
vtioe indicated by "X"; Field dish rtiow by "#.._)
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1 .11,11 25X1
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Throughout this report the folly ing place names have been used
intershahgeably: (1. German - 2. Polish)
Stolp - Slupsk; G'uenberg - Zielona Gora
Kolberg - Kolobrzdg; Bblgard - Bialogard
Stolpnuende - U atka; Neustettin - Szczecinek.
Bunmelsburg - Kiastko; Dramburg - Draweko Pomorskie]
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Ilssianation of enteULLM
Kossalinskis Prssdsibiorstwo Obrotow ProduktaMi NaftowJti (CPN) Siedsiba
tbs distribution of
w Supsku (Kossalin sntstpriw for petroleum products) in Stolp.
Address: As above
Seat: Stolp(SC N P s i?)
-4 -
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Other enternriasa:
A similar enterprise is located in every Wojewodstwo capital. The
enterprises are aesponsible for the expansion and supply (as coverm) of
fuel depots for the troops as well civilians. Each enterprise is an
independent:accountency unit. There are about 18 such enterprises in the
following locations:
Warsaw City
Warsaw Wojewodstwo
Capacities: The capacities of the various enterprises vary and are
All of the enterprises are subordinate to a central office 0 in Warsaw
located at Ul. Rakowekiego 8r 82-85. The office is designated as Centrals
Przedsiebiorstwo Obrotow Prod. xaft. (CPI() Ministerstwo Gornistwa - Warsawa.
Until the end of 1956 the head of this office was a certain Kania. From
1956 until now a person whose name ending with
... erski has been the head. (3 - ~e ~~o ?-~ see
I. S_icrnificance of the enterprise to Poland.
Distribution of fuel (goe' gasolinefand diesel) lubricants and fats
to the provinces as well as the equipping of depots and gas stathns.
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I 1(.! .1: . _
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Distributing to the Polish army via the "Secret Department for Military
Organization and Personnel (Bossalin)
Director - Boleslaw Saxon
Deputy Director - Kasimiers Kopcsyaaki (UB agent)
Personnel Chief - Neaterowics
Legal Advisor
Investment Department
Main Bookkeeper
Chief Mechanic
Responsible to the deputy director are the following:
Material supply with a
Transport and repair shops
Technical inspectors
Trade Department, with secret military departs nt - Mr. % C4J~klinski
and Miss Irena Groch (the wholesale places listed under point
7 are responsible to Miss Groch)
Responsible to the chief bookkeeper are the following:
Bookkeeping Department
Finance Department
Cashiers Office
Sales Group
All shops are subordinate to the chief mechanic.
The personnel strength of the lossalin office is approximately 55
persons. To be added to this number is the personnel of the wholesale
locations (depots) and that of the gas stations.
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5. Secret Department for Militarr Orders of Fuel
This Secret Department is a component of the Trade Department
of every Wojewodatwo enterprise for fuel and lubricants.
The Polish army for example i.e. each unit (garrison or air
field - but not squadron or regiment) orders in writing from the appropriate
Wojewodstwo enterprise the necessary fuel and lubricants.
The wojewodatwo enterprise passes the order through the secret
department after registering it directly to the appropriate refinery of
the enterprise or in can of overloading to another refinery. The pro-
cess is centrally controlled in Warsaw.
The ordered fuel as well as oil and fats are delivered by the
appropriate refinery directly to the military unit or to tiaoc a designated
station if no rail lines exist to reach the military object, where they
will be picked up in tankers. At the same time the Wojewodatwo enterprise
is informed of this action. Orders from the military as well as the
civilian sector 4K Treater amountsmust be placed with the wojewodstwo
enterprise three weeks % to every quarter. If orders are placed later
than that the refineries normally will require about four weeks to fulfill
the order. In case of emmergency - or war, all civilian orders become
void. J& plimas" the lack of transportation space, particularly
tank oars is creating difficulties for the supply of the civilian sector.
The Polish army on the other hand has its own transport facilities admin-
istered by its own organization. This organization is subordinate to the M sirs
.efense fim ice' and has the cover designation of something like"transport
enterprise for fuel
ithout exception all modern and large tank cars belong to this comp
e'sdeV1 ce
that is, the Polish army. The exterior
of this are the good CarC
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and paint of the cars.
Car Desianatione
The cars ofihe civilian sector bear the following designations:
Warasawakie Przedaiebioratwo Transportu Produktow Naftowych
Cars of the military sector bear the designation:
Praediebioratwo Transportu. Definitely without the"Warszawskis -
that is the undeniable sign of army transport
6. Extent of Orders and nsumation
The annual plan and turnover figures of the Koasalin enterprise
are administered and kept secret by the Trade Department and Sales Group
of the chief bookkeeping office.
The civilian
use during the month of May to September 1957 was approximately as follows:
gasoline - 60 to 80 cubic meters daily; diesel about 100 cu. meters; and
oil/fat about 15 tons daily. This consumption is only for Koszalin
Wojewodztwo and should be similar to the consumption of other wojewodatwo
with agricultural characteristics such as Olsztyn, Bialystok, Lublin, and
Gru ierg.
In addition to the necessary depots/those for the civilian sector
11ould also be listed, since these depots and gas stations will, in case
of war, supply the Pblish army. The followirg~iet is not restricted to
wojewodztwo Keasalin. Depots and wholesale plaa4 located in other
wojewodstwos are administered by the appropriate wojewodztwo enterprise.
For the sake of cover, therefore, all military supply bases are supplied
by the appropriate wojewodztwo enterprise for fuels and lubricants.
7. Wholesale Places (Deno s) with own Q.m11 Administration
For civilian consumption (industry, transport enterprises, etc.)
of gasoline, motor oil, and lubricating oil.
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II' I,
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a. Stolp; situated on the highway tah(Sohlawe) in the center of (soap square
4uw-4-'6-C of S21 capacity 12 tanks with a total of 120,000 liters.
Personnel; 25 men; security fenced and guarded by the Fire Department.
map square
b.. holp; situated onthe dividing line 7/8-B west of
the connecting track on the north aide of the field path. Capacity; 6
tanks with a total of 60,000 liters. Personnel and security as above.
c. Kossalin; situated north of the road to tBel where the
railroad and highway cross, that is, northwest of the railroad station -
4 a-A aW, A ,
K 39n; city nap/has no coordinates. Capacity; 8 a otal of
150,000 liters. Personnel: 27 ear., security as above.
d. Koazalin; situated went of the railroad line to Kolberg before
the out off to the west, about 300 meters south of cast I; K 39r'; capacity,
6 tanks plus one 100,000 liter tank with a total of 250,000 liters.
e. Bel a ; located near the freight station about 100 meters
south of the locomotive shed, between two tracks- B 18m. Personnel, 12
men; no fencing.
f. Beld; new construction of a large depot with completion
expected 1958. located between the highway to Kossalin and" Bahn"Stroot
to Kolberg near the exact center of the map B 184 in the triangle of
the road to the north and the railroad to the west northwest-[not legible]
From this railroad line elevation of 28.8 on the connecting track to
the northeast. The approach road from the street is situated opposite
a small ditch located on the east side of the street (B lSm);capacity,
7 tanks with a total of 200,000 liters. Fenced and guarded
,S'wi dW%n ,
g.,,(Schivelbelocated near the freight station. Capacity, 6. tanks
with a total of 60,000 liters. Personnel, 12 men; not fenced.
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h. Dramburg; situated near the freight station; capacity, 10 tanks
2 of which are i',' f sesafem tanks, with a total of 100,000 liters; personnel,
14 men; fenced and guarded.
WA Ic .
i.^(Deutsch Krone, situated on the south aide of the road to
Wittkow at the crossing of the railroad line to P11o- ; nap reference,
D13 d/D-6; capacity, 12 tanks with a total of 150,000 liters; personnel,
15 men. The depot is walled in.
4. Neustettin; situated near the freight stationl northeast corner
of the map J-5 from N-7e; capacity, 4 surface and 9 aubterr4an tanks
with a total of 200,000 liters; personnel, 15 men. The depot is walled in.
l.n (Rummelsbur4- located on the highway to Neustettin; capacity, 8
tanks with a total of 100,000 liters; personnel, 10 men; guarded and fenced
m. Rumoslaburg; located near the freight station; capacity, 4 tanks,
with a total of 60,000 liters; unguarded.
Only for Fishing Industry (containing only diesel)
n. Stolpmuende; located on the west side of the c--.1; center of
C-2 of S22; capacity, 3 tanks with a total of 50,000 liters; personnel,
o./~(Ruegenwalds); situated on the east side of the port; personnel,
4 men; capacity, 6 tanks with a total of 80,000 liters.
p. Kolberg; situated on the east side of the port, 3 centimeters
from the intersection of the lines 36/04 running in an exact east-west
diregtion; capacity, 6 tanks with a total of 80,000 liters; personnel,
5 men.
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Tads cars Tank cars a 35001 [sic] are stationed in the following
places: 2 in Stolp, 3 [figure illegible] in Koazalin, and 1 in Schivelvein.
They are equipped with mannual pumps.
The above listed depots serve as military fuel depots in case of war.
Total capacity of fuel and oil is calculated from the sum of the listed
depots of the Koszalin wojewodatwo and the gas stations located in that
Below are listed the gas stations and their capacities since they
too will be available to the military in case of war.
Gas stations of Voiewodatwo Kossalin These are generally located
only in the capitals of powiats and possibly at intersections carrying
heavy traffic. Most of the gas stations can only be serviced manually
(diesel only manually).
Stole.`- 2 pumps on the street to Schlawe, 4 containers of 5,000
liters each, and 1 container of 3,000 liters.
v, pumps on the road Rea kowe , 4 containers at 5,000
liters each.
Kossalin - 2 pumps on the road to Schlawe, 3 container of 5,000
liters each
5,000 liters each.
2 pumps on the road to Kolberg, 3 containers of
If 4 pumps on the road to Belgid, 4 containers of
5,000 liters each.
Stolpmuende - 2 pumps on the road to Stolp, 2 containers of
5,000 liters each
Slav/a (Schlawe)- 2 pumps on the road to Koazalin, 3 container of
5,000 liters each
bc,rla WQ ~uegenwal e) - 2 pumps on the road to Schlawe, 3 containers
of 5,000 liters each
Kolberg - 2 pumps on the road to Treptow, 3 container of 5,000
liters each.
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RKI n- - 2 pumps on the road to the center of the city, 4
containers of 5,000 liters each
.5 W,cicv-- Schivelbein) - 2 pumps on the road to the center of the city,
containers of 5,000 liters each
to Belgard
Polsin - 2 pumps on the road/worAkk 3
containers of 5,000 liters each
Dramburg - 2 pumps on the road near the railroad station,
3 containers of 5,000 liters each
Wctlca (Deutsch Krone- 2 pumps on the road near the railroad station,
3 container of 5,000 liters each
Flatow - 2 pumps on the road to 2 containers of
3,000 liters each
Flatow - 2 pumps on the road to Putt 2 containers of
5,000 liters each
Neustetin - 3 pumps on the road to the center of the city,
4 containers of 3,000 liters each
Neustettin - (?4 pumps on the road to the center of the city,
3 containers of 5,000 liters each
Hfc4 kQ(Rummelsburg) - 2 pumps on the road to the center of the city,
4 containers of 3,000 liters each
Rummelsburg - L? ] on the road to the center of the city,
4 m ntainera of 5,000 liters each
Buetow - 2 pumps on the road leading to the market, 3 containers
of 5,000 liters each
~z (N C L, o w (Schlochau) - 2 pumps on the road leading to the market, 2 con-
tainers 5,000 liters each
The Polish army and the KBW can get gas in small quantities at these
stations at any time. Payment is made with coupons.
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Hilitarv Depot
(.A I KM
a. /\Stolpmuende)(so-called Depot I; fishery depot is numbered 2)
Location, r a 89.5; h a 01.4 of map 1 to 100,000; I- 11, about 1
kilometer west southwest of the port in the forest region on
the last third, of the curve of the railroad line, on the
latter's northwest side. (See sketch) Capacity, 5 large tanks
of 100,000 liters each and 1 large tank 500,000 liters for a
total of 1,000,000 liters. ill tanks are subterranean, that
is, they are not visible nor are there any mounds. Storage
space for lubricants - 2 floors. Transformer visible. Pump
station and 6 pumps for tank cars. Double track connecting line.
The depot is guarded by if^lae units. During the summer army
units guard the camp. The [pipe] line from the port area of
Stolpmuende lies about 60 centimeters deep and runs along the
south side of the road built to the summer camp. (see sketch)
For the expansion of the depot and its opening in August 1957
the responsibility rested with the Kossalin fuel enterprise.
For security reasons (cover) these depots too
have been subordinated to the civilian wojewodstwo enterprise.
The same applies for the following:
b. Kolberg; situated in the area of the so-called'biedlerland"
(settler's land); 4 = 35, h = 02.5-03.1 on the map 1: 12,500 -
K 41 m (see sketch); capacity, 27 tanks of 100 cubic meters
capacity each for a total of 2,700,000 liters plus 3 oil tanks
of 25 ton capacity and h 50-ton oil tanks. All tanks have been
dug into the surface and covered up, thus creating mounds. The
same applies for the bunkers and oil pipe lines. Loading space
-/ 0
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with ramps on three tracks is available. The depot is equipped
with 22 filing installations (for unloading gasoline and
diesel, various bunkers and installations) (see sketch). The
depot is surrounded by a 2-meter high security fens and guarded
units and during the supmsr by the
during the winter by 4ie
army. Ahaethyl installation is to be constructed by 1958. The
depot was turned over during September 1957. The oil line runs
along the west side of the harbor through the so-called "Maikuhle"
up to the firing range and then south into the depot. The pipes
lie about 80 centimeters under the surface and are unguarded.
SO (southeast?) tim gates to the depot are unguarded.
Additional large depots
c. Szczecin; former Shell depot on the Lastadie. It has been ex-
panded and supplies the Polish military and civil population.
Situated; Ax r = 55.3, H = 57.5 on map 1: 100,000, 1 9 ; capacity,
not known exactly but greater than Kolberg.
d. Swinoujscie; large Soviet depot for Soviet navy (Cruiser in port)
0A navy
overseas tanker; situated It 9 former Germa 71epot at the mwy;
xx it has been expanded. No further data possible. Capacity,
about 4 times that of Kolberg.
e. Dievenow; large Polish military depot for army and navy; situated on
former German naval depot which has been expanded; capacity, about
twice that of Kolberg.
f. Gdansk-Langfuhr; former large German naval depot which has been
expanded to supply the civilian economy as well as army and navy
needs. it this date it is the largest Polish fuel depot about
15 times the size of Kolberg.
g. % Blechownia; large Polish depot for army and air force. In
case of extreme need also for civilian use. Situated on the
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south side of the railroad/ and can be seen from there. Capacity,
unknown; no comparisons possible.
h. Zgierz; north of Lodz; for civilian needs - gasoline and oil;
situated; not known exactly; capacity, similar to that of
I. Grodno; since the fall of 1957 this has been exclusively a large
Soviet military depot. Broad gauge railroad. Since fall of
1957 no transloading dtation for Polish fuel imports because
at the im broad gaugerpxtends s'-ip to Sokalka.
k. Sokalka; new depot in operation since August 1957; Soviet oil
imports are brought here via the broad gauge railroad, a large
tank depot of unknown size is situated south of the railroad
1. Brest; like Grodno this depot is for the exclusive use of
r r-c S
Soviet military I since the fall of 1957.
in. Miedsyrzec-Podlaski; Like Sokalka this depot is only a trans-
pumping station since the fall of 1957. It is a new construction
and is connected.with Brest via&broad gauge railroad. Situated
on a connecting track in the forrested area south of the railroad
line rs 26/27, h : 62/63 from map 1: 100,000, P 17; capacity,
The Soviet military authorities ship their own fuel supplies ex-
clusively via the two boarder stations listed above ( and M). For this
purpose the Soviet army possesses its own tank cars in Foland, painted
red and bearing the hammer and sickle insignia.
The delivery of fuel from Russia to Foland is also conducted
via the two cut-off stations reached since fall 1957 via broad gauge
railroad line.
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'these engineers participated in the dtmotism of the border depots.
The two depots together have a capacity exceeding that of the large
depot at Gdansk-Langfuhr.
o [o c
Fuel Suppl in Poland
From domestic production only about 10 percent; from Rumania
about 55 percent; the Soviet Union about 25 percent; Austria about 5 per-
cent; and overseas also about 5 percent. The supply for military and
Q:4'w,o e1
civilian needs has been guaranteed to last for only one year.
8. Refineries
These are
located mainly in Trsebinia near Krakow in the Katowice area and in
Wieliczka near Krakow and in the area of Galicia
Poland reportedly has no real hydrogenation
plant, that is, a plant where fuel can be produced from coal, brown coal.
The hydrogenation plant Blechownia serves primarily as an intermediate
depot for gasoline and diesel and for its cleaning and processing and
possibly for the refining of oils and lubricants.
9. Ionorts and Delivery Enterprises
Imports from Rupania as listed under numb stockpile are shipped
via rail through Hungary to the refineries in the south of Poland and
via tankers to Gdansk and Szcsecin.Imports from the Soviet Union are
shipped via the above listed depots. These then are the delivery enter-
prises of the state-owned distributing enterprises.
When the Vhtory docks in Gdynia tank cars are dispatched from the
GDR via Stolp to,Gdynia where the'$atory takes on ostensibly only GUR
oil. This occurs noticeably onkvery sluggish basis. That is, during a.
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E. Motor oi1Allocation in rercent to ,Fuel. In the case of
gasoline - 5 percent (possibly 8 percent) motoroil; in case of diesel -
6 percent motor oil; no allocation is made for machine, transformer, and
compressor oils because the supply is adequate.
11. Large Enterorisea with Independent Storage Tanks and msly
FGRs; POMs; State Expediting Enterprises PKS; State Construction
Firms; Enterprises for Domestic Trade (Food Transports); Enterprises for
Livestock Transports - particularly in Ink the Kossalin x=x wojewodztwo;
power plant Belgard (Turbine Oil); Paper Factory Tarnowka near Jastrow
(Diesel Oil); State Lumber Transport Enterprises (with own tank care
for diesel and gasoline)j.
In the calculations to arrive at a figure for the total supply of
Poland of fuels and oil sufficient for one year should imports come to
a stop, the supplies of the above listed large enterprises has been in-
cluded. These have in the Kossalin wojewodztso for example a similar
supply as the state distributing enterprises, not including the military
depots in Stolpmuende and Kolberg. The supply would only last for a year
if only the most important civilian and military transports were carried
12. General Information Regarding Con_au,tion
The consumption in the agricultural wojewodstwos as listed is relatively
on a low level. Particularly high is the consumption in the industrial
wojewodztwos around Krakow, $ hppole, Wroclaw, Katmwice, and Warsaw City,
and Wojewodztwo. In addition also in the area of the so-called
"TroMwjmiasta" that is, Gdynia-Zoppot-Gdansk (from the mouth of the
Wisla to Putzk) as well as Szozecin-4bznan and Lodz. In the upper
Silesian industrial areas the consumption of lubricating oil and fats
are particularly heavy, while in the TrojmiaAa the consumption of diesel
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predominates and in Poznan, Wroclaw, and Warsaw, it is the use of gasoline.
The Trojmiasta probably has the highest consumption of diesel fuel
for shipping and,,fishing industry, It is to be noted in this connection
that the Polish whaling fleet, as well as foreign fishing vessels and
mtm motor ships because of the favorable foreign exchange rate quits
often take on diesel oil there. Even German fisherman prefer when the
opportunity occurs (in storms) to call at Polish harbors and bunkf
In this connection it may be noted that German fisherman sell part of
their catch to Poland in order to pay for the purchase of fuel. They
usually make a pretty good deal; for example, one kilo of fresh herring
cost a fisherman 7 Sl. (re-sale 14 Sl.) while one kilo fuel costs 1.4 Si.
Exact or reliable estimated values for Szczecin and for the Trojmiasta
should be available from the canal authorities of the North Sea-Baltic
Canal. Such values for the Silesian industrial areas cannot be had/
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