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August 6, 1959
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This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United Shits within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title
18, V.S.C. Seca. 793 and 794, the transmiwion or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person L prohibited by law.
COUNTRY ~81~t&/U S / Bloc
SUBJECT Reorganization of the Polish Long-
Distance -?Cable System
mainly multieoree acoustic cables which were built according to the Standard
(34) or Siemens (Vierer) systems. All these cables consist of wrapped wires.
These wires will not last much longer as they have" t:fii ne #or 20 to 30 years.
These lines are buu1t up with a carrier frequency, in other words two or four,
four-lead-cables, and on the most important lines they are "depupinisirt" (sic)
and adjusted to the 12.shaassl carrier frequency system (in other words, to
120 Kea). The same is true of other existing lines. The new lines, from
approximately 19118 up to the present time, are built in a mixed system.
The cables in these lines consist of 8 to 53 or more pairs. Cables from
8 to 15 wires use primarily a carrier frequency (in the 12, 24, or 60 channel
system). The other cables eoasist of acoustic pairs and in addition also of
S-8-C R B-T cnxi _-ii inn_e`--
e `-
of completely new long-distance lines. The old long-distance-lines are
reorganized so that the Polish network will be connected to the international
system in a manner approved by international agreements and recommendations.
The present long-distance cable system in Poland is now being completely
Poland and also that a Polish cable factory had completed the testingl a'f i-_R\
the effect that a new factory would be built to manufacture amplifiers in
subject took place between the. Soviet Union and other Communist countries.
It was learned after the Prague Conference that the member nations of this
conference would supply the needs of the entire Communist Bloc on an
allocated basis, i.e., Czechoslovakia - amplifiers, Hungary - radio sets,
East Germany - eo*xial cables, Poland - raw materials and coal, and so forth.
Tlt*n in the latter part of 1958 and the beginning of 1959 technical conversa-
tions took place in the offices of the Polish Win"it df. "Cojm'althicatioris?,t6
tions solely from CCITT, it is believed that additional discussions on th
it is certain that the new cable organization does not receive its inst
phone International and with the approval of the Socialist (Communist)
Ministers' Conference which met in Prague, possibly during June 1958. 8,
This will be done in accordance with the recommendation of CCITT fCentral
Conference Internationale de'Telefon & Telegraf" - Postal, Telegraph & Tele
prototype coaxial cables. C-,
2. The Polish long-distance cable system consists partly of very 9ld an
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/05: CIA-RDP80T00246AO49700460001-0
'effective capacity of each sheaf of cables is 26.5 4110 Except for
the radio pairs which carry 38 nF/km,;
Vierer wires for carrier rrequency; am. L sue
e c?pairs of these cables are wrapped with /50 i w The
3. Most new lines consist of two cables - one for each transmission direction.
Warsaw to Brost: There are on the first section from Warsaw to Minsk
Kasowi.eeki .. two 51 x 2 cables; an the second section to Siedice - two
37 x 2 cables; on the third section to Biala Podlaska two 27 x 2 cables;
on the last section to Brest two 14 x 2 cables. The two cables are
:buried along the entire stretch Ea* cable along the Warsaw to Biala
Podlaska section his 7 Viererres and from Biala Podlaska to Brost each
cable has 4 Vierer wires for carrier frequency in the 24-channel system.
This long-distance line will soon have been in use for five years. In the
beginning these lines were equipped with Soviet K 24 amplifiers, but
this may have been changed slightly in production. There are eight
amplifier stations along the Polish section of this line.
b. Warsaw to Bialystok to the Soviet borders On the first section from
Warsaw to Radsymin - two 53 x 2 cables; on the second section up to
Bialystok - possibly two 27 x 2 cables; and an the last section to the
Soviet border - two 14 x 2 cables. Four Vierer'`wires for carrier frequency
using the 24-channel system are contained in each cable along the whole
stretch. The type of amplifiers used on this line rl~o not known.
a. Two new lines have been built between the eastern border and Lublin and
the eastern border and Samdo ierz. Both lines are connected with Warsaw
through the old long-distance cables.
Between Warsaw and Katowiceg A new line has also been built on this
stretch. This line consists of 15x 2 long-distance cables which are
used only for carrier frequency.
There are various lang-distannce connections between Warsaw and Berlin,
but mainly old cables, A new long-distance line has been biit 'between
Slubice, Poznan (Posen), and Bydgoszcz (Bromberg). It consists of two
cables which have 4 to 7 Viererwire''for the carrier frequency. There
are other new long-distance lines to the west of Warsaw. Many old long-
distance lines have been unspooled in this area, i.e., west from Warsaw.
4. Not much has been heard about any new radio transmitter in recent months
rthat is'to say, prior to March 1959, the date of this reporg, but the
first microwave-radio relay equipment has been installed on the Warsaw-
Lodz stretch. These stations are engaged in television test?igg. The next
link will be between Warsaw and Katowice. The equipment for these two links
comes from East Germany.
a part of this network an automatic, high-speedithtexconnecting system is
in preparation. Six large cities are to be included in this systems Warsaw,
Lodz, Katowice, #roc :of Poznan, and Bydgoszcz. These cities were first
tteroonneoted by already existing long-distance lines. In 1957 it was
proposed that these cities should be connected by coaxial cables. It is
believed that the new long-dia*tance ekohanges will be built in these cities
and that they are already under construction in Warsaw, Bydgoszcz, Lo4z,and
Katowice. These exchanges are being prepared for long-distance transit
service: The network between these six cities will use only the carrier
frequency system. All international conversations through Poland are now
being led and in the future will be led through Warsaw. For this purpose
. The new long-distance network is about to go into operation in Poland. As
A coaxial cable between Lvov ( Rzeszow, Katowice, Wroclaw
( reslsu), East Germany, and Czechoslovakia has been proposed. This line
,will probably be installed between 1960 and 1962. The transmission equip-
ment and the coaxial cable will be delivered by the Soviet Union. Theme
installations are to operate on a 960 or 1800-channel carrier frequency
*Vierer_ four-wire units. $ E-C 3t-ET
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/05: CIA-RDP80T00246AO49700460001-0
a new exchange for international long-distance calls is under construction
in Warsaw. A new meter-gauge is being built at each of these long-distance
7. A technical conference to discuss the problems concerning impulse measuring
instruments or ages for the measuring rooses.eld in February 1959 brought
forth the following questionss 50X1-HUM
suit of the policy guidance issued the CCITT
it should be determined-
factories produce gauges for measuring the amplifier
section repeater portion) of coaxial cables - if not, then where in the
world are they manufactured? Such gauges were manufactured 0-
Transimetre UO 3, Type Chantier or Type Coblerie Societe Anonyme de 50X1-HUM
Telecommunication - at a cost of 20,000.pounds. Is it perhaps with the
help of these gauges that measuring at a distance is done? What is the
weight and price of these gauges?
b. After having changed to cci*ial cables which gauges has the post
and telegraph service used? Is th post and telegraph service 50X1 -HU M
satisfied with this gauge? Most questions on this subject concerned
impulse gauges. 50X1-HUM
c. Questions were asked concerning the measuring rooms. Does the
post and telegraph service anticipate using instruments for circuit 50X1-HUM
measurement in semi or fully automatic long-distance service, as, for
example, the "robot" (automatic measuring) that is done
d. There was discussion of the receipt of gauges from other countries. It
was asked what methods factories in other countries use to quickly locate
the damage if, on receipt, such gauges are found to be damaged. Are
oscillographic or other means used to quickly locate the damage?
e. What measuring instruments are used in measuring carrier frequency
installations over 12 men? Which measuring instruments are used for
intermediate frequency installations?
f. Along what line does the company *radiometer" specialize?
g. Are the new models of oscillation gauge BKF 5 and frequency analyzer
FRA in production?
'10. As of the latter part of 1958 the Soviets had long-distance signal brigades
located at every important, large amplifier station where long-distance
lines cross. There were many such amplifier stations. Some of them are
Slupsk (Stolp), Koszalin (Koeslin), Szczecin (Stettin), Poznan, Zielona.
Gora (Ortnberg , Legnica, Jelenia Gora (Hirschberg), ' , Opole (Oppeln),
Gdansk (Danzig), Bydgoszcz, Krosniewice, Lodz, Czestochowa, Katowice,
0liiztyn, Zegrze u.Warsaw, Warsaw, Radom, Sandomierz, Krakow, Bialystok,
Siedlce, Lublin, and Rzeszow. In addition, the Polish Army has an independent
cable system linking its units, airfields, etc., and a civilian system. The
military system is constantly in operation and at least two to four times a
year and occasionally more often, alert orders were issued for testing
purposes".over the entire Polish system.
11. A sketch showing thatFg akthofht e. ~ shnnr, tbpspkkrorr erQ' nix odt6matie hi'T -
ed'.:ntemoh bct3 g system is in preparation
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/05: CIA-RDP80T00246AO49700460001-0