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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T0025OA000100100001-3 Top Secret PHOTOGRAPHIC I NTERPRETATION REPORT NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER LAUNCH ASSIST DEVICE TEST PROGRAMS, PAVLOGRAD SOLID MOTOR TEST FACILITY, USSR (S) Top Secret 25X1 LOA-1 PI R-064/79 SEPTEMBER 1979 copy 131 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T0025OA000100100001-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T0025OA000100100001-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T0025OA000100100001-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T0025OA000100100001-3 Top Secret RUFF LAUNCH ASSIST DEVICE TEST PROGRAMS PAVLOGRAD SOLID MOTOR TEST FACILITY, USSR (S) ABSTRACT 1. (TSR) This report is an analysis of the SS-17 and SS-18 Launch Assist Device (LAD) test area and associated LAD test programs at the Pavlograd Solid Motor Test Facility USSR. The LAD test position previously referred to as the SS-17 LAD test position is in fact a LAD test position for both missile systems. The position referred to as the SS-18 LAD test position is probably an SS-18 canister test position. 25X1 25X1 2. Probable LADs and airframe/canister sections for the SS-17 and SS-18 25X1 missiles were identified at the LAD test position during this study. At least four series of static tests were observed at the LAD test position between May 1971 and October 1978; these tests correlate with the observation of flight tests of new SS-17 and SS-18 modifica- tions (mods) or variants. 3. (U) The information cutoff date for this report is The report con- 25X1 tains two tables, a graph, and 11 photographs. INTRODUCTION 4. (TSR) The SS-17 and SS-18 missiles are cold-launched from silos. The LADs for these missiles are probably filled with solid propellants at the Pavlograd Solid Motor Production Plant The design, research, and development of the LADs is 25X1 performed at the Pavlograd Ordnance Research and Development Facility 0 25X1 LADs have been static tested at the Pavlograd Solid Motor Test Facility for design 25X1 characteristics and performance specifications. The testing of LADs, with the ejection of the complete airframe from the missile canister, has occurred at Tyuratam ICBM Launch Test Site Hl/2 25X1 5. (TSR) The LAD test position at Pavlograd consists of a lattice-type c lindrical tiedown structure approximately F 7 the test 25X1 position has at least two detachable circular tops used for containing test articles. Air- frame and canister sections from both the SS-17 and SS-18 missile systems can fit into the cylindrical tiedown structure. At least four series of static tests were observed at this LAD test position from May 1971 through October 1978. Probable LADs and airframe/canister sections for the SS-17 and SS-18 missile systems were identified at this test position during those static tests. 6. (TSR) The SS-18 canister test position at Pavlograd consists of a probable full- depth silo that has been used in training and/or silo loading exercises. This silo has been used infrequently since late 1971. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T0025OA000100100001-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T00250A000100100001-3 Top Secret RUFF 25X1 BASIC DESCRIPTION 7. (TSR) Several distinct test articles have been identified at the LAD test area of the Pavlograd Solid Motor Test Facility. These include probable SS-17 LADS 25X1 meters long b in diameter, probable SS-18 LADS EEI 25X1 in diameter, and probable SS-17 and SS-18 airframe/canister sections. 25X1 e average diameter of the probable SS-17 LAD is approximately 62 percent of the diameter of the SS-17 missile canister, and the average diameter of the probable SS-18 LAD is approximately 75 percent of the diameter of the SS-18 missile canister (Figure 1). 8. At least four series of static tests of LADs have been identified at the 25X1 Pavlograd LAD test position (Table 1). The first three static test series were followed by new modifications and/or variant flight testing for the SS-17 and/or SS-18 missiles at Tyuratam Missile and Space Test Center SSM The fourth static test 25X1 series, occurring late in 1978, indicates that additional variants, new modifications, or follow-ons for the SS,-17 and/or SS-18 might be flight tested during 1979. Test Series 1 (May 1971-January 1972) 9. (TSR) Construction of the LAD test position began between July and August 1970; the position was ex ternally complete by etween at this position occurred b was being assembled on probable SS-17 LAD, and rst series of static tests The LAD test position (Figure 2). The presence one probable SS-17 of a van, a crane, one airframe/canister section near the test 25X1 25X1 25X1 position suggests that test preparations were in progress. The probable SS-17 LAD wasu 25X1 meter long and in diameter, and the probable SS-17 airframe/canister section 25X1 was in diameter. 25X1 10. (TSR) Test preparations were observed on An airframe/canister 25X1 section at least and at least in diameter was being lowered into 25X1 the LAD test position (Figure 3). Extension poles approximately 19 meters long (probably used as alignment guides) had been placed onto the LAD test structure. Three probable SS-18 LADs and two probable SS-17 LADs were on the concrete apron between the two test positions. A fourth probable SS-18 LAD was in the storage area. Dimensions of these six probable LADs and all additional test articles seen within this test area since 25X1 are given in Table 2. The top portion of the LAD test position had been removed by 25X1 Although the test position was unoccupied on that date, a large crane and 25X1 a van were near the test position. The SS-18 canister test position had been covered. Three probable SS-18 LADs were on the concrete apron near the SS-18 canister test position and a fourth probable SS-18 LAD was in an area where expended test articles are temporarily stored before removal from the site. 11. (TSR) The LAD test position had been disassembled by and 25X1 remained inactive until The SS-18 canister test position had been covered 25X1 by and remained covered until 225X1 Top Secret 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T00250A000100100001-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T0025OA000100100001-3 Iq Next 3 Page(s) In Document Denied Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T0025OA000100100001-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T0025OA000100100001-3 Top Secret RUFF Test Series 2 (January 1973-January 1974) 12. (TSR) A new series of LAD tests had begun by A new cylindri- cal tiedown structure had been emplaced at the LAD test position by that date, and activity which indicated additional tests was observed at the test position. One probable SS-18 LAD long and in diameter was near the new cylindrical tiedown structure (Figure 4). The original cylindrical tiedown structure had been removed from the test position and temporarily placed in storage near a lightning arrester, although this tiedown structure did not appear to be damaged. The replacement of the original structure may indicate a new design for the LAD test program. Test-related activity at this test position continued from 13. (TSR) The test position was observed only four times during 1974; on were near the test position on A large crane and a large cylindrical container The large cylindrical container was probably a discarded test article from a prior test. There was no evidence, of test activity or prepara- tions for test activity at the test position during the latter three dates in 1974. Test Series 3 (October 1975-August 1977) 14. (TSR) Sporadic activity was observed at the test position between and No evidence of test preparations or activity related to test preparations was observed at the test position until) when four cylindrical objects long and in diameter were observed on the concrete apron near the LAD test position (Figure 5). These cylindrical objects were dissimilar to any test articles previously seen at this test position. It could not be determined whether these four cylindrical objects were used as test articles, or whether they were used to modify the cylindrical tiedown structure. 15. (TSR) The circular top was removed from the LAD test structure on but had been rejoined to the structure by (Figure 6). A probable SS-18 airframe/canister section long and in diameter was on the apron on and had probably been inserted into the cylindrical test structure by is probable airframe/canister section was seen on temporary storage area, indicating that it was tested some SS-18 canister test position was inactive on all three dates Two robable SS-18 LADs were observed on th (Figure 7) in the The e edge of the storage area on These probable LADs were with diameters of respectively. Both probable LADs may have been used in static tests prior to 16. (TSR) Test activity continued through 1975 and into 1976. The test series activ- ity that began in October 1975 may have continued through August 1977 or may have been a test series that ended in June 1976 and was followed by another series from June 1976 through August 1977. Top Secret 25X1 25X1 75X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 2 A11 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T0025OA000100100001-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T0025OA000100100001-3 Iq Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T0025OA000100100001-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T0025OA000100100001-3 Top Secret RUFF 25X1 17. TSR Extension poles were observed on the ground near the test structure onu 25X1 These poles, probably used as alignment guides during preparations for 25X1 certain static tests, had not been at the test position since Additional 25X1 poles had been delivered to the site by and appeared to have been removed by 25X1 Probable airframe/canister sections of various sizes were seen near both test 25X1 positions between (Figure 7) and Four probable airframe/- 25X1 canister sections were in the temporary storage area on indicating that they 25X1 were expended test articles. The original cylindrical tiedown structure had also been moved closer to the temporary storage area between Two 25X1 additional probable airframe/canister sections were on dollies near the LAD test position on indicating test preparations. By these probable air- 25X1 frame/canister sections had been placed in the temporary storage area with the other four probable airframe/canister sections and the original cylindrical tiedown structure. All seven test articles had been removed from the site between 25X1 18. (TSR) Evidence of additional test activity was observed at the LAD test position on Figure 8) when a probable airframe/canister section was observed within 25X1 the test structure. The probable airframe/canister section was in diameter. Two 25X1 large shipping crates, were observed near the SS- 25X1 18 canister test position. Two circular detachable tops were observed on the ground next to the LAD test position. This was the first time that two detachable tops had been seen at the test position and may indicate that the original detachable top had to be replaced. These detachable tops had inner diameters of The two shipping crates 25X1 were also new to the test position and may have been used to bring new test articles to the test position. One probable SS-17 LAD, in length and diameter, was on the 25X1 ground near a large crane. 19. (TSR) Test activity was observed on hen a canvas-covered proba- 25X1 ble airframe/canister section in diameter was on the ground 25X1 at the LAD test position (Figure 9). At least six extension poles had been mounted on top of the cylindrical tiedown structure, increasing its height to 18 meters above ground level. This was the third time that extension poles had been seen at this test position during test preparations. The canvas-covered probable airframe/canister section had probably been a test article in a test conducted between the probable test article 25X1 had been placed in a temporary storage area. 20. (TSR) Another canvas-covered probable airframe/canister section, 25X1 long by in diameter, was near the test position on and a possible 25X1 dome cover was on top of the LAD test position. By the test structure was empty. 25X1 A probable airframe/canister section in diameter was near 25X1 the test position onF__Iand may have been used as a test article prior to that date. 25X1 21. (TSR) Six probable SS-17 LADs, each in diameter, 25X1 were placed next to the SS-18 canister test position between 25X1 They were probably expended in static tests between April and October. Two probable airframe/canister sections, one of which was canvas covered, were observed in the tempo- rary storage area on These probable airframe/canister sections were 25X1 1 - 10- Top Secret 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T0025OA000100100001-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T0025OA000100100001-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T0025OA000100100001-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T0025OA000100100001-3 Top Secret RUFF 25X1 meters long with respective diameters of I I The two shipping crates, 25X1 which had been onsite since had also been placed in the temporary storage area 25X1 by 25X1 22. (TSR) The LAD test position was inactive from 25X1 Figure 10), when a ladder was observed against the cylindrical tiedown structure at 25X1 the test position. Three towers, probably work stands, had been brought to 25X1 the test area by These towers or probable work stands remained in place 25X1 immediately south of the SS-18 canister test position through 25X1 they had been moved west of the SS-18 canister test position, possibly to make 25X1 room for more test activity. Test Series 4 (September 1978-October 1978) 23. (TSR) The last series of static tests occurred b A large-crane was at the LAD test position on poles long were neatly stacked on the concrete apron. One pole was being inserted into the test structure (Figure 11). Only seven poles remained on the ground on that date. Onon a large cylindrical container was on the ground approximately midway between the LAD test position and the SS-18 canister test position. Top Secret 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T0025OA000100100001-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T0025OA000100100001-3 Top Secret RUFF 25X1 The diameter of this container appeared to be much larger than the diameter of the LAD test structure. The environmental cover had been removed from the SS-18 canister test position by This was the first clear evidence of activity at the SS-18 canister 25X1 test position since The large cylindrical container may have been a test 25X1 article for the SS-18 canister position. A probable airframe/canister section 25X1 in diameter, a canvas-covered object at least long on a dolly, and 25X1 the unmeasurable cylindrical container were observed on the concrete apron on imagery of The probable airframe/canister section was in an area of the 25X1 test site where previously expended probable airframe/canister sections have usually been stored prior to removal from the site. This probable airframe/canister sec- 25X1 tion was probably involved in a LAD test between The 25X1 canvas-covered object could ibly be for a later test, which could have occurred at this site between oss No probable LADs were seen at the test site during the 25X1 latter static test series. The test site has been inactive since 25X1 - 13 - Top Secret 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T0025OA000100100001-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T0025OA000100100001-3 Top Secret RUFF 25X1 (TSR) All applicable KEYHOLE imagery through tion of this report. was used in the prepara- 25X1 MAPS OR CHARTS ACIC. US Air Target Chart, Series 200, Sheet 0234-22, scale 1:200,000 (UNCLASSIFIED) DOCUMENT 1. DIAJ DST-1070S-311-76-SAO-the-2. Tvurn.tam. Missile Tp.ct Rnn.op (ll) 14 .find 7R 25X1 25X1 25X1 CIA/NFAC. (TOP SECRET WI 79-10005K. The i - 7 ICBM Accelerometer Performance (S), Feb 79 REQUIREMENT Project 130071NJ (S) Comments and queries regarding this report are welcome. They may be directed to Soviet Strategic Forces Division, Imagery Exploitation Group, NPIC, Top Secret 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T0025OA000100100001-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T0025OA000100100001-3 Top Secret Top Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/08: CIA-RDP80T0025OA000100100001-3