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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246A051700620001-9 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionai9._ Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohiliited by_ law. SUBJECT The Apparatus of the Central Committee of the CPSU A 22-page report covering details on the functions and personalities f REFERENCES DATE OF INFO. PLACE & DATE ACQ o the various departments of he Centr in each department is discussed in the body of the study of Affairs. What is known of the functions and the leadership changes REPORT DATE DISTR. 7 December 1959 NO. PAGES 1 IThe object of the report is to study changes occurring in the apparatus between 1956 and 1959 and to look forrclues on the present relations between the members of the Presidium. The study covers the Bureau of the Central Committee for the RSFSR and the Department of Party Organs; Administrative Organs; Agriculture; Industry; Science, Schools, and Culture; Foreign; and the Administration STATE X ARMY X NAVY X AIR X F81 (Note: Washington distribution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by "#".) AEC El Q 50X1-HUM INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION RIEPORT 4161 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246A051700620001-9 i _nx1 -HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246A051700620001-9 SECRET TH1 AI-PARATUS OF THE CI TTR-t(Q MMI ? E OF TM, O.P. S.U.: 1956, I. Introduction. Our last paper on the Apparatus of the Central Coamnittee of the C.P.S.U. traced its history. from 1939 until the Cth Party Congress (1956). The object. of the present paper is to record any changes which have occurred between 1956 and 1959 and. examine them for clues concerning the present state of relations between different members of the Presidiums 2? As in our earlier study, inadequacy of information pre- vents a complete account of changes in the leadership of the Central Committee.apparatuse Changes of department heads are still not revealed as they occur and can be learnt only by inference. This fact alone suggests that .control. over appoint- ments to the apparat continues to be an important factor in power struggles at the top. For example, it is not known who was Head of the important Uepartjnent of Party. Organs for the Union Republics between i:aroh 1957 and April 1 958. Judging by past history, it is quite.possible. that there was .a manoeuvre between l ,arch and July.1957 by the "anti Party group" to bring a candidate of their own choosing into this key position; if there was, we know nothing of it. SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246A051700620001-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 50X1-HUM /beputy Chairman: Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 II. The Bureau of -'t a Oentral Committee for the ? RJ.F. , ,.._. ....,ter. S.ReG 5. Our previous paper on', the a at. described the....setting up of the R.S.P.-S, . -Bureau at the XXth.Party ConWesa? in ?iebruary 1956. The.?prnoesa- of dividing 'up all imPortant? Central Committee departments i:rito two branohea - one for Union Republioa and one for the R.S.F.8.R -'.was first noted: in 1951,.. Iy formed pant ,. of a genera]., deoentralization of authority and enhancement of the :lm4portanoe, of the R.S.F.S.R. From the.XXth Congress onwarde all R. S. F. S. R. branches of Central Committee department s f orayed part Of the new Bureau, although .both the R. S. F. S. It.., and: Union Republic branches are dezoribed formations controlled' d iraotly by the Central Coumittee, O.P. S..U. Tt{e Bureau as opn, atituted in 1956 consisted O f; O hairman:.. N. S, Khxuahoh.ev Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246A051700620001-9 SECRET -3- Deputy Chairman: N,I, Bely ev (then Secretary;, Central Committee), C.P.S.U. ) 2;aeiabers: 'SI.A? Yasnov (then Chairman, Council of Ministers, R. S. F. S,,Il.. ) P.R. Kozlov (then First Secretary, Leningrad 2)ki1j) V.M, Churaev (then Head! of Party Organs Department, Central Committee, for the H.S.F.S.R.) V.P. 2.Iylarshohikov (then Head of the Agricultural Department, Central Con7mittee,for. the R.S.~'.S.R.) Aai;Io Puzanov (then First Deputy Chairman Council of Ministers of the R.S,F.S.R.) N?G..Ignatov (then First Secretary of Gorky.obkom) A.P. iiirilenko (then First, Secretary of Sverdlovsk obkom) I.V. Kapitonov (then First Secretary of Moscow oom) A.B. Aristov.(then.Secretary, Central Committee of the C.P.S.U. ) PN Pospelov (then Secretary, Central Committee of the.C.P.S.U.) 6. Since 1956 there have been many vicissitudes in the careers of these officials. On4five - Khrushchev, Churaev, Kirilenko, Aristor and Pospelov - still hold the posts which they held in 1956; others have been either demoted or trans- ferred to posts in which they are hardly likely to remain in the Bureau. The only changes in composition which have been publicized in the Soviet Press are the replacement of Belyaev /by Aristov SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246A051700620001-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246A051700620001-9 by Aristov as Deputy Chairman ? in December 1958; a reference to 'X.V.. SpiridonoV (First Secretary,, Leningrad obkom, an a member in Apriz'l ...1959 and a reference ' to P.N. Demiohev (First Secretary, Moscow obk,MM) as a member in duly 1959., Other changes .are unlikely to be ? revealed before. the XXIInd Party Congress in 1961,' It should be noted that Aristovts poet as Deputy Chairman of the.! in practice probably giver, him oonsiderabl3 power over the,R.S.P.S.R., sinca Khruahohev in preaumably too busy to pay detailed .attention 'to . the work of the Bureau. It is therefore probable that Aristov is in a position to influence some Party appointments, He saems. to have a particular interest in the eastern regions of the R.S.P.S.R. III.. The DDeep_artraent.. of Party Orgy. 7,. . ~: :Since . about .1.954: there have been two branohe a of this Department - one for the Union'Republios and one for the R.S.F.S.R. in 31o8e collaboration;. for example, there is only oxx64::offioe for issuing Party cards, the Union Republics branch r`:5UX1-HUM is divided :ntoterr-itorial and functional sectors: Your territorial,'aeot:ore,.. each.dealing with a group of Union and autonomous republics: i) TIIie .Ukrainian and iol.davian Sector with one head and six..'nstruotora; ii)-.. The Transoauoaaian Sector;: iii) .The ICazakhetan and, Centr',.Asiah Seotor's.;.__ iv)..The Baltic Republics Sector; Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246A051700620001-9 . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246A051700620001-9 SECRET Att. ."5- pour functional sectors: i) The Sector for Organizational and S 4at,itory questions, which deals wi'':s the ?)bsorvanue of the statutes oollersts statistical c"ata on peripheral Party orga:iizatinns and inter- genes in expulsion cases; ii) The a-iembership Sector; iwi) The Cadres Sector; The Trades Union, Komsomol and Soviet Organs 8. As Sector,, well as the regular officials of the department, there is a group of'four inspectors who come directly under the Central Committee, C.P.S.U. and are not controlled by the territorial organs, These people are usually ex-obkoa secretaries. Altogether the Union Republics branch of the Department has sixty-four political and sixty-four technical officials. Generally speaking, the business of the Departaiert is to examine all questions can. cerning the structure of the Party and put its proposals to the Central Conmittee (in practice presumably to the Secretariat), which itself decides on any structural or organizational modi- fication. The Department keeps index cards of Party leaders and officials. and prepares statistical data on the cadres and composition of various organs in order to suggest eventual modifications to the Central Committee. it is concerned with the "systemi- zation and allocation" of cadres in the Party, Trade Unions, /Soviets and SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246A051700620001-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246A051700620001-9 . Soviets and other social organizations, This inoltidea the appointment of officials in other departments of the central a arat. e. g. the Agri 1tura.l. and Transport Departments, As for. oandidates..for posts.. jn Soviet organizations, the approval of the necessary,.for..appointments down to the level of Chairman and Deputy OY&9xman of oblast and kraaii executive committees. It also vets candidates far 'ministerial Jobs in the Union Republics, Another function -c' 'tlie Department is control of the work of central and republioan Party schools, including the recruitment of students.. 9y Included in, the Department is, an Off ice for Party Enrol- ment. There is.. a..,atandard enrolment card for the -whole Soviet Union,,, the. on11y. difference being, that In the Union Republics the writing is in two languages., This Office distributes membership curds to ,.various. organizations,- and. -controls, the:'. handing out. of them .to Party members? The.. organ Which decides on the acceptance of new members is the ra 'which oolleots and keeps the relevant.dootanents (request for membership, nomination forms,,etc. ). The. Party Organs Department, has powers to recomdtend that a:request fox membership be ;aooepted, It keeps a ?ocmplete list of all Pa ty . members of the,. U. S. S. R, -In :, , eriva1 order; 10, The Head, of the R. S.'.S.R. Branch of: the: Party Organs Department since its formation in, 1:951+ has been V.M. Ohuraev (last noted An Marsh 195-9), who had in the past served", under I r^ushahev in the,, Ukraine and whom wwa., have .*lwaya regarded: as a Khrushohey man, The position: in. t13e .Union'. Repiiblioii branch As less clear. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246A051700620001-9 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 SFCR FT is less clear. Until !,larch 1957, when he was made. Ambassador to Hungary, ' it. was headed by E.I. Gromov, an app&:ge;ghik of long standing with no known ties to any of the current leaders. Prom I March 1957 to April 1.958, when A,N's.Shelepin took over the department, we do not know who was in charge of it, It is tempting to speculate that during lnaroh July 1957 a battle may have been waged with the "anti-Party group" over the leadership of the Party Organs Department, as. it seems to have been at other Party crises in the post-war period (e.g. in 194.8 and 1952). Shelepin held the post until Idaroh 1959, when he became Chairman of the K. G. B. and was succeeded by V.E. 'Semichastny, ex-First Secretary of the Kcrosomol. As far as Shelepn is concerned, there are no earlier career links between him andKhrushchev, but there can be little doubt that Khrushchev himself approved Shelepints appointment. Semi- chastny, who had served in'the Ukraine under Khrushchev, did not hold the post of Party Organs Head for long, becoming Second Secretary of the Azerbaidzhan Central Committee in August 1959, shortly- after a purge of the Azerbaidzhan Party leadership. As his successor is still not known, it is too early to comment on the possible significance of this change, At first sight it might be regarded as a demotion for Semiohastny, but the impli- cation of recent Soviet statements is clearly that there is. an urgent need for a strong hand in Azerbaidzhan. SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 IV. The Department of Agitation and Pro rra 4a. 11. This department also-has existed, in. two parallel formations -~ one for the Union Republios and. one. as -part of the R. S. F. S. R. Bureau since at least 1956, As won as its nominal functions it directs ideological work` sharing part. of this task with the "Science and Cultural Departmen'W". The Department has sectors :for Propaganda.. Agitation, lilies Work., Central Newspapers, Publ3.oations and Reviews and Radio and Television. From its formation until I?.iay 195W the Union Republica branoh of the Agitprop Department was in, the. cha ?ge of .Y. {onstantinov, In that month Konstantinov 'Was 'made Editor of "Kommunist'~ and control of Agitprop.-passed to, L.F. Iliohev, ex-Head of the Press b'epartment of the Ministry of Foreign .Affairs, In terms' of personalities this change seems of little v. formation. ,.aignifioanoe since' both Konstantinov and, Iliohev,have been career Party bureauorats for :- many- years with no special signs of attachment to y'any"of the current 3.eaders. The same probably applies to Major General'V,P. Moskovskyy, who has been head of the R.S.F.S.R. branch of the Agitprop Department ever since its rat ive this department existed in two.. aeotiona. one for administrative organs and.. the other for planning, trade and finance organs, However,, a later reference (1959) has been aeon /to the department Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 T,~h D ar me 't as tha. I ar Or a a, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 SECRET Att. to the department under the title ,of Department of Admini,etrative Organs, suggesting that it has once more become a cornosite one. Recent organizational trends in the rcin- tral committoer of the Union Republics, which usually follow those of the Central Committee, C.P.S.U. fairly olosel,''r, tend to confirm this. 1958 or 1959 references to a co,nposite department of Administrative Organs in central committees have been seen in all republics except the Ukraine and Belorussia (separate departments of Administrative and Planning, Trade and Finance Organs) and Kazakhstan (position obscure), 14. As in other departments which have been described, there are two regional branches of the Administrative Organs Depart- ment. The Department' is probably responsible inter alia for general political direction of and appointments to the police and procuratorial organs, including the new "people's militia". Its functions also include organizing elections to local soviets, seeing that politically sound candidates are put forward, etc? Yet another function seems to be political control of the Armed Forces, probably shared with the Chief Political Directorate of the latter, which is still described as a Department of the Central Committees It is not surprising that changes in the control of a political organ of such sensi- tivity are little publicized, /15, SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 /suggests - a Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 15, the Union Republics. 50X1-HUM branch, It is 'not lczown whowrzs appointed Head when the branch was organized about the time of the XXth Party Congress. How- ever, V.V. Zolotukhin, who was identified as Deputy Head in August 1955 '(before' the Department was divided) had become Head: of the Union Republics Btrioh 1r August 1957. As in the case of the Party Organs Departrent it is possible that intrigues were conducted by the "anti-,Party group" In-an-attempt tc bring "their man" into this Department. Yiltiatever s'dc'Zolotukhin was he did not last long as Head. By February 1958 he haC. 50X1-HUM been relegated to his former position of Deputy Head and re- placed by Colonel general A.S. Zheltov, former Head of the Red Army Political Directorate. In view of Zheltovts role in. the anti-.Beria movea in'1953 (he was appointed to the Red Army Political Directorate during the Beria show-down in July 1953) and'ilso in thj moves against Zhukov in 1957, it seems that he was?' at that time regarded by Khruehohev. . as a useful ally. "Pravda" d L `August 1959 revealed that Zheltov was no longer Head of the Administrative Department but had become Head of the Lenin a.W itary Pcl4NjOn1 r,..eae..,.. 150X1-HUM 16. Prom its formation-as' a separate t ranch in 1955-1956., the RGS.x'.S.R, branch of the Administrative Organs Department was in the charge of A.N. Kidin, a foxnier obkom secretary, in early 1959 'Kidin'was made First Seoretaxy of th i Ud=,t obkom and dies in June 1959? Kid in' a. appointment:.'to the 'remote Udmurt, A. S. S.R . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 SECRET suggests a possible interest by P.R. Kozlov?in his career (see below, paragraph 17). His successor is probably Iironov, who was 'described as Head of an un-named department of the Cent ral'-Ctiimit' ee when attending a confference of the Party aec;ret'aries of the 4,ioseow Military Distri,t in August 1959. The fact that IrIironov was Head of the K.G.B. Ldministration of the Leningrad oblast in 1957 suggests that his appearance in the centra:, apparatus may be due .to the influence of P.R. I~ozl.ov. VI. The Agricultural Departmt~ent,. 17. Two 'branches of this Department - for Union Republics and for the R. S.P. S. R. - have existed since 1955. Khrushchev seems to have made sure from the outset that this; Department, crucial as it then was for his innovatory policies, was firmly under his control. Two former subordinates of his, P.E. Doroshenko (ex-Ukraine) and V.P. .i,iylarsho ikov ?(:ex-IIosoow :obkom) were in charge of the- Department, (the Union Republics and R.S.P.S.R. branches respectivelk)'from.the time when it was split into two branches until 1959. Recent changes in the leadership of the Agricultural Depart,-aent are puzzling and there are some grounds for thinking that P.R. Kozlov may be manoeuvring to place supporters here also. This Department has probably been under the supervision of N.G. Ignatov and these moves may therefore be directed partly against him. About April 1959 G.I. Vorobiev was made Head of the R. S. P. S. R. branch in place of I, ylarshchikov. There are several points of interest in?Vorobies's career /suggesting SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 suggesting a link with Kozlov.. Not only did he work in Leningrad from at least 1951 until 1957 as a Kozlov subordinate in various Party and Government agricultural posts, but. also upon leaving his position as Chairman of the Leningrad cblis elkom in .1955 he was made First Secretary of the Udmurt.A,,S.B,R,1s Party oommittee. The Udmurt.A.S.S..R.. seems to be an area in which Kozlov has a special interest'sincehe worked there in the Party network of the Izhevsk gqr from 1939 to 1944, There -kcm is yet ainothez hint that the oonneotion between Kozlov, Vorobiev and the..Udmurt. A. S. S. R. may not ,be ' entirely fortuitous.. 'A former subordinate of.Kozlov in'the Udmurt.Party organization and also in Leningrad, V.N. Novikov, was made Chairman of the R.S.P.S.R. Goaplan and First Deputy Charman of its Council of 1 inisters not long after Kozlov's promotion to full membership of the Presidium in 1957? 189. Doroshenko's suooessor as Head of -the Union Republics branch of the Agricultural Department is G.A. Denisov, ex-First Secretary of the Saratov obkom.. Denisop-,w 4d. appear- to be a firm supporter of Khrushohev and has no obvious 13:ika with other members of the Presidium. At.the XXIst Party Congress he was one of those who spoke out most'. strongly against the anti-Party group"... VII. The Industrial Departments. 19. there were then four departmeents_ of the :Central Committee. concerned with the _11 branohea ;of industry: //heavy Industry, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 SECRET -113- Heavy Industry, Hachine Building, Light Industry and Construction. In addition there was a Transport and Communications Department. afoct to reduce the number of those permanently employed in the ap arat, these four departments were in the process of being reduced a-o two. Apparently little success has been achieved in this since there are recent (11959).referenoes to all these de- partments except the,11achine Building Department (last reference November 1957, al;hqugh it existed in the Central Committee as late as February 1959). It is not knovn,whether ~.n accordance with a. project then the industrial departments are divided into R.S.F.S.R. and Union Republics branches. a) Heavy Industry Department. (Last reference June 1959 - departments of the same name noted in the Ukrainian and Kazakh Central Committees in 1959). Its Head since the XXth Party: Congress has been A.P. Rudakov, a former subordinate of Khrushchev and Kirichenko from the Ukraine; Light Industry Department, also known as Light Industry and Food Department, (Last reference April 1959. A counterpart still existed in the Ukrainian Central Committee in Hareh 1959). This about Department existed as a separate entity until/the end of 1952, when it seems to have been absorbed into the Industry and Transport Department. It /was apparently SEC vl%r" Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 was apparently re-established by July 1957. No Head is known before L.I. Lubennikov, first identi- fied in early 1959, ex-.First Secretary of the Karelian o m ` his appointment to the Light Industry Department may be a move toward aohieving the promised -reduction in- the numbers - of officials in the industrial departments; Controtion Department, also known as Coristruotion 1959). The Head of thisI department since at least Affairs Department, (Last 'ref erenoe` April . 1`9593 departments of the same name still existk5d-in .. the' Turkmen ' and Kazakh central ooninittee s in 1958 and July 1957 has been I.A. Grishmanovo Grishmanov was a deputy mayor of Leningrad concerned with ounstruction' aff air`s from 1951 onwards, and his appointment may have been seouredby a Leningrad group in the leadership. Although.Grishmanov was appointed to' the a arat' 'apparently while P.R. Kozlov, whose assooiatiorswith Leningrad are stronger than those of any other member of the Presidium, was still only a candidate member of that body, there may well be personal ties 'between them; Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 SECRET Ht. d) Transport and C ornnunioat ions Department. This still existed in April 1959 (a counterpart depart- 'ment still existed in the Kazakh Central Committee in August 1959). e have no information concerning :' its'leading officials, 20? In 'addition to all these, a Department of Industry and Transport of the Fc. S. P. S.R, was identified as late as :aroh. 1959 (there has been no reference to'a'Union Republics branch,.although the majority of republican central committees still seem to have such a department). Its Head since at least November "195 has beori"`SA. Baskakov, a former Secretary of Perm obkom with no kno*ti ties with any of the present leaders. VIII. The Department of Science, Schools and Culture, 21# 'Singe at least 1956 there have been two branches, of this Departineht for the Union Republic's and for the R. S. P. S. R. 22, The'Department is divided into two sections: the Culture section acid the Science and Schools section. The Science section is in its turn divided into four sub-sections, each one having a Head and two Deputy Heads, 23. The first sub-section ideals with natural sciences and technology. In July 1957 it was staffed- by four officials, including a biologist, a chemist and a physicist. It controls the activi.ties.of the institutes for natural science and technology, /the Academy of Sciences SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 /Department Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 the Academy oft :Sole ,aes,: U.S.S.R. .arid- through the Republican central obnznittees' the branches of the Aoaaexr -of Sciences in the various 'Republica. Among the tasks of the sub-aeotion are the oo-ord iat$ on of the activities of the . -i-arious aoademies and responsibility for implementing central , oonmittee deoisions organization and convening of , scientific. conferences. and . elabor- on scientific matters, ? The sub-section also deals with:..the ates.:proposals and -projects eonoerniug `these' which it ..submits to the 'Central Committee. 24. TY $`-second sub.?seotion deals with sooialr. soiexoes.. It - has six offloiala inoluding 'a. 'philosopher, . a historic i, an economist and a lawyer. It carries out functions anajognua:::.. to the aoientificaub.-eeotion, `and:'directs the.'Institute.`of Eoonbmios of the AcaderiW of So ier oea, 'the Institute of Philosop -, the. Institute of 'History, the Institute of Slav ? .*U66., and those of World toonorr r and International Relations, Ch1iese studies, Oriental studies, etc. It played'a part in. i'whole sale dismissal of the editorial board of. "V`opa*csy Istorit" early in 1957 as. i i esuit' ' of an - unorthodox '3 de ologioaa:'` trend in their Journal, this' decision, was . t&6i after long disousajon. inside the Seoretariit 6f`4tl a Cehtj-4. t Coinjttee which was based on a plan drawn up by the aoa~ o1: _. sciences aub-section: In order to` draw -up the'plan, :,first, of all the entire editorial board of . "Voprosy, Istorii" was rited" to the section. Next s'- in ;T 195T a bigger maet3sig area he7 convened b 'the ..gatenoe and Culture' D epertment. and' the` Agit op 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 SECRET At~~ -17- Departtment at which were present not only the editorial, board of the review but also the President and Vice President of the Academy of Sciences and representatives from the Institute of Social Sciences. For two days, eight to nine hour discussions were held. At the next meeting of the Secretariat, the editors of the review, Agitprop and Sciencse and Culture Department officials, and finally Pospelov _md Suslov all spoke. After this debate he decision to change the editorial board of the review was approved. This account throws an interesting side.- light on the functions of Pospelov and Suslov in the Secretariat and also suggests that the Secretariat was able to take this action without reference to the Presidium, in which Khrushchev was then. facing considerable opposition. 25. The third sub-section deals with all universities and higher educational institutions and the fourth sub-section deals with secondary and. elementary schools. 26. In the Culture section of the Department there are three sub-sections: literature; art, theatre and masio; and cine- matography. The section maintains contact with the I;inistry of Culture of the U.S.S.R., the republican central committees, with publishing houses and with artists' and writers' unions. 27. Leadership of both branches of the Science and Culture Department has been unchanged since the :rxth.Party Congress, N.D. Ka.zmin (ex-Leningrad) having remained as Head of the R.S.P.S.R. branch and V.A. Kirillin as Head of the Union Republics branch, There are no indications of any special /link with SFrR FT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 link with Khrushoheb' or other. Presidium members in either case.- Kazmin seems to have joined tht. a arat too early for. his pro-- motion to. be. plausibly ` attributed to the ?._ rilfl:zenoe of P.R. K.ozlov, although as in the case of Grishmanov (paragxaphigo))? .there may be persot.Lal. ties between them. . IX. Fore!= Department. 28.? There. are, probably. at least two. departments. of the. Central Committee dealing with the .:affairs .of foreign oom=uiist parties. 50X1-HUM the Depart_ gent,. way., .reorganized . in the spring of 1957. and now has separate sections.. for ..various t1est :European countries, whereas before then it. 1ad only a. general, West European. section. a separate. Porei,gn Department was also created for b~oc ,countries, headed by Yu.V. Andropov, ex Ambassador t'.Hungary, while B.N. Ponomarev,? who had been. overall Head of the Department.. since at. least .'1951', had his sphere of competence restricted to the oommuzist.parties of non-bloc... oountrie~ A close observation of occasions an which Andropov and Ponomarev have appeared shows that while the report may be true as regards the former, Ponoma`r3v oonhinues to meet repres> entativea from the bloc countries (e.g. the Chinese) and it was /he, not Andropov, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 cnYI _HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 SECRET 19.- no' Andropov, who accompat.".?d Khrushchev on his vis:Uu to he Kao Tse-tung in 19580 Ponomarev is also a leading Party idea- logist and it seems unlikely that his..powers we ,e thus d unin:.shed. Both Ponomarev and Andropov are career Party bureaucrats of '"Long standing, and there are no indications tha+ they owe any special allegiance to any of the present leaders. Their immediate superiors in the Secretariat would appear to be Suslov, Pospelov and Kuus h en. 29. There.may be yet. another department of the Central Committee dealing with. foreign affairs: A.I. Orlov, who,. until.August 1957 had held diplomatic posts in East Germany was, from that date, described as Head of a Department of the Central Committee. From then onwards he was concerned with delegations to and from East Germany, Hungary until in July 1959 he'. was appointed Deputy I.iinister of Foreign Affairs. At a guess, ..;it. is possible that his department was one exercising direct control over the Foreign I.iinistry in the name of the. Central Committeeo leading 30n In Appendix "B" we,,- list names of all/officials of the a arat who have had dealings with foreign communist delegations since 1956. They presumably, belong'.to',the'` oreiga Department and the nationality of the delegations which-they medt?may give some clue as to their sphere of competence in the, Department; X. I iscellaneous Departments of the Central Connnittee. 50X1-HUM "General Technical Department (archives etc.)'!.. Its functions are obscure but it is possibly, connected in some manner with the 31. /special sectors SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 special sectors: ('whaoh still existed at any rate iri Amnia as late as early 1958) and henoe `the 'security network. its Head sine:.1954.` has 'been V;N.`, His 'baokground? is one of Party:'wi k:?'in Belorussia in the''Tjarties and 'Forties until he. benefitecY: f om. uhe i,en ngrad purge by .eleoted 8eoreta zy of the Leningrad oR_r in June 194.9. He held this post imi 3, 1952. when 6"1 .66 a).;: ?:.Administra -of Affairs,- depart>ient. of?: the : e 'erat atul this ie''"t" e' "housekeeping" lt- 14c O'Cinobrn4d, with 'the' budget.,, Party funds` and the --'general ? running' of_ day-to-day af,a3rs :,. a. ; that. it is. a kinri of "?cihief ` 'olefrlr~ s dapartntent" since : ear y ? 1959'?haa -been V.V, Pivottaroy Its Head 50X1-HUM Between then and 1953 it is 'not' known who was ? in charge of the department. XI. C_ua, 3 . 33. ;., . The r os ~ interesting fact- which emerges 'from this sttzdr of the oentr,al apparatus over the last three' Ceara is that two former. subgx dinates :of r,%- 6ziov''in ` Leningrad have recently been appointgd - ts'departmental heads: rae Kozlvtt holds a govern- post. ire ;:'Che .Pree3iium nti~7. andas he~''is izot :a member of 'the' Party .Seoretariat.*e should not normaIV e~gaeat him to be able to.. . a a3:ee a direct. influence on appoihtnintj',to' the Party appart} 1il4 ' . It see pxa probable--'the'ref6re, that Khrushohev him- self imst3 have sowed these appointments and that they reflect his intention to strengthen `Koziov' g'"position. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 SECRET 34, Any -moves wh;.ch ;inrrr ^ar Kozlov9 s status are likely to enoroach .on the influenc> of Kozlov's colleagues, In this instance the.person most closely affected would seem to je A.IA Kiriohenkn, whom we know to be close to Khrushchev and ,vho is believed to be the Seoretarr respcnsible for cadres. It is therefore of interest that, so far as wa know, during the last three years none of the senior posts in the apparatus has been given to persons with any obvious links with Kiriohenko? It is possible that some of the deputy heads (e.g. those with Ukrainian names) may owe their jobs to him, but we. know nothing of their background. Those present department heads who have served in the Ukraine underKhrushehev and Kiriohenko were brought to Moscow several years ago, Their promotion must be ascribed in the first place to Khrushchev rather than to Kiri ohenko, although they would presumably support the latter if Khrushehev died. The evidence of the last three years therefore suggests that Khrushchev has, at the least, not encouraged Kiri-{ chenko to attempt to strengthen his hold on the central apparatus and that, apparently as the result of Khrushohevta intervention, Kirichenko has in fact lost some ground to Kozlov. 35. A.B. Aristov's post as Deputy Chairman of the Bureau of the Central Committee for the R.S.F.S.R. should enable him to manipulate some Party appointments. Although we cannot find any obvious evidence that he has influenced appointments to the apparatus., it is at any rate possible that, for example, the posting of G.A. Denisov from Saratov to the Agricultural /Department SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246A051700620001-9 VI 22 f` Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246A051700620001-9 Department may have been arranged by Ariatov. On' present form` he would appear to be' an -outsider in 'airy f'uture' struggle `for the suooession as did IQirushohev before Staling s death) but it will, be necessary ''to 'iiiratoh' eloaely' f or aiV' siga that '?Mristoir is build i l'Vi" a ful'lowiz g Of hiss ? oft"in 'the Party ehjne. 36. Changes in the 'apparatus have iri~ the 'removal 'of several' off io a].e whom `ice have' s:1w$ye reg irded' 'a ' being c~:ose3 y tied to 'Khrue1 o l i e v ? ? ' e rpret? tla?rr am'' a sign that Kh .ishdhev~ s oonf'jdehoe' it his awn'aixthority`is s{i?h that he can a 'f'o'd., to'. move' eonue of they props which were neoesaar i' whet he was -f g ting for supreme power. The. alternative e> .s ati that the tra ism fer of these' offioialc indioatee a: -moire against 'Khrnshohev oar safely ?'be` disoount3d, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 SECRET Att. HEADS AND, DEPUTY HEADS OF CENTRAL, C O1vfi ITTEE DEPARTMENT S 195x, First identifications I. DEPARTMENT OF PARTY ORGANS FOR RSFSR Head: V.M. Churaev (since 1955) Deputy Heads: Ya. V. Storozhev V.I. Tishchenko M.M. Sevastyanov FOR UNION,REPUBLICS August 1959. DP,uty Heads: I.V. Shikin P.F. Pigalev P.K. Yakovlev II. DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANS FOR RSPSR Head: Present Head not definitely known (probably N.R..Mironov). A.N. Kid in relieved about April.iay` 1959 Deputy Heads: N.S. Zenchenko June 1957 FOR UNION R PUBLICS Head: Present Head not known. A.S. Zheltov relieved about /August SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 August 1959. D~tn1t ad:a:. A4, Starteev V.V. Zolotukhin, III. DEPARTS OF AGRICULTURE FOR RSFSR IV . DEPARTMENT OF MVY-,' INDUSTRY Head: A.P. Rudakov Head: G.I. Vorobiev Dewy Heads: V.A. Karlov A. S. Mangazeev G.L. Smirnov' FOR UNION FiEP'UBLIC S HO,d: G.A. Deni$ov Deputy Heads: P.S. Krostyaninov V.N. Ershov P. Chaikin Deputy Head: I;P.'Yaatre'bov V. ' ' DE'ARTNIENT 0' ` LIGHT II ?USTRY Head: L. I. Lubennikov Had : I.A. Grishmanov DeERty Heads: V.P. Aby.Wov tuzova 50X1-HUM'] 50X1-HUM /G.P. Kosolapov Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 VI. DEPARTMENT 0.F CONSTRUCTION ( CONSRUCTION AFFAIRS) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 SECRET Att. -25- G.P. Kosolapov VII. DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY & TRANSPORT FOR ROPER Head: S.A. Baskakov December 195L-- VIII. . DEPARTIMMMF T OF AGITATION AND PROPAGANDA FOR RSFSR Head : V.P. Moskovsky Deputy Head : ' A.P. Kosulnikov FOR UNION REPUBLICS Head: L.F. Ilichev Deputy Heads A.V. Romanov IX. DEPAR71 NT OF SC RVCE, SCHOOLS AND CULTURC FOR RSPSR Head: N.D. Kazlmin Deputy Head: V.N. D?rbinov Z. Tumanova FOR UNION REPUBLICS Head: V.A. Kiriliin Deputy Head: D.Li. Kukin X. GE___NERAL TECHNICAL D r 'AR'E vtENT (TECHNICAL SESEC TARI1';T) ead: V.N. Malin . XI. ADMINISTRATION OF A 'AIRS Head: V.V. Pivovarov SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246A051700620001-9 r 26 r A=IX ttBH_ OFFICIALS TOUT TO YBD IN DEPARTMENTS QF CE L C01r3MITTEE C WITH FEIN ? CC c. tmIST_PA S Heads: B.N. Ponomarev gild Yu. V.;: Andr.opair definition of functions see main text para. 28). Deputy Heads and '!Re m, sible-'Officials" . o'ssib dorineoted with foreign department0* ~of' antral Committee 50X1-HUM Concerned with Albanian. delegations: IT. Vtnogrr aov (P D/Head` B.P. k rosliniahenko D/Head. P.D: ~ineev. V.I. Lesako. " Bulgarian " Chinese B.P. Miroshnichenko. D/Jib LN.. MQdvedev Li.E. Pozolotin I.N. 1:1edvedev D/H&ad I.S. - Shcherbakov N. Medvedev D/Head BOP.- 'Miroshniohenka D/ load I.T. Vinogradov /Concerned Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246A051700620001-9 5nxI -HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 SFC_R FT I.N. Medvedev D/Head I.T..Viaagrado D/Head East German Hungarian I.G. Kabin P.V. Polyakov I.N. Medvedev D/Head I.T. Vinograd D/Head K.I. Ivanov /0oneerned SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9 ohaerned' !' Polish, " Roan I.N. 1Jedvedev D/Head P.P. Dzerzhinsky Tishohenko D/Bead E.D. Karpe shcheko : I.N. Medvedev Yu "s3av Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/09: CIA-RDP80T00246AO51700620001-9