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October 2, 1959
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r Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO50800480001-5 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information erecting the Natic?ai DKense of the United States within the meaning of the Esniona Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Seas. 799 and 794, the ttansmiseion or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthor1si50X1-HUMS by law. C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L COUNTRY North Korea SUBJECT Town Plan of Samsu-up, Samsu-gun, Yanggang-do DATE DISTR., at October 1959 NO PAGES 50X1-HUM REFERENCES RD GATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ. inrormation on installations in Samsu up (DA 180715), keyed to a plan of the town, and on living conditions and products of the area C -0-N-F-I -D-E-N-T-I -A-L Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO50800480001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO50800480001-5 I. Details P!M9U__AP_ r JPlan 1. General Description: Samsu-gyp, locetted at DA 180715 in Sa:asu-gun, Yanggsng- o s the seat of the township office of lH u-my n, Ssau;'u-gun and wris called Songnae-ri prior to the administrative reorganization in NK. Ap- pr+ozimately 80 percent of the total area of S- men-gun was to the deep mountains where there were practically no paddy fields. (t'$ngsu-xi, 50X1-HUM for Instance, was covered with forest;, except a nar strip of level ground on both sides of a at-e a that was fioving towards i ongp'.ng-ni (DA 162793), Sams:-gun. The staple farm crop in. Semsu-gun was the potato which vas produced in plenty in 1958. The farmers u-gun so gan grow flax and hops (which became the raw material for the manufacture of sulphur) since 1957 in full swing according to the encouragement of the NK Government which purchased flax and hop blossoms 50X1-HUM blossoms were used as raw material of sulphur), and potatoes from the faxsmrs in exchange for rice. The cultural and educat:tonal standard of the inl bitants in Samsu-gun was such lover than that In other parts of NK. It" vas spring in 1958 when electricity was first Introduced to Ssssu-dip which means it was the last seat of a county office to see the electric lights, and in Ch?$ngsu?ri, there vas not a single soul who possessed a radio. Hoer, the inhabitants conquered all superstitious beliefs, and the laborers called each other as elder brother or younger 50X1-HUM brother according to seniority in age which was one of the local features in that area. they and* some :illegal sales of their farm crops s=ag selves, selling one ste01 mel of rice at 100 W n. Some of the Inhabitants were recruited as laborers and were sent to the Soviet Union (very probably Siberia) follow- ing the Liberation, and five farmers from Ch?ongsu-ri joined this party of laborers to cut trees for two years. In the spring of 195 toot there was a recruitment of tree cutters going to the Sovie?;; Union, and 50X1-HUM one of the tree cutters at tlee Ch'y6ngsu Work Station, Semen Forestry Stati responded to the call, laborers were forbidden to take their families with theta, and they were expected to work three years in the Soviet Union. As coal mines or any other mines were not exploited in Semsu-Bun, a campaign fox' the collection of mineral rocks was conducted throughout the county in 19'57-1958, and grotesque rocks were picked up by people from the vorkshopa'f, schools, and villages as competitive units. In the spring of 1958, a geological 50X1-HUM survey panty, which consisted of a Soviet engineer and two Koreans ex ,loread the mountains in Ch a inresu The mamiber s of the party (Y'TnG`TTX"."A7_ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO50800480001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO50800480001-5 examined the rocks which had been gathered by the villagers. But perhaps, these racks were found of no value, because by the end of 1958, the mineral rock collection esmpaign was discontinued. The three principal industries in Saasu were 1) The Samsu Forestry Station with four tree cutting work stations see separate report) 2) the flax mill (small scale), one kilometer to the vast of Semsu Dip, and 3) the Tbngsu Livestock Farm in Tbngsu-ri, Saisu-gun.. The flare mill was a branch of the Pukch'$ng Flax milt, we it was run by approximately 100 employees, mostly females reeling thread of flax grown in Sensu-gun and sending it to Pakch' At the 4bngsu Livestock F-ra, hogs were raised no allitax7 establiansnts in Samsu-gun. There were Brtwen B asu -p and $pessn (D& 3283) buses ran, making one round trip by starting Bysean at 0800 hours and. arriving in Snmau 1030 hours, and returning for By esan Immediately, In addition, the bur running from Hyesan to Slap's (map coordinate unknown) which started from S 'a in the mornina stayped at Semen once each da . 50X1-HUM ere were 25 v ages amsu.. gun, abMt "If of thwe Inhabitants in Ssmsu-)&p were fare who suffered no deaagss during the Korean War. 2. lanation to the Samau-gyp (town) Plan: (See Attachment): is. +r i r r . .. sr.r.wya .rria~s..r..err,.n. 1) Seasu- Central Hospital.: Unique hospital in Semau--p, one-story r?..r r.r~.. .e~r. . . ~ l rrr w s -w_ wooden structure Wi roof and lime coated mud walls, bu. recently (year unknown), 50X1-HUM - } Samsu-,in Forestry bas rr t Station: One-story wooden structure with ~.~wrrrrnnw~. ~ r 3) board roof and lime coated mud walls. Samsu-gun Consumers'_Coo aeLrative Store: One-story sorer structure with $) board roof and line uslls, staffed with 4-5 female employees. Consumeers' Cooperative Din zU: One-story wooden structures with boaMroo and ime coated s