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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/03: CIA-RDP80T00246AO49300450001-5 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. COUNTRY USSR (Chelyabinsk Oblast) SUBJECT Information on the Crielyabinsk Area DATE DISTR. 9 JUL 1959 DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. NO. PAVES -- #1 _.z ~ 1 REFERENCE location of industrial i'i '"al1at : . on the main city ?rests E ' : . . : , hail' itlgs, and on the tranep'. r ; ` ' 2 ' I -y $ ,e: in the Chelyabinsk area and in C.h .lyabinsk Oblast as a whole. Brief mention is ~:cc1e of Ky_?itlym, whir, was decla.,?:d "off limit"S !lam r :ilroad line, which passed thro;;gh Kysh?.y.,, wa --50X1-HUM from the town by a ten-kilometer detour, several kilometers away from Kyshtym, Concentration camp inmates in the area worked on the of "secret in sht 50X1-HUM P!Ma.y MVD guards) were transferred from the concentration camps in the area to Kyshtym. STATE X ARMY X INAVY X LAIR # 115 (Note: Washington distribution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by "#".) Q LI Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/03: CIA-RDP80T00246AO49300450001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/03: CIA-RDP80T00246AO49300450001-5 ,r 3 a asahi1 rIVAr . plum (Aw" CIn 'r c IAL -3- to ~ *W, PASU , as +p, 8i of 15 40 rssps tiw y for ZINVOW j- 16 1116* a wed laeatiaa at Duo" in t"0 bat'b .ws A$* of um 50X1-HUM in the b11 at 3951 the s o"01 bubtAW irns d.. 1fLf y #wta a WA Wt#AW ftr V s A ftft IM edw ti e rs o t d be soft W *s 110 %, r Qa] M6 (jet" It bt1 VW 50X1 -H U M t MW a t*XV' U *I*b Ulm- od tIm tM 0*0 Pismo 2. _ s olwl i' gt PJAAt. FAMW to & , r#ct r t Ml L aMiti 'l Geyabin-ak MertaUurgica1 a do piim of V AO Puat. 50X1-HUM 3. a rte. ' wew t~s wag sa~Ma fa r tbs t~M pbat Mltek lilrtai pr ,ae3 P, as%. ft" area isa know as ? ( S P O T to l i sle+Il h ee!` 50X1HUM ]M i st - . t]1i+ ilst__ " a pat a - No I uW814 t ? ' ! + 11s ar l d r Gumb pr "mss at well'' sat ftmois Owdn s# W.W.Uio . r1l R 1~iM/ *No** s area *and ~ of its or an O~ft 11' area dleai M 44 acid 4b V for er^ - eased seC a a s is 41 mw respmottrabjo Wlele!! IN ex e A W SmIum M CC Vi' JA Vw 50X 1 -"'I I KA k ewrss in ]9]953? With tQ soap lee is IMP NA& U &M was uas6 to 1dii a amr O"Or as a P V444" ewraar i 1 3safttol>d abmt $o k!-I INN be, s soft at 0*300 _dMMt XLIQNMW sqa~ urliMleadt xoim ''' tetre Afoo ft so* a "$ i Ml as a t ss * a Vii" on" with *L a 3'aeetses r a" so =wq- air-s - "xsdar a~ C aeMt # aww" %V m tow"* salt at I &M Yid t 1 as ]eleldeM. It a W OM *9 of w (Sul)- is tear G Alut-W mt us age M 901111146 l w M 'I" as tMt# i to VG* ('do z*Ui ld). ' ImIS+R 00" ' ' . k , an Tirm Of. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/03: CIA-RDP80T00246AO49300450001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/03: CIA-RDP80T00246AO49300450001-5 VAMM# with red shcst> rba~axads, and a blue-rod garrison cap? 50X1 -HUM VIlanvas the r at Vxtsoeera of mw awed forced laborers ilea secret, sus 3.44 0 000 to 190 mn aea- the area. there 'axe more tai 1o0, motion colt leatms In Oft' youadt. Point 5. lamer viWa;Qle at Perehino, an old ssttleenant, since 1952 a pert of Ctrs3yeabdaak. Point 6. 7 palace . An area a imsteli3r got) asters s c re, surrounded, 50X1-HUM by a wodln Thee. three teeters higho P 7. Then anal Electric Power Staticv9 Area Obout 504 asters square swig maI' Is by a veoodan twoo about three asters high. Coal was used fbr fUel, aeeeneel, tour to five societersta+n~cs about 50 meters h4Mi_ A4...-bw,.....1....wu.. *a...'1A % - x_ ,........_.. 50X1-HUM Paint 8. Chaeeaica1 ple nit. Area arc,>dmsttely 400 meters square surrounded a wooden lose three mete ULM. Point 9. Tube k+eewl"Sna NM (Truer rarskateeayy 8avod). An area about one kilA master so ear. rr ceded by a want lance three meters blab. This ffi11 for water consult pipes. Point 10. Chee3ysbtnaek ' mr Plasm imam E Lrovs,a. This was the largest tractor VlaUt in the and AaigpLoyod an estim oteed 50,000 to 100,00 Vie. It had its own mets'"uz cal, ehemadteal and coke III, pleats *#A durlag W. W. U, - m turod 'P-3h tanks. After the var, the plant converted to the of the tyve 8=80, @0 11"KtAd~_ it ceded an area live to six kilometers 1oaog And two kilometers widen. Point 11. Center of yabisurka Earner to page: 13 , re tch of thn neamaie- streets sand bui3 dit s in oak for aAditiaaai dotaaila. Paint 12. tift- it railroad (0"3, g 55-58), (F 55-96, x 65-18). Print 13. .A railroad station. ter to poanttl3 pie 6 , for further dertails. . Point 14. Tank 8 oil,. An aria several hundred asters square surrounded by a stow or veaoa~lant gume three asters high- The inside could act be seem by 3 '? 50X1-HUM studeat of icers in tome in the es sad the restaurant near the main railroad statt*4 (see point pp 6 ). All students were yamg mena in the gnomes of J' mLar sad 8mior Lieut tts. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/03: CIA-RDP80T00246AO49300450001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/03: CIA-RDP80T00246AO49300450001-5 Point 11. 24cater - large L,-=,,y stucco buildink;, called 'Teutr I.ieni i''. Point .i.2. Z litia Staticxi. one-story, gray ate builddint about. 50 x 40 meter, in area dimension, surrotmded by an iron stave fence two meters hi i. This was the headquartora of the oblast railroad militia. The railroad. milrit e n wore tall fur hats, dark blue uftforms. Their lcz , double breasted jackets bad scarlet shoulderboards, and they wore sabers. They also wore a hood In cold weather. Their uniform contrasted to the city militia uniforms described under point 1, paragraph 5 above. Point 13. Pain railroad station. Two-story yellow stucco building, size urAMOM, contained offices on the secaod floor. On the first floor there were ticket o .ces, w lting rooms, a buffet, luCZaae storaje, etc. Point 14. :~'tareota, no ms unknown, about 10 motors wide, asphalt paved. Point 15. Orthodox Ciiurcn. Point 16. Various stores (Clothing, yard goods, shoe, furniture, housaware and drug stores). Point 17. Movie.. Two-story, yellow stucco building about 100 meters long and 30 meters wide, with a main auditorium and balcony. Point 18. Street, name unknown, about 10 meters wide, asphalt paved. Point 19. :treat, nose unknown, about 12-15 maters wide, asphalt paved. Point 20. New building. This building, under construction in 1953, was supposed to be a large six to seven story office and apartment buildinG. Point 21. Party Headquarters. iivc or six-story gray stucco buildini; about 200 x 100 mt:ters in area dimension, containing offices of the Cam a2nist Party, the Koasisooiol, the Oblast Ispolnitelnyy Kotnitet (.blast executive committee) and various party offices. Sentries were always stationed at the entrance of this building. Point 22. f'treet, name unknown, 12-15 meters wide, asphalt paved. Point 23. Restaurant. Three-story white stucco building ebout 100 x 40 meters in area dimension, with a kit Caen, storage arms en dressing roams, on the first floor. The dining rocs were on the second and third floors. Point 24. Stadium. large football and sports stadium called " i4etallurgicli- erski.y Stallion", seating capacity 80,000 to 100,000 people. Point 25. Jail. Two five or six-story buildi Ls, red brick, sizes unknown, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/03: CIA-RDP80T00246AO49300450001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/03: CIA-RDP80T00246AO49300450001-5 Point 9. tia etwt cs. fWi ' t 50 t Is, $ IPA" eurr a wood= fsece, cqe sad cos-.hv t , to Wo seas bey 1 U W 'tt OWWIMWL" *2its1,y (ate section at to UUtLa). se eld3itiassa rNase dark b u1tt * sow a s d r s bed in V d a t 1, p 5. Point 10. Lt'+ area, eet of 01 4 sere-fit me two-story p rirs-te bm ms* about 20 x iii asters area d# dcn, e aft With its own swim. Fit U. l et. An *oft area 100 seer a .v aar farmers pat t staff a11d sold api tural. P ? Pointt 12. atom. te~?vera # - var thrae~story fed hgs. flee was a deryarta1e1v1t store? where sold bctsmabold itess, be`rdvare, clotia lg a 1d food. 50X1-HUM t 13. Shaee. A es'ltone rowdy, (norm r ) about six to seasa asters W.da, idtf ch lied to to Cho tyabtauic Xrttailurgicsal P3ant. 50X1-H U M T. she sejc #,y at btidM+diam is the oaftow of Clwiyed t c ewe three or SOur- stoary stenos? bri* or oftwo build . There sea a o tale vision station is t r raldio~eir dnr g the period l9t94953? Ctade3rya'i>dtplltc was dtrrided into the taUo iiag rsyon : a. garachly'e, (" the river"), Mae that part of the aity wrth, east setd uset Or they Mass ittir. b. X'irovaitly, the mater at toes. a. ladmalklyp the southern art idlers the seia rd station vas located ma rrtdatt eel in the direction or IM. m mum. d. 1t~ . This inslud ed as sty c r, the was at the 0*0 and SAM p1sts, the tube rolling sill, the sale sLcal illetary, the C.tMtly dl~r ) t amd mi Planet ma the eeregrasstratiea aslNps. e. C' . l Tractor Plant rd erh iarlriUdred not only ties plant, but also resi ess, stores, a & UM of Q1ture, mss, #tlittaetc., dRdtgnatsd for Amt ""Me. 8. snot Us Power seas ownuAd i 12 ) . she cwrs+aa~t MO SM volts tsar dQalestie WS (POA 4r aarss l .aa st 0 writs for l rtrlal. use. t iyabitlrrlc but no me supply asd toad eos ao*.ed an electric or s s . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/03: CIA-RDP80T00246AO49300450001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/03: CIA-RDP80T00246AO49300450001-5 -9m 9. i'ir~ans~an Qwlj xtst Lad arc+ subww system. It 3rd oft tr+o leybat lies (w,mrbar moo,) *mob we" 61 Wstaa LUAU* P mina as - Utitsa (punt. 2, pub sa E', . 13 and about 10 tro;L1a r liww. *lw trcliay 11ae routs. wear as ioU #1 ft= dart *1* rai wed xbW4wo an MOM tuns aM Prwwl*t Sta]1at (Is 13, 2, 2s re, Sager, 13 ). #3 along uxitsa ftutMn (point , 3s started at the *ass swso.. via" 06 u*wm 13 ) to the aap River. vivo (rye trolley #3 kumbow) aad vent to t0 ( t 2, 12 ). 1i servid .atarr ( 3, 12 gat fen rsetoew s loe VA*A to the ost 'I actoa pleat (P t 10, 12 ). Tro] Us*_ 0 um built and pEt IXkO SWVIAO is I$9. Pdorr to that tlwt a burn vast i Prot $te3i to the I tsU ,asl Piatatt. 10. f gar the POVIS rrt s ofa a VU7 OW aeleet .c a in puu'aiarttng clothing a" p ap1l ital., amt taw h" to chooser fn ms awtilab3a. 8010 A, s 11 111,01 that ft* Miry' of asa's rNaits VM emery' pi. 9=0 of the e.. in 1-1953 t 50X1-HUM Ms's salt Pdr at Sham Xdxt U. !2#12h daai . ?batons %W +,* ISM Vida" goo." VWMI 100-M &IN" C1w1,Pat t Mt PAbUsh rd a ftw 50X1-HUM dare at of tee"" gitiutl e$. *I adto MW 40* Wt a& S9 Ww &lam cwt or ~1 a aew A dan. Pbrr artanrntr, it a no atteM 11-1111- r . awe u lh xwwor papuiwtien at tw6m __ at ;b to l Ww^ + in WWw" t5X06W oft _ t r stry bra all tiw r d ommtis,,, i$ ,off 50X1-HUM thwe Vas no atdtiat : amti i sin .ult. ao aw wstirl the P*r or 1l -IIt ai p 11* ! + a-tiaa Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/03: CIA-RDP80T00246AO49300450001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/03: CIA-RDP80T00246AO49300450001-5 is. cow !'ail, AI$h room*$. mmummimm port" tit* . U* nrst t NAW Sort 50X1-HUM ary to vrny sm. & US X%M ~,4!lan ? 50X1-HUM 1I . 1* t 1w 4ping cc at 4,tatt4m eft sa01 NA "Off kits a "W"- Me ndlr*PA line, v" possA t X- 1i divert f t 2w tail by a 1 UUmMar d o t o w , , mmml ltt3 7 I pt =a mum vidud OK the ammft~~~ In L*ftm7FO__ aw um Savo 1* t ** ! ttat O tc c 50X1-HUM a" AISSLIft As me ftIllmmak 9"d oft nrwr ors aooel arrata .3abs WO LawLes na 50X1-HUM ems. *6 titer (1 000* 2 swuh ,,,tio, t Ot xd ft* . 50X1-HUM anal Aw all fw IRS' . 1M av l mt=w , W . *!Oft Z 1'at1roiA 321 (i Wes, 2 &,3T)s a ILO >U-c-metsns NRA b. s+'art In (* 332!', 2 ) ? So IONS a? { - B ) a Meta a WW tied IWO d. Lt (* I "T) vas a lard Aiut is P, t, aallsd hraUltL r 9Pa" =ate; swum. ?. 'Pxcaitalt , = 4L-3T (aba" TO Ir33~aeMrt~ers scat h ooh tt 2 sb4 ) was tan mt rmix"" J*a t is t ho 't~alyafi t GbJafto 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/03: CIA-RDP80T00246AO49300450001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/03: CIA-RDP80T00246AO49300450001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/03: CIA-RDP80T00246AO49300450001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/03: CIA-RDP80T00246A049300450001-5 Overlay of C~e3,yaLd n+Rk Scsie 1:100, 000 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/03: CIA-RDP80T00246A049300450001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/03: CIA-RDP80T00246AO49300450001-5 -13- Sketch of Chelyabinsk City Plan 50X1-HUM not to scale 26 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/03: CIA-RDP80T00246AO49300450001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/03: CIA-RDP80T00246AO49300450001-5 Metallurgical Plant 1? 0 CJ D D -bb C] E Ili rr Orchards and Gardens Concentration Caro 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/03: CIA-RDP80T00246A049300450001-5