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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 ~~ c. ~ CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material ooatatna Information sQecting Lhe National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Fspionsge isws, Title 1>!, U.8.O. Sea. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which Sn sny manner to an unauthorized person ie prohibited by law. COUNTRY Rxima~.a DATE OF INFO. PLACE b DATE ACQ. I~.scellaneous Military Information OCR TNIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. SOURCE GRADINGS ARE ONTENT IS TENTATIVE. taming information on the o1low~ng: Antiaircraft Regiment in Bucharest. four reports con- 50X1-HUM b. Training of SiEna1 Corns Technical Officers in the Academic Reserves c. Reserve Radio Officers Course at Buzau. This re ort includes a 50X1-HUM sketch of the training camp. d. Construction of Antiatomic Shelters in Bucharest. This report is a detailed acc~~t of the materials used in the construction of -~ 50X1-HUM fTAT6 ARMY ~ NAVV 6 AIR X NSA (Notot Wwbinyton dishibufion indiwbd by "X"; Fi.ld distribution by "#".) 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM ~ V a ~ a a~ a ~ a ? ~ w w. a REPORT DATE DISTR. 13 February 1961 NO. PAGES l REFERENCES RD Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 y - CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material ooatabas Information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Rspionsge irws, Tilde 16. U.8.0. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person fa prohibited by law. COUNTRY l~lamania SUBJECT Miscellaneous Military Information DATE OF ~ INFO. PLACE 8 DATE ACQ. STATE ARMY ~ NAVV X AIR airlsrlg ].11 orma ion on e o o~nng: b. CTraining of Signal Corps Technical Officers in the Academic D...... ~,....... ~ c.~ Reserve Radio Officers Course at Buzau. This report includes a sketch of the training camp, X NSA d.~ Construction of Antiatomic Shelters in Bucharest This report is a detailed account of the materials used in the construction of the shelters. 50X1-HUM four reports con- 50X1-HUM X OCR Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 REPORT DATE DISTR. l3 February 1961 NO. PAGES l REFERENCES RD Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 ~u~1-HUM (~UltTt3Y: Su~iJgOT ~ Construction of ~tiatowlo 5lrltsra its BoQhareat DdT~ OF I1tPb t 1~.~Ch ?CaIIIR~Dt 910URC~e k~FY~i~fClri~ 1. .Ln 19+5{~~ ~o atltlatoniic Narfarc: s'~elter~, were ;.wilt in Bu^hr~rest .nta~ ttN at~jlervision of the :special Construction I.~epartment of the ~ a+s~al Staff. These ah~slters were apparent~.s ^o~npletel,?,~ irdantiaa7. cad mere tuilt exactly accorciin~ to the Mans. Tt~s ylatis were :soviet, written iri Rueeiat., an ? senio7r 3vviot of=1oor~ vfsited the sites dai7.y to oversee t ~t ~Yur~c. j 2. Ths alwltora ~nra designed for t"~e use :,? i:n >ort~it, .'ar+-r ~~~~~~'icial.a ~ and their tawiliea, They werE rr-i erred. va ;:,:; ''atAt;iateraic .> elters", bttt tbia t~ did not appear vi."icia7.1. - :.~n am of tr~r ,Mans. 50X1-HUM I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 50X1-HUM 3. Moth shelters were built near.:lakes. One was ou t3orki Street Haar Lake ierastrau, about 300 :asters past the forever United States xaal,assy building, but on the other aide of the street. The other shelter vsts on vantrs Street near La4ce ~'l.oraasca, at a street corner about 200 to 3t~} teeters northwest of the F'loreasca tiymnasiunt. !~. Details of the shelters' construction were as folloxss a. t'hs main chas~bsr was 6xyx2.70 (height) meters iii size. Ttw height of the floor Was identical with that of the water-level of the latce. b. The walls were 120c~n. thick and were cast in one piece. The reinforcements consisted of txo parallel vertical frames in which the rods were spaced at 20-cra. intervals. The xaain rods were 1~.-ana. in diaFnater and the others 8 and 1G:mn. in diameter. c. The concrete vas su~aplied by fGU~ mixers, each with a capacity of one cubic meter, which vorkec~ without interruption. A mini~utn of water and only washed quarry-gravel, with particles of from 7-l~Euas;x., were used. ~'he cast concrete vas tamped with v?rtie,-l.-type vibrators and was able to withstand a pressure of veer 4.50 xilogra+n8 per square centi~aetsr. This aggregate xas used throughout 1n all the concrete coa~panents? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 50X1-HUM ~ d. AtI ad4ltional Mall w8~ built within the thick outer walls described above. This illner wall was 40ca. thick and was reinforced similarly to the outer wall, from which it was separated by a a0-cm- layer of so.r-e unknown i.nsulatin$ material. e. the intler ceiling was d0 cm. thick and also contained tw parallel frames of reintarcessenta. ~'he rods xere spaced at 2U-cra interval.a; the da-Aeters of tie anain otee ire 20 and 22~Y~ra. and o.f the others 10rn~a. f. The inner ceilins xae covered by a 60-cm layer of fines ioell- taMped sand, and this in turn was covered by another concrete ceiling, identical to the first except that its reinforeemESnt contained rods of up to 30mrn. in diameter. ~. the second ceilin8 was also covered bit a 60-cm layer of sand, and over this vas the outer ce~ilillgr exactly identical with the itlnsr one. This was covered with an earth fill., hardy Olle;meter deep, on which grass and tress had begin planted. h. r.~ch ctiaaber could be reached through four entrances connected to long tuuaela. Three of the tunnels ente~'ed the shelters at y0 dogrees, chile the fourth was set off tale right angle. The tutuisls were x ~seters high; 1.~ in~te2'e xida and' had walls and ceilings of SO-em thick reinldreed concrete. They;:-wsre hundreds of meters long ar~d began in the vestibules of vtrivus Party leaders' houses in the rl.orsasca Ctuarter. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 ~iUM i. Z'he entrances xere equipped with hydraulically-operated, rein- forced sliding doors aparoximately 80c~n, thick. They were controlled by push-buttons installed both within and outside the entrances. ~. racalators xith push-button controls were to have been installed in the tuiu~ela. k. The shelters were to be eyuiyped xith cOmplste sanitary Facilities, aexa$s, airconditioning, an electric generstor, a xell to ensure a supply of drinking xater, and closets which were to be stocked xith food. Thep rere to be lavishly furnished and decorated with thick, rubber carpeting and beautiful xall coverings. 50X1-HUM I 50X1-HUM i Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 50X1-HUM 5. Attached are cross-sectional sketches of the antiatoreic shelters in ~uchareat, with legends as follows: F ~~,As Vertical Cross-Sectional Sketcyh of the Wall and Ceiling. a. ir'ill, approximately one rester deep. o. Outer ceiling, d?cm. thick. c. Layer of sand, fi0cre. thick. d. i~iiddle ceiling, ~tOcrA. thick. e. Layer of sand, 60cro. thick. f. Inner ceiling ti0cm. thick. ~?. Inner wall, 4t~cm. thick. h. Insulating material, 2flcra. thick. i. Outer wall, 120cn-. thick. p'igure bi Horisontal Cross-Sectional Skstch of the Shelter. K. Insulating ~eateriaZ. 1. ~7uter wall. grows mark the entrances to the shelter. sir Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 1. ~- bbl ItA ,buns ire reps ip w ~K tp- ~ ~ ~Lt~ts a. e~ 3? mm. ~ b . ~Yiert 57 nst. ; c . ~3viet 76. g aa. # ... :~~ 88 i+ss.3 t . ~n-tsrt ].CiG- ~-. ~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 cnv~ ui inn Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 Q~ ter ~6, ~ art.: for ~ ~ ~ >~r ^e. ~ ~-, +~- l~fr List +~ i br ~'~pr of ~}. '~ ~ ~^~. t~ ~ta-1wr ?i~atl~~- a~rNl ~qr xr~or~ww+ram~ l~ro~ ~hil- p,,~i~, ii 8. ~ 11A tlbur ~mr} it ~ ~s dabtr ~ ~' a ,di~- IAK~ at. i tar^6iwraa ~r ~., A 1~.~-1- ~~wr per lb,+~faat ~ } ~~- ~ ~a ~r a~t~tr st , ~ star ~'? it pl~mrd va~ager trl~e ~ ~~a~wr ~ ~ #a~a~3.rr, 50X1-HUM ? 3. !tA- b~t#r~rlp ~ 3~t rrar~!-i~1c ~. raaa~ta~ c~3' ~ 'M~S'sts j 50X1-HUM d! ti~rMt ~earoair a~ ttr~r ~~ ~ ? ?! ~? aw 4. ~ 1~lr ~'!r of ter ~'lrr~t Ass ~a~- ia~.~wd - ~Ld ~ ~ta~~ Ljr ~rtaaa~r~arran sis~t'~. !l.~t stlso~ ~r eatx~iid ~6 !as paart AY qtr s~t-~ot art ~ ~? g. br#it1~ ~#a~ ~"brs's std t ~~r lMt~tra~r ~r aa~iatla~ard b7 Flo. 14 ~'u~rt ~ ~ 1~re ~''s !u~ rah ~r ~trrdlettoa", butt ~ 1r1~rL #~r p~ra~.o1~ ~ ~ , roa~r~ a? rEO~ior rad ~-irraad. r.r. 6. JIM rpe~tr im lrmrlr~~bacor lbaca~#~srcawr a~ ax~t rrt1~ ~` ~.,~ ' ~It le~#alas~1t2,1 4drac~r~a} 2i,,~~ ru- g~tr. 7. 'fir ~t1im lrs~tl Mawr boast ~e.'!lit+rd in ~U. 11AA Maly ~a~or3.at 1~r ~q- 1~iaral ewe r~s~t ~d ~r bNdc~nrar aa~at~i~pw'~. 8, ~e tmrar e~ ~rfre ibar r of for A,aa ~trr~nrar r~axm ~. aa~: arav ~'~ 50X1-HUM ~, ~e ~ !br ~- ttill ~ ~ ~iaaa- of ter ~. j Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 D~ OF xl~ PLACE !4 ~90IJAG'E a Training at 8igrra~. Corps Teahaf.aal 4tYYeers in the AaaQemia Blta 1. During the armmDer of igg6, the stvd~enta rho had finished the eecaad year at the l~ult~ of Ele~ttries.2 Er~eering in 8u+~arest vere aa3led up for s mr~nth * a course for a3.gua1. ac~rpa teeatusi.ciema xithin the fxam~e~arlc of the aaa~e~md.c ruer~res. About #0 studsnts tack this aa~urse st the barracks aY a Rumanian signals regimeat in the southern part of Bral,la, on the le4"t-~aan~Q side oP the higlt'~r~r,Y goin8 'to Laeul Sas~at. A 8aviet ArsR,yr untt ess Gamed n~earDy (details lacking) , 2. In thrsummer of 1958, the gradw-tea of the fourth year of the abave- mentioned Nulty mere aatlad ~- for a ~5 d0.Y aaurse. This time they toaEk the course Frith the fourth y~r students of the Craiava fatty Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 1~ had t~lcea their pre].imin~r eoureps sspeu,~atsly. Thia e~ausss 'was laud in Haahsx~est, in barx~era~kr s~ the Lear pLwt is tit vis#a~ty oS Qotrc~eena3. About 80 step tcso~c this aciurirs and t8ose Mw pa>teMd t~se Qourere very to De sca~^3.etsic~d Firert Lisutsaaaats in the rms. 3. 3~Se sub~tts earve-red i,~s bads the e~-~-tican~sd. aa~xshteei eu~ ta].lonns s. diem end ]i~'~sj b. lntan't~c~r tae~tieas ~ ita the Vital lenrsls e. in!lirridsset7. !xs].d Lxaint~i d. e~l]~.arms ~ ripe, pistol, 8a~ist ~~ f e. lLrinBC parossdtsre eund pre~.ae an the rands; !'. si~uuls trsi,zttsag; psis Nas dersigoed to txstin erl~awal. s teedmisal a!'f'lesrs (ew nppaMd to "aye~x~atianal" at~'S.aerrs e~ ors tewg~st t~t~,rdcst groaedure, sorts ct~d~e, stet.) but pits ~~ ~e3a3., tha sus bung rsgwirsd ~-' to lQUnt hrnr to raplaets ririo~ parts uasd to w~srstan~d the p~rtisal op.ratirsn of the ~a3pssep't ertudied {the ~M, Rte, 17AF, ~. Qi~9 sets, ~ P-Ilg tsla~oue, and the a~-~ +,r~.~. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 50X1 HUN .~~ ~?,~ - ~ p s l~u~sstis ~qT s As~i? Qt!"loesy ~trse at Hv~se~ ~!i ~ ItlO ?~~AAi ~~ >ttt~i 50X1- HUM i i I 1. In the susme:s of 1953 e~ ~SSE~ tke atti>ri~te o! the ~ua.ties of Z].ettrteiiry .and E1eetro?st st the t~i~nsdti~s of Bu~nharest and Gratova did pxaatioal signals tresnins d.thin tha frssss~rk of the academic reserves. The training wM haSQ at ? bse~e-aks of a signals unit, mar au air Sores barracks On the outaYirts of Busetu (see sketch in paragraph ~)? 2. The number of the students` un: :~m6 U~(38. ~h traini.ng perriod contimted for one month ana i:).,tt~~';I.Se('.4 two 3?-mari plstoons. The students vrere eventually i;,~ serve e~ ~;~c*.e~ ~_ ~i~:na3_~ of'f'icers (rack ,r~ ~ atnon coammuxlerl~ ? At the end ~ ~ .. _ . _ _ i . ~.~, 3. t. wes ~ e . ' , ~ ,. ~>y stud~entr resa'rve books tYx~-i, i.die;;~ z3.~lc- ~r?sduat@d in Ini].ita2'y tre~de ?76. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 3. T!a tratatng course included the fbllo~ring sub~eatss ~. Cieaaex~al tactics. b. flignals t3orps argaalaation in rar and peace. c. Discip3.ine, behavior cad standi.r~ orr~srs. d. ball arms ZH ri21e, TT pistol, PFB B.1K.t3. (inclu~ng rarrga praetiees}. e. 2ndivi~lua7., section and platoon field training tattaak and defsnse e~oaraisss only}. ?ne atta+aking ,exercise in lornrtion iw-s held In orlber to demonstrate the z~le of ~ compargr signals n+etraork in coabat. Y. Long rwsge radio ex~erciees. g. The principles of cones trio detail}. h. Line signals instruments t !"tell telephrnx a in ? 'balcelite box and a 10-line g-10 held e~oal~asage. S . Ratio instruments t Regim~sn'ta't. instrummrat, truck mauated, RAF-]CV, compa~gr instr+sieent (z } ~I-l, cao~ny instru~asats (? } RBB, anal a platoon instruxent A-7-B ~~sirmg on the operatoa's bank}. T,g caxmeation with the a/m iastruts, special stress wue ].atd upon their tfsst operation nand field r~,airs. ~. lbrse transmission and reception. ~. A number oY details of the orgr~sation of the Rt~anian Signals Qorps are as YQll?vs~.: a. A nu~er of independent signals unite are directly subordinate to G.H.Q. (no details available}. b. iSignals units ere essigwed as follo~ve: Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 {1} 8igaai.s teeetio~n to as 3ai!'ltmtry oozy { $) Higsu~lr pLtoon to as intf~sitry battalion . (;3 } ~t~als many to as is~!"aatar~r rrai~nt { ~) didaal.s battauon to an intles-try divi don. b. ~e etandarlt si~a].s platooaat cos rises s radio s~tieni, tMO line aao^emiaatioass seetscuu and serriaea (batt-sriq, -tors, ete . ) ~~, seoticin. Larder aapaala ~d.ta are similarly dlvidrsQ then tba~r are attached to intaatry init.. Details of the role of fuse * us~t.t in battle {see p 7} are a !b].lori: a. In ~ atta+ek the line of a~oaa~ications operates parallel to the lase of adrance. date ibrrer does swt spread ont to the tlsnkt- sad its aim is to mezntaist cvastaat bet~wan the asad the opera ticaaa]. lire]. sad bettisest tie! latter sad the HQ. In as lftr as the attaatl,ag force adranoes sad breaks thraug~h tlse enl~pr's line of d~st~use, the lice of aaae~ieations etd~raaaes an+d estesids a1.o~ag the suttee ].#xie at attack {Aee s:tgutre "A" i.n paragraph 7} b. Ix~a d.s+mstw operratloa the sidaals wait is dsplo~nad along the 5? ~ depth of the lists. The line of eos~nioat9.ams sxtsztda in 8egth trop the obarrratios- paste to the units and flrom tote latter to Iihe HQ. Ise brea4th, it esctesads betveert the aoe~no-ies is the sit tttsator, bet~wese n+eighboriaH sectors, etc. biers comem~niaations are uswa7.'l~r smtintatsred tip er> cosgapr level { israltisdisrg obserratiam pasta sad platoon podtivsrs) sad Tnim cus:paay level vsrvssds, m~'se ant! coded x+edio ~tvatiaanieations are 8+~~~T ~]~? ~ "D" 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 6. 'Phe leg+md to ].gyout slcetah of the s~l.gnsls Cos~ps Cam st Bum is as ytoltoas as ~~ {{~~~~ J. a lYil~fi ~ ti4~ t~Mn ~e~ ~? ~~ t? 3. Eatrs~ere to the 'mein" etaa~ (permsnaat buildings}. b, t7i~erd room. 5. guile-story ~lsssroom buildings. 6. Stet dining hall. 7. Stores (hut.). 8. Billets (huts). g. SQ f huts), 10. Stables. ll. UnspsoS.i'l.ed huts. 7. ~s diagram of a signals unit in t is as follaeAr: a. Diagram. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011104J07:CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0 n 0 b Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/07 :CIA-RDP80T00246A057700380001-0