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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
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Document Creation Date: 
December 28, 2016
Document Release Date: 
November 13, 2007
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Publication Date: 
March 4, 1966
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Approved For Release 2007/11/13: CIA-RDP80TO1471 R001500110004-1 CONFIDENTIAL REPRODUCTION OF THIS DOC- UMENT IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED EXCEPT WITH THE PERMISSION OF THE OFFICE OF ORIGIN. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2007/11/13: CIA-RDP80TO1471 R001500110004-1 r, r,nnrpnnrik nr~n n n Approved For Release 2007/11/13: CIA-RDP80T01471 R001500110004-1 AIRFIELD BAN PHA NOP, LAOS 1. SIGNIFICANCE: THIS BRIEFING BOARD DEPICTS STRIKE DAMAGE AT BAN P!IA NOP AIRFIELD, LAOS. NPIC/CSD 127/66 04 MARCH 1966 25X1 PAGE REVEALS THIS AIRFIELD LOCATED 0.7 NM NORTH OF BAN PIIA NOP JUST NORTH OF THE NAM NGO (STREAM). AS THE RESULT OF AN AIR STRIKE(S),, THE RUNWAY HAS BEEN CRATERED AND IS UNSERVICEABLE. UNOCCUPIED 4-GUN AAA SITES ARE OBSERVED AT BOTH ENDS OF THE RUNWAY. A ROAD WHICH RUNS ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF THE RUNWAY HAS BEEN INTERDICTED BY BOMB CRATERS. These notes have been prepared for briefing purposes only and should not be used for detailed analytical work. Their use should be restricted to the particular briefing board(s) they were prepared for and must be considered valid only for the reporting period as indicated by the date of issue. CONHUE. T AL Approved For Release 2007/11/13: CIA-RDP80TO1471 R001500110004-1 iII LIB`; WI M . Approved For Release 2007/11/13: CIA-RDP80T01471 R001500110004-1 NPIC/CSD 127/66 04 MARCH 1966 DISTRIBUTION: COPY 1 - 2 - 3 4,5 - 6 7 S 9 10 NPIC/CSD DIRECTOR, NPIC CHIEF, REF/CSD/BB UNIT CHIEF, RAS/CSD DIA (COL. TCO/ARMY TCO/NAVY IAD PAG (ATTN NSB/RB/CSD These notes have been prepared for briefing purposes only and should not be used for detailed analytical work. Their use should be restricted to the particular briefing board(s) they were prepared for and must be considered valid only for the reporting period as indicated by the date of issue. Approved For Release 2007/11/13: CIA-RDP80T01471 R001500110004-1 s- AIRFIELD BAN PHA NOP, LAOS 17-32N 105-44E Approved For Release 2007/11/13: CIA-RDP80TO1471 R001500110004-1