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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/18: CIA-RDP80T00250A000100370001-4 Imo,ery ooolysis report Current Status of Soviet SS-4/-5 MRBM/IRBM Probable Force Consolidation (TSR) Top Secret Top Secret IAR-0023/79 OCTOBER 1979 copy167 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/18: CIA-RDP80T00250A000100370001-4 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/18: CIA-RDP80TOO25OA000100370001-4 Warning Notice Intelligence Sources and Methods Involved (WNINTEL) NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION Unauthorized Disclosure Subject to Criminal Sanctions NOFORN- Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals NOCONTRACT- Not Releasable to Contractors or Contractor/Consultants PROPIN- Caution-Proprietary Information Involved USIBONLY- USIB Departments Only ORCON- Dissemination and Extraction of Information Controlled by Originator REL ... This Information has been Authorized for Release to .. . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/18: CIA-RDP80TOO25OA000100370001-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/18: CIA-RDP80TOO25OA000100370001-4 Top Secret RUFF CURRENT STATUS OF SOVIET SS-4/-5 MRBM/IRBM PROBABLE FORCE CONSOLIDATION (TSR) ABSTRACT 1. (TSR) This report is an update of a previous NPIC report on the apparent force consoli- dation of the SS-4/-5 MRBM/IRBM missile system(s). Analysis of activity seen at several SS-4/-5 facilities, primarily the SS-4 launch sites independent of the SS-5 facilities, suggests that there will be a decrease in the number of launch sites while the same approximate number of launchers will be maintained. This will probably be accomplished by transferring launch-related equipment from deactivated facilities to operational launch sites. 2. (TSR) Significant activity seen at the SS-4/-5 MRBM/IRBM-related facilities during the period from January-September 1979 include the construction of 15 missile-ready buildings, an increase of 63 SS-5/-7 propellant transporters at SS-4 launch sites, the construction of several drive-through and drive-in revetments, the construction of four new possible launch positions, and the apparent dismantlement of SS-5 missiles. DISCUSSION 3. (TSR) Activity at SS-4/-5 launch sites believed to be associated with force consolidation included the following: construction of 15 additional probable missile-ready buildings, an increase of 63 SS-5/-7 propellant transporters at SS-4 launch sites, and the construction of 81 additional missile-related, drive-through and drive-in revetments adjacent to 16 SS-4 MRBM bases. Other activities observed included the addition of new antennas near 16 MRBM facilities, an increase in the propellant storage capacity at nine SS-4 MRBM launch sites, and an increased number of launch-related vehicles (i.e., missile transporter, erectors, launch stands, and SS-4 propellant vehi- cles) at 13 SS-4 launch sites. No significant increase in SS-4 missile equipment was detected at any of the missile support rear depots (MSRDs) during this reporting period. 4. (TSR) At Aluksne MRBM Launch Site 2 six two-bay probable missile- d b ildi rea y u ngs were built contiguous to four new possible launch positions. The possible launch positions consist of four sets of elongated, drive-through clearings/revetments immediately south of the original launch pads. Three of the possible additional launch pads have azimuths of 180 degrees and the fourth has an azimuth of 150 degrees. two of the possible launch positions were occupied with two a0ditional SS-4 missile erectors and at least two sets of launch stand wedges and leveling blocks. The wedges and blocks would be required to erect an SS-4 missile on thes e 5. (TSR) Aluskne is the only SS-4 launch site with these revetments within the launch area, although 20 active SS-4 MRBM launch sites have similar revetments within 2 nautical miles of their respective launch areas. 6. (TSR) Although modification/additions have been observed at SS-5 IRBM bases, consoli- dation of the SS-5 force may not occur. 18 SS-5 missiles were observed adjacent to a dismantling area at Berdichev MSRD The missiles will - 1 - Top Secret IA R-0023/79 9 X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/18: CIA-RDP80TOO25OA000100370001-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/18: CIA-RDP80TOO25OA000100370001-4 Top Secret RUFF probably be disassembled in the near future, and, if so, this would be the first time that SS-5 missiles have been dismantled. Since January, 19 SS-5 missile launchers have been deactivated or reduced in their state of launch readiness, bringing to 57 the total number of SS-5 launchers still active. 7. (TSR) Table I shows a breakdown of activity at each active SS-4/-5 MRBM/IRBM launch site since 1977 and lists the probable deactivated launch sites since 1976. Top Secret IAR-0023/79 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/18: CIA-RDP80TOO25OA000100370001-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/18: CIA-RDP80TOO25OA000100370001-4 Table 1. Status of SS-4/-5 MRBM/IRBM Launch Sites This table in its entirety is classified TOP SECRET RUFF Name of Active BE No SMOLENSK SRF ARMY GVARDEYSK MRBM DIVISION G usev LSIX LS2 Sovetsk LS1X LS2 Znamensk LS1 I LS2X K rasn oz nam en sk` LS1 LS2X Jon ava LS1 LS2X Tau rage LS1 LS2X Ukmerge LS1 LS2X Dyatlovo LS1X LS2 LS3 Gresk LS2 4 IA LS3 4 II Lida LS1 4 IB LS2X 4 IA Vselyub No of Launchers Type of Launch Missile-Ready Bldg SS-5/-7 Propellant TPs at MRBM Facilities Revetments State of Date Remarks Readiness Status Site Ucon Comp Ox Fuel Suspected 4 IB 0 4 3DT & 4D1 4 IB 4 3 4 IB 4 IB 2 4 IB 0 3 4 IB 3 4 II 4 II 4 IA 3 3 4 IA 12 SS-4 fuel transporters & new prob horizontal dipole antenna 4 IA 2DT 4 II 4 IA 3 3 8 8 1DT LS1 14 IA LS2X 4 IA Moloskovitsy LS1X ? Taybo la LS1 H LS2H Ostrov LS1X IVB IVB LS3H I 4 I V A POSTAVY MRBM IRBM DIVISION Disna* LS1 LS2X LS3 Polotsk' LS1 LS2X Postavy LS1X LS2 LS3H Smorgon LS1X LS2 LS3H Brest LS1 L52X Pinsk LS1 LS2X Pruzhany LS1X LS2 R uzhanyy 4 II 4 4 4DT 4 II 4 2 4 IA 1 1DT1DI 4 IA 4 2 4DT 4 II 2 4 5DT 4 II Slonim New horizontal dipole antenna at CP bunker New horizontal dipole antenna New horizontal dipole antenna New horizontal dipole antenna at CP bunker New horizontal dipole antenna at CP bunker & multibay vehicle garage ucon 7 SS-4 erectors & 1 large admin bldg ucon 7 SS-4 erectors 8 SS-4 erectors 14-bay veh stor garage ucon 7th oxidizer storage tank/ unid construction adjacent to steamplant Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/18: CIA-RDP80TOO25OA000100370001-4 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/18: CIA-RDP80TOO25OA000100370001-4 Type Name of Active BE No No of of Missile-Ready SS-5/-7 Propellant Revetments State of Date Remarks Jelgava Launchers Launch Bldg TPs at MRBM Facilities Readiness Status Site Ucon Comp Ox Fuel Suspected LS2 4 LS3H 4 "'A ?Nigrande LS1 4 III 2 LS2H 4 IVB LS3XH 3 IVB LS1X 4 LS2 4 LS3H 4 Sateikial' LS1 LS2 LS3H Aluksne LS1 IA IA IVA 4 11 2 0 3 New horizontal dipole antenna at CP bunker 4 11 6 4 4 4DT 6 SS-4 erectors & new horizontal dipole antenna Torva LS1 4 IA 2 1 4 2 LS2X 4 IA LS3H 4 IVA 3 4 Voru LS1X 4 II 1 4 LS2 4 II 2 4 Rakvere' LS1 LS2X Risti' LS1X LS2 Smolensk Army Totals 25 10 84 83 Launch sites effected 9 25 VINNITSA SRF ARMY BELOKOROVICHI MRBM DIVISION Usovo LS1X LS1X 4 IA 6 8 7DT LS2 4 IB 6DT LS3H 4 I V A Korosten LS1 4 II 4DT LS2X 4 II 7 8 4 IB 8 7 Personnel shelter ucon in spt area 4 IB 6 11 DT 7th oxidizer storage tank & 1 barrack being razed Zhltomlr Zhmerinka LSIX LS2 LS3H LS1X LS2 Doling LS2 LS3H 4 II 2 4 II 4 IVA 3 3 4 IA 8 8 4 IB 4 IA 4 I V A Drogobych LS2 LS3H Nadvornaya LS1 IA IVA Brody LS1X LS2 LS3H Kivertsy Lutsk LS1X LS2 LS3H Ostrog LS1 LS2X Sokal LS2 LS3H New prob horizontal dipole antenna New prob horizontal dipole antenna New prob horizontal dipole antenna 7th oxidizer storage tank, new unid antenna, & 2 new personnel shelters 2 5DT 7th oxidizer storage tank & new horizontal dipole antenna at CP bunker with paving blocks, 16 SS-4 oxidizer TPs, & 8 SS-4 fuel TPs New prob horizontal dipole antenna 4 4 4 IA IA IVA 4 IA 7 7 2 multibay vehicle stor garage ucon & new firing range 7th oxidizer stor tank 14 SS-4 missile transporters 4 IA 8 7 6 SS-4 erectors 4 IVA 4 IA 4 IB 4 IA New horizontal dipole antenna at CP bunker 4 IVA Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/18: CIA-RDP80TOO25OA000100370001-4 0 U) CD C, 1 CD rte! C -n Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/18: CIA-RDP80TOO25OA000100370001-4 Type Name of Active BE No No of of Missile-Ready SS-5/-7 Propellant Gomel LS1 X LS2X Konkovichi* LS2 Kozhanovichi* LS1 LS2X Yelsk+ LS1 LS2 LS1 4 II LS2H 4 IVA Maykop Launchers Launch Bldg TPs at MRBM Facilities Site Ucon Comp Ox Fuel State of Date Remarks Readiness Status Suspected D 25X1 3 IVB 3 IVB 3 IVB ?Gelli LS1H LS2H LS3XH Groznyy LS1* LS2X' Akhtyrka LS1 4 ? Krolevets LS1X 4 4 LS1X LS2H LS3H LS3 (only 2 LPs) 2 LS1X 4 LS2 4 0 LS3 4 Pervomaysk LS1 XH CD C9 LS2H LS3H CD Vinnitsa Army Totals Launch sites effected ORENBURG SRF ARMY SARY OZEK INDEPENDENT IRBM REGIMENT Kurgancha* LSIX LS2 LS3H LS1X 4 III LS2H 3 IVB LS3H 3 IVB KURGANCHA INDEPENDENT MRBM REGIMENT 4 17 101 4 116 20 15 56 185 199 13 45 Facilities/site is in a reduced state of readiness ? SS-5 IRBM launch site H Hardened launch site (silo) X Collocated with regimental receiver DT Drive through DI Drive in D Deactivated R Reduced state of readiness C Converted to SS-20 mobile missile base LS Launch site TP Transporter CP Command post RSOR Reduced state of readiness - A transitory stage from operational to deactivated status and the abandonment or lack of facility 11 SS-4 missile TPs & 8 SS-4 erectors 7 SS-4 erectors & 7 launch stands 1 SS-5 silo loader in support area & new horizontal dipole antenna Construction adjacent to steamplant D R R 1 SS-5 silo loader in launch area III III 1 5 III Deactivated or reduced state of readiness from 1976-1979 Active launch sites Launch Sites (active) Launchers System Hard Soft Total Hard Soft Total SS-4 MRBM 3 26 29 12 104 116 SS-5 IRBM 6 3 9 18 12 30 SS-4 MRBM 16 78 94 64 312 376 SS-5 IRBM 9 8 17 27 30 57 Total 25 87 112 91 342 433 0 2 personnel shelters ucon N CD 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/18: CIA-RDP80TOO25OA000100370001-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/18: CIA-RDP80TOO25OA000100370001-4 Top Secret Top Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/18: CIA-RDP80TOO25OA000100370001-4