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November 5, 1958
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fb NOV IWO 25X1
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B. AJ ed Forces
1. USSR ndUnited" Forces Warja Pact
ToMI StKen,
Pexaonnel Exchange (GDR-USSR)
Between 26 and 28 Sep, 4 and 2 trains went from the GDR to
Brest-Litovsk via Kuestrin and Frankfurt/Oder (?) respectively.
According to number of a*lee and wsieht, 4 loaded and 2 empty
trains were concerned.
On 1 Oct, appr 100 recruits from the USSR arrived in Da.llgow
and left for Loewen Kasernel in Doeberits
C !e . First indications of beginning of personnel
exc ango. Date of beginning agrees with that in preceding years,
except for 1957, when the exchange started only. on :28 Oct.
Recruits have also been observed, at other GDR posts since late
110 GDR
1. R?U itinP and Rey1scements
a. Since early 'July, an increasing number of 4--week
courses for students have been held by various troop
units of NVA ground forces. among other places also in
Leipzig and Prora/Ruegen
b. During his study period, each student has to participate
. in at least 2 courses, the first for basis training during
the first to second study year and the second for special
training during the third to fourth study year
c. During a course in Prenzlau from 31 July to 28 August,
participants received training on SPG.107e: firing with
SPG_IOrys was observed at a training grounds
nit. After military training courses for students . 25X1
o t?ehnicsl schools had been held in I'ay through June, training
concentrated on students of universities and academies during
the main vacation period of July and August. It is, however,
believed that it will not be possible to have all students of
the latter category trained during so short a paried.
There are already indications that the courses continued also
after the end of the vacation periods. This will undoubtedly
result in interruptions and/or non-attendance of lectures.
Places mentioned are posts of training units of NVA ground
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Military training of students is conducted ora the basis of
directive of the State Secretariat for Universities and
Academies which largely corresponds to a decision by the S1
Central Ctnittee of Earch 1958. According to this decision,
military training of students is considered part of their
Students who have not yet participated in military training
or have been deferred have to join in so-called "production
commit-entsf? . Employment of females and male students not
fit for military service is handled by the Ministry of the
Interior together with the universities or academies concerned.
The prorector or. deputy director, along with a coiar fission- of
representatives-of the organization concerned, is in-charge
of necessary organizational prepaareations and coordination of
studies and military training. In addition, all students are
constantly being urged to join the GST, as. has already been
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Co A
Tra~.~.~~ CGDR~,
Training activities of several units, particularly in the
Altengrabow and Letzlinger Heide area, continued from late
September to early October. Upon completion of the third
exercise in the Altengrabow-Wiesenburg area, nurerous return
shipments of participating units to their posts were observed,
Subsequent transfers and movements of columns for another
fall maneuver at the end of the month concentrated on the
area on either side of the Elba River in the Burg ._ eastern
portion Letzlinger Heide section, Transfers of tanks engr
and AAA units from various army areas after 4 October were
indicative of an assembling for a large-scale mane,Laver in
the west,and southwest portion of the GDR.
The following was observed:
to S x~~lem ry Information on EEerci?ses Thirrd Gds 1
y with Elms Eix?st Gds F~ecz Arnv Tk~ batty 2 and
26 Set)
27/28 Sep, 12 return sh is from Nagdebur to Wuensdorf
Beelitz Sperenberg,WWildpark
and Satzkorn , and
2 return shins from the Halle distr to Jueterbog/
Altes Lager
27 Sept Wiesenburg rr station: loading of 3 shpmts of
AAA units.
Another shpmt from Nedlitz/Anhalt through
Wiesenburg toward the. east
Cominen . According to date and unload, ions of
s pm s observed,, the exercise
presumably terminated in the tengra ow-iiesenburg area
on_26 Sep, In addition
elms 34th Arty Div'with at least battalions with l--3D-_-=
field s participated (2 shpmts to Wildpark and Satzkorn)
several units incl elms 7th
s _an v returned their posts by road.
2, E$ercise of Elms Third Sh?ek Armrr (ecz) in the Bury
L?tzlin~ex' Heid?m Tanae~nuende arc?a betty '~0 Sen end 1 Oc~u
27 Sep Perleberg rr station: loading of an arty unit
presum of 18th Yecz Div;
26.-30 Sep columns of units of this div with maneuver
insignia through Perleberg toward southeast
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28 Sep, bulk 36th Bridge Bldg Regt/GSFG and elms u/i
Amph Unit/`Third Shock Army (E'ecz) left ?lagdeburg
toward the east
29 Sep, elms 19th Gds Mecz Div left Hillersleben,
presum for exercises
Column of,tank unit on autobahn south of Ziesar
en route toward Magdeburg;
30 Sep, 2 columns totaling appr 90 trucks and headquarters
veh on autobahn north of N.agdeburg on route toward
the west;
Tank and not veh columns, each of 40 to 50 veh,
from southeast toward Burg F__1.
1 Oct, advance of tank units across Ible Canal near
Parchau in direction Kehnert;
Parey - Parchau - Rogaetz - Angern - Mahlwinkel -
Te:ngermuende area,. exercises of tank, arty and
engr units.-In wooded.area ,Kehnert-"ahlwinkel
large mot veh assembly, 2 x 122-mm field how
batteries in firing position, pointing_ westward
Lgmexit. Retw.30 Sep and 'l Oct, an exercise, presum of
units Third Shock Army (Metz), was held in the Burg -.eastern
portion Letzlinger Heide - Tangermuende area,. Judging from
movements observed, the following units participated: elms
18th Mecz Div, presum elms 19th Gds fees Div (Tk), elms
u/i amph unit/Third Shock Army (Herz), bulk 36th Bridge Bldg
Regt/GSFG, presum additional u/i units and, presumably, small
elms Twenty-Fourth Air Army.
t1ie exercise developed as
On 30. Sep, tank and mtz rifle units of a div advanced from
the Altengrabbw tng grounda assembly area via Burg and the
Ihle Canal near.Parchau toward northwest, forced crossing
of Elbe River near Kehnert and continued their attack on
l Oct beyond Nahlwinkel in a western direction,
3. Exercise of Elms Twenthieth Armv,~presum in Liebi3rose Tna
Groundea betty 26 and 30 Sexy
23-26 Sept 9 shpmts from Berlin-Schoeneweide, Kaulsdorf
and Dallgow to Cottbus distr;
1/2 Oct, return to' Dallgow and Eberswalde of tank and
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manes te Elms let Meez Div and 6th Gds' Fecz Div
presum conducted exercises in the Lieberose area at
4, Vaneuv r of Elms Eighth Gds with Alms SemA
A"ecz Ar,~ny (Tk) after 6 Oct
4/5 Oct,
transfer of med and by tank units and elms
engr bn/20th Gds ?ecz Div (Tk) from Jena to
an undetermined assembly area in several
6 Oct9 departure of bulk 31st-AAA Div from their
Schoenwalde post
7 Oct, since 18009 mtz rifle and arty units with at
least 500 mot veh resting betty Kauai, and
Kyrits on either side of Hi hway No 5.
Tank assembly in Kyritz
The transfer of these units in connection
with simultaneous employment of numerous units of the
Twenty-Fourth-Air Army in Thuringia and the Magdeburg
area tend to indicate that a large-scale maneuver started.
on 6 Oct which involved at least elms Eighth Gds Army
(Mee%) and Second Gds Mecz Army_(Tk)e Assembly areas and
location of beginning are still- undetermined. There are
several indications that the exercise developed from the
Wittetock training grounds via the Elbe section on either
side.of Magdeburg as far as Thuringia.
Comment for P Trani
As expected, the fall maneuvers continued as in preceding
years with the known crossing of the Elbe River between
Burg and Letzlipger Heide by elms `third Shock Army (Metz)
While there are no indications of additional exorcises in
the area of the First Gds Mecz and the Twentieth Armies,
the 1958 exercises seem to have culminated in a joint
maneuver of the Eighth Gds Army (Feez) and the Second Gds
Wecz Amy (Tk), possibly with elms Third Shock Army (Moos)
after 6 October. In 3.957, the last fall maneuver, which
involved elements of two arxmies, lasted from 7 to 10 Oct o
With a view to the early beginning of the 1958 personnel
exchange, it is assumed that the fall exercises in the GDR
have been completed by all armies by mid-October,
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IL Posd
Order of Battle
In July 19589 the 5th Engr Regt C/0 Lt Col Belza9
was stationed in the northeast section ohe barracks in
Stettin-Podejucho The Regt was subordinate to the 2d
(Pomeranian) MD Bromberg and was organized. into 4 battalions9
each of 3 companies of appr 90 men each. Prior to July 19579
personnel were red, subsequently black cap bands. The southwest
the installation was occupied by'the.llth Engr Bn,
hick was subordinated ,to the 12th Mtz RiMe Div
Co, mmentThe information indicates that the 2d and 4th
MD include each 2 am y engr regteo
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? ?
D. Mx~ Force
I. "GDR"
Orr of Battle
~s au A . f$ e~,d
Between 1 Augu
it -149
et and 20 September 1958. circuits were flown by
No air activity was observed on 19 39 69
delivered to Dessau in crates. Mi-4s which also arrived in crates
from an u/i place were assembled and 'given black rnmbers in Dessau;
10, and 11 August 1958 and on 1, 59 69 89 and 20 September 19580
Between 17 August and 27 August 1958, no observations were made.
Mi-Is,which had been constructed in Poland under license were
some of them were transferred. On 15 September 195139 Dessau
airfield was occupied by 9 IL,?14s9 15 FI.ale and 8 Ni-4s
On 26 September 1958, the ?airf ield was occupied by 24 or 25 - .
Mi 1 or Vi-4 helicopters and about 7 IL,.14so On 18 September
1958, another 12 Aircraft, presumably Yak-189, were parked at the
airfield. Since late August 19589 10 white freight care have been
seen, but. no loading or unloading procedures have been observed l
mme Dessau airfield is still occupied as previously.
The Yak-18s were presumably still at--the airfield in connection
with the Army Sports Festival which took place, between 10 ' and
19 September 19580
10 Ta?a i_ n of Tropj
Prior to April 1957, the officers' pilot school No 5 was
stationed at Radom-Saadkow (51 23 N/21 13 E) airfield,
Commander of the school and 'airfield commander was Colonel
-Schwarz, a Russian wearing Polish uniform, A total of about
1,000 officers including officer candidates and 700 EM were
stationed at the airfield m The school had the task of training
officer candidates as fighter pilots in the course of 3 years
without tactical training. For this purposes the following
airfields were available in addition to. Radom Sadkowe
Spaala.Gl`innik (51 35 N/20 06 E) with a unit of jest aircraft;
Nome Miasto (51 38 N/20 33E) with a unit of jet aircraft;
Gro jek (51 53 N/20 56 E) -with a squadron of propeller, aircraft;
Przasnysz.(53 00 N/20 55 E) with a squarlr?on. of propeller aircraft.
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The units of the school stationed at?Radom-Sadkow airfield
were equipped with the following aircraft: ,
Headquarters Flight: I NiG-15, I Yak-13, I IL-12
2nd Squadron: 2 MiG?15s9.3 UMiG?15s, 10 Yak-23s
5th Squadrons 2 R:iGm15e, 7 UMiG_15s,9 4 Yak.-23s
?th Squadron: 10 Yak propeller aircraft
In September 1958, a new airfield was under construction about
2.5 km south of the Piotrkow, (51 24, N/19 41 E) railroad
station, between this station and the Piotrkow - Czestochowa
(50 48 N/19 0'7 E) road o premi7. itary
training is to be conducted at e airfield after its cappletion
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Prniliaad~~~ai i~ ~?hi
.t.a d Pa ice. Txoons
in' r Police DGP)
1, Between 25 Aug and 25 Sep, a training course for the tical def once
was held by .the 4th Bn of Border Bereitschaft (GB) Oacherslebena
GB Sal.'sedel had to detach to this course each one private of each
battalion and compeny _ 25X1
C a This was prssu ably a course c om lso for all "C?13s 25X1
subordinate to. Brig Magdeburrg0 25X1
2a On 14 September, FDJ members from the ranks of the. D-P at the High
Ca asr,:d of the DCP issued a procle rition asking Young Sociali5t3
to stay with the DGP beyond the regular term of se .ce (3 -years)
until at least 1961 e ill FDJ meanbers following this challenge will
.be entered in the "Book of Honour" of the FBJ organization within
C it o This means of "Socitdist competition' which
represents one of the "final conclutiims' of the resolutions of thin
Fifth Party Congress is certainly s~ ing at a raintaining of t -
present personnel strength of..the BCP, at 1e11st for some time.
3. On 24 September, the, Commander of the DGP, Ma j Gen Ludwig, awarded
two prices each of 2,000 F for the' iention of a border signal
installation by means of which a border sector of up to 8 kin
could be contf ol.led , The indicator, which was located in the. company
billets, showed the point of a border cr6ssing with a 259-meter
accuracy 0~.
4. Since Nov 1957, a troop unit which included '1 to 2 cem anies with
T~34`85s has been stationed in Bad Blankenburg
e e3n
Training B ereits chaft Dittrichshustt re
and Heavy Battalion fudolstadt.
led in the area of the 4th Brig udo stadto T Pe end
subordination of, the abovementioned uuit cannot be determined o It '
is, ho?,wever, worth. noting that the unit is eccuipped., ith? T.34/8510.
This isa the first observation of such an squihent with GP unit,_
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